You are enjoying a walk with your four-legged friend, when they do a big stinker on the street. Don't worry — you're prepared! You've brought the dog poo bags! But do you really have to carry the smelly parcel of poo all the way home? Is it okay to put your dog poo in someone else's bin?
Thanks to Genevieve for this stinky dilemma!
Everyone says it's good to be kind and that acts of kindness can make the world a better place. But often we aren't as kind as we could or should be. So should we pay people to be kind? Would it make the world a better place?
Thank you to Pepper for this awesome question!
It's fun to hang out with our friends, but sometimes we need a bit of alone time. Maybe you want to listen to your favourite music and sing along loudly. Or curl up in a special place and read a book. So should you always say yes if someone asks if they can come over to your house?
Thanks to Melissa for this curly question!
We all love getting presents, but what about when you get a gift you don't like and will never use? So what should you do with unwanted gifts? Is it ok to give them away or do you have to keep them forever?
Thanks to Oscar for this curious question!
It must be hard work being a teacher and trying to get a classroom of kids to behave. But is it ok for teachers to bribe kids with lollies to get them to be good?
Thanks to Milly for this curious question!
There's drama. There's competition. And there's usually a few tears as well. Reality TV takes everyday people and throws them into weird and exciting and sometimes stressful situations. But is it really real? And is it fair? And should we watch these shows at all?
Brains Trust – Linden Park Primary School, Adelaide – Linda, Elina, Jescinta, Dhyana, Siera, Justine
Right this very moment, are you awake or are you dreaming? You're awake, right? But are you sure? Maybe you're just in the middle of a very realistic dream? Philosophers have been debating this question for centuries. And we are going to solve it today! Or are we?
Brains Trust – Linden Park Primary School, Adelaide – Genevieve, Grace, Alexa, Poppy, Chelsea, Sophie
Molly and Carl have just found out that some people earn a lot more money than they do, and this just makes no cents (pun intended). So how do we decide what different types of jobs should be paid? What about if those jobs are dangerous? If they take many years of training and study? Or if they will make the world a better place?
Brains Trust – Linden Park Primary School, Adelaide – Genevieve, Grace, Alexa, Poppy, Chelsea, Sophie
Would you like to learn to speak whale language at school instead of Italian or Mandarin? Molly and Carl go on a deep-sea mission to test a new translation device that will let them talk to whales. But even if they manage to make the technology work, will they be able to truly understand each other? Come dive with us and find out.
Brains Trust – Linden Park Primary School, Adelaide – Ivy, Finn, Oliver, Ken, Aaron, Nicholas
Did you know rats are very smart and curious creatures? They laugh when they are tickled, they can take care of each other, and they are actually quite clean. Millions of them are also used in painful scientific experiments to test new drugs and medical theories. Researchers do all this to help humans. But some say these animals deserve a better life. So, what should we do?
Brains Trust – Linden Park Primary School, Adelaide – Linda, Elina, Jescinta, Dhyana, Siera, Justine -
Our parents have their own beliefs, and they'll often try to teach us to have the same.
Must we believe what our parents believe? Is it disrespectful to question it?
A big thank you to Hazel for this curly question!
You get an award at school, your dog learns a new trick, or your mum lands a great job – they're all moments we can be proud of.
When that pride swells inside, it makes us want to tell the whole world!
But is it being proud of yourself or just showing off? What's the difference?
There's nothing like munching on your favourite snacks and watching all your favourite shows and movies. You're not making lots of noise or bothering anyone too.
So, why can't you watch TV all day?
Thank you to Amelia and Evie for the great question!
We see advertisements all the time. There are companies that say their yoghurt can make us smarter or their pillows will help us sleep better. Some even say their clothes or cars will help the environment!
They may not be lying, but they're also not telling the whole truth.
So, is it okay to advertise things that aren't true?
Thank you to Ahuva for this colourful question! We also love 'Who wants a virtual life?' too!
It's always different when you visit or go past another school.
They have different teachers, buildings, books, and activities. Sometimes they even have private football fields and really fancy computers!
So, is it okay for some schools to have more money than others? What about those of us who can't attend those fancy, rich schools?
Molly is a superfan of the singer Jackfruit Jones (don't try Googling him, we made him up). But she's in for a shock when Carl tells her what Jackfruit is like in real life. Jackfruit Jones has done some bad stuff! So should she keep listening to his music? And can you dislike the artist and still love the art?
Brains Trust – Westmead Public School, Sydney: Swetha, Reyansh, Anirudh, Reya, Kushagra, Ashvita
We all know Carl loves cats. But did you know that Carl is actually a super-rich millionaire who loves cats so much that when he dies, he wants his vast fortune to be spent on trying to teach cats to read? Which might actually be impossible! Should people get to decide what happens with their money after they are gone? Even if what they want is ridiculous?
Brains Trust – Westmead Public School, Sydney: Swetha, Reyansh, Anirudh, Reya, Kushagra, Ashvita
Is it okay to not invite all your friends to your birthday party? Molly has an exciting plan for her next birthday party and she can't wait to invite her best and closest friends. The only trouble is she has five close friends but she can only invite four people. What should she do? And what should you say to people who aren't invited?
Brains Trust – Westmead Public School, Sydney: Sarah, Mariam, Adhit, Kenny, Panayiotis, Alaina and Ryan
There's a small village of elves who have a magical gemstone that brings them great prosperity. But one day a group of fairies turn up claiming the stone originally belonged to them. Hundreds of years ago, the elves' ancestors stole it from them, and now they want it back. So what's the right thing to do? Who should get to keep the gem?
Brains Trust – Westmead Public School, Sydney: Swetha, Reyansh, Anirudh, Reya, Kushagra, Ashvita
Queuing up for HOURS to go on a 30-second water slide is so annoying! But what if you could pay money to go straight to the front of the queue? Going on a water slide can be so much fun, but not when you're standing in a massive queue in wet swimmers waiting for just 30 seconds of squealing excitement. Many water slide parks allow you to pay extra money for an express pass that lets you jump in front of everyone else waiting in line.
Brains Trust – Westmead Public School, Sydney: Sarah, Mariam, Adhit, Kenny, Panayiotis, Alaina (CHECK SP) and Ryan
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