The podcast "Yeat" explores the artistic journey of the rapper and songwriter Yeat. Each episode dives into different phases of his career, from his early beginnings and influences to his rapid rise in the music industry. The podcast features exclusive interviews with Yeat, as well as conversations with collaborators, producers, and music critics who discuss his unique sound, his impact on the trap and rap scenes, and his approach to music production. The series also examines key moments and releases in his career, providing insights into his creative process and how he has managed to captivate a young audience with his innovative style and internet-savvy marketing strategies. This podcast is a comprehensive look at how Yeat is shaping the future of music with his boundary-pushing approach.
A podcast exploring why making art can be more practical than we think. Creatives from all around the world share their artistic journeys and explore the impact it has on their thinking and everyday lives.
Audiolaiškas — tai kalbantis, asmeniškas, kassavaitinis laiškas, pristatantis naują Audiotekoje pasirodančią audioknygą. Laiško autoriai ne tik pristato knygos turinį ir kontekstą, bet ir laisvai reiškia savo asmeninę nuomonę ar filosofuoja kūrinio temomis.
Tai lietuviškų audioknygų platformos Audioteka rengiama rubrika, kurioje žurnalistė Jurga Šeduikytė netikėtu kampu kalbina knygų autorius, aktorius, įgarsintojus ir kitus kūrėjus. Tai – neformalūs pokalbiai, nevengiant gilių temų, atskleidžiant asmeniškas kūrybos paslaptis ir primenant, kaip svarbu žaisti gyvenimą.
類稀な才能を持つ幾多のラッパーたち——そのバースの奥に秘められたストーリーをアットホームに紐解くトークセッション。ホストはライターで自称“HIPHOP馬鹿”こと、荏開津広。 緊迫するパフォーマンスの上では見られないラッパーたちの意外な一面。ひとりの人間としての彼らの過去や現在、そして未来について、YouTubeチャンネル「レッドブルマイク」に登場するラッパーたちを中心にお招きし、深堀りしていきます。
If you’re an aspiring author and want insights into what’s involved in launching a book into the world, this is the podcast for you. Maggie Smith, author and blogger, interviews debut novelists from the Women’s Fiction Writers Association discussing not only the inspiration behind their book, but also their insights into the writing process, the best advice they ever got, and the joys and sometimes pitfalls they encountered on their path to publication.
Neretai mažieji Lietuvos leidėjai ne tik skaito ir leidžia knygas, bet ant jų miega, su jomis gyvena, o kartais net jas valgo... Didžiajame popierinių knygų vandenyne jie plaukioja po vieną ar kelis, nes yra maži. Nors sudėjus į krūvą didesni nepasidaro, bet trumpam susitikę mielai dalinasi savo džiaugsmais ir negandomis.
An appreciation by Sarah Drew of Dorothy Sayers' seventh Lord Peter Wimsey mystery, exploring the role of the Galloway landscape in the book.
find me here: https://audioboom.com/channels/4985387
„Tarpinės sąvokos“ – beveik reguliari, pastovaus formato neturinti, namų sąlygomis kurta laida skirta filosofiniam apetitui sužadinti.
Внучки и внучата слушают самые добрые сказки мира.
Interviews with scholars of Catholicism about their new books
The first of its kind podcast that introduces you to the sounds behind your favorite artists and their hits. A first hand experience on how the sounds are made. A brief interview from the producers then they cook up a fresh beat while your listening!listenerlistening!
Маленькие сказки о мире внутри и вокруг, рассказанные рыбами (http://vkiselev.com)
With transcription as heard by Siri:
Read me his casket: my link his casket I made it with 3 o'clock because in the area by me -
Read Aloud's And Documentary's by people on the internet unofficially.
Reading Corner: Children's short stories with read-along companion video (where available).
Occasionally, Weird: Infrequent, unscheduled episodes with read-along video (where available), focusing on the strange and macabre. -
Nesse Podcast estou falando sobre a Música em apenas 34 segundos
Aemilia Lanyer's 1611 poem is far more than a retelling of The Passion. It comprises a spirited defense of Eve (and, by extension, all women), elegant praises for her female patrons, a catalogue of virtuous women of the ancient world, and closes with the first "country house" poem written by a woman in English. (Summary by Elizabeth Klett)
Independent Reading