Ujeedka podcast wa in aan ku soo gudbinno horumarinta shaqsiyeed, maandhiska, hal-abuurka, isbedelka , guulaha iyo taaariikhdooda bulshada haldoorkooda ah, si ay inoola wadaagaan safaradooda iyo casharada aynu ka baran karno ama khibrad ahaan. Sido kalena dadku uga helaan talooyin iyo taxanayaal u hoga tusaaleeya hayaankooda nololeed ay ku jiraan noocyadiisa kala duwan!
The Zoza Podcast is a weekly podcast featuring friends Jonito, Muthoni, Vlad, Farii, Kiragu and the Zoza Podcast family. They share their experiences and try to give their full, unfiltered opinion on anything that comes to mind. We appreciate our audience for the time they allocate to listen to us. ALWAYS WITH A K!!!!!!!!
A podcast where young minds give their candid perspectives and insights through interesting conversations.With your hosts; Teddy, Nick and Dean. Plus a whole frenzy of guests. Enjoy!
Uncensored. Unapologetic. Unfiltered. Unrated Unruly is a podcast named after the words that best describe the conversations taking place. Every week Taylor and Ashley discuss relationships, sex, love, friendship, and so much more all while drawing on their own experiences (no matter how embarrassing). It's a judgment-free space where their favorite topics are the ones normally deemed taboo.
A great podcast to listen
Welcome to The Terms and Opinions Podcast, hosted by yours truly Sheila Mecheo. A fun and exciting space where having open conversations about daily life struggles is the norm, and nursing feelings is too much of a foreign concept.
A roundtable discussion on the hottest topics in Nerd Culture presented by the Dragons, a group of like-minded and completely unlike-minded cohorts that tend to get a little overly excited at the sound of metal dice.
The Shooters Shoot Podcast. Three guys give their controversial opinions about current events, relationships and sports while telling hilarious stories. Hosted by Mike Owolabi Twitter & Instagram @Mikeviceo. Dale Chester Twitter @Dalej03 Instagram @Dj_Chester2 and Jason Ofili Twitter & Instagram @jayjson. Follow the Shooters shoot podcast on twitter and Instagram for all latest updates @shootersshootp
The CRAZY, the DUMB, the serious, the DEEP, the intense, the SHALLOW.. You think it, we speak it. New episode every Monday & Friday.
Actin like Jason Derulo
Funny life experiences,serious moments and discussions.
With our little experience in various fields, we dissect the various issues around us and try to develop solutions . In all we laugh because it's the only perfect remedy
This is the Podcast version of The Andrew Kibe Show (TAKS) streamed live daily on YouTube.
Chatting With Cherubs is a comedy chat podcast with hosts Morgan Rees and Josh Jones
Episodes released every Thursday. Please like/follow/subscribe -
Welcome to Seattle’s African unflinching comedy podcast hosted by an award winning Kenyan Comedian , Dubai Denis Maronga. The show is poised at the intersection of black, African, and American experiences, we chop up Comedy , Music & personal stories . The show also profiles some of the extraordinary people making a meaningful and affirmative contribution to their communities, cities, countries, the continent, and the world. .https://linktr.ee/DubaiDenis Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/theafricanexcellistpodcast/support
Uncut talk,nothing too serious here,anything and everything
Sailing On
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Platform: https://raboranksradio.wixsite.com/raboranksradio
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We’re three guys who talk a lot. A.B. is super down to earth and listens with intent, and ATL is a tall legend with nothing but gems to drop on you. And Nyce is… well he’s Nyce. Point is you’re one of us so come and tell us what grinds your gears.
Celebrating the life and career of American Radio Personality & Disc Jockey, Radio Hall of Fame Inductee, and star on the "Hollywood Walk of Fame" recipient, Charlie Tuna. We're curating Charlie's best highlights, and each week we will release a new show featuring clips from his past shows, airchecks, interviews, and personal commentary from youngest son and host, Bryan Ferguson.