Dr. Daniel McInerny delivered a talk titled “Karol Wojtyla: The Actor” at the college's 2024 Summer Consortium. McInerny’s talk featured scenes from his upcoming play, "The Actor," with Christendom students and alumni bringing Pope St. John Paul II’s time as an actor to life for the delight of the college’s benefactors.
Learn more about the 2024 Summer Consortium here:
George Weigel, who is the author of Pope St. John Paul II’s biography and a Distinguished Fellow of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, gave a talk titled “The Achievement of John Paul II: A Retrospective" at Christendom's 2024 Summer Consortium.
Learn more about the 2024 Summer Consortium here:
Renowned theologian Robert Cardinal Sarah delivered the keynote address for Christendom's 2024 Summer Consortium. In his address, Cardinal Sarah reflected on Pope St. John Paul II’s impact and legacy, particularly emphasizing his unwavering commitment to the Catholic faith and the Church’s teachings.
Learn more about the 2024 Summer Consortium here:
Renowned theologian Robert Cardinal Sarah celebrated Mass for attendees of Christendom's 2024 Summer Consortium in the college's Christ the King Chapel, speaking glowingly of Christendom during his homily.
Learn more about the 2024 Summer Consortium here:
College President Dr. Timothy O’Donnell and incoming president Dr. George Harne gave a seminar discussion titled “Nove Millenio Ineunte: Charting the Path in the New Millenium" at the college's 2024 Summer Consortium.
Learn more about the 2024 Summer Consortium here:
Christendom professor Dr. Owen Vyner delivered a talk titled “John Paul II on the Family: The Ark of the Domestic Church in the Flood of Modernity” at the college's 2024 Summer Consortium.
Learn more about the 2024 Summer Consortium here:
Christendom professor Dr. Joseph Arias delivered a talk titled “Pope Saint John Paul II and the Legacy of the Gospel of Life” at the college's 2024 Summer Consortium.
Learn more about the 2024 Summer Consortium here:
Christendom welcomed President’s Council, Legacy Society Members, and friends for the 2023 Summer Consortium, which focused on the theme "The Angelic Doctor: St. Thomas Aquinas and the Answer to a Culture in Crisis."
Dr. Andrew Whitmore gave a talk titled "St. Thomas and the Perennial Importance of Virtue" during the Consortium. He is an assistant professor of theology at Christendom College in Front Royal, Virginia. In his doctoral studies at The Catholic University of America, he specialized in St. Thomas Aquinas’ virtue theory. He has taught moral theology at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, as well as in formation programs for the permanent diaconate and in public talks to the laity.
Christendom welcomed President’s Council, Legacy Society Members, and friends for the 2023 Summer Consortium, which focused on the theme "The Angelic Doctor: St. Thomas Aquinas and the Answer to a Culture in Crisis."
Professor Michael Brown delivered a talk titled "St. Thomas on Why Freedom and Truth Go Together." He specializes in the study of medieval and modern philosophy. Brown received his B.A. in English language and literature from Christendom College and his M.A. in philosophy from The Catholic University of America. The coordinator for Christendom’s popular mission trips, he joined Christendom’s philosophy faculty in 1993.
Christendom welcomed President’s Council, Legacy Society Members, and friends for the 2023 Summer Consortium, which focused on the theme "The Angelic Doctor: St. Thomas Aquinas and the Answer to a Culture in Crisis."
College President Dr. Timothy O'Donnell gave a keynote address for the Consortium titled "Reflections on The Angelic Doctor: St. Thomas Aquinas and the Answer to a Culture in Crisis." He received his early education at Loyola Marymount in Los Angeles, California, where he graduated with B.A. degrees in philosophy and history and an M.A. in Church history. He received a doctorate in ascetical and mystical theology from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome (Angelicum). Dr. O’Donnell is the president of Christendom College.
Christendom welcomed President’s Council, Legacy Society Members, and friends for the 2023 Summer Consortium, which focused on the theme "The Angelic Doctor: St. Thomas Aquinas and the Answer to a Culture in Crisis."
Sr. Catherine Joseph Droste, O.P. delivered the keynote address for the Consortium. Sheis a Dominican Sister of the Congregation of St. Cecilia, Nashville, Tennessee. She received her Bachelor of Arts in history from Christendom College and continued her education to become a professor of theology. She teaches at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) in Rome and also serves as vice-dean of the theology faculty. In the areas of research and teaching her interests include ecclesiology with a particular emphasis on the role of religions and women in the Church, and the life of virtue. Recently she has also been involved in interreligious dialogue, discussing the Blessed Virgin Mary with Muslims in Turkey.
Christendom College welcomed benefactors and distinguished guests for its annual Summer Consortium event, focused the theme “The Kingship of Christ and Defending Religious Liberty.” Featuring talks from Dr. Ryan Anderson, Fr. Francis “Rocky” Hoffman, and others, the event provided a rich intellectual and spiritual journey for participants as they discussed the deep questions that challenge the Catholic Faith in our present age.
Fr. Rocky illuminated the importance of St. Joseph, particularly during this special “Year of St. Joseph” being celebrated in the Catholic Church in 2021. His example as a husband, father, and as protector of the Catholic Church is one to emulate during these confusing times, said Fr. Rocky, pointing to St. Joseph as a guide in the days ahead.
On Saturday, participants were treated to a full day of talks, beginning with a lecture from College President Dr. Timothy O’Donnell titled “On Quas Primas — The Universal Kingship of Christ.” Turning to both theology and the history of the Catholic Church, O’Donnell spoke eloquently on the importance of recognizing Christ as King and the need for society to do so again.
“Let’s pledge our loyalty to Christ our King,” said O’Donnell. “Let us think concretely how we, in our lives, can help build this civilization of love. If we can enthrone the Sacred Heart, acknowledging the Kingship of Christ, in our homes, in our families, in our businesses, in our parishes, in our schools, in our colleges, let’s do that, that one day our nation and our world will acknowledge Jesus Christ as Our King. May His Kingdom come.”
Defending religious liberty, the second focus of this year’s Consortium, took primacy on Saturday evening. A delicious dinner, provided by award-winning college Executive Chef Don Higby, preceded the keynote address from Dr. Ryan Anderson, acclaimed author, speaker, and the President of the Ethics and Public Policy Center. Anderson, who has previously spoken at the college on multiple occasions and taught as an adjunct professor as well, delivered an address titled: “Religious Liberty Is Important, But It’s Not Enough.” He discusses the current state of society and what the role of the state in protecting human dignity.
“There are three truths from the very beginning of the Bible — that we’re made in the image and likeness of God, that were created male and female, and that male and female are created for each other,” said Anderson. “Whether it’s the abortion debate, the transgender debate, or the gay marriage debate, those are the truths that are most threatened today. But Christendom students are living these truths out. They are forming families, having babies, and coming back as faculty members. They are doing work that is bearing witness to the truth in their personal life, professional life, and in their intellectual and spiritual life.”
Following Mass in Christ the King Chapel, celebrated by former college chaplain Fr. John Riley, participants heard from Christendom’s Theology Department Chairman Dr. Owen Vyner. During his talk, titled “Sacramental Penance and the Triumph Over Sin: Participation in Christ’s Kingship,” Vyner provided a powerful look into the theology behind the nature of sin and how each person can more fully follow Christ through the Sacrament of Confession.
“Contrition, confession, and satisfaction undoes sin at its root, but more deeply, aided by grace, we are sharing in God’s own freedom,” said Vyner. “To do battle and to seek to overcome sin is to have the freedom of a king. More specifically, it is to share in Christ’s Kingship and his victory over sin on the cross. Thus to engage in this battle, through the sacrament and the virtue of penance, is to have royal freedom — the freedom of the sons and daughters of God.”
Renowned author and speaker Joseph Pearce discusses the relevance of great literature in our lives today. Humanity is revealed through great literature, and is a vein to explore the ever-present problem of suffering.
Fr. Tom Shepanzyk delves into the demonic evil of Communism. He discusses the genocide, terror, and repression of Communist regimes in the twentieth century.
The speakers of the Summer Conference on Restoring the Divine Plan for Marriage and the Family hold a question-and-answer session.
Mary Beth Bonacci, an internationally recognized speaker, gave a talk on the importance of true love and the differences between how men and women express love.
“The abuse of the word ‘love’ has grown so much worse. We conflate attraction and desire with love, and now, we conflate agreement with love, and conversely, disagreement with hate. We urgently need to figure out what real love it, what it means, how we live it in our lives.”
Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, the Archbishop of San Fransisco, gave a talk in which he encouraged the laity to transform our culture by living out God’s plan for marriage.
“It is no surprise that, yes, we do have a lot to fix in our society. A society of justice, peace, and prosperity for all–these are the fruits of a society with a strong culture of marriage and the family. So let us steel ourselves, with the help of God’s grace, to bear witness to the Truth, in love.”
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