In her Dvar Torah for Parashat Shlah-Lekha (June 17, 2023), TBE member LeAnne Whitlow argues that perspective is everything.
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In her Dvar Torah for Parashat Beha’alotekha (June 10, 2023), TBE member Alane Cameron Ford discusses how the preparations for life beyond the wilderness can guide us in the work of building community today.
In his Shabbat message for Parashat Naso (June 3, 2023), Rabbi Knopf argues that, from the Torah's perspective, laws that target transgender and nonbinary people are crimes against humanity. Pride Month was originally established as a movement to protest bigotry against LGBTQIA+ people. The need to continue protesting and fighting for equality continues.
Description: On the festival of Shavuot, we read the Ten Commandments. The first of those commandments is a little baffling, considering it doesn’t appear to command anything at all. Drawing from the haftarah portion for the 1st day of Shavuot (May 26, 2023), Rabbi Knopf explains that the 1st commandment is actually the essence of what was commanded at Sinai, and continues to call upon us today.
In his Dvar Torah for parashat Bamidbar (May 20, 2024), TBE member Brandon Methey explains that Jewish people have often had a fraught relationship with the countries we live in, and asks what can the Torah teach us about how to interact with where we live and our own community?
In his Dvar Torah for parashat Bamidbar (May 20, 2024), TBE member Brandon Methey explains that Jewish people have often had a fraught relationship with the countries we live in, and asks what can the Torah teach us about how to interact with where we live and our own community?
Description: After a startling experience, TBE member Emily Jasper reflects in this Dvar Torah on how Parashat Emor (May 6, 2023) describes the laws for purity required of the priests. But instead of clean or unclean, she discusses the liminal space of being vulnerable, as shared by the Gamliel Institute’s Nina Rubin.
In his Dvar Torah for Parashat Tazria-Metzora/Rosh Hodesh Iyar (April 22, 2023), TBE member Laurance Wieder explains that Leviticus says nothing about actual pregnancy, while Solomon declares “there is no new thing under the sun.” But Isaiah sings of birth without labor, of new heavens and new earth, and proclaims the new moon.
Parashat Terumah focuses on the construction of the elaborate Tabernacle so that ‘G-d can dwell among them.’ But why does G-d require a physical, earthly dwelling at all? TBE member Brandon Mittman discusses the essential purpose of earthly creation.
In his Passover message for this year, Rabbi Knopf explains how the customary conclusion of the Seder, "Next Year in the Built Jerusalem!” is actually a commandment, calling upon us to make heaven on earth.
In her Dvar Torah for the 2nd day of Passover (April 7, 2023), TBE member Alane Ford explains that the biblical book of Leviticus can be a toolbox or instruction manual for drawing meaning from ancient stories of freedom.
In his Dvar Torah for the 1st day of Passover (April 6, 2023), TBE Executive Director Damien Timms looks at the events of the 10th plague from the point of view of the moral quandary God was placed in.
In his Shabbat message for Parashat Ki Tissa (March 11, 2023), Rabbi Knopf celebrates the completion of Temple Beth-El’s sanctuary renovation with a call to honor its purpose through perpetual participation.
TBE member and past-president Bob Siegel explains that Parashat Yitro (February 11, 2023) helps us understand that spirituality is not limited to quiet moments of introspective reflection; rather, it often includes concrete physical action and engagement with others. When we tirelessly work to pursue justice, we may find that it leads us to even greater moments of spiritual fulfillment.
Inspired by the Autistic Rebbetzin’s idea of Moses being Autistic, TBE member Jamie Weinstein tells the story of Parashat Beshallah (February 4, 2023) with an autistic hero through the eyes of an autistic mom. The hero here isn’t just Moses but his inner tribe who supports him, teaching us about unity and community support around disabled folks.
In one of the most famous stories in the Torah, Pharaoh’s heart is hardened during the plagues and his choice is taken away. In his Dvar Torah for Parashat Va-era (January 21, 2023), TBE member Brandon Metheny explores how we can uphold the importance of free will while also accepting the lack of it in that moment.
In this Dvar Torah for Parashat Va-Yehi (January 7, 2023), TBE member Alane Ford discusses the patriarch Jacob's preparations for his own death and asks, what does it mean to face one's own death? And how can we do this well?
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