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In this episode of So Hard, psychosexual expert Justina Victoria dives into the key components often missing in relationships, especially for those struggling with insecure attachment styles. If relationships feel like an uphill battle despite your best efforts, this episode is for you. Justina reveals two essential pieces to creating the relationship you've always desired—vetting potential partners properly and mastering communication, particularly around feelings, needs, and boundaries. Learn how to break patterns that keep you stuck and transform the way you approach conflict resolution, connection, and personal growth in relationships. Whether you're frustrated with dating or ready to give up on relationships entirely, Justina offers a path forward with actionable insights that will help you thrive in love. -
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In this episode, I talk about what it means to "be yourself" and why it's the most attractive and healthy direction to go. -
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In this episode, I weight in on what erectile dysfunction really is after working to cure my clients of it for the last decade.
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In this episode we explore how conditioning shapes our perceptions of intimate encounters. -
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Have an issue with coming across needy and feel like you've tried to hide it in a million different ways and tried all kinds of advice on the internet to make yourself seem more confident or like you don't care?! This episode is for you. <3 -
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In today's episode, Justina talks about how looking for red flags is ruining your chances of creating a healthy relationship and what to do instead that is simple, easy and gets straight to the point of whether or not someone is a fit for you. -
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In this episode, we explore a question asked to me by one of my audience members about what to do when his girlfriend says she's fine but she is clearly not fine.
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I wanted to share with you an incredibly common anxiety that I've experienced day in and day out in my work. The fear of being gay. Many of my clients suffer from this fear and for those who don't it can seem funny or ridiculous, but it's something that genuinely tortures the men who carry this deep fear. Constantly being bombarded with thoughts like, “Am I attracted to that man over there?! Do I find these women attractive?? Am I gay?? What is wrong with me?!" I have also found that many of the men I know outside of work, including my husband, have gone through a phase or two of anxiety around their sexual orientation. I made this video to create understanding of how this fear develops, why it manifests in a way that can feel overwhelming and some information that can soothe you if you carry this fear.
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There is a little millisecond of space between the external stimulus that’s triggering you and your automatic response to protect yourself. And in that space is gold. In that space is choice. In that space is where you connect to your deepest power.
Justina Victoria is a men's expert and sex coach. Check her out at
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Men's Sex Coach, Justina Victoria, hosts So Hard - A Podcast for Boys which aims to create a space for men to talk about their sexuality in a vulnerable way. In episode one, she talks about the purpose of the podcast, 2019 sex goals and interview's Nige Atkinson - writer of the book Odd Man Out.