
  • #meditation #manifesting #healing

    It was wonderful to catch up with 3 of the speakers from the New Earth Summit, Deborah Jane Sutton, Edward Fitzgerald and Sarita Sol. More gems of wisdom and personal experiences were shared about how we can navigate these times, especially as the unconscious becomes conscious. We discussed how to manage behavior in the external that is being acted out in the collective field right now.

    Alison can be found @Sensitive-Spirit

  • #meditation #manifesting #healing
    Working with the void and the metawomb and crystalline waters to cleanse the body of heavy metals. Enjoy

    For online courses, in-person retreats and MP3 meditations go to

    Now available on the Patreon site.
    Once in Patreon join as a 'Light Warrior Patron'
    Find me on telegram:
    Signup to receive info on all Free Ceremonies, courses and events with Sarita Sol
    online or at SolHenge via the webiste

    Become a Patron and enjoy benefits such as Q and A sessions, community
    guided meditations, free downloads and much more, plus you can help me assist those in need to receive free classes, healings and retreats.
    For online Virtual Meditation Classes, Manifesting and Healing Retreats, Personal Mentoring, Distant Quantum and Shamanic Healing with Sarita email: [email protected] or go to


    Bitchute :

    Instagram :

    All Playlist :
    Accessing the fifth dimension. 5D:
    Heal Thyself- Body mastery:
    The Cosmic Heart Series:
    Heart centered mindfulness techniques:
    Explore consciousness:
    Manifesting techniques:
    Healing Meditations:

    How can we navigate our lives to ascend in our awareness? My name is Sarita and I am trained in ancient Shamanic techniques. This channel will help you to transcend the ordinary and realize the truth of who you are as quantum, vibrational being moving into 5D consciousness. I believe everyone has the potential to have extraordinary, wonderful and uplifting, heart aligned lives if we can understand that we are all part of source consciousness and are creating our realities in every now moment. We have the capacity to become entirely present and manifest from the quantum field of infinite potential through the zero point technology of our inner being, including and not limited to; our energy centres/chakras, the cells, atoms and quantum particles of our bodies, our nervous and endocrine systems and our pineal glands. This self actualization is accessed by us in many ways and principally through meditation. Therefore I teach meditation in an entirely new and creative way, collating information directly from the source field and expressing to you, often in a raw and pure format without any pre-design. I also share my human perspective as well as ancient information including ways to create ceremony for yourself in this modern world which give you practical tools to be able to transcend matter, manifest your dreams, heal and become heart centered.
    My aim is to give you all as much information as I can for free on this channel so that you too can become the master of your own reality.

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  • #meditation #manifesting #healing
    This instructional video explains how the energetic architecture of you being works and how to connect to it and enhance your awareness of it in your daily life so that you can understand yourself as a multidimensional being, become the creator of your own reality, stay healthy, happy and access your true nature body and soul.
    Episode 4 Maps to Quantum Sovereignty. As seen on

    For more episodes go to:

    For free meditations, online courses, in-person retreats and more go to
    Episode 1.
    The ego mind and light breath of source consciousness.
    In this episode Sarita teaches you how to master your mind and to perceive the breath as light encoded information from the unified field so that you can activate your 6th and 7th senses.

    Episode 2
    The crystalline heart of Gaia and the bodies quantum core processor.
    In this episode Sarita aligns you to the energetic, crystalline architecture of the heart of Gaia, the stellar star; containing cosmic light frequencies and the quantum processor that runs through our central core.

    Episode 3
    5D crystalline heart coherence.
    In this episode Sarita explores how frequencies change our reality and the bodies manifested structure. She teaches a higher level of heart coherence in relation to our newly activated 5D crystalline heart centres.

    Episode 4
    The gateway portal of the present moment
    In this episode Sarita guides you through the portal of the present moment and teaches how to access a state of true sovereignty, opening the gateway of ascension for humanity into 5D unity consciousness.

    Episode 5
    Navigating the collective pool of the 4th dimension
    In this Episode Sarita explains the 4th dimension of the collective pool and how to unhook from unconsciousness collective beliefs and programs.

    Episode 6
    The triad sacred merge into unity consciousness.
    In this Episode Sarita guides you to weave in balance through the merge of the sacred masculine and divine feminine principals through the energy centres to actualize the alchemy of oneness from within.

  • #meditation #manifesting #healing
    This instructional video explains how the energetic architecture of you being works and how to connect to it and enhance your awareness of it in your daily life so that you can understand yourself as a multidimensional being, become the creator of your own reality, stay healthy, happy and access your true nature body and soul.
    Episode 3 Maps to Quantum Sovereignty. As seen on

    For more episodes go to:

    For free meditations, online courses, in-person retreats and MP3 meditations go to

    Episode 1.
    The ego mind and light breath of source consciousness.
    In this episode Sarita teaches you how to master your mind and to perceive the breath as light encoded information from the unified field so that you can activate your 6th and 7th senses.

    Episode 2
    The crystalline heart of Gaia and the bodies quantum core processor.
    In this episode Sarita aligns you to the energetic, crystalline architecture of the heart of Gaia, the stellar star; containing cosmic light frequencies and the quantum processor that runs through our central core.

    Episode 3
    5D crystalline heart coherence.
    In this episode Sarita explores how frequencies change our reality and the bodies manifested structure. She teaches a higher level of heart coherence in relation to our newly activated 5D crystalline heart centres.

    Episode 4
    The gateway portal of the present moment
    In this episode Sarita guides you through the portal of the present moment and teaches how to access a state of true sovereignty, opening the gateway of ascension for humanity into 5D unity consciousness.

    Episode 5
    Navigating the collective pool of the 4th dimension
    In this Episode Sarita explains the 4th dimension of the collective pool and how to unhook from unconsciousness collective beliefs and programs.

    Episode 6
    The triad sacred merge into unity consciousness.
    In this Episode Sarita guides you to weave in balance through the merge of the sacred masculine and divine feminine principals through the energy centres to actualize the alchemy of oneness from within.

  • #meditation #manifesting #healing
    This instructional video explains how the energetic architecture of you being works and how to connect to it and enhance your awareness of it in your daily life so that you can understand yourself as a multidimensional being, become the creator of your own reality, stay healthy, happy and access your true nature body and soul.
    Episode 2 Maps to Quantum Sovereignty. As seen on

    For more episodes go to:

    For free meditations, online courses, in-person retreats and MP3 meditations go to

    Episode 1.
    The ego mind and light breath of source consciousness.
    In this episode Sarita teaches you how to master your mind and to perceive the breath as light encoded information from the unified field so that you can activate your 6th and 7th senses.

    Episode 2
    The crystalline heart of Gaia and the bodies quantum core processor.
    In this episode Sarita aligns you to the energetic, crystalline architecture of the heart of Gaia, the stellar star; containing cosmic light frequencies and the quantum processor that runs through our central core.

    Episode 3
    5D crystalline heart coherence.
    In this episode Sarita explores how frequencies change our reality and the bodies manifested structure. She teaches a higher level of heart coherence in relation to our newly activated 5D crystalline heart centres.

    Episode 4
    The gateway portal of the present moment
    In this episode Sarita guides you through the portal of the present moment and teaches how to access a state of true sovereignty, opening the gateway of ascension for humanity into 5D unity consciousness.

    Episode 5
    Navigating the collective pool of the 4th dimension
    In this Episode Sarita explains the 4th dimension of the collective pool and how to unhook from unconsciousness collective beliefs and programs.

  • #meditation #manifesting #healing
    This instructional video explains how the energetic architecture of you being works and how to connect to it and enhance your awareness of it in your daily life so that you can understand yourself as a multidimensional being, become the creator of your own reality, stay healthy, happy and access your true nature body and soul.
    This is from Episode 1 Maps to Quantum Sovereignty. As seen on

    For more episodes go to:

    For free meditations, online courses, in-person retreats, mentoring and MP3 meditations go to

    Episode 1.
    The ego mind and light breath of source consciousness.
    In this episode Sarita teaches you how to master your mind and to perceive the breath as light encoded information from the unified field so that you can activate your 6th and 7th senses.

  • #meditation #gaia #healing
    Sharing from my live Patreon meditation for those that are feeling a little frazzled from the polarity rollercoaster. Enjoy this beautiful journey into the waters and heart of your mother earth Gaia. Feel renewed.
    much love sarita

    For online Virtual Meditation Classes, Manifesting and Healing Retreats, Personal Mentoring, Distant Quantum and Shamanic Healing with Sarita email: [email protected] or go to

    Now available on the Patreon site.
    Once in Patreon join as a 'Light Warrior Patron'
    Find me on telegram:
    Signup to receive info on all Free Ceremonies, courses and events with Sarita Sol
    online or at SolHenge via the webiste

    Become a Patron and enjoy benefits such as Q and A sessions, community
    guided meditations, free downloads and much more, plus you can help me assist those in need to receive free classes, healings and retreats.

    For online Virtual Meditation Classes, Manifesting and Healing Retreats, Personal Mentoring, Distant Quantum and Shamanic Healing with Sarita email: [email protected] or go to


    Bitchute :

    Instagram :

    All Playlist :
    Accessing the fifth dimension. 5D:
    Heal Thyself- Body mastery:
    The Cosmic Heart Series:
    Heart centered mindfulness techniques:
    Explore consciousness:
    Manifesting techniques:
    Healing Meditations:

  • #meditation #pain #healing
    With this guided meditation technique I show you how to come into a deeper presence with any pain that you are holding and through the act of awareness heal it as presence will bring you from dis-ease and separation consciousness into wholeness and health.

    For online courses, in-person retreats and MP3 meditations go to

    Now available on the Patreon site.
    Once in Patreon join as a 'Light Warrior Patron'
    Find me on telegram:
    Signup to receive info on all Free Ceremonies, courses and events with Sarita Sol
    online or at SolHenge via the webiste

    Become a Patron and enjoy benefits such as Q and A sessions, community
    guided meditations, free downloads and much more, plus you can help me assist those in need to receive free classes, healings and retreats.
    For online Virtual Meditation Classes, Manifesting and Healing Retreats, Personal Mentoring, Distant Quantum and Shamanic Healing with Sarita email: [email protected] or go to


    Bitchute :

    Instagram :

    All Playlist :
    Accessing the fifth dimension. 5D:
    Heal Thyself- Body mastery:
    The Cosmic Heart Series:
    Heart centered mindfulness techniques:
    Explore consciousness:
    Manifesting techniques:
    Healing Meditations:

    How can we navigate our lives to ascend in our awareness? My name is Sarita and I am trained in ancient Shamanic techniques. This channel will help you to transcend the ordinary and realize the truth of who you are as quantum, vibrational being moving into 5D consciousness. I believe everyone has the potential to have extraordinary, wonderful and uplifting, heart aligned lives if we can understand that we are all part of source consciousness and are creating our realities in every now moment. We have the capacity to become entirely present and manifest from the quantum field of infinite potential through the zero point technology of our inner being, including and not limited to; our energy centres/chakras, the cells, atoms and quantum particles of our bodies, our nervous and endocrine systems and our pineal glands. This self actualization is accessed by us in many ways and principally through meditation. Therefore I teach meditation in an entirely new and creative way, collating information directly from the source field and expressing to you, often in a raw and pure format without any pre-design. I also share my human perspective as well as ancient information including ways to create ceremony for yourself in this modern world which give you practical tools to be able to transcend matter, manifest your dreams, heal and become heart centered.
    My aim is to give you all as much information as I can for free on this channel so that you too can become the master of your own reality.

  • #meditation #microbiome #healing
    In this guided meditation we will tap into the scalar wave energy in the stellar star and connect it to the third energy center and then imprint into the consciousness of the microbiome to bring it to optimal levels of heath- enjoy! love sarita

    For online courses, in-person retreats and MP3 meditations go to

    Now available on the Patreon site.
    Once in Patreon join as a 'Light Warrior Patron'
    Find me on telegram:
    Signup to receive info on all Free Ceremonies, courses and events with Sarita Sol
    online or at SolHenge via the webiste

    Become a Patron and enjoy benefits such as Q and A sessions, community
    guided meditations, free downloads and much more, plus you can help me assist those in need to receive free classes, healings and retreats.
    For online Virtual Meditation Classes, Manifesting and Healing Retreats, Personal Mentoring, Distant Quantum and Shamanic Healing with Sarita email: [email protected] or go to


    Bitchute :

    Instagram :

    All Playlist :
    Accessing the fifth dimension. 5D:
    Heal Thyself- Body mastery:
    The Cosmic Heart Series:
    Heart centered mindfulness techniques:
    Explore consciousness:
    Manifesting techniques:
    Healing Meditations:

    How can we navigate our lives to ascend in our awareness? My name is Sarita and I am trained in ancient Shamanic techniques. This channel will help you to transcend the ordinary and realize the truth of who you are as quantum, vibrational being moving into 5D consciousness. I believe everyone has the potential to have extraordinary, wonderful and uplifting, heart aligned lives if we can understand that we are all part of source consciousness and are creating our realities in every now moment. We have the capacity to become entirely present and manifest from the quantum field of infinite potential through the zero point technology of our inner being, including and not limited to; our energy centres/chakras, the cells, atoms and quantum particles of our bodies, our nervous and endocrine systems and our pineal glands. This self actualization is accessed by us in many ways and principally through meditation. Therefore I teach meditation in an entirely new and creative way, collating information directly from the source field and expressing to you, often in a raw and pure format without any pre-design. I also share my human perspective as well as ancient information including ways to create ceremony for yourself in this modern world which give you practical tools to be able to transcend matter, manifest your dreams, heal and become heart centered.
    My aim is to give you all as much information as I can for free on this channel so that you too can become the master of your own reality.

  • #meditation #manifesting #healingvibes
    Another Scala Wave energy enhanced meditation to turn you into a perfect generator higher vibration to inform your matter into healing, manifesting and coherence at every level

    For online courses, in-person retreats and MP3 meditations go to

    Now available on the Patreon site.
    Once in Patreon join as a 'Light Warrior Patron'
    Find me on telegram:
    Signup to receive info on all Free Ceremonies, courses and events with Sarita Sol
    online or at SolHenge via the webiste

    Become a Patron and enjoy benefits such as Q and A sessions, community
    guided meditations, free downloads and much more, plus you can help me assist those in need to receive free classes, healings and retreats.
    For online Virtual Meditation Classes, Manifesting and Healing Retreats, Personal Mentoring, Distant Quantum and Shamanic Healing with Sarita email: [email protected] or go to


    Bitchute :

    Instagram :

    All Playlist :
    Accessing the fifth dimension. 5D:
    Heal Thyself- Body mastery:
    The Cosmic Heart Series:
    Heart centered mindfulness techniques:
    Explore consciousness:
    Manifesting techniques:
    Healing Meditations:

    How can we navigate our lives to ascend in our awareness? My name is Sarita and I am trained in ancient Shamanic techniques. This channel will help you to transcend the ordinary and realize the truth of who you are as quantum, vibrational being moving into 5D consciousness. I believe everyone has the potential to have extraordinary, wonderful and uplifting, heart aligned lives if we can understand that we are all part of source consciousness and are creating our realities in every now moment. We have the capacity to become entirely present and manifest from the quantum field of infinite potential through the zero point technology of our inner being, including and not limited to; our energy centres/chakras, the cells, atoms and quantum particles of our bodies, our nervous and endocrine systems and our pineal glands. This self actualization is accessed by us in many ways and principally through meditation. Therefore I teach meditation in an entirely new and creative way, collating information directly from the source field and expressing to you, often in a raw and pure format without any pre-design. I also share my human perspective as well as ancient information including ways to create ceremony for yourself in this modern world which give you practical tools to be able to transcend matter, manifest your dreams, heal and become heart centered.
    My aim is to give you all as much information as I can for free on this channel so that you too can become the master of your own reality.

  • #meditationmusic #manifesting #healing
    This meditation acts upon the natural scalar wave energy being emitted through the stellar star that we can enhance and magnify using our attention and breath. Then working with the infinity symbol placed within the energy centers this energy will inform every cell in your body and align you to a perfect state of healing.

    For online courses, in-person retreats and MP3 meditations go to

    Now available on the Patreon site.
    Once in Patreon join as a 'Light Warrior Patron'
    Find me on telegram:
    Signup to receive info on all Free Ceremonies, courses and events with Sarita Sol
    online or at SolHenge via the webiste

    Become a Patron and enjoy benefits such as Q and A sessions, community
    guided meditations, free downloads and much more, plus you can help me assist those in need to receive free classes, healings and retreats.
    For online Virtual Meditation Classes, Manifesting and Healing Retreats, Personal Mentoring, Distant Quantum and Shamanic Healing with Sarita email: [email protected] or go to


    Bitchute :

    Instagram :

    All Playlist :
    Accessing the fifth dimension. 5D:
    Heal Thyself- Body mastery:
    The Cosmic Heart Series:
    Heart centered mindfulness techniques:
    Explore consciousness:
    Manifesting techniques:
    Healing Meditations:

  • #energyhealing #manifesting #healing
    In this video I am speaking with Tom Paladino who is using scalar energy to heal people, animals and places. Such an interesting conversation and his info correlates with so much data that I have received from meditating.

    To learn more and sign up to try this technology go to

    For online courses, in-person retreats and MP3 meditations go to

    Now available on the Patreon site.
    Once in Patreon join as a 'Light Warrior Patron'
    Find me on telegram:
    Signup to receive info on all Free Ceremonies, courses and events with Sarita Sol
    online or at SolHenge via the webiste

    Become a Patron and enjoy benefits such as Q and A sessions, community
    guided meditations, free downloads and much more, plus you can help me assist those in need to receive free classes, healings and retreats.
    For online Virtual Meditation Classes, Manifesting and Healing Retreats, Personal Mentoring, Distant Quantum and Shamanic Healing with Sarita email: [email protected] or go to


    Bitchute :

  • #meditation #pinealglandactivation #pineal
    This is an intense and powerful pineal gland activation using the breath and then merging with the heart center to bring in a heart centered expansion of perspective into other dimensions whilst connecting in your physical eyes with triad geometry so that you can 'see' ordinary and non ordinary reality simultaneously. Have fun folks!

    For online courses, in person retreats and MP3 meditations go to

    Now available on the Patreon site.
    Once in Patreon join as a 'Light Warrior Patron'
    Find me on telegram:
    Signup to receive info on all Free Ceremonies, courses and events with Sarita Sol
    online or at SolHenge via the webiste

    Become a Patron and enjoy benefits such as Q and A sessions, community
    guided meditations, free downloads and much more, plus you can help me assist those in need to receive free classes, healings and retreats.
    For online Virtual Meditation Classes, Manifesting and Healing Retreats, Personal Mentoring, Distant Quantum and Shamanic Healing with Sarita email: [email protected] or go to


  • #meditation #gaia #healing
    Re-member yourself as the divine child of the great mother Gaia who loves you without condition. Feel the breath and love and body of Gaia in your body, filling you up and nourishing you body and soul.

    For online courses, inperson retreats and MP3 meditations go to

    Now available on the Patreon site.
    Once in Patreon join as a 'Light Warrior Patron'
    Find me on telegram:
    Signup to receive info on all Free Ceremonies, courses and events with Sarita Sol
    online or at SolHenge via the webiste

    Become a Patron and enjoy benefits such as Q and A sessions, community
    guided meditations, free downloads and much more, plus you can help me assist those in need to receive free classes, healings and retreats.
    For online Virtual Meditation Classes, Manifesting and Healing Retreats, Personal Mentoring, Distant Quantum and Shamanic Healing with Sarita email: [email protected] or go to


    Bitchute :

    Instagram :

    All Playlist :
    Accessing the fifth dimension. 5D:
    Heal Thyself- Body mastery:
    The Cosmic Heart Series:
    Heart centered mindfulness techniques:
    Explore consciousness:
    Manifesting techniques:
    Healing Meditations:

    How can we navigate our lives to ascend in our awareness? My name is Sarita and I am trained in ancient Shamanic techniques. This channel will help you to transcend the ordinary and realize the truth of who you are as quantum, vibrational being moving into 5D consciousness. I believe everyone has the potential to have extraordinary, wonderful and uplifting, heart aligned lives if we can understand that we are all part of source consciousness and are creating our realities in every now moment. We have the capacity to become entirely present and manifest from the quantum field of infinite potential through the zero point technology of our inner being, including and not limited to; our energy centres/chakras, the cells, atoms and quantum particles of our bodies, our nervous and endocrine systems and our pineal glands. This self actualization is accessed by us in many ways and principally through meditation. Therefore I teach meditation in an entirely new and creative way, collating information directly from the source field and expressing to you, often in a raw and pure format without any pre-design. I also share my human perspective as well as ancient information including ways to create ceremony for yourself in this modern world which give you practical tools to be able to transcend matter, manifest your dreams, heal and become heart centered.
    My aim is to give you all as much information as I can for free on this channel so that you too can become the master of your own reality.

  • #meditation #trauma #healing
    Here I answer a question from a viewer about what to do when the body screams out for your attention during meditation.

    For courses and meditations go to

    Now available on the Patreon site.
    Once in Patreon join as a 'Light Warrior Patron'
    Find me on telegram:
    Signup to receive info on all Free Ceremonies, courses and events with Sarita Sol
    online or at SolHenge via the webiste

    Become a Patron and enjoy benefits such as Q and A sessions, community
    guided meditations, free downloads and much more, plus you can help me assist those in need to receive free classes, healings and retreats.
    For online Virtual Meditation Classes, Manifesting and Healing Retreats, Personal Mentoring, Distant Quantum and Shamanic Healing with Sarita email: [email protected] or go to


    Bitchute :

    Instagram :

    All Playlist :
    Accessing the fifth dimension. 5D:
    Heal Thyself- Body mastery:
    The Cosmic Heart Series:
    Heart centered mindfulness techniques:
    Explore consciousness:
    Manifesting techniques:
    Healing Meditations:

    How can we navigate our lives to ascend in our awareness? My name is Sarita and I am trained in ancient Shamanic techniques. This channel will help you to transcend the ordinary and realize the truth of who you are as quantum, vibrational being moving into 5D consciousness. I believe everyone has the potential to have extraordinary, wonderful and uplifting, heart aligned lives if we can understand that we are all part of source consciousness and are creating our realities in every now moment. We have the capacity to become entirely present and manifest from the quantum field of infinite potential through the zero point technology of our inner being, including and not limited to; our energy centres/chakras, the cells, atoms and quantum particles of our bodies, our nervous and endocrine systems and our pineal glands. This self actualization is accessed by us in many ways and principally through meditation. Therefore I teach meditation in an entirely new and creative way, collating information directly from the source field and expressing to you, often in a raw and pure format without any pre-design. I also share my human perspective as well as ancient information including ways to create ceremony for yourself in this modern world which give you practical tools to be able to transcend matter, manifest your dreams, heal and become heart centered.

  • #meditation #manifesting #presentmoment

    For courses and meditations go to

    Now available on the Patreon site.
    Once in Patreon join as a 'Light Warrior Patron'
    Find me on telegram:
    Signup to receive info on all Free Ceremonies, courses and events with Sarita Sol
    online or at SolHenge via the webiste

    Become a Patron and enjoy benefits such as Q and A sessions, community
    guided meditations, free downloads and much more, plus you can help me assist those in need to receive free classes, healings and retreats.
    For online Virtual Meditation Classes, Manifesting and Healing Retreats, Personal Mentoring, Distant Quantum and Shamanic Healing with Sarita email: [email protected] or go to


    Bitchute :

    Instagram :

  • #meditation #energycenters #healing
    In a world full of information overload, misinformation and inverted matrix agenda it is important to be able to turn within to the 'energy centers' which receive information from source consciousness and clear them so that the light information coming in has a direct pathway to your cells and systems without interference.
    Also this feel amazing!
    so enjoy

    For courses and meditations go to

    Now available on the Patreon site.
    Once in Patreon join as a 'Light Warrior Patron'
    Find me on telegram:
    Signup to receive info on all Free Ceremonies, courses and events with Sarita Sol
    online or at SolHenge via the webiste

    Become a Patron and enjoy benefits such as Q and A sessions, community
    guided meditations, free downloads and much more, plus you can help me assist those in need to receive free classes, healings and retreats.
    For online Virtual Meditation Classes, Manifesting and Healing Retreats, Personal Mentoring, Distant Quantum and Shamanic Healing with Sarita email: [email protected] or go to


    Bitchute :

    Instagram :

    How can we navigate our lives to ascend in our awareness? My name is Sarita and I am trained in ancient Shamanic techniques. This channel will help you to transcend the ordinary and realize the truth of who you are as quantum, vibrational being moving into 5D consciousness. I believe everyone has the potential to have extraordinary, wonderful and uplifting, heart aligned lives if we can understand that we are all part of source consciousness and are creating our realities in every now moment. We have the capacity to become entirely present and manifest from the quantum field of infinite potential through the zero point technology of our inner being, including and not limited to; our energy centres/chakras, the cells, atoms and quantum particles of our bodies, our nervous and endocrine systems and our pineal glands. This self actualization is accessed by us in many ways and principally through meditation. Therefore I teach meditation in an entirely new and creative way, collating information directly from the source field and expressing to you, often in a raw and pure format without any pre-design. I also share my human perspective as well as ancient information including ways to create ceremony for yourself in this modern world which give you practical tools to be able to transcend matter, manifest your dreams, heal and become heart centered.
    My aim is to give you all as much information as I can for free on this channel so that you too can become the master of your own reality.

    Guided meditation can offer a bounty of awareness and deep healing and support your life into the truth of your own sovereignty I hope my channel brings you connection love, light, insights and happiness. Please know that any channeling, meditations, practices, ceremonial suggestions or comments I share on my channel are not a substitute for financial, medical, legal and professional mental health advice. My sharings should not be used to replace the advice of any doctor, lawyer or licenced professional. By partaking in any meditation of ceremony with Sarita you claim full responsibility as a sovereign being for your own health outcomes and experiences.

  • #meditation #manifesting #healing

    For courses and meditations go to

    Now available on the Patreon site.
    Once in Patreon join as a 'Light Warrior Patron'
    Find me on telegram:
    Signup to receive info on all Free Ceremonies, courses and events with Sarita Sol
    online or at SolHenge via the webiste

    Become a Patron and enjoy benefits such as Q and A sessions, community
    guided meditations, free downloads and much more, plus you can help me assist those in need to receive free classes, healings and retreats.
    For online Virtual Meditation Classes, Manifesting and Healing Retreats, Personal Mentoring, Distant Quantum and Shamanic Healing with Sarita email: [email protected] or go to


    Bitchute :

    Instagram :

    All Playlist :
    Accessing the fifth dimension. 5D:
    Heal Thyself- Body mastery:
    The Cosmic Heart Series:
    Heart centered mindfulness techniques:
    Explore consciousness:
    Manifesting techniques:
    Healing Meditations:

    How can we navigate our lives to ascend in our awareness? My name is Sarita and I am trained in ancient Shamanic techniques. This channel will help you to transcend the ordinary and realize the truth of who you are as quantum, vibrational being moving into 5D consciousness. I believe everyone has the potential to have extraordinary, wonderful and uplifting, heart aligned lives if we can understand that we are all part of source consciousness and are creating our realities in every now moment. We have the capacity to become entirely present and manifest from the quantum field of infinite potential through the zero point technology of our inner being, including and not limited to; our energy centres/chakras, the cells, atoms and quantum particles of our bodies, our nervous and endocrine systems and our pineal glands. This self actualization is accessed by us in many ways and principally through meditation. Therefore I teach meditation in an entirely new and creative way, collating information directly from the source field and expressing to you, often in a raw and pure format without any pre-design. I also share my human perspective as well as ancient information including ways to create ceremony for yourself in this modern world which give you practical tools to be able to transcend matter, manifest your dreams, heal and become heart centered.
    My aim is to give you all as much information as I can for free on this channel so that you too can become the master of your own reality.

    Guided meditation can offer a bounty of awareness and deep healing and support your life into the truth of your own sovereignty I hope my channel brings you connection love, light, insights and happiness. Please know that any channeling, meditations, practices, ceremonial suggestions or comments I share on my channel are not a substitute for financial, medical, legal and professional mental health advice. My sharings should not be used to replace the advice of any doctor, lawyer or licenced professional. By partaking in any meditation of ceremony with Sarita you claim full responsibility as a sovereign being for your own health outcomes and experiences.

  • #meditationmusic #dna #healing
    This is a powerful meditation transmission which will allow you to clean detrimental programs from your DNA both from the microcosmic DNA in your cells through to the quantum core DNA processor that runs through all of your main energy centers. The process uses liquid crystalline light from the earth star. Will leave you feeling clean and refreshed and energetically and cellularly updated! Sharing from my patreon live group meditation.

    For courses and meditations go to

    Now available on the Patreon site.
    Once in Patreon join as a 'Light Warrior Patron'
    Find me on telegram:
    Signup to receive info on all Free Ceremonies, courses and events with Sarita Sol
    online or at SolHenge via the webiste

    Become a Patron and enjoy benefits such as Q and A sessions, community
    guided meditations, free downloads and much more, plus you can help me assist those in need to receive free classes, healings and retreats.
    For online Virtual Meditation Classes, Manifesting and Healing Retreats, Personal Mentoring, Distant Quantum and Shamanic Healing with Sarita email: [email protected] or go to


    Bitchute :

    Instagram :

    All Playlist :
    Accessing the fifth dimension. 5D:
    Heal Thyself- Body mastery:
    The Cosmic Heart Series:
    Heart centered mindfulness techniques:
    Explore consciousness:
    Manifesting techniques:
    Healing Meditations:

    How can we navigate our lives to ascend in our awareness? My name is Sarita and I am trained in ancient Shamanic techniques. This channel will help you to transcend the ordinary and realize the truth of who you are as quantum, vibrational being moving into 5D consciousness. I believe everyone has the potential to have extraordinary, wonderful and uplifting, heart aligned lives if we can understand that we are all part of source consciousness and are creating our realities in every now moment. We have the capacity to become entirely present and manifest from the quantum field of infinite potential through the zero point technology of our inner being, including and not limited to; our energy centres/chakras, the cells, atoms and quantum particles of our bodies, our nervous and endocrine systems and our pineal glands. This self actualization is accessed by us in many ways and principally through meditation. Therefore I teach meditation in an entirely new and creative way, collating information directly from the source field and expressing to you, often in a raw and pure format without any pre-design. I also share my human perspective as well as ancient information including ways to create ceremony for yourself in this modern world which give you practical tools to be able to transcend matter, manifest your dreams, heal and become heart centered.
    My aim is to give you all as much information as I can for free on this channel so that you too can become the master of your own reality.

    Guided meditation can offer a bounty of awareness and deep healing and support your life into the truth of your own sovereignty I hope my channel brings you connection love, light, insights and happiness. Please know that any channeling, meditations, practices, ceremonial suggestions or comments I share on my channel are not a substitute for financial, medical, legal and professional mental health advice. My sharings should not be used to r

  • #meditation #consciousness #healing
    This is a direct transmission from source so that you attain an absolute focus of pure navigational direction to a higher level of consciousness with the quantum core processor of your body affecting all of your cells and genetic code and then, in turn, affecting and informing those around you. Enjoy everyone and given with love xx

    For courses and meditations go to

    Now available on the Patreon site.
    Once in Patreon join as a 'Light Warrior Patron'
    Find me on telegram:
    Signup to receive info on all Free Ceremonies, courses and events with Sarita Sol
    online or at SolHenge via the webiste

    Become a Patron and enjoy benefits such as Q and A sessions, community
    guided meditations, free downloads and much more, plus you can help me assist those in need to receive free classes, healings and retreats.
    For online Virtual Meditation Classes, Manifesting and Healing Retreats, Personal Mentoring, Distant Quantum and Shamanic Healing with Sarita email: [email protected] or go to


    Bitchute :

    Instagram :

    All Playlist :
    Accessing the fifth dimension. 5D:
    Heal Thyself- Body mastery:
    The Cosmic Heart Series:
    Heart centered mindfulness techniques:
    Explore consciousness:
    Manifesting techniques:
    Healing Meditations:

    How can we navigate our lives to ascend in our awareness? My name is Sarita and I am trained in ancient Shamanic techniques. This channel will help you to transcend the ordinary and realize the truth of who you are as quantum, vibrational being moving into 5D consciousness. I believe everyone has the potential to have extraordinary, wonderful and uplifting, heart aligned lives if we can understand that we are all part of source consciousness and are creating our realities in every now moment. We have the capacity to become entirely present and manifest from the quantum field of infinite potential through the zero point technology of our inner being, including and not limited to; our energy centres/chakras, the cells, atoms and quantum particles of our bodies, our nervous and endocrine systems and our pineal glands. This self actualization is accessed by us in many ways and principally through meditation. Therefore I teach meditation in an entirely new and creative way, collating information directly from the source field and expressing to you, often in a raw and pure format without any pre-design. I also share my human perspective as well as ancient information including ways to create ceremony for yourself in this modern world which give you practical tools to be able to transcend matter, manifest your dreams, heal and become heart centered.
    My aim is to give you all as much information as I can for free on this channel so that you too can become the master of your own reality.