Miles takes the kids for mini golf and finds out their intentions, while Bob feels really old when a Malfoy exposes himself.
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Ok So Here's One
Todd Van Allen and Darcy Fiander swing by to talk to Bob about food, Jimmy JJ Walker, and Jokes, plus a few minor detours into the ephemera. Join in the fun.
Ok So Heres One
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Here we go. Hey, everybody, and welcome to a conversation with Darcy and TVA, or better known as Tonbad Halen. I mean, Todd Van Allen from the OU812 album. That's right. By the way, Bob, that's not even the worst butchering of my name I've ever gotten. Really? Oh, no, no, no. I once got on. I said, hi, I'm Todd Van Allen. And they went, Tom Banana? Tom Banana. Sure, yeah. Let's go with that. Let's go with that. That's my alter ego. Yes. I do children's parties as Tom Banana. As well as bachelorette parties. It works either way. That's right. The pants are different. That's right. Exactly. The pants are less pants and one. Yeah. So, uh, guys, so you're from the, okay, so here's one podcast, which had a different name yes which was i can't remember it was like uh top bunk or what was it called? Right. Uh, Darcy, why don't you take him through the history of the lineage of the show? Yeah. Tell me about it. All right. Yeah. When did it start, Todd? I don't remember what year. Oh, I know. A long, long time ago. Uh, 19. Yeah.Nope. We sent it out on cassettes, I remember. Oh, were you? Okay, it was a sneaker net. It was a bonus with our zine, yeah. Yes, it was an oratory sermon that I would deliver, and we recorded on these little cassette tapes. Oh, micro cassettes? Yes, and then Darcy would mail them out, yes. Oh, very nice. No, I don't know what the year was. It was when the internet was big. Do you remember when that year was? Hmm. I think it's still big. Are you talking like it's infancy big or first steps kind of big? Just prior to 2.0. Okay, so back in the probably early 2000s. No, I think it was after. I think it was, what? Was it? 2007, 8, 9, 10.When did we stop saying WWW? That was after, I think it was like 1949. Okay. We just did two Ws. Right. And then there was an afterwards. I remember in like 1919. Yeah, there was another one. There was another number in 1939. That was a big one. We're waiting for the third W. Right. And then there was a WWF for a long time. I thought that was for pandas, but then guys started hitting each other with chairs. And then there was a court order, and then it was a WWE. That's right. Exactly. That's right. And then they threw everybody into a tizzy because, you know what? It's entertainment. I didn't even realize that. No, they had to tell you. Yeah, I was like, what? What's the E stand for? The E stands for, ugh, you still watch this?I thought you were older than 14. I honestly, okay. So no, Darcy, when did it start? It started like 2007, 2008? Something like that, yeah. Darcy doesn't even want to chime in on this anymore. He's like… So the first iteration was called the TVA podcast. Correct. And at some point, you thought you didn't want to have your name on it. It didn't say anything about what the show was. After the first few episodes. Give me off of this. Take my name off of this show. Think about something else here. I want to go by Brian Lobard. I just wanted to get out of this. Around that time, you were hosting an open mic comedy night. Correct. Called Comedy Above the Pub. Correct. Oh, that's what it was. Above the Pub. We'll name it.about something higher than your normal height, but not so high that you're in the sky. So Darcy is really skipping through a few details here. Darcy was a bleeding-edge technology guy around the 2000 and times, right? I can tell because of the air conditioner that he's utilizing still today. Yes, the big block, and if you look at the shelf, the 85 thermoses that he has up there. Oh, I see that, yeah. Right. Uh, here's a, uh, here's a, uh, a little game for you to play, figure out which one's the fleshlight. So, uh, Darcy. He lifted that can up and I was going to be. Um, -
Fehlende Folgen?
Bob has some stomach issues, while Miles gets pulled into the world of free isn't always free.
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i'll thank you that someday the mountain might get them, but the law never would. Making their way the only way they know how. That's just a little bit more than the law will allow. Hey, everybody. Welcome to State Shows. This is Bob. We won't get booed. I think I lost you already. You said something and then I can't hear you. Oh, there you are. Okay. You said something, but I couldn't even understand what it was. That's all right. All right. Okay. It was in code. Only certain people can understand it. Yeah. I've just triggered four sleeper networks. All my fembots have come to life. The woods are lovely, dark and deep. All of these young ladies working at different hairstylists are now under my control. You ever see that telephone with Gerald Bronson? Yeah. I did, I think.Oh my goodness. How are you doing tonight, Miles? Did you fall asleep during that movie too? I did not. I don't think so. I did not. I fell asleep. I'll tell you what I fell asleep under. A blanket. I tried to watch this movie called The Painter, which was supposed to be an action movie. It had one of your favorite actors in it. jason Statham? I do like a good jason statham movie. It was not him. It was everybody's talking at me. I can't hear a word they're saying. And, uh, he was, you know, gonna get books in exchange for some things. Joe Buck. Um, okay. How many more hints do i have to give you? Yeah, okay. John Voight. John Voight, yeah, I got it. It's a newer John Voight movie, obviously made overseas, I think. Okay. He was not the… I mean, he was one of the main actors, but there was another guy who was kind of the action guy. It was just… I don't know. It was so boring, I fell asleep in it. Okay.And it was like number eight on the Paramount streaming top ten movies for the moment or something. And you fell asleep. And I just conked right out. It was like watching paint dry. The painter was definitely a good name for it. Yeah. Because it was just like watching paint dry. And then I conked out. I went to sleep. And then I woke up. And then John Voight was playing a Frenchman. And I'm like, what happened? like a, um, homeless peppy lepew oh yeah anyway that john voight's best, you know, it's certainly very far from uh yeah you know, his days is joe buck and yeah. Or any, any of his good movies deliverance National Treasure. None of them, you know. Runaway Twain? No, nothing. I mean, this obviously was a paycheck movie. Yeah. It was just not a good movie. Don't watch it. Unless you want to have a good nap. We won't. Unless you really want a really good nap.I'm very choosy about my movies. I really don't like a slow starting movie. All of my recommendations come from Well, not all of them. Not all of my recommendations. Only a good portion. That's all. Some of them. Some of them. Yeah. So… That's not all that happened to me recently. So you know I've been trying to be the Charles Nelson Riley of podcasting for a couple of years. You are. You're not trying to do it. You are. I am. Okay. Well, I appreciate your backing me on this. So it's been two years now that I've kind of been ingratiating myself on other places. And I have a couple of stories about that. So I was recording with a group and it went really well. But kind of toward the end, I had like some really bad stomach cramps. What were you talking about? I'm trying to remember.but I mean, I had like a lot of gas building up at the end. It was like, I really wanted to wrap, you know, there's no, if you're the guest, there's no real good way to wrap it up. You know, it's kind of the other people to wrap it up. And so like my belly was getting very full of this bad farts. Yeah. And I was like in distress and, -
Bob seems to be at a loss, while Miles listens to his family's odd exams.
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if you bake it at the right place it'll make noise Hey, everybody. Welcome to Static. This is Bob. Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo. Hey, everyone. This is Miles. Welcome to Static. We're on the air. We're on the air. We're on the air everywhere. We're on the air to who knows where. When you get three together in a car… You never know what hijinks will happen. Ouch, get off my balls. Fraternity vacation. That's like the 80s movie announcer guy. Okay. Don't you remember that voice? She just wanted to play football, but they wouldn't let her. Now she's just one of the guys. No, you don't remember this? No, I like the other guy. In a world where… In a world. Yeah. In a world. I can't do that voice as well, though. I can do the kooky, you know, these are the girls of hot. It was a private school. Terry Vane. Miles was trying to…peek in the windows, and they caught him in the act. I would not condone that. Oh, please, yes. It's filthy and disgusting. I think I should do a tutorial of your creepy stand-by-the-bathroom move that you used to do all the time. You think? Yeah, where you have your hands in your… pockets sticking your crotch out standing by the woman's bathroom that's me that's right when i rubbed up against you don't don't you want me yeah yeah You don't want to talk about those days, huh? I really don't even know what you're referring to. Oh, come on. Indulge in that. Talk about retconning your past. I mean, you've talked about it on here before, and now all of a sudden, well, you know, this is the new universe. I call it the Miles 2 universe. Yeah, I'm cleaning up my act. Yeah. What are you, up for something or a ward? Yeah, I'm just cleaning up my act, right? So what?Yeah, okay. I'm rewriting my history. Well, I guess you're allowed to do that. Just saying. You can do that if you want. Yeah. So do you have a story tonight? I'm trying to think of mine. I had two stories last week, and I told one, and I can't remember what the other one was now. I have a story. Well, go right ahead, sir. I have a story. Hey, um. Is there anybody getting ladders out there? I'm going to the sorority house later tonight. That wasn't really my story, but yeah. Oh, okay. Uh, I went to like kind of a family gathering over the weekend. And, uh, my mom and sister had gone down south for the winter and they came back and they were,Chicago area so I could see them. I felt bad for my mom because there was really a lot of dirty talk going on. A lot of dirty talk? What kind of dirty talk was happening? It was a lot of stuff being told. Can you give me an example? My niece shared that she had actually seen my aunt's topless on at least two occasions outside sunbathing. Oh, really? Which I found a little bit disturbing because my aunt had like 10 kids. I can't even imagine. Her name wasn't Bessie or anything, was it? No. What's the name of that Borden character? I thought it was Bessie. Oh, isn't it Bessie or something? Yeah, that's what I thought. No, a lot of things were revealed. So, I mean, how long ago was this? Like yesterday? Well, my aunt's been dead for a few years. Okay. It was not yesterday. Like I've got your lineage here in front of me and I'm looking at it. When my niece was a younger lady. Okay. Anyway.Well, she's trying to air out her areola. Yeah, right. And then somehow, you know, there's always like these horrible stories about me growing up. Were you running around naked? No, no one actually knows that story. Oh, okay. I've only actually told you that. Oh. So there's a horrible story of me actually driving a golf cart into the side of my dad's car, his brand new Cadillac. As a child. Yeah, yeah. That's a good one. These are all just random thoughts that happen, by the way. -
Miles finally takes Bob's advice and likes it, while Bob is mesmerized by the differently abled.
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Static. Hey everybody, welcome to the show. This is Bob. Hey everyone, this is Miles with some really cool animation. Really cool animation, yeah, that's true. I just was watching your animation. It looked pretty cool. Yeah, it was alright. We did alright there. Yeah, we did a good job. Yeah. So, yeah. A little bit of a different thing today because of what's going on here. Oh, I didn't really mean to use that picture. Oh, wow. No one knows who that is. They can't change it now. Yeah. Well, he'll never listen to this, so no one needs to know who that is. True, true. Let's not even mention it. Yeah, we won't even talk about this. You mentioned it short round. yeah oh yeah i didn't mean to have short round on there either well tonight's been a trial by fire here, so uh we're having some technical issues, and so we're here dealing with it and yeah we're gonna make it happen. That's all there is to it that's that's what we do apparently that's yeah it's really the only thing we have going for us.Is making it happen. That's us. We make it happen. Make it happen. Well, somebody makes it happen. Yeah. We're glad you made it here and you're listening and I hope you're relaxed. Yeah. Ready to laugh. Get ready. I hope you're ready to laugh. Let's use our imaginations. Yes. Um, so, you know, it's been, I realized that, uh, The delivery was a day late last week, but anything you want to mention? Oh, yeah, right. That you lost a bet and you did that Welch, which I was surprised at. And you sent me a gift card to Chick-fil-A, which I had never been to before. Yeah, that's hard to believe, but I guess there's not. You live further north than I do. Yeah, they don't have much here. It used to be that Chick-fil-A's didn't come above the Mason-Dixon line. Yeah. But now they're everywhere. It was good. I enjoyed it. It was very good. Yeah. And if people don't know what the Mason-Dixon line is, you can look it up on Google or something. Yeah, Google it. Google it. Google it, dummy. Google it. Google yeah i know and and apparently it was so good that you ate it again. Uh, no. Oh, I thought you got a free sandwich. And so you went again. No, we, uh, this is not my story, but, uh, we, uh, my wife's like, let's order it online and um you know, you can just go pick it up. I'm like, okay, what could go wrong? Right. What could go wrong? And, uh, so i'm all, I have like 100 questions and she's like, well, just, you know, show the kid you're you know, tell them what you're up to. And I'm like, okay, well, I talked to this kid who's in this like plastic box or something that's where he's like free that's where they keep all the employees and the quick chick-fil-a is in plastic boxes like it's like a john travolta movie. Like, oh, wow, this is like really cool. Boy in the plastic bubble. Yeah.Like, can I help you, sir? I'm like, yeah, I'm here. Oh, all right. And my wife said something like, well, they're going to make it as soon as like you announce your presence there. They'll start. Right. Yeah. It's like you go to the drive-thru before you go to the drive-thru. Yeah. And, uh, so the drive-thru was going like really quick. I'm like, wow, this is like, next thing I know I'm like up in like this receiving area, you know? Ah, yeah. And, uh, And it's like, oh, you're here for Daisy Piles. I'm like, yes, that's right. It's my wife, Daisy Piles. Daisy Piles, yeah. And she's like, oh, okay, all right. And she keeps bringing out bags of food, but it's for, like, the people behind me. Right, yeah. And so, like, three or four cars go by. I'm, like, just looking at her with sad eyes, like, where's my nanny? Where's my chick-fil-A?And she's like, oh, oh, oh, well, -
A Happy Moment
Bob talks to Dan from A Happy Moment about film, podcasting, life, and who knows what else.
A Happy Moment
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Hey, everybody, and welcome to a conversation with Dan from a Happy Moment podcast. Hey, Dan, how's it going? Good, Bob. How are you doing today? I'm pretty good. Well, today's been kind of a day, I'll tell you. I'll be honest with you. I was busy all day long, and then now this is my relaxing time. So hopefully it'll be happy for both of us going through all this. What do you think? Hey, every time I've talked to you so far, it's been a happy moment. Oh, good. All right. So Dan does a show called Happy Moment. And how long have you been doing that now, Dan? Roughly two years. I took a small break in between there, but going on about two years now. And I've got about close to 100 episodes. Oh, wow. Okay. And what was kind of the antithesis? Like, were you just sitting around one day and you're just like, you know what would be good for me to do?Have a show or how did it come about? I just wanted to try it as kind of a challenge to myself. I've always been kind of a quiet person. You know, I was in high school. I was voted the quietest. Really? That was a category? Okay. Yeah. Yeah, it was. I didn't know that. Okay. At least at my school. Okay. So you kind of used it as a way to do something a little bit different that was a little bit out of your normal regular day or whatever, regular routine. Yeah. Yeah. Just kind of a, and also just kind of like a creative outlet. Okay. So how's it, I mean, whenever you started doing it, like I think you told me you concentrate mostly on,Uh, movies, uh, wrestling and pop culture or one of those maybe i made up. I can't remember now. No, I, I do a lot of, uh, movies, books, uh, gaming, wrestling. Those are probably the main ones oh okay well that there's my pop culture, movies, books, gaming. That's all on the right track. Yeah. Yeah. We could, we could crunch that into pop culture. Uh, So that's interesting. So then you decided you're going to do this in order to do kind of, I guess, break out of your shell a little bit from being the most quiet guy. Has it worked? Yeah. I'd say there's been varying degrees of success. I mean, the first thing I wanted to accomplish was just to see if I could even pull it off.And as I, as I just mentioned, I've got close to a hundred episodes, so I I'd say I'm definitely pulling it off. And yeah, I would say overall it's, it's probably, it's helped me a little bit. I'm kind of introverted by, by nature, but you know, this, this helps kind of get me out there a little bit more and, you know, it's good practice talking to a variety of people. So yeah, I'd say it's working, yeah. Oh, good. Well, I just was wondering, because that's what you said was kind of the push for it. So you kind of want it to work. Otherwise, you're like, well, what am I doing this for? But I will tell you, as a personal aside here, you probably won't believe it, but I'm a fairly introverted person as well. And doing these kind of things has helped tremendously.And in fact, um, I'm trying to think what it was now. It's had to be about 10 more. It's been more than 10 years ago anyway. So, uh, but anyway, I, I, it has helped me with doing public speaking. So I don't have to do it like with any regularity or anything like that, but because of doing shows, podcasts for a long time, um, I have been called at times to be up in front of an audience and an audience of hundreds of people. And they say, you know, if you read anything about that, they're like, that's one of the worst fears. And by doing this, I've been able to, you know, pull that off and, you know, more than once. And it went pretty well, I would say.Overall. So, you know, maybe there's something to it. I think maybe you're on the right track basically is what I'm getting at with doing this in order to kind of, -
Miles causes trouble by texting, while Bob juggles money and his wardrobe.
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Jesus Christ, I'm down. Holy Christ. With a little love, we can work it out, baby. We can make the whole thing. Bring it in for a landing. Hey, everybody, welcome to the Psych Show, this is Bob. Hey, everybody, this is Brian. You always got to make fun of my intro every time. I do a long intro, you make fun, I do a short intro, you make fun of it. I want to be you. Yeah, it's just fun, fun, fun. I want to kill you and crawl inside of you as if you were a tauntaun. I've been working on Ed Gein's carousel this week. Yeah, yeah. It's my dream. I think I found a centaur subject. Centaur. So, yeah. Yep. There you go. Yeah. You know, I heard a little birdie told me might be somebody's birthday. Yes. Really? Okay. Yes. What are you hoping for your birthday this year? What do you want to get? That robotPamela Anderson dolly. We were talking about off there. Yeah. Oh, okay. Well, the, you know, the future is paved with all kinds of interesting new gadgets. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The, uh, I, I would say, you know, the thing to invest in is that, um, ultrasound goop, uh, You know, whenever you do an ultrasound, they put the… Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I think that's going to skyrocket in the next 10 years. I like it heated. Thank you. Oh, you can have a little bottle warmer or something. Yes, I do. Oh, my gosh. So, is that, I mean, nothing else for your birthday? I have plans, but I don't really want to tell you. Oh, you don't want to tell me you're going to go out to dinner? I would imagine. I'll probably go out somewhere nice, yes. Diamond Dave's? Maybe, yeah. I'm going to go out to Crackle. Oh, Crackle. I love a Crackle's, man. I'm going to go to Decatur, go to Monocle's. Monocle's and Crackle's, two of my favorites. No, I don't know.I don't know. Who knows? Normally, you have a list. It would be like unfurling. Oh, this is what I'm looking for this year. I used to actually go up by Princeton, Illinois, where you can actually pick out and fry your own steak. Oh, yeah. What's the name of it? Is it Alexander's? No, it was… uh well i don't know if it worked i don't know if it still exists, but it was called prime Quarters. Oh, okay. There was a place in uh champaign urbana called alexander's that i used to go to the we did that had this giant grill, and yeah and you they you know you get your steak, and you throw it on. Or you could pay a guy to do it. No, come on. Or you do it yourself and and and then they had like all these baked potatoesYeah, it's salad, baked potatoes. Oh, man, that was good. Now I'm getting hungry. I thought that was kind of gone by the wayside. I thought that was like an 80s kind of thing. I haven't been there in so long, I don't even know if it exists. So you're thinking about going up there? I would do that. I would go to Mariska's. in the crust hill by joliet i would go to twin anchors in downtown chicago yeah um any of those are my favorite yeah i'm looking for prime quarters what did you say it was at princeton uh princeton it's right by the heart there still there prime quarter steak i have not been there in a long time long time it's closed currently uh because it's late but uh yeah it opens at five o'clock tomorrowWell, meet me there, and you can buy me steak. Okay. Yeah, I don't even know how fucking far away that is. Oh. But I would love to go. I can tell you that. I haven't been to a cook-your-own-steak place. It would be north of Bloomington, maybe northwest of Bloomington. You know, there used to be a place in Decatur called Michael's that was kind of like a low-rent Alexander's. Yeah. It was more like cook your own hamburger. Hey, don't worry about what the meat is. All right. It's cheap. Don't worry about what it is. Don't worry about mystery meat. Uh, -
User Friendly
William from User Friendly stops by to discuss how the show started, where it's going, and, of course, various rabbit holes along the way.
User Friendly
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Hey, everybody, and welcome to this conversation with, would you go by Bill? I have William here. So William from UserFriendly. William or Bill. I mean, either way, people call me worse, so either helps, but usually Bill. But Bill, okay. So Bill from UserFriendly. And I was going to butcher your last name here. Is it, would I say Sickens or Sykens? No, it's Sickens. You got it spot on. Oh, okay. Because sometimes whenever you have the, you know, Sometimes people have a long vowel on their name for whatever reason. So I didn't want to get it wrong. No worries. Spot on. But Bill has a program called User Friendly, which you can find here at It's also on the radio in Portland and Seattle. Am I right? That's correct. Yeah.Oh, wow. So that was just out of memory. Go figure. I should have looked that up beforehand, but I didn't. So I was just yanking it out of my head. No worries. You had it right. So why look it up? That's right. So but I've been on Bill's show a few times and I thought, would it be fun to sit down and talk a little bit about his journey to doing these kind of things? So my first question, Bill, would be user friendly. How did it start? Well, you know, it's kind of a fun story. We started back in 2013. So this is our 12th year doing the show. And the funny thing about it is, is this whole thing started in my kitchen. At the time, I lived in Reno, Nevada, and we would have friends over every week to do tabletop role playing. And one night we got done and, you know, somebody said this would make a goodtopic for doing a podcast at the time, but podcasting was really a new thing back in the day. So it's like, well, okay, well, you know, we'll think about it. And then I worked in the, you know, business community and everything like that. And kind of threw the idea around and had one of the local radio stations come back and say, Hey, well, if you want to do technology at the time, that's what it was. We would love to give you a go. So a few weeks later, I end up with a schedule and we're on the air on a very small station. But still, you know, it's where we started. Half hour format at the time. And I think we did eight or nine episodes of that. And that was how we got started. So on the air in Reno? In Reno, yeah. Yeah. At the time. Oh, that's cool. So you were talking about role playing game and then you're saying thatbut how did you get from role-playing games into technology as a general thing? Cause it seems, I mean, there's some connection there, but it's not direct. Oh, it's not even indirect. I mean, I guess today you could argue a connection maybe with some of the tools and stuff, but at the time, no, it was definitely very much two different things. And that's why it's also a little bit odd how that came into being. So a little bit of a background on that. I've since ago, 1998 have run a technology company and, um, as a career as a software engineer and do some things like that in addition to our show. So that's where the technology end of it came from. That's what I was kind of known for in the area. But it was and is a very niche audience. There's a lot of people that are interested in technology, but it is very specific. And in today's world, doing a podcast, it would work a lot better just because anybody around the world that is interested can listen that you're not limited to who happens to tune in on the air that week.Right. But what happened is, is like i say, we're new role-playing games and, uh, on a hobby side, do cosplay and go to the comic cons and all this kind of stuff. And we were at a comic-con that was put on at the time by a steve wozniak in san Jose, California. Um, that was a comic-con that combined pop culture and techn... -
Bob gets shown up at the UPS store, while Miles talks inappropriately to his mail carrier.
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Do-do-do-do-do-do. Hey everybody, welcome to Psychs, this is Bob. Hey now, this is Miles with Static Radio. Hey now, hey now. Hey now. Hey now, Hank. We should do an episode where we just like sing the whole frickin' episode, you know, like a half an hour of just… Well, if you put it together, we sing too much. Yeah. I told you… We should do comedy karaoke where you just make up your own words and they're funny. Yeah, I know. Yeah, I do. Hopefully they're funny, but maybe they're not. Yeah. Maybe they're just sick and twisted and nasty. That's all my nicknames. For instance, I think you would have a song called Saved by Facebook. Maybe I will win. I seen a breastfeeding video. It was lonely Saturday night. I wasn't feeling right. Save my Facebook.Too silly. Too silly. Stop the sketch. Too silly. Oh, my goodness. We've just been having too much fun. It's too much fun. Sure. Say it by Facebook. You know, any song that you think of, you could twist pretty good into being some kind of weird sexual thing, I think. Yeah. I can't stop this feeling. In my pants tonight. When you look at me. With your fingers deep inside. Begging you girls easy. When I hold you. And I'm really still. We'll work on that concept a little bit. I look forward to coming to a feed near you. Hey, everybody. If you have a favorite song, just call in to Static Radio. It sounds like… There used to be a great show called Make Me Laugh with Bobby Vann. Oh, Bobby Vann. Yeah, jeez. Show me a Coke. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, my God. That reminds me of something that Bobby Vann would host. Comedy karaoke. Chuck Beres. He's dead, so. Chuck Beres. Did he do Make Me Laugh? Was it Chuck Beres? No, no. I'm just saying he'd be a good host, too, though. But he's dead, too. I think he's dead as well. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.Where are the Chuck Barrises and Bobby Vans of the world, right? Not anymore, man. Not anymore. They don't exist. So I… I got showed up by the UPS store lady. Oh, yeah. Were you flexing? You were like, hey, check this out. Well, I wasn't trying to flex, but… So… My wife seems to be in a pattern where she likes to get things delivered and then have me take them back. Mm-hmm. You know, like these things get delivered and she's like, oh, I don't want that. And then she's like, would you take this over to the UPS store tomorrow? This isn't the pegging set I ordered. Bring this back. Oh, thank God. It says. Ooh. One size fits all. So… we got this. So my son guy has a bunch of books and he has a bookshelf, but, but he needs another bookshelf. And so right. Flat pack bookshelf. It's supposed to be here. Well, the one that she ordered doesn't show up and it's like stuck in transit. Right. So she orders another one as if this is like, um, unclogging a,you know uh dime store you know crank thing where you get the egg with the prize in it so oh i'll just do another corner ending and it'll knock both of them out right i'll just keep buying bookshelves until one of these shows up so lo and behold they both show up on the same day yeah and she's like well i want the original one but now i don't want this super freaking heavy other bookshelf right that i've purchased, would you take this back to… Oh, you got your dog going. I'm going to have to move. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't know they were going to have their wrestling match right in the middle of the show here. Yeah, because it only happens every fucking week. But anyway… I can't sense patterns since the accident. Keep talking. Go ahead. She…you know, she cons me into taking back this other bookshelf. I'm like, okay, I'll take it back. And so, and then there was like, you know, there's always two things. Well, we can't take this other thing back. -
Miles's son, sister, and mother all brush with the infamous, while Bob can't believe Miles got something almost right.
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I don't think anybody wants to hear that, honestly. I hope that wasn't recorded. No, come on. Oh, no. Oh, no. There he is. Okay. I lost your audio. No, it's still there. Hey, everybody. Welcome to the show. This is Bob. Hey, everyone. Miles. Miles self-pleasuring himself. Oh. My family's starting to listen to the show, so please, yeah, let's not. Hey, I wasn't the one who was moaning at the beginning of the show. I had some things going on, okay? I can't really go into it. Yeah, apparently. Yeah. I don't think… trying to upstage Conan O'Brien's masturbating bear is really the way. Yeah. Yeah. Well, welcome to my fans only. So you're only fans. You always do everything. I know I have a thing. I don't know. I do that. It's like you got word dyslexia or something for you to say. Instead of letter dyslexia, it's word dyslexia. So it's like,I don't need any TCH. Be funny. You will. Yeah. I don't know. That's so funny. Yoda syndrome. Also. I do. I know. A little claws for hands from. Yeah. Hey, everybody. It's. It's been one of those days. Yeah. Whatever's going on in your life. I'm hoping it's okay. It's. It's doing okay now. I just have to get resituated now. So we had a sick animal and they're convalescing. So we're dealing with that. So everything's okay at the moment. Okay, good. Nothing tragic. Although there is something tragic that happened recently. Yeah. Although you probably won't think it's so tragic. Well, first of all, Detroit Lions didn't win. I just wanted to mention that. Yeah. So your first Polish Nostradamus prediction was Kansas City Chiefs versus Detroit Lions. Detroit wins. Never going to happen. Damn it. Never, ever going to happen. I thought I picked Eagles. God damn it. But…and this is what pains me yeah say go ahead greatly you are you have a already have a partial hit on the list. Okay, go. Do you have any ideas which one no no do you want to take a guess no i don't no i don't want to guess! No, I don't know i don't guess no uh Michael is going to be in the Golden Girls. I will never hear the end of this. What? He is Michael Gardner from Savage Unfiltered. Has told me that That he is going to be in the Golden Girls stage play. Oh, no, he's not. As a mailman. He's not going to be Ma. Okay. If you take your Nostradamus powers, you could say, well, mailman starts with M-A. Yeah. So maybe you just didn't get the whole thing.Oh my God. He listened to the show and could not believe that this even came up. Really? And then divulged to me, uh, last week I held it because it was after Monday. I held it till tonight. Hey, yes, he will be in Chicago in July, Chicago even, uh, in July to be, uh, a mailman, uh, in the stage presentation of a golden girls. I mean, I have more than that. Wait a minute. Now he had not heard the show. He had not heard the predictions, right? No, no. This, this floored him as much as it's it it floored him probably as much as it's flooring me. Yes. How did you feel like, Oh my God. I thought first thing my first thought was you motherfuckers are inAnd then I realized when I was talking to him that, well, that would entail you actually doing something beyond. And so I'm like, okay. The chances of that are even slimmer. He could be an understudy for Ma. Well, he actually told me his lines for the mailman, so… He read me the script. Hey, Dorothy, you want me to deliver this in the rear? I said, well, we know a mailman that could give you some inside tips. Yeah. Wow, that made my day. It makes your year. Are you kidding? This is the first one that you even get close to. Well, you know, they say. Not only is this you know i mean you couldn't you'll never get more right than this. Yeah, well, -
Bob can't go out at night anymore, while Miles puts his high school rival in its place.
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Ow, fuck. Holy fuck, right in the ear. Jesus fucking Christ. Ow. I'm fucking deaf. Holy Christ. You turned too low before. Now you're deaf. You can't make up your mind. Holy Christ. Oh, my God. Oh, get off my nuts. Get off my nuts, man. Get out of here. hey everybody, welcome to snake show this is bob hey everyone this is miles with static Radio. Miles the super savvy. Off my nuts, man, Jesus. What is going on there? No, it's just a personal thing going on. I live with goats, and they like to walk all over my testicles. And testicles. And I have alpha titus. My midgets love testicles. Well, happy Dr. Reverend Martin Luther King Day. Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Day. Yep, that's about it. Yeah, happy MLK Day to you. To everyone.Everybody. Everybody. Everybody listening. Not just for the cool kids. For everybody. Yeah. Even the dorks, you know. What? Even the dorks, you know, they can enjoy it. Yes, even for the dorks. Dorks, all the computer nerds. Yeah, all the computer nerds, unlike yourself that's right we had we've had quite the evening here. Yeah, yeah. And unfortunately, his wife as well yeah who has you know you know whenever she's wiping your butt, when you get a little older, a couple, about three, four years, she'll be like, this is easier The woman's already given me an enema. So really at this point, I'm not even. Oh my gosh. I'm not even going to. Yeah. Romantic thing. It was Valentine's day, 1989. And we liked it. And she's like, look, what's look what I got free with my Walgreens points.I had to have a procedure done a long time ago and she helped me clean out. So what? I thought you were always cleaned out. That's the thing. No, I had to have a procedure done and she had… You practically sound like an empty tanker truck most of the time. Yeah, I know. No, I'm recording now. Quiet. There's no talking. Go get my fleet Enema kit, please. Thank you. She's already done some really gross stuff. I'm filling some peanuts that haven't shifted. Yes. She's done some gross stuff with two children. She has tended to my sebaceous cysts. Multiple? Plural. Do you have names for them? Yeah, I do actually. Site A and Site B. Yeah, okay. It's neither here nor there. Secret bases in Antarctica. We call them Site A and Site B. Yeah. Oh, nice. A's kind of gone dormant now. I hope there's no Site C. I hope not either. A has gone dormant?A is going dormant, but B is starting to grow. Oh, no. It looks like a marble under my skin. Oh, my Lord. Someday I'll go on the beach and be like… Why do you have to be on the beach for this to happen? I don't know. Maybe the sun rips it open. Oh, really? I have no clue on this. No, I don't know. This is all news to me. You got to want it. You got to want it. Does she have a scalpel? Maybe she could cut it. No, just teeth. Oh, my Lord. Maybe she should just get a melon baller. A juicer. She puts a juicer. Honey, a knife, a meat skewer, and a roll of paper towels. Who wouldn't enjoy that? Yeah. Who wouldn't? Yeah. What are you like a bunch of monkeys over there picking nits off each other? Jesus. No. Like the first time she did it though, she screamed out. She goes, Oh my God, it's coming out three different holes at once. I remember the three hole story. Yeah. Yeah. That is. Yeah. I'll never forget that. War of the worlds or something. I don't know. Yeah. Everyone. I was like, wow. Mr. And Mrs. Schmingy in New Jersey.It's coming out of three holes, everyone. Look, we've got confirmation. That was before cell phones. We have no evidence that that actually happened. I'm sure the evidence was all over the place. Yeah, there was DNA. Yeah. Anyway, people don't want to hear this. I'm sure they don't. At this point, everyone's tuned out. Yeah, -
Movie Lovers Unite
John and Bob discuss Movie Lovers Unite's history and its future. The future is bright; listen to find out more.
Movie Lovers Unite
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Hey, everybody, and welcome to a conversation with Movie Lovers Unite, specifically, John DeGregorio. Yeah, you actually got it right, man. Thank you. Oh, wow. Well, that was a lucky shot. I could have gone anywhere with that, so. You did really good. I'm proud of you, man. Well, you know, it's kind of one of those, you have a lot of syllables in your name, so DeGregorio. Imagine trying to spell it in English. Well, imagine trying to spell this. I spelled my last name in grade school. Oh, my gosh. Yeah. I could play Wheel of Fortune with it and maybe spell something different. Yeah, because you got two I's, two O's, an E. I mean, all you're missing is a U and a Y. You got them all in there. So, yeah. You got all the vowels. It's a Wheel of Fortune. There you go. Right. So…Actually, I met John on KJNA podcast one night just out of happenstance. And then we did Fright Night and Dune. Yeah. And so, yeah. But I wanted to talk to you. So basically, I just talked to folks about what they're doing. So how did you come up with Movie Lovers Unite? So it started off like as a Facebook page. And so, you know, my thing is this. I'm not big on Facebook groups. I hate Facebook groups. I hate trying to be an admin on a group. I had people try to get me to be admin. So I'm like, look, I'm not an admin. Put me on a page. I'm good to go. I'd rather go ahead and ban someone and I can just like the person and be done versus having to go through a bunch of members. But how the page came about was this. I got tired of seeing like fake movie news.and if you remember movie pilot back in the day, I got tired of seeing fake news and stuff like that when it came down to uh sites like movie pilot and we got this Covered, but we got this cover came out like later on. But I got tired of that. So I'm like, you know what? I want to go ahead and create a page where people can feel welcomed. Not only feel welcome but be able to talk about their favorite movies just as i talk about my favorite movies and they have a safe place to do it without being judged because all movies are subjective. I might like, you may not like, or there might be certain scenes that you liked and I didn't like. And you can't measure film physically or anything like that. It's just something that cannot be measured. So, you know, I always say all movies are subjective. I always root for people that love their films, even though I may not like their film. I'm like, good for you. I'm glad that you liked that movie. It didn't work for me, but I'm glad it worked for you. That's great. But…you know, I was always in that type of space where i like i want to do a movie new new movie news then after that, I was like, okay, time to make a channel. I have, and then at that time, too, I also had somebody else that was working with me on the page, and i didn't put any type of advertisements into it or anything like that because i don't pay for advertising and well we got the admin at the time that i had was like, well, let's put some money into it. Let's go on ahead and do it. so Then after he left, it just was just me. And I had a couple of other people. And it was just like, you know, basically people coming and going. But, you know, I would never take anything back. And I'm happy that even though we may have our differences, I'm actually happy that he did support the page and he made it what it is. And then, of course, I continued off of it. But, you know, after that, I've just been there.It's just been Rossi and I ever since with just the page. But I want to say I started back in 2013 or 15. I think with the page now, I have like 22,000 some followers on it. Wow. That's a lot. It's done good. And everybody was telling me, oh, you cannot do a movie page. -
Miles finds out how important his BIL is while Bob catches his BIL in the act.
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I'm waiting for the live stream. That's what I was waiting for. Silly live streaming. Live stream this. Sometimes it's not on, you know. Sometimes it's just… Turn it on. Turn it on. Turn it on again. Hey, everybody. Welcome to Static Shows. This is Bob. Thank you, Lizzo. Hey, everyone. This is Miles. Welcome to Static Radio. Thank you, Lizzo. What the hell? What the hell was that? I just like to provoke you a little bit. Thank you, Liz. I was like, what? I like to throw you off a little bit. I do play a mean flute. Remember that time in band camp? Wow. Hey. It's a brand new year. It is 2025. Believe it or not. 2025. It's hard to realize that. Yeah. i've i've thought for sure after i met you and there's no way in hell he's making it 2025. i thought when i first met you there's no way he still has teeth like 2025. thanks i appreciate that because i was right about losing his hair though i was right yeah that's true it's unfortunate i still have most of my teethYeah. Yeah. Well, you know, 2025 has brought us some snow. Did you get any snow at all? Not a whole lot. Well, the other day, I guess. It was a Thursday, Friday or something. We got like almost probably 10 inches of snow. No. Nope. Yeah. The first snow was the best snow. It was everywhere. and then we've got another another dusting of snow that's pretty much gone i mean yeah it's all gone. In the driveway, but the other snow's still here yeah no considering we don't normally we get snow and then it goes away right right you know yeah yeah but the interesting thing to me that comes with the snow is we get to see all the little critters skittering about because they'reexposed. You can see their footprints. You can see them because there's no camouflage. I recently saw two foxes frolicking in the snow. That was nice. Two of them. Not just one fox. Two foxes chasing each other, having fun. I'm like… hey, I wonder what else… This was during the day. I was like, hey, I wonder what else has been around at night. So I got all these cameras set up, and so I proceeded one evening to kind of… Anytime there's movement near the camera, it records a little bit. And so I'm like, maybe I'll find some stuff. It'd be cool. So I'm going through the… The camera, the different cameras and looking at the, you know, it keeps, I have a big memory thing, so it keeps it for weeks. Yeah. It's not just like a day or something. It'll just keep it. And then when it gets full, then eventually it'll delete the old ones. And, but I mean, it's going to take like a month or something to fill up this, the, you know, memory. Yeah. So I'm buzzing through things real quick. Oh, there's a rabbit, right? Squirrels. There's the dog running in front of the camera.i think we're working up to a slender man story here. Really? You think that's where we're going with this? I'm sure of it so i'm i'm going back through, you know, going through time, backwards in time, looking at all these things and you know let me mute myself. I'm sorry. You don't need to hear this. I'm sorry. What are you doing? what's happening over there? I ran out of peanut butter and the dog's upset. I'm sorry. This dog is slender. I'm like, maybe you had a slender man thing going on there for some reason continue i'm gonna just mute this till this dog is done. Okay. Well, what is he doing? I don't know. The dog heard something and now the dog's upset. No, don't worry about it. It'll add some flavor to the story. sister is taking care of it. Okay. Choosy mothers choose Jeff. The, um, so, you know, I'm, I'm kind of buzzing through sitting in my, in my usual spot, you know, I think we're kind of half-assed watching the show or something. And I get back to around christmas time and i'm clicki... -
Rob from YMISpodcast
Rob from YMIS (Your Most Interesting Story) and Bob talk about all the happenings in the skies over New Jersey.
Rob from YMISpodcast
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Hey, everybody, and welcome to the part two of a conversation about the Jersey Drone Show. We went so long last time that we've had to make a part two. With me again tonight is Rob. The Jersey Drone's Revenge. Okay. Revenge of the Jersey Drones? Are we doing Attack of the Killer Tomatoes? Is that what it's like here? Uh-huh. Maybe George Clooney will be included in this one as well. I've heard there's a chance he might dial in. Dial in? I look forward. I look forward, yeah. Yeah, he'll connect. He'll connect. Yeah. But yeah, he was in the attack of the killer tomatoes. Anyway, enough of the silliness about that. But yeah, Rob's with me tonight. We're going to continue our obviously in-depth, into the Jersey drones, as we're calling them. Is that an official name, you think, Jersey drones? Jersey? Usually New Jersey. So it's New Jersey drones, I think. Do you have to put the new in there? Because people are going to get confused that it's England. Well, you better put it in apostrophe if you don't put the new, just so no one's confused. Because, you know, Jersey is over there in the U.K.,It's also a t-shirt material, isn't it? I think. It could be made of fabric. Yeah, I believe so. Jersey is a fabric type. I didn't think about that. Yeah. Maybe it is. Maybe they're just kites. Maybe we're really all on the wrong track here. It's just the Jersey kites. And then there's a lot of… African balsa wood. Yeah, there's a lot of guys drinking some… uh 40 ounces on the ground holding the string. I wonder if anyone's tried that, just waving their hand between the ground and the drone. It could be. I mean, it gets windy out there so so we've already, we've got the, we got, did the quiz. And must I, I must say myself, I think i did pretty well. Um, trying to think back, we've had a couple of quizzes of late.I think you did. Yeah, you did. You did pretty well. I think out of the. No, you did. All right. You came back. Finally, I get finally. I am. I'm spinning a bit here thinking of the quizzes because they're just so they're grained in my brain. Yeah, I finally get a little bit of, you know, you know, validation here. So then there we go. I don't know. You started off with the Dogman quiz and you nailed it. And I think about you as doing very well in the quizzes. So the quizzes that you have sort of tripped up on seem to be in the minority. So don't worry. You're always a quiz star to me. Oh, well, thank you. I appreciate that. I appreciate being a quiz star. Quiz star. Speaking of stars, many people think that these orbs that people are seeing with the drones are stars.Hmm. Okay. Well, misidentified stars. It's pretty interesting if you, and I've tried this and it didn't have success, but apparently if you hold your iPhone or smartphone of choice up to a star and zoom in, you get some interesting sort of light effects going on to make it look like it's pulsating or undulating or something like that. Oh, really? Yeah. That's wild. Give it a try. Report back. Well, the interesting thing to me about these orb things is because everybody always overzooms their cameras. Yeah. And then you're going to get that effect. So, well, I don't know what digital zoom, what the, you know, because everybody's on digital zoom at this point. So who knows? Yes. I don't know. That's at least what people who are trying to say that these are nottrue photos of actual orbs, the debunkers that we've discussed at length. They say that it's just poor photography for the most part. Right, so yeah. All this stuff boils down to poor photography. Do you think if we had some kind of government-funded photography classes across the U.S., that that would… solve this whole problem because every time they're like, well, you know, -
Miles and Bob make way for the 2025 edition of the Sooth Sayer Polish Nostradamus to make his New Year's predictions.
Happy New Year!
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Kansas City Chiefs vs. Detroit Lions - Detroit wins
Bob enters a contest to meet the Australian breakdancer and have a dance-off - he loses
Illinois passes a tax credit of $500 per pet for ownership - disaster results
Michael auditions for Ma on the stage show of Golden Girls
Pablo has a new show on Plauzzable called "Pablo Tickle My Funny Bone" - Panel Show
Smidge gets upstaged by Miles doing air guitar at one of his shows and he's pissed
Wil Wheaton, Kathy Bates, and Simon Pegg will die in 2025
Manny the Mailman turns out to be in the witness protection program and not an actual mailman
Bob refuses to give gas to Jenna Fisher when she runs out near his house
Hawaiin game show called "The Floor is Lava"
Trump outlaws planking but encourages parkour
Updated version of the Warriors Danny Trejo, Ted McGinley, Anotnio Vargus, Joyce Dewitt
Referee dies during robot women's oil wrestling because of a short-circuit - referee George Takei
Miles - Michael auditions for Ma on the stage show of Golden Girls
Miles prize - Bob buys dinner at the Twin Anchors in Chicago
Bob - Bob refuses to give gas to Jenna Fisher when she runs out near his house
Bob's prize - Miles is going to do an all-expense paid trip to the arcade of my choice
Bad AI Transcript of the show this week
There we go. There we go. Live streaming is on. Streaming live. Live, live, live. I touched my button. I touched my button. I touched your thigh and that's my thigh. Oh, my. The Jukes had written F-U-C-K on his car. Yes. Oh, my. Yes. Hey, everybody. Welcome to Snake Show. This is Bob. Oh, bye. Smile. Oh, bye. Smile. Yeah. I think that's more oh, oh, oh. Ozambic. Josh Takei reads Jim Morrison poetry. Okay. Let's hear it. I am the Lizard King. I am the Lizard King. I'd listen to it. I think that'd be funny. Oh, bye. The lizard jig. Oh, bye. Oh, bye. Hey, Brad. George, you're more of a gecko than a lizard. Oh, yeah. Ouch. Welcome to 2025, everybody. You made it.we made it, 2025. Yeah, everybody made it i hope yeah miles title line miles made it yeah i made it me me and my big zit on my nose at bottom yes miles was showing me his his large rather large nose. Nah, it was… With a zit on it, yes. Yeah, I didn't know it had a zit, apparently, but now I'm all weirded out, because now it's like, you got a pimple! Well, you were holding your phone, like, right up to your nose, and it was, like, staring at me. My cavernous nose, yeah, I know, you're like… Yeah, you got proboscis. Yeah. Maximus, for sure. Yeah, yeah. Now… If you've listened for a little while, you know that at the new year, we bring on, you know, our prestidigitator, Polish Nostradamus. Miles, is Polish Nostradamus here with us tonight? Okay. Apparently, Polish, his vibrator has gotten stuck.Do you want me to read last year's? Yeah, go ahead. Let's see how accurate I was in picking things to come. In no particular order. Roll it. You always do a Super Bowl pick. Baltimore Ravens versus Philadelphia Eagles. Ravens win. I don't think that happened. No, no. Keep going. Godzilla minus one wins best picture. i don't think they were even nominated for that uh well they won best uh they won best stomping and they won something yeah it was a good movie, by the way, if you haven't seen it. I watch it. Yeah. I've watched it twice well i mean people listening. So, uh, the lead singer of queen, Matt Damon as sandy from greece sings hopelessly devoted according to miles dream. I don't dream. Yeah. My dream is to watch madman all right you caught me yeah appears on 69 sasquatch podcast. Yeah? It didn't happen. It didn't happen this last year, but You never know it's gonna hold out hope. -
Rob from YMISpodcast
Rob from YMIS (Your Most Interesting Story) and Bob talk about all the happenings in the skies over New Jersey.
Rob from YMISpodcast
Full Summary
Hey everybody, welcome. This is Bob with a conversation about the Jersey Drone Show, if you can believe it. Today, I'm joined again by Rob from your most interesting story podcast. There he is. And there's a little, got to get the plugs in early, Rob, while people, you know, first three seconds, you get three seconds on YouTube and then they're out. So there you go. It's about their minds are fresh. That's right. Yeah. It's all about the shorts. It's all about the shorts. So Rob's here with me again. We're going to talk about all the hubbub that is surrounding the happenings in New Jersey here lately, right? New Jersey drones. The New Jersey drone show. I thought that sounded kind of like a spinoff from the Jersey Shore to me. I've never seen that show before.I never watched it. I mean, I just know of it because it's a pop culture phenomenon. I don't think I've ever actually watched an episode. I mean, I've seen it online and in the social feeds and all that kind of stuff from way back when, early social feeds, I'm assuming, because I can't remember what year it started. But I've seen it online, but I've never really watched the show. I've heard of it. Some of the characters. That's about as far as I get. Yeah, there's Snooki and Jay somebody and the situation. And, you know, I think the situation is appropriate character name for the Jersey Drone Show. There definitely is a situation. We have a situation. Exactly. Instead of Houston, we have a problem. We say, Jersey, we have a situation. So, yeah. Now,I always have been flow on these things. So for the other topics that we've covered, right? So Dog Man. Moth Man. Kentucky Goblins. Right, yeah, Moth Man. And then the Thunderbird. I've drawn from my vast and varied, varied from last show, knowledge about these things. And so I was a little torn. You're the researcher, I would say, between the two of us. That's why you're Rob and not Bob again, because R for researcher and then B for baloney. I don't know what that part would be. So I kind of did a half-hearted effort to read a little bit. Here was my criteria. If it's in the feed and I see it, i'll take a look at it. That was it. I didn't go seeking out things. I just But I will tell you, as we go along here, I do have experience with larger drones. You do? Yeah. Do you have somewhat of an expert opinion? Well, no. An amateur opinion, but i do have i do have some anecdotal uh informationFrom my own personal experiences, which you have no knowledge of. I'm looking forward to gaining that knowledge. We'll see if it comes into play here. I'm not sure. I probably have not been within the physical distance of a drone less than a couple hundred yards, I would guess. I've never seen one in action. Really? Yeah. How interesting. Yeah. Well, I will, I will tell you. So this is the interesting thing about the Jersey drone show is everybody keeps calling them drones. And yet on my cursory, you know, readings, I'm not sure all of them are drones. No. And that kind of leads me into, we want to move into the quiz. Do you want me to go straight to quiz? Sure. Well, I'm just thinking, cause we're going to cover some of the topics potentially that,That you would just bring up. There could be some related questions. We can kind of spin off on the individual. Okay. Well, let's go. All right. Let's do it. Jersey drones quiz. There we go. Jersey drones quiz. Might go over your head. You're very clever. They might keep your eyes skyward. Clever. Clever, clever. Are you ready to get them? I'm ready when you are, researcher. Let's refresh, folks, because was it the dog man quiz that you crushed? And then kind of fumbled a bit on the Thunderbird quiz. Thunderbird was abysmal. Even the goblins I did really quite well. -
Bob talks about Christmas Eve events, while Miles looks a gift box in the mouth.
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Bad AI Summation of the show this week
The conversation revolves around a podcast episode featuring hosts Bob and Miles discussing their experiences and memories related to the show and each other. As they reflect on the past year, they share humorous anecdotes, including a surprise interaction with actress Marilyn Ghigliotti, who played Veronica in the movie Clerks. Bob expresses his gratitude for the surprise, although he struggles to pronounce her last name correctly. Their friendship is highlighted through nostalgia, recalling their time in film school and humorous moments such as a screening of Clerks and a visit to an art museum where Bob's son had a vomiting incident. The hosts also touch on their personal lives, including family holiday experiences and the ups and downs of their relationships. The discussion is filled with lighthearted banter, teasing, and laughter, showcasing their camaraderie. Ultimately, the episode captures the essence of friendship, nostalgia, and the unexpected moments that make life memorable. Bob and Miles conclude with reflections on their Christmas experiences, focusing on the importance of family and laughter amidst the chaos. -
Bob has lunch with friends and gets triggered by their eating habits, while Miles taunts small children about their sports team's choices. Merry Christmas!
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Bad AI Summation of the show this week
In a casual conversation, Bob and Miles discuss their recent experiences and holiday plans. Miles mentions his unusual drinking habits while Bob recalls a holiday lunch with friends, Dr. J and Dr. K, where they reminisced about past lunches. Bob describes Dr. J's eccentric eating style, particularly how he devoured chicken wings like a raccoon, which left Bob both amazed and grossed out. They then shift to discussing a recent shopping trip where Bob encountered a fanatical sports fan who generously allowed him to purchase a coveted item. Bob humorously recounts his tendency to tease children about their favorite football teams, often causing them distress. The conversation reflects on the playful yet questionable nature of Bob's teasing, with Miles questioning if it's still socially acceptable. Both friends joke about their antics, revealing a shared sense of humor about their past interactions and current behaviors. Ultimately, the conversation is light-hearted and filled with nostalgic moments, showcasing their friendship and holiday spirit. -
Rob from YMISpodcast
Rob from YMIS (Your Most Interesting Story) Podcast quizzes Bob on all thing Thunderbird. With more than a few random offshoots onto other subjects.
Rob from YMISpodcast
Full Summary
everybody and welcome, this is Bob. And tonight, with rob from your most interesting Story, we're going to talk about the Thunderbird. Thunderbirds are go! I did not find that out in my research, that they were good Oh, they weren't go? Not that i saw. That may be a little bit of an esoteric uh tangent there, I'm not sure. But if people know who the thunderbirds are, it's a british uh television show with uh what was it marionation they're marionettes that were there's a british british tv show called the thunderbirds that saved they saved the world did they really yeah marionettes that can save the world yeah it's from like late 60s are they related to captain scarlet do you remember captain scarlet yeah okay it's uh by the same folks and i'm blanking on their names now butThey did the Thunderbirds. They did Captain Scarlet. They did some other stuff. Team America World Police is a total spoof of all of those kind of things. Never heard of that. Oh, okay. That's from the South Park people. Oh, okay. But we're here tonight. We're not talking about the Thunderbirds from Britain. We're talking about the mythical cryptid Thunderbird. Can we say that? Although some people… we'll say it is neither mythical nor encrypted. It is real. Steeped in legend, a mystery to this day. Yeah. Well, yeah. For some folks, not so much a mystery. No, especially one person we'll hear about later on. Yeah. Well, we'll see if your story connects with the one that I know of. So we'll see. That's a good idea. Now, I don't know that you realize…It's funny how there's always, this is why people think we live in a simulation because of all these weird connectivity, the connections between things. I don't know that you realize that I am in the, in proximity to a Thunderbird. Right now? Well, yeah. I mean, within like a 35 mile radius. Sure. Huh. Is he your pet? No. There is a, in Alton, Illinois, on the bluff of the Mississippi, is a painting called the Piusaw Bird. And the Piusaw Bird, in essence, is a thunderbird. Oh. And even though the current, so if you drive down the river road along the Mississippi River outside of Alton, you will encounter, you can't miss it, it's huge. you will encounter the Piusaw bird, which is a painting on the side of a river bluff, rock. And the story is that the Piusaw bird lived on the bluffs of the Mississippi. And the indigenous people, the Native Americans who lived there on the bluff, painted, they didn't paint the one that you see, they painted a different one that got destroyed by white people at some point on a different bluff.down the way a little bit, but they painted the Piusaw bird on the bluff in honor of the bird that lived up on the bluff. And since that time, people have embraced it because of the, they call it the legend of the Piusaw bird, but I'd believe that the native folks believed there was a giant bird that lived on the bluff. Interesting. Now, what does… Piasaw, what is that, an area? Well, it's become like there's Piasaw Oil Company. I think it's like a county. Okay. But that's what the Native Americans call it. They call it the Piasaw Bird. Okay. And it just got adopted. You know, I have no idea what Piasaw means. I should look it up here. Maybe it means thunder. Thunder.Wouldn't that be great? We had some pythosaur and lightning here last weekend. Really? Oh, wow. Unusual for where I live. The pythosaur bird is very close to Pierre Marquette Park, which flows into the story. Pythosaur bird is a creature from native. I'm reading from Wikipedia here. From Native American mythology depicted in one of two murals painted by Native Americans on cliff sides above the Mississippi River. And it tells you where the original location was ne... -
Joe Dimino - The American Enigma is You
Joe and Bob talk poetry, both the meaning, the words and the visual of it all.
They also discuss Joe's new book of poetry, The American Enigma is You. A very interesting conversation from a very good ready.
The American Enigma is You
Bad AI Summary
Bob welcomes Joe Domino to discuss his journey from sports journalism to poetry, highlighting his new book, "The American Enigma Is You." Joe explains that poetry was the foundation of his creative endeavors, initially sparked by friends in college, and he has been writing for about 30 years. He credits the Ozark arts community for supporting his publication journey, particularly his friend Kevin Rabus, who connected him with Spartan Press. Joe reflects on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people's lives and the realization of unfulfilled dreams, which motivated him to publish his poetry. He shares that his diverse background in sports journalism, IT, and the arts has shaped his unique writing style, which he describes as free-flowing and influenced by jazz. Joe emphasizes the importance of embracing all aspects of one's identity and creativity, moving beyond traditional constraints. The conversation touches on his influences, including E.E. Cummings and Charles Bukowski, and the significance of capturing everyday moments in his work. He encourages others to pursue their passions and explore the intersection of various creative outlets. - Mehr anzeigen