Conversations with leading legal minds on the cutting edge of the law.
At a time when our nation is portrayed as increasingly polarized, media often ignore viewpoints and stories that are worthy of attention. American Thought Leaders, hosted by The Epoch Times Senior Editor Jan Jekielek, features in-depth discussions with some of America’s most influential thought leaders on pertinent issues facing our nation today.
Drawn from the past six seasons, this is a six-episode, best-of collection focused on slowing down, making space, and finding meaning within our jam-packed lives.
Willkommen bei "Deutsch lernen durch Hören"! Hier finden Sie kurze Geschichten und Dialoge zum Deutschlernen. Hören Sie sich diese an, verbessern Sie Ihr Hörverstehen und erweitern Sie Ihren Wortschatz. Einfach, praktisch und unterhaltsam – Deutschlernen macht Spaß!
Immerse yourself with real French dialogues and learn French language structures naturally in everyday situations.
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.
김영철과 영국남자 피터 빈트의 영어 팟캐스트.
일상 생활 속 궁금했던 영어표현을 알려주는 진짜 영국식 영어!
영어 능력 상승은 물론 영국식 악센트까지 재밌게 배워봐요~ -
여행을 위한, 시험을 위한 그리고 취미 생활을 위한 모든 프랑스어와 프랑스 문화를 함께 해요! https://blog.naver.com/finalperfect
Hello. This is a proffesional Korean teacher! You will listen easy and fun stories just in Korean! Come and chanllenge your Korean skill🥰
You can also find me on Youtube 한국어 한 조각 -
A podcast that critically examines the working-class struggle through the lens of MMT or Modern Monetary Theory. Host Steve Grumbine, founder of Real Progressives, provides incisive political commentary and showcases grassroots activism. Join us for a robust, unfiltered exploration of economic issues that impact the working class, as we challenge the status quo and prioritize collective well-being over profit. This is comfort food for the mind, fueling our fight for justice and equity!
PERSPECTIVA con Mariana Lee son historias reales de personas reales con problemas como el tuyo. Mariana Lee te muestra lo que aún no ves de la experiencia y de ti mism@, llevándote a la raíz de tus conflictos. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/perspectivaconmarianalee/support
영어와 한국어 공부를 동시에~!!TBS eFM (본방 - 월~토 19:00~21:00 / FM 101.3MHz)진행 : Punita Bajaj
由台灣獨立媒體《報導者》所製播,帶你走進採訪現場、聽記者們發現的第一手故事。 除了有訪談、有現場,更製作新聞摘要單元「今天來敲婉」、國際新聞單元「儘管世界爛透了」、藝術文化單元「他們的魔幻時刻」,以各種聲音形式,陪伴你關心世界、走入在地、聽見多元社會脈動。歡迎緊追《報導者》臉書粉絲團、Instagram、電子報,許願節目來賓、參與提問,告訴我們你想聽什麼。 贊助力挺台灣第一個以非營利基金會成立的媒體,無廣告、無付費牆、獨立又開放的《報導者》:https://bit.ly/2Ptvj6F 寫小紙條給Podcast編輯台:[email protected] 關於《報導者》:IG:https://www.instagram.com/twreporter_podcast/官網:https://www.twreporter.org/Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/twreporterTwitter:https://twitter.com/tw_reporter_org訂閱電子報:https://bit.ly/3k2P42Z--Hosting provided by SoundOn
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중학교 영어만 알아도, 하고 싶은 말은 다 할 수 있다! 명불허전 이근철 선생님과 유쾌발랄 학생을 맡고 있는(?)
나탈리의 본격 코믹 장르 영어 회화! 재밌고 쉽게 패턴을 익히며 영어 공부를 해보세요. 교재는 서점에서 절찬 판매중!