In the final episode of this series, Lauri Siirala examines how we may transform the poison and trauma of unhappy experience into the nourishment of ‘the reunion of life and death Ad Infinitum, now’. It’s an impersonal process that revives us through a personal connection with the vibration and resonance of the sound of life, the hum in our ears and in the voice, and in every fibre of the body.
Lauri speaks of our elemental constitution as human beings. He transmits his connection to the earth through his way of being, his physical grounding exercises and above all the power of his voice, as he hums his well-being in the wonder of all creation.
Fehlende Folgen?
Every life has its day-shift and it’s night-shift and it is in our dreams that we catch up with the realm of the psyche and the extraordinary information that our dream-tellers impart to us overnight in their curious and enchanting ways. Lauri Siirala’s amazement at our subconscious creativity resonates through this episode to awaken our dormant connection to all that is. Enjoy this relaxing meditation in the realm of dreams!
Watching the movements of the moon, and its influence on all aspects of life on earth, is an inspiration and a wonder for Lauri Siirala, who tells us here how he revels in the light of the moon and he sings us his moon -song.
This episode is about the appearance of ‘ the one through whom truth is revealed’ and the inclusivity of being at one with the pulse of life.
Finnish mystic Lauri Siirala speaks about the experience of being alive in a body of pure sensation and vibration. He consciously uses the resonance of his voice to induce a gentle relaxation and explains why his practice of humming and vocalising connects us to life itself.
Introducing Lauri Siirala speaking about his moment by moment experience of the pulse of life. And how you too can participate in a simple daily grounding practice. In this podcast he touches on themes explored in his book (written and published in the Finnish language). It’s all about the ‘pilgrimage to presence’ that has been his life’s journey on this earth.