This episode is a goodbye, at least for now. (And it's also a few quick words on The Fourth of July, since that feels relevant.) I'll miss ya dearly.
If you want to keep hearing from Marie each week, head to for a new article in your inbox every Friday.
Related episode: The War Within Antiracism: Why the Movement is Divided on Apple & Spotify
If you're not ready for it to be over yet, here are Marie's top 3 picks from the vault:
Should We Embrace Race or Move Past It? on Apple & Spotify
The Intellectual Rivalry of the Century: Washington vs. Du Bois on Apple & Spotify
Tone Policing 101: What It Really Is & Why It’s Controversial on Apple & Spotify -
A concerning op-ed revealed that “three quarters of white people don’t have any non-white friends.” Why is this? What are the most shocking stats? And what should you do?
This is a new, updated version of one of the most popular episodes. I've filled it out with more context, more info, and answers to the questions that you sent in.
Related episodes:
Diversifying Your Social Circle– the Dos and Don’ts on Apple & Spotify
Source: Washington Post, Three quarters of whites don't have any non-white friends
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Fehlende Folgen?
Why is cultural appropriation such a controversial topic? How are opinions on cultural appropriation changing in recent years? What actually counts as cultural appropriation? Are you guilty of it?
This episode has been pulled from the archives. I answer all of the most pressing questions and offer clear guidance. Enjoy.
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There is a way that we are unintentionally amplifying the negative impacts of racism. Some of our most celebrated methods of antiracism are provoking a little thing called stereotype threat. Okay, so it's actually a big thing, and it's very bad news for people of color. I explain all that in the episode and reveal the surprising way we can correct course.
This is a new, updated version of one of the most popular episodes.
Related episodes:
Should We Embrace Race or Move Past It? It's Complicated. on Apple and Spotify
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A clear, concise lesson on what systemic racism actually is. What is the full definition of racism? Why do I take issue with how I hear people using the term systemic racism? And how do you avoid that common mistake? I've got you covered.
This is a new, updated version of one of the most popular episodes.
Biased by Dr. Jennifer Eberhadt
Related episodes:
Should We Embrace Race or Move Past It? on Apple and Spotify
Microaggressions in 15 Minutes on Apple and Spotify
CRT's Most Loved & Hated Teaching on Apple & Spotify
What an Uber Lawsuit Teaches Us About Systemic Racism on Apple and Spotify
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Learn the complicated origin of Juneteenth, get informed about the best terms to use, and gain clarity on what Juneteenth means for us today.
This episode is a new, update version of previous releases related to Juneteenth.
Related episodes:
Slavery— All the Stuff No One Ever Taught on Apple and Spotify
The Forgotten Period of Unbelievable Racial Progress: Reconstruction on Apple and Spotify
A Deep Dive on Frederick Douglass on Apple and Spotify
Unpacking Robin DiAngelo's Most Problematic Teaching on Apple or Spotify
We Need to Talk About Racism in the Criminal Justice System on Apple & Spotify
What does Juneteenth Really Mean? by Sean Collins
The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander
The documentary '13th'
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I’d bet money that you don’t know as much as you think you know about critical race theory. I was surprised when I went to the original work of the scholars who created it.
In this episode, we clear away the assumptions and we get right at the heart of the matter: What is critical race theory, really? And why is it so controversial?
This is a new, updated version of one of the earliest, most popular episodes.
Related episodes:
Learn Critical Race Theory in 20 Minutes on Apple & Spotify
CRT's Most Loved & Hated Teaching (Normality of Racism) on Apple & Spotify
Pro-CRT or Anti-CRT, This is What You Need to Hear on Apple and Spotify
Debunking The Model Minority Myth on Apple & Spotify
Dissecting Robin DiAngelo's (Other) Book on Apple or Spotify
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Critical Race Theory: An Introduction by Jean Stefancic and Richard Delgado
Critical Race Theory: Why It Matters and Why You Should Care by Victor Ray
The Basic Tenets of Critical Race Theory via Britannica
Intersectionality, Explained by Jane Coaston
A Lesson on Critical Race Theory via American Bar Association
Stereotype Threat: The effect of racial primes on the test performance of African-American and European-American children by Steele, Bianchi, Ambady -
Consider this Intersectionality 101. Learn about the origins of intersectional theory, how intersectionality gained widespread attention, what critics take issue with, and why it matters.
This episode has been pulled from the archives and given a fresh twist.
Related episodes:
Should We Embrace Race or Move Past It? It's Complicated. on Apple and Spotify
Antiracism 101: 3 Basic Ideas You Need to Know on Apple & Spotify
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Crenshaw, Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex (1989)
Vox, Intersectionality, explained -
White people often make sense of their racial identity by thinking of themselves as an oppressor or savior. But these flawed core beliefs don’t translate into much.
To gain a better view of yourself and other white people, you need a healthier way to make sense of white identity.
This episode has been pulled from the archives and given a fresh twist.
Related episodes
Dissecting Robin DiAngelo's (Other) Book on Apple or Spotify
Unpacking Robin DiAngelo's Most Problematic Teaching (PT 2) on Apple or Spotify
Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? By Dr. Beverly Daniel-Tatum
The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander
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Now that we're a year and a half into this thing, I figured it's about time I revist my story and share details I never have before. I open up about my hardships, my radical transformations, my plentiful mistakes, and how I got to where I am now.
Don't miss this rare, unguarded episode — it'll probably be another two years before I decide to be this open again. Kidding. Well, only kind of.
Related episodes:
Microaggressions in 15 Minutes on Apple and Spotify
How to Cure Racism's Psychological Effects on Apple and Spotify
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From Ubers to courtrooms to classrooms, there's a pernicious kind of racial discrimination in which a few bad apples spoil the bunch.
In this episode, I'm sharing a perfect case study — one that will make it easy for you to explain what systemic racism really is and how it works.
Related episodes:
Systemic Racism 101 on Apple and Spotify
Antiracism 101: The 3 Basic Ideas You Need to Know on Apple & Spotify
Referenced: Yale Insights, "Ratings Systems Amplify Racial Bias on Gig-Economy Platforms"
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Despite being widely criticized, White Fragility has been hugely successful. The best-selling book, which fraught with mistaken assumptions and misguided directives, epitomizes a very flawed approach to antiracism.
This episode is a clear, concise explainer of three major issues — and these are critiques you'll want to hear.
Related episodes:
Everyone’s Wrong About Racial Bias on Apple and Spotify
Should We Embrace Race or Move Past It? on Apple and Spotify
You Need to Change How You Think About Whiteness on Apple & Spotify
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Robin DiAngelo's rationale is littered with issues, but this episode is devoted to one error in particular — a teaching that I followed until it just about ran me into the ground. A teaching that too many of us have adopted.
Related episodes:
Systemic Racism 101 on Apple and Spotify
Microaggressions in 15 Minutes on Apple and Spotify
Nice Racism by Robin DiAngelo
New Yorker Interview, "Robin DiAngelo Wants White Progressives to Look Inward"
"The Fight To Redefine Racism" by Kelefa Sanneh
"White fragility is real. But ‘White Fragility’ is flawed." by Carlos Lozada
"I'm A Black Professor. You Don't Need to Bring That Up." by Tyler Austin Harper
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When it comes to DiAngelo's approach to antiracism, I have some weighty grievances. Concerns, if you will. Let's talk about them.
Related episodes:
Identity Politics... It’s Complicated on Apple & Spotify
Exposing the Lies That Make Us Fragile on Apple & Spotify
White Allies, You Need to Change How You Think About Whiteness on Apple & Spotify
Nice Racism by Robin DiAngelo
New Yorker Interview, "Robin DiAngelo Wants White Progressives to Look Inward"
"The Fight To Redefine Racism" by Kelefa Sanneh
"White fragility is real. But ‘White Fragility’ is flawed." by Carlos Lozada
"I'm A Black Professor. You Don't Need to Bring That Up." by Tyler Austin Harper
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Let's turn our attention to misogynoir, the unique struggle of Black women.
Related episodes:
Intersectionality in 30 Min: How it Originated, Gained Popularity, & Has Rapidly Changed on Apple & Spotify
Demarginalizing the Intersections of Race and Sex by Kimberle Crenshaw
PBS, "Not All Women Gained the Vote in 1920"
NPR, "The Root: How Racism Tainted Women's Suffrage"
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I have good news and bad news. I'll start with the bad news: The desire to be thought of as antiracist doesn't actually make you antiracist. If only!
The good news: If you do want to be antiracist, there's a clear and attainable threshold that you can meet, and it's probably not what you think.
Related episodes:
Ep. 1, sharing my story on Apple & Spotify
Exposing the Lies That Make Us Fragile on Apple & Spotify
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I'm feeling brave enough to address criticism I've received in response to previous episodes. Since I talk a big game about facing conflict and disagreement, I figured it's time to practice what I preach. So, buckle up. My critics make some good points.
Related episodes:
Why I'm Not Worried About Book Bans on Apple & Spotify
Learn Critical Race Theory in 20 Minutes on Apple & Spotify
The Full, True Story of Malcolm X's Life on Apple & Spotify
First Episode on Trigger Warnings on Apple & Spotify
Newer Episode on Trigger Warnings on Apple & Spotify
TIME, The Heavy Cost of Banning Books About Black Children
NAACPLDF, The War on Truth: Anti-CRT Mania and Book Bans Are The Latest Tactics to Halt Racial Justice
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When I hear something that's obviously racist, it's always a joke. They get to the punchline. I don't laugh— I never do. Turns out, it's actually pretty easy (and really important) to burst the bubble.
Related episodes:
White Allies, Don’t Leave the Antiracism Work to People of Color on Apple & Spotify
Most White People Are Only Friends With White People on Apple and Spotify
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Should white people be vocal antiracists ("Silence is violence") or just center people of color and step aside ("Don't steal the mic")? The mixed messages are confusing. Let's shed some light on white people's role in antiracism.
Related episodes:
White People, You Need to Ditch White Guilt on Apple & Spotify
You Need to Change How You Think About Whiteness on Apple & Spotify
What POC Want Most from Allies on Apple & Spotify
You're Wrong About Implicit Racial Bias on Apple and Spotify
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Like you, I've been petrified by the headlines that race-related books are being banned from schools and libraries across the country. But I have some surprisingly good news.
Listen in to learn about the current state of race-related books in libraries.
Related episodes:
The Intellectual Rivalry of the Century on Apple & Spotify
How Each Kind of Antiracism Fails on Apple and Spotify
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