The law has negative connotations for most. It reminds us that we are in trouble. But if you're a Jesus follower, it reminds you that you need Jesus, and He is your place of refuge and forgiveness when you make a mistake. Don't drift and live under the law. Discover and live under grace.
Pastor Jon
Ever wonder what in the world the Biblical book of Leviticus has to offer for you today? Check out why God wrote this book. and how He provides for the greatest need you'll ever have: the scapegoat.
Pastor Tim
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What would the world look like if there were no rules? If there were no traffic laws and everyone just drove how they wanted to? Chaos. Danger. God spoke into the chaos of His people in the Old Testament through Moses to bring order. God established how His people would live according to His perfect will through His law. But no matter how hard they tried and we try, we fail to obey God 100%...we miss the target. God sent Jesus to do what we couldn't - to keep every law perfectly. As Jesus' followers, we obey God out of love rather than obligation or performance. Pray: Lord, empower me to love you more and to love others as myself.
Pastor jet
Have you ever made a promise to yourself, "if I get out of this I will never..." Or maybe offered a prayer "if you get me out of this God, I promise..." Only to go back to doing the thing you wish you hadn't done the first time. If so, today's message is for you as we learn how to get out of the destructive cycles of our life.
Pastor Jon
Is it easier to hold a grudge or to forgive? Have you ever wanted to forgive someone but didn't know how? Watch as we see what God can do when we seek His forgiveness and give it to others.
Pastor Tim
Lies We Believe & the Truth that will Set Us Free
Do you have regrets? Of course you do. Everyone does. But why do you have regrets? There were times in the past that you thought you knew better, but now you do know better. How can you limit your regrets in the future? Examine what you believe and seek the truth. Come discover Jesus, the truth that will set you free.
Pastor Tim
Have you seen the approval ratings lately? The approval ratings of Christians is appalling. Many believe that being a Christian means taking sides and being angry. Jesus has a better model. One that changed the world. And it can happen again. Join us today as we look at right and wrong from a different perspective.
Pastor Jon
11-28-21 -
Some of the givers Jesus encountered were wearing masks to hide their motives while one woman worshipped by giving all that she had. We’re going to learn that Jesus celebrates the heart and the sacrifice of the giver, not the size of the gift.
Pastor Jet
11-7-21 -
Like our bodies need sleep, our lives need space to be healthy.
On the seventh day of creation, God rested. Jesus made it a priority to make time away from the crowds to spend time alone with his Father. Learn the value of margin in your life physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Pastor Jet
8-15-21 -
The perspective of the Father. He lavishes generosity.
Pastor Jon
10-24-21 -
Does Jesus teach us to be dishonest, or is encouraging something different? What you find from His message just might surprise you.
Pastor Tim
If you put into practice the lessons of the first three weeks of this series, your life will BE better. If you put todays lesson into practice, your life will STAY better. Find out why you need guardrails in today's message.
Pastor Jon
Ever feel like you need a true place to put down some roots, a place to find the strength to face each day? We'll find it together as we develop a plan to get into the Bible this next year.
Pastor Tim
Have you seen the approval ratings lately? The approval ratings of Christians is appalling. Many believe that being a Christian means taking sides and being angry. Jesus has a better model. One that changed the world. And it can happen again. Join us today as we look at right and wrong from a different perspective.
Pastor Jon
Do you have regrets? Of course you do. Everyone does. But why do you have regrets? There were times in the past that you thought you knew better, but now you do know better. How can you limit your regrets in the future? Examine what you believe and seek the truth. Come discover Jesus, the truth that will set you free.
Pastor Tim
Are you a control freak or know someone around you who is? The Bible says God created us in HIS image...but how often do we return the favor and make God into our OWN image? Being in control of our own lives and depending on only ourselves is at the heart of today's lie: "I don't need God." Long before we ever even knew we needed him, Christ gave His life for us. Now He calls you to discover that life is better when you surrender to your gracious Father who loves you.
Pastor Jet
What's the most important thing in life? Hint: It isn't extending your life on this earth at all costs. It isn't even extending or improving the life of your neighbor. The most important thing is to be right with God. To have the favor of the one who made you. Both for this life and the next. Jesus warns us not to be confident in our own righteousness, but to come to God in humbleness and faith and receive his mercy.
Pastor Jet
What's the most important thing in life? Hint: It isn't extending your life on this earth at all costs. It isn't even extending or improving the life of your neighbor. The most important thing is to be right with God, to have the favor of the One who made you, both for this life and the next. Jesus warns us not to be confident in our own righteousness, but to come to God in humbleness and faith and receive his mercy.
Pastor Jet Jones
Jesus saves me by his grace and his influence transforms my life from the inside out.
Pastor Jet Jones
We were created by God to represent Him to the world (a kingdom of priests) to shine like stars. How do I do this? Why should I do this? In this world, people will disappoint. God will not.
Pastor Tim Perkins
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