
  • As I mentioned in the podcast here are the resources below if you want to check out podcast hosting I recommend the two below.

    Podcast Hosting

    Blubrry - If you've had the opportunity to go to any of the podcasting conferences you've probably seen their booth. A great company that I'm helping with some enterprise clients. Great hosting that encourages you to own your RSS feed and gives you a free Wordpress site along with IAB certified stats, vital if you're working with sponsors.

    Podbean - Another great hosting service that Patrice host her podcast on so it's always a top contender for affordability and dependable service.

  • Fehlende Folgen?

    Hier klicken, um den Feed zu aktualisieren.

  • Millennials have a reputation for being entitled, lazy and the worse generation is the last fifty years. However, my next guest Whitney Hanson shatters that myth in the first 5 minutes of the podcast. She singlehandedly paid off more than $30,000 in debt in 10 months, bought her first house when she was 19 and paid a whopping $472 for her MBA!

    Curious? Hit that play button

    As you listen to this interview pay attention to the theme throughout that points to executing on the things you want with very deliberate actions. Whitney gives some of the best advice I've heard in a long that that connects with younger people. She doesn't sugar coat the struggle but breaks down how anyone that wants can overcome their situation with a great work ethic.

    We cover the art of side hustling and it's growing popularity as a legitimate way to earn extra money and to actually earn a living. If you're curious about dropshipping or retail arbitrage jump to minute 24 to get the scoop on how to get started. Not only does she talk about what dropshipping is she give a step by step strategy to how to use instagram to build your business. Listen twice!

    Connect with Whitney: Partners and Resouces: & Book Like a Boss

    I work with Podbean to help some of the largest companies in the world. I'm all in on Podcasting as you know and I recommend that if you don't have a podcast that you consider my recommendation to try out Podbean for 30 days risk-free trial. Just click the following link to check them out:

    If you've booked time with me, you know my 10-minute triage calls then you've used my scheduling link. It's a service that's good and I didn't have any real complaints except it's on the expensive side. I've used Schedule Once since I started podcasting so I'm pretty vested in it, but it's time to say goodbye.

    It's all Noah Kagen's fault, that's right! If not for AppSumo I would have never discovered Book Like a Boss. I picked it up on a Sumo Deal => Check them here: Here's the page: Vernon's Book Like A Boss Page

    I have a special link I can send to my podcast guest to schedule and it all goes on my calendar! Not only is it more affordable than using Schedule Once, I've already had conversations with the CEO and love they are working on even more enhancements based on user suggestions. Until Valentin's Day, you can get 40% off with this link, Get the Deal I would love to know what you think about my page. Don't worry if you're not interested in buying it but want to try it out first just click the view all the plans on the page and sign-up for free.

    If I had this book as a young awkward kid, I wouldn't of felt so alone in the world. - Marketia

    As an author As, to hear those words about work I've produced and the story I told in Master Your Message was extremely powerful.

    In Master Your Message, I lead you through my journey to find my voice. The difficulties, challenges, and revelations I had along the way. I've also included a few very notable mentors that were key in my writing journey, Chris Brogan, Patrice Washington and Matthew Turner. It would mean the world to me if you would click below to grab your copy of Master Your Message.

    If you can't buy a copy all I ask is that you phone your local library and request a copy. It's available in every library in America.

    Music Artist in Episode: Singleton Singleton was so generous to give me permission to use their music on this podcast so make sure to check them out. Like Singelton on Facebook: Like Singleton on Facebook

  • Lauryn Williams is one of five athletes to have won a medal in both the Summer and Winter Olympic games, as well as the first American woman with this achievement. Lauryn holds one Gold and Two Silver Medals from the 2004,2012, and 2014 Olympics Games. One of the reasons I wanted to have Lauryn on the show was to launch into Black History Month with a Millenial who's made a positive impact on African-American culture.

    Outside of sports Lauryn has mastered the game of finance by obtaining her CFP. She now teaches other Millenials and Professional Athletes about personals finance and building wealth for the future.

    Not only are her achievements great in their own right she's in a unique position to have solidified a place in Olympic history for all time. As a people, we're proud of Lauryn and of course, she's represented our Nation and brought back Gold and Silver. Share this episode with your daughters and sons so they can see what's possible with hard work and that Black History Month isn't just a once a year tradition that happens in February. Look to these 2108 Olympic Games and whatever your culture, celebrate the athletes you identify with but then let us all (at least my US friends) celebrate as Americans.

    Featured Partnership:

    As you know I'm always working to bring new sponsors to the show that will provide value and help your business. That's why in October whilst attending Fincon (Financial Bloggers Conference) I met up with the people from to talk about how they could help me and my audience.

    So here's the great thing about, the support it truly over the top. I've dealt with ad networks before that would provide contextual ads or ad blocks that either was very intrusive or took too much work to get the ads to be relevant for my visitors, and not just a cookied ad that followed them around.

    Admittedly I was reluctant to introduce an ad block or any sort of ad to my site until looking at some of the people was working within the blogging world. Once I saw blogs and the people I respect were Ambassadors I was in!

    So all I'm asking of you as a visitor to the site and as a listener of the podcast is that you check them out via my link and give a few of the ads a try. Just click on the link to go to my custom page

    Sponsors: & Book Like a Boss

    If you've booked time with me, you know my 10-minute triage calls then you've used my scheduling link. It's a service that's good and I didn't have any real complaints except it's on the expensive side. I've used Schedule Once since I started podcasting so I'm pretty vested in it, but it's time to say goodbye.

    It's all Noah Kagen's fault, that's right! If not for AppSumo I would have never discovered Book Like a Boss. I picked it up on a Sumo Deal => Check them here, but then did nothing with it for months. I was just to busy to be bothered at the time, but over the holiday season, one of my goals was to review everything I had purchased from a tools perspective and then either use it in my business or get rid of it. After spending about 1 hour playing around I had a full booking page linked to my Skype account and ready to roll. Here's the page: Vernon's Book Like A Boss Page

    Great page and I have a special link I can send to my podcast guest to schedule and it all goes on my calendar and it's a one time charge! Not only is it more affordable I've already had conversations with the CEO and love they are working on innovation with the platform and it's already pretty slick. You can grab it now on a special Lifetime Deal with this link, Get the Deal I would love to know what you think of the page and if you think it would be useful. Don't worry if you're not interested in buying it but want to try it out first just click the view all our plans link on the page and sign-up for free.

    I work with Podbean to help some of the largest companies in the world. I'm all in on Podcasting as you know and I recommend that if you don't have a podcast that you consider my recommendation to try out Podbean for 30 days risk-free trial. Just click the following link to check them out:

    If I had this book as a young awkward kid, I wouldn't of felt so alone in the world. - Marketia

    As an author, to hear those words about work I've produced and the story I told in Master Your Message was extremely powerful.

    In Master Your Message, I lead you through my journey to find my voice. The difficulties, challenges, and revelations I had along the way. I've also included a few very notable mentors that were key in my writing journey, Chris Brogan, Patrice Washington and Matthew Turner. It would mean the world to me if you would click below to grab your copy of Master Your Message.

    If you can't buy a copy all I ask is that you phone your local library and request a copy. It's available in every library in America.

    Music Artist in Episode: Singleton Singleton was so generous to give me permission to use their music on this podcast so make sure to check them out. Like Singelton on Facebook: Like Singleton on Facebook

  • Did you know that 85% of your money mindset starts at about the age of 3 years old? That my friends was a real shock to me and changed the entire direction of this amazing conversation. My guest Kine´Corder is a business and wealth mindset coach and as you know the format of the podcast has changed to focus of course on business but to also address the aspects of how success happens. Wealth and mindset are key points to consider when building your business and your lifestyle.

    Kine´is the first certified hypnotherapist I've had as a guest and I'm sure you will find her approach interesting. One of part of the conversation I found enlightening, we touched on was the generational wealth and how it was a part of her family structure which led to us talking about my favorite subject hustle, but to hear that story you have to listen to the episode

    Connect with Kine Corder: presidentiallifestyle.comFeatured Partnership:

    As you know I'm always working to bring new sponsors to the show that will provide value and help your business. That's why in October whilst attending Fincon (Financial Bloggers Conference) I met up with the people from to talk about how they could help me and my audience.

    So here's the great thing about, the support it truly over the top. I've dealt with ad networks before that would provide contextual ads or ad blocks that either was very intrusive or took too much work to get the ads to be relevant for my visitors, and not just a cookied ad that followed them around. Admittedly I was reluctant to introduce an ad block or any sort of ad to my site until looking at some of the people was working within the blogging world. Once I saw blogs and the people I respect were Ambassadors I was in!

    So all I'm asking of you as a visitor to the site and as a listener of the podcast is that you check them out via my link and give a few of the ads a try. Just click on the link to go to my custom page

    Sponsors: & Book Like a Boss

    If you've booked time with me, you know my 10-minute triage calls then you've used my scheduling link. It's a service that's good and I didn't have any real complaints except it's on the expensive side. I've used Schedule Once since I started podcasting so I'm pretty vested in it, but it's time to say goodbye.

    It's all Noah Kagen's fault, that's right! If not for AppSumo I would have never discovered Book Like a Boss. I picked it up on a Sumo Deal => Check them here, but then did nothing with it for months. I was just to busy to be bothered at the time, but over the holiday season, one of my goals was to review everything I had purchased from a tools perspective and then either use it in my business or get rid of it. After spending about 1 hour playing around I had a full booking page linked to my Skype account and ready to roll. Here's the page: Vernon's Book Like A Boss Page

    Great page and I have a special link I can send to my podcast guest to schedule and it all goes on my calendar and it's a one time charge! Not only is it more affordable I've already had conversations with the CEO and love they are working on innovation with the platform and it's already pretty slick. You can grab it now on a special Lifetime Deal with this link, Get the Deal I would love to know what you think of the page and if you think it would be useful. Don't worry if you're not interested in buying it but want to try it out first just click the view all our plans link on the page and sign-up for free.

    I work with Podbean to help some of the largest companies in the world. I'm all in on Podcasting as you know and I recommend that if you don't have a podcast that you consider my recommendation to try out Podbean for 30 days risk-free trial. Just click the following link to check them out:

    If I had this book as a young awkward kid, I wouldn't of felt so alone in the world. - Marketia

    As an author, to hear those words about work I've produced and the story I told in Master Your Message was extremely powerful.

    In Master Your Message, I lead you through my journey to find my voice. The difficulties, challenges, and revelations I had along the way. I've also included a few very notable mentors that were key in my writing journey, Chris Brogan, Patrice Washington and Matthew Turner. It would mean the world to me if you would click below to grab your copy of Master Your Message.

    If you can't buy a copy all I ask is that you phone your local library and request a copy. It's available in every library in America.

    Music Artist in Episode: Singleton Singleton was so generous to give me permission to use their music on this podcast so make sure to check them out. Like Singelton on Facebook: Like Singleton on Facebook

  • Just how does one become the Master of Story as I've named my next guest John David Mann? Well for starters he's an award-winning author whose books have sold more than 2 million copies, including the bestselling classic The Go-Giver (with Bob Burg). you've heard of it, right?

    He's been a concert cellist, award-winning composer, high school founder which he co-founded at the ripe old age of 17 with a few friends and later became an educator there. He's a publisher, entrepreneur, marketer, public speaker, and event master of ceremonies. John's writing spans over two dozen books, including seven New York Times and national bestsellers and has been published in thirty languages.

    We covered so much ground in this interview about an aspect of the writing process that any budding writer should take note of. Not only did we talk about the process one of the techniques John talked about was a three-step system he outlined the following:

    PreparationInspirationPerspirationIf I had this book as a young awkward kid, I wouldn't of felt so alone in the world. - Marketia

    As an author, to hear those words about work I've produced and the story I told in Master Your Message was extremely powerful.

    In Master Your Message, I lead you through my journey to find my voice. The difficulties, challenges, and revelations I had along the way. I've also included a few very notable mentors that were key in my writing journey, Chris Brogan, Patrice Washington and Matthew Turner. It would mean the world to me if you would click below to grab your copy of Master Your Message.

    If you can't buy a copy all I ask is that you phone your local library and request a copy. It's available in every library in America.

    Music Artist in Episode: Singleton Singleton was so generous to give me permission to use their music on this podcast so make sure to check them out. Like Singelton on Facebook: Like Singleton on Facebook

  • THE RECIPE, by Olympic gold-medalist Chef Charles Carroll and New York Times bestselling author John David Mann, is a tale of heartbreak and redemption, a meditation on great food and secrets of the kitchen, and a life manual, all wrapped together into one compelling, un-put-downable story.

    Former world heavyweight champion George Foreman has declared it “An instant classic.” Michael Port, the television actor and bestselling author of The Think Big Manifesto, calls it, “A blueprint for transcending limitations and living a big life” and adds, “The Recipe will speak directly to your heart and help you find your way.” My guest today is the book’s coauthor, Chef Charles Carroll, executive chef of the prestigious River Oaks Country Club in Houston, Texas. Chef Carroll has a unique perspective on success, greatness, and what it takes to create amazing teams. He took his first Culinary Olympics gold medal — the first of many — at age 24 and has participated in eight different Olympics over three decades. As executive chef at one of the highest-rated country clubs in the nation, he manages and mentors a team of seventy-five, in six kitchens and three restaurants, putting out eighty to a hundred banquet functions per week — and maintains an unshakable sense of team morale and family spirit in the process.

    He travels the country giving inspirational talks to young people on the Ingredients of Greatness. He just returned from logging a quarter million miles in his two-year stint as president of the World Association of Chefs Societies. And in his spare time, he’s written a book — a “culinary parable,” he calls it — with The Go-Giver coauthor John David Mann. How does he do it all? And more importantly, why does he do it? We’ll find out today.

    Our featured sponsor for this episode is: Master Your Message is Waiting For You and available at any of these fine retailers below. Just click on a name to order.

    Master Your Message - The Guide to Finding Your Voice in Any Situation. My book leads you through my journey to find my voice along with some very notable mentors like Chris Brogan, Patrice Washington and Matthew Turner that have been a big influence in my life.

    Music Artist in Episode:

    Singleton Singleton was so generous to give me permission to use their music on this podcast so make sure to check them out. Like Singelton on Facebook: Like Singleton on Facebook

  • If you don’t have enough business you have either a Marketing, a Messaging problem or a Positioning Problem. In this episode, you learn the best ways to work through these and many other challenges that service businesses face.

    When it comes to building your service business are you asking the right questions? What’s your client's buying process? Do you have any idea or have you considered why your clients are buying from you?

    Our featured sponsor for this episode is: Videoblocks.comMaster Your Message is Waiting For You and available at any of these fine retailers below. Just click on a name to order.

    Master Your Message - The Guide to Finding Your Voice in Any Situation. My book leads you through my journey to find my voice along with some very notable mentors like Chris Brogan, Patrice Washington and Matthew Turner that have been a big influence in my life.

    Music Artist in Episode:

    Singleton Singleton was so generous to give me permission to use their music on this podcast so make sure to check them out. Like Singelton on Facebook: Like Singleton on Facebook

  • Lauren went from having a healthy shopping addiction in college to becoming an award-winning blogger, author, and personal finance expert. That's what happened with my next guest, but that's just the beginning of her story and may have been the driving force behind her success.

    Lauren has been blogging since 2012 and is now a recognized thought leader in the millennial finance space with her expertise featured in the pages of Redbook and Woman’s Day magazines and on leading online financial news sites including Forbes, The Huffington Post, CNNMoney and U.S. News and World Report. In our conversation, we get into the story behind the success, and how everything hasn't been easy and what she still struggles with today.

    Connect with Lauren and get the Show Notes:

    You can now Order it now!

    Master Your Message - The Guide to Finding Your Voice in Any Situation. My book leads you through my journey to find my voice along with some very notable mentors like Chris Brogan, Patrice Washington and Matthew Turner that have been a big influence in my life.

    Music Artist in Episode: Singleton Singleton was so generous to give me permission to use their music on this podcast so make sure to check them out. Like Singelton on Facebook: Like Singleton on Facebook

  • Breaking a world record takes time, practice and a community of people that will stand behind and step up when you need them most. That's what our next guest Matt "Handshaking" Holmes found out when he attempted and succeeded in breaking a Guinness Book World Record for in fact shaking hands.

    You would be able to find out a ton more if I had show notes posted for this episode but I don't. I'm actually in the process of changing how the notes are done so I can bring you better information and very actionable tips with each interview. So, for now, bookmark this page or better get on the email list and I'll send out the notes for this episode to everyone that emails me, or you can simply tweet me the following "I want the show notes" and I'll DM you with details.

    For the full show notes: Handshaking Holmes Show Notes

    Did you know I published a book recently? Check it out below and you can actually buy it directly from my by clicking on the box art below. I'll personally ship it and include a special surprise they don't have in book stores.

    You can now Order it now! Master Your Message - The Guide to Finding Your Voice in Any Situation. My book leads you through my journey to find my voice along with some very notable mentors like Chris Brogan, Patrice Washington and Matthew Turner that have been a big influence in my life. Buy it Now on $12.95. Get one for you and get one for a friend who you think needs to hear this message.

    Music Artist in Episode: Singleton Singleton was so generous to give me permission to use their music on this podcast so make sure to check them out. Like Singelton on Facebook: Like Singleton on Facebook

  • Money is what drives business, so why do so many of us ignore finances until we “have to” deal with them. Well, my next guest Tracie Fobes AKA the “Penny Pinchin Mom” has some really valuable lessons we can learn about dealing with money in business and in life.

    Give Every Penny A Job

    Simple Right, Actually the way Tracie breaks it down it really is simple. Like for example “Give every penny a job, and tell it what it’s going to do that month. What an amazingly simple concept but it’s powerful. Of course, that’s just the beginning of her story.

    Check out the rest of the show notes with links to everything we talked about over on there site:

  • You have been wondering, dude where's your podcast? Well it's not a long story but I needed to take a step back and look at the show. I asked the hard questions like, is this podcast delivering at the level I feel you deserve? I also wanted to make sure the direction of the show was solid.

  • How much are you losing on Facebook ads? Have you ever thought Facebook ads work for some but you have to take a course or spend thousands of dollars to get any scalable result? My guest Marya Jan is going to tell you something I’m sure you’ve never heard before.

    She doesn’t want you to start running Facebook Ads!

    That’s right Mara thinks Before you invest a single dollar in a Facebook ad, you need to have a strategy in place from the start in order to get results. Just like with anything you’re attempting to accomplish you have to have a roadmap to get there. We covered a ton of information in this conversation and one of the many things I learned about some of the mistakes I’ve made is to send traffic to a cold page.

    But to get all the show notes on this episode you'll have to click this link:

  • Coaching is one of the fastest growing professions on the planet right now. In coaching, you can really embrace your genius and show up in a big way for your clients. However, something really bothered me about coaching I wanted Petra, my next guest, to sort out for me.

    Why are so many coaches broke? Don't worry we get to that.

    Petra Foster is known as client enrollment strategist. She helps coaches understand how to build an effective business that can not only bill multiple thousand dollars per month but to also provide a massive amount of value to their clients.

    The Problem Starts With Your Fee Structure

    Initially, coaches go into the business to help people, whether it’s in the area of health, business, lifestyle, etc. The problem is they don't build a fee structure that's scaleable based on the amount of value they're delivering, so it's no surprise they aren't able to earn enough to stay in business.

    Limiting beliefs around money and feeling guilty when they do charge higher dollar amounts. Because they are helping people, they believe they can’t charge them. Due to this, they will charge per hour and tend to stick to this not realizing that there are people out there who are willing and able to invest in themselves in a higher dollar amount. Because they do not have a system to change this, they remain broke.

    But to get all the show notes on this episode you'll have to click this link:

  • Did you know that 61% of Adwords and Facebook Ads Fail to produce a single conversion? According to Chris Dayley VP of Testing and Optimization at Disruptive Advertising.

    One of the most challenging problems business owners, bloggers and podcasters for that matter have is getting conversions from email, lead capture pages and of course ads. Even if you don't directly sell a product or service a successful outcome from an effort made is key.

    Get Show Notes and Valuable Resources here:
  • So What Have I Learned Since 2013

    In life my friends you may have to look back in order to move forward. If history teaches us anything, it teaches us not to repeat the mistakes of the past. Well at least that what you have the opportunity to learn from those mistakes or triumphs.

    Not everything in your past has to be bad, for example, a post I wrote back in 2013 right before I started the podcast. It was about of all things Kung-Fu and the lessons you learn from your clients when you're a coach.

    Are you curious about what I learned?

    You can find out by heading over to

  • Twitter Is Not The Measurement

    I've seen tons of articles talking about the Snapchat IPO and through Snap.INC as they're now known is experiencing slower growth it doesn't mean they are headed toward the failed state of Twitter.

    Instagram is However Eating Their Lunch

    Ever had someone take your lunch? Well, that happened to Snapchat about six months ago with Instagram decided to get into the instant videos that disappear in 24hr business.

    Find the complete show notes => Snap INC IPO

  • Let's Get It Started

    Each Friday I'll be posting something interesting for you to learn and one thing you can use to make your upcoming week better. I'll also keep you up to date on the projects I'm working on and how you can get involved.

    Talking Money and Sponsorship

    This week I was interviewed on the Podbean podcast - Podcasting Smarter with their wonderful host Jennifer Crawford from the Jellyvision Show. I know it's a funny name but you should definitely check it out. We talked podcasting in general but really got into the details of podcast sponsorship. I went deep with info I normally wouldn't reveal outside of a paid course, so this one is a must listen so check it out here => Podcasting Smarter

    I'm A Reality Show

    Get the rest of the show notes over on website! Continue Reading

  • I love startups! I think the culture from a work perspective is what everyone dreams of, and the have the flexibility to innovate as the market changes. is the perfect example of market disruption in the ever changing world of podcasting. In this episode, I get to speak with one of the co-founders of this unique company.

    Meet Ian Ownsby co-founder of, a podcasting platform that’s disrupting the industry by allowing anyone to record a podcast from their mobile device for with unlimited audio.

    Meet Ian Ownsby co-founder of, a podcasting platform that’s disrupting the industry by allowing anyone to record a podcast from their mobile device for with unlimited audio.

    Get the rest of the show notes here:

  • So this isn't your normal podcast post it's a little raw. You're going to notice the audio sounds a bit different and I'm referring to an app called Bumpers App. It's a new podcasting app I'm trying out for creating more content in a quicker consumable way.

    In this episode, I'm riffing about why you don't need tactics in social media and marketing to be relevant or to come across as an authentic person to your audience. Social Media tactics and marketing tactics that don't come from a place of service is what I touch on and I want to know what you think.

    Hit me up in the comments to share your thoughts.