
  • Can adopting a positive mindset inadvertently lead to dismissing genuine struggles?

    How can we balance a healthy stress mindset without falling into the trap of toxic positivity?

    In this episode of the 'School for School Counselors Podcast, host Steph Johnson addresses the complexities of stress management for school counselors. The episode delves into recognizing the difference between a constructive stress mindset and falling into the trap of toxic positivity.

    Steph shares strategies for identifying warning signs of burnout, maintaining realistic expectations, and balancing professional efforts with emotional well-being. Listeners are encouraged to adopt mindful self-reflection, understand contextual limits, and seek peer support to sustain a healthy professional mindset.

    00:00 Introduction and Podcast Overview

    01:33 Understanding Stress Mindset vs. Toxic Positivity

    01:45 Listener Reviews and Reflections

    03:19 Reinterpreting Stress: A Deeper Dive

    05:03 Growth Mindset and Its Pitfalls

    08:12 Warning Signs of Toxic Positivity

    08:59 Personal Experience with Hustle Culture

    19:35 Strategies to Maintain a Healthy Mindset

    26:10 Conclusion



    American School Counselor Association. (2019). The ASCA national model: A framework for school counseling programs (4th ed.). American School Counselor Association.

    Dweck, C. S. (2006). Mindset: The new psychology of success. Random House.

    Tao W, Zhao D, Yue H, Horton I, Tian X, Xu Z and Sun H-J (2022) The Influence of Growth Mindset on the Mental Health and Life Events of College Students. Front. Psychol. 13:821206. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.821206

    Tsai, Min-Ying. 2023. Comparing Perfectionism, Cognitive Mindset, Constructive Thinking, and Emotional Intelligence in Gifted Students by Grade and Gender. Social Sciences 12: 233. 10.3390/socsci12040233


    Our goal at School for School Counselors is to help school counselors stay on fire, make huge impacts for students, and catalyze change for our roles through grassroots advocacy and collaboration. Listen to get to know more about us and our mission, feel empowered and inspired, and set yourself up for success in the wonderful world of school counseling.

    Hang out in our Facebook group
    Jump in, ask questions, share your ideas and become a part of the most empowering school counseling group on the planet! (Join us to see if we're right.)

    Join the School for School Counselors Mastermind
    The Mastermind is packed with all the things your grad program never taught you IN ADDITION TO unparalleled support and consultation. No more feeling alone, invisible, unappreciated, or like you just don't know what to do next. We've got you!

    Did someone share this podcast with you? Be sure to subscribe for all the new episodes!!

  • What if stress wasn't your enemy, but your secret weapon? In this enlightening episode, Steph Johnson reveals how school counselors can transform stress from a debilitating burden into a powerful strength. We tackle the overwhelming caseloads, emotional toll, and resource scarcity head-on, offering a fresh perspective supported by robust, peer-reviewed research. Discover how your mindset about stress can radically alter your health outcomes, boost resilience, and promote professional growth. Sound too good to be true? The research says otherwise.

    00:00 Understanding School Counseling Stressors

    00:39 Introduction and Podcast Welcome

    01:01 Exploring Stress Solutions

    02:35 Challenging Traditional Views on Stress

    03:05 Listener Reviews and Feedback

    04:44 Rethinking Stress in School Counseling

    07:31 Harnessing Stress for Positive Outcomes

    11:59 Practical Strategies for Stress Management

    14:40 Research Insights on Stress Mindsets

    25:54 Final Thoughts



    Crum, A. J., Akinola, M., Martin, A., & Fath, S. (2017). The role of stress mindset in shaping cognitive, emotional, and physiological responses to challenging and threatening stress. Anxiety, stress, & coping, 30(4), 379-395.

    Crum, A.J., Jamieson, J.P., & Akinola, M. (2020). Optimizing stress: An integrated intervention for regulating stress responses. Emotion, 20(1), 120-125.

    Crum, A. J., Salovey, P., & Achor, S. (2013). Rethinking stress: The role of mindsets in determining the stress response. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 104(4), 716–733.

    Jamieson, J.P., Crum, A.J., Goyer, J.P., Marotta, M.E. & Akinola, M. (2018). Optimizing stress responses with reappraisal and mindset interventions: an integrated model, Anxiety, Stress, & Coping, 31(3), 245-261. DOI: 10.1080/10615806.2018.1442615

    Jamieson, J. P., Mendes, W. B., & Nock, M. K. (2013). Improving acute stress responses: The power of reappraisal. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 22(1), 51-56.

    Keller, A., Litzelman, K., Wisk, L. E., Maddox, T., Cheng, E. R., Creswell, P. D., & Witt, W. P. (2012). Does the perception that stress affects health matter? The association with health and mortality. Health Psychology, 31(5), 677–684.

    Liu JJW, Ein N, Gervasio J, Vickers K (2019) The efficacy of stress reappraisal interventions on stress responsivity: A meta-analysis and systematic review of existing evidence. PLoS ONE 14(2): e0212854.

    Mind & Body Lab. (n.d.). Stress and performance. Stanford University.


    Hang out in our Facebook group
    Jump in, ask questions, share your ideas and become a part of the most empowering school counseling group on the planet! (Join us to see if we're right.)

    Join the School for School Counselors Mastermind
    The Mastermind is packed with all the things your grad program never taught you IN ADDITION TO unparalleled support and consultation. No more feeling alone, invisible, unappreciated, or like you just don't know what to do next. We've got you!

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  • Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed and burnt out as a school counselor? Discover game-changing strategies to not only manage- but also thrive- amidst the unique stressors you face daily. Join me, Steph Johnson, on the School for School Counselors Podcast as we navigate the complexities of stress management, especially with the new school year kicking off. We'll discuss the escalating mental health demands post-COVID-19 and how traditional self-care practices may not be cutting it anymore. Learn how to balance your high caseloads with sustainable, actionable measures that protect your well-being and professional effectiveness.

    In this episode, we tackle the mismatch between your rising responsibilities and outdated frameworks, highlighting the importance of setting professional boundaries and seeking support. A groundbreaking journal article reshapes our understanding of chronic stress and offers fresh insights into maintaining mental health. This is not just about surviving but thriving in your role as a school counselor—equipped, confident, and ready to meet each day with renewed energy and purpose.

    00:00 Welcome Back to the School for School Counselors Podcast

    00:25 Exciting Updates and New Beginnings

    01:06 Addressing Stress in School Counseling

    02:40 Behavior Interventions and Mastermind Group

    04:53 Understanding Chronic Stress

    07:47 The Impact of Chronic Stress on School Counselors

    16:17 Strategies to Mitigate Chronic Stress

    23:25 The Importance of Professional Consultation

    29:27 Final Thoughts and Encouragement



    Agyapong, B., Obuobi-Donkor, G., Burback, L., & Wei, Y. (2022). Stress, burnout, anxiety and depression among teachers: a scoping review. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(17), 10706.

    Liu, Y. Z., Wang, Y. X., & Jiang, C. L. (2017). Inflammation: the common pathway of stress-related diseases. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 11, 273283.

    Niles, J. K., Mullen, P. R., Kitching, E., & Schofield, K. (2024). School Counselors’ Hope, Stress, and Job Satisfaction. Professional School Counseling, 28(1).


    Our goal at School for School Counselors is to help school counselors stay on fire, make huge impacts for students, and catalyze change for our roles through grassroots advocacy and collaboration. Listen to get to know more about us and our mission, feel empowered and inspired, and set yourself up for success in the wonderful world of school counseling.

    Hang out in our Facebook group
    Jump in, ask questions, share your ideas and become a part of the most empowering school counseling group on the planet! (Join us to see if we're right.)

    Join the School for School Counselors Mastermind
    The Mastermind is packed with all the things your grad program never taught you IN ADDITION TO unparalleled support and consultation. No more feeling alone, invisible, unappreciated, or like you just don't know what to do next. We've got you!

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  • In the 114th episode of the School for School Counselors Podcast, host Steph Johnson discusses the critical issue of subpar materials flooding the market, especially with the rise of AI-generated resources. She differentiates between "evidence-based" and "evidence-aligned" materials, emphasizing the importance of using thoroughly vetted, peer-reviewed resources, particularly in high-stakes situations. Steph also offers guidance on where to find reliable, evidence-backed resources and advises on how to evaluate the quality and effectiveness of counseling tools.

    00:00 Welcome and Podcast Celebration

    00:50 The Epidemic of Subpar Counseling Materials

    03:47 Understanding Evidence-Based vs. Evidence-Aligned

    08:56 High Stakes and Tier Two Interventions

    11:48 Becoming a Discerning Consumer

    18:26 Finding Reliable Resources

    24:09 Conclusion and Invitation



    American School Counselor Association. (n.d.). Professional School Counseling Journal. Retrieved from

    Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning. (n.d.). SEL programs. CASEL. Retrieved from

    Education Resources Information Center (ERIC). (n.d.). ERIC - Institute of Education Sciences. Retrieved from

    U.S. Department of Education. (n.d.). What Works Clearinghouse. Retrieved from


    Our goal at School for School Counselors is to help school counselors stay on fire, make huge impacts for students, and catalyze change for our roles through grassroots advocacy and collaboration. Listen to get to know more about us and our mission, feel empowered and inspired, and set yourself up for success in the wonderful world of school counseling.

    Hang out in our Facebook group
    Jump in, ask questions, share your ideas and become a part of the most empowering school counseling group on the planet! (Join us to see if we're right.)

    Join the School for School Counselors Mastermind
    The Mastermind is packed with all the things your grad program never taught you IN ADDITION TO unparalleled support and consultation. No more feeling alone, invisible, unappreciated, or like you just don't know what to do next. We've got you!

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  • In this episode of the School for School Counselors Podcast, host Steph Johnson discusses ways to make school counseling more sustainable and enjoyable. Steph explores the importance of understanding your 'why', the benefits of tracking your time, the necessity of delegation, the value of effective systems, and the role of building strong relationships with staff. She emphasizes the need to maintain realistic expectations and provides insights on how school counselors can manage their demanding roles without burning out. Join the conversation and learn practical tips to thrive in your school counseling career.

    00:00 Introduction and Welcome

    00:28 The Importance of Sustainable School Counseling

    04:34 Understanding Your 'Why'

    08:13 The Role of Data in School Counseling

    14:20 The Power of Delegation

    16:44 Building Effective Systems

    18:45 Fostering Relationships with Staff

    20:55 Setting Realistic Expectations

    22:38 Conclusion and Support Resources


    Mentioned in This Episode:

    SMART School Counseling Assessment:

    School for School Counselors Mastermind


    Our goal at School for School Counselors is to help school counselors stay on fire, make huge impacts for students, and catalyze change for our roles through grassroots advocacy and collaboration. Listen to get to know more about us and our mission, feel empowered and inspired, and set yourself up for success in the wonderful world of school counseling.

    Hang out in our Facebook group
    Jump in, ask questions, share your ideas and become a part of the most empowering school counseling group on the planet! (Join us to see if we're right.)

    Join the School for School Counselors Mastermind
    The Mastermind is packed with all the things your grad program never taught you IN ADDITION TO unparalleled support and consultation. No more feeling alone, invisible, unappreciated, or like you just don't know what to do next. We've got you!

    Did someone share this podcast with you? Be sure to subscribe for all the new episodes!!

  • In this episode of the School for School Counselors Podcast, host Steph Johnson discusses the challenges of adhering to the ASCA National Model in imperfect circumstances and introduces the SMART School Counseling Framework. This five-part framework aims to provide actionable steps for school counselors navigating the complexities of real-world school environments.

    Additionally, she introduces the free SMART School Counseling Assessment ( designed to help counselors identify their next best steps for growth and development. Steph emphasizes the importance of not internalizing program shortfalls and instead endeavoring to do what's best for students within the context of the campus.

    00:00 Welcome to the New and Improved Podcast

    00:40 Celebrating Our Success

    01:38 Introducing a New Idea

    03:55 Challenges in Implementing the ASCA National Model

    08:59 The Smart School Counseling Framework

    18:42 The Smart School Counseling Assessment

    21:17 Final Thoughts and How to Get Involved


    Mentioned in This Episode:

    SMART School Counseling Assessment:

    School for School Counselors Mastermind


    Our goal at School for School Counselors is to help school counselors stay on fire, make huge impacts for students, and catalyze change for our roles through grassroots advocacy and collaboration. Listen to get to know more about us and our mission, feel empowered and inspired, and set yourself up for success in the wonderful world of school counseling.

    Hang out in our Facebook group
    Jump in, ask questions, share your ideas and become a part of the most empowering school counseling group on the planet! (Join us to see if we're right.)

    Join the School for School Counselors Mastermind
    The Mastermind is packed with all the things your grad program never taught you IN ADDITION TO unparalleled support and consultation. No more feeling alone, invisible, unappreciated, or like you just don't know what to do next. We've got you!

    Did someone share this podcast with you? Be sure to subscribe for all the new episodes!!

  • In this episode of the School for School Counselors Podcast, Steph Johnson addresses the evolving role of school counselors in behavior intervention on campuses. Steph highlights the growing need for counselors to assist not only students but also staff members, who may unintentionally exacerbate student behaviors. She discusses common challenges, such as teacher dysregulation and its impact on students, and provides actionable strategies for counselors to model emotional regulation, train staff, and offer support without seeming condescending. Steph also touches on the importance of mindfulness and solution-focused conversations for promoting a healthier school environment.

    00:00 Introduction and Welcome

    00:25 Behavior Intervention in Schools

    01:41 Supporting Your Staff

    03:57 Understanding Staff Challenges

    05:03 Teacher Interaction Styles

    13:35 Promoting Emotional Regulation

    23:57 The Importance of Support Systems

    26:07 Conclusion and Upcoming Events



    Gregoire, Simon & Lachance, Lise & Taylor, Geneviève. (2015). Mindfulness, mental health and emotion regulation among workers. International Journal of Wellbeing. 5. 96-119. 10.5502/ijw.v5i4.444.

    Vollmann M, Schwieren C, Mattern M, Schnell K (2021) Let the team fix it?—Performance and mood of depressed workers and coworkers in different work contexts. PLoS ONE 16(10): e0256553.

    Zerillo, C., & Osterman, K. F. (2011). Teacher perceptions of teacher bullying. Improving schools, 14(3), 239-257.


    Our goal at School for School Counselors is to help school counselors stay on fire, make huge impacts for students, and catalyze change for our roles through grassroots advocacy and collaboration. Listen to get to know more about us and our mission, feel empowered and inspired, and set yourself up for success in the wonderful world of school counseling.

    Hang out in our Facebook group
    Jump in, ask questions, share your ideas and become a part of the most empowering school counseling group on the planet! (Join us to see if we're right.)

    Join the School for School Counselors Mastermind
    The Mastermind is packed with all the things your grad program never taught you IN ADDITION TO unparalleled support and consultation. No more feeling alone, invisible, unappreciated, or like you just don't know what to do next. We've got you!

    Did someone share this podcast with you? Be sure to subscribe for all the new episodes!!

  • In this episode of the School for School Counselors podcast, host Steph Johnson addresses the expanding role of school counselors in behavior intervention, emphasizing the need for a trauma-informed approach. She discusses common concerns counselors have about behavior intervention, including the misconception of equating it to discipline, time constraints, and the fear of being misutilized. Steph urges counselors to rethink their approach by identifying the origins of problematic behavior and addressing systemic issues rather than relying on one-stop solutions. She also highlights the importance of mindful language use and empowering students as peer mentors to foster a supportive school environment. Finally, she introduces the upcoming topics in the podcast and the resources available in the School for School Counselors mastermind group.

    00:00 Introduction and Podcast Welcome

    00:14 The Role of School Counselors in Behavior Intervention

    01:29 Challenges and Concerns in Behavior Intervention

    02:25 Rethinking Behavior Intervention Strategies

    [03:00 Celebrating a Podcast Milestone]

    04:02 Addressing the Root Causes of Behavior

    08:55 The Power of Language in Behavior Intervention

    13:03 Empowering Students as Change Agents

    17:27 Final Thoughts and Upcoming Topics



    McCormick, M. P., Cappella, E., O'Connor, E. E., & McClowry, S. G. (2015). Do Intervention Impacts on Academic Achievement Vary by School Climate? Evidence from a Randomized Trial in Urban Elementary Schools. Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness.

    Paquette, D. and Ryan, J. (2015). Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory. National Dropout Prevention Center.

    Wade, L., Leahy, A. A., Babic, M. J., Beauchamp, M. R., Smith, J. J., Kennedy, S. G., ... & Lubans, D. R. (2022). A systematic review and meta-analysis of the benefits of school-based, peer-led interventions for leaders. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 21222.


    Our goal at School for School Counselors is to help school counselors stay on fire, make huge impacts for students, and catalyze change for our roles through grassroots advocacy and collaboration. Listen to get to know more about us and our mission, feel empowered and inspired, and set yourself up for success in the wonderful world of school counseling.

    Hang out in our Facebook group
    Jump in, ask questions, share your ideas and become a part of the most empowering school counseling group on the planet! (Join us to see if we're right.)

    Join the School for School Counselors Mastermind
    The Mastermind is packed with all the things your grad program never taught you IN ADDITION TO unparalleled support and consultation. No more feeling alone, invisible, unappreciated, or like you just don't know what to do next. We've got you!

    Did someone share this podcast with you? Be sure to subscribe for all the new episodes!!

  • In this episode of the School for School Counselors podcast, host Steph Johnson discusses the complex role school counselors play in behavior intervention. She highlights the mixed emotions and challenges that come with the start of a new school year and provides insights into common mistakes counselors make when intervening in student behavior.

    Key points include the importance of self-regulation, the benefits of limited involvement, and the necessity of focusing on student strengths. Johnson also emphasizes the value of intentional follow-up and offers practical advice to avoid overwhelm and burnout.

    00:00 Introduction and Welcome

    00:12 Preparing for the New School Year

    00:44 The Role of School Counselors in Behavior Intervention

    04:59 Common Mistakes in Behavior Intervention

    05:24 Belief Fallacies in Behavior Intervention

    12:15 Effective Behavior Intervention Strategies

    20:07 Upcoming Mastermind Sessions

    20:59 Final Thoughts and Encouragement


    Our goal at School for School Counselors is to help school counselors stay on fire, make huge impacts for students, and catalyze change for our roles through grassroots advocacy and collaboration. Listen to get to know more about us and our mission, feel empowered and inspired, and set yourself up for success in the wonderful world of school counseling.

    Hang out in our Facebook group
    Jump in, ask questions, share your ideas and become a part of the most empowering school counseling group on the planet! (Join us to see if we're right.)

    Join the School for School Counselors Mastermind
    The Mastermind is packed with all the things your grad program never taught you IN ADDITION TO unparalleled support and consultation. No more feeling alone, invisible, unappreciated, or like you just don't know what to do next. We've got you!

    Did someone share this podcast with you? Be sure to subscribe for all the new episodes!!

  • Navigating the delicate balance of student confidentiality is crucial but complex. In this episode, we tackle real-life scenarios where transparency becomes a necessity, especially in critical situations involving suicidal ideation, self-harm, or legal mandates. We'll discuss the ethical boundaries school counselors must navigate, stressing the importance of clear communication with students about the limits of confidentiality. Plus, the episode delves into the ethical pitfalls and voyeuristic tendencies that can arise, urging professionals to refine their skills and ensure the best interests of their students are always prioritized.

    Managing confidentiality effectively is at the heart of professional school counseling. We'll explore the risks of certain practices and the importance of critically analyzing and communicating confidentiality guidelines to avoid misunderstandings.

    Mentioned in this episode:
    American School Counselor Association. (2016). ASCA Ethical Standards for School Counselors. Retrieved from

    U.S. Department of Education. (2021). Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Retrieved from


    Our goal at School for School Counselors is to help school counselors stay on fire, make huge impacts for students, and catalyze change for our roles through grassroots advocacy and collaboration. Listen to get to know more about us and our mission, feel empowered and inspired, and set yourself up for success in the wonderful world of school counseling.

    Hang out in our Facebook group
    Jump in, ask questions, share your ideas and become a part of the most empowering school counseling group on the planet! (Join us to see if we're right.)

    Join the School for School Counselors Mastermind
    The Mastermind is packed with all the things your grad program never taught you IN ADDITION TO unparalleled support and consultation. No more feeling alone, invisible, unappreciated, or like you just don't know what to do next. We've got you!

    Did someone share this podcast with you? Be sure to subscribe for all the new episodes!!

  • Welcome back to the School for School Counselors Podcast! In this episode, Steph Johnson dives deep into the often unrealistic expectations placed on school counselors. After wrapping up the wildly successful "Best Year Ever!" event, Steph shares her heart and wisdom from the final night of the extravaganza, emphasizing the need for a strong foundation rather than more tactics.

    Too often, school counselors are bombarded with the ideal of achieving a "perfect" or "comprehensive" program, feeling like failures when they can't meet all the earmarks. Steph passionately argues that this perception is unfair and unrealistic, given the diverse and challenging environments counselors work in. She highlights the importance of recognizing the true value of our work and the significant impacts we make, even without all the accolades.

    Tune in to hear about the SMART School Counseling Assessment, a unique tool designed to help you assess and appreciate your progress without the pressure of meeting every benchmark. Discover how you can redefine success in your role and find satisfaction and pride in your daily efforts.

    Whether you're struggling with limited resources, lack of administrative support, or just the sheer volume of work, this episode offers a refreshing perspective on how to navigate these challenges and feel empowered in your career. Join us as we celebrate the meaningful contributions you make every day and remind ourselves that success isn't about perfection—it's about making a difference where we are.

  • Ever wondered why some school counseling programs deliver long-lasting results while others fall flat? In this episode of the School for School Counselors podcast, host Steph Johnson addresses the critical need for evidence-based practices in the field of school counseling.

    Though counselor-created resources are popular, Johnson emphasizes the importance of moving beyond these kinds of resources commonly found online. She discusses the insufficiency of peer-reviewed research in current school counseling interventions and offers reliable alternatives such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), mindfulness-based interventions, and established curriculums like Second Step and MindUP.

    Additionally, Johnson highlights the potential harm of inadequately researched resources found on platforms like Teachers Pay Teachers. She provides practical advice on where to find validated interventions and underscores the value of collecting long-term data to assess their effectiveness.

    If you truly want to be a better school counselor, listen in for actionable insights to elevate your school counseling practices, backed by the power of evidence-based approaches that truly make a difference in students' lives.

    Mentioned in This Episode:
    School for School Counselors Mastermind


    American School Counselor Association (2019). ASCA school
    counselor professional standards & competencies. Alexandria,
    VA: Author. Retrieved from

    American School Counselor Association. (2021). ASCA student standards: Mindsets & behaviors for student success. Retrieved from

    Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL). (n.d.). Retrieved from

    Committee for Children. (n.d.). Second Step program. Retrieved from

    Gallagher, C., Swalwell, K., & Bellows, L. (2019). Editorial processes and quality control in educational materials. Educational Studies, 48(1), 112-128.

    Kendall, P. C. (1990). Coping Cat program for anxiety disorders. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 19(2), 99-107.

    MacArthur, J., Harris, L., Archonbald, N., & Shelton, K. (2021). Findings on the quality of activities in educational resources. Journal of Educational Research, 54(3), 245-262.

    National Association of School Psychologists. (n.d.). Professional development. Retrieved from

    Sawyer, R., Dick, M., & Sutherland, J. (2020). The correlation between resource aesthetics and cognitive demand. Mathematics Education Review, 62(4), 301-318.

    The Goldie Hawn Foundation. (n.d.). MindUP curriculum. Retrieved from

    U.S. Department of Education. (n.d.). What Works Clearinghouse. Retrieved from

  • How can understanding the "why" behind your practices truly transform your school counseling program? This week, we uncover the secrets to setting yourself up for sustainable success. Steph Johnson guides us through the nuances of human nature and brain functionality, offering practical strategies for establishing effective habits and practices in your school counseling program.

    Inspired by James Clear's "Atomic Habits," we break down sustainable habits into four essential components: cue, craving, response, and reward. Listen as we share actionable tips to make new behaviors obvious, attractive, easy, and satisfying—especially when it comes to gratitude. With small, manageable changes, you can build consistent habits that support a successful school year. Tune in for a comprehensive guide to habit-building that promises to transform your professional school counseling practice.

    Mentioned in This Episode:
    Modern School Counselor Planner
    School for School Counselors Mastermind


    Clear, J. (2018). Atomic habits: An easy & proven way to build good habits & break bad ones. Avery.

    Gardner, B., Lally, P., & Wardle, J. (2012). Making health habitual: The psychology of ‘habit-formation’ and general practice. British Journal of General Practice, 62(605), 664-666.


    Our goal at School for School Counselors is to help school counselors stay on fire, make huge impacts for students, and catalyze change for our roles through grassroots advocacy and collaboration. Listen to get to know more about us and our mission, feel empowered and inspired, and set yourself up for success in the wonderful world of school counseling.

    Hang out in our Facebook group

    Jump in, ask questions, share your ideas and become a part of the most empowering school counseling group on the planet! (Join us to see if we're right.)

    Join the School for School Counselors Mastermind

    The Mastermind is packed with all the things your grad program never taught you IN ADDITION TO unparalleled support and consultation. No more feeling alone, invisible, unappreciated, or like you just don't know what to do next. We've got you!

    Did someone share this podcast with you? Be sure to subscribe for all the new episodes!!

  • What can keep your motivation and drive burning bright all through the school year? Join us as we uncover how integrating gratitude into your daily practice can reduce stress, boost emotional resilience, and foster a collaborative, positive atmosphere on campus. As we transition into the new academic year, we'll share insights on how gratitude can be your secret weapon to maintaining positivity during challenging times.

    Mentioned in This Episode:
    Modern School Counselor Planner
    School for School Counselors Mastermind

    Bono, G., Emmons, R. A., & McCullough, M. E. (2004). Gratitude in practice and the practice of gratitude. Positive Psychology in Practice, 464-481.

    Chan, D. W. (2010). Gratitude, gratitude intervention and subjective well-being among Chinese school teachers in Hong Kong. Educational Psychology, 30(2), 139-153.

    Emmons, R. A., & McCullough, M. E. (2003). Counting blessings versus burdens: An experimental investigation of gratitude and subjective well-being in daily life. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84(2), 377-389.

    Wood, A. M., Froh, J. J., & Geraghty, A. W. (2010). Gratitude and well-being: A review and theoretical integration. Clinical Psychology Review, 30(7), 890-905.


    Our goal at School for School Counselors is to help school counselors stay on fire, make huge impacts for students, and catalyze change for our roles through grassroots advocacy and collaboration. Listen to get to know more about us and our mission, feel empowered and inspired, and set yourself up for success in the wonderful world of school counseling.

    Hang out in our Facebook group

    Jump in, ask questions, share your ideas and become a part of the most empowering school counseling group on the planet! (Join us to see if we're right.)

    Join the School for School Counselors Mastermind

    The Mastermind is packed with all the things your grad program never taught you IN ADDITION TO unparalleled support and consultation. No more feeling alone, invisible, unappreciated, or like you just don't know what to do next. We've got you!

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  • What if you could transform your school counseling program into a haven of organization and efficiency that instantly puts students- and you- at ease? This week on the School for School Counselors Podcast, I'm sharing the four critical components you must consider in preparing your school counseling program for success in the the new school year.

    From the must-have supplies every counselor should keep on hand to smart tips for curating your materials, you'll learn how to create a welcoming yet streamlined environment. Plus, I'll guide you on the key documents and checklists you need at your fingertips to respond efficiently to any situation.

    We'll also talk through the often-overlooked world of data systems, the importance of a reliable record-keeping system, and how vital a solid roster tracking system is for comprehensive student support. Finally, we'll touch on the importance of your professional mindset, remaining patient and staying flexible in the face of unexpected challenges or slow-to-change campuses.

    Mentioned in This Episode:
    School Counselor Must-Haves Guide
    School for School Counselors Mastermind


    Our goal at School for School Counselors is to help school counselors stay on fire, make huge impacts for students, and catalyze change for our roles through grassroots advocacy and collaboration. Listen to get to know more about us and our mission, feel empowered and inspired, and set yourself up for success in the wonderful world of school counseling.

    Hang out in our Facebook group

    Jump in, ask questions, share your ideas and become a part of the most empowering school counseling group on the planet! (Join us to see if we're right.)

    Join the School for School Counselors Mastermind

    The Mastermind is packed with all the things your grad program never taught you IN ADDITION TO unparalleled support and consultation. No more feeling alone, invisible, unappreciated, or like you just don't know what to do next. We've got you!

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  • Can the design of your school counseling office really impact student well-being and performance? Join me, Steph Johnson, on the School for School Counselors Podcast as we unpack the essentials of creating a functional and calming counseling space. Drawing from both personal experiences and cutting-edge research, I guide you through the journey of setting up an environment that will not only support your students but also help you stay focused and calm. Whether you are a new counselor setting up your first office or a seasoned professional looking to refresh your space, you'll find practical advice that can make a significant difference in student engagement.

    Throughout this episode, we emphasize the importance of intentionality in designing your space, highlighting how clutter can negatively impact focus and anxiety levels. Discover the unique role of school counselors in fostering a regulated environment, distinct from regular classrooms, and learn how to advocate for your true role amidst the challenges of being assigned non-counseling duties. We share inspiring stories and actionable steps to make your counseling office a sanctuary for student support. Plus, don't miss the chance to hear more about our Best Year Ever event coming soon!

    Mentioned in This Episode:
    School Counselor Must-Haves Guide


    Barrett, P., Zhang, Y., Davies, F., & Barrett, L. (2015). The impact of classroom design on pupils' learning: Final results of a holistic, multi-level analysis. Building and Environment, 89, 118-133. doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2015.02.013

    Cheryan, S., Ziegler, S. A., Plaut, V. C., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2014). Designing classrooms to maximize student achievement. Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 1(1), 4-12. doi:10.1177/2372732214548677

    Evertson, C. M., & Weinstein, C. S. (2006). Classroom management as a field of inquiry. In C. M. Evertson & C. S. Weinstein (Eds.), Handbook of Classroom Management: Research, Practice, and Contemporary Issues (pp. 3-15). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

    Fisher, A. V., Godwin, K. E., & Seltman, H. (2014). Visual environment, attention allocation, and learning in young children: When too much of a good thing may be bad. Psychological Science, 25(7), 1362-1370. doi:10.1177/0956797614533801

    Hamre, B. K., & Pianta, R. C. (2005). Can instructional and emotional support in the first-grade classroom make a difference for children at risk of school failure? Child Development, 76(5), 949-967. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8624.2005.00889.x

    Martin, S. H. (2002). The classroom environment and its effects on the practice of teachers. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 22(1-2), 139-156. doi:10.1006/jevp.2001.0239

    Tanner, C. K. (2009). Effects of school design on student outcomes. Journal of Educational Administration, 47(3), 381-399. doi:10.1108/09578230910955809


    Our goal at School for School Counselors is to help school counselors stay on fire, make huge impacts for students, and catalyze change for our roles through grassroots advocacy and collaboration. Listen to get to know more about us and our mission, feel empowered and inspired, and set yourself up for success in the wonderful world of school counseling.

    Hang out in our Facebook group

    Jump in, ask questions, share your ideas and become a part of the most empowering school counseling group on the planet! (Join us to see if we're right.)

    Join the School for School Counselors Mastermind

  • So many of us need to "eliminate some Joy" from our roles. What can this mean for school counselors who strive to build positivity, growth mindset, and can-do attitudes throughout campus?

    This week, we're taking a cue from the movie Inside Out and talking about how constantly being the go-to "fixers" on campus can lead to burnout. We discuss how the inability to distinguish ourselves from perpetual "Joys" takes an immense emotional toll, and why high expectations from students, parents, and staff can push counselors to the brink of exhaustion. What can we do to redefine our roles for healthier, more sustainable environments?

    You'll hear:

    The emotional toll of always being the "fixer"How empowering the entire school community can reduce "Joy"Practical tips for maintaining a balanced workload

    Listen for practical insights and real-world tips that will help you reclaim your energy, focus on what truly matters, and thrive in your counseling role!

    School for School Counselors Mastermind
    (Free) Modern School Counselor Planner

    Claro, S., Paunesku, D., & Dweck, C. S. (2016). Growth mindset tempers the effects of poverty on academic achievement. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(31), 8664-8668. doi:10.1073/pnas.1608207113

    Friedman, R. S., & Förster, J. (2005). Effects of Motivational Cues on Perceptual Asymmetry: Implications for Creativity and Analytical Problem Solving. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 88(2), 263–275.


    Our goal at School for School Counselors is to help school counselors stay on fire, make huge impacts for students, and catalyze change for our roles through grassroots advocacy and collaboration. Listen to get to know more about us and our mission, feel empowered and inspired, and set yourself up for success in the wonderful world of school counseling.

    Hang out in our Facebook group

    Jump in, ask questions, share your ideas and become a part of the most empowering school counseling group on the planet! (Join us to see if we're right.)

    Join the School for School Counselors Mastermind

    The Mastermind is packed with all the things your grad program never taught you IN ADDITION TO unparalleled support and consultation. No more feeling alone, invisible, unappreciated, or like you just don't know what to do next. We've got you!

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  • In the 100th episode of the School for School Counselors podcast, we are all about the colorful and often unexpected world of school counseling with stories from school counselors who are in the trenches every day. One counselor from Kentucky shares about her handmade wooden sand tray, a favorite among her students for its soothing qualities. Another from Georgia uses a screaming goat toy to break the tension and get a laugh out of students during stressful moments. These personal touches not only make their offices a little more welcoming but also offer unique ways to connect with students.

    As the conversation unfolds, more counselors chime in with their favorite tools and methods. From a tabletop punching bag in an elementary school to a life-sized cutout of The Rock used for student greetings and school events in Southern California, each story highlights the creativity and personalization that counselors bring to their roles. These stories underline the episode's core message: school counseling isn't just about following guidelines and filling out forms—it's about the real, meaningful interactions that help students navigate their school days.


    Our goal at School for School Counselors is to help school counselors stay on fire, make huge impacts for students, and catalyze change for our roles through grassroots advocacy and collaboration. Listen to get to know more about us and our mission, feel empowered and inspired, and set yourself up for success in the wonderful world of school counseling.

    Hang out in our Facebook group

    Jump in, ask questions, share your ideas and become a part of the most empowering school counseling group on the planet! (Join us to see if we're right.)

    Join the School for School Counselors Mastermind

    The Mastermind is packed with all the things your grad program never taught you IN ADDITION TO unparalleled support and consultation. No more feeling alone, invisible, unappreciated, or like you just don't know what to do next. We've got you!

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  • What if the place where students spend most of their time held the key to unlocking their potential? Meet Kristina Renn, a first-year school counselor who almost became a clinical therapist but found her true calling in school counseling. Kristina joins us to share her practical approach to creating positive changes within the school environment. She highlights the profound impact school counselors can have, especially when support like parental involvement and mental health resources are lacking. With candid insights into dealing with isolation and high caseloads, Kristina's journey showcases the dedication and resilience needed to make a real difference in students' lives.


    Our goal at School for School Counselors is to help school counselors stay on fire, make huge impacts for students, and catalyze change for our roles through grassroots advocacy and collaboration. Listen to get to know more about us and our mission, feel empowered and inspired, and set yourself up for success in the wonderful world of school counseling.

    Hang out in our Facebook group

    Jump in, ask questions, share your ideas and become a part of the most empowering school counseling group on the planet! (Join us to see if we're right.)

    Join the School for School Counselors Mastermind

    The Mastermind is packed with all the things your grad program never taught you IN ADDITION TO unparalleled support and consultation. No more feeling alone, invisible, unappreciated, or like you just don't know what to do next. We've got you!

    Did someone share this podcast with you? Be sure to subscribe for all the new episodes!!

  • Are you preparing to leave your school counseling position and unsure about what documentation to leave for your successor? Navigating the complexities of student privacy and legal compliance is crucial for school counselors. In this episode, we dive into the essentials of managing student notes and records, giving you the confidence to adhere to FERPA regulations while maintaining the confidentiality your students rely on.

    Think of this episode as your toolkit for identifying and balancing memory aids versus documentation. We explore the CARE acronym—Consider, Align, Review Records, and Empower—a practical framework to help you navigate information transfers. Discover how to communicate effectively with stakeholders, align with the ASCA National Model and FERPA, manage documentation securely, and empower your successors with the right information, all while protecting student privacy. Join us for this insightful discussion, and enhance your practice with the skills to handle student records with integrity and care.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    ASCA Ethical Standards for School Counselors

    Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

    Stone, Carolyn. (2022). School counseling principles: Ethics and law. 5th ed. American School Counselor Association.


    Our goal at School for School Counselors is to help school counselors stay on fire, make huge impacts for students, and catalyze change for our roles through grassroots advocacy and collaboration. Listen to get to know more about us and our mission, feel empowered and inspired, and set yourself up for success in the wonderful world of school counseling.

    Hang out in our Facebook group

    Jump in, ask questions, share your ideas and become a part of the most empowering school counseling group on the planet! (Join us to see if we're right.)

    Join the School for School Counselors Mastermind

    The Mastermind is packed with all the things your grad program never taught you IN ADDITION TO unparalleled support and consultation. No more feeling alone, invisible, unappreciated, or like you just don't know what to do next. We've got you!

    Did someone share this podcast with you? Be sure to subscribe for all the new episodes!!