The Holistic DP Podcast
Vereinigtes Königreich · Carter Hewlett Cinematographer / Director of Photography
- Kunst
- TV und Film
On the show cinematographer, Carter Hewlett takes a holistic look at life as a working director of photography.Through conversations with directors, producers, DPs, actors, and everyone in between, you'll gain insight, knowledge, tricks, and tips on all things cinematography.Being a successful cinematographer is more than just the art, more than just the photography.Discussions about lighting, cameras, lenses, and photography are a given for any cinematography podcast. On this show, we aim to go beyond the surface level camera chat and take a holistic look, and deep-dive into every aspect of a DP.Lighting, cameras, lenses, photographycareer managementInvestmentsmarketingnetworkingpersonal and professional developmentbrandingwork-life balanceWhether you’re already a career director of photography or still trying to get your foot in the door, the Holistic DP Podcast aims to provide value, knowledge, and insight to help you become better at what you do.