
  • Today I'm answering a question from one of my long-standing students who is torn between scaling her current offers or creating new offers to service her existing community. In today's episode, I'm sharing some of the pros and cons around this important decision as well as offering a couple of alternatives.

    - How scaling one product can minimise the risk and allow more time for focusing on the next thing.
    - The challenges that present themselves whilst scaling up.
    - Why creating a new offer and increasing the lifetime value of your existing customer is easier than trying to reach new people all the time.
    - The strategy behind expanding your offers backwards, creating the simple win whilst nurturing your audience to your next offer

    - Got a question you'd like me to answer on an upcoming episode? You can submit it at
    - DM me “OLSM” on Instagram ( to find out more about “Offer Less, Sell More” or visit

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    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits:
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  • The foundations for building a sustainable online business may not look as shiny or as exciting as other things—but they *are* essential for running a business that continues to grow, even when you step away from your laptop screen. In today's episode, I'm sharing the 3 key elements for a sustainable business that gives you freedom.

    - How navigating "the messy middle"—where you have neither financial freedom nor time freedom—is part of the journey (and what you can do to move through it).
    - Why getting complete clarity on the vision in your business is so important.
    - Why defining your business model and goals provide the foundations that underpin everything you do in business.
    - How establishing systems and structure while building your platform, will help to position you as the expert in your niche.
    - The benefit of developing a sales process that will support consistent sales generation and business growth.

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    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits:
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive:
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  • Today I am coaching Steven, who is the co-owner of a software platform for coaches. The challenge he faces today is how to replace his freelance corporate job with two complementary online revenue streams when he isn't sure what to do first. In this episode, we talk about how he can spend more time building his business, while making sure his financial needs are met.

    - How trying to help many different people with many different problems can make it harder to become known for anything in your specific niche.
    - Why being strategic about your offer suite will help you to support clients through the next steps.
    - How thinking outside of the box can provide options for different types of income to help replace your "normal" income.

    - Connect with Steven at or

    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails:
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits:
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive:
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan:
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi:

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  • "Prior to Launch Magic, I thought you just had a little cart button on your website and people would just press "buy". I had no idea that you had to take them through a journey before they would be ready to buy". Sound familiar? This is soooo common! In today's episode, I'm asking the big questions in a live Q&A panel that I ran with some former Launch Magic students who are all in different businesses and at different stages.

    - How enrolling in Launch Magic helped students to clarify their programs and how to launch them.
    - Why following a structured launch process helps to nurture your audience and provide them with the information that they need to make a decision to buy—even if you've already launched before.
    - How launching can be successful, regardless of where you're starting from.
    - The mental and strategic challenges that many business owners face when launching digital products (like confidence, audience building and messaging).
    - How being a part of a supportive community can help you to stay accountable and committed to finally getting your online course, program or membership off the ground.

    - Doors are currently open for Launch Magic until 20 June 2024. To find out more, visit

    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails:
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits:
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive:
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan:
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi:

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  • Christine Corcoran is a business mindset master coach. She's a high ticket sales strategist, speaker, podcast host, and she's the creator of Thrive, Retreat and Elevate and Next Level Masterminds. In today's episode, we talk about how Launch Magic has helped her launch her offers over and over again, learning each time.

    - How launching is a repeatable sales process that you can do over and over again, learning and tweaking each time you do.
    - The importance of doing comprehensive market research before every launch.
    - How Christine's offers have evolved over the years as she clarifies her messaging as part of the launch process.
    - Why reviewing every launch is important to understand what worked (and what didn't), in order to make the changes needed to improve the next launch.

    You can connect with Christine at or over on Instagram @christinecorcoran_coach

    - Doors are currently open for Launch Magic until 20 June 2024. To find out more, DM me “magic” on Instagram ( or visit

    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails:
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits:
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive:
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan:
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi:

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  • Even though the economy is tough, people are still spending money. They're just being a lot more discerning about *where* they spend it—meaning that your messaging and content needs to show them why they need to spend money on your offer, right now.

    In today's episode, I'll help you uncover the key shifts to sell your online course, program or membership even when it feels like the economy (and the algorithms) are stacked against you.

    - How uncovering common content and messaging mistakes can help you to sell more of your offers (instead of limiting your sales).
    - The shifts you need to make to make more profit in your next launch—based on what's working right now, not what worked two years ago.
    - How understanding what sells (and what doesn’t sell) in a tough economy means you can share content that delivers great value to your audience *and* sells your offer at the same time.
    - The simple strategy for launch content that sells without feeling sales-y.

    - Doors are currently open for Launch Magic until 20 June 2024. To find out more, DM me “magic” on Instagram ( or visit

    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails:
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits:
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive:
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan:
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi:

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  • You can spend forever trying to piece together everything you need to launch your program from the free information that's out there. But you don't *really* get the actual information to help you launch until you buy. So, you are always just going to be getting told more and more things about the problem that you have.

    In today's episode, I'm talking to previous Launch Magic students because sometimes the best way to know whether a program is going to be a good fit for your particular situation is to listen to the experiences of other people who have been in that situation:

    - How launching your offer (whether you've just got an idea, or you've already launched before) is totally possible regardless of where you're at in your business.
    - The common problems these students were having before they did Launch Magic.
    - The experience each of these Launch Magic students had as they worked their way through the program.
    - Find out how their launches unfolded and the results they had along the way.

    - DM me “masterclass” on Instagram ( or visit for details on my Free Masterclass: How to tweak your launch strategy to make more sales in a tough economy.

    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails:
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits:
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive:
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan:
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi:

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  • Eliska is an e-commerce store owner who started coaching other e-commerce business owners, and soon found herself fully booked. She wanted to create a digital product offer, but thought her audience was too small. She decided to do Launch Magic anyway and her first launch was a success! In today's episode, I chat with Eliska about her journey through Launch Magic despite a tiny audience and not much time on her plate.

    - How identifying a specific problem for a specific niche helped Eliska to create a successful offer to solve that problem.
    - Why launching before you create an offer can help you to test a new offer first.
    - Why launching isn't just for traditional online courses, group programs or memberships and what you can do instead.
    - How staying focused on the problem your offer solves keeps the content helpful, relevant and streamlined.
    - Why warming up your audience and addressing their hesitations in your free content can take your launch to the next level.

    - Connect with Eliska at or on Instagram @trefitprofit
    - DM me “masterclass” on Instagram ( or visit for details on my Free Masterclass: How to tweak your launch strategy to make more sales in a tough economy.

    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails:
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits:
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive:
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan:
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi:

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  • 4 signs your launch audience is the wrong one for your offer—and what to do instead

    Not everyone who follows you, or subscribes to your email list, will be right for your offer. But launching is all about guiding your audience on a journey to be *ready* to buy from you. So, how do you figure out if they're just not ready yet, or if they're the wrong people in the first place? In today's episode, I'm sharing how you can identify the wrong people for your offer, and what you can do instead.

    - The difference between a messaging problem and an audience problem.
    - Why having subscribers unsubscribe from your email list is a blessing in disguise!
    - How sometimes it's more about *them* and where they're at than it is about your offer.
    - The challenge of selling a DIY offer to an audience who wants you to do it for them.

    - DM me “masterclass” on Instagram ( or visit for details on my Free Masterclass: How to tweak your launch strategy to make more sales in a tough economy.

    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails:
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits:
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive:
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan:
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi:

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  • When I tell people a launch needs to be 90 days, they're usually shocked — surely you can't talk about your product for 90 days without really annoying your subscribers and followers?! But, there's so much more to a launch, well beyond what your product is actually about. In today's episode, I'm sharing more about what to do in the 90 days before opening doors to a launch.

    - The importance of crafting and validating your messaging and your offer rather than *guessing* what problem you solve and who you solve it for.
    - Why focusing on growing your audience—especially your email list—will help to build your audience with the *right* people for your offer.
    - Why educating and nurturing your audience makes up the bulk of your launch content.
    - The different types of "things" you need to get ready for your launch, such as your sales page, cart open emails, webinar etc.

    - DM me “magic” on Instagram ( to join the Launch Magic waitlist or visit

    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails:
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits:
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive:
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan:
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi:

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  • There's all kinds of marketing rules out there in the online world that tell you what you should or shouldn't be doing when it comes to getting your offers out there. But the thing is—those one-size-fits-all rules don't take into consideration where you're at and where you want to go. In today's episode, I'm sharing 4 of these rules you can break in your next launch to make more profit.

    - Why chasing your goals every moment of every day may not be the best choice for you and your business (and what you can do instead).
    - The importance of doing what's right for you—consistently.
    - Why outdated marketing fads like building hype and excitement just don't work anymore (did they ever really work in the first place?).
    - Why launching is about helping people make a decision—not flooding them with value to convince them to buy.

    - DM me “magic” on Instagram ( to join the Launch Magic waitlist or visit

    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails:
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits:
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive:
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan:
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi:

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  • Yes. Launches *do* still work, but you do need to adjust your expectations. Things are different in today's online world because the "fads" no longer work. Instead, you need to learn *how* to sell in this economy—otherwise you won't make sales. In today's episode, I'm sharing what you need to know—like the things that *do* sell your offers.

    - Why launching is a sales process that you can repeat over and over again.
    - How jumping on board with the latest fads doesn't work—especially in today's economy.
    - Why focusing on the things that *do* sell, like bridging the Magician's Gap and refining your messaging, will also help your audience to have what they want.
    - Why people are more discerning with where they spend their money and when.

    - DM me “magic” on Instagram ( to join the Launch Magic waitlist or visit

    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails:
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits:
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive:
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan:
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi:

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  • People often ask me what they should share in their launch content—it's one of the most common questions I hear: "What content should I share in my launch so I'm not giving it all away for free?" or "what's the difference between free and paid content?". In today's episode, I'm sharing how to navigate the content minefield to bust the myths and identify the best types of content to post.

    - Why launching actually starts 60-90 days *before* your cart opens (and what you can post during this time).
    - Why teaching your audience what they need to know to be ready to buy your digital product will make conversion so much easier.
    - The importance of growing your email list with the *right* people for your digital product.
    - How understanding your audience's hesitations and objections can offer valuable content ideas to share.

    - DM me “KIT” on Instagram ( to grab my free ebook, The Digital Product Kickstart Kit—3 simple steps to start creating an online course, membership, or other digital product or visit
    - DM me “magic” on Instagram ( to join the Launch Magic waitlist or visit

    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails:
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits:
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive:
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan:
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi:

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  • You don't need to have affiliates, 5 versions of your sales page, 10 bonuses, a challenge AND a webinar, 10 IG lives and an upsell for your next launch. All of these things pile up and create overwhelm in your mind, because you have this huge mental to-do list. In today's episode, I'm sharing 6 ways to avoid overwhelm in your next launch.

    - Why launching the first time won't bring you a million-dollar launch and why your second launch probably won't be either.
    - Why plucking launch goals out of thin air such as "I want to enrol 20 students" or "I want to have a $50,000 launch" will cause you unnecessary stress unless it's based on some logical number crunching first.
    - How focusing too much on your audience size and growth can limit your launching success.
    - Why "failing" at something new is never a waste of time—everything "new" has a degree of risk and uncertainty.
    - How too much thinking and planning will only lead to more overwhelm and what you can do instead.

    - To join the Launch Magic waitlist: DM me "magic" on Instagram ( or visit

    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails:
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits:
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive:
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan:
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi:

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  • Launching often looks like a celebration based on the Instagram hype, the "doors open!" countdown timer, and the various posts promoting audience buy-in. But a launch is not about opening doors—it's about the strategy *and* the lead-up. In this episode, I'm explaining the big shift that will set you up for launch success.

    - The importance of a reliable, rinse-and-repeat sales process for successful launching.
    - Why launching is an educational journey for your audience, packed full of value, regardless of whether they buy or not.
    - The benefit of launching before you create it and pivoting to the needs of your audience as needed.
    - Why capitalising on invaluable non-buyer feedback will help you to make your launch even better next time.

    - DM me “magic” on Instagram ( to join the Launch Magic waitlist or visit

    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails:
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits:
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive:
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan:
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi:

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  • Launching can be an exciting time for any online business—there's lots to plan, build and create in the lead up to doors open. There's also a few common mistakes that I see often that can affect your sales on the other side. In today's episode, I'm sharing these mistakes and what to do instead.

    In this episode we chat about:
    - Why creating your offer before you've launched it can be a costly mistake.
    - The immense value of audience research when it comes to bridging the Magician's Gap for your ideal client.
    - Why building hype around your offer does *not* sell and what you need to do instead (no-one will ever be more excited about your offer than you are!).
    - Why evergreen offers are not the solution to consistent sales or "passive" income.
    - The underestimated value in launching repeatedly and using a 60-90 day sales process to bridge the gap between where your audience is now and where they need to be to be ready to buy.
    - The benefit of capitalising on a small audience to help improve your next launch.

    - DM me “magic” on Instagram ( to join the Launch Magic waitlist or visit

    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails:
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits:
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive:
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan:
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi:

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  • When it comes to selling your online digital products, it's the small tweaks that often make the biggest difference. This is why it's so important to hone that underlying strategy and make those adjustments, otherwise you just won't see the big results that you're always hearing about. In today's episode, I'm sharing 7 tweaks to help you make more sales of your online course, membership or group program—and they may be different to what you think.

    - The importance of understanding your audience—not just on the surface, but diving deep into what makes them tick.
    - How addressing the Magician's Gap will not only drive your content creation but will help your audience with their decision to buy during cart open.
    - Why talking in "expert language" can cause a disconnect with your audience—and what language to use instead.
    - How collecting testimonials as social proof can instantly connect with your audience (if they're written in a way that leverages their value).
    - How gauging your audience's "warmth" will help you decide how to grow your audience between launches.

    - DM me "MAGIC" on Instagram ( to join the Launch Magic waitlist or visit

    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails:
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits:
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive:
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan:
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi:

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  • While you don't need a huge audience to launch your online course, group program or membership, you do need to understand some key differences and have a clear strategy in place. In today's episode, I'm sharing the biggest mistakes I see business owners making when they're trying to launch to a small audience.

    - How identifying and avoiding common mistakes when launching to a small audience can set you up for success.
    - Why launching is a repeatable process—a strategic vehicle to sell your offers (regardless of audience size).
    - The 4 key ways to maximise your launch profits with a tiny audience.
    - Understanding when to use paid ads—and when not to.

    - Podcast Episode #674 "How can I develop the right lead magnet for a particular offer, and do I need more than one?": DM me "674" on Instagram ( for a direct link
    - To join the Launch Magic waitlist: DM me "magic" on Instagram ( or visit

    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails:
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits:
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive:
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan:
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi:

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  • Growing your following or getting more subscribers isn't going to make you more sales—especially if your offers aren't already converting. More followers does not equal more profit, unless your business is already profitable and your offers are already converting well. In today's episode, I'm sharing why audience size isn't the be all and end all of business growth—and what you can focus on instead.

    - Why large followings can have hidden problems that negatively affect conversion and sales.
    - How getting your foundations in place is really important *before* you scale.
    - Why shifting your perspective regarding your content can help to nurture the audience you do have—moving them closer to buying.
    - Why you can't keep creating free content and hope that someone likes it and buys your offer.
    - The importance of a clear, intentional sales process to actually sell your offers.

    - DM me “magic” on Instagram ( to join the Launch Magic waitlist or visit

    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails:
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits:
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive:
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan:
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi:

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  • As humans, we fear failure. Like somehow it'll be the end of the world. But failure is inevitable in business. You can't predict what will work and what won't—you just have to try, and then get up and try again. In today's episode, I'm sharing 7 ways that failure works *for* you and not against you.

    - How understanding the core of fear and failure will help you to take baby steps towards the thing that you want to do.
    - Why failing actually speeds up your success in the long term by learning and growing.
    - How allowing yourself to be a beginner is important for growth and success.
    - Why focusing on what you want to achieve is essential—rather than focusing on what you want to avoid.
    - Why dealing with fear is one of the most challenging things about running and building an online business.
    - Why failing is never a waste of time!

    - DM me “CC” on Instagram ( or visit to join the waitlist for the next round of Conversion Campaigns membership enrollments.
    - DM me “magic” on Instagram ( to join the Launch Magic waitlist or visit

    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails:
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits:
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive:
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan:
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi:

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