In this episode, we spoke with H.E David Geer, EU Ambassador to North Macedonia. We spoke about dealing with the past and reconciliation process in the country, as well as education and the needed social condition to improve and progress.
The anniversary of the siege of Sarajevo, April 5th, awakens memories among all generations of Sarajevo citizens. April is an opportunity for reflection, remembrance, and thinking about the values upon which human rights rest. The Memory Module is a cultural project that began in 1996, aimed at preserving the memory of Bosnia and Herzegovina's painful past through the prism of artistic expression.
Fehlende Folgen?
In the 99th episode of the Liceulice FM show, which was realized in cooperation with forumZFD, we will talk with Dragan Popović, a historian, about how we remember the nineties today and what the important, neuralgic points of that decade mean to us today, which to a good extent still it shapes our political, social and every other reality.
The current edition of the Balkan Perspectives podcast by forumZFD in Kosovo delves into memorialization policies, homogeneous perspectives of the war, and dealing with the past in Kosovo. In this episode, journalist Serbeze Haxhiaj discusses these topics with Alban Bokshi, a political scientist, civil society activist, and researcher focusing on narratives of dealing with the past. Bokshi elaborates on the political landscape of memorialization and commemoration in Kosovo, shaped significantly by the war and the idealization of heroism as the ultimate truth. He dives into the contentious debate surrounding a "regime of truth" that dictates which narratives are accepted or suppressed stories that are celebrated and remembered versus those that are silenced or forgotten.
Bokshi's contribution enriches the discussion on the dominant narrative that has long prioritized a singular heroic perspective, highlighting the pressing need for diversity and pluralism in historical representation.
Within the framework of the 23rd edition of Balkan Perspectives Latif Mustafa is interviewing Shkëlzen Maliqi about art, culture, and dealing with the past. In the 1990s, when Kosovo society started to organize its life in parallel way, just as it was organized like that in many social spheres, it was likewise unavoidable for art and culture to be thus organized within their realm. The interview puts a critical eye on several events from the 1980s, 1990s to date with some perspectives, either historical, critical, or paradigmatic.
In this episode of the Balkan.Perspectives podcast in Serbia, Bojan Marjanovic, editor of Liceulice speaks with Milena Kvapil, a director and creative director from Belgrade with over twenty years of work experience in media and advertising industry, about the regional cooperation and coproduction regarding the TV series in the past twenty years. Milena’s area of expertise is soft power and influence of culture, showbiz and arts to geopolitical topics.
U osmom izdanju Balkan.Perspectives podcast-a u produkciji forumZFD u BiH razgovarali smo o ujecajima popularne kulture na procese suočavanja sa prošlošću i izgradnje mira i kako se ona koristila za spajanje a kako za razdvajanje, prije, tokom i nakon rata sa fokusom na BiH i ex-YU prostor.
Đorđe Krajišnik u ovom izdanju razgovara sa Marijom Simanić Arnautović, novinarkom i Minelom Abazom, aktivistom i novinarom.
Balkan.Perspectives Podcast: „Gender Perspectives and Culture in North Macedonia"
The seventh issue of the Balkan.Perspectives podcast deals with the topic of gender issues and culture in the Western Balkans and North Macedonia. We are reflecting on the historical role of women in the creation of the Macedonian institutions, the current situation with womens rights as well as the the socio – economic position of the women in North Macedonia.
For this epsiode, RadioMOF team talked with Simona Mladenovska, Political Scientist and a Master of Science in New and Social Media.
Балкански.Перспективи подкаст: „Родови перспектии и култура во Северна Македонија"
Седмиот број на подкастот Балкански.Перспективи се занимава со темата на родовите прашања и културата во Западен Балкан и Северна Македонија. Говоревме за историската улога на жената во создавањето на македонските институции, актуелната состојба со женските права како и социо-економската положба на жената во Северна Македонија.
За оваа епизода, тимот на РадиоМОФ разговараше со Симона Младеновска, политиколог и магистер на науки по нови и социјални медиуми.
The seventh edition of the Balkan Perspectives podcast of forumZFD in Kosovo tackles gender perspectives and dealing with the past in Kosovo. In this edition journalist Serbeze Haxhiaj discusses with Lura Limani and Aulonë Kadriu journalists and civil society and human rights activists.
In this conversation Lura Limani and Aulonë Kadriu elaborate the key questions at the moment about gender movements in Kosovo and their role in shaping women activism in the critical times of Kosovo resistance and its fight for liberty.
They also pointed out the gendered impacts of armed conflict and how it carved the war narrative and gender perspective. By explaining the trajectory of past and current social movements on gender and feminism they presented a picture of women's role plagued by denial and elusion.
Sedmo izdanje Balkan.Perspectives podcast-a u produkciji forumZFD u BiH bavi se pitanjima rodnih perspektiva u kulturi sjećanja u BiH i refleksijom sagovornica na trenutnu situaciju u stvaranju prostora u kojem bi ženska iskustva bila vidljiva u javnom i političkom prostoru i ravnopravno uključenja u procese suočavanja sa prošlošću i izgradnji mira.
Đorđe Krajišnik u ovom izdanju razgovara sa Vanjom Šunjić, novinarkom i aktivisticom i Maidom Zagorac, predsjednicom Mreže za izgradnju mira i aktivisticom.
Muzej Jugoslavije bavi se fenomenima koji oslikavaju formiranje, trajanje, ali i raspad Jugoslavije. Kao takav, on takođe nudi i kontekst dekade devedesetih, prikazujući izložbe i reinterpretirajući, između ostalog, i porast nacionalizma i skrt Jugoslavije. Zašto je ovaj posao važan, težak i osnažujuć u isto vreme, govori Ana Panić, kustoskinja Muzeja.The Museum of Yugoslavia in Belgrade deals with the phenomena depicting the formation, duration, and also the collapse of Yugoslavia. As such, it aims to also provide the context of the 1990s, therefore providing exhibitions and reinterpreting, among others, the rise of nationalism and the death of Yugoslavia. Why is this work important, difficult and rewarding at the same time, tells Ana Panic, the curator of the Museum.
(MKD) Balkan.Perspectives podcast: Во новата епизода на подкастот Балкански.Перспективи, говориме со Зоран Петровски, поранешен директор на Музејот на современа уметност (МСУ). Говоревме за соочувањето со минатото во музеите, музеите како креативна енергија во процесите на помирување и недоволната искористеност на потенцијалот на музеите.
(ENG) Balkan.Perspectives podcast: In the new episode of the Balkan.Perspectives podcast, we talked with Zoran Petrovski, the former director of the Museum of Contemporary Arts (MCA). We spoke about dealing with the past through museums, museums as creative energy in the processes of reconciliation and the underutilization of the potential of museums.
(ALB) Ky podcast sillet rreth pyetjes se a kanë muzetë e Kosovës potencial që, përpos ta bartin kujtesën, ta sfidojnë mënyrën se si është formësuar kjo kujtesë dhe të kontribuojnë që kujtesa t’i përfshijë edhe ato e ata në margjina, me vëmendje të veçantë tek gratë. Në vend se të replikojnë një qasje të njëjtë e uniforme, a mund të sjellin muzetë diçka ndryshe, që njëkohësisht do të tërhiqte më shumë vizitorë në to dhe do të prezantonte forma të reja të të kujtuarit dhe përballjes me të kaluarën?
Nora Prekazi, e cila ka punuar për mbi 10 vjet në Muzeun e Mitrovicës reflekton për të kuptuarit e saj ndaj muzeve dhe muzeologjisë, sfidat strukturore me të cilat përballen muzetë në Kosovë e mbi të gjitha, për shembuj të nismave përmes së cilave ajo dhe ekipi i saj kanë arritur të vënë në pah rrëfime të reja e më gjithpërfshirëse.
(ENG) This podcast revolves around the question whether the Kosovo museum have the potential that in addition to transferring memory, to challenge how that memory has been shaped and to contribute so that memory includes the ones in the margins, with special focus on women? Instead of replicating a similar and uniform approach, can the museums bring something different which at the same time would attract more visitors there, and present new forms of remembering and dealing with the past?
Nora Prekazi, who worked for over 10 years at the Muzeum of Mitrovica reflects on her understanding of museums and museology, of structural challenges that museums in Kosovo face, and above all, of examples of initiatives through which she and her team have managed to put on the spotlight new and more inclusive stories.
Balkan.Perspectives Podcast #6: Muzeji i njihova uloga u suočavanju sa prošlošću
Šesto izdanje Balkan.Perspectives podcast-a u produkciji forumZFD u BiH bavi se pitanjima uloge muzeja u procesima suočavanja sa prošlošću u Bosni i Hercegovini i refleksijom sagovornika na trenutnu situaciju iz te oblasti. PodCast realizujemo u saradnji sa kulturnim dodatkom KUN dnevnog lista Oslobođenje.
Đorđe Krajišnik u ovom izdanju razgovara sa kustosicom Historijskog muzeja Bosne i Hercegovine, Elmom Hodžić i kustosom Muzeja savremene umjetnosti RS, Mladenom Banjcem.
This podcast of the 20th edition of the Balkan Perspectives of ZFD tackles the impact of Russia’s aggression in Ukraine and how the images from Ukraine have revived memories of the horrors Kosovo experienced during the 1998-99 war.
Lulzim Peci, the executive director of the Kosovo Institute for Policy Research and Development unravels the impact of the Ukraine war in Kosovo and in the Balkans. As Russia’s war in Ukraine drags into its fifth month, Peci pointed out how a deep sense of unease has settled across Kosovo and Balkans in general and contributed to a paradigm shift in the region's security and political status.
While the war in Ukraine has raised news question marks about the future of the Euro-Atlantic integration of the region, Peci elucidated that the war in Ukraine will not accelerate integration in EU and NATO political and security structures.
The interview was lead by Serbeze Haxhiaj
Balkan.Perspectives Podcast #5: Nikada više...? Bosna i Hercegovina i rat u Ukrajini
Peto izdanje Balkan.Perspectives podcast-a u produkciji forumZFD u BiH bavi se pitanjima suočavanja sa prošlošću u Bosni i Hercegovini i regionu, i refleksijom sagovornika na trenutnu situaciju u Ukrajini. PodCast realizujemo u saradnji sa kulturnim dodatkom KUN dnevnog lista Oslobođenje.
Đorđe Krajišnik u ovom izdanju razgovara sa aktivisticom Berinom Bukvom Alibašić i aktivistom Edvinom Kanka Ćudić o trenutnom stanju suočavanja sa prošlošću i izgradje mira u BiH, trenutnoj situaciji u Ukrajini, i kako je moguće da ponovo imamo rat u Evropi, a više puta smo rekli "Nikada više?".
„Никогаш повеќе војна“
Во новата епизода на подкастот Балкански.Перспективи зборуваме за руската инвазија врз Украина, политичките турбуленции кои таа ги донесе на Балканот, како и македонската евроинтеграција и бугарскиот спор. Гостин во оваа епизода е д-р Ненад Марковиќ од Катедрата за политички науки при Правниот факултет на УКИМ.
„Never again war”
In the new episode of the Balkanski.Perspectives podcast, we talk about the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the political turbulence that it brought to the Balkans, as well as the Macedonian European integration and the Bulgarian dispute. The guest in this episode is Dr. Nenad Marković from the Department of Political Sciences at the Law Faculty of UKIM.
Podkast Balkan.Perspectives posvećen temi odjeka i reperkusija rata u Urajini na područje Zapadnog Balkana, koji realizujemo u saradnji sa Ženergijom, kao sagovornicu ima Sanju Radović, istoričarku iz Beograda koja se bavi diplomatskom istorijom, Hladnim ratom i spoljnom politikom Jugoslavije.
Razgovor sa Sanjom Radović vodi Milana Vojnović.
In this episode of Balkan.Perspectives podcast, Blendi Hodai from Forum for Educational Change speaks about the reconciliation processes among the youth in North Macedonia. In the past 20 years, the Macedonian society is still deeply divided among ethnic and political lines which directly influence on the youth and their development. Are educational reforms needed in order to overcome these differences? Tune in to find more in this podcast, prepared by RadioMOF.
In the fourth edition of the "Balkan Perspectives” podcast, forumZFD Kosovo discusses on the potential roles, challenges and perspectives for the younger generations in Kosovo in the context of dealing with the past, transitional justice and reconciliation processes.
Mila Mihajlović and Shpëtim Ramadani are youth, human rights and gender activists in Kosovo working with international organizations and on grassroots level. Mila and Shpëtim are discussing with Aulonë Kadriu from Kosovo 2.0 on the perceptions of youth in Kosovo in dealing with the past, transitional justice and reconciliation processes, the role of formal and informal education in these processes, bridging gaps between communities and they also take a look in the future. - Mehr anzeigen