I am back after several months of absence. This episode is about the conversation I had with my sons over breakfast.
We chat about the nature of this world and how to realize that you are a mere prisoner and the only way out is through understanding the fact that we, as humans, have the gift of love bestowed upon us by the ultimate creator. Know thyself and you shall be free.
Don’t Participate in the evils of this world
In this episode of Standup Historian, I have discussed the state of the world, under attack by a scientific-totalitarian system. A system solely based upon a technocratic system that promises a utopia only if each and every one of us succumb to its pseudo-scientific and materialistic worldview.
A future where we will have nothing, not even privacy in our lives in return for a world far from anxieties and wars.
This is not the first time that an idealogy has pushed forward one group against the rest, and the end result has always been the misery and death of millions.
I have also introduced two important books:
The Gulag Archipelago - by Aleksander Solzhenitsyn
The Psychology of Totalitarianism - by Mattias Desmet
Fehlende Folgen?
In this video edition of Standup Historian, I talked about a banned book, perhaps the most banned book in recent history.
200 years together is a two-volume historical essay. It was written as a comprehensive history of Jews in the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union, and the role they played during and after the Communist Revolution in Russia.
I am back after being absent for almost two months.
In this edition of Standup Historian I share with you from the Gnostic Texts the story of the creation of the world and man. You will hear an alternative to Genesis as it's presented in the bible and we together try to decipher the gnostic scripture and explore the true nature of god in the bible.
Brace yourself for a journey to the heart of Gnosticism and perhaps the shattering of all you have been taught to be the truth!
Standup Historian
In this episode of Standup Historian, I have talked about the efforts Germand archeologists put into research and discovery of Aryan civilizations of the past, Aryan technologies, and tireless attempts to connect the past with the present and justify the Third Riech as the rightful heir of the ancient Aryans.
Germans had made a name in archeology before the Third Reich came to power. After the establishment of the Third Reich, the objectives became more in line with the Nationalist Socialist Party's ideology.
Standup Historian
In this episode of Standup Historian, I have introduced to you many Christ-like figures from around the world and a variety of ancient cultures.
A promised savior, born on December 25th, to a virgin mother is a theme that you will find from the West to the East. I have talked about Christ-like archetypal deities who predate Jesus Christ of the Bible. This could be the lineage that connects all Aryan-seeded cultures.
These Christ-like archetypal deities all share many similarities with Christ of the Bible, some almost verbatim.
What's of extreme importance is the fact that all these figures came to bring light to the otherwise dark world of Archons and Demiurge!
Standup Historian
In this episode of Standup Historian, I used multiple sources to examine and define Archons as they have been portrayed in Gnosticism.
Gnostic beliefs attribute the creation of the World to the Archons. A group of demonic creatures who serve their evil god Demiurge. Archons are the source of all evil on Earth, and they control man's heart and mind. However, while busy with the creation of the World and man, the divine spark slipped into man, and that's the only hope for the salvation of humanity.
Only through gnosis there is any hope for humanity to break free from the vicious cycle of life on Earth and under the dominion of the Archons!
Gnosticism Explained: Welcome - Gnosticism Explained
The Books Of Enoch by: Elaine PagelsThe Nag Hammadi Scriptures: The Revised and Updated Translation of Sacred Gnostic Texts Complete in One Volume By: Marvin Meyer
Standup Historian
In this episode of Standup Historian, I have shared with you information about a famous book. The book is Bloodlines of Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier. This is a voluminous book and the author has painstakingly collected a treasure trove of information about different families and bloodlines of the Illuminati.
From just a few pages that I have read for you and also my commentaries you will realize that the author has been working for decades to document what he has discovered and now he presents that to us.
What I have shared in the episode is merely for your information and not my opinions, unless I have explicitly mentioned mine.
I hope you enjoy this edition
Standup Historian
In this edition of Standup Historian, Kiarash is back and we discussed a theory that suggests our reality is nothing but a Simulation!
In other words, we live in a Matrix-Like world of computer-generated reality. We live in a construct.
I shared what I have been reading in a book by David Icke, entitled The Trap. In his book, David Icke presents a large body of evidence, reasons, and research which leave no doubt that our reality is inside a simulation, therefore there is a creator, or an architect.
We talked about the ramifications of living inside a simulation and also the concept of NPC, or Non-Playable Character, in a computer game and how it reveals the fact that many on earth are mere NPCs!
I hope you enjoy it.
Standup Historian
In this edition of standup Historian, I have shared with you intriguing information collected by Michael Tsarion in his book, entitled:
Atlantis, alien visitation, and genetic manipulation.
According to the information provided here, and also based on findings of records and annals of ancient people of the earth war in the heavens resulted in the destruction of planet Tiamat and the events that followed. The defeated side took refuge on earth and established Atlantis!
The Nephilim established their main headquarters, Atlantis, on the continent of Appalachia. From this center, they would corral and experiment on the indigenous Earth inhabitants taken from cultures and tribes that were shaken asunder by the recent celestial catastrophe. Nearly all the native cultures of the Earth record the visitation of strange and advanced individuals possessed of miraculous powers.
This is the second podcast in a series of podcasts in which I read from the Epic of Kings, or Shahnameh.
In the episode, I tell the story of Zohak. This is the story of humanity's first revolution, the first true uprising against tyranny, and the story of a nation yearning for freedom and justice.
Standup Historian
There is much irrefutable evidence in many areas of the world that suggest nuclear wars had happened on earth thousands of years before the United States tests its first nuclear bomb in Alamogordo, New Mexico.
Mohenjo-Daro and Harrapa in Indus Valley in Pakistan are the most striking sites, that to this day, show extremely high levels of radioactivity. Archeological findings only add to the mystery of these sites!
The world has witnessed nuclear wars in the past and the awesome power of these weapons has destroyed humanity at least once. Our leaders and politicians must stop bragging about the nuclear capabilities of the country to prevent a nuclear holocaust.
Standup Historian
In this episode, I have a brilliant young man and we discussed ai, and its role in the future of humanity and whether it poses a threat to humanity or not.
Humanity is more than some of its parts and that's what the neo-technocrats, transhumanists, and globalists are omitting and rushing to form the future humanity with the mostly false promises of a utopia, managed and controlled by Artificial intelligence.
Standup Historian
The Shahnameh is an epic poem of over 50,000 couplets written in Early New Persian. It is based mainly on a prose work of the same name compiled in Ferdowsi's earlier life in his native Tus.
For Persians, Shahnameh is like their identity papers, their conclusive evidence that they have lived. Against the brutality of time and politics, against the threat of constant invasions and destructions imposed on them by enemies alien and domestic, against a reality they had little or no control over, they created magnificent monuments in words, they reasserted both their own worth and the best achievements of mankind through work like Shahnameh, the golden thread that links one Persian to the other, connecting the past to the present.
The epic of Kings is not just a poetry book from one thousand years ago, it's not just about mythology. Shahnameh is the record of humanity's past lest to learn from it to build a brighter future and avoid enslavement.
America’s sudden love affair with Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky and Kiev’s military forces is reminiscent of an old campaign to exalt a previous ally of geopolitical circumstance: Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin.
From an article by Tony Cox.
I'm back after a few weeks of absence due to being sick. In this edition of Standup Historian, I tell about my personal experience with the medical system. I also share excerpts from the book Behold A Pale Horse by William Cooper, where he talks about the depopulations plans and the New World Order. I managed to obtain a first edition of the book and it's a must-read book.
In this edition of Standup Historian, I have a great guest. Frank is a professional who loves watching good Sci-fi movies and has read most of the great books in this genre.
We discussed the movie Dune, its very specific language, the use of Persian and Arabic names, titles, and legends and their roots.
Frank also added many interesting facts about the author, Frank Herbert, and how he influenced many Sci-Fi writers.
I hope you enjoy this episode.
Standup Historian
In this edition of Standup Historian, Vic read from the Project Human Extinction by Chris Thomas. We heard what Chris had written back in 2009 and his references show us how far back the globalists started scheming a plan to bring humanity to its knees and eventually to its total demise.
Control of food supply, using food as a weapon against nations and sovereign countries to bring them to total conformity, are just some of the evil that has been done.
Genetic modifications, Nanotechnologies, and the creation of artificial life to someday replace humanity as we know it has always been the grand scheme of these forces of darkness and they seem to be getting closer to their final goal unless we stop them. But the question can we stop them?
Life is more than some of its parts.
StandUp Historian
Cosmic Observarion
In this edition of the Standup Historian, Vic read from the book, Project Human Extinction, by Chris Thomas.
In this chapter, we heard about Eugenics and how, after World War II and the discovery of Nazi's atrocities in concentration camps, it morphed into Genetic Modification and lived on to create genetically Modified Organisms!
We also talked about both intended and unintended consequences of genetic modification in agriculture, such as the creation of new diseases. Vic also talked about the organic movement, which demanded real agricultural products without GMOs.
In this episode, we discussed the roots of the so-called superior race and how Rackeffeler funded eugenics research in the US and Germany.
On June 8th, 1967 Isreal attacked the USS Liberty which was patrolling in international waters of the Mediterranean sea! The attack killed and wounded over 200 American citizens.
Isreal is involved in Six-Day wars with its neighbors, Egypt, Syria, and Jordan and in the middle of the bloody war, Israel started an unprovoked attack on a clearly marked American Intelligence gathering ship.
In this edition of StandUp Historian, I told the story of the attack on the USS Liberty and the coverup that followed. This must be amongst the most unknown historical events of the United States and for reasons I have mentioned in this podcast, justice was never served for the victims of the USS Liberty.
This is the story of lies, deceptions, and coverup and I'll tell you some of the explanations offered by observers over the past five decades.
Standup Historian
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