Imagine working as a missionary. Going on a four day mission trip to Sudan, being arrested there as a Spy and spending 14 months in prison tortured by Islamic State Extremists. This is exactly what happened to our special guest on todays program.
Bob Fu was born and raised in mainland China and was a student leader during the Tiananmen Square demonstrations for freedom and democracy in 1989. In 1997, Bob and his wife fled to the US as religious refugees and subsequently founded ChinaAid. Listen to Bob as he shares his story.
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Daniel Shayesteh was born into a Muslim family in Northern Iran. He became a radical Muslim leader and teacher of Islam in the militant Free Islamic Revolutionary Movement, closely supporting Ayatollah Khomeini. However, after falling out of favor with Khomeini’s political group, he escaped to Turkey where there began an amazing journey to faith in Jesus Christ. Daniel shares his story on todays program.
Dr Barry Harker looks at a case study out of Poland in regards to the rise of Cultural Nationalism and Christian Heritage and the affect this has on Democracy. We also discuss the recent unrest in France and how the left and the right are now being brought together and mobilised in a common cause. We look at the impact these movements will have on religious minorities in the light of Bible prophecy. This is part 3 of this 3 part program.
In todays program, Dr Barry Harker discusses the French Revolution and the American Revolution. The philosophies that shaped these revolutions are discussed and the tensions between Liberty and Equality as we see them playing out in todays global political climate. This is part 2 of a 3 part program.
Join us as Dr Barry Harker discusses the freedoms we have enjoyed under Liberal Democracies in the West. He considers the rise of Illiberal Democracy and the risk to the civil and religious freedoms in the light of Bible prophecy. This is part 1 of a 3 part program.
Interview with Tony Benjamin, CEO of Voice of the Martyrs, regarding the persecuted in Turkey, Iran and China.
Matthias was chosen to replace Judas because he had been with Jesus from the time of His Baptism, likely as one of the 70. He laid down his life in the cause of God around AD 70. Saul the persecutor (later known as Paul) was turned through an unexpected encounter with Christ. After a faithful life in defense of the faith he once tried to stamp out he was martyred at Rome in AD 69.
This is part two of David’s testimony regarding his conversion to Christianity in a country controlled by Sharia Law. Days away from execution, David and his wife fled to Turkey. After 3 years they migrated to Australia where David now works for The Voice of the Martyrs.
David was born into a devout Muslim family in Iran. In 2004 he converted to Christianity and joined the underground church. After a raid on a Bible study he became a marked man. He and his wife were later tortured and taken to court. A miracle happened during the court proceedings and David and his wife were given 3 days to make a decision to recant…
John Mark the Evangelist worked with both Paul and Barnabas on their 1st missionary journey. Being inexperienced he abandoned the mission when things got tough. This was however only a temporary setback as Mark became an effective Evangelist who finally sealed his commitment to Christ with his own blood in AD 64. Mark and the Apostle Peter also worked together, with Peter acting as his mentor. Mark went on to write the Gospel of Mark and Peter after a very effective ministry was martyred around AD 69 as was prophesied by Jesus in John 21:18-19.
Interview with Tony Benjamin, CEO of Voice of the Martyrs, regarding the persecuted in India.
This program looks at the lives of the brothers Matthew and James. We glean a little bit about them from the gospels and we also know that they were faithful unto death and lost their lives as Martyrs for Christ.
Interview with Larry Jones who runs a mission college in Nigeria. He explains the ongoing hostilities between Islam and Christianity as well as the work they've done to build bridges with the community.
The Apostle Philip came from Bethsaida and town with many Greek influences. It appears that he was Martyred by combining both Roman and Jewish execution styles. The Apostle Nathanael who had to overcome some initial prejudices to become a Disciple of Jesus was instrumental in taking the Gospel to Armenia. He was finally Martyred in AD 70.
Interview with Gopal Singh giving an update on the escalating persecution in India. He tells some of the stories of faithful Christians sharing their faith in the most trying circumstances.
This program reviews the life of the 1st Apostle to be Martyred for Christ known as James the Great in AD 44. Around the same time the Apostle Peter was also imprisoned for execution and miraculously escaped Martyrdom because of the prayers of the church on his behalf.
Interview with Omar Suwandi, a Muslim converted to Christianity in Malaysia. Currently he is living in Indonesia and sharing the gospel under challenging circumstances.
The power of the Holy Spirit working through the Word of God brings conviction to every soul that hears it. This conviction can typically be manifested in two ways. One, is acceptance of the word presented and surrender to Christ. The other is manifested through opposition and even persecution of God's messengers. This program aims to explain why persecution exists.
Interview with Tony Benjamin, CEO of Voice of the Martyrs, regarding the persecuted in Sabah,Malaysia and Surabaya,Indonesia.
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