In the last installment of this conversation, we talk about the realities of life and how we should validate the issues with Hashem in mind. Heads up: we don't know everything but maybe there's something we were given that we should have.
Welcome back! Now we move into some practical Bitachon building techniques for your Shabbos table and beyond. Reframe, refocus, build the reliance and find the proper placement for our Godly relationship.
Efraim gives us a sneak peek into his Bitachon boot camp!
Fehlende Folgen?
A candid conversation about the dangers of warped Bitachon versus the real thing. Spoiler alert: Bitachon is NOT about convincing yourself that your disappointments are really good for you.
We are Jewish, and we are therapists. How can we use psychological tools in aiding our spiritual growth?
Join our mind-blowing conversations exploring the common ground of Judaism and Therapy.