Thanks for joining me again today. Today I am joined by my lovely husband to discuss what we feel has contributed to our long lasting relationship. We touch on our ups and downs and how we have worked through the other side to be in such a loving and solid marriage today.
Follow me on instagram for more insights on life’s journey including all things well-being, self development and fertility @_talk.heal.grow_
Thank you! Xx
Happy new calendar year! Hope this year brings everything you wish for! Thanks for joining me again today… If you take anything away from this episode I hope it’s your power back! In this episode I talk about how the foundation of your life starts within you, you have all the answers, you have the choice and you have the power! Listen along to hear the importance of our intuition and how to re-connect with it and how everything within you generates your quality of life.
The power really is within you, so utilise it!
Don’t forget to follow/subscribe so you don’t miss an episode! Xx
Follow the podcast’s instagram page at @_talk.heal.grow_
Fehlende Folgen?
Welcome back! & thank you joining me! On this 11/11 portal and considering we’re in the depths of autumn the theme of this episode is letting go. Letting go of any aspect of yourself that no longer serves you and that your future bad b*tch self cannot carry forward.
I share what I believe to be one of the key factors of manifesting and my tips (all tried and tested by yours truly) on identifying and releasing those limiting attachments to yourself.
Listen to the end to hear my poem on letting go - it’s emosh!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Firstly, HAPPY PCOS Awareness Month! It’s been a minute since I released an episode so this episode is a chance to catch up on the things I’ve learnt and some changes I’ve made to my lifestyle to help with my hormone health and overall wellbeing and how I’m trying to cultivate more self-love into my life and improve my relationship with my body.
Thanks so much for joining me and I hope you enjoy our catch up!
Find me on insta @kaseyjosteele_xo
I decided to share a guided meditation to support the discussion during episode 5 in case it had caused any triggers or brought up any emotions I want to support you further where possible. So, take some time out for yourself to relax and surrender to this guided meditation. I hope you enjoy and it helps you on your journey to healing.
Thank you so much for coming back and listening to episode number 5! One of my favourite episodes yet! It’s been a minute, I’ve had this one recorded a while but like got in the way. In this episode I bring to light how a lot of people today are living life with unhealed trauma which may be affecting them more than they realise. I talk about ways in which to identify trauma, some of my spiritual experiences and tools and tips on how to work through and release trauma and any limiting emotions and beliefs. My Yorkshire accent may bring a few giggles because I can’t seem to pronounce anyone’s name properly! Hope you enjoy and take something from it.
Today, I have plucked up the courage to share my journey regarding IVF. I intended to share practical tips with anyone that is going to go through or thinking about going for IVF. However this turned more into me just pouring out my story (in summary) and being very honest and raw. This is probably the most honest and open I have ever been relating to my IVF cycles. As I say in the episode maybe this one was just for the purpose of helping me on my healing journey but I do hope you take something from my truth and have a little laugh or cry with me along the way.
Today I discuss cycle syncing by breaking down each phase of the cycle and highlighting what is happening within the body at that time, what we would typically feel like and experience and also what we can do to help our bodies thrive in each phase and minimise PMS symptoms. Empower yourself and take back control by implementing cycle syncing into your life.
Today I discuss hormonal health and share my experience in being diagnosed with PCOS and navigating my way through managing my symptoms (there may be an embarrassing story thrown in there too)! It’s a longer episode than usual but there is a lot to be said on this subject. 1 in 10 people suffer with PCOS in the UK and there’s nowhere near enough support for people diagnosed, let’s change that together! Hope you enjoy & learn something new. DISCLAIMER!: I am NOT medically trained and am only sharing advice based on my personal experience, please seek medical advice from a healthcare professional where necessary.
Welcome to my first ever podcast episode! Today we are talking all things goal setting and why spring may be the perfect time to focus on your goals if you haven’t been too motivated at the start of the calendar year. Today I share my tips on identifying goals that align with your true self and how to keep motivated with hopes to inspire you to stay focused and bloom like those beautiful spring daffodils we’re seeing flowering out there right now. Hope you enjoy! PS I am committed to improving my editing skills! Bare with! & don’t judge a girl, it’s my first time after all! lol Xx