
  • April Adams Pertuis is a dynamic force in the world of storytelling and visibility, empowering mission-driven female entrepreneurs and business leaders to leverage the strength of their Story to create more connection, build community, and increase deal flow.

    She helps mission-driven leaders and entrepreneurs discover their inherent ability to reach people by teaching them how to share their story so they can create deeper connections and build strategic relationships.

    As the visionary Founder and CEO of LIGHTbeamers, April pioneers the way for women to use their stories as a catalyst for growth. When April speaks, audiences discover the power of their own story to create more cohesive communities, build stronger relationships, and attract ideal outcomes. The key message is always “everybody has a story” and that story is a powerful beacon used to shine a light for others.

    Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable. If you think about those you follow and admire online, most of them have probably told parts of their story that you connected with. So think about how you can connect with your audience in the same authentic way. Know your ideal audience. When you know who you are talking to, you can tell your story from the viewpoint of where they are. They probably can most relate to your “before” because that’s probably where they are now. It all starts with them seeing themselves in your story.Your story doesn’t have to be in chronological order. We all have lots of stories to tell, but we also don’t need to tell every detail. Find the stories that will most connect with your audience and then use that story to tell the beginning, transformation, and other side, your message or lessons learned. RESOURCES:

    Visit the blog post that goes along with this episode for more resources

    Listen to April’s podcast The Inside Story Podcast

    Download April’s Story Arc Framework

    Hang out with April on Instagram

    Snag a seat in the Sell on Autopilot Masterclass, and learn how to use email marketing to sell while you sleep!


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    If you found value and are ready to take action from listening to this episode, head to Apple Podcasts and help us reach new audiences by giving the podcast a rating and a review. This helps us to reach more online coaches who are creating a thriving 6-figure business.

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  • Welcome to this episode inside of our Ask Me Anything Series on the 6-Figure Secrets Podcast! Today, I’m sharing four email marketing and funnel questions submitted by our Funnel of the Month Club members.

    The four questions are:
    How many emails should I be sending in my Email Pitch Sequence?How often should I be sending emails?What do I do with email subscribers who aren’t in a funnel/sequence?How do I get my phone to send my texts when someone buys something? I’ll be digging into these questions, sharing my perspective as an Email Marketing Strategist, and giving you actionable strategies to resolve them and help you move forward in your email marketing strategy with intention and sales in mind.


    Visit the blog post that goes along with this episode for more resources

    Join the Funnel of the Month Club


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    If you found value and are ready to take action from listening to this episode, head to Apple Podcasts and help us reach new audiences by giving the podcast a rating and a review. This helps us to reach more online coaches who are creating a thriving 6-figure business.

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  • With Summer Break quickly approaching, you might be wondering how your business is going to look this summer. The benefit of owning your own business is that you can shift and change it to make it work for you. I want to share some tips to help you make your business fit the type of Summer you want.

    Be proactive. Look ahead and see what things you can do in your business now so you don’t have to do them this summer. One way that I like to think ahead is to do bulk work. If you have something that you do weekly, maybe there is a way to do batches of work so it’s already ready or scheduled out for the summer.Figure out what the bare minimum is that you need to do to keep your business afloat. When you know your bare minimum, it actually helps you get clear on what things actually need to get done. If possible, invest in outsourcing some tasks. Prepare now by thinking of what types of things you can automate. How can you create your sales on autopilot? For example, maybe instead of doing a live webinar every week, create an automated webinar. RESOURCES:

    Check out the blog post that goes along with this episode for additional resources

    Grab a spot in the upcoming Sell on Autopilot Masterclass


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    If you found value and are ready to take action from listening to this episode, head to Apple Podcasts and help us reach new audiences by giving the podcast a rating and a review. This helps us to reach more online coaches who are creating a thriving 6-figure business.

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  • Krissy Chin is a #1 Amazon best-selling author, podcast host, business strategy coach, and consultant for those who want to get their business online and sell while they sleep. From building a multi-million-dollar course and membership, she has learned strategies to save time and scale through automation and building a team. Now she and her partner help aspiring entrepreneurs develop their unique brands, stand out with high-converting websites, and streamline their business so they can spend more of their time with their families.

    There is nothing Krissy loves more than to help others embrace her “done is better than perfect” motto to get unstuck and take action to Build a Blissful Business so they can work less and enjoy (and earn) more!

    Try a subscription-based offer. Depending on what you offer and how you want to serve people, you might decide to offer a small or bigger price point. Either way, a subscription-based model helps generate more customers, which generates more consistent income. Affiliate marketing and collaboration can help you grow your audience. Many people spend time and energy in their businesses building their audiences, so why not help each other out? Getting in front of already-built audiences can help your business be seen and initiate more leads. Simplify. How can you simplify your system and process to make it more automated? Make it simple and almost cookie-cutter. You can tweak a few things here and there, but you can essentially use the same process over and over. RESOURCES:

    Visit the blog post that goes along with this episode for more resources

    Get a template of Allison's email that was directly responsible for selling over $80,000 worth of digital products, courses, and memberships in 2023

    Hang out with Krissy on Instagram

    Grab Krissy’s #1 Amazon Best Seller, Sell While You Sleep

    Watch Krissy’s How to Automate Your Online Business and Increase Your Sales While You Sleep Masterclass


    Follow Allison on Instagram


    If you found value and are ready to take action from listening to this episode, head to Apple Podcasts and help us reach new audiences by giving the podcast a rating and a review. This helps us to reach more online coaches who are creating a thriving 6-figure business.

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  • Everything works—all the tips, tricks, resources, and tools, as well as platforms like YouTube, TikTok, Pinterest, DMs, Instagram, email marketing, and more!

    The topic of feeling the pressure to do everything and to be everywhere in your business came up in a panel discussion at the Podcasting Moms Conference I recently spoke about. So in this week's episode I wanted to dig into this topic a bit more, so that you can know where to spend your time in your business.

    Get clarity on your goals. When we feel this pressure to do all the things in our business, we are feeling that pressure because we are not super clear on our goal. When you know what your goal is, figuring out how to get there can be done relatively quickly. Change your mindset and do the internal work on why you have certain goals. There are usually 5 reasons why your perspective is cloudy or that you feel pulled in different directions. I share 5 things that might be clouding your perspective or making you feel pulled in different directions. RESOURCES:

    Visit the blog post that goes along with this episode for more resources

    Download The $80,000 Email Template


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    If you found value and are ready to take action from listening to this episode, head to Apple Podcasts and help us reach new audiences by giving the podcast a rating and a review. This helps us to reach more online coaches who are creating a thriving 6-figure business.

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  • Holly helps female entrepreneurs create simple scalable offers and systems to grow to multi-6-figures without relying on the social algorithm.

    An industry expert and featured Thrive and author with a 20-year business consulting background with Fortune 500 companies, Holly built her now 7-figure business while working full time, retiring herself and her husband.

    Holly now runs her strategic coaching business, the Crush the Rush Planner company, and hosts the top 100 Crush the Rush podcast while raising her twin daughters with her husband in Columbus, Ohio.

    Doing something consistently over a long period of time helps your business grow. There is no magic trick to this except consistently showing up. Plan ahead. Holly suggests you plan your life first and then plan your business around your life. Usually, Holly and her team map out what they are going to do quarterly. Once they have a plan, they can schedule certain things, like emails. Continue doing what feels good. Holly does a podcast and sends an email weekly because that is what works for her and feels good. Do what feels in alignment, and things will usually work out.RESOURCES:

    Visit the blog post that goes along with this episode for more resources

    Snag a seat in the Sell on Autopilot Masterclass, and use email marketing to sell while you sleep!

    Grab Holly’s private podcast, Ditch the Social Drama

    Hang out with Holly on Instagram

    Visit Holly on her website


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    If you found value and are ready to take action from listening to this episode, head to Apple Podcasts and help us reach new audiences by giving the podcast a rating and a review. This helps us to reach more online coaches who are creating a thriving 6-figure business.

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  • If you want to sell something in your business every single day, this episode of the 6-Figure Secrets Podcast is for you! I recently found a new Instagram strategy as a result of another strategy failure.

    I was listening to a podcast from Amy Porterfield in which she interviewed Nicole Burke from @gardenaryco. Nicole shared her Instagram strategy of posting three times a day and the results she was seeing from this work.

    I wanted to try something new to see if I could increase engagement and see a more direct ROI from my Instagram. I challenged myself to try this strategy for a month and then reevaluate.

    Over the course of that month, I was only able to post 3 times a day one time.


    A total systems failure!

    But because of this failure, I was able to land on a new strategy that I'm sharing in today's episode, which has helped me to produce similar results to what Nicole was sharing!

    So in this week's 6-Figure Secrets Podcast, I'm walking you through how I landed on this strategy and sharing how you can implement this strategy too.

    Learn how to do a pinned post on Instagram. These are posts that sit at the top of your Instagram feed and can help you keep information and offers that you want your followers, or new followers, to see often. I have a link in the resources below to help you learn how to do this.Try Many Chat on Instagram to get more engagement. This has been such an awesome tool that automates engagement! Many Chat is a bot that is set up to where when a follower comments a keyword, and then it automatically DMs a link to the person who commented. The more engagement you get, the more your content is pushed to other people on Instagram. Make it work for you. There are so many different methods and tools out there to help you run your business. But you can’t do them all! It’s ok to try something and not have it work. So when this happens to you, use it an opportunity to try something else. Remember, be ruthless about the goal, but flexible in how you get there.RESOURCES:

    Visit the blog post that goes along with this episode for more resources

    Grab the Instagram Pinned Post training for only $7

    Listen to the Amy Porterfield’s podcast, Online Marketing Made Easy, where she interviews Nicole Burke of Gardenary


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    If you found value and are ready to take action from listening to this episode, head to Apple Podcasts and help us reach new audiences by giving the podcast a rating and a review. This helps us to reach more online coaches who are creating a thriving 6-figure business.

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  • Welcome to this episode inside of our Ask Me Anything Series on the 6-Figure Secrets Podcast! Today I’m sharing three email marketing and funnel questions submitted by two of our Funnel of the Month Club members.

    First up is member Kasia McDaniel. Kasia is a homestager who helps homeowners and real estate agents get your home ready to sell, so that buyers fall in love with your home and it sells quickly.

    Kasia submitted two questions that involve nuances within her email marketing, and how to move forward.

    Her first question is, “When do I enter my leads into my Pitch Sequence?” And her second question is, “What do I do with my old lead magnets?”

    In my response, I’m sharing details about qualifying your leads for the Pitch Sequence and a few suggestions on what to do with old lead magnets that may or may not be in alignment anymore.

    You can learn more about Kasia through her website and hang out with her over on Instagram.

    Our third question was submitted by a member who wished to remain anonymous. They wanted to know more about using data to drive their decisions and at what point you make changes to your email marketing and email funnels.

    In my response, I share data points that you need to know about email marketing and when and how to change it to create better results.


    Visit the blog post that goes along with this episode for more resources

    Grab Subject Line Magic to help you increase your email subject lines’ open rates

    Join the Funnel of the Month Club


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    If you found value and are ready to take action from listening to this episode, head to Apple Podcasts and help us reach new audiences by giving the podcast a rating and a review. This helps us to reach more online coaches who are creating a thriving 6-figure business.

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  • To escape endlessly asking her high school students to put their phones away,

    Jen Liddy left her job teaching English & jumped into entrepreneurship with zero idea of how to run a business or ‘do’ marketing.

    Fast forward 11 years, beyond many many many mistakes & several business models.

    Now Jen pours her word-nerdiness into a job she loves: Brand Message & Content Strategist.

    She shows service providers how to translate their expertise + big ideas into words that work to attract their exact-rights clients…

    AND use their wealth of knowledge without giving away all the hows.

    The best part? She gets to still be a word nerd & teaching geek without ever grading another crappy Macbeth essay!

    Shift your market to the “them them them” show. You want to mirror what’s going on in your audience’s life, meaning you want to mirror the problem people are having and then take them on a journey to help them achieve a goal or relieve their frustration.Give power to the word YOU. The audience cares about what’s in it for them, so start writing content from the “you” perspective instead of “I”. People want to feel seen and heard.What type of voice are you using? Ask yourself, if I were relaxed and felt most like myself, how would I talk? How do I talk to my clients? What words resonate with my audience. How you use words will matter to your audience.RESOURCES:

    Visit the blog post that goes along with this episode for more resources

    Listen to the Content Creation Made Easy Podcast

    Grab the Backstage Brilliance Marketing Toolkit for FREE! Use code ALLISON at checkout

    Create consistent, dependable, recurring revenue through the Recurring Revenue Bundle


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    If you found value and are ready to take action from listening to this episode, head to Apple Podcasts and help us reach new audiences by giving the podcast a rating and a review. This helps us to reach more online coaches who are creating a thriving 6-figure business.

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  • If you want to sell something in your business every single day, this episode of the 6-Figure Secrets Podcast is for you!

    This is the goal that we have for all of our Email Genius students as we open the doors to the program and welcome in new members.

    In this episode I'm walking you through some key things to think about when chasing down this goal of selling daily. I'm sharing some behind-the-scenes sneak peeks into my business, and some mindset shifts to think through to help you start to set this system up for yourself.

    Make sure your audience knows you are open for business. Make the invitation to buy (anything! something!) often. Change happens when you do things differently. If you have a goal of selling something everyday, dare yourself to accomplish the goal. That simple act of challenging yourself to try something new will create different results.Selling often attracts the right people to you. If your folks are motivated, and you offer up the right product to them that speaks to their specific pain point, they purchase to help speed up their results and minimize trial and error.RESOURCES:

    Find the blog post that accompanies this episode

    Become an Email Genius!


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    If you found value and are ready to take action from listening to this episode, head to Apple Podcasts and help us reach new audiences by giving the podcast a rating and a review. This helps us to reach more online coaches who are creating a thriving 6-figure business.

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  • Beth Nydick is the founder of The F.A.M.E. Formula, supporting digital business owners to amplifying their brand's presence with steady media exposure and strategically driving traffic to monetize the spotlight.

    Plus Beth knows a thing or two about getting in the spotlight, because let's face it, who doesn't want visibility for their brand.

    She has been featured in OPRAH, Parade, Forbes, Inc., Fast Company, Nylon Magazine, Tori Burch, and Better Homes and Gardens.

    She has also appeared on The Drew Barrymore Show, The Chew, WPIX and The Tonight Show.

    Her clients have been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, Inc, ABC, CBS, NBC, Fast Company, Business Insider, GMA, Drew Barrymore, Sherri Shepherd and many more.

    She is also the co-author of the top-rated cookbook "Clean Cocktails: Righteous Recipes for the Modern Mixologist".

    Visibility isn’t about getting in the media, it’s about what you do with the media afterwards. Know what your messaging is and be consistent on all media platforms, including your visibility in interviews, a book, speaking engagements, etc. Your messaging should feel like you whether that’s in an Instagram post, your offer or service, or in an interview. You won’t make money from being published, but you will see money when you utilize your media as a tool over and over again. Talk about what you are doing often and keep sharing, even if it feels small. The more often you share, the more people will come to you as the expert. Beth believes people are interested in the little things, so share what you are working on. Be bold so you can inspire others. RESOURCES:

    Find the blog post that accompanies this episode

    Attend Beth’s From Spotlight to Sold Out Masterclass

    Sign up for the 3 Email Marketing Fatal Flaws That Most Coaches and Experts Make When Selling Their Course or Membership Video Series

    Ready to become an Email Genius? Join this brand new group coaching program!


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    If you found value and are ready to take action from listening to this episode, head to Apple Podcasts and help us reach new audiences by giving the podcast a rating and a review. This helps us to reach more online coaches who are creating a thriving 6-figure business.

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  • I launched my Funnel of the Month Club in February 2023 while in isolation with COVID! Wild, right?! One year later, I've learned A LOT about running a membership, even if it my third time around! I have now been able to welcome over 400 lifetime members into this membership in it's first year.

    In this episode, I'm sharing 3 lessons I’ve learned over the past year launching my third membership, Funnel of the Month Club. My hope is that this helps you avoid some of these pitfalls I found myself in, and it helps you navigate the launching and scaling of your own membership.

    You always need to be selling your membership. Something you have to be prepared for with memberships is that people can cancel at any time. So you might lose 10 members in a month, which means you need to not on replace those 10 spots, but that you you also need to sell more, so that your membership still grows. Focus on retention. It is true that if you want consistent recurring revenue, you do need to consistently sell. But you also have to remember to retain the members you already have. One thing that I do is survey my current members to see what it is that is working or not working in the program. Then I try to implement those changes in a way that still works for me and my business, but serves the client.Simplify your membership. In a traditional membership model, whenever someone joins, they receive all the previous benefits of other members. I got feedback from some of my members who found this really overwhelming. The minute you overwhelm someone, they don’t want to do the work. See where you can adjust so that joining and staying in your membership is a no brainer!RESOURCES:

    Find the blog post that accompanies this episode

    Join the Funnel of the Month Club!


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    If you found value and are ready to take action from listening to this episode, head to Apple Podcasts and help us reach new audiences by giving the podcast a rating and a review. This helps us to reach more online coaches who are creating a thriving 6-figure business.

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  • Melissa is the owner of Carbon & Clay. Carbon & Clay is a Squarespace website template shop that helps online business owners launch a website they are confident about faster than ever before.

    The main function of your website is to get people onto your email list. Everyone needs to be growing an email list to further nurture relationships and traffic. When your audience is ready to buy, you are at the forefront of their mind because of that established relationship.Use a lead magnet on your website to collect emails. Lead magnets should be strategically placed on your website, not just on your home page. This will give you a higher probability of getting people on your email list.You need to know your audience and ideal client so you know who you are trying to reach through your website. How can you make the content of your website easy to navigate and easy for people to find what they are looking for? Your website is not just about how good it looks, but how well it functions for the user.RESOURCES:

    Visit the blog post that goes along with this episode for more resources

    Snag one of Carbon & Clay Design Co.’s Squarespace website templates for 10% off, plus a copy of Pitch Perfect (Allison's signature Email Pitch Sequence), by using code ALLISON10! here


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    If you found value and are ready to take action from listening to this episode, head to Apple Podcasts and help us reach new audiences by giving the podcast a rating and a review. This helps us to reach more online coaches who are creating a thriving 6-figure business.

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  • I’m rolling out a brand new series here on the 6-Figure Secrets Podcast where I’m answering questions submitted by our Funnel of the Month Club members! This is our first episode in this series where I’m answering questions from two of our members.

    First up is Dr. Katrina Cryder. Katrina is a chiropractor and has an online course called Raising Healthy Kids. Inside Raising Healthy Kids she supports her clients through a step-by-step process that helps to lay the foundation of health by removing toxins, replenishing minerals, creating a food foundation and learning how to cultivate healthy habits.

    As a busy brick-and-mortar owner, online program creator, and a mom of 2, Katrina wants to know that what she’s doing to market her program, will produce a ROI. So her question is, “What email funnels should I focus on first?” In my response I share with her the 3 email funnels that she needs to get up and running, so that she can sell more of her program.

    Learn more about the Raising Healthy Kids membership here.
    And follow Dr. Katrina Cryder on Instagram here.

    The second question is from Jen Chapin. Jen helps working moms get dinner on the table and streamline their lives without any of the guilt.

    Jen has a thriving YouTube channel (her 137,000 subscribers agree!) that she monetizes through AdSense and paid brand partnerships. She is looking to branch out and start to offer digital products. Her question is, “How do I create paid content for my ideal client?” In my response I share that I think her next smart move is digital products and I list out multiple ways that she can sell her digital product, passively.

    Visit Jen on her YouTube channel where she has 137,000 subscribers (How amazing is that?!)
    And check out her offers on her website.


    Visit the blog post that goes along with this episode for more resources

    Grab 50+ resources from experts in the online marketing space carefully curated to help you ditch the launch roller coaster, and enroll more clients into your course or membership, on autopilot through the Automated Sales Bundle.

    Join the Funnel of the Month Club.


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    If you found value and are ready to take action from listening to this episode, head to Apple Podcasts and help us reach new audiences by giving the podcast a rating and a review. This helps us to reach more online coaches who are creating a thriving 6-figure business.

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  • Amanda Bennett is a Podcast Outreach & Guesting Strategist and founder of THE community for mom podcasters, The Podcasting Moms Club.

    After working for over a decade as a professional nonprofit fundraiser, helping prominent organizations raise millions of dollars, she now uses her knowledge and skills in relationship building to help mom podcasters create win-win partnerships and collaborations to make more impact.

    Amanda is on a mission to help mom podcasters grow their audiences and produce wildly successful podcasts, on their own terms, by offering supportive community, motivation, and resources designed specifically for them and their unique challenges.

    When she’s not guiding mom podcasters to uplevel their podcast, you can find her chasing around her two energetic kiddos, doing her best to keep up in group fitness class, or in her fuzzy robe, eating Biscoff cookies and sipping camomile tea while watching the latest cooking competition on tv.

    Be intentional in the communities you are a part of. Find people who are doing similar things to you in the online space. Be sure to participate and be involved with the communities you choose to be a part of.When you create your own communities, find people who support the same cause and have similar goals as you. Amanda found that creating a community for mom podcasters was unique because moms can only really understand each other’s challenges when it comes to creating an online business and hosting a podcast.A community benefits you personally and helps you stay focused on your business goals. Amanda said that she tends to overthink things and it’s more helpful for her to have someone to chat through things with. She noticed that with a community she can share her ideas and a supportive community will tell her she has a good idea or give her suggestions on what she can do.RESOURCES:

    Find the blog post that accompanies this episode

    Join Amanda’s Podcasting Moms Club

    Join Allison and Amanda in Nashville, Tennessee for the Podcasting Moms Conference on April 15!

    Get a template of Allison's email that was directly responsible for selling over $80,000 worth of digital products, courses, and memberships in 2023


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    If you found value and are ready to take action from listening to this episode, head to Apple Podcasts and help us reach new audiences by giving the podcast a rating and a review. This helps us to reach more online coaches who are creating a thriving 6-figure business.

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  • Annie Franceschi is a former Disney storyteller-turned-branding expert. In 2013, she quit a dream job telling stories at The Walt Disney Studios to start her practice, Greatest Story Creative®.

    Since then, Annie has advised hundreds, spoken for thousands, been featured in Forbes, and become known for helping entrepreneurs confidently tell their stories. She’s written two bestselling books: "Establish Yourself" and "Permission to Try," and her first children’s book, "Small Biz for Kids,"debuted in October 2023.

    She's a Duke University graduate, avid Muppets fan, and resident of Durham, NC - where she lives with her husband, Gus, and her favorite toddler/superhero, Leo.

    To be consistent, do what makes sense to you. You can so easily get swept up in the “tactic tornado”. You can try everything involved with online marketing, but be aware of what you want to be consistent about. What do you find fun? What can you do that will keep you showing up consistently?Figure out the thing that moves the needle in your business and then systemize it. It’s important to stay in your zone of genius, while outsourcing the rest. And figuring out what works for your business, might mean you have to show up longer. Annie says it took her about 18 months to really get things going to a point where people knew who she was and to build her local reputation.If you want to grow, you have to scale relationships. There are many ways to do that outside of social media including blogs, podcasts, speaking, and in person events. But you have to do something. What’s your consistency container? What are you naturally inclined to do? If it feels like pulling teeth, you’re not going to do it.

    Find the blog post that accompanies this episode

    Try the 1st 50 pages of Annie's bestselling book, "Establish Yourself"

    Find Annie on Instagram and LinkedIn

    Learn more about Annie on her website

    Get a template of Allison's email that was directly responsible for selling over $80,000 worth of digital products, courses, and memberships in 2023


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    If you found value and are ready to take action from listening to this episode, head to Apple Podcasts and help us reach new audiences by giving the podcast a rating and a review. This helps us to reach more online coaches who are creating a thriving 6-figure business.

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  • Melissa is an Email Marketing Strategist, Coach, & Educator dedicated to helping online business owners boost student enrollment and sales for their online programs and courses by crafting effective email funnels.

    Having personally navigated burnout while building her first 6-figure business, Melissa has turned burnout into brilliance by sharing her experience and expertise with her students. Her students have learned to launch online courses and passively sell digital products without relying on algorithms.

    She is on a mission to empower online business owners to build profitable businesses using peaceful sales and email marketing strategies.

    In order to create an in-demand business, you need to create visibility and awareness. Capitalize on how you can get the most visibility. You might be on multiple marketing channels, but are they all getting you results? Or are there ones that get you more results than others? Focus on what’s working for you and make it work for your offer.Creating an in-demand business requires you to be consistent. An in-demand business creates consistent leads and sales in your business. In order to get there, you have to show up consistently in whatever marketing strategy works for you.Be clear on your unique marketing strategy. You need to know who your target audience is and why they want what it is you are offering. You want to generate high quality leads so that people will actually purchase your offer or product. Ask yourself, how are you getting high quality leads? Where are you online? How is your marketing strategy working for you on different platforms? RESOURCES:

    Find the blog post that accompanies this episode

    Follow Melissa on Instagram

    Listen to Melissa’s Podcast The Sales Expansion Show for WOC Online Business Owners


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    If you found value and are ready to take action from listening to this episode, head to Apple Podcasts and help us reach new audiences by giving the podcast a rating and a review. This helps us to reach more online coaches who are creating a thriving 6-figure business.

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  • Have you ever been through a time in your business where you just don’t want to work? In your mind, you want to show up. You still want to have your business, but all of a sudden it just feels like a chore? I just recently went through this after Christmas Break transitioning into the New Year. I first want to say, it’s ok if you feel like this. Everyone does at some point. But maybe this is a good time for you to reflect on things in your life or business and how you can change your thinking and try things differently.

    In this episode, I talk about 5 ways to help you get lit up about your business again. Hopefully one or all of these will help you get your mojo back.

    Maybe you just need to take a break. Taking a day or even a week off of your business is not going to hurt your business.Know what your bare minimum is. When you break down your business, the two most important things you should be doing is client work and revenue producing activities. Revenue producing activities are going to look different for everyone. Break it down to the things that have to get done to keep these two areas fulfilled and this will help you feel less overwhelmed.Have a plan. When you know what’s coming next whether that’s a launch or your weekly email, you know what you are preparing for which helps you zone in on those few tasks or projects instead of your business as a whole.Get off of social media. Stop consuming! Let your mind have an actual break and that's when the clarity and inspiration will hit.Get into your body. This will look different for everyone, but moving your body is one of the number one things to get your mindset in the right place. So take a walk, do some yoga, get a sweaty workout in, or maybe go on a hike. I know this will help get you in a better place.RESOURCES:

    Find the blog post that accompanies this episode

    Get registered for the 3 Things You Need to Stop Doing If You Want to Sell Your Course or Membership Daily Video Series here


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    If you found value and are ready to take action from listening to this episode, head to Apple Podcasts and help us reach new audiences by giving the podcast a rating and a review. This helps us to reach more online coaches who are creating a thriving 6-figure business.

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  • Have you ever looked at someone you follow online and compared your business to theirs because it looks like they have it all figured out? I can bet you that in one post you cannot even know a part of the story or details that helped the person get to where they are. I bet at some point in their journey, there have been moments of failure.

    Everyone fails. It’s a normal part of life and a normal part of business. If you haven’t already, at some point you will launch something that doesn’t catch. This might make you feel like you failed. But instead of looking at it negatively, look at what this launch failure could teach you. What could really propel you to the next level, is looking at your launch from a bird’s eye perspective. You’re going to have to ask yourself some hard questions and that’s what I’m going to talk to you about today in this episode.

    Stop self sabotaging. Sometimes we self sabotage by hiding behind a social media platform, doing something we don’t want to do, launching something at the wrong time of year. All of this can be avoided as we go back and re-evaluate our launches and try something different next time.Analyze the quality of your leads and where they are coming from. Are you getting your leads from a Bundle? Facebook Ads? Your email list? Go back and analyze to see where you saw the most conversion, and use that data to make your future decisions.Ask yourself two questions. (1) Did you really want to launch the program? And then ask, (2) what’s the data telling you? If you are not willing to ask yourself these two questions, you’ll do the same thing over and over expecting different results while you’ll keep getting the same results.RESOURCES:

    Find the blog post that accompanies this episode

    Download The $80,000 Email Template


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    If you found value and are ready to take action from listening to this episode, head to Apple Podcasts and help us reach new audiences by giving the podcast a rating and a review. This helps us to reach more online coaches who are creating a thriving 6-figure business.

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  • Kendall Cherry is ghostwriter, content marketing expert, and the founder of The Candid Collective, and she’s on a mission to create a world that’s more candid and kind.

    Kendall writes bingeworthy copy that sounds so much like you, even you’ll think you wrote it. She also helps her clients avoid soul-sucking marketing trends by repurposing content that creates miracle-grade results, even if you have a tiny audience.

    Create a content bank. Using the same content in more than one way on more than one platform is going to help you simplify your business. A content bank is an asset that pays in time back, you can repurpose the content, and it resonates with your audience. You don’t have to create more or be more. Use what you have. What you have is enough.Good content is the thing that calls in your people. When you create authentic, engaging content, it will resonate with your ideal client. Let it be simpler than you think. It can be easy and fun!Consistency is your answer to what really works. Repurposing your content works when you are consistent. Creators are afraid of consistency because they have to have the belief and trust it’s going to work. Stay consistent in your zone of genius and consistent in the belief that that is enough. Income comes through when you are consistent.RESOURCES:

    Find the blog post that accompanies this episode

    Connect with Kendall on Instagram


    Follow Allison on Instagram


    If you found value and are ready to take action from listening to this episode, head to Apple Podcasts and help us reach new audiences by giving the podcast a rating and a review. This helps us to reach more online coaches who are creating a thriving 6-figure business.

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