
  • Sound Heap is back, again! As ever, CEO and Fun Captain John-Luke Roberts presents highlights from all the best podcasts across the Sound Heap Inc. podcast network. This week's featured podcast is Mennnnnnnn., a podcast for men, about men, with eight Ns and a full stop. You'll also hear clips from

    Something You Can Do With An EggOff With Their Heads, where guests plan out their dream executionQuick Reviews Of Spooky BooksThings Described To An Idiot (this week: football!)Then, Then, Then, Then, Then, Then, Then, and NowRememberama

    ...and more!

    Sound Heap was created and hosted by John-Luke Roberts, and featured Andy Barr, Athena Kugblenu, Derek Mitchell, Eleanor Morton, Joz Norris and Bilal Zafar. The original music is by Paddy Gervers and Rob Sell at Torch & Compass, and the show was mixed by Rich Evans at Syncbox Post. It was produced and edited by Ed Morrish for Lead Mojo productions.

    Sound Heap is a proud member of the Maximum Fun network.

  • For the final show of 2024, Sound Heap CEO and Fun Captain John-Luke Roberts presents a seasonal special of highlights from across the Sound Heap Inc. podcast network. You'll hear clips from episodes of:

    Elty Jomb's Lobbly SondsBeautisome Home with Merilyn MorgarnA Poem For You, featuring medieval poet Geoffrey ChaucerUnsettling Opinions But You Can't Quite Put Your Finger On WhyThe Year In Potatoes

    ...and many more!

    Sound Heap will return for a new season in 2025, and until then, thanks to our sponsor Elty Jomb for his continued support, and NO THANKS. AT ALL to French President Emmanuel Macron. He knows why.

    Sound Heap was created and hosted by John-Luke Roberts, and featured Margaret Cabourn-Smith, Mary Flanigan, Paul Foxcroft, Athena Kugblenu, Derek Mitchell, Joel Morris, Eleanor Morton, Joz Norris, Ada Player and Bilal Zafar. The original music is by Paddy Gervers and Rob Sell at Torch & Compass, and the show was mixed by Rich Evans at Syncbox Post. It was produced and edited by Ed Morrish for Lead Mojo productions.

    Sound Heap is a proud member of the Maximum Fun network.

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  • Sound Heap CEO and Fun Captain John-Luke Roberts presents a selection of the best shows on the Sound Heap Inc. network this week. It's like Radio 4's Pick of the Week, but he makes money from his recommendations.

    This week you'll clear clips from

    Elty Jom's Lobbly SondsTomorrow's Tomorrow's Tomorrow, the future-tech podcastOh My Gosh, What An Awful DateDiary Of A Tiny CEOI Lived It: I Missed The Last Train

    ...and several clips from Let's Talk Taps, the premier podcast for faucet-based conversation.

    Sound Heap was created and hosted by John-Luke Roberts, and featured Jeremy Bent, Paul Foxcroft, Josh Gondelman, Kieran Hodgson, Rosie Holt, Athena Kugblenu, Joel Morris, Joz Norris, Jonathan Oldfield, Piotr Sikora and Bilal Zafar. The original music is by Paddy Gervers and Rob Sell at Torch & Compass, and the show was mixed by Rich Evans at Syncbox Post. It was produced and edited by Ed Morrish for Lead Mojo productions.

    Sound Heap is a proud member of the Maximum Fun network.

  • Following a pod-drought caused by an expensive Frenchman, Sound Heap Inc. is delighted to once again be the home of Too Many Podcastsℱ! Let our CEO and Fun Captain John-Luke Roberts guide you through our plethora of podcasts, which this week include:

    Pitch It!, where people with brilliant business ideas pitch them to some guyHypotheti-Dads, the podcast for men who want to imagine what it would be like to be a fatherThe dating podcast Oh My Gosh, What An Awful DateEat Up, Eat Up, It'll Go Cold, the podcast that looks inside the world's most unusual restaurantsOpinion Royale, where two people with opinions go head-to-head to find out who's rightStories From Other People's Traumatic Childhoods, Designed To Cheer You Up A Bit

    ...and more!

    Sound Heap was created and hosted by John-Luke Roberts, and featured Gareth Gwynn, Eleanor Morton, Joz Norris, Jonathan Oldfield, Ada Player, Piotr Sikora and Bilal Zafar. The original music is by Paddy Gervers and Rob Sell at Torch & Compass, and the show was mixed by Rich Evans at Syncbox Post. It was produced and edited by Ed Morrish for Lead Mojo productions.

  • As you probably know, earlier this year Sound Heap Inc. lost a lot of money by signing a 'golden handcuffs' deal with French President Emmanuel Macron. This left the once-thriving Sound Heap Podcast Network with just one show: Rememberama, the podcast where people remember things. And now Sound Heap CEO and Fun Captain John-Luke Roberts has tried four other ways of dealing with this - denying it had happened, being angry at everyone, trying to cut a deal and just being sad, he's decided to accept what's going on. So please enjoy these clips from the show which would be Sound Heap's best podcast even if it wasn't Sound Heap's only podcast: Rememberama.

    This week you'll hear people remembering:

    Louis Theroux revealing that pokémon weren't realThe episode of Rainbow that made it clear that Zippy had an anusBanksy's latte artLondon 2012's controversial Olympic mascotThe McDonald's advert that... the advert which... ...What?

    Sound Heap was created and hosted by John-Luke Roberts, and featured Andy Barr, Margaret Cabourn Smith, Saima Ferdows, Alice Fraser, Josh Gondelman, Derek Mitchell, Joz Norris, Ada Player, Marjolein Robertson, Piotr Sikora, Lorna Rose Treen and Bilal Zafar. The original music is by Paddy Gervers and Rob Sell at Torch & Compass, and the show was mixed by Rich Evans at Syncbox Post. It was produced and edited by Ed Morrish for Lead Mojo productions.

  • This week, it's back to service as usual - or, should we say, Sound Heap as usual! After being reduced to just one podcast, Rememberama (the podcast for people who like to remember things), because we lost a lot of money to Emmanuel Macron over the summer, Sound Heap CEO & Fun Captain John-Luke Roberts can now proudly present selections from our back-to-normal-sized slate of podcasts!

    In this week's Sound Heap Taste Pod you'll be hearing clips from:

    Nostalgiarama: the podcast for people who like to be nostalgic about thingsPastarama: the podcast that isn't about pasta!and, for old time's sake, a long clip from this week's episode of Rememberama!

    Sound Heap was created and hosted by John-Luke Roberts, and featured Andy Barr, Ruby Carr, Margaret Cabourn Smith, Saima Ferdows, Alice Fraser, Josh Gondelman, Gareth Gwynn, Derek Mitchell, Joz Norris, Jonathan Oldfield, Marjolein Robertson, Esyllt Sears, Piotr Sikora, Lorna Rose Treen and Bilal Zafar. The original music is by Paddy Gervers and Rob Sell at Torch & Compass, and the show was mixed by Rich Evans at Syncbox Post. It was produced and edited by Ed Morrish for Lead Mojo productions.

    Sound Heap is a proud member of the Maximum Fun network.

  • You might remember Remberama as the only remaining podcast that Sound Heap have to offer, thanks to a series of financially ruinous decisions. But thanks to our new sponsor, our CEO and Fun Captain John-Luke Roberts can now present to you... two podcasts! So, while this episode mostly consists of clips from Rememberama, which has a lot of episodes and is - and we cannot stress this enough - very cheap, we are also delighted to share a full episode of our brand new podcast Quick Quoffee Questions. Enjoy - thanks to our new sponsor!

    In this week's Rememberama you'll be hearing people remember:

    When Kirsten Stewart dated GruThe most shocking Garfield EVERThe cinema seat revolution90s diet fads, such as the Ghost Diet and the Holes-Only DietHow Steven Spielberg ensured children would only want official Jurassic Park merchandise

    ...and much, much more! Again, thanks to our new sponsor.

    Sound Heap was created and hosted by John-Luke Roberts, and featured Andy Barr, Ruby Carr, Saima Ferdows, Josh Gondelman, Gareth Gwynn, Derek Mitchell, Joz Norris, Jonathan Oldfield, Marjolein Robertson, Esyllt Sears, Piotr Sikora, Margaret Cabourn Smith and Lorna Rose Treen. The original music is by Paddy Gervers and Rob Sell at Torch & Compass, and the show was mixed by Rich Evans at Syncbox Post. It was produced and edited by Ed Morrish for Lead Mojo productions.

    Sound Heap is a proud member of the Maximum Fun network.

  • With extra finance apparently not forthcoming, despite multiple calls to venture capital funds, Sound Heap CEO and Fun Captain John-Luke Roberts brings you yet more highlights from Sound Heap's best and, still, only podcast: Rememberama, the podcast for people who like to remember things. This week you'll hear people remembering:

    When police sirens were replaced by pop songsThe world's most famous virginWhen children had to carve their own shoes out of leatherThe research that proved that slinkies could feel painThangs that were cool in the '90sPogs

    And much, much more. If you enjoy the show and are a benevolent billionaire who wants to fund more like it, please get in touch.

    Or even a malevolent billionaire - we're not fussy.

    Sound Heap was created and hosted by John-Luke Roberts, and featured Andy Barr, Margaret Cabourn-Smith, Saima Ferdows, Alice Fraser, Gareth Gwynn, Derek Mitchell, Joz Norris, Marjolein Robertson, Esyllt Sears and Bilal Zafar. The original music is by Paddy Gervers and Rob Sell at Torch & Compass, and the show was mixed by Rich Evans at Syncbox Post. It was produced and edited by Ed Morrish for Lead Mojo productions.

    Sound Heap is a proud member of the Maximum Fun network.

  • Sound Heap with John-Luke Roberts returns, with highlights from the best - and, due to a financial shortfall caused by the expensive signing of unpopular French President Emmanuel Macron to a "golden handcuff" deal, only - podcast currently on the Sound Heap podcast network: Rememberama, the podcast for people who like to remember things.

    In this episode, you'll hear people remembering

    "Double Bubble" Coca-Cola, which has twice the number of bubbles of regular CokeWhen ABBA added a W and became WABBAMeryl Streep's Saturday morning kids' TV show, Meryl Streep & The StreeplingsWhen ITV's Gladiators added a bear to the showThe 2001 moral panic over animal nudityThe episode of The X-Files where nothing weird happened

    ...and more!

    If you would like Sound Heap to make more podcasts, and have a lot of money you can give us to make them, please do get in touch (no time wasters).

    Sound Heap was created and hosted by John-Luke Roberts, and featured Margaret Cabourn-Smith, Saima Ferdows, Alice Fraser, Eleanor Morton, Joz Norris, Marjolein Robertson and Bilal Zafar. The original music is by Paddy Gervers and Rob Sell at Torch & Compass, and the show was mixed by Rich Evans at Syncbox Post. It was produced and edited by Ed Morrish for Lead Mojo productions.

    Sound Heap is a proud member of the Maximum Fun network.

  • This week we are delighted to announced that Sound Heap CEO and Fun Captain John-Luke Roberts has signed the hugely popular President Emmanuel Macron of France to a golden handcuffs deal, where he'll be taking part in literally dozens of different podcasts, all exclusively on the Sound Heap Inc. network. This episode includes excerpts from:

    If You Had A Cupboard In Your Lower Back, What Would You Keep In It? with President Emmanuel MacronWhen Will Emmanuel Macron Say "Saucisson"?Dream Time With Emmanuel MacronPresi-danceDiary Of A Tiny CEO, with special guest Emmanuel Macron

    as well as a few of our podcasts which do NOT feature the democratically-elected leader of any G7 country.

    Sound Heap was created and hosted by John-Luke Roberts, and featured Tom Bell, Jeremy Bent, Jonny Donohoe, Kieran Hodgson, Rosie Holt, Robin Ince, Stevie Martin, Eleanor Morton, Joz Norris, Luke Rollason, Nic Sampson, Lorna Rose Treen, Bilal and Zafar. The original music is by Paddy Gervers and Rob Sell at Torch & Compass, and the show was mixed by Rich Evans at Syncbox Post. It was produced and edited by Ed Morrish for Lead Mojo productions.

    Sound Heap is a proud member of the Maximum Fun network.

  • Despite the best efforts of our rivals Guff Pit, who have been sabotaging our studio and shows, CEO and Fun Captain John-Luke Roberts presents more highlights from the Sound Heap podcast network. This week you'll hear from:

    When Will Sandra Say Sausage?Rememberama: When McDonalds Gave Away Cats With Happy MealsThe Scarecrow Enthusiast PodcastOtherly Ways: The Woman Who Hasn't Washed Since The Blair AdministrationThe Broadway podcast Darling, You’ve Done it Again!Therapissed!

    and more, including a podcast that we started recording before anyone had come up with a title or format.

    Sound Heap was created and hosted by John-Luke Roberts, and featured Tom Bell, Jeremy Bent, Kemah Bob, Margaret Cabourn-Smith, Jonny Donahoe, Josh Gondelman, Kieran Hodgson, Robin Ince, Stevie Martin, Sarah Morgan, Noah Morrish, Eleanor Morrish, Eleanor Morton, Brendan Murphy, John Norris, Joz Norris, Marjolein Robertson, Isy Suttie, Lorna Rose Treen and Bilal Zafar. The original music is by Paddy Gervers and Rob Sell at Torch & Compass, and the show was mixed by Rich Evans at Syncbox Post. It was produced and edited by Ed Morrish for Lead Mojo productions.

    Sound Heap is a proud member of the Maximum Fun network.

  • This episode of Sound Heap with John-Luke Roberts demonstrates perfectly why it's the best podcast network in the world - and certainly a better podcast nework than Guff Pit! We mean, does Guff Pit have shows like

    When I Met Myself I Said HelloSci Why? Impressionists Talk Male Mental HealthHollywood And Hollydid!Footbath, the unofficial companion podcast to the TV show Waterspark (the only dating show set in a waterpark)Macron Yacks OnCastles in the Sand: The Art of Competitive Sand Castling

    Of course they don't! So stay right here on the Sound Heap podcast network for all your favourite podcasts.

    Sound Heap was created and hosted by John-Luke Roberts, and featured Jeremy Bent, Kemah Bob, Margaret Cabourn-Smith, Kieran Hodgson, Athena Kugblenu, Hal Lublin, Stevie Martin, Sarah Morgan, Jordan Morris, Eleanor Morton, John Norris, Joz Norris, Jonathan Oldfield, Nic Sampson, Lorna Rose Treen and Bilal Zafar. The original music is by Paddy Gervers and Rob Sell at Torch & Compass, and the show was mixed by Rich Evans at Syncbox Post. It was produced and edited by Ed Morrish for Lead Mojo productions.

    Sound Heap is a proud member of the Maximum Fun network.

  • This week on Sound Heap With John-Luke Roberts - please like and subscribe - Sound Heap CEO slash Fun Captain John-Luke Roberts once again presents - like, subscribe - a selection of the best pods out on the Sound Heap Network this week.

    Please like and subscribe.

    This week, you'll hear clips from:

    The Private Lives of Cereal MascotsCelebrity How Do You Wank

    Please subscribe, if you like.

    Should I Be Worried?If You Had A Cupboard In Your Lower Back What Would You Keep In It?Diary of a Tiny CEO

    Sound Heap was created and hosted by John-Luke Roberts, and featured Kieran Hodgson, Rosie Holt, Robin Ince, Emily Lloyd-Saini, Stevie Martin, Eleanor Morton, Joz Norris and Benjamin Partridge. The original music is by Paddy Gervers and Rob Sell at Torch & Compass, and the show was mixed by Rich Evans at Syncbox Post. It was produced and edited by Ed Morrish for Lead Mojo productions.

    Sound Heap is a proud member of the Maximum Fun network. Please like and subscribe.

  • This week, Sound Heap CEO and Fun Captain John-Luke Roberts addresses the recent spate of hauntings that have been affecting our podcasts. You'll hear clips from

    Jokes That BreatheTransformeraterors If You Had A Cupboard in Your Lower Back, What Would You Keep In It?, with special guest Liza MinelliThe Official Farrow & Ball PodcastDiary Of A Tiny CEOThen, Then, Then, Then, Then, Then, Then, Then, Then, Then, Then, Then, Then And NowOn the Side, the podcast about surfacesSpeculation On Why Dennis LeftMahoney!, the Police Academy rewatch podcastHopethink

    ...not all of which are haunted.

    Sound Heap was created and hosted by John-Luke Roberts, and featured Jeremy Bent, Kemah Bob, Kieran Hodgson, Rosie Holt, Sooz Kempner, Anna Leong Brophy, Emily Lloyd-Saini, Hal Lublin, Eleanor Morrish, Eleanor Morton, Joz Norris, Marjolein Robertson, Isy Suttie, Richard Vranch and Bilal Zafar. The original music is by Paddy Gervers and Rob Sell at Torch & Compass, and the show was mixed by Rich Evans at Syncbox Post. It was produced and edited by Ed Morrish for Lead Mojo productions.

    Sound Heap is a proud member of the Maximum Fun network.

  • The Heapening continues, where we ask our listeners to support us by sending us money or anything else we can sell off or melt down. While we're grateful for everything our listeners have sent in so far, we do now wish to add some caveats to the sort of things we can accept. Primarily: please stop sending us snakes.

    Also this week, you'll hear clips from

    Elty Jom’s Lobberly Sonds Field Recordings From A Lesbian Speed Dating Night Where One Woman Won’t Stop Talking About GarfieldGuskers and Strawkers and Good Ol’ Street BoobsBritain’s Weirdest Weirdos. Let’s Taste ElectricsHuman Stories, Human Humans, which this week gives a fascinating insight into a theatre camp for billionairesCrifts: The Rifts In Crufts

    Sound Heap was created and hosted by John-Luke Roberts, and featured Tom Bell, Jeremy Bent, Kemah Bob, Margaret Cabourn-Smith, Kieran Hodgson, Rosie Holt, Athena Kugblenu, Sarah Morgan, Jordan Morris, Eleanor Morton, Joz Norris, Marjolein Robertson and Richard Vranch. The original music is by Paddy Gervers and Rob Sell at Torch & Compass, and the show was mixed by Rich Evans at Syncbox Post. It was produced and edited by Ed Morrish for Lead Mojo productions.

    Sound Heap is a proud member of the Maximum Fun network.

  • We are delighted to announce the launch of this year's Heapening, when our listeners can show their support by sending us money or any object that we can sell on or melt down. Copper wires in your house? We'll take 'em!

    And to show you what your trinkets and/or cash are supporting, you'll be hearing from the very best podcasts the Sound Heap network has for you this week, including:

    Things Which Are Interesting to Me, Jacob Langland And I Hope Are Of Interest To You: Inside Infinite Breasts, The Literary Bachelor Party OrganisersTherapissed, where two drunk psychiatrists violate their vows of confidentialityPolitical-Me-Elmo, which this week looks at the campaign to make road signs more polite.ABBA-lutely, the podcast for ABBA fans, by ABBA fansCastles In The Sand: The World Of Competitive Sand Castling And Sand SculpturingIf There Was Another Member Of The Village People, What Do You Think They Should Wear?I Ate My Pet By Mistake!Noises I Remember

    Sound Heap was created and hosted by John-Luke Roberts, and featured Josh Glanc, Josh Gondelman, Gareth Gwynn, Kieran Hodgson, Sooz Kempner, Anna Leong Brophy, Emily Lloyd-Saini, Stevie Martin, Eleanor Morton, Joz Norris, Benjamin Partridge, David Reed, Marjolein Robertson, Luke Rollason, Isy Suttie and Bilal Zafar. The original music is by Paddy Gervers and Rob Sell at Torch & Compass, and the show was mixed by Rich Evans at Syncbox Post. It was produced and edited by Ed Morrish for Lead Mojo productions.

    Sound Heap is a proud member of the Maximum Fun network.

  • A couple of months ago, we released a documentary by investigative Soosty, Soosty Carpripe, about a very brave woman called Emily Curnt, who met what she thought was someone on a dating app, who claimed he was playing Shrek in a touring production of the musical Shrek. But this was a lie: in fact, Emily Curnt was being ShrekFished.

    The reaction to this documentary was so overwhelming - not just from listeners who believed it to be one of the most award-worthy documentaries of recent years, but from other women who had suffered exactly the same fate.

    This programme, and its attendant awards submissions, is dedicated to the bravery of these women.

    Sound Heap was created and hosted by John-Luke Roberts, and featured Tom Bell, Margaret Cabourn-Smith, Josh Gondelman, Kieran Hodgson, Rosie Holt, Sooz Kempner, Anna Leong Brophy, Emily Lloyd-Saini, Hal Lublin, Sarah Morgan, Eleanor Morton, John Norris, Benjamin Partridge, David Reed, Marjolein Robertson, Isy Suttie and Lorna Rose Treen. The original music is by Paddy Gervers and Rob Sell at Torch & Compass, and the show was mixed by Rich Evans at Syncbox Post. It was produced and edited by Ed Morrish for Lead Mojo productions.

    Sound Heap is a proud member of the Maximum Fun network.

  • There have been developments in the Crabotage case which cannot, at the time of recording, be talked about. So instead Sound Heap Inc. CEO and Fun Captain John-Luke Roberts will simply play you clips from some of the best podcasts available on the Sound Heap Network this week and, if there's time, talk about the Crabotage case.

    You'll hear from:

    Monks In BunksThe Everett Hour (a quantum podcast where every question receives an infinite number of answers)Sphwoarts (the podcast that says 'phwoar' about sports)Mahoney! The Police Academy Rewatch PodcastRatathreille (the podcast that imagines what a sequel to Disney/Pixar's Ratatouille might be like)If You Had A Cupboard In Your Lower Back, What Would You Keep In It?TherapissedTerrible Analogies From Broadway ProducersWherever I Lay My Hat, With Leigh DelamereI'll Hear You In Court!

    Sound Heap was created and hosted by John-Luke Roberts, and featured Kemah Bob, Margaret Cabourn-Smith, Josh Glanc, Kieran Hodgson, Rosie Holt, Robin Ince, Sooz Kempner, Anna Leong Brophy, Emily Lloyd-Saini, Hal Lublin, Jordan Morris, Eleanor Morton, Joz Norris, David Reed, Marjolein Robertson, Luke Rollason & Bilal Zafar. The original music is by Paddy Gervers and Rob Sell at Torch & Compass, and the show was mixed by Rich Evans at Syncbox Post. It was produced and edited by Ed Morrish for Lead Mojo productions.

    Sound Heap is a proud member of the Maximum Fun network.

  • As a thank you to the 100+ people who've pledged support to Sound Heap with John-Luke Roberts during MaxFunDrive 2024, here's a recording of a live show we made at the 2023 London Podcast Festival, featuring Margaret Cabourn-Smith, Athena Kugblenu, Joz Norris & Bilal Zafar.

    You're hear clips from such Sound Heap shows as:

    Happy Meals Happy Me, with Nick Cave (with special guest Radiohead)So You Hate Your Child?No Think Too Big / Diary Of A Tiny CEOSpook Speak: Chats With GhostsLet's Have Opinions!and A Coupla Gurls Talk Dating Rurls

    Sound Heap with John-Luke Roberts was created and hosted by John-Luke Roberts, and featured Jeremy Bent, Margaret Cabourn-Smith, Athena Kugblenu, Joz Norris & Bilal Zafar. The original music is by Paddy Gervers and Rob Sell at Torch & Compass, and the show was mixed by Rich Evans at Syncbox Post. It was produced and edited by Ed Morrish for Lead Mojo productions.

    Photo by Viktor Erik Emanuel/Kings Place.

    Sound Heap is a proud member of the Maximum Fun network.

  • We’re kicking off the most exciting time of the year for the MaxFun Network with a trivia game show featuring hosts from tons of great podcasts.

    J. Keith van Straaten and Helen Hong from “Go Fact Yourself” are joined by:

    Danielle Radford - “Tights and Fights”

    John-Luke Roberts -“Sound Heap with John-Luke Roberts”

    Brea Grant & Mallory O’Meara -“Reading Glasses”

    If you’d like to hear more hosts competing for trivia supremacy, visit for the full version of this show.