After listening to this podcast, you will be able to: • describe the innervation of the female reproductive system, • identify that pain is often perceived by patients undergoing office gynecological procedures, • outline factors associated with increased pain perception during office gynecologic procedures, • describe evidence-based techniques to reduce pain during gynecologic procedures, including pelvic exams, IUD placement, and endometrial biopsy.
In this episdoe we will explore Thyroid Eye Disease. You may also hear this topic referred to as thyroid orbitopathy or Graves’ orbitopathy, but today we will use the overarching umbrella term of Thyroid Eye Disease. After listening to this podcast, learners will be able to: 1. Explain the anatomy and pathophysiology behind thyroid eye disease 2. Recognize signs and symptoms of thyroid eye disease 3. List treatment options for thyroid eye disease, including surgical options
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This episode will cover practical tips for recognizing and managing eye trauma. We will look at foreign bodies and globe rupture. Today’s learning objectives: 1. Intraocular foreign body: take an effective history and select appropriate imaging depending on the type of foreign body. 2. Globe rupture: recognize that this also an ophthalmic emergency, and recognize signs that may indicate an open globe.
In this episode of Surgery 101 where we will cover practical tips for recognizing and managing eye trauma. This week’s episode will cover lacerations and compartment syndrome. For today, our objectives are: 1. Eyelid lacerations: recognize if these involve the eyelid margin or the canalicular system, and recognize why medial lid lacerations are often the most concerning. 2. Orbital compartment syndrome: recognize signs of this ophthalmic emergency and explain why a lateral canthotomy and cantholysis is the urgent procedure of choice.
In this final episode, medical student Sunpreet Cheema and Dr. White reflect upon the surgical innovations and innovators discussed in this ten-part series.
This episode features and interview with Dr. Carol Duncan who discusses her great grandfather's connection to surgical innovation. Dr. Simon Powell Sebastian was a renowned physician, surgeon, and the co-founder of two historic African-American hospitals in Greensboro, North Carolina.
Today, Sunpreet Cheema and Surgery 101 will explore the fascinating histories of the inventors behind three indispensable surgical suction devices: the Yankauer, the Poole, and the Frazier.
Today, we explore the fascinating histories of the inventors behind two handheld surgical forceps: DeBakey and Adson.
During an operation, it’s common to have to put a clamp on blood vessels in preparation for suturing. Today, Sunpreet Cheema will review a few of the most common clamps you’ll encounter and look at the names behind the history: Kelly, Crile and Halstedt.
PDF Notes for Surgery 101 episode on The History of Clamps
In this episode, Sunpreet Cheema will take a look at instruments used to hold tissue firmly, through the lens of two more surgical innovators: Emil Theodor Kocher and Oscar Huntington Allis.
Retracting tissues is an essential part of surgery. We need to be able to hold the wound open so you can see and operate on deeper structures. In this fourth episode of her ten part series, Sunpreet Cheema explores the fascinating histories of the inventors behind three indispensable surgical retractors: the Senn’s, the Weitlaner and the Balfour.
Today, medical student Sunpreet Cheema continues her ten part series with episode three, which delves into the surgical history of the scalpel and cautery. This episode considers three surgical lives: Morgan Parker, Charles Russell Bard, and William T. Bovie.
Today, medical student Sunpreet Cheema explores the fascinating histories of surgical innovators who developed some of our most indispensable surgical instruments - scissors. Specifically, we’ll be looking at the Mayo and Metzenbaum scissors.
In this introductory episode, Dr. White and Sunpreet Cheema discuss the the history of surgery through the lens of surgical instruments. Supreet Cheema provides an introduction to her ten part series by reviewing the Babcock foreceps.
Welcome to this episode of Surgery 101 where we will learn the basics of tympanic membrane perforations. After listening to this podcast, learners should be able to: 1. Describe the anatomy relevant to a tympanic membrane perforation. 2. List the mechanisms by which a tympanic membrane perforation can occur. 3. Gather pertinent positives on history and physical exam for a patient presenting with a suspected tympanic membrane perforation. 4. Recognize signs of an emergent presentation. 5. Outline treatment options for a tympanic membrane perforation including surgery.
PDF Notes for Surgery 101 episode on Nontechnical Skills in Surgery
It may come as a surprise that research suggests the biggest opportunity for improvement surgical outcomes lies not in a surgeon’s ability to throw a stitch or find the plane, but in their NONtechnical skills. After this episode, listeners will be able to: • Define and describe the importance of nontechnical skills in improving surgical outcomes • Articulate the NOTSS framework for categorizing nontechnical skills • Identify a personal learning plan to improve nontechnical elements in surgical education
This is the third and final episode of the series focused on basic anesthetic drugs. In this episode, we will explore vasopressors and inotropes. After listening to this episode, you will be able to: 1. Outline the role of vasopressors 2. List the 5 main vasopressors used in the OR and their indications 3. Describe the mechanism of action for Phenylephrine, Ephedrine, Norepinephrine, Epinephrine, and Vasopressin
PDF Notes for Surgery 101 episode on Basic Anesthetic Drugs: Vasopressors and Inotropes
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