
  • Has anyone ever told you: "Look at all you have, you should be grateful!" when you were experiencing an uncomfortable feeling like sadness, anger, grief, or maybe trying to uphold a boundary for yourself? 

    Some of us may have even expressed this kind of thing to other people too, or even to ourselves! 

    In this episode, Elizabeth Mintun explores the “dark side” of gratitude. In particular, Elizabeth addresses how gratitude can be used as a way to invalidate or minimize people’s struggles. This “gratitude platitude” is the opposite of the medicine of gratitude, which can uplift, connect us with our abundance, and offer ease. 

    Key Takeaways: 

    Using terms like “you should be grateful!” as a way to shame someone for struggling can be damaging. Reminding people of all that’s around them to be thankful for can be helpful, but often first it is important (and typically more effective) to meet them in the struggle they’re in rather than telling them to be different than they are. Gratitude can be a powerful medicine when used to connect with abundance rather than invalidate feelings. 


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    Also, if you haven’t done so already, remember to follow the podcast so you keep receiving the wisdom and insights of all of these amazing humans! 

  • Did you know that when you are kind to someone else, your own brain’s pleasure and reward center activates, as though you were the recipient of the good deed – not just the one offering kindness? This is referred to as the “helper’s high”. 

    In this episode, Elizabeth Mintun explores the many physical and mental health benefits of practicing random acts of kindness. The research is astounding! 

    Key Takeaways: 

    Engaging in and witnessing acts of kindness stimulates the production of the feel-good hormones oxytocin and serotonin, which helps lift our mood and reduces stress. People who are regularly kind have 23% less cortisol (a stress hormone) in their bodies and live longer than people who are not regularly practicing acts of kindness. People who perform random acts of kindness report feeling stronger and more energetic, calmer and less depressed, and over all a greater sense of self-worth.


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    Also, if you haven’t done so already, remember to follow the podcast so you keep receiving the wisdom and insights of all of these amazing humans! 

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  • Have you ever had an experience that completely transformed your life and offered you tremendous freedom?

    In this week’s podcast episode, Elizabeth Mintun interviews Kelli Trinoskey, an award-winning writer and content creator, lives in Columbus, Ohio, where she practices storytelling as the associate director of marketing and communications at The Ohio State University College of Medicine. Kelli’s documentary, Our Dyslexic Children, was the 2022 Toronto Documentary Film Festival winner for Best Long Form Short Film. In this conversation, Kelli talks about her incredible journey of moving from feeling stuck in a trauma-infused narrative, to feeling freedom and fluidity in her life - and how she has used the artform of collage as a way to integrate her experience. 

    Key Takeaways: 

    EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a technique in psychotherapy that can be quite powerful in reprocessing traumatic memory.Collage can be a creative tool that nourishes expression on the conscious and unconscious levels and can be a beautiful and accessible part of a healing journey.The process of collage can offer a space for self-care within which we can attend to whatever is coming up for us in the moment, in playful, creative, and expressive ways. 


    [email protected]

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    Also, if you haven’t done so already, remember to follow the podcast so you keep receiving the wisdom and insights of all of these amazing humans! 

  • What if you could transform your life – and even change your brain structure, by practicing something as free and simple as gratitude? 

    In this episode, Elizabeth Mintun explores the many physical and mental health benefits of having a regular gratitude practice. She also explains some of the important ingredients in a gratitude practice to increase those juicy medicinal benefits of vitality, wellbeing, and overall happiness. 

    Key Takeaways: 

    Engaging in a regular gratitude practice can have a lasting impact on physical and emotional health and wellbeing by impacting important areas in the brain and hormonal responses. The impacts of a regular gratitude practice are not immediate, but they are long-lasting and worth the effort! Saying a simple “thank you”, while it matters, is not a gratitude practice that will reap lasting rewards - to truly engage in a gratitude practice it is best to dedicate 3-5 minutes and truly notice and/or express more depth and detail of what it is you are grateful for. 


    “I love Elizabeth and The Calming Ground Podcast.” If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! Your feedback on this platform helps me support more people - just like you - move toward the balanced life they desire. Scroll to the bottom, tape to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! 

    Also, if you haven’t done so already, remember to follow the podcast so you keep receiving the wisdom and insights of all of these amazing humans!

  • Have you ever heard of medical astrology? I hadn’t until this interview with functional medicine practitioner, astrologer, UN Peace Ambassador, and best-selling author Mariett Ramm. 

    On this week’s podcast episode, Mariett talks about the importance of unmasking; that health issues often have an emotional/spiritual underpinning which, if uncovered, can lead to a deeper healing process. 

    Key Takeaways: 

    There is great value in facing underlying emotional and spiritual issues because they can also deplete our health and lead to chronic illness. It is important to be surrounded by a loving, supportive community for emotional, physical, and spiritual health. 


    “I love Elizabeth and The Calming Ground Podcast.” If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! Your feedback on this platform helps me support more people - just like you - move toward the balanced life they desire. Scroll to the bottom, tape to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! 

    Also, if you haven’t done so already, remember to follow the podcast so you keep receiving the wisdom and insights of all of these amazing humans! 

  • Pause for a moment and consider: what are the little or big aspects of your life that nourish your hopefulness?

    In this week’s short episode, Elizabeth Mintun offers a reminder of the simple ways that we can return to hope and, ultimately, experience greater ease and inner peace. 

    Key Takeaways: 

    Identifying the “crumb path” of elements of life that nourish our hope can help us return to it like a lifeline in times of need. Sometimes it is the simplest elements in life that can be hope- and life-affirming. 


    “I love Elizabeth and The Calming Ground Podcast.” If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! Your feedback on this platform helps me support more people - just like you - move toward the balanced life they desire. Scroll to the bottom, tape to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! 

    Also, if you haven’t done so already, remember to follow the podcast so you keep receiving the wisdom and insights of all of these amazing humans! 

  • Every single one of us has had an experience of either losing someone or something we love or knowing someone else who has, right? 

    Even though this is a painful truth about the experience of living, oftentimes we do not have the tools or the support we need to navigate through grief in healing ways. 

    On this week’s podcast episode, Lisa Heacock, an international best-selling author, inspirational speaker, and international certified life coach, grief coach, and grief educator, offers her perspective on grief. She speaks both from her professional background as well as from her personal story, after losing twelve loved ones through death in twenty-two-months. Lisa offers wisdom and bite-size tools and steps that can easily be digested and implemented when and if needed. 

    Key Takeaways: 

    One of the best ways you can support someone in grief is to say something like, “I just want you to know that I'm here, and I love you, and I'm sending all my loving energy your way. No pressure to respond at all.”Often people experiencing grief will wonder if they sound crazy or broken. If you are grieving, you are not broken - you are simply grieving.It is important to reach for as many healthy resources as you can to support you and/or your loved ones in your/their grieving process.


    “I love Elizabeth and The Calming Ground Podcast.” If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! Your feedback on this platform helps me support more people - just like you - move toward the balanced life they desire. Scroll to the bottom, tape to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! 

    Also, if you haven’t done so already, remember to follow the podcast so you keep receiving the wisdom and insights of all of these amazing humans! 

  • Do you or someone you know seem to be successful in a variety of ways, and yet chronically stressed?

    In this episode, Elizabeth Mintun reflects on the qualities she’s noticed to be present in people with high-functioning anxiety, as well as how they often appear to outsiders. It’s amazing how people who can appear so organized, calm and collected, and high performing can internally feel so overwhelmed, stressed, anxious, and exhausted. 

    Key Takeaways: 

    High functioning anxiety and stress is multi-facted: it’s a gift to be able to manage so much, and it’s overwhelming and can lead to depletion and stress. It can be difficult for people who are high functioning with stress and anxiety to shift their way of being because often self-worth is closely knit with their ability to achieve. It’s important to offer ourselves and others compassion who struggle with this, and slowly incorporate small steps of slowing down and self-care in order to support a shift. 


    “I love Elizabeth and The Calming Ground Podcast.” If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! Your feedback on this platform helps me support more people - just like you - move toward the balanced life they desire. Scroll to the bottom, tape to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! 

    Also, if you haven’t done so already, remember to follow the podcast so you keep receiving the wisdom and insights of all of these amazing humans! 

  • Are you one of the many people who struggle from a creative block at times? 

    In this episode, Elizabeth Mintun interviews Gregory Halpen, who has 30+ years’ experience as a creative practice coach, solo theater artist, stage & TV actor, and singer. Gregory teaches creatives how to cultivate a creative practice for staying on their creative journey. In this interview, Gregory talks about how creativity, even beyond self-expression, can lead to self-discovery and transformation.

    Key Takeaways: 

    Creativity can flow best when we are engaged in a daily self-care practice. Self-expression through creativity can uncover and offer greater meaning in our lives. Creative expression is a process in the moment, not just about the finished outcome. 


    Instagram: @gregoryhalpen

    “I love Elizabeth and The Calming Ground Podcast.” If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! Your feedback on this platform helps me support more people - just like you - move toward the balanced life they desire. Scroll to the bottom, tape to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! 

    Also, if you haven’t done so already, remember to follow the podcast so you keep receiving the wisdom and insights of all of these amazing humans! 

  • Do you ever struggle with people-pleasing?

    In this episode, Elizabeth Mintun explores her experience with people-pleasing and the freedom that comes when we respect our own boundaries and those of others. Elizabeth also dives into the importance of connecting with ourselves as a way to be more fully present and aware of the the boundaries that we need to honor.

    Key Takeaways:

    Your boundaries are not your problem :)A people-pleasing response demands a disconnection from ourselves in order to be in service to others.Self-soothing and self-care is very important as we notice our boundaries and our responses to others’ boundaries.


    “I love Elizabeth and The Calming Ground Podcast.” If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! Your feedback on this platform helps me support more people - just like you - move toward the balanced life they desire. Scroll to the bottom, tape to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!

    Also, if you haven’t done so already, remember to follow the podcast so you keep receiving the wisdom and insights of all of these amazing humans!

  • What does it mean to grow our “boundary muscles”? 

    In this episode, Kelli Younglove, a Self-Awareness and Mindset Coach, dives into exploring boundaries on several levels, and offers actionable advice on how to notice and honor our boundaries.

    Kelli Younglove is a Self-Awareness and Mindset Coach who teaches her clients a kinder, gentler way to work with their stress and anxiety so they can show up in their lives as their happy, confident selves.  She's also the creator of the boundary course: Creating the Container of YOU a self-study e-course that teaches boundary fundamentals and lifetime solutions for people pleasers and controllers.

    Key Takeaways: 

    It’s best to practice in small, easy ways at first to grow that boundary muscle first with safe people (or even our pets!). In essence, the term boundary refers to a limit we set. Outer boundaries help protect you in the outer world. Inner boundaries refer to our inner wisdom, which is held in our bodies and helps us stay connected and in relationship with ourselves. Returning to the sensation of our breath and our bodies in the present moment can help facilitate setting and maintaining heartfelt boundaries that honor ourselves and others.  

    Resources: <<free mini-guide for anxiety relief here

    “I love Elizabeth and The Calming Ground Podcast.” If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! Your feedback on this platform helps me support more people - just like you - move toward the balanced life they desire. Scroll to the bottom, tape to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! 

    Also, if you haven’t done so already, remember to follow the podcast so you keep receiving the wisdom and insights of all of these amazing humans!

  • Have you ever felt that your life choices just don’t quite align with who you feel you are inside? 

    In this episode, Elizabeth Mintun speaks with Dr. Elizabeth Ssemanda, a holistic psychiatrist, medical intuitive, and life coach. In this conversation, Dr. Ssemanda talks about the importance of reconnecting with ourselves in order to live more authentically aligned lives and make choices that more deeply reflect who we are. 

    Key Takeaways: 

    Many people are living on auto-pilot and not fully consciously making important decisions in their lives. People already have the answers within us; we need to cultivate the courage to deeply listen to our inner voice in order to access these truths. Oftentimes making decisions that deeply align with our core selves and values involve setting important limits and boundaries. This requires courage, too, and yet offers us an opportunity to feel into the power of making decisions based on our own truth and inner voice and spirit. 


  • How are you living your life that brings about fulfillment for yourself and others? Dawn Glasco reflects on this important question in her interview on The Calming Ground podcast.  

    In this episode, Elizabeth Mintun speaks with Dawn Glasco, a community engagement strategist, speaker, author, and consultant. Dawn reflects on creating and maintaining boundaries as a way of choosing what we allow into our hearts and minds and what we judiciously select to protect ourselves from in order to preserve our own integrity and alignment with what truly matters to us. 

    Key Takeaways: 

    It can be valuable to ask yourself the questions: “How can I be more loving? How can I hold more space for myself?” Engaging with and tapping into your own creativity may offer a more deep connection with yourself and a form of expression to reach others. Creating and maintaining your boundaries can allow for greater space for you to be authentically you and nourish the energy within you that aligns you with your highest and most vibrant version of yourself. 


  • Did you know that rest can take many forms?

    Often when we think about resting we think about sleeping or being otherwise inactive. But, rest can actually come in many different forms! In this episode, Elizabeth Mintun explores seven different pathways to rest and replenishment and examples within these to help us regain our balance and feel renewed.

    Key Takeaways:

    It can be helpful to notice which areas of rest tend to come more easily to you and which you might struggle more to attend to. As you notice which areas of rest you struggle more to nourish, using a curious and compassionate mind, you might ask yourself what barriers are here making this difficult for you to lean into? A practice of tuning in and sitting in stillness may offer the space to discern what kind of rest you might need in a particular moment.


  • Have you ever struggled with tuning into the wisdom of your own inner voice?

    In this episode, psychotherapist Allison Bruce talks about the importance of listening to the wisdom of our bodies. Allison talks about the “demand culture” that we live in that is focused more on achieving and producing rather than the quality of our “be-ing”. She talks about the importance of staying with the process of noticing how we experience tension in our bodies and gradually leaning into easing that tension.

    Key Takeaways:

    The pace of the lives and society we’re living in has a significant impact on our ability to connect with ourselves. When people are able to still themselves and notice their tendency to go toward distractions rather than staying present with themselves. Sometimes it can be very important to seek professional support to help us reconnect with ourselves and navigate what might emerge in our still moments.


  • Have you ever wanted to speak up, but never ended up finding the right words or the confidence to do it?

    Joan Stenzler is a motivational speaker, communication specialist, holistic psychotherapist, and women’s empowerment coach. In this episode, Joan shares her own background and insight into when to use our voices to speak our truths, and the power of the words we choose.

    Key Takeaways:

    Prior to deciding your moment to speak up, it can be useful to ask yourself what are the chances that this conversation will have your desired outcome and what does that mean to you? It can be helpful to explore what might be getting in the way of speaking your truth as a way of discerning what you are needing and wanting to say. Often people avoid speaking their truth because they are afraid of conflict.


    Free Master Class entitled “Turn your Hesitation into Determination and Find the Courage to Speak Up:

    Free guide: “A Compassionate Woman’s Guide to Empowered Communication”:

  • Have you ever felt the brain fog and emotional rollercoaster of sleep deprivation?  In this episode, Elizabeth Mintun explores the fascinating subject of sleep with Dr. Catherine Darley.

    Dr. Darley is an internationally recognized expert in the use of natural behavior and lifestyle medicine for the treatment of sleep disorders. She provides interesting information about sleep, as well as actionable advice about how to get the nourishing night’s rest your body craves.

    Key Takeaways:

    If you are chronically sleep deprived, you are impacting heavily your REM sleep, which impacts your memory and emotional regulation. 20-30 minutes of being outdoors in the morning daylight can help your day get started off right and eventually lead to a better night’s rest. Certain times of day are better for napping than others - it is important to nap at times that will not negatively impact your night’s rest.


    Instagram: @skilledsleeper

  • In this episode, Elizabeth Mintun explores the science behind self-messaging and affirmation. She talks about the physiological and psychological benefits.

    Elizabeth also interviews Leslie Wood, who was a teacher for 4 years, a school counselor for 15 years, and currently also works in a part-time private practice setting. Leslie is an online course realtor and coach helping teachers level up their skills in mental health areas. As part of her work in her career and as a parent, affirmations have been key. Leslie shares this experience and knowledge of self messaging and affirmations in this episode.

    Key Takeaways:

    Supportive self-messaging and affirmations and improve the functioning of your immune system and help prevent depression and anxiety. Affirmations in key areas of life (including health, financial health, personal worth, etc.) can make a big difference in wellbeing and choices.


    Leslie Wood - YouTube

    Home | Master Your Moment

  • In this episode, Elizabeth Mintun interviews Harvey Laguerre, a stay-at-home dad and Men’s Life and Success Coach.

    Harvey discusses the importance of men’s vulnerability and creating safe spaces for men to express their inner thoughts and feelings and to be supported by other men.

    Key Takeaways:

    Men are suffering from the lack of permission in our society to express their vulnerability and have safe spaces with other men. Toxic masculinity deprives men of having the space to explore the full range of their emotional experience in their lives.


  • In this episode, Elizabeth Mintun dives into exploring the power of our inner voice (and the inner critic that often accompanies it). Elizabeth talks about the ways our inner voice can impact the way we see and experience ourselves, make our choices, and evaluate our life.

    Elizabeth offers a five-step exercise to help you offer yourself compassion, understanding, a refreshing and new way to approach yourself and your life. Elizabeth encourages you to tune in and listen to the messages and stories you are telling yourself and consider how you would respond to a friend giving you that same message.

    Key Takeaways:

    Listening to and shaping the messages you’re giving yourself can make a tremendous impact on your experience of yourself and your life. Elizabeth quotes Mister Rogers, who says: “Listening is where love begins: listening to ourselves and then to our neighbors.” Noticing your thoughts and feelings is a form of practicing mindfulness, and that presence can offer ease and help you recognize more choices and possibilities.