
  • Welcome back to another episode of The A100 Podcast! In this week’s episode, Colleen Gallagher goes solo to kick off a special three-part series on AI in PR. In this first installment, we dive into two transformative areas: optimizing press releases for SEO and leveraging predictive analytics to refine your PR strategy. These topics are part of our soon-to-be-released AI ebook, and if you want an early copy, feel free to email Colleen at [email protected].

    Key Highlights:

    Press Release Optimization for SEO:

    Learn how AI tools can suggest effective keywords, offer SEO formatting tips, and customize press releases for different audiences.

    Discover practical prompts to use with ChatGPT for optimizing your press releases, including keyword placement, title optimization, meta descriptions, content structure and more.

    Leveraging Predictive Analytics:

    Explore how AI-powered predictive analytics can anticipate audience preferences, forecast key metrics and fine-tune PR campaigns.

    Understand how to use targeted questions with ChatGPT to gain insights into trends, audience preferences, content strategies and setting realistic PR goals.

    Join us as we explore these cutting-edge AI applications and how they can transform your PR efforts. Next week, we'll dive into how AI can improve your pitching efforts. Don't forget to subscribe to ensure you never miss an episode!

    Stay Connected:

    Subscribe to The Association 100 podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or YouTube Podcasts to ensure you never miss an episode.

    Follow us on LinkedIn at The Association 100 and OnWrd & UpWrd for the latest in association trends and strategies.

    Resources: For early access to our AI ebook or any questions, email Colleen at [email protected].

    Stay tuned for more episodes packed with insights to help your association become the go-to source in your industry or profession!

  • Welcome to another impactful episode of The Association 100 podcast. Today, we're joined by Samyuktha Neeraja, State Associations Relations Manager II at the American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology and a passionate advocate for DEI and disability inclusion. Samyuktha shares her inspiring journey and offers valuable insights on promoting inclusivity within associations.

    Key Highlights:

    Career Journey: Samyuktha traces her path in the association management industry, describing her fall into the association world as a happy accident and emphasizing her role in providing governance and leadership support to state associations.

    Personal Advocacy: As a South Asian woman with dwarfism, Samyuktha discusses how her personal experiences have fueled her commitment to DEI and disability advocacy.

    Overcoming Misconceptions: She addresses common misconceptions about disability inclusion in the workplace and shares strategies for associations to actively engage and support both staff and members with disabilities.

    Intersectionality: Samyuktha highlights the importance of recognizing intersectionality within DEI initiatives, enriching association culture with diverse perspectives.

    Practical Implementations: Learn how associations can effectively implement DEI practices, from policy changes to creating inclusive environments that empower all members.

    Join us as Samyuktha Neeraja offers invaluable lessons on fostering an inclusive culture within associations, ensuring that every member has a voice and a place.


    Podcast: A Little PerspectiveBook Series: A Little

    Perspective, Real Stories of Little Ladies

    Blog: Just a Little Traveling

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    Follow us on LinkedIn at The Association 100 and OnWrd & UpWrd for the latest in association trends and strategies.

    Stay tuned for more episodes that explore innovative solutions and leadership insights within the association world.

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  • Welcome to another insightful episode of The Association 100 podcast. Today, we are joined by Mike Armstrong, CEO of the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB). Mike shares NCARB's innovative initiatives aimed at modernizing the architectural licensure process, focusing on inclusivity and technological advancements.

    Key Highlights:

    Leadership Philosophy: Mike discusses his approach to balancing regulatory rigor with user-centric policies, ensuring licensure protects public health and safety while being accessible and inclusive.

    Data-Driven Decisions: Learn how NCARB uses demographic data to identify and address unconscious bias in their examination and licensure processes, leading to concrete steps towards greater inclusivity.

    Technological Advancements: Explore how NCARB leverages remote proctoring and AI to streamline licensing exams, enhancing accessibility and efficiency for candidates.

    Policy Changes: Mike delves into the significant impact of retiring the restrictive rolling clock policy, making the licensure process more flexible and accommodating diverse career paths.

    Future Goals: Discover NCARB's forward-looking initiatives, including redesigning the licensure path and creating a new competency framework to better prepare future architects.

    Join us as Mike Armstrong offers valuable insights into how NCARB is leading the charge in transforming licensure processes, providing actionable strategies for association professionals to enhance inclusivity and leverage technology.

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    Subscribe to The Association 100 podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or YouTube Podcasts to ensure you never miss an episode.

    Follow us on LinkedIn at The Association 100 and OnWrd & UpWrd for the latest in association trends and strategies.

  • Welcome back to The Association 100 podcast. In this episode, your hosts Colleen Gallagher and Christine Stay are joined by Kinsey Fabrizio, President of the Consumer Technology Association (CTA). With a career that has blossomed within CTA, Kinsey shares her journey from joining the team in 2008 to leading the organization known for producing CES—the most influential tech event globally.

    Key Highlights:

    Career Evolution at CTA: Kinsey recounts her path from the membership team to becoming President, highlighting key projects and leadership roles that shaped her career.

    Mentorship and Career Growth: She emphasizes the importance of seeking mentors and seizing opportunities within the organization to foster career development.

    Strategic Leadership Transition: Discussing the well-planned succession process at CTA, Kinsey gives insight into effective leadership transitions and their significance for organizational stability.

    Navigating Technological Advancements: Kinsey talks about CTA's approach to artificial intelligence, focusing on internal uses for business intelligence and enhancing customer experiences at CES.

    Digital Health Innovations: She elaborates on the impact of CTA's standards in healthcare technologies, including contributions to regulatory frameworks and industry standards that guide consumer tech applications.

    Future Visions and Goals: With an eye on future trends, Kinsey discusses her goals for expanding CES's global presence and adapting to changing media landscapes.

    Join us as Kinsey Fabrizio provides a glimpse into the dynamic world of consumer technology and her strategic vision for CTA. Whether you're an association professional or a tech enthusiast, this conversation offers valuable insights into leading and innovating within a tech-centric association.

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    Subscribe to The Association 100 podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or YouTube Podcasts to ensure you never miss an episode.

    Follow us on LinkedIn at The Association 100 and OnWrd & UpWrd for the latest in association trends and strategies.

    Stay tuned for more episodes that delve into the innovations and strategies shaping the association world.

  • Welcome back to The Association 100 podcast. In this episode, timed with Mental Health Awareness Month, OnWrd & UpWrd co-hosts Colleen Gallagher, Meghan Henning and Christine Stay delve deep into mental health in the workplace, especially within associations.

    Key Highlights:

    Mental Health Awareness: The team discusses the historical context and evolving perceptions of mental health since Mental Health Awareness Month began in 1949. This segment highlights the critical role workplaces play in shaping mental health landscapes and fostering cultures of empathy and resilience.

    Staggering Statistics: Christine presents alarming statistics from the National Alliance of Mental Illness, emphasizing the economic and personal impacts of untreated mental illnesses. This discussion underscores why mental health is not just a personal issue but a significant workplace concern.

    COVID-19 Impact: Meghan explores how the pandemic has magnified mental health issues, discussing the profound effects on personal and professional lives. We discuss strategies associations implemented to combat isolation and maintain connections during remote work transitions.

    Addressing Workplace Mental Health: We share insights on how associations can actively support their employees’ mental health, from implementing flexible work policies to fostering an inclusive environment that respects diverse needs and challenges.

    Personal Perspectives: Reflecting on our experiences, we discuss the ongoing challenges and strategies for managing mental health in high-stress environments like associations, where small teams often wear multiple hats.

    Join us as we tackle these essential topics, offering insights and strategies that can help any association enhance workplace well-being and productivity. Tune in to discover how embracing mental health initiatives can lead to a more engaged and supportive work environment.

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    Follow us on LinkedIn at The Association 100 and OnWrd & UpWrd for the latest in association trends and strategies.

    Stay tuned for more episodes that explore the transformative power of effective storytelling and strategic communication in the association world.

  • Welcome to another enlightening edition of The Association 100 podcast. In this episode, your hosts Colleen Gallagher and Christine Stay, engage in a captivating discussion with Allegra Tasaki, a storyteller, brand evangelist and content strategist. Allegra brings her extensive experience in weaving storytelling into strategic marketing for mission-driven organizations. She also plays a crucial role in ASAE's Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Advisory Group, championing DEIA initiatives.

    Today, we delve into how Allegra harnesses technology to amplify her marketing strategies and the importance of crafting resonant messages for diverse stakeholders. We explore her innovative approaches to data-driven storytelling and discuss her advocacy work in promoting leadership diversity within the association community.

    Our discussion will explore the intersections of marketing, communications and the power of storytelling in the association and nonprofit sector. Allegra will share insights on leveraging technology for strategic marketing and her approach to engaging diverse stakeholders effectively.

    Key Highlights:

    Innovative Marketing: Allegra discusses how she uses emerging technologies to enhance strategic marketing and drive organizational goals.

    Engaging Diverse Stakeholders: Strategies for crafting messages that resonate across various groups, including customers, policymakers and the media.

    Data-Driven Storytelling: How to turn complex data into compelling content that informs and engages.

    Leadership and DEIA: Insights into her role in ASAE's AANHPI Advisory Group, advocating for leadership opportunities for AANHPI professionals.

    Join us as we dive deep into the strategies that Allegra employs to foster meaningful engagement and drive impactful storytelling within the association space.

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    Subscribe to The Association 100 podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or YouTube Podcasts to ensure you never miss an episode..

    Follow us on LinkedIn at The Association 100 and OnWrd & UpWrd for the latest in association trends and strategies.

    Stay tuned for more episodes that explore the transformative power of effective storytelling and strategic communication in the association world.

  • Welcome to a special Mental Health Awareness Month edition of The Association 100 podcast. In today's episode, we're joined by Earl Franks, Executive Director at the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP). Earl returns to share the latest initiatives NAESP is spearheading, including their upcoming joint conference focused on comprehensive school leadership from pre-K through grade 12.

    Key Highlights:

    Joint Efforts in Leadership Conferences: Learn about the NAESP's collaborative conference efforts with the National Association of Secondary School Principals, highlighting themes like leadership capacity and inclusivity in school climates.

    Mental Health Crisis in Schools: In recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month, Earl delves into the ongoing mental health crisis affecting both students and staff in schools, emphasizing the critical need for support and federal backing for educational wellness.

    Building Community and Support Networks: Discover how NAESP facilitates connections among school leaders nationwide, offering support networks that tackle the isolation often felt in leadership roles.

    Innovative Resources and Strategies: Earl discusses resources and strategies implemented by NAESP to aid school leaders in fostering social-emotional learning and well-being among educators and students.

    Join host Colleen Gallagher as we explore how NAESP is making strides in education leadership and mental health advocacy. This episode provides essential insights for association professionals looking to enhance support structures and strategic advocacy within their organizations.

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    Subscribe to The Association 100 podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or YouTube Podcasts to ensure you never miss an episode..

    Follow us on LinkedIn at The Association 100 and OnWrd & UpWrd for the latest in association trends and strategies.

    Stay tuned for more episodes that delve into the strategies and insights powering successful associations.

  • Welcome to another insightful episode of The Association 100 podcast. Today, we're honored to have Chris Michaels, CEO of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT), join us. With over 34 years of experience in association management, Chris brings a wealth of knowledge in leading strategic initiatives across various operational domains.

    Key Highlights:

    Strategic Leadership and Organizational Impact: Chris shares insights into her leadership journey at AAMFT, emphasizing strategic planning, innovative membership benefits and fostering a supportive work culture. Her efforts have significantly enhanced operational effectiveness and staff retention.

    Systemic Ethics Textbook: Explore the development and impact of AAMFT's Systemic Ethics Textbook, a groundbreaking resource aimed at advancing ethical practice across the marriage and family therapy profession globally.

    Expanding Global Reach Smartly: Chris discusses how AAMFT is meeting international needs by providing resources and training when and where they are requested, enhancing the association's global impact without imposing predefined solutions.

    Advocacy Efforts and Achievements: Hear about AAMFT's advocacy victories, including Medicare inclusion for therapists and portability laws facilitating cross-state practice, which are crucial for expanding access to mental health services.

    Join host Colleen Gallagher as we delve into how AAMFT is not only advancing the marriage and family therapy profession but also setting standards for association excellence worldwide. Whether you're an association professional or someone interested in the impact of effective leadership, this episode offers valuable lessons on transforming associations into powerful advocates for their members and professions.


    Learn more about the Systemic Ethics Textbook and its contributions to the field:

    Explore the Minority Fellowship Program and its community engagement projects:

    Discover insights from the Leadership Symposium and its focus on developing association leaders:

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    Subscribe to The Association 100 podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or YouTube Podcasts to ensure you never miss an episode, and follow us for the latest in association trends and strategies.

    Follow us on LinkedIn at The Association 100 and OnWrd & UpWrd.

    Stay tuned for more episodes that delve into the strategies and insights powering successful associations.

  • Welcome to another episode of The Association 100 podcast. Today, we're delighted to host Sharon Pare, Senior Partnership Program Manager at HighRoad Solutions. With a wealth of experience in MarTech and business development within the association space, Sharon brings insightful perspectives on building successful vendor partnerships and driving innovation through technology.

    Key Highlights:

    About HighRoad Solutions: Sharon introduces HighRoad Solutions, highlighting its evolution from email marketing to a robust MarTech leader, emphasizing its role in integrating cutting-edge marketing technologies with association management systems.

    Keys to Successful Partnerships: Drawing on her extensive background, Sharon outlines essential elements for fruitful collaborations between tech vendors and associations, such as transparency, alignment and mutual value, ensuring both parties thrive.

    Strategic Partnership Building: Sharon discusses her approach to developing strategic partnerships that enhance both service quality and revenue streams, sharing practical tips for associations looking to leverage technology partnerships effectively.

    Integrating Tech Innovations: Learn how Sharon and her team integrate innovative solutions like HubSpot to both enhance lead generation and also partner with Hubspot to help them better understand the needs of associations, bridging the gaps between the way tech companies and associations think and speak.

    Join us as Sharon Pare shares her expertise on leveraging technology to foster growth and innovation in the association sector. Whether you're navigating existing tech partnerships or exploring new ones, this episode is packed with actionable insights to enhance your strategic approach.

    Stay Connected:

    Subscribe to The Association 100 podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or YouTube Podcasts to ensure you never miss an episode, and follow us on LinkedIn at The Association 100 and OnWrd & UpWrd for the latest in association trends and strategies.

    Keep tuning in for more episodes that delve into the strategies and insights powering successful associations.

  • Welcome to another engaging episode of The Association 100 podcast. Today, we are thrilled to host Kara Dickerson, Founder and Principal of Content With Impact LLC, and former head of CES Keynote Stage and Conference. Drawing from her extensive experience, Kara shares invaluable strategies for enhancing event content to captivate new audiences and unlock new revenue streams.

    Key Highlights:

    Content Strategy Insights: Kara delves into how data-driven strategies can reshape event content, tailoring experiences to engage diverse industries and expand audience bases.

    Championing Diversity: Reflecting on her leadership at CES, Kara discusses her proactive approach to ensuring diversity in event programming, setting standards that champion inclusivity.

    Bridging Organizational Silos: Kara offers practical advice for aligning event content with membership goals, emphasizing the importance of breaking down silos between event and membership teams to amplify impact.

    Global Event Experience: With a backdrop of launching events across continents, Kara provides a look into creating dynamic and impactful global conferences that resonate across diverse cultures and industries.

    Join host Colleen Gallagher as we explore Kara's journey from leading the CES stage to empowering associations through her consultancy, providing a roadmap for transforming events into powerful engagement platforms. Whether you're an event planner, association executive or industry leader, this episode is packed with actionable insights that can revolutionize how you approach event content and engagement.

    Subscribe to The Association 100 podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or YouTube Podcasts to ensure you never miss an episode, and follow us for the latest in association trends and strategies.

    Follow us on LinkedIn at The Association 100 and OnWrd & UpWrd.

    Stay tuned for more episodes that delve into the strategies and insights powering successful associations.

  • Welcome back to another engaging episode of The Association 100 podcast. Today, O&U co-hosts, Colleen Gallagher, Meghan Henning and Christine Stay delve into the crucial topics of leadership development and succession planning. This episode is vital for any association aiming to ensure long-term success and sustainability through effective leadership transition strategies.

    Key Highlights:

    The Importance of Leadership Development: We kick off the discussion by exploring why leadership development is essential for associations. Leadership isn't just about managing current challenges but preparing to thrive in the future. Effective leaders inspire, motivate, and foster innovation, which is crucial for navigating changing environments.

    Identifying and Nurturing Future Leaders: Christine discusses various strategies for spotting potential leaders within your association. From talent assessments and leadership training initiatives to creating mentorship opportunities, we cover how to recognize and nurture emerging talent, ensuring a robust pipeline of capable leaders.

    The Role of Mentorship in Leadership Development: Meghan elaborates on how associations can cultivate a mentorship culture that supports leadership growth. We talk about the benefits of pairing experienced leaders with emerging talent and how formal and informal mentorship programs can facilitate knowledge transfer and leadership skills.

    Smooth Leadership Transitions: Colleen leads the conversation on ensuring seamless leadership transitions. We discuss the importance of effective communication, detailed knowledge transfer and thoughtful succession planning. These elements are crucial for minimizing disruptions and maintaining organizational continuity during leadership changes.

    Join us as we provide actionable insights and strategies for fostering a culture of effective leadership within associations. Whether you're currently a leader or looking to step into a leadership role, this episode offers valuable guidance on developing and executing successful leadership development and succession planning initiatives.

    Subscribe to The Association 100 podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or YouTube Podcasts to ensure you never miss an episode, and follow us for the latest in association trends and strategies.

    Follow us on LinkedIn at The Association 100 and OnWrd & UpWrd.

    Stay tuned for more episodes that delve into the strategies and insights powering successful associations.

  • Welcome back to The A100 podcast. In this week’s episode, host Colleen Gallagher goes solo to dive deep into the essential world of PR and media relations tailored for associations. She peels back the layers on how to elevate your association's PR and media game to not just amplify your voice but to ensure it echoes through the corridors of your industry and beyond.

    Key Highlights:

    Demystifying Media Relations: Colleen breaks down what makes content compelling enough to be considered newsworthy, focusing on timeliness, relevance, significance and uniqueness. This segment is all about crafting messages that not only get attention but also get you the right kind of attention.

    Strategic Press List Management: Learn the art of building a press list that's not just a collection of contacts, but a well-curated network of media relationships. It's about quality over quantity and ensuring your stories reach the right ears.

    Recipe for National Media Coverage: Discover our secret ingredients for securing that coveted national spotlight. From establishing authority and leveraging current trends to the power of persistence, she shares strategies that have propelled associations onto the national stage.

    Nurturing Lasting Media Relationships: Colleen delves into the long-term commitment of maintaining healthy press relationships, emphasizing understanding, value exchange and reliability as key components of a robust media strategy.

    In this episode, we're not just sharing tips; we're providing a roadmap to transform your association's approach to PR and media relations. It's about moving from merely participating in the conversation to leading it. So whether you're looking to position your experts as industry leaders or aiming to highlight your association's achievements in a crowded marketplace, this episode is packed with insights to guide you.

    Subscribe to The Association 100 podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or YouTube podcasts to ensure you never miss an episode, and follow us for the latest in association trends and strategies.


    Download O&U’s Five Steps to Mastering Earned Media for Your Association eBook today!

    Follow us on LinkedIn at The Association 100 and OnWrd & UpWrd.

    Stay tuned for more episodes packed with insights into making your association excel.

  • Welcome to an enlightening episode of The Association 100 podcast. Today's discussion is unique as we dive into a crucial topic with our very own O&U team – Colleen Gallagher, Meghan Henning and Christine Stay. We tackle the vital role of communications within associations and share strategies to not only get your board to prioritize communications, but also to leave a lasting impression through your media efforts.

    Key Highlights:

    The Critical Role of Communications: Colleen opens the conversation with a deep dive into why effective communications and PR are indispensable for associations. From building trust and managing reputation to engaging members, we explore the foundation of a robust communications strategy.

    Educating the Board: The team discusses the challenges and solutions in making the board understand the importance of communications. We emphasize the need for strategic planning, setting clear goals and showcasing tangible benefits to foster board support.

    Demonstrating Value through Metrics: We dissect the significance of utilizing metrics to illustrate the ROI of communications efforts. From media ad value equivalency to website traffic and engagement, we detail how these measures can make the case for communications investment to your board.

    Navigating Crisis Communications: Meghan shares compelling examples of crisis communications done right, highlighting the Tylenol crisis as a textbook case of effective crisis management. The discussion reinforces the importance of preparation, transparency and strategic response in safeguarding your association's reputation.

    Innovative Campaigns for Impact: We celebrate successful communication campaigns that have made significant impacts within their industries. From thought leadership initiatives that influence legislative actions to member engagement efforts that foster industry-wide appreciation, these examples serve as inspiration for any association looking to make a difference.

    Join the O&U team as we provide actionable insights and lessons on elevating your association's communications strategy. Whether you're looking to gain board support or impress them with your media prowess, this episode is packed with valuable takeaways for association professionals eager to enhance their communications efforts.

    Subscribe to The Association 100 podcast on Spotify to ensure you never miss an episode, and follow us for the latest in association trends and strategies.


    Discover more about effective communication strategies and other association insights here:

    Follow us on LinkedIn at The Association 100 and OnWrd & UpWrd.

    Stay tuned for more episodes that delve into the strategies and insights powering successful associations.

  • Welcome to another insightful episode of The Association 100 podcast. In this engaging discussion, we're joined by Ellen Savage, Senior Director of Membership at the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA). With a storied career in the association space, Ellen shares her path to TIA and the organization's ambitious Broadband Nation program, aimed at addressing America's digital divide.

    Key Highlights:

    Career Journey: Ellen traces her journey from her early days in the tech industry to pivotal roles at the Consumer Technology Association and Manufactured Housing Institute, leading up to her impactful work just underway at TIA.

    Broadband Nation: Tackling the challenge of reliable internet access, TIA's Broadband Nation program stands out as a concerted effort to ensure broadband for all, highlighting the critical need for a skilled workforce to achieve this goal.

    Workforce Development: With over $42 billion earmarked by Congress for broadband expansion, Ellen emphasizes the urgency of workforce development to meet the ambitious targets of deploying networks by the decade's end.

    Innovative Partnerships: Ellen discusses TIA's innovative collaborations, including a partnership with Questex to launch a jobs portal and expo, aiming to attract talent to the telecom industry.

    Navigating Change: From addressing workforce shortages to fostering state-level partnerships, Ellen offers a deep dive into TIA's strategies for overcoming industry challenges and shaping a more connected future.

    Join us as Ellen Savage provides a compelling look into how TIA is not just navigating but leading the charge in telecommunications, ensuring that advancements in technology translate into tangible benefits for all. Her insights offer invaluable lessons for association professionals striving to make a difference in their sectors.

    Subscribe to The Association 100 podcast on Spotify to ensure you never miss an episode, and follow us for the latest in association trends and strategies.

    Resources:Learn more about TIA’s Broadband Nation program here:

    LinkedIn: /company/the-association-100

    Stay tuned for more episodes exploring innovative solutions and leadership insights within the association world.

  • Welcome to another engaging episode of The Association 100 podcast. Today, we're thrilled to have Anita Brikman, the dynamic President and CEO of the Plasma Protein Therapeutics Association (PPTA). With a rich history in healthcare communications and advocacy, Anita shares her journey into the heart of the plasma protein therapy world and her pivotal first year at PPTA.

    Key Highlights:

    Transitioning Leadership: Anita discusses her approach to understanding PPTA's unique culture and the importance of connecting with each team member. Her focus on bridging the gap between the U.S. and European teams underlines her commitment to a cohesive global strategy.

    Industry Deep Dive: Understanding the critical role of plasma collection centers and the production of lifesaving therapies for rare diseases was a priority for Anita. She emphasizes the significance of educating the public and stakeholders about plasma-derived therapies.

    Effective Communication and Strategy: Drawing from her extensive background in journalism and communications, Anita stresses the importance of communication, not just for messaging, but for inspiring action and fostering a culture of active listening and strategic thinking within the organization.

    Board Collaboration: Navigating PPTA’s unique governance structure, Anita has worked closely with various boards to align on shared goals and strategies, emphasizing the importance of one-on-one interactions and strategic planning.

    Navigating Change: Whether it’s the transition to a more Washington, D.C.-centric location or adapting to a hybrid work model, Anita shares how transparency and strategic planning are key to managing change effectively.

    Anita's story is a testament to the power of strategic communication and leadership in driving an organization forward. Her vision for PPTA not only aims at advancing plasma protein therapies but also at ensuring these critical medicines reach those in need. Join us as Anita Brickman offers a glimpse into the future of plasma protein therapeutics and her role in shaping this vital industry.

    Subscribe to The Association 100 podcast on Spotify to ensure you never miss an episode, and follow us for the latest best practices, trends and strategies making waves in the association world.

    LinkedIn: /company/the-association-100

    Stay tuned for more episodes that bring you insights from the front lines of association leadership.

  • Welcome to a pivotal episode of The Association 100 podcast, where we delve into the essence of association impact and innovation. Join us as co-hosts Colleen Gallagher and Meghan Henning embark on a mission to demystify PR services for associations, a topic shrouded in mystery for many.

    This discussion is more than just an exploration; it's an invitation to reimagine the potential of your association through strategic PR investment. As leaders in the association space, Colleen and Meghan bring to light the real costs and substantial benefits of investing in PR. This episode aims to shed light on the often-misunderstood realm of PR investment, highlighting why it's critical for elevating your association and the extensive work involved behind the scenes.

    Key Highlights:

    The Value of PR: Understanding the strategic positioning PR offers to associations, beyond mere visibility.

    Our Offerings Explained: A breakdown of OnWrd & UpWrd's tailored PR packages - Industry Trade Titan, Momentum Builder, and Go-to-Source, each designed to meet associations where they are on their PR journey.

    Investment Insights: Transparency about the costs associated with quality PR services and the long-term value they provide to associations.

    First 30 and 90 Days: Setting realistic expectations for the initial phases of PR engagement, detailing the sprint of activities that lay the groundwork for success.

    As Colleen and Meghan highlight, PR is an investment in your association's future, essential for member recruitment, retention and establishing industry leadership. This episode is a must-listen for association professionals seeking clarity on PR investments and eager to amplify their association's voice effectively.

    Stay tuned for more episodes that connect you with the strategies and insights shaping the association world. Subscribe to The Association 100 podcast on Spotify to ensure you never miss an episode, and follow us on LinkedIn for the latest best practices and trends.

  • Welcome to the latest episode of The A100 podcast, where hosts Colleen Gallagher and Christine Stay engage in a thought-provoking discussion with Wendy-Jo Toyama, MBA CAE FASAE, CEO of the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, an Association Management Center client. As the honoree of the 2024 Woman of Influence at the Association Forum's upcoming Women's Executive Forum, Toyama shares her journey of leadership, her unwavering commitment to DEI and her role in shaping a future that celebrates diversity and inclusion within the association community and beyond.

    Toyama emphasizes the significance of small, consistent actions in advancing DEI, the need for organizations to start their DEI journey with concrete steps and how events like the Women's Executive Forum foster a supportive community for women in the sector.

    Key Highlights:

    Woman of Influence: Toyama reflects on the significance of her recognition and the importance of peer recognition in her career.

    DEI Initiatives: From addressing the bamboo ceiling for AANHPI professionals to systemic changes within associations, Toyama discusses her comprehensive approach to DEI.

    Advice for Aspiring Leaders: Emphasizing persistence, the value of feedback, and the courage to stretch beyond comfort zones, Toyama offers advice to women aiming for leadership roles.

    Power of Community: Highlighting the transformative impact of the Women's Executive Forum, Toyama speaks on the importance of supportive networks for women in the association sector.

    Looking Ahead: Toyama shares her vision for the future of DEI in associations, including a focus on disability inclusion, neurodiversity and ensuring representation for all communities.

    Join us for this inspiring episode, packed with actionable insights, personal reflections, and an engaging "Just for Fun" lightning round that offers a closer look at Toyama's personal interests, including her passion for reading. We’re certain you’ll end up with a few books for your must-read list. Don't miss Wendy-Jo Toyama's compelling narrative on leadership, DEI and the power of influence in the association world.

    Subscribe to The Association 100 podcast on Spotify to ensure you never miss an episode, and follow us for the latest best practices, trends and strategies making waves in the association world.

    LinkedIn: /company/the-association-100

    Stay tuned for more episodes that connect you with the leaders and changemakers shaping the association world.

  • In this episode of The Association 100 podcast, Colleen Gallagher, Meghan Henning, and Christine Stay from OnWrd & UpWrd delve into the critical role of professional development within associations. They explore how continuing education not only serves as a top priority for members, but has also become crucial for employee development, recruitment and retention.

    Drawing from various studies, they highlight that a significant percentage of professionals would prefer working for organizations that invest in their education and professional growth.

    Key Highlights:

    The necessity of professional development for both member services and employee engagement.

    Insights on how professional development influences recruitment and retention, with statistics showing a strong preference among professionals for organizations that prioritize learning opportunities.

    Personal experiences from the hosts on the varied approaches associations have towards professional development, emphasizing the need for a balanced and strategic approach.

    The importance of leadership buy-in and creating a culture that values learning and growth, ensuring that professional development is seen as a partnership between employer and employee.

    Tips for incorporating professional development into the workplace, including effective onboarding, career pathing and creating a brand culture that attracts and retains top talent.

    Join us for a thoughtful discussion on making professional development a cornerstone of your association’s strategy to foster a dynamic and thriving workplace.

    Thanks for tuning in to the Association 100 podcast, brought to you by the A100 publishing team at O&U. Don’t miss our insights on association trends and strategies by subscribing on Spotify or visiting our website.

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  • Welcome to an exciting episode of The Association 100 podcast, where we spotlight the transformative role of associations in today’s industries. In this episode, we're joined by Gregg Lewis, Chief Communications Officer for the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA), who brings a wealth of knowledge from his unique background as an award-winning architect and now a leader in promoting sustainable building practices.

    Gregg shares his journey at NRMCA and how the association is leading the charge in advancing the concrete industry through strategic storytelling, education and advocacy. We take a deep dive into how NRMCA is shaping a more sustainable, efficient future for the built environment.

    Key Highlights:

    Gregg's Role at NRMCA: With a rich background in architecture and a focus on sustainability, Gregg discusses his dynamic role in promoting the concrete industry's successes and the importance of storytelling in advancing NRMCA's mission.

    Build with Strength: This initiative is a cornerstone of NRMCA's efforts to educate the building and design communities about the benefits of ready-mixed concrete. Gregg explains how "Build with Strength" is driving value for NRMCA members and influencing the broader industry.

    The Pave Ahead Program: Gregg outlines this forward-thinking program aimed at optimizing concrete use in paving. Through educational outreach and advocacy, "Pave Ahead" is redefining perceptions of concrete's role in sustainable infrastructure.

    Collaboration and Partnerships: Success in industry-wide initiatives often hinges on effective collaboration. Gregg highlights how NRMCA fosters relationships with stakeholders across the construction ecosystem to promote concrete as the material of choice.

    Looking Ahead: As the concrete industry evolves, NRMCA is committed to meeting changing demands and ensuring concrete’s role in a sustainable future. Gregg shares insights into upcoming initiatives and the association's roadmap to carbon neutrality by 2050.

    Join us as Gregg Lewis offers a glimpse into the innovative world of concrete, emphasizing the material's pivotal role in sustainable development and how NRMCA is paving the way for a greener, more resilient future.


    Learn more about NRMCA's initiatives and programs here.

    Explore the sustainability and innovation in the concrete industry with Build with Strength.

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    Stay tuned for more insightful conversations with leaders making a significant impact in their fields.

  • Welcome to another enlightening episode of The Association 100 podcast, where we delve into the essence of association impact and innovation. We are thrilled to host Dr. Alexis McKittrick, the esteemed president of the Society of Women Engineers (SWE), during a pivotal time—Engineers Week.

    Alexis, with over 20 years of dedication to SWE, shares her insights and the organization's efforts to spotlight women's achievements and opportunities in engineering. This episode comes at a perfect time as Engineers Week is in full swing, celebrating the contributions and potential of women engineers.

    Key Highlights:

    Engineers Week Initiatives: Alexis outlines SWE's exciting lineup for Engineers Week, including a CBS's Mission Unstoppable segment and the impactful 50K coalition aiming for 50,000 diverse engineering graduates by 2025. "It's been going for a number of years and just concluded its work," Alexis notes, emphasizing the ongoing need to foster diversity in engineering.

    Challenges Facing Women Engineers: Despite progress, Alexis points to concerning statistics: women earn only about 13% of engineering degrees, with an even smaller percentage for women of color. She also addresses the persistent pay gap and the 'leaky pipeline' phenomenon where mid-career women leave the field at higher rates.

    Technology's Role and SWE's Initiatives: Discussing new technologies, Alexis stresses the importance of diverse perspectives for innovation and highlights SWE's efforts, like the SWENext program and Invent It, Build It event, to engage young women and girls in STEM.

    Public Policy and Engineering: With a background in both engineering and policy, Alexis advocates for engineers' involvement in public policy decision-making, emphasizing their crucial role in data-driven governance.

    SWE's Internal Focus on DEIB: Proudly reflecting on SWE's adaptation during the pandemic and its emphasis on diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB), Alexis shares initiatives aimed at ensuring a sense of belonging within SWE and its broader impact on the engineering community.

    Global Expansion and Future Goals: Alexis celebrates SWE's global growth, with a record number of global ambassadors and affiliates worldwide, as a testament to the organization's commitment to creating gender parity in engineering globally.

    Join us in this inspiring episode as we explore how SWE champions women engineers during Engineers Week and beyond, paving the way for a more inclusive and innovative future in engineering.


    Check out SWE’s latest DEIB Report from October of 2023.

    Statistics on Employment of Women in Engineering

    State of Women in Engineering

    Subscribe to The Association 100 podcast on Spotify to ensure you never miss an episode, and follow us for the latest best practices, trends and strategies making waves in the association world.

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    Stay tuned for more episodes that connect you with the leaders and changemakers shaping the association world.