
  • In this episode I explain how stream-of-consciousness writing or "release writing" provides instant stress relief, mental clarity, and helps you drop into a feeling of peace and presence when you need it the most.

    It's also an amazing practice to use before bed!

    Listen to find out how you can better handle life's challenges through this simple writing habit.


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    Submit a question for an upcoming episode.

  • Inside this episode Iā€™m launching a new segment called Ask Annabelle - where I take questions you submit and answer them here on the podcast.

    If youā€™d like to submit a question for an upcoming episode. Click here to do that.

    Question #1 was about finding financial opportunities while staying at home with a baby, and how to gain clarity on the best path forward.

    Question #2: asked how to identify your own self-doubt and then how to address limiting beliefs.

    Question #3 explored how to stay motivated and energised for personal development instead of deprioritising it.

    Question #4: was about how to take the next step towards a goal without needing to have the entire plan outlined

    Question #5: discussed repeatedly being told by an inner voice that one's time will come for a desired creative outlet and what to do with that guidance.

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  • The truth is, we canā€™t live and work in a lighter way when our body is under sustained stress.

    But stress can be sneaky! It can often show up in ways that we donā€™t necessarily attribute to stress.

    These more subtle signs (like procrastination, people pleasing or busyness) are actually attempts by your body to seek a feeling of safety, because itā€™s feeling threatened or unsafe in some way.

    Once we understand this, we can learn to meet that need in a more supportive way.

    This is what magically shifts these patterns and moves you into a feeling of flow in your life.

    This is how we can start living and working in a much lighter way.

    This episode discusses:

    > How our nervous system responds to stress through "fight, flight, freeze or fawn" responses. Understanding which response you relate to can provide insight into how your body is communicating feelings of stress.

    > What the patterns of people pleasing, procrastination and busyness are trying to communicate to you

    > Listeners are invited to identify their most common stress response and contact Annabelle for a personalised voice note with tailored tips to support that response and help the body find safety (and therefore a lighter feeling).

    Work With Me:

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  • Welcome to my brand new mini series - Living and Working Lighter.

    This is Part 1!

    Living and Working Lighter creates so much more spaciousness, ease and enjoyment in our lives and allows us to be less attached to the goings on at work.

    Inside this first episode Iā€™m sharing about how we can create a more clear distinction between work & home life.

    Iā€™ll be sharing some of my favourite ways to ā€œdecompressā€ at the end of the day.

    Apply these decompressing techniques and youā€™ll find your body feels so much more relaxed at the end of the day.

    Youā€™ll have more energy & brain space too!

    Dropping out of that worky, masculine energy and into a softer, more present feminine energy, fosters a deeper connection and intimacy in your relationships as well.

    Stay tuned for the next episode + for your chance to receive a personalised voice note with coaching from me for free over on Instagram (for a limited time).

    Elevate The Mastermind

    If you want to go deeper into all of this work, check out Elevate The Mastermind.

    Over the course of 6 life changing months, youā€™ll completely change your relationship with work & learn how to advance your career in a way that feels really good to you and to your body.

    Work With Me:

    My private 1:1 program

    Elevate The Mastermind

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  • Imposter Syndrome is a phrase we hear discussed most often in circles of women.

    There's more open discussion about it now, which has normalised it (which is great)

    But we stop at the normalising part.

    We speak about it enough to normalise it butā€¦

    Do you know it's not something you have to keep bumping up against?

    It's absolutely something you can move through and transcend.

    Inside this episode I'm sharing some of my top remedies for Imposter Syndrome.

    Implement these to leave Imposter Syndrome behind and feel more certain and confident in who you are and what you're offering.

    Work With Me:

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    The 4 Step Process To Release Emotional Stress Digital Course:

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  • What if you could step into new heights in your career, but not have that cost your wellbeing or sense of peace?

    What if it became so normal for you to come home at night, and have your body feel light and relaxed?

    What if you could walk into a room to present or speak, and feel grounded and peaceful, knowing that nothing can shake your confidence?

    Elevate The Mastermind is my 6 month intimate group coaching program for professional women, women in business, leaders and aspiring leaders.

    Over the course of 6 months you will completely change your relationship with work, and learn how to advance your career in a calm, sustainable way.

    We use the power of belief and thought work to anchor you into deep belief and certainty about yourself, your skillsā€¦and it opens up a *ton* of possibilities and new opportunities.

    You'll learn how to nurture your nervous system and approach even the stretchiest of challenges feeling soft, and at ease.

    We meet weekly for coaching and Q&A (and each session is recorded if you canā€™t join live).

    Itā€™s an intimate group where you get to harness all of the magic of being on the journey with other likeminded women, but what often feels like the depth of 1:1 support because of our small size.

    Have a listen to this episode to learn more about the program, what's involved and how it can help you.

    We begin on 29th February. For more information head to this link:

    If you have questions and want to chat further with me, book in for a complimentary call to discuss whether the program is right for you.

  • Tune into this conversation with my client, Melissa King. Sheā€™s sharing about her journey of bringing the calm back to the corporate environment and the tools that have helped her feel lighter and more present at work.

    In this episode:

    Mel shares her self care practices in her morning routine that help her manage her emotions, and feel more calm throughout the day

    She discusses the value of leading with positive intentions each morning through affirmations, beliefs, and make the choice about how she wants to feel

    We talk ā€˜leading with lightnessā€™ and leading a team from a more feminine place

    She talks about the power of "leaning back" in conversations and trusting others' contributions instead of always feeling the need to lead

    Mel discusses creating calmness at home through slowing down, spending time with family, and honoring rest

    She describes the impact of her the work we have done together in the Mastermind + the supportive mastermind community


    Join me for the next round of Elevate The Mastermind. More info here:

    Head over to my website:

  • Welcome to the first episode of the new year, inside this episode Iā€™m discussing the natural inclination to reassess our career paths at this time of the year.

    Should you stick out your current role (or situation) or make a leap of faith into something new?

    Weā€™re discussing how to move through a decision making process about whether your current job aligns with your goals and wellbeing.

    This same rationale also applies to decision making about anything in life!

    Here are some takeaways:

    If youā€™re thinking of leaving, how to make empowered job decisions and the role mindset and self belief plays in this

    Cultivating an abundant mindset to open doors to new opportunities in life and work

    Discovering the hidden gifts within challenging work relationships and how these situations can be opportunities

    Leaving Versus Changing: We explore the idea that sometimes the solution isn't necessarily leaving a job but rather changing how we interact with our roles and work environments. This shift in perspective can lead to a more fulfilling experience without the need for a drastic change.

    Creating a healthier relationship with work and creating stronger work boundaries

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    The 4 Step Process To Release Emotional Stress Digital Course:

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  • Inside this episode Iā€™m taking you through my End of Year Ritual.

    It's a super simple process and a really lovely way to close out the year + welcome in a new one.

    We often race into the new year looking ahead, but forget to look back and take stock of how far we've come and what we have taken from the year.

    Thereā€™s wisdom and gold that your year has provided you with, that is going to support you in the new year and it needs to be acknowledged to activate it

    Recognising, acknowledging and reflecting on your year, helps you set goals and intentions from a ā€˜fullā€™ place - which makes all the difference.

    Tune into to learn this process + experience it for yourself.

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    The 4 Step Process To Release Emotional Stress Digital Course:

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    If this podcast serves you, Iā€™d really appreciate it if you could leave a rating and review.

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  • Without knowing it, we can externalise our sense of confidence and self belief.

    ....meaning we rely on the positive feedback or approval from others in order to feel stable and confident in ourselves and what we are contributing.

    Itā€™s a challenging place to live and work from.

    It sends us on an emotional rollercoaster - we get a boost or lift when we receive the feedback or praise we desire, and then we donā€™t, it can send us into a spiral of second guessing ourselves and our value.

    Inside this episode Iā€™m discussing:

    How to break free from the cycle of seeking external validation

    How to be your own source of approval which will lead to greater feeling of stability and ease in your work life (and life overall!) and dramatically grow your confidence and self belief.

    A really powerful weekly reflection practice that will really help you embed all of this + more.

    If you liked this episode, check out Elevate The Mastermind. My 6 month mastermind program here to help you deepen your self belief and create career success in a calm and sustainable way. Applications are open now for our next enrolment.

    Work With Me:

    My private 1:1 program

    Elevate The Mastermind

    The 4 Step Process To Release Emotional Stress Digital Course:

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    If this podcast serves you, Iā€™d really appreciate it if you could leave a rating and review.

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  • What if all the pressure, stress, and baggage associated with goal setting and resolutions were completely unnecessary? What if there was a different way to envision our year ahead and set our intentions, one that made the process feel lighter, more fun and focused on the journey not just the achievement?

    Join me inside this episode to learn a whole new perspective on resolutions and goals.

    Inside this episode we discuss:

    Rethinking goals and resolutions and the way we approach them The importance of understanding the ā€œunconscious agreementsā€ we often have with goals (and how this makes it hard to set them, stick with them and achieve them)Why approaching goals and resolutions with a solid foundation of ā€œI am already enoughā€ is key Journaling prompts and questions to help create clarity on what you want and whatā€™s true for you in 2024

    Journaling Prompts from the episode:

    Is this my goal or is it someone elseā€™s? Does this feel true for me or do I feel like I should be working towards this?

    Because I know Iā€™m already enough, with absolutely nothing to prove to myself or anyone elseā€¦

    What feels good for me to focus on this year?

    What feels important/ nourishing / fulfilling for me this year?

    Work With Me:

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    The 4 Step Process To Release Emotional Stress Digital Course:

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    If this podcast serves you, Iā€™d really appreciate it if you could leave a rating and review.

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  • Could you imagine leaving your full-time job without a fallback plan? My client, Sophie Rebbeck did just that in her quest to redefine success and find a healthier work-life balance.

    Tune into this episode to learn how sheā€™s made the shift from being a self confessed workaholic to creating a new relationship with work, that leaves space for the things that really matter to her.

    Inside this episode we discuss:

    Embracing a life of ā€˜working less and living moreā€™

    Going from over-identifying with work to discovering who she is and whatā€™s important outside of work achievements and pressures

    Defining her own version of success and how that helped her make a big shift in her career

    Slowing her life down and how that has opened her up more joy, and fulfilment (and new opportunities)

    Finding the courage to leave her job, and forge a new path with consulting work

    Being imperfect and the importance of bringing your ā€˜human-nessā€™ to work and your relationships

    Her advice on what to do if youā€™re feeling stuck at work or ready for a change

    Ready to change your relationship with work?

    Elevate The Mastermind is your pathway to calm, sustainable success.
    We begin on 2nd November.

    If you would like to join us click here:

    Listen to Ep 38 on the podcast to get an inside look into the program & how it can help you.

  • Does embracing femininity at work mean that you have to sacrifice success?

    Inside this episode, my client Katie Rodwell and I discuss this common misconception and how a shift towards embracing feminine energy can lead to both personal and professional success.

    Katieā€™s journey is a testament to the power of feminine energy, and the transformation that can occur when you trust in your skills and abilities.

    Inside this episode we discuss:

    How Katie transitioned from burnout and working too much from her masculine to a more relaxed state

    Challenging the idea that working from a lighter feminine energy means sacrificing success and achievement

    Practical advice on how to trust your instincts, say yes or no to decisions, and access your true feelings beneath the mental chatter

    How she made the shift to work much more from her feminine + saw opportunities flow in

    Practices she uses on a daily basis to embed all of this and more that you can use too.

    Elevate The Mastermind is your pathway to calm, sustainable access and more balanced relationship with your work.

    All the details are here:

    Check out Ep 38 on the podcast to get an inside look into the program.

    Work With Me:

    My private 1:1 program

    Elevate The Mastermind

    The 4 Step Process To Release Emotional Stress Digital Course:

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    If this podcast serves you, Iā€™d really appreciate it if you could leave a rating and review.

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  • Inside this episode Iā€™m chatting with my client Genevieve Steven. She is sharing her inspiring journey of struggling with burnout and her quest to restore her health.

    Sheā€™s done a remarkable job of taking care of her body, changing the relationship she has with work and creating a new framework to achieve more in her career, but do it in a much lighter way.

    Inside this episode we discuss:

    How understanding the root cause of her burnout was a significant step towards her healing and recovery.

    The unconscious beliefs that played a big role in the stress she had been experiencing

    Challenges faced by high-achieving women to balance their feminine energy.

    Achieving more but doing it in a lighter way

    The importance of self-care, setting manageable expectations, learning how to relax, nurturing the nervous system

    Her most recommended daily practice to support the body with stress

    Genevieve has been working with me inside my mastermind program. Elevate The Mastermind is your pathway to calm, sustainable success.

    Work With Me:

    My private 1:1 program

    Elevate The Mastermind

    The 4 Step Process To Release Emotional Stress Digital Course:

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    If this podcast serves you, Iā€™d really appreciate it if you could leave a rating and review.

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  • Inside this episode Iā€™m having a conversation with my lovely client, Nicole Hungerford. Wife, Step-Mum and Manager at an IT company based in Wellington.

    In this honest and open conversation, Nicole speaks to the struggles that many of us face as women at work and in leadership roles.

    She discusses how she has not only moved through these, but also transformed her confidence and shifted and expanded the perception she has of herself as a manager and leader.

    In this episode we discuss:

    Why itā€™s so important that we have open conversations about self doubt at work and start to normalise these tendencies Her own journey with self doubt and finding her place at work, as well as the pressure to measure up to expectations, both from herself and her team The struggles sheā€™s had delivering unpleasant news to people she manages (especially as a recovering people pleaser!) The key shifts she has made to feel more comfortable and confident within herself at workWhy using emotional release techniques has levelled out her emotions and enabled her to tap into more stability and happinessThe power of belief work and shifting your self talk and how it has boosted her self esteem and self beliefTips and techniques that are now daily practices for her (that you can use too) Some honest insights into working together 1:1 and what it has created for her and more.

    Work With Me:

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    The 4 Step Process To Release Emotional Stress Digital Course:

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    If this podcast serves you, Iā€™d really appreciate it if you could leave a rating and review.

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  • Ever wake up and just not feelā€¦good?

    If yes, that would make you very human!

    Maybe some days you have looping thoughts or worries circulating in your mind that cause you to feel ungrounded or a bit wonky.

    Maybe you can't really put your finger on it, but you just feel a bit 'off'.

    This is a process that you can use in these moments.

    In this episode I'm outlining 3 simple steps to use to realign you back to the best version of yourself - so you can feel lighter, more grounded, positive and energised.

    Tune in to learn these 3 steps and feel better in just a few minutes.

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    The 4 Step Process To Release Emotional Stress Digital Course:

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    If this podcast serves you, Iā€™d really appreciate it if you could leave a rating and review.

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  • In this short and sweet episode I'm discussing a simple practice will build your faith and bring so much peace and ease into your life.

    We can often find ourselves living from a place of worry - what's next? How is that going to happen for me?

    We might manifest something and then we start to worry about the next thing.

    Life can become this treadmill of stress and tension.

    In this episode I'm sharing why and how I keep a manifesting journal.

    Start this practice and really watch how you begin to relax and how a softness returns to your body.

    You'll feel a greater sense of peace as you go about your day and your life.

    There is something bigger than you that's listening to your prayers and is aware of what you need and is willing to provide for you. This practice will help you return to this knowing.

    Work With Me:

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    The 4 Step Process To Release Emotional Stress Digital Course:

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    If this podcast serves you, Iā€™d really appreciate it if you could leave a rating and review.

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  • Do you find you're tapped into so much content and information these days?

    Even if the information is positive and helpful for our own growth, it can also do something else - drown out the voice of our own intuition.

    Inside this episode Iā€™m sharing an excerpt from a recent coaching call from my mastermind program, Elevate.

    Iā€™m answering a question from one of our beautiful clients in the program who was feeling as though she was tapped into lots of information and even though it was all positive content, it was overwhelming her.

    My coaching covers:

    Why itā€™s so important to decrease our ā€œinputsā€ when we want to receive guidance on specific questions such as "what do I need to do?" or "what's next for me?"Creating space to ā€œhearā€ and connect more clearly with our intuition

    If you would like to join the waitlist and be one of the first to hear about when my mastermind program, Elevate re-opens click the link below.

    Work With Me:

    My private 1:1 program

    Elevate The Mastermind

    The 4 Step Process To Release Emotional Stress Digital Course:

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    If this podcast serves you, Iā€™d really appreciate it if you could leave a rating and review.

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  • This episode is from a free live coaching call I hosted. on 23rd July.

    I loved connecting with those that were there live and the questions that were asked.

    If you're here tuning into the recording, I know there will be coaching in there for you too.

    Hereā€™s some of what came through inside the session:

    Finding the courage to begin and get started with a new business ideaLetting go of the ā€˜fear of being seenā€™ with this new idea (especially by friends and family) The importance of small, steady steps when we are doing new things Being a Mum and coming to a place of acceptance around the choice to work or stay at homeHow judgements of others or comparisons point us back to where we arenā€™t accepting a choice / something about ourselves Letting this season of life be enough


    If youā€™d like to take this a step further, join me in my mastermind program, Elevate.

    Work With Me:

    My private 1:1 program

    Elevate The Mastermind

    The 4 Step Process To Release Emotional Stress Digital Course:

    Visit my website:

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    If this podcast serves you, Iā€™d really appreciate it if you could leave a rating and review.

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  • In this episode we are talking about the power of belief work.

    + how you can use it to change your results and transform your experience in life and in work.

    Deep belief goes before us.

    It fills the rooms and spaces that we work in. Itā€™s what people feel from us even before we say a word.

    It ā€˜speaksā€™ louder than experience and anything written on paper.

    Belief creates opportunities. It draws in new jobs, clients and abundance.

    Deep belief is what helps us feel safe and settled as we move beyond the confines of our comfort zone.

    In this episode weā€™re discussing:

    How belief work can help you create and draw in more opportunities for yourself How it can change your experience in your work and career What it looks like to do belief work Some beliefs you can start working with to support yourself

    Links: Join me inside my mastermind, Elevate.
    Applications are closing soon.

    All the details are here:

    Work With Me:

    My private 1:1 program

    Elevate The Mastermind

    The 4 Step Process To Release Emotional Stress Digital Course:

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    If this podcast serves you, Iā€™d really appreciate it if you could leave a rating and review.

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