
  • Summary in English

    In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Hajj is an essential obligation in Islam, made mandatory in the 9th year of Hijra. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) performed Hajj in the 10th year, known as the Farewell Hajj. The Prophet (PBUH) performed Hajj Qiran, while most companions intended Hajj Ifrad. He instructed them to perform Tamattu as they were unaware of the correct procedures.

    There are three types of Hajj: Tamattu, Ifrad, and Qiran. In Tamattu and Qiran, both Umrah and Hajj are performed in one journey, whereas, in Ifrad, only Hajj is performed. Certain restrictions apply during the state of Ihram, such as not wearing stitched clothing, applying perfume, or hunting.

    Upon reaching Mecca, pilgrims perform Tawaf, followed by Sa'i between Safa and Marwah. Those performing Tamattu exit the state of Ihram and re-enter it on the 8th of Dhul-Hijjah. Pilgrims go to Mina on the 8th, Arafat on the 9th for supplication until sunset, and then to Muzdalifah for combined prayers and overnight stay. On the 10th, they perform the stoning of Jamrat al-Aqabah, sacrifice an animal, and shave or cut their hair, followed by Tawaf al-Ifadah.

    They perform stoning on the 11th and 12th and may stay for the 13th for an additional stoning. Before leaving Mecca, they perform the Farewell Tawaf, completing the major rituals of Hajj.

    Continue Reading: Video: How to Perform Hajj - Mufti Umar Shafiq Hijazi (Urdu, English)

    The Clear Evidence

  • Summary in Urdu

    بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم۔ حج اسلام کا ایک اہم فریضہ ہے جو سن 9 ہجری میں فرض ہوا۔ نبی کریم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم نے 10 ہجری میں ایک حج کیا، جو حجۃ الوداع کے نام سے جانا جاتا ہے۔ اس حج میں نبی کریم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم نے حجِ قیران کیا جبکہ زیادہ تر صحابہ نے حجِ افراد کیا۔ نبی کریم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم نے صحابہ کو تمتع کرنے کا حکم دیا کیونکہ ان کو حج کے صحیح طریقے کا علم نہیں تھا۔ حج تین طرح کا ہوتا ہے: تمتع، افراد، اور قیران۔ تمتع اور قیران میں عمرہ اور حج ایک ہی سفر میں کیے جاتے ہیں، جبکہ افراد میں صرف حج کیا جاتا ہے۔

    احرام کی حالت میں کچھ پابندیاں ہوتی ہیں جیسے سلے ہوئے کپڑے پہننا، خوشبو لگانا، اور شکار کرنا منع ہوتا ہے۔ مکہ پہنچ کر حاجی طواف کرتے ہیں، پھر صفا اور مروہ کے درمیان سعی کرتے ہیں۔ تمتع کرنے والے احرام کھول دیتے ہیں اور آٹھویں ذوالحجہ کو دوبارہ احرام باندھتے ہیں۔ حاجی آٹھویں ذوالحجہ کو منیٰ جاتے ہیں، نویں ذوالحجہ کو عرفات میں وقوف کرتے ہیں، اور دسویں ذوالحجہ کو رمی، قربانی، اور حلق یا قصر کرتے ہیں۔ پھر طوافِ افاضہ کرتے ہیں اور منیٰ واپس آتے ہیں۔

    گیارہویں اور بارہویں ذوالحجہ کو بھی رمی کرتے ہیں۔ واپسی سے پہلے طوافِ وداع کرتے ہیں۔

    Continue Reading: Video: How to Perform Hajj - Mufti Umar Shafiq Hijazi (Urdu, English)

    The Clear Evidence

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  • Summary in English

    The prescribed method of performing Hajj al-Tamattu’ is explained. Hajj al-Tamattu’ involves performing Umrah first, followed by Hajj. The four components of Umrah are assuming Ihram, performing Tawaf, performing Sa’i, and cutting the hair. Hajj al-Tamattu’ is only for those living outside the Miqat. The procedure and significance of assuming Ihram, Tawaf, and Sa’i are detailed, highlighting their requirements and importance.

    Continue Reading: Video: Rulings on Hajj e Tamattu - Mufti Umar Shafiq Hijazi (Urdu, English)

    The Clear Evidence

  • Summary in Urdu

    حج تمتع کے مسنون طریقے کا بیان کیا گیا ہے۔ حج تمتع میں پہلے عمرہ کیا جاتا ہے اور پھر حج۔ عمرے میں چار کام شامل ہیں: احرام باندھنا، طواف کرنا، سعی کرنا، اور بال کٹوانا۔ حج تمتع صرف آفاقیوں کے لیے ہے۔ احرام باندھنے کا طریقہ، طواف اور سعی کے طریقے اور ان کی اہمیت اور ضروریات پر روشنی ڈالی گئی ہے۔

    Continue Reading: Video: Rulings on Hajj e Tamattu - Mufti Umar Shafiq Hijazi (Urdu, English)

    The Clear Evidence

  • Summary in English

    If Wudu breaks, it is prayer time, or another necessity arises during Tawaf, complete Wudu or necessary task and resume Tawaf from where you left off. If you have completed four or more circuits, there is no need to start Tawaf again. If less than four circuits are completed, you can return and complete the remaining circuits. Ensure Wudu and other needs are addressed beforehand for uninterrupted Tawaf. In case of crowding or difficulty, completing the remaining circuits is sufficient.

    Continue Reading: Video: Rulings on Wudhu and Break During Tawaf - Mufti Umar Shafiq Hijazi (Urdu, English)

    The Clear Evidence

  • Summary in Urdu

    تواف کے دوران اگر وضو ٹوٹ جائے، نماز کا وقت ہو جائے یا کوئی اور مجبوری ہو جائے تو وضو یا ضروری کام پورا کرنے کے بعد واپس آ کر تواف وہیں سے جاری رکھیں جہاں سے چھوڑا تھا۔ چار چکر یا زیادہ مکمل کرنے کے بعد تواف دوبارہ شروع کرنے کی ضرورت نہیں ہے۔ اگر چار چکروں سے کم ہوں تو واپس آ کر باقی چکر مکمل کر سکتے ہیں۔ ضرورت سے پہلے وضو وغیرہ کر لیں تاکہ تواف تسلسل سے ہو سکے۔ رش اور مشقت کی صورت میں بقیہ چکر پورے کرنا کافی ہے۔

    Video: Rulings on Wudhu and Break During Tawaf - Mufti Umar Shafiq Hijazi (Urdu, English)
    The Clear Evidence

  • Summary in English

    This audio addresses the question of whether a person intending to perform Qurbani should refrain from cutting their nails and hair from the first to the tenth of Dhu al-Hijjah. It explains that according to a hadith from Umm Salama, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) instructed those who plan to offer a sacrifice to not cut their hair or nails until the sacrifice is made. This practice is considered Sunnah and is not obligatory. If someone forgets and cuts their nails or hair, their sacrifice remains valid. The discussion also covers rules for pilgrims performing Hajj, distinguishing between the Eid sacrifice (Udhiyah) and the Hajj sacrifice (Hady). Pilgrims performing only the Hajj sacrifice can cut their hair and nails during these days, while those also performing the Eid sacrifice should follow the same guidelines as others intending to offer a sacrifice.

    Continue Reading: Video: Rulings on Cutting Hair and Nails in Dhul-Hijjah - Mufti Umar Shafiq Hijazi (Urdu, English) - The Clear Evidence

    The Clear Evidence

  • Summary in Urdu

    یہ آڈیو اس سوال کا جواب دیتی ہے کہ کیا قربانی کا ارادہ رکھنے والا شخص ذوالحجہ کی پہلی تاریخ سے لے کر دسویں تاریخ تک اپنے ناخن اور بال نہ کٹوائے؟ یہ بتاتی ہے کہ ام سلمہ کی روایت کے مطابق، حضور ﷺ نے فرمایا کہ جو شخص قربانی کا ارادہ رکھتا ہو، اسے قربانی ہونے تک اپنے بال اور ناخن نہ کٹوانے چاہئیں۔ یہ عمل سنت ہے اور فرض نہیں۔ اگر کوئی بھول کر ناخن یا بال کاٹ لے تو قربانی پر کوئی اثر نہیں پڑتا۔ یہ گفتگو حج کرنے والوں کے لیے بھی ہے، جس میں عید کی قربانی (اضحیہ) اور حج کی قربانی (ہدی) کے درمیان فرق کیا گیا ہے۔ صرف حج کی قربانی کرنے والے حاجی ان دنوں میں ناخن اور بال کٹوا سکتے ہیں، جبکہ عید کی قربانی کرنے والے حاجی کو بھی قربانی ہونے تک بال اور ناخن نہ کٹوانے چاہئیں۔

    Continue Reading: Video: Rulings on Cutting Hair and Nails in Dhul-Hijjah - Mufti Umar Shafiq Hijazi (Urdu, English) - The Clear Evidence

    The Clear Evidence

  • The Clear Evidence

    Table of contents

    Eid Prayer Time in Saudi Arabia Time of Sunrise in the Biggest Cities of Saudi Arabia Audio / Podcast in English Auto-Generated Translation in Urdu Previous Years

    The Eid prayer in Saudi Arabia is held 10 to 15 minutes after sunrise. Thus it is important to reach the Masjid before sunrise to have ample time to find an appropriate praying spot. If the Masjid is expected to be very crowded then it is better to reach the Masjid before the Fajr prayer and then stay there till the Eid prayer.

    The time of the sunrise in the biggest cities of Saudi Arabia on the day of Eid ul Fitr 2023 – 1444H (21st April 2023) is as follows:

    Eid Prayer Time in Saudi ArabiaTime of Sunrise in the Biggest Cities of Saudi Arabia

    Continue Reading: Eid ul Fitr (2023 - 1444H) Prayer Time in Saudi Arabia (English, Urdu) - The Clear Evidence

  • The Clear Evidence

    Table of contents

    Arab News Websites Dawat-e-Islami, Karachi Previous Years

    Arab News Websites

    As per various Arab news websites, the amount of Fitrana (Sadqa e Fitr) for Saudi Arabia for Ramadan 2023 – 1444H is SAR 21 to SAR 25 per person.

    Dawat-e-Islami, Karachi

    As per Dawat-e-Islami, Karachi, the amount of Fitrana (Sadqa e Fitr) for Ramadan 2023 – 1444H is as follows:

    The minimum amount of Sadqa-e-Fitr for the current year has been fixed at SAR 15 per person by Dawat-e-Islami, Karachi.

    Continue Reading: Fitrana (Sadaqa e Fitr) (Zakat al Fitr) in Saudi Arabia in Ramadan 2023 (English, Arabic)

  • The Clear Evidence

    The last 10 days of Ramadan (last Ashra) started with the Maghrib Prayer today, 11th April 2023 in Saudi Arabia and the surrounding countries.

    With this, Qiyam ul Layl (standing of the night), also known as Salat ul Layl (prayer of the night) will start in Masajid from tomorrow, 12th April 2023.

    The exact time of the start of Qiyam ul Layl can vary from masjid to masjid, for example, Qiyam ul Layl will start at 2 am in Masjid Al Iman, Riyadh.

    You can check the exact time in the masjid near your location.

    Continue Reading: Start of Qiyam ul Layl (Night Prayer) in Saudi Arabia in Ramadan 2023 (English)

  • The Clear Evidence

    Table of contents

    Summary Background Ramadan Scam – Mohammed bin Rashid Ramadan Competition Anatomy of the Attack Personal Information Compromised Websites Analysis Recommendations Indicators of Compromise (IoC) Audio / Podcast in English


    This is a phishing campaign that targets individuals during the month of Ramadan using WhatsApp messages. The attack begins with a message from a contact that contains a link to a fraudulent website posing as a competition organized by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, offering cash prizes for answering questions about Islam.

    The fraudulent website then tricks users into providing their personal information, such as full name, gender, country, and mobile number, under the guise of claiming their prize. The website also requests users to share the link with their contacts on WhatsApp, further spreading the phishing campaign.

    Continue Reading: Beware of Ramadan Competition Fraud Messages on WhatsApp (English)

  • The Clear Evidence

    Table of contents

    Darul Uloom Naeemia, Karachi Darul Ifta, Jamia Farooqia, Karachi Markaz Ahlo Sunnat Wal Jamat, Sargodha Dawat-e-Islami, Karachi Previous Years

    Darul Uloom Naeemia, Karachi.

    As per Darul Uloom Naeemia, Karachi, the amount of Fitrana (Sadqa e Fitr) for Ramadan 2023 – 1444H is as follows:.

    The minimum amount of Sadqa-e-Fitr for the current year has been fixed at Rs 320 per person by Darul Uloom Naeemia, Karachi. It is also advised to pay the amount to the poor before the day of Eid-ul-Fitr so that they could also celebrate the festival. The most deserving people for ‘Sadqa-e-Fitr’ are close relatives followed by neighbors and the poor..


    1. Kishmish (Raisin) – Premium Quality 4kg Rs 6,400.

    2. Kishmish (Raisin) – Secondary Quality 4kg Rs 4,800.

    3. Khajur (Dates) 4kg Rs 2,800.

    4. Jow (Barley) 4kg Rs 480.

    5. Ghandum ka Chakki wala Atta (Millstone Wheat Flour) 2kg Rs 320.

    Darul Ifta, Jamia Farooqia, Karachi.

    As per Darul Ifta, Jamia Farooqia, Karachi, the amount of Fitrana (Sadqa e Fitr) for Ramadan 2023 – 1444H is as follows:.

    The minimum amount of Sadqa-e-Fitr for the current year has been fixed at Rs 250 per person by Darul Ifta, Jamia Farooqia, Karachi..


    1. Kishmish (Raisin) 3.5kg Rs 2,800.

    2. Khajur (Dates) 3.5kg Rs 2,100.

    3. Jow (Barley) 3.5kg Rs 450.

    4. Ghandum (Wheat Flour) 2kg Rs 250.

    Markaz Ahlo Sunnat Wal Jamat, Sargodha.

    As per Markaz Ahlo Sunnat Wal Jamat, Sargodha, the amount of Fitrana (Sadqa e Fitr) for Ramadan 2023 – 1444H is as follows:.

    The minimum amount of Sadqa-e-Fitr for the current year has been fixed at Rs 200 per person by Markaz Ahlo Sunnat Wal Jamat, Sargodha..


    1. Kishmish (Raisin) 3.5kg Rs 2,800.

    2. Khajur (Dates) 3.5kg Rs 1,100.

    3. Jow (Barley) / Jow (Barley) Flour 3.5kg Rs 600.

    4. Ghandum (Wheat Flour) 1.75kg Rs 200.

    Dawat-e-Islami, Karachi.

    As per Dawat-e-Islami, Karachi, the amount of Fitrana (Sadqa e Fitr) for Ramadan 2023 – 1444H is as follows:.

    The minimum amount of Sadqa-e-Fitr for the current year has been fixed at Rs 320 per person by Dawat-e-Islami, Karachi..


    1. Ajwa Khajur (Ajwa Dates) Rs 10,400.

    2. Kishmish (Raisin) Rs 6,400.

    3. Khajur (Dates) Rs 2,800.

    4. Jow (Barley) Rs 800.

    5. Ghandum (Wheat Flour) Rs 320.Continue Reading: Fitrana (Sadaqa e Fitr) (Zakat al Fitr) in Pakistan in Ramadan 2023 (English, Urdu)

  • The Clear Evidence

    Table of contents

    Overview Prizes Timeline Google Developer Student Clubs Overview Evaluation Criteria United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals Rules Register: 2023 Solution Challenge | Google Developers Audio / Podcast in Urdu/English Auto-Generated Translation in Urdu

    Participants are challenged to create a project using Google technologies that contribute to solving one or more of the United Nations‘ 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

    The top 100 teams receive customized mentorship from Google and experts to take solutions to the next level, branded swag, and a certificate. The top 10 finalists receive additional mentorship, a swag box, and the opportunity to showcase their solutions to Google teams and developers all around the world during the virtual 2023 Solution Challenge Demo Day, live on YouTube. Contest finalists – In addition to the swag box, each individual from the seven teams not in the top three will receive a Cash Prize of $1,000 per student. Winnings for each qualifying team will not exceed $4,000. Top 3 winners – In addition to the swag box, each individual from the top 3 winning teams will receive a Cash Prize of $3,000 and a feature on the Google Developers Blog. Winnings for each qualifying team will not exceed $12,000 Submit Solution: 17th to 31st March 2023 Top 100 Teams Selection: May Top 10 Finalists Selection: June Top 3 Winners Announced: August

    Google Developer Student Clubs are community groups for university students interested in Google developer technologies. The challenge is open to the members of these clubs. There are over 1,900 clubs in 111 countries.

    Evaluation criteria include the impact of the solution, the clarity of the problem statement and UN Sustainable Development goals, feedback from users and testing, and the adequacy of the solution in addressing the challenge identified by the team.

    No Poverty Zero Hunger Good Health and Wellbeing Quality Education Gender Equality Clean Water and Sanitation Affordable and Clean Energy Decent Work and Economic Growth Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure Reduced Inequalities Sustainable Cities and Communities Responsible Consumption and Production Climate Action Life Below Water Life On Land Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions Partnerships for the Goals


    You do not need to have a team formed yet to register. Each individual should fill out a separate form. Participants must form a 1 to 4 person team, with at least one student who attends the university associated with the Google Developer Student Club, and ideally with a varied set of technical and soft skills. To join a club, participants can either find a club at their college or university or join the closest one through the community event platform. Participants can use the Resources page to brainstorm ideas and support their technical skills. Participants must design the user interface and backend technology, with resources available on the website to help with planning and design. Participants must test the solution, collect feedback by showcasing the project to others, iterate on the design and technology based on feedback, and record a demo video.

    Register: 2023 Solution Challenge | Google DevelopersContinue Reading: Solution Challenge 2023 - Google Developer Student Clubs (English, Urdu) - The Clear Evidence

  • The Clear Evidence

    Table of contents Free Medical CampAvailable Facilities
    Medical Professionals
    Free Bus Service
    Previous Years2022
    Free Medical CampAvailable Facilities Free Medical Checkup Free Medicine (from Zakat money) Ultrasound E.C.G Lab Tests, etc.Medical Professionals General Surgeon Orthopedic Neurosurgeon Medicine Eye Nose Throat Heart Stomach and Liver Maternal and Child Dental Skin Kidney and Bladder others…

    Date: Friday, 3rd March 2023

    Time: 1pm – 7pm (after Jummah Prayer)

    Location: Pakistan Embassy, Riyadh

    Free Bus Service Shumaisy roundabout: 1pm and 3pm Madina Restaurant, Sanaiya: 2pm and 4pm Pak Baba Sweet, Hara: 2pm Atiqa Market, Manfuhah: 1pm and 2pm

    For any queries: Pakistan Doctors Group, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia – Facebook

    Please spread this message among needy Pakistanis in Riyadh.

    Continue Reading: Free Medical Camp 2023 in Pakistan Embassy, Riyadh – Pakistan Doctors Group Riyadh

  • The Clear Evidence

    New Registration Process

    Waqar Alharam is a system that connects students with teachers through Halaqat held in Masjid Nabawi, Madina. Waqar Alharam app profiles the following features:

    Register the Student in the Halaqat Student Attendance Student Evaluation Student Grades

    1. Install Waqar Al-Haram app on iOS or Android:

    Waqar Alharam on the App Store (iOS / iPhone / iPad) Waqar Al-Haram – Apps on Google Play (Android)

    2. Register and provide the following information:

    Student is in Saudi Arabia or outside Saudi Arabia Date of Birth Full Name Gender Account Type (choose student) Country of Residence Nationality Email Address (a verification Email will be sent to this number) Mobile Number (a verification SMS will be sent to this number) Language of Classes (Arabic/English/Urdu) Time of Classes, etc.

    3. After completion of the registration, within one week, link to attend the class will be available in the app.

    4. If you are mistakenly registered to a class in another language then you can request the teacher to change your class to the language of your preference (incase the teacher is unable to understand your language then you can request a fellow student to translate your request to the teacher).

    Continue Reading: Free Classes for Recitation and Memorization of Quran (حفظ القران) from Masjid Nabawi, Madina in Arabic, English and Urdu - The Clear Evidence

  • The Clear Evidence

    Table of contents Phishing Email Analysis Rectification Reactions Hack Analysis Recommendations

    Bayyinah TV was hacked recently, which caused the subscribers to experience a phishing attack.

    Phishing Email Analysis Date: 26th September 2022 Sender Email Address: Bayyinah – [email protected] – This is the official email address of Bayyinah TV. Subject: Bayyinah TV Email Body: The email used the same email template as the official Bayyinah TV emails.
    The email mentioned the correct full names of the recipients in the email body.
    The email contained a short URL, which led to a malicious URL.
    The phishing email was well constructed with no spelling or grammatical mistakes. It was very difficult for the common recipient to suspect it as a phishing email.Rectification

    On 29th September 2022, The Bayyinah TV Team sent an email to its subscribers, informing them that Bayyinah’s email was hacked and they have now secured their systems. No further details were provided. Nothing about this attack was posted on their social profiles. The Short URL has been blocked.


    Subscribers have reported receiving the phishing email and some clicked on the link.

    Hack Analysis

    It looks like the hacker got access to Bayyinah’s email marketing service. It is possible that he made a copy of the full names and email addresses of all Bayyinah subscribers during this hack. If more information about the subscribers was stored in the Bayyinah’s email marketing service then that could have been copied as well. If this is the case then Bayyinah should declare it and inform the subscribers to stay vigilant for phishing attempts in the future.

    Recommendations If you have clicked on the short URL then scan your system with a good antivirus for any possible presence of a malware. If you downloaded anything from that URL then remove it from your devices. Stay vigilant for any further phishing emails. If the hacker was able to copy your information from Bayyinah’s email marketing service then it could be available on the dark web by now and could be used by the same or other hackers in the future to target you.

    Continue Reading: Cyber Attack on Bayyinah TV

  • The Clear Evidence

    Table of contents Saudi Arabia Pakistan India Audio / Podcast in English Previous YearsStart of the Hijri Year 1443
    Start of the Hijri Year 1442
    Start of the Hijri Year 1441Saudi Arabia

    The crescent that marks the start of the Month of Muharram and New Hijri Year was not sighted on Thursday, 28th July 2022 thus Saturday, 30th July 2022 is the 1st of Muharram 1444H in Saudi Arabia.

    ہلال جو ماہ محرم اور نئے ہجری سال کے آغاز کی نشاندہی کرتا ہے جمعرات، 28 جولائی 2022 کو نظر نہیں آیا اس طرح 30 جولائی 2022 بروز ہفتہ سعودی عرب میں یکم محرم 1444 ھ ہے۔

    لم يشاهد الهلال الذي يمثل بداية شهر المحرم والسنة الهجرية الجديدة يوم الخميس 28 يوليو 2022 حتى يوم السبت 30 يوليو 2022 هو الأول من محرم 1444 هـ في المملكة العربية السعودية

    Continue Reading: Start of the Hijri Year 1444 (English, Urdu, Arabic)

  • The Clear Evidence

    Table of contents Nastaleeq Script Quran – King Fahd Glorious Qur’an Printing Complex Quran – Pak Company Publishers Quran – Noor-e-Hidayat, Pakistan Audio / Podcast in EnglishNastaleeq Script

    Quran Mushaf in Nastaleeq script is also referred to as Indo Pak script, Persian script, Urdu/Hindi script or Majeedi script. This writing style of the Quran is commonly used by non-Arab Muslims living in the subcontinent (Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal and Sri Lanka) as it contains more help for the reader to read the Quran correctly as per the rules of Tajwid (pronunciation).

    Quran – King Fahd Glorious Qur’an Printing Complex

    King Fahd Glorious Qur’an Printing Complex (KFGQPC) was eastablished in 1984 in Madina, Saudi Arabia. Millions of copies of the Quran are published by KFGQPC every year, both in Uthmanic and Nastaleeq scripts. KFGQPC has also published 55 different translations of the Qur’an in 39 languages. The official high quality digital copy of the Quran Mushaf in Nastaleeq Script, published by King Fahd Glorious Qur’an Printing Complex (مصحف نستعليق – مجمع الملك فهد لطباعة المصحف الشريف) is available below:

    Quran – Pak Company Publishers

    Pak Company was established in 1932 in Lahore, Pakistan.

    Continue Reading: Quran Mushaf in Nastaleeq Script - PDF Download

  • The Clear Evidence

    Iss waqat jo mehengai k halaat hain, agar main aap ko such bataon, tu aap log uss se impacted nhi hain, aap sirif mazloom ban rahe hain...

    Continue Reading: Video: Play Your Role to Help the Poor in Pakistan - Muhammad Bilal Anjum (Urdu)