
  • Sammy and Kristen start diving into the heart center and contemplate what it means in the realm of dreams. We differentiate some language used for the heart center like image, shame versus guilt, and how that stems from object relations. We share a few of our own personal dreams that could be illustrating heart-centered motions between the dream ego and the ego of waking life. We’re excited to expand on all of these topics as the wisdom of our dreams begin to help us through this journey.


    Josh Lavine & John Luckovich’s course on the Developmental View of the Centers;

    ‘Disgust; the gateway emotion for healing toxic shame’

    ‘Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma’ by Peter Levine

    ‘Thought of the Heart’ essay by James Hillman

  • Sammy and Kristen continue the previous conversation by sharing their dreams that they incubated to see how the body center might be operating in their unconscious. They asked their unconscious; ‘What am I asking another to hold?’ and they received answers which they begin to break apart and understand. These dreams can show a way in which listeners can see and listen to the body center within the realm of their own dreams and processes or experiences of life.


    James Hillman’s ‘Senex and Puer’ lectures

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  • Sammy and Kristen talk about what object relations might be highlighting about the body center and the unconscious. We break down the previously mentioned concepts of the container, blurred boundaries, anger, unconscious identification, and how all of this could be showing up in each of the body types.

    All of the body types/centers are dissociated and confused where their boundaries really are or where they are not. With the idea of ‘holding’, both in the environment and with others, we can learn how to make more space for parts of us that are outcasted or unloved. Using dreams as a way to see where or who we’re projecting these parts of us in can be a useful way to strengthen our container and identify our true boundaries.


    Josh Lavine & John Luckovich’s course on the Developmental View of the Centers;

    Josh Lavine’s ‘Focusing’ podcast episode;

  • Kristen and Kaisa discuss possible dream symbols to track for the body center. We talk about abstract concepts such as considering the environment of a dream and the psychological processing of alchemy. More obvious symbols like fire, forges, blood, animals, and actual bodies in the dream are also talked about and explored both objectively and personally.

    We talk a lot about our relationships to where the body’s energy may be trapped or unresolved, and what the symbols of dreams could be showing us on how to work with that and help it to actually move in a more productive and freeing way. Distinguishing these parts and beginning to separate them from the other centers or instincts can be useful when isolating work on the body center.


    ‘Illustrated Encyclopedia of Traditional Symbols’ by J. C. Cooper

    ‘Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma’ by Peter Levine

    James Hillman ‘The Alchemy of Psychology’

  • Sammy and Kristen take over the podcast conversation today to talk about their personal journeys so far on the body center. We talk about recent dream imagery, personal associations that have transformed, and discoveries we’ve had on the connections to our bodies and what’s all ‘hiding’ in this center.

    Because of the free-flowing nature of this conversation; we also talk about families, the instincts, ‘bitter’ medicine, cognitive functions, mortality, strength, and more!


    ‘The Soul’s Code’ by James Hillman

    James Hillman ‘The Alchemy of Psychology’

    ‘The Tarot, A Key to the Wisdom of Ages’ by Paul Foster Case

    ‘Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma’ by Peter Levine

  • We answer a listener’s question that came along in time for us to talk about the body center and how it relates to the sexual instinct and sexuality. We talk about what it means to feel attraction and desire and how that projection (like we discovered with anger) can help us develop a relationship to our bodies as the container of these experiences, and show us our path to individuation.

    If any listeners have question or dreams, please send them to [email protected]

    For personal dream work with Kristen, you can visit or email [email protected] to consider available services.


    Marion Woodman’s books and work

    Lacan’s theory ‘There Is No Sexual Relation’ -

    Jung’s ‘Syzygy’ -

    James Hillman ‘The Alchemy of Psychology’

  • Kaisa and Kristen recount a very recent story that is relevant to the discussion on anger in the body. We’ve had a lot of internal reactions to the topics we talk about on the podcast, and we were fortunate enough this time to be able to share personal observations on anger as a teacher; the projection, the internal reflections, and the repair. Kaisa also shares a dream that came right after the event, and how it has all helped shift things within her attitudes and connection to life.


    ‘Women Who Run With The Wolves’ by Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés

    Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma’ by Peter Levine

  • Kristen and Kaisa explore the topic of anger and rage in the body center. We discuss how anger can initially be projected, but the real work is within undergoing an internal process that requires contemplation of the source and direction of energy. Anger can be a creative process and actually regenerate modes of energy stuck within the body. Through uncovering our own relationship to anger in dreams and life, we start to understand how it can be cultivated and used as a tool.

    We also look at how anger has appeared in mythology such as the archetype of Ares and Hephaestus. Anger can show up not only when boundaries are being disrespected, but also when feelings of being ‘pushed out’ or outcasted appear. Looking at these examples can help understand the complexities of anger and how it can become more conscious. The contemplation and reflection of anger is essential in the process of individuation. ‘Releases’ from anger such as creativity, grief, or humor is also a helpful part of working with the intense experience.


    ‘Anger as Inner Transformation’ by Stephen A. Martin

    ‘Women Who Run With The Wolves’ by Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés

    ‘Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma’ by Peter Levine

  • We talk about what the ‘container’ is and how it relates to the body center. The container is important in understanding emotions and sensations and allowing them to be felt, known, acknowledged, and understood. We talk about what it’s like to set up a container to allow these experiences to be explored, and how that could impact the connection to your body center.

    We also discuss topics such as emotion versus sensation, trauma, expressing language, the unconscious body versus the subtle body, etc. Separating the narratives from what is the body and its sensations and natural instincts is where the work of the body center really takes place.


    ‘Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma’ by Peter Levine

    ‘Addiction to Perfection’ and ‘Dancing in the Flames’ by Marion Woodman

    Robert Bosnak and his work on Embodied Imagination (online and YouTube)

    ‘You Sexy Thing’ by Hot Chocolate ;

  • Kaisa takes the stage in this episode as she describes her recent experiences in developing a relationship to her body center. As she works to transform her external life, we also explore how that’s being reflected in her internal life. The other two hosts chime in with ideas and abilities to relate to how deep and complex the body center can operate daily and within the realm of dreams.

    They also discuss the topics for future body center episodes like ‘the container’ and ‘anger’, and how that might show up in life and in dreams.

    To have a dream interpreted by Kristen, visit -

    Email us questions or dreams that were inspired by this podcast at [email protected] !

  • The hosts begin to discuss where their minds are going when looking at the Enneagram Centers of Intelligence. The team explores how they feel the centers both as a concept and how they’re operating in their lives. They briefly discuss what the centers are and their first impressions of how they operate in the unconscious versus the personality. The conversation mainly starts to dive into the body center, where we’ll begin the journey of the Centers.

    Links to the three ‘disturbing’ archetypes living within each of the hosts:

    Kristen’s ‘Wormtongue’ -

    Sammy’s ‘Revolting Slob’ -

    Kaisa’s ‘Darth Vader’ -

    To have a dream interpreted by Kristen, visit -

    Email us questions or dreams that were inspired by this podcast at [email protected] !

  • As we start to wrap up our exploration of the sexual instinct, the hosts share their personal journey over the past couple of months. They go back to the starting point, discovering how each person had a different psychic place where this material impacted them. The conversation unfolds into the nooks and crannies of the middle part as themes of body, matter, spirit, and social complexes take form. By the end, in true sexual instinct fashion, the current mess of the hosts’ progress is expressed as themes of vulnerability, pleasure, and how we treat ourselves.

    To have a dream interpreted by Kristen, visit -

    To get Instinctual Drives of the Enneagram by John Luckovich, visit -

    For more of David Gray’s instinct descriptions, visit-

    And don’t forget to check out or the Big Hormone Enneagram Podcast for more info on the Instincts and Enneagram!

    Email us questions or dreams that were inspired by this podcast at [email protected] !

  • For part two of sex in dreams, we explore the more spiritual and archetypal connections of the sexual instinct and the act of sex. Kaisa brings in concepts revolving around Pan, Eros, the culture’s projections and current struggles, love and creation, sexual energy transfer, and emotional connections. A lot of the topics discussed evoke personal emotions, dreams, and stories that we can relate to and expand on for our path towards inner work and growth.

    To have a dream interpreted by Kristen, visit -

    To get Instinctual Drives of the Enneagram by John Luckovich, visit -

    For more of David Gray’s instinct descriptions, visit-

    And don’t forget to check out or the Big Hormone Enneagram Podcast for more info on the Instincts and Enneagram!

    Email us questions or dreams that were inspired by this podcast at [email protected] !

  • The trio is back to revisit the mysterious concept of Anima/Animus. The concept is discussed more abstractly this time, exploring the ‘third’ element’s role and energetic component when working with dreams. We talk about how the Anima/Animus wants to challenge who we think we are and how we think we should operate in the world based on our unconscious, habitual patterns in our instincts and type. Focusing on the more uncomfortable things to bring to consciousness, we allow ourselves to be more fluid and adaptable in order to strengthen and familiarize ourselves with our inner Other. We speak a lot about how popular the negative inner Other is in others and within our own personal lives in order to maybe shed some more light on an authentic connection.

    To have a dream interpreted by Kristen, visit -

    To get Instinctual Drives of the Enneagram by John Luckovich, visit -

    For more of David Gray’s instinct descriptions, visit-

    And don’t forget to check out or the Big Hormone Enneagram Podcast for more info on the Instincts and Enneagram!

    Email us questions or dreams that were inspired by this podcast at [email protected] !

  • Continuing our previous conversation, Kristen and Kaisa dive into the dream symbols of sexual blinds’ dreams. We pull from examples of themes in many sexual blinds, including Kristen’s own personal reflections. The inner ‘Other’ is talked about as it could ‘clothe’ itself in a distant, unobtainable figure, which sparks a conversation about sexual blinds desiring comfort and validation rather than distinguishing their own unique polarity and taking a risk. The Patriarchy is brought up again, and how this personal and societal concept is embedded in our psyche and therefore influences our sense of sexuality. We also talk about partners, exes, and strangers, and how to start to differentiate what we might be associating with them in a dream.

    To have a dream interpreted by Kristen, visit -

    To get Instinctual Drives of the Enneagram by John Luckovich, visit -

    For more of David Gray’s instinct descriptions, visit-

    And don’t forget to check out or the Big Hormone Enneagram Podcast for more info on the Instincts and Enneagram!

    Email us questions or dreams that were inspired by this podcast at [email protected] !

  • With our Princess Sammy missing, Kaisa and Kristen discuss the symbols that could appear in sexual types’ dreams. We first discuss some general, archetypal symbols that might be commenting on the sexual instinct.

    We thought it was best to separate the symbols in dreams by sexual types and sexual blinds, since the feelings and energies are usually hiding more within the sexual instinct rather than within just the tangible symbols and situations. For sexual types, we talk about repulsive people or objects, liminal spaces, and magical or godly images. This also invites conversations about the ego self axis, polarities in the sexual instinct, and how the ego may be using the persona to achieve sexual goals.

    To have a dream interpreted by Kristen, visit -

    To get Instinctual Drives of the Enneagram by John Luckovich, visit -

    For more of David Gray’s instinct descriptions, visit-

    And don’t forget to check out or the Big Hormone Enneagram Podcast for more info on the Instincts and Enneagram!

    Email us questions or dreams that were inspired by this podcast at [email protected] !

  • It’s finally here; we’re talking about sex in dreams and how it relates to the sexual instinct. In this unplanned, spontaneous episode, we discuss anything that comes to mind with sex in dreams and what it could mean. We talk about a few of our own dreams and make interesting distinctions of what’s ‘missing’ based on our instinct stacking.

    We ‘let go’ of our usual, informative banter in this one; having more of a free-flowing discussion and making a lot of room for jokes. We’ll try to take it more seriously in Part Two!

    To have a dream interpreted by Kristen, visit -

    To get Instinctual Drives of the Enneagram by John Luckovich, visit -

    For more of David Gray’s instinct descriptions, visit-

    And don’t forget to check out or the Big Hormone Enneagram Podcast for more info on the Instincts and Enneagram!

    Email us questions or dreams that were inspired by this podcast at [email protected] !

  • In this episode we enter through the triangle and discover what 1+1 really is, and why the magic number 3 could be a portal through transcending our usual suffering of jealousy and anger. We break apart the tension of polarities and how to use that tension for accessing a third perspective. Understanding how the ‘third’ element is showing up in an unconscious way, and how to cultivate a more authentic ‘third’ aspect whether alone or in a relationship, can strengthen the connection to a person’s sexual instinct.

    Kaisa shares a personal story to illustrate the impact of triangulation in waking life. We also give a few examples of dreams that have mirrored the process, and different ways to ‘play’ within the triangle and break out of the typical pattern of awareness. We wrap up the podcast by reflecting on a few different ideas of masculinity, femininity, and the Eternal Now.

    To have a dream interpreted by Kristen, visit -

    To get Instinctual Drives of the Enneagram by John Luckovich, visit -

    For more of David Gray’s instinct descriptions, visit-

    And don’t forget to check out or the Big Hormone Enneagram Podcast for more info on the Instincts and Enneagram!

    Email us questions or dreams that were inspired by this podcast at [email protected] !

  • A second mythological theme we look at in this episode is dismembering and reassembling. This theme is shown through shamanic traditions and the myths of Dionysus, Osiris, Ymir, etc. We discuss why dismembering and reassembling would be important in the sexual instinct, and also how it might show up in an egoic way. We bring in some of our own dreams where this theme shows up.

    Along with this mythology, there is also an aspect of ‘eating of the flesh’. Since the veil between this world and the realm of the dead is thin around the time of Halloween/Samhain, we get extra spooky in this conversation with topics of fleshy spiders and eating corpses.

    To have a dream interpreted by Kristen, visit -

    To get Instinctual Drives of the Enneagram by John Luckovich, visit -

    For more of David Gray’s instinct descriptions, visit-

    And don’t forget to check out or the Big Hormone Enneagram Podcast for more info on the Instincts and Enneagram!

    Email us questions or dreams that were inspired by this podcast at [email protected] !

  • To begin our dive into some of the mythology of the sexual instinct, Sammy presents a dream she’s had on this journey so far. It has a strange connection with the story of Hephaestus, so we discuss the similarities and differences, and how it all relates to Sammy’s process and the sexual instinct itself. Sammy’s story mirrors Hephaestus, going all the way back to her birth and the medicine the dream could be giving her now. We talk about how this myth is alive today in the collective, and therefore operating in each of us somewhere individually. The trouble of accessing creativity, the building of resentment and pain, the archetypes hiding under our own complexes, and other topics start to unfold in this conversation.

    The book we are referencing from in this podcast is The Principle of Individuation by Murray Stein.

    To have a dream interpreted by Kristen, visit -

    To get Instinctual Drives of the Enneagram by John Luckovich, visit -

    For more of David Gray’s instinct descriptions, visit-

    And don’t forget to check out or the Big Hormone Enneagram Podcast for more info on the Instincts and Enneagram!

    Email us questions or dreams that were inspired by this podcast at [email protected] !