
  • In this episode, they discuss the value of consultants with multiple skill sets who can handle various aspects of a project, potentially replacing the need for multiple agency roles. Both hosts are consultants who bring multiple skill sets to a problem and can do the job of three or four people.

    They also emphasize the importance of patience and taking the time to build out the infrastructure correctly. They suggest building outside the system and implementing technology after thoroughly whiteboarding and mirroring the go-to-market processes. By putting the system on paper and allowing for edits and fixes, companies can ensure a more efficient and effective implementation.

    Additionally, They explore the connection between marketing and sales in go-to-market strategies. Successful companies are those where sales and marketing work together seamlessly. This highlights the need for collaboration and alignment between these two departments to achieve optimal results.

    Overall, the episode emphasizes that designing a solid infrastructure for go-to-market strategies is crucial and should not be rushed. Taking the time to gather accurate data, design processes, and ensure collaboration between marketing and sales will lead to more successful go-to-market efforts.

    [00:00:09] Working with contractors and advisors.

    [00:03:27] Reputation and credibility.

    [00:06:01] Bounce rate and email deliverability.

    [00:10:57] SDRs and email credit scores.

    [00:12:15] Automating MQL to opportunity to close.

    [00:15:10] Conversion and volume in marketing.

    [00:18:10] The North Star.

    [00:22:38] Consultants overpowering agencies.

    [00:24:29] Single point solution contractors.

    [00:28:27] Forms and form strategy.

    [00:30:03] Wasted people hours.

    [00:34:05] Optimizing back end systems.

    [00:36:11] Building systems correctly.

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  • Chuck Reigrut emphasizes the importance of building relationships and providing personalized training to gain trust and make a positive impact on customers. They mention that meeting customers in person, rather than relying solely on online interactions, can help create stronger connections and show that the company is invested in finding solutions that will make the customers' lives easier.

    He also highlights the significance of belief in the products or solutions being offered. Having conviction in the solution and effectively communicating its benefits to customers is crucial to gaining their trust and demonstrating the long-term impact it can have on their students or business.

    Additionally, he discusses the value of maintaining ongoing relationships with customers. They mention that in the SaaS industry, people often change companies every few years, but by providing exceptional support and going out of their way to help customers, the company can leave a lasting impression. This can lead to organic growth through positive word-of-mouth and referrals.

    [00:05:30] Targeting high-value accounts.

    [00:09:43] Importance of selling to small ones.

    [00:14:23] Shooting straight in sales.

    [00:16:55] Money and motivation in sales.

    [00:19:54] Learning from our failures.

    [00:29:01] Successful partnership strategies.

    [00:32:06] Including partners for customer benefit.

    [00:36:24] Channel partnership challenges.

    [00:38:22] The power of partnerships.

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  • Understanding oneself and the target audience is crucial for leadership and sales success. Kristie Jones emphasizes the importance of self-awareness in reaching the next level in one's career and life. This applies to both leadership and sales. Just as selling to the wrong persona can harm one's ability to succeed, not understanding one's own strengths, weaknesses, and goals can hinder success as a leader or salesperson.

    Kristie suggests that sales leaders should ask themselves a question to have a greater impact on their team. By reflecting on their own abilities and aligning them with the needs and preferences of their team, sales leaders can effectively motivate and guide their team members.

    Additionally, the episode highlights the importance of personal development and taking ownership of one's growth. Kristie mentions that sales representatives should not leave their personal development to chance or rely solely on their leaders. Instead, they should actively seek opportunities to learn and improve their skills. This aligns with the idea that understanding oneself includes recognizing areas for growth and taking action to develop those areas.

    [00:02:30] First sales job waiting tables.

    [00:03:06] Switching to higher-end restaurants.

    [00:05:42] Translatable skill set from waiting tables and going into sales.

    [00:11:21] Leadership management training.

    [00:14:32] Your circle matters.

    [00:17:32] Round table collaboration and success.

    [00:21:30] Importance of matching personality traits.

    [00:24:39] Sales perspective in large vs. small companies.

    [00:26:03] The startup world and career choices.

    [00:29:01] Setting goals for success.

    [00:31:40] Severing relationships for personal growth.

    [00:35:00] Verbal skills as secret power.

    [00:40:13] Personal development in sales.

    If you get value from this episode, be sure to subscribe and share the episode with your friends, as we all can benefit from more positivity and leadership in today’s society.

    Be sure to follow Duane Dufault on all the social platforms to get daily hits of tactical advice that you can take action on right away

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  • Lloyed emphasizes the importance of building and leveraging a community for personal growth and success. They highlight that communities provide a sense of connection and camaraderie that is often lacking in business environments. He defines community-led growth as the connection among people with shared values who come together to learn and support each other in a specific topic or area.

    ****AND get Lloyed's new book: "From Grass Roots to Greatness"

  • When scaling up to larger customers, there are five key areas that require attention. The first is winning business, which involves attracting and securing new customers.

    The second key area is crystal-clear ICP. Not just your partnership's ICP, but who EXACTLY fits the solution your partnership solves problems for. And you do this by truly understanding who your partner is, who they sell to, and how your solution fits into your ICP’s business process.

    The third key area is Partner Support. Help your partners win by educating them on the thing I just walked you through. Teach them how to close more deals using the solution and do it often, And you do that by Creating a partner battlecard.

    The fourth key area Give more than you get. This shows you mean what you say and want to win together. Don’t just ask for leads.

    The fifth key is partner under sales. To build a valuable partner ecosystem for your business, you need to have an old-school way of doing business.

    Overall, when scaling up to larger customers, it is important to focus on these five key areas: winning business, Crystal Clear ICP, Partner Support, Give more than you get. and Partner is under sales. By paying attention to these areas, businesses can increase their chances of success and effectively scale their operations.

    If you get value from this episode, be sure to subscribe and share the episode with your friends, as we all can benefit from more positivity and leadership in today’s society.

    [00:01:26] Channel partnerships under sales.

    [00:03:36] Partner program under sales.

    [00:07:21] Give back to your partners.

    [00:09:41] Building Channel Partnerships

    [00:12:22] Partnering with payroll companies.

    [00:15:27] Building profitable partner programs.

    [00:17:39] Creating a connection with partnerships.

    [00:20:28] Building Partner Programs and Winning Business

    [00:23:33] Partner support and training.

    Be sure to follow Duane Dufault on all the social platforms to get daily hits of tactical advice that you can take action on right away

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  • Duane Dufault and Jakub Hon discuss the importance of hiring individuals with a proven track record and experience in the industry. They emphasize that hiring someone who has already been successful in a similar role increases the probability of success for the company.

    Jakub emphasizes the importance of establishing a solid foundation and process early in a business. They mention that many businesses struggle because they lack a clear process. Without a solid foundation, businesses may find themselves using multiple overlapping tools, leading to confusion. They may also struggle to keep track of important information, such as past interactions with prospects.

    The process allows sales reps to focus on understanding the needs of the prospect rather than simply selling to them. This approach reduces haggling and negotiation and increases the likelihood of closing deals. Additionally, having a well-defined process in place can result in better business practices, leading to scalability and ultimately higher profits for the founder.

    [00:01:15] Starting an outsourcing sales company.

    [00:03:48] Different sales team skillsets.

    [00:05:40] Type of salesperson for formalizing sales process.

    [00:08:15] Finding the right sales stage.

    [00:13:33] Scaling too quickly is a mistake.

    [00:15:22] Scaling sales team effectively.

    [00:17:04] Scaling company processes iteratively.

    [00:20:32] Hiring for outbound sales experience.

    [00:22:11] Technology and sales reps.

    [00:26:10] Training vs. Tools for Sales.

    [00:29:27] Pipeline cures all.

    [00:31:49] Buyer intent and customer knowledge.

    [00:33:25] Focusing on the prospect.

    [00:36:13] Sales process and saving millions.

    If you get value from this episode, be sure to subscribe and share the episode with your friends, as we all can benefit from more positivity and leadership in today’s society.

    Be sure to follow Duane Dufault on all the social platforms to get daily hits of tactical advice that you can take action on right away

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  • Duane Dufault highlights the importance of promptly reaching out to leads, especially if they have completed all the necessary steps and activations early on. This is because these leads may be trying to identify any flaws or potential issues with the product before presenting it to their superiors. He suggests that if a significant lead enters the trial or premium program and swiftly completes all the required steps, it is crucial to contact them immediately. By doing so, the company can address any concerns or questions they may have and provide them with the necessary information to effectively present the product to their superiors.

    This proactive approach can help build trust and increase the likelihood of converting these leads into paying customers. Additionally, Duane mentions that, in his experience, the gatekeeper of the customer base is often the one responsible for evaluating the product. Therefore, reaching out to these leads promptly can also help establish a relationship with the decision-maker and facilitate the sales process. Overall, the episode emphasizes the significance of taking control of the conversation with leads and actively engaging with them to address any potential concerns or doubts they may have early on in the process.

    Key Topics:

    [00:00:00] Product-led growth and sales.

    [00:04:26] Selling into larger businesses.

    [00:06:26] Taking control of the conversation.

    If you get value from this episode, be sure to subscribe and share the episode with your friends, as we all can benefit from more positivity and leadership in today’s society.

    Be sure to follow Duane Dufault on all the social platforms to get daily hits of tactical advice that you can take action on right away

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  • Carl Pihl emphasizes the significance of considering not only the primary keyword but also the associated subjects and topics in terms of SEO. Many SEO professionals tend to solely focus on the primary keyword and overlook the related subjects and topics. However, the speaker believes that these associated subjects are actually the most crucial and can greatly impact search engine rankings.

    To support this point, Carl shares his experience launching a new website. He explained that by correctly incorporating associated keywords into their content, they were able to achieve first, second, or third rankings on Google without relying on backlinks or having an established website. This demonstrates the power of optimizing for associated subjects and topics alongside the primary keyword.

    Furthermore, Carl mentions that they now utilize AI to automatically generate pages based on keywords. This indicates that they have recognized the value of incorporating associated subjects and topics into their content creation process.

    [00:01:53] Ticketing Hub creation process.

    [00:03:10] Resilience and overcoming challenges.

    [00:06:38] Scaling a consulting business.

    [00:09:31] Building trust in sales.

    [00:10:16] Lost in London days.

    [00:14:09] Creating genuine connections through networking.

    [00:16:02] SEO and marketing as lost leaders.

    [00:18:09] Validating email addresses.

    [00:20:27] Understanding customer problems through experience.

    [00:23:31] Tracking user behavior and optimization.

    [00:26:06] Handling a major platform failure.

    [00:28:05] Nothing is free.

    [00:30:10] Transparency in business.

    [00:33:30] Retention during COVID.

    [00:35:01] Alternative to fair Harbor.

    [00:38:19] SEO and keyword density.

    [00:41:05] SEO and bootstrapped companies.

    [00:43:01] Building websites on a budget.

    [00:45:35] SEO and website improvements.

    If you get value from this episode, be sure to subscribe and share the episode with your friends, as we all can benefit from more positivity and leadership in today’s society.

    Be sure to follow Duane Dufault on all the social platforms to get daily hits of tactical advice that you can take action on right away

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  • The episode highlights two types of segmentation: demographic segmentation and behavioral segmentation.

    Demographic segmentation categorizes individuals based on common demographic information such as their role, industry, and annual revenue of their business. This type of segmentation focuses on basic characteristics that can typically be found online or through data enrichment platforms. It helps businesses understand the makeup of existing customers and allows them to prioritize certain segments in their sales funnel.

    On the other hand, firmographic segmentation involves segmenting individuals based on their actions, behaviors, and interactions with a product or service. This type of segmentation goes beyond basic demographics and focuses on understanding how customers use the product, who gets the most value out of it, and who pays the most. By analyzing customer behaviors and interactions, businesses can identify their ideal customer profile and optimize their marketing strategies accordingly.

    Both demographic and firmographic segmentation are important for businesses. Demographic segmentation provides a basic understanding of the customer base, while firmographic segmentation delves deeper into customer actions and preferences. By combining these two types of segmentation, businesses can gain a comprehensive understanding of their customers and prospects, prioritize their sales efforts, and optimize their marketing strategies to attract more of their ideal customers.

    If you get value from this episode, be sure to subscribe and share the episode with your friends, as we all can benefit from more positivity and leadership in today’s society.

    Be sure to follow Duane Dufault on all the social platforms to get daily hits of tactical advice that you can take action on right away

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  • Duane Dufault and Adam Jay discuss the importance of prioritizing tasks and having a realistic understanding of timeframes to achieve better outcomes and avoid falling into the trap of impatience. They highlight the common problem of founders and venture capitalists who believe that everything is urgent and a priority, leading to a sense of impatience and unrealistic expectations. Adam Jay emphasizes that if everything is urgent, then nothing is truly urgent or a priority.

    They explain that it is crucial to listen to experts who can provide realistic timelines and expectations. By understanding how long it will realistically take to make changes or achieve certain goals, founders can set more achievable targets and avoid the disappointment and frustration that come with unrealistic expectations. Adam also mentions that impatience is a mindset that often stems from the desire for immediate returns, but it is not necessarily the best approach for long-term success.

    The episode also touches on the idea that fast growth does not always equate to good growth. While there are examples of companies that have experienced rapid and successful growth, Adam suggests that slow and steady growth is often more sustainable and ultimately leads to better outcomes. They compare the journey of building a business to a marathon rather than a sprint, emphasizing the need for deliberate and thoughtful growth strategies.

    If you get value from this episode, be sure to subscribe and share the episode with your friends, as we all can benefit from more positivity and leadership in today’s society.

    Be sure to follow Duane Dufault on all the social platforms to get daily hits of tactical advice that you can take action on right away

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  • The episode also touches on the mindset of sales managers. Duane Dufault points out that many first-time sales managers, as well as senior sales managers, often have a misguided perspective on their role.

    They may focus too much on managing from a numbers perspective, constantly monitoring metrics and performance indicators. Duane suggests that true sales leadership involves helping the team develop and become more effective sellers rather than solely focusing on managing their behavior and adherence to goals.

    One of the key responsibilities of a sales leader is to understand and address the roadblocks that hinder their team's performance. These roadblocks can range from skill gaps to inefficient processes or tools. Duane suggests that one of the biggest roadblocks in sales is the lack of necessary skill sets among sales leaders and managers. Therefore, a servant-minded sales leader should actively work on developing their team's skills by providing coaching, training, and support.

    [00:00:20] Sales leadership misconceptions.

    [00:04:24] Sales roadblocks.

    [00:08:21] Serving your sales team.

    [00:10:07] Servant-minded leadership.

    [00:12:16] Improving product for better deals.

    If you get value from this episode, be sure to subscribe and share the episode with your friends, as we all can benefit from more positivity and leadership in today’s society.

    Be sure to follow Duane Dufault on all the social platforms to get daily hits of tactical advice that you can take action on right away

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  • Sam Jacobs and Duane Dufualt discuss the concept of "growing at any cost" in the tech industry. They question whether this strategy of aggressively grabbing market share and spending large amounts of money actually pays off in the long run. They mention companies like Slack and UiPath as examples of successful businesses that have grown rapidly. They also explore the influence of boards and competitive pressure in driving this mentality.

    Duane Dufualt discusses the idea that strengthening a business's position doesn't always require spending more money. They emphasize the importance of solidifying relationships with existing customers and forming partnerships as a way to create value without incurring additional costs.

    They highlight the significance of understanding customers and creating the relationships that customers need. This involves prioritizing the right actions and taking the time to do the unsexy things that put a business in the best position in the long term. Flashy widgets and expensive marketing campaigns are not sustainable strategies for enhancing a business's position.

    [00:01:31] Competitive pressure and anxiety.

    [00:03:06] Mark Roberge's acceleration formula.

    [00:05:39] Understanding business sustainability.

    [00:10:37] The expectation for growth.

    [00:11:25] The Fed printing money.

    [00:15:58] Strengthening position without spending.

    [00:18:15] Wartime versus peacetime mindset.

    [00:20:29] Sophisticated revenue growth strategies.

    [00:24:09] The risk of limited perspectives.

    [00:28:19] Building a network outside of work.

    [00:30:36] Side hustles and loyalty.

    [00:34:10] Building a community.

    [00:36:55] Understanding the piano and financial statements.

    [00:39:10] Making data-driven decisions.

    If you get value from this episode, be sure to subscribe and share the episode with your friends, as we all can benefit from more positivity and leadership in today’s society.

    Be sure to follow Duane Dufault on all the social platforms to get daily hits of tactical advice that you can take action on right away

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  • They emphasizes the importance of always being prepared and practicing in sales. They mention that in order to perform at a high level when it counts, one must put in many hours of practice beforehand. They argue that simply showing up and practicing on the spot is not enough. Matt, believes that this mentality of continuous practice is missing in most professional situations today.

    Duane Dufault mentions a quote that has stuck with them: "You're always preparing whether you like it or not." They relate this quote to sales and highlight the importance of always being ready, rather than waiting until you think you're ready. They believe that individuals who understand this concept and have a mentality of continuous practice are the ones who achieve success in sales.

    Furthermore, They discusses the importance of leaders creating a coaching culture in sales organizations. They suggest that leaders should prioritize practice and training, rather than reprimanding or pushing people into training environments. They argue that this approach will create a "pull effect" where individuals are motivated to invest in their own professional development and continuously improve their skills.

    [00:01:37] Conversion rates and metrics.

    [00:03:23] Taking time to unpack data.

    [00:07:29] Investing in human capital.

    [00:10:03] Practice to performance ratio.

    [00:14:52] Motivation for professional development.

    [00:17:01] Creating a training environment.

    [00:19:53] Building a culture of sales readiness.

    If you get value from this episode, be sure to subscribe and share the episode with your friends, as we all can benefit from more positivity and leadership in today’s society.

    Be sure to follow Duane Dufault on all the social platforms to get daily hits of tactical advice that you can take action on right away

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  • Duane Dufualt emphasizes the importance of asking better form questions on lead forms in order to determine the potential ROI of leads and target higher value leads. The host suggests that simply asking for a name and email is not sufficient and does not provide enough information to assess the potential value of a lead.

    To determine the potential ROI of a lead, the host recommends asking questions that are directly connected to how the business charges for its product or service. For example, if a company charges based on the number and type of features used, the form could include a question about the specific features the lead is interested in. If the company charges per seat or user, the form could include a question about the number of users the lead intends to have.

    By asking these types of questions, businesses can gather valuable information about the potential value of a lead. This information can then be used to prioritize leads and determine which ones should be immediately sent to the sales team, which ones should be nurtured through marketing campaigns, and which ones can be put on hold.

    [00:00:31] Inefficient lead acquisition process.

    [00:04:11] Usage bands and pricing.

    [00:07:10] Efficient sales process through lead forms.

    If you get value from this episode, be sure to subscribe and share the episode with your friends, as we all can benefit from more positivity and leadership in today’s society.

    Be sure to follow Duane Dufault on all the social platforms to get daily hits of tactical advice that you can take action on right away

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  • This episode touches on the ongoing focus on top-of-funnel lead generation for organizations, regardless of the target audience. Matt Green acknowledges that this has been a challenge for organizations even prior to Q3 of the previous year. However, with the introduction of AI-based tools like chat and GPT, coupled with the fact that every organization now has a BDR team or equivalent, the space has become increasingly crowded.

    The emphasis on top-of-funnel lead generation stems from the goal of retaining existing customers and maximizing revenue, particularly in the B2B SaaS and startup sectors. The speaker highlights that the industry is finally recognizing the importance of making informed decisions rather than simply increasing sales reps or marketing efforts without considering the conversion rate of leads.

    [00:01:00] Founding Sales Assembly

    [00:05:02] Community learning.

    [00:08:30] Top of funnel challenges.

    [00:12:40] VC versus private equity.

    [00:15:07] Thinking long-term for success.

    [00:18:22] Rev ops as first hire.

    If you get value from this episode, be sure to subscribe and share the episode with your friends, as we all can benefit from more positivity and leadership in today’s society.

    Be sure to follow Duane Dufault on all the social platforms to get daily hits of tactical advice that you can take action on right away

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  • In the episode, Duane and Jordan discuss the importance of learning from and observing successful sales reps to develop the necessary skills for success in sales. They mention that many sales training programs and resources focus on building habits and skill sets around specific metrics and strategies. However, they argue that once a sales rep has developed these habits and skills and finds themselves in a new sales environment, these habits may actually be detrimental.

    Instead, Jordan suggests that one way for a sales rep to transition into a new style of selling is through observation and learning from successful reps within their organization. They highlight the importance of listening and being curious, and mention that some BDRs within their company have risen through the ranks by adopting these qualities.

    Jordan also emphasizes the value of challenging executives and asking tough questions. They observe that many executives enjoy a challenge because so many people around them just listen to them. By being able to match executives intellectually and ask thought-provoking questions.

    [00:01:53] Heavy research and strategic outreach.

    [00:04:26] Hyper focus on quality.

    [00:08:58] Confidence and intellectual curiosity.

    [00:11:03] Insecurities and self-doubt in sales.

    [00:14:09] Tough times and highlighting the good.

    [00:18:37] Dialing in on the data.

    [00:20:03] Reaching for career opportunities.

    If you get value from this episode, be sure to subscribe and share the episode with your friends, as we all can benefit from more positivity and leadership in today’s society.

    Be sure to follow Duane Dufault on all the social platforms to get daily hits of tactical advice that you can take action on right away

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  • Duane emphasizes the importance of integrating product usage data into the CRM, particularly in a sales-led motion within a product-led growth strategy. He highlights the significance of sales teams having access to this data and knowing how to leverage it during the sales process. By having visibility into the prospect's product usage, sales reps can better guide and support the prospect, leading to a more effective sales approach.

    Key Takeaways:

    Get a tool that's focused on the ideal outcome, not just what you're good at.Stop trying to piece everything together, making it hard to get to that outcome. Simplify your tools.Make it easy for your sales team to execute.Use Hubspot to get everything in one place.

    Overall, this episode sheds light on the challenges faced by salespeople when managing multiple tools and data points. It underscores the need for a consolidated tool that streamlines and simplifies the sales process, enabling sales reps to be more effective and efficient in their roles.

    If you get value from this episode, be sure to subscribe and share the episode with your friends, as we all can benefit from more positivity and leadership in today’s society.

    Be sure to follow Duane Dufault on all the social platforms to get daily hits of tactical advice that you can take action on right away

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  • Jordan Kennedy discusses the importance of focusing on the outcome and value of a product or service rather than solely on its functionality. They explain that when companies become too focused on demonstrating product features and conducting feature-heavy demos, they can lose the emotional connection with the customer and hinder the sales process.

    By shifting the conversation to emphasize the desired outcome and the value that the product or service can provide, companies can create a sense of urgency and accelerate the sales process. He also mentions that this shift in conversation has marked a significant change in their sales approach. They highlight that by focusing on outcome and value, they have found success in sales across different markets and segments.

    Additionally, he mentions that this shift in conversation also affects the types of conversations and individuals they engage with. In the past, the focus was on selling product features and engaging with internal guides, but now the emphasis is on value-led sales and engaging with decision-makers who are interested in the business change and transformation that the product or service can bring.

    [00:02:19] The dark web and tracking.

    [00:03:22] Proving the value of SEO.

    [00:07:04] Transitioning to enterprise sales.

    [00:11:41] Shifting sales conversations.

    [00:14:40] Intellectual curiosity in sales.

    [00:18:28] Tailoring solutions to businesses.

    [00:20:02] Seasonal impact on sales cycle.

    If you get value from this episode, be sure to subscribe and share the episode with your friends, as we all can benefit from more positivity and leadership in today’s society.

    Be sure to follow Duane Dufault on all the social platforms to get daily hits of tactical advice that you can take action on right away

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  • In this episode, Michelle Benfer underscores the importance of meaningful thinking and strategic thinking as opposed to simply focusing on tasks. They express the need for time to think and concentrate on reports and strategic work without being constantly tied up in meetings. They acknowledge that having too many meetings does not benefit their team or the people they interact with.

    She believes that dedicating less time to tasks and prioritizing meaningful and strategic thinking can lead to greater rewards. They explain that meaningful thinking involves contemplating important topics and making decisions based on careful consideration. Strategic thinking involves planning and developing strategies to achieve long-term goals.

    [00:02:10] Setting up systems for success.

    [00:04:36] Taking a month off.

    [00:08:47] Simplicity and reducing clutter.

    [00:10:24] Differentiating coaching plans and development plans.

    [00:15:40] Maintaining trust and authenticity.

    [00:18:33] Moving to a four-day workweek.

    If you get value from this episode, be sure to subscribe and share the episode with your friends, as we all can benefit from more positivity and leadership in today’s society.

    Be sure to follow Duane Dufault on all the social platforms to get daily hits of tactical advice that you can take action on right away

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  • This episode underscores the importance of candidates possessing business acumen and a genuine interest in understanding the inner workings of the company they work with. Michelle discusses how this is vital for selling to mid-market, enterprise, and even some SMBs. They acknowledge that candidates, especially younger ones, often lack interest in the business aspect. However, they emphasize that having business acumen is essential for effective selling and linking the value of a product to the customer's business.

    They also highlight the significance of experimentation and the commitment to adapt, evolve, grow, and innovate in sales strategies. Michelle emphasizes that running experiments is necessary to explore uncharted territories, acknowledging that some experiments will succeed while others may not. Despite the possibility of failure, the commitment to experimentation is crucial for sales strategies to adopt new approaches and evolve.

    Michelle suggested that companies may be hesitant to experiment due to the pressure of meeting revenue targets and the challenges of keeping up with demand, particularly in the context of digital transformation. However, they emphasize the importance of embracing experimentation and learning from both successes and failures to drive growth and innovation in sales.

    [00:02:21] Transition to SaaS

    [00:04:11] Behind the scenes tech experience.

    [00:09:54] The pioneers within organizations.

    [00:10:41] Commitment to experimentation in sales.

    [00:16:18] Reps facing challenges and learning.

    [00:19:15] Lack of business acumen.

    [00:20:57] Reps' impact on retention.

    If you get value from this episode, be sure to subscribe and share the episode with your friends, as we all can benefit from more positivity and leadership in today’s society.

    Be sure to follow Duane Dufault on all the social platforms to get daily hits of tactical advice that you can take action on right away

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