Looking forward and updates in a pandemic world. Up and coming additions, changes, and general news, with chant meditation segments. Check out our website at and our Facebook page at we may also be contacted anytime via email at [email protected] NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO and be well!
Fehlende Folgen?
The Dharma is the Path. Various methods of traveling the path. And international council of secular Buddhists for solidarity and collaboration?
Solidarity during Rebellion against racist murder and a plague - The 3 Jewels, The Four Noble Truths, The Eightfold Path, chant meditation and mental emotional housekeeping, right mind, right speech, right ACTIONS. #BlackLivesMatter #Solidarity Dr King, Gandhi, Dr Cornel West and what we can all do to help as Buddhists, humanists, and human beings to help and change the world and end racism and police murderers?
Day of Remembrance and Moving Forward
My story from today's odd events culminating in my final decision to leave Nichiren Shoshū Buddhism entirely and embrace secular Buddhism as a growing grassroots movement, and an attempt to formalize parts of that grassroots community into a secular, Lotus Sutra based school of Buddhism for the 21st century and beyond, based on science, evidence, logic, ethics, compassion etc.
Today and tonight's Intro to Nichiren Buddhism, coming from possibly multiple viewpoints, to which you are are cordially invited. Following is the link to the Facebook event on our FB page which has the Zoom videoconferencing meeting join info: PLEASE JOIN US!
Our first episode and a very high level rambling talk about secular Buddhism movements and how secular Lotus buddhism fits into that big picture and overall into the much larger 2500 year history of more traditional, and typically Asisn based and more theistic Buddhism.