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《使命門徒》是第一個關注全球華人教會趨勢的基督徒Podcast平台。在這裡,您將會聽到跨代、跨界和跨文化的聲音。每一集,我們會與一位來自全球不同城市的華人基督徒領袖對話,一起探索當代關鍵的議題和挑戰。我們期待透過聆聽來認識不同的文化,透過了解彼此的差異,重新反思自身處境,並學習以多向的思維去看待事物,激蕩想法、前膽未來!放眼世界,洞悉時代;觀看上帝作為,回應福音整全使命! 每週持續更新。
Breaking assumptions around Christianity. Talking about things that matter.
In partnership with CofE Digital Projects. -
Follow In God’s Heart & Truth跟隨著神的心意和真理,為著高雄奮鬥,為著神的國度爭戰!「末後的日子,耶和華殿的山必堅立,超乎諸山,高舉過於萬嶺;萬民都要流歸這山。 以賽亞書2:2」期待更多的家人,與我們一起經歷 質的提昇、量的增長、成為榜樣、神蹟奇事。https://www.fightk.com
Listen to sermons from Reformation Bible Church!
Welcome to the archive for the Gospel homilies and conference messages of Metropolitan Anthony Bloom of blessed memory (1914-2003). Metropolitan Anthony was the founder and bishop of the Orthodox Christian diocese of Sourozh in Great Britain and Ireland, within the Moscow Patriarchate. He is known and loved as one of the greatest Christian teachers of modern times and a tireless shepherd of souls. His spoken messages and publications are treasured throughout the Orthodox Christian Church. Visit ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN PODCAST DIRECTORY: https://anchor.fm/orthodox-christian-teaching
There are no ordinary things. We can meet God in the most surprising places…if we only know how to look. Go Upstream, discover a world charged with the grandeur of God—and learn to live in that bigger world.
A podcast aimed at Christian single women to explore practical topics like habits single women should be developing, living with roommates, caring for aging parents and navigating long-distance relationships. "Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she smiles at the future." Proverbs 31:25
[email protected] -
逢星期六晚上8:00 (聚會地點請留意每星期facebook公佈)
Youtube youtube.com/c/flowchurchhk
Facebook flow church 流堂
Instagram instagram.com/flowchurchhk
MeWe mewe.com/p/flowchurchhk
Spotify 講道回顧| bit.ly/fc_spotify -
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Do you long to experience the abundant life that Jesus promises? We do too, and that’s why this podcast exists. In the commands of Christ, we find unshakeable, immovable truths that are foundational to experiencing abundant life. Beyond just a to-do list, the commands of Christ reveal the heart of God, show us what true discipleship is, and provide a pathway to deeper relationship with God Himself. Join us on a weekly journey through the commands of Christ
Rocky Mountain Community Church (PCA) is a regional church in the west end of Billings, MT with members and attenders from every area of the city and throughout Yellowstone County. We invite you to join with us as we seek to promote a passion in all peoples for God’s glory in all places. Whether single or married, young or old, student or professional, from here or abroad, Presbyterian or not, come and discover with us the incredible liberating power of the grace of God made known in Jesus Christ. We look forward to welcoming you personally, and may God bless you.
The Metron Manager Podcast is a dynamic program that will equip you to become a successful Metron Manager! This transformational program will catalyze your journey to recover the dignity and mission of vocation!
Based on his book, Managing Your Metron, Jonathan Nowlen brings a refreshing and hope filled approach to Theology of Work and the Future of Christian Mission. Crucial concepts and Biblical perspectives are explored and interviews with Christian thought leaders in the workplace will inspire and develop everyone who is called to work in the Kingdom of God.
Jonathan is passionate about recovering the dignity and mission of vocation. He is a career missions leader who has worked in 60 countries over the last few decades. He is the host of the Metron Manager Podcast and author of Managing Your Metron: A practical Theology of Work, Mission and Meaning.
Jonathan is a an experienced strategist, leader, public speaker, coach, consultant and equipper. Currently Jonathan is focused on missionized theology of work and equipping believers to advance the Kingdom through their vocation. After 11 years as executive director of an international, educational non-profit, he founded the Metron Manager Project.
Remember, God has given you Permission and a Commission to work! -
2019年11月,我將錄音放上 Youtube 社交平台,名為【喝路旁的河水】,作分享之用,由於質素一般,故沒有作廣泛宣傳,至今仍未臻完善,卻鑒於網絡傳揚實在重要,加上近日開始分享一章聖經部份經文的體會和感受,是創世記第一章開始,目標是在主回來可以跟大家分享1189章的聖經,不是查考聖經,只是將個人的體會和享受,透過公開的平台與大家分享。 -
基督教台灣貴格會合一堂為 兒童 開設了〝聖經好好聽〞Podcast頻道,透過兒童朗讀,讓兒童好好聽聖經。
歡迎您訂閱「聖經之鑰」YouTube 頻道,頻道中還有適合兒童收看的~
幫助孩童一步步認識 神的話語。
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真耶穌教會臺灣總會宣道處 喜信視聽中心製作華語廣播節目
喜信網路家庭 網址 https://joy.org.tw
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聽聽別人的故事,想想自己的生命。「雲彩飛揚」陪伴你在悲歡離合的人生道上,經歷上帝的慈愛、憐憫與信實,讓你看見,生命可以因著上帝「不再一樣」。「雲彩飛揚」願以生命祝福生命,歡迎收聽—你絕不能錯過的「雲彩飛揚」。歡迎追蹤雲彩飛揚臉書粉專,關注更多最新節目資訊,更可以留言給主持人:https://www.facebook.com/cloudofwitness也可寫email給主持人: [email protected]感謝您對節目的喜愛!我們是非營利組織,您的奉獻支持將使節目做得更好更長久!*直接線上奉獻 http://www.101superweb.com/web/vosdonation*了解奉獻資訊 https://www.vos.org.tw/info.aspx--Hosting provided by SoundOn