
  • Welcome to another vibrant episode of the Balanced Lady Boss Show, where we explore the theme of renewal and growth, perfectly timed with the energetic blossoming of spring. I'm Stacey Hines, your host, and today we talk about what it means to truly bloom into your full potential. Whether you're navigating the areas of love, health, or career, this episode is your guide to nurturing the seeds of your dreams and overcoming the obstacles that hinder your growth.

    Key Takeaways:

    Watering Your Seeds: Learn the importance of providing the right environment and resources for the growth of your aspirations. Discover how education, self-care, positive relationships, and a nurturing environment contribute to the fruition of your dreams. Trust the Process: Embrace the power of trust in the growth process. Understand how faith in the unseen growth happening beneath the surface is crucial for your seeds to thrive. Avoid Digging Up Your Seeds: Patience is paramount. Learn how impatience and the temptation to check on your progress can actually hinder your growth, using examples from love and career aspirations. Overcrowding Your Garden: Recognize the pitfalls of spreading your energies too thin by committing to too many goals at once. This section helps you understand the importance of giving your dreams enough space to grow. Being in Expectation of Your Blossoms: Stay hopeful and anticipate your growth without interfering with the natural process. Celebrate small victories and progress towards your goals.

    Throughout the episode, personal anecdotes and metaphors illuminate the path to achieving a balance between nurturing our goals and allowing them to unfold naturally. As spring ushers in a period of renewal, let's align ourselves with this energy to encourage our personal and professional growth.

    Episode Highlights: Invitation to Blossom: A warm welcome to spring and an invitation to enter this energetic period of blossoming into your full potential. Metaphors for Growth: Insightful discussions on how gardening metaphors apply to personal development, including watering your seeds and avoiding overcrowding your garden. Personal Anecdotes: Stacey shares her own experiences with nurturing love and career aspirations, offering real-life examples of overcoming impatience and embracing the growth process.

    As we wrap up today’s episode, remember that every one of us has a garden of dreams waiting to bloom beautifully in its own time. With patience, care, and trust in the process, we can nurture our garden towards achieving our fullest potential.

    Visit my new personal brand website at to see the manifestation of my growth journey and get inspired for your own path to blossoming.

    Resources and Tools

    Watch this podcast episode and Stacey Hines on YouTube

    This episode is brought to you by Epic Transformation Intention Cards These intention cards are perfect for self-affirmation work. They’re a great way to help you ground in positive thoughts, allowing you to guide your thoughts and align with the things that will bring you closer to that feeling of safety and security. There are 52 cards in the deck - one for every day of the year, and there are lots of different ways you can practice with the cards.

    Get a FREE bonus gift when you purchase your deck of cards through this link:

    Balanced Lady Boss Community:

    The Living with Intention Journal:

    Check out Stacey Hines's website for more resources:

    Stacey Hines Website:

    Our Community on LinkedIn:

  • In this enlightening episode of the Balanced Lady Boss Show, join us as we talk the truth about the intricacies of transitioning from a corporate career to embracing entrepreneurship full-time. Stacey shares her candid experiences, valuable lessons, and practical tips to navigate this significant life change.

    Key Takeaways:

    The Decision to Leave Corporate: Understand the why behind making the leap from a stable corporate job to the unpredictable world of entrepreneurship.

    Planning Your Transition: Insights into the crucial role of planning, intention setting, and vision crafting in your entrepreneurial journey.

    Embracing the Pivot: Learn about the concept of pivoting – changing directions while staying grounded in your core intentions and goals.

    The Importance of a Support System: Discover how mentors, family, friends, and a community can provide essential support and guidance.

    Financial Preparation: Tips on financial planning, creating a nest egg, and the concept of a sabbatical as a transition strategy.

    Mind Mapping for Success: A practical guide on using mind mapping to outline your entrepreneurial vision and goals.

    Risk Aversion and Emotional Well-being: Strategies to manage fear and maintain emotional well-being during your entrepreneurial journey.

    Building Your Community: The significance of finding a mentor and involving your immediate family and friends in your entrepreneurial venture.

    The "Go Hard or Go Back to Work" Mentality: Understanding the commitment and consistency required to succeed in entrepreneurship.

    Resources and Tools

    Watch this podcast episode and Stacey Hines on YouTube

    This episode is brought to you by Epic Transformation Intention Cards These intention cards are perfect for self-affirmation work. They’re a great way to help you ground in positive thoughts, allowing you to guide your thoughts and align with the things that will bring you closer to that feeling of safety and security. There are 52 cards in the deck - one for every day of the year, and there are lots of different ways you can practice with the cards.

    Get a FREE bonus gift when you purchase your deck of cards through this link:

    Balanced Lady Boss Community:

    The Living with Intention Journal:

    Check out Stacey Hines's website for more resources:

    Stacey Hines Website:

    Our Community on LinkedIn:

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  • Welcome back to another episode of the Balanced Lady Boss Show. In today's episode, we delve into a topic that resonates deeply with many of us, especially as we find ourselves in the in-between stages of life. This episode is for anyone feeling caught between where they are and where they want to be, navigating through feelings of uncertainty, seeking deeper purpose, or simply looking for ways to embrace the journey with ease and grace.

    Key Takeaways:

    The In-Between Phase: We explore the in-between phase of life, a time of transition that many of us find challenging yet incredibly transformative. It's a period filled with uncertainty but also ripe with the potential for growth and self-discovery.

    Embracing Vulnerability: Discover the power of vulnerability as we share personal stories and insights into navigating life's ups and downs. Learn how embracing our vulnerabilities can lead to greater connection and authenticity.

    Mindfulness and Intentionality: Find out how mindfulness and living intentionally can be your anchors during turbulent times. We discuss practical tips for cultivating a mindful practice and setting intentions that align with your true self.

    Gratitude and Abundance: Uncover the role of gratitude in shifting your perspective during the in-between. We talk about recognizing abundance in our lives beyond financial success and how this mindset can attract more positivity and fulfillment.

    Navigating Growth and Discomfort: Learn strategies for managing the discomfort that often accompanies growth. We share how to find peace and contentment in the process, trusting that every step forward brings you closer to your ideal self.

    Episode Highlights:

    Femme Fridays Newsletter: A behind-the-scenes look into the challenges and lessons learned on the path to balance and self-discovery. The importance of community and shared experiences in overcoming feelings of isolation during transitional periods. Practical prompts to facilitate self-reflection, gratitude, and a shift towards a more abundant mindset.

    Resources Mentioned:

    Watch on YouTube: Balanced Lady Boss Community: Intention Cards: The Living with Intention Journal:

    Whether you're closer to the beginning of your journey, eagerly setting the stage for what's to come, or you're further along, seeking to reconnect with your most vibrant self, this episode offers valuable insights and encouragement for every step of the way.

    Closing Thoughts: As we wrap up today's conversation, remember that being in the in-between is not a sign of stagnation but a testament to your growth and evolving journey. It's an invitation to explore, to dream, and to align more closely with your authentic self. Let's embrace the in-between with courage, curiosity, and an open heart, knowing that it's all part of the beautiful process of becoming who we are meant to be.

    Stay balanced, and see you in the next epic episode of the Balanced Lady Boss Show.

  • In this heartfelt episode of the Balanced Lady Boss Show, we explore the multifaceted life of Elena N. Diedrick-Lynch, a marketing maven whose professional accolades are as compelling as her personal journey. Beyond her significant contributions to the fields of marketing and brand management across diverse industries, Elena opens up about the more personal facets of her life journey. From her initial aspirations in international development and healthcare to co-founding Elle Creative, her career trajectory is a testament to adaptability and passion. Elena also shares insights on the profound impact of motherhood, her proactive approach to health and wellness, and the invaluable lessons learned from both highs and lows. This episode not only highlights the successes and expertise of a remarkable industry leader but also offers a deep dive into the resilience and personal growth that define Elena's journey.

    Episode Highlights

    1. Elena's Evolution from Dreams to Reality:

    Elena shares her journey from dreaming of working with the UN and having an interest in becoming an OB-GYN to embracing her love for marketing. Despite initial plans, Elena's career took a dynamic turn, leading her to co-found Elle Creative and impacting industries from investment banking to entertainment with her marketing prowess.

    2. The Power of Self-Reliance and Seeking Support:

    Elena recounts the wisdom imparted by her father, encapsulated in the phrase, "If it is to be, it is up to me." She emphasizes the importance of digging deeper during low moments and the strength required to ask for help, challenging societal perceptions of vulnerability.

    3. The Launch of Ladies Night Jamaica:

    Driven by a desire for an outlet beyond the tranquility of beach life, Elena recounts the inception of Ladies Night Jamaica, an event that allowed women to shed their corporate personas and enjoy a night of uninhibited fun. This initiative not only provided entertainment but forged lasting friendships among participants.

    4. Parenthood and Personal Growth:

    Elena reflects on motherhood's challenges and joys, underscoring the profound personal growth it brings. She advocates for self-compassion and the lessons that come from navigating life's unexpected paths, crediting her strong family foundation for her resilience and strength.

    5. Embracing Health and Wellbeing:

    Elena discusses her approach to health as a cornerstone of her life, acknowledging the privilege of health and the importance of not taking it for granted. Her morning rituals, focus on hydration, and meditation practices underscore her commitment to maintaining her wellbeing amidst a busy life.

    6. The Essence of Communication and Relationships:

    She emphasizes the significance of clear communication and the understanding that growth trajectories in relationships may differ. Elena's insights into giving each other the latitude to grow individually within a partnership offer valuable guidance for nurturing healthy relationships.

    About Our Guest:

    Elena N. Diedrick-Lynch, a revered Event Director, Writer, and Tourism & Marketing Consultant, has made a significant mark in the industry with her vast experience and strategic expertise. Holding a Bachelor of Arts degree in International Development, Elena brings a unique perspective that enables her to navigate the diverse Jamaican business landscape with ease. Her extensive work with key corporate players and public personalities has made her an invaluable asset in enhancing the visibility of brands and causes.

    Connect with Us

    To keep up with the latest episodes and insights from the Balanced Lady Boss Show, follow us on our instagram and YouTube. Engage with us and be part of our growing community of lady bosses seeking balance and success!

    Instagram: @BalancedLadyBosspodcast

    Resources and Tools

    Watch this podcast episode and Stacey Hines on YouTube

    This episode is brought to you by Epic Transformation Intention Cards

    These intention cards are perfect for self-affirmation work. They’re a great way to help you ground in positive thoughts, allowing you to guide your thoughts and align with the things that will bring you closer to that feeling of safety and security. There are 52 cards in the deck - one for every day of the year, and there are lots of different ways you can practice with the cards.

    Get a FREE bonus gift when you purchase your deck of cards through this link:

    Check out Stacey Hines's website for more resources:

    The NEW Intention Journal is HERE:

    Want more insights about living an intentionally balanced life?

    Balanced Lady Boss Website

    Stacey Hines Website:

    Our femme powered Community on LinkedIn

  • Welcome to a very special Women's International Day episode of The Balanced Lady Boss Show, where we dissect the theme of "Inspire Inclusion" and how it applies to our journey towards stepping into our greatness. In this episode, Stacey Hines, your host, explores the significance of self-empowerment and owning your power as women. We discuss the importance of self-validation and creating a space of inclusivity in all aspects of our lives.

    Episode Highlights:

    Women's International Day Theme: Inspire Inclusion - Stacey kicks off the episode by discussing this year's theme and its relevance to self-empowerment and inclusion in society, work, and personal life.

    Self-Empowerment as the Key to Inclusion - Learn how stepping into self-empowerment and recognizing your self-worth can light up the path to inclusivity in your life experience.

    The Pitfalls of External Validation - Stacey delves into how seeking validation from external sources can hinder our self-esteem and decision-making abilities, emphasizing the importance of self-validation.

    Empowerment in Different Life Aspects - Explore how the quest for inclusion and validation manifests in life, love, and work, and how to confront these challenges with self-love and independent happiness.

    Celebrating Your Achievements - Discover the power of celebrating your own successes and recognizing your value to overcome the habit of seeking external validation.

    Trailblazing Women's Stories - Stacey shares inspiring stories of women who have forged past barriers to create change, including Rosa Parks and Malala Yousafzai, highlighting the importance of standing in your power.

    Key Takeaways:

    Own Your Power - Embrace self-empowerment and self-worth as foundational steps towards achieving inclusivity in every sphere of your life.

    Seek Internal Validation - Cultivate a practice of self-validation to build self-esteem and make empowered decisions, free from the need for external approval

    Celebrate Yourself - Recognize and celebrate your achievements and contributions, understanding that recognition of your value starts with you.

    Learn from Trailblazers - Be inspired by the stories of women who have overcome obstacles to champion inclusion and equality, and see how you can apply their lessons in your own life.

    Inclusivity Starts Within - Understand that creating a more inclusive environment, whether at work or in personal relationships, begins with how you see and value yourself.

    As we celebrate Women's International Day and step into Women's History Month, let this episode be a reminder of the power and importance of inclusion, self-empowerment, and owning your worth. Remember, the journey to inclusivity starts with you stepping into your greatness and owning your power.

    To dive deeper into these topics and more, join Stacey Hines, your balanced lady boss, on this empowering journey. Take care and keep shining your light for inclusivity and empowerment.

    Resources and Tools

    Download the Year of Intention Workbook:

    Watch this podcast episode and Stacey Hines on YouTube

    Intention Day Recording:

    This episode is brought to you by Epic Transformation Intention Cards

    These intention cards are perfect for self-affirmation work. They’re a great way to help you ground in positive thoughts, allowing you to guide your thoughts and align with the things that will bring you closer to that feeling of safety and security. There are 52 cards in the deck - one for every day of the year, and there are lots of different ways you can practice with the cards.

    Get a FREE bonus gift when you purchase your deck of cards through this link:

    Check out Stacey Hines's website for more resources:

    The NEW Intention Journal is HERE:

    Want more insights about living an intentionally balanced life?

    Balanced Lady Boss Website

    Stacey Hines Website:

    Our femme powered Community on LinkedIn

  • In this empowering episode of the Balanced Lady Boss Show, Stacey tackles the delicate topic of working with colleagues who might not be on the same wavelength as you. Here are the key takeaways and highlights:

    Key Takeaways:

    Developing trust and empathy in professional relationships is crucial, even when it seems challenging.

    Effective communication and listening are pivotal to overcoming misunderstandings and building rapport.

    Choosing your battles wisely can lead to a more harmonious and productive work environment

    Episode Highlights:

    Acceptance: Understanding that not everyone will share your values or behaviors is the first step toward navigating difficult work relationships.

    Honest and Tactful Communication: Clearly expressing your feelings and setting boundaries can transform challenging interactions into opportunities for growth.

    Mindfulness and Reflection: Being mindful of your reactions and considering whether you're part of the problem can lead to personal and professional development.

    Stacey's insights provide a roadmap for fostering a more positive and effective work atmosphere, even in the face of adversity.

    Resources and Tools

    Download the Year of Intention Workbook:

    Intention Day Recording:

    This episode is brought to you by Epic Transformation Intention Cards

    These intention cards are perfect for self-affirmation work. They’re a great way to help you ground in positive thoughts, allowing you to guide your thoughts and align with the things that will bring you closer to that feeling of safety and security. There are 52 cards in the deck - one for every day of the year, and there are lots of different ways you can practice with the cards.

    Get a FREE bonus gift when you purchase your deck of cards through this link:

    Check out Stacey Hines's website for more resources:

    The NEW Intention Journal is HERE:

    Want more insights about living an intentionally balanced life?

    Balanced Lady Boss Website

    Stacey Hines Website:

    Our femme powered Community on LinkedIn

  • In this empowering episode of the Balanced Ladyboss Show, we discuss the heart of financial freedom and growth with the incredible Nicole Barham. As a CFO and Business Strategist, Nicole has dedicated her career to helping entrepreneurs manage their finances and scale their businesses to multiple six figures and beyond. Her insights, featured on platforms like Good Morning America, The Breakfast Club, TIME, and Black Enterprise, have revolutionized the way women entrepreneurs approach their finances. Nicole's journey from a curious child influenced by her grandmother's wisdom to a leading financial strategist offers invaluable lessons on achieving financial peace of mind and prosperity.

    About Our Guest - Nicole Barham:

    Nicole Barham is a tour de force in the realm of financial management and business strategy. With a passion ignited by a simple childhood conversation, Nicole has risen to become a beacon of hope for entrepreneurs seeking clarity and growth in their financial journeys. Her work, particularly with women entrepreneurs, focuses on transforming financial stress into a serene understanding of money management. Nicole's approachable and effective strategies, including her innovative Five Minute Bookkeeper, make financial management accessible and achievable for all.

    Key Takeaways from This Episode:

    Financial Wellness is Holistic: Nicole emphasizes that managing finances goes beyond numbers; it's about creating a holistic balance in every aspect of your life, from the boardroom to the bedroom.

    The Power of Spiritual Grounding: Learn how Nicole's spiritual beliefs and practices have played a crucial role in her success, providing a strong foundation for her financial and entrepreneurial endeavors.

    Entrepreneurship and Family: Nicole shares her journey of balancing entrepreneurship with family life, including the challenges and triumphs of raising a child with special needs.

    The Importance of Support Systems: Discover the pivotal role of having a supportive partner and community in navigating the highs and lows of building a business.

    Overcoming Financial Anxiety: Nicole offers practical advice for entrepreneurs dealing with financial anxiety, emphasizing the importance of facing financial challenges head-on.

    Connect with Nicole Barham:

    Stay connected with Nicole and tap into her wealth of knowledge on financial management and entrepreneurial growth through her social media and professional links:

    Instagram: @5minutebookkeeper



    Stay Connected:

    Don't miss out on the gems we drop in every episode. Follow us to stay updated and join our community of empowered Balanced Ladybosses.

    Thank you for joining us in this enlightening conversation with Nicole Barham. Remember, financial freedom isn't just a dream—it's a journey that begins with a single step toward understanding and empowerment. Until next time, I am Stacey Hines, your balanced lady boss, take care.

    Resources and Tools

    Download the Year of Intention Workbook:

    Watch this podcast episode and Stacey Hines on YouTube

    Intention Day Recording:

    This episode is brought to you by Epic Transformation Intention Cards

    These intention cards are perfect for self-affirmation work. They’re a great way to help you ground in positive thoughts, allowing you to guide your thoughts and align with the things that will bring you closer to that feeling of safety and security. There are 52 cards in the deck - one for every day of the year, and there are lots of different ways you can practice with the cards.

    Get a FREE bonus gift when you purchase your deck of cards through this link:

    Check out Stacey Hines's website for more resources:

    The NEW Intention Journal is HERE:

    Want more insights about living an intentionally balanced life?

    Balanced Lady Boss Website

    Stacey Hines Website:

    Our femme powered Community on LinkedIn

  • In this soul-stirring episode of the Balanced Lady Boss Show, I have an intimate conversation with the phenomenal Alaine Lawton, a multi-talented artist known for her exceptional contributions to music and entertainment. We have some real talk about the journey of personal and professional reinvention, exploring the essence of balancing boardroom ambitions, bedroom intimacies, and the bliss found in self-love and spiritual grounding. Alaine shares her inspiring story of transition from a successful career in finance to following her heart back to music and the arts, highlighting the power of purpose, the importance of self-care, and the transformative impact of love and relationships.

    Guest Introduction:

    Alaine, often celebrated as Alaine Singer, is a beautiful example of love in action, exuding her talent and grace in the music industry. Her journey spans across genres, borders, and the very fabric of creative expression. From her early days as a child who loved music to her bold move from the corporate world in the US back to her musical roots in Jamaica, Alaine has carved a path that resonates with authenticity and inspiration. With hits like "No Ordinary Love" and “See It Yah” as well as collaborations with legends like Shaggy, Beenie Man, Buju Banton, and Beres Hammond, her voice has become synonymous with love, resilience, and the pursuit of happiness.

    Key Takeaways:

    Reinvention is a Journey: Alaine's story is a testament to the courage it takes to follow one's heart and redefine success on one's own terms.

    Purpose Over Permanence: The shift from a secure career to embracing the uncertainties of a creative life highlights the significance of aligning with one's true calling.

    The Power of Self-Care: Alaine emphasizes the importance of morning routines, meditation, and plant-based living as foundations for physical and mental well-being.

    Love and Relationships: Open discussions on love, the anticipation of divine connections, and the beauty of learning from relationship experiences.

    Parental Bonds: The profound impact of a supportive family and the lessons learned from observing long-term marital love and partnership.

    Navigating Change: Alaine shares insights on facing the changes that come with aging, particularly focusing on health and self-acceptance.

    Connect with Alaine:

    Instagram: @alainesinga

    Facebook: Alaine Laughton

    YouTube: Alaine Vevo

    Stay Connected with the Balanced Lady Boss Show:

    Visit our website:

    Follow us on Instagram: @

    Subscribe to our YouTube Channel:

    Resources and Tools

    Watch this podcast episode with Alaine and Stacey Hines on YouTube

    This episode is brought to you by Epic Transformation Intention Cards

    These intention cards are perfect for self-affirmation work. They’re a great way to help you ground in positive thoughts, allowing you to guide your thoughts and align with the things that will bring you closer to that feeling of safety and security. There are 52 cards in the deck - one for every day of the year, and there are lots of different ways you can practice with the cards.

    Get a FREE bonus gift when you purchase your deck of cards through this link:

    Check out Stacey Hines's website for more resources:

    The NEW Intention Journal is HERE:

    Want more insights about living an intentionally balanced life?

    Balanced Lady Boss Website

    Stacey Hines Website:

    Our femme powered Community on LinkedIn

  • Welcome to a pivotal episode of the Balanced Lady Boss Show! Today, we delve into the essence of financial empowerment and nurturing a healthy relationship with money, featuring the remarkable Keisha Bailey, a beacon of wisdom in wealth coaching and financial expertise.

    About Our Esteemed Guest: Keisha Bailey

    Keisha Bailey stands at the forefront of financial mastery as the founder of Profit Jumpstarter. With a rich history that began in 2005, Keisha's journey through the realms of investment management and risk assessment has led her to become a distinguished CFA and FRM Charterholder, armed with an MBA from the Richard Ivey Business School. Beyond her role as CEO, Keisha imparts her vast knowledge as an Adjunct Finance Professor at the Mona School of Business, University of the West Indies.

    Episode Summary:

    In this epic, I engage Keisha in a transformative dialogue, unravelling the layers of our financial narratives. This episode holds gems of insights about establishing a positive and prosperous relationship with wealth. From Keisha's personal voyage in the finance world to the inception of Profit Jumpstarter, this conversation is an enlightening guide to financial literacy and the art of wealth creation.

    Key Takeaways:

    Journey to Financial Enlightenment: Discover Keisha’s path from witnessing wealth to becoming an influential figure in financial education and strategy.

    Empowering Financial Education: Keisha underscores the critical role of financial knowledge in empowering individuals to make wise wealth-building choices.

    Balancing Wealth and Life: A candid look into how motherhood and personal values reshaped Keisha's approach to wealth, emphasizing the importance of presence and flexibility.

    Practical Wealth-Building Strategies: Gain actionable advice and strategies from Keisha's expertise on cultivating wealth and managing finances effectively.

    Connect with Keisha Bailey

    Follow Keisha on Instagram:

    Visit her website:

    Resources and Tools

    Download the Year of Intention Workbook:

    Watch this podcast episode and Stacey Hines on YouTube

    This episode is brought to you by Epic Transformation Intention Cards

    These intention cards are perfect for self-affirmation work. They’re a great way to help you ground in positive thoughts, allowing you to guide your thoughts and align with the things that will bring you closer to that feeling of safety and security. There are 52 cards in the deck - one for every day of the year, and there are lots of different ways you can practice with the cards.

    Get a FREE bonus gift when you purchase your deck of cards through this link:

    Check out Stacey Hines's website for more resources:

    The NEW Intention Journal is HERE:

    Want more insights about living an intentionally balanced life?

    Balanced Lady Boss Website

    Stacey Hines Website:

    Our femme powered Community on LinkedIn

  • Welcome to another empowering episode of the Balanced Lady Boss Show! In this special episode, I am joined by the inspiring Carol Cox, Founder and CEO of Speaking Your Brand®. Carol's journey from a history enthusiast to a tech entrepreneur and then to a champion for women's voices in public speaking is a story of transformation and empowerment. This episode is a powerful exploration of finding and using one's voice to create change.

    About Carol Cox

    Carol is a beacon of inspiration for women in the professional and entrepreneurial space. Through her company, Speaking Your Brand®, she coaches high-performing, purpose-driven women to craft their signature talks and develop thought leadership platforms. Carol's own journey of continuous reinvention and her achievements, including being named one of Orlando's Women of the Year in 2021, showcase her dedication to empowering women to find their voices.

    Key Takeaways from the Episode

    Embracing Reinvention: Carol shares her personal journey of evolving careers, highlighting the significance of adaptability and resilience.

    Overcoming External Challenges: Carol’s story reveals how she navigated obstacles and found her voice again after being silenced by external forces.

    Importance of Support Systems: Carol emphasizes the value of having a supportive partner and community in navigating life's transitions.

    Empowering Women in Public Speaking: Carol talks about the importance of women sharing their stories and using their voices for change.

    Episode Highlights

    Carol’s transition from a tech entrepreneur to the founder of Speaking Your Brand®.

    The role of public speaking in Carol’s personal and professional growth.

    Insights into the unique challenges and opportunities for women in leadership and entrepreneurship.

    Connect with Carol Cox

    Follow Carol Cox on LinkedIn:

    Listen to the Speaking Your Brand® podcast for more insights on public speaking and women’s empowerment.

    Resources and Tools

    Download the Year of Intention Workbook:

    Watch this podcast episode and Stacey Hines on YouTube

    Intention Day Recording:

    This episode is brought to you by Epic Transformation Intention Cards

    These intention cards are perfect for self-affirmation work. They’re a great way to help you ground in positive thoughts, allowing you to guide your thoughts and align with the things that will bring you closer to that feeling of safety and security. There are 52 cards in the deck - one for every day of the year, and there are lots of different ways you can practice with the cards.

    Get a FREE bonus gift when you purchase your deck of cards through this link:

    Check out Stacey Hines's website for more resources:

    The NEW Intention Journal is HERE:

    Want more insights about living an intentionally balanced life?

    Balanced Lady Boss Website

    Stacey Hines Website:

    Our femme powered Community on LinkedIn

  • In this week's episode of the Balanced Lady Boss Show, we're joined by Michelle O’Connor, a remarkable strategist and the founder of "Strategy with Michelle". Delve into a conversation that traverses the realms of strategic thinking, personal growth, and the unique challenges and successes of women in entrepreneurship.

    Highlights of the episode include:

    Michelle’s Transformative Journey: From her beginnings in an inner-city community to becoming a strategic planning head and ultimately a full-time entrepreneur, Michelle's story is a testament to the power of pursuing dreams against all odds.

    Balancing the Personal and Professional: Michelle opens up about her life as a wife, mother, and entrepreneur, sharing her strategies for managing family and career, and her commitment to building a brighter future for her loved ones.

    Empowering Entrepreneurs: With a passion for aiding entrepreneurs in developing, nurturing, and scaling their ideas, Michelle discusses her mission to help individuals overcome barriers and achieve their business aspirations.

    The Woman’s World: The episode also explores the multifaceted challenges women face in balancing work, family, and personal development, emphasizing the need for authentic discussions on these topics.

    Boardroom, Bedroom, Bliss: A recurring theme in the podcast, the concept of achieving harmony in professional ambitions, personal relationships, and individual happiness is thoroughly examined.

    Philosophy of Resilience: Michelle shares her guiding philosophy, 'Ad Astra Per Aspera' – 'to the stars through difficulties', highlighting the importance of strategic thinking and resilience.

    Connect with Michelle

    Follow Michelle on Instagram:

    Michelle’s YouTube:

    Join the Entrepreneur Business Club:

    Resources and Tools

    Download the Year of Intention Workbook:

    Watch this podcast episode and Stacey Hines on YouTube

    Intention Day Recording:

    This episode is brought to you by Epic Transformation Intention Cards

    These intention cards are perfect for self-affirmation work. They’re a great way to help you ground in positive thoughts, allowing you to guide your thoughts and align with the things that will bring you closer to that feeling of safety and security. There are 52 cards in the deck - one for every day of the year, and there are lots of different ways you can practice with the cards.

    Get a FREE bonus gift when you purchase your deck of cards through this link:

    Check out Stacey Hines's website for more resources:

    The NEW Intention Journal is HERE:

    Want more insights about living an intentionally balanced life?

    Balanced Lady Boss Website

    Stacey Hines Website:

    Our femme powered Community on LinkedIn

  • Welcome to another epic episode of the Balanced Lady Boss Show! In this episode, host Stacey is joined by the fabulous Tracey Palmer, a native of West Virginia with a diverse and impactful 20-year career in higher education, workforce development, and corporate leadership. Tracey’s journey of reinvention and her role as a serial entrepreneur makes this a must-listen for all aspiring lady bosses.

    About Tracey Palmer

    Tracey’s story is one of continuous reinvention. From her early days in education at West Virginia State University to her current role as a Portfolio Manager at Goodie Nation, Tracey's career trajectory is as inspiring as it is diverse. As a co-founder of Smoot Avenue, a live selling fashion platform, and founder of WV Black Excellence, Tracey is a beacon of entrepreneurial spirit and empowerment.

    Key Takeaways from the Episode

    The Power of Reinvention:** Tracey shares her personal journey of reinventing herself throughout her career, emphasizing the importance of being adaptable and open to change.

    Entrepreneurial Journey:** The episode explores Tracey’s path to becoming an entrepreneur, discussing the challenges and triumphs of starting and scaling a business.

    Fashion as a Confidence Booster:** Tracey discusses how her venture, Smoot Avenue, helps people find confidence through clothing.

    Support Systems:** The importance of having a supportive partner and community, especially when navigating career transitions and entrepreneurial ventures, is highlighted through Tracey’s experiences.

    Balancing Family and Career:** Tracey opens up about motherhood, marriage, and how she balances her personal life with her professional ambitions.

    Spirituality and Self-care:** Tracey emphasizes the role of spirituality, meditation, and self-care in staying grounded and focused.

    Episode Highlights

    Tracey’s pivot from corporate leadership to entrepreneurship

    Launching and growing Smoot Avenue during the pandemic

    The role of faith and spirituality in her life

    Building a supportive community through her ventures

    Insights into the challenges of being a woman of color in corporate America

    Connect with Tracey

    Follow Tracey Palmer on LinkedIn:


    Check out Smoot Avenue on Facebook for their live fashion sales every Sunday and Wednesday:

    Check out Smoot Ave Website:

    Resources and Tools

    Download the Year of Intention Workbook:

    Watch this podcast episode and Stacey Hines on YouTube

    Intention Day Recording:

    This episode is brought to you by Epic Transformation Intention Cards

    These intention cards are perfect for self-affirmation work. They’re a great way to help you ground in positive thoughts, allowing you to guide your thoughts and align with the things that will bring you closer to that feeling of safety and security. There are 52 cards in the deck - one for every day of the year, and there are lots of different ways you can practice with the cards.

    Get a FREE bonus gift when you purchase your deck of cards through this link:

    Check out Stacey Hines's website for more resources:

    The NEW Intention Journal is HERE:

    Want more insights about living an intentionally balanced life?

    Balanced Lady Boss Website

    Stacey Hines Website:

    Our femme powered Community on LinkedIn

  • In this inspiring episode of "The Balanced Lady Boss Show," Stacey Hines focuses on the transformative power of establishing a mindful morning routine. Routines Offering Accelerated Results are an acronym for your ROAR and this reviews key considerations for the year ahead. She emphasizes that the way we start our day sets the tone for our overall success, productivity, and inner peace.

    Key Highlights:

    The Essence of Mindful Mornings: Stacey discusses the importance of starting the day with mindfulness practices to create a day filled with positivity and productivity.

    Routine Reflections: She encourages listeners to continuously evaluate and tweak their morning routines, sharing her own experiences with adapting post-pandemic.

    Incorporating Mindfulness: Practical tips for integrating mindfulness into morning routines, such as breathing exercises, yoga, and listening to nature.

    Leveraging 'Atomic Habits': Stacey delves into principles from James Clear's "Atomic Habits," providing actionable strategies for habit formation and maintenance.

    Intention Card Highlight: The episode features an intention card – "I am Limitless" – to inspire listeners to embrace their potential and tackle daily challenges.

    Overcoming Common Blocks: Stacey addresses typical hindrances like feeling rushed or lacking motivation, offering solutions like planning and reflecting on the benefits.

    Starting Small and Being Consistent: Emphasizing the importance of small steps and consistency in establishing a new routine.

    Resources and Tools

    Download the Year of Intention Workbook:

    Watch this podcast episode and Stacey Hines on YouTube:

    Intention Day Recording:

    This episode is brought to you by Epic Transformation Intention Cards

    These intention cards are perfect for self-affirmation work. They’re a great way to help you ground in positive thoughts, allowing you to guide your thoughts and align with the things that will bring you closer to that feeling of safety and security. There are 52 cards in the deck - one for every day of the year, and there are lots of different ways you can practice with the cards.

    Get a FREE bonus gift when you purchase your deck of cards through this link:

    Check out Stacey Hines's website for more resources:

    The NEW Intention Journal is HERE:

    Want more insights about living an intentionally balanced life?

    Balanced Lady Boss Website

    Stacey Hines Website:

    Our femme powered Community on LinkedIn

  • This episode is all about ditching the boring resolutions and crafting a vibrant, intentional year that feeds your soul. Forget restrictive to-do lists and embrace the power of conscious living!


    Why intentions are the secret sauce to unlocking your dream life (and why goals just don't cut it on their own!)

    Unveiling the whispers of wisdom hidden within the past year (because your experiences hold valuable clues!)

    Celebrating both triumphs and missteps – how every moment shapes your unique journey

    Cultivating self-awareness as the foundation for intentional living (discover your strengths and areas for growth!)

    Charting your course with intention and action – crafting dreams, choosing your word, and setting goals that set your soul on fire!

    Laser focus with joy – the art of prioritizing abundance and attracting your desires

    Making a pact with your highest self – committing to becoming the person you were always meant to be!

    Plus, we'll sprinkle in soul-stirring prompts, inspiring stories, and practical exercises to help you design your own Delicious Year.

    Resources and Tools

    Download the Year of Intention Workbook:

    Check out Stacey Hines's website for more resources:

    Intention Day LIVE:

    This episode is brought to you by Epic Transformation Intention Cards

    These intention cards are perfect for self-affirmation work. They’re a great way to help you ground in positive thoughts, allowing you to guide your thoughts and align with the things that will bring you closer to that feeling of safety and security. There are 52 cards in the deck - one for every day of the year, and there are lots of different ways you can practice with the cards.

    Get a FREE bonus gift when you purchase your deck of cards through this link:

    The NEW Intention Journal is HERE:

    Want more insights about living an intentionally balanced life?

    Balanced Lady Boss Website

    Stacey Hines Website:

    Our femme powered Community on LinkedIn

    Stacey Hines on YouTube

  • In this episode, we explore the essence of Intention Day 2024, highlighting its transformative potential and unveiling this year's theme. We discuss how to discover happiness throughout your journey, focusing on three vital aspects: Love, Wealth, and Health. In the Love segment, we emphasize nurturing relationships and enhancing communication. For Wealth, we discuss financial wellness and why this area is so popular in the life transformation arena. In the Health section, we stress the significance of well-being and offer practical tips for a healthier life. We announce the Intention Day theme and how you can gain access to a workbook, the replay and an exciting toolkit giveaway, encouraging your participation. We conclude with motivating words and a reminder to embrace the joy found in your journey towards love, wealth, and health. Mark your calendars for Intention Day 2024 on January 2nd. Gain access to valuable resources, and embark on an inspiring journey with us.

    Resources and Tools

    This episode is brought to you by Epic Transformation Intention Cards

    These intention cards are perfect for self-affirmation work. They’re a great way to help you ground in positive thoughts, allowing you to guide your thoughts and align with the things that will bring you closer to that feeling of safety and security. There are 52 cards in the deck - one for every day of the year, and there are lots of different ways you can practice with the cards.

    Get a FREE bonus gift when you purchase your deck of cards through this link:

    The NEW Intention Journal is HERE:

    Want more insights about living an intentionally balanced life?

    Balanced Lady Boss Website

    Stacey Hines Website:

    Our femme powered Community on LinkedIn

    Stacey Hines on YouTube

  • Welcome back, Balanced Lady Bosses, to another episode of your favorite podcast! As we embrace the festive season, this episode is all about gearing up for a successful 2024. Whether you're a boardroom boss, a bliss seeker, or both, today's epic discussion will guide you in crafting a year filled with harmony and balance.

    Key Highlights:

    Introduction to the Theme:

    Embracing the new year with a refreshed perspective on success. The importance of finding balance in both professional and personal aspirations.

    Top 10 Hacks for Achieving More in 2024:

    Unveiling a memorable acronym to help you remember and implement these strategies throughout the year. In-depth discussion on each of the 10 hacks, including aligning with intention, cultivating gratitude, harnessing the law of attraction, and more. Bonus hack: Explore continuous learning to keep growing and evolving.

    Special Segments:

    A look at the upcoming Intention Day masterclass on January 2nd. How meditation can ground high-achieving personalities and bring inner peace. Tips for effective goal setting and visualization techniques. Emphasizing the importance of health and wellness as a foundation for all other goals.

    Resources and Tools

    This episode is brought to you by Epic Transformation Intention Cards

    These intention cards are perfect for self-affirmation work. They’re a great way to help you ground in positive thoughts, allowing you to guide your thoughts and align with the things that will bring you closer to that feeling of safety and security. There are 52 cards in the deck - one for every day of the year, and there are lots of different ways you can practice with the cards.

    Get a FREE bonus gift when you purchase your deck of cards through this link:

    The NEW Intention Journal is HERE:

    The success formula for women everywhere:

    Want more insights about living an intentionally balanced life?

    Balanced Lady Boss Website

    Stacey Hines on Instagram

    Our femme powered Community on LinkedIn

    Stacey Hines on YouTube

  • In this episode of we covered a topic that many of us face at some point in our journey—navigating challenges and setbacks while pursuing our goals of personal growth and transformation.

    Host Stacey Hines shared her own recent experience of falling down the stairs, which resulted in an unexpected health setback and disrupted her plans for work during the holidays. Through her personal story, we explored the feelings of disappointment and negative self-talk that often accompany such events.

    However, this episode wasn't just about acknowledging setbacks; it was also about finding practical ways to navigate them. Stacey introduced the concept of the Prioritization Pyramid—a valuable tool to regain focus and manage priorities during challenging times.

    As we wrapped up, the message was clear: setbacks are part of life, but they don't define our journey. By using tools like the Prioritization Pyramid and embracing gratitude, we can thrive even in the face of adversity. So, as we navigate the challenges of reinvention and personal growth, remember that you are not alone, Stacey and all the lady bosses in our community are with you.

    Resources and Tools

    This episode is brought to you by Epic Transformation Intention Cards

    These intention cards are perfect for self-affirmation work. They’re a great way to help you ground in positive thoughts, allowing you to guide your thoughts and align with the things that will bring you closer to that feeling of safety and security. There are 52 cards in the deck - one for every day of the year, and there are lots of different ways you can practice with the cards.

    Get a FREE bonus gift when you purchase your deck of cards through this link:

    The NEW Intention Journal is HERE:

    The success formula for women everywhere:

    Want more insights about living an intentionally balanced life?

    Balanced Lady Boss Website

    Stacey Hines on Instagram

    Our femme powered Community on LinkedIn

    Stacey Hines on YouTube

  • Join us for an uplifting episode filled with positivity and practical wisdom as we explore "The 5 Gratitude Practices Guaranteed to Change Your Life." Gratitude isn't just a feel-good concept; it's a transformative mindset that can enhance your happiness, relationships, and overall well-being. In this episode, we explore the science of gratitude and share inspiring stories of individuals whose lives took a remarkable turn thanks to this powerful practice.

    Discover simple yet impactful ways to incorporate gratitude into your daily routine and gain insight into why it's a vital tool in your journey of reinvention. From morning routines to mindful meditations, from heartfelt letters to random acts of kindness, we unveil our top five gratitude practices that can supercharge your life.

    So, if you're ready to shift your perspective, boost your happiness, and embrace a more fulfilled life, tune in, take notes, and join us on this gratitude-filled adventure. Get ready to experience your gratitude superpowers and transform your world, one thank-you at a time.

    Resources and Tools

    This episode is brought to you by Epic Transformation Intention Cards (

    These intention cards are perfect for self-affirmation work. They’re a great way to help you ground in positive thoughts, allowing you to guide your thoughts and align with the things that will bring you closer to that feeling of safety and security. There are 52 cards in the deck - one for every day of the year, and there are lots of different ways you can practice with the cards.

    Get a FREE bonus gift when you purchase your deck of cards through this link:

    The NEW Intention Journal is HERE:

    The success formula for women everywhere:

    Want more insights about living an intentionally balanced life?

    Balanced Lady Boss Website

    Stacey Hines on Instagram

    Our femme powered Community on LinkedIn

    Stacey Hines on YouTube

  • In this enlightening episode, we delve into the intricate web of Imposter Syndrome and the enigmatic "Too Late" Paradox. Imposter Syndrome, characterized by feelings of inadequacy despite evident competence, often overlaps with the belief that it's "too late" to pursue new opportunities or passions.

    We start by dissecting the common signs and feelings associated with Imposter Syndrome, such as difficulty accepting praise, avoidance of challenges, and underestimating one's abilities. Understanding these signs is essential in tackling this pervasive phenomenon.

    Next, we unravel the "Too Late" Paradox, exploring how this mindset can exacerbate Imposter Syndrome. We share stories of individuals who broke free from this belief and achieved remarkable success, proving that it's never too late to pursue one's aspirations.

    The heart of the episode lies in actionable advice. We provide practical strategies to combat Imposter Syndrome, boost self-confidence, and embrace opportunities. Whether you're early in your career, at a mid-life crossroads, or contemplating retirement, we offer tailored insights for each phase of life.

    To round off this empowering discussion, we answer three vital listener questions about overcoming Imposter Syndrome and the "Too Late" Paradox. These insights will guide you toward greater self-assurance and the courage to seize the opportunities that await, regardless of age or stage.

    Resources and Tools

    This episode is brought to you by Epic Transformation Intention Cards (

    These intention cards are perfect for self-affirmation work. They’re a great way to help you ground in positive thoughts, allowing you to guide your thoughts and align with the things that will bring you closer to that feeling of safety and security. There are 52 cards in the deck - one for every day of the year, and there are lots of different ways you can practice with the cards.

    Get a FREE bonus gift when you purchase your deck of cards through this link:

    The NEW Intention Journal is HERE:

    The success formula for women everywhere:

    Want more insights about living an intentionally balanced life?

    Balanced Lady Boss Website

    Stacey Hines on Instagram

    Our femme powered Community on LinkedIn

    Stacey Hines on YouTube

  • In this empowering episode of The Balanced Lady Boss podcast, we delve into a common yet formidable obstacle on the path of reinvention—self-doubt. Host Stacey Hines takes listeners on a journey to understand how self-doubt can hinder personal growth and shares a delectable self-esteem building formula exclusive to the Balanced Lady Boss community—the CAVIAR formula.

    Self-Doubt: The Sneaky Hurdle to Reinvention

    Stacey begins by shedding light on self-doubt's insidious nature, highlighting its presence in various life transitions, such as career changes, relationship shifts, and pursuing new passions. She explores how self-doubt can manifest as paralyzing fear, limiting beliefs, and feelings of unworthiness.

    The CAVIAR Formula: A Recipe for Self-Esteem

    To equip her community with tools for conquering self-doubt, Stacey introduces the CAVIAR self-esteem building formula:

    C - Compassion: Start with self-compassion, treating yourself with kindness and understanding.

    A - Affirmation: Craft positive affirmations that affirm your worth and capabilities.

    V - Visualization: Use visualization to see and feel your success, making your goals more attainable.

    I - Intention: Set clear intentions and goals to guide your journey of reinvention.

    A - Authentic Self-Expression: Embrace and express your authentic self, free from societal masks.

    R - Reflection: Regularly reflect on your progress, celebrating achievements and learning from setbacks.

    This formula offers a holistic approach to boosting self-esteem, providing a clear roadmap for building confidence and resilience in the face of self-doubt. With the CAVIAR formula in hand, listeners are empowered to navigate their reinvention journeys with self-assuredness and grace.

    Resources and Tools

    This episode is brought to you by Epic Transformation Intention Cards (

    These intention cards are perfect for self-affirmation work. They’re a great way to help you ground in positive thoughts, allowing you to guide your thoughts and align with the things that will bring you closer to that feeling of safety and security. There are 52 cards in the deck - one for every day of the year, and there are lots of different ways you can practice with the cards.

    Get a FREE bonus gift when you purchase your deck of cards through this link:

    The NEW Intention Journal is HERE:

    The success formula for women everywhere:

    Want more insights about living an intentionally balanced life?

    Balanced Lady Boss Website

    Stacey Hines on Instagram

    Our femme powered Community on LinkedIn

    Stacey Hines on YouTube