
  • This week we have an MIND-EXPANDING episode with Laura Dawn, Host of “The Psychedelic Leadership Podcast” and Microdosing Mentor of over 10 years.  Laura shares her deep rooted wisdom on personal and professional growth looking through the lens of neuroscience, ancestral practices and philosophies.

    Laura dives deep into the scientific relevance in using psychedelics and plant medicines to get out of our narrative, recognize patterns, expand our awareness, and empower ourselves to see life from a different angle.  Laura explains “Set & Setting” and wonderfully expands on how we can leverage this understanding of our minds when helping people with psychedelics to make crucial changes when one could spend a lifetime stuck inside this box of perceived reality and never find a way out.

    “If you relax your focus and you pay attention in a different way, then you can actually take a different angle, and you can spend your whole life trying to figure it out, or you can have some help”

    Laura Dawn is the host of the Psychedelic Leadership Podcast and teaches business leaders, entrepreneurs, and change-makers how to mindfully explore psychedelics and sacred plant medicines as powerful visionary tools for inner transformation and creative manifestation, inspiring you to embark on the path of heart-centered leadership to influence real change.

    [2:19] Introduction to Laura Dawn, host of the “Psychedelic Leadership Podcast” and Micro-dosing mentor for executives through transformation retreats for over 10 years! [6:19] Laura talks about the importance the the intersection between psychedelics, leadership, and creativity by allowing ourselves to step out of our “narrative” and “frame of reference” [11:53] The challenges that come when we are sitting in our “Comfort Zone” and how being able to look at something from a different angle can help us see our patterns and change our narrative [16:31] Laura goes deep into the concept of “Set & Setting“ [20:02] How do we leverage what we understand about “Set & Setting” [33:04] Laura talks about the judgment that gets thrown around in the psychedelic community, cultural appropriation, and how we are all having to face our truth on many different levels [39:58]  What is at the CORE of Leadership, and how to support more authentic and conscious leadership [44:35] Laura Shares her long term vision for a new model for a world that includes growth with psychedelics helping us [48:47] How to connect with Laura and check out her coaching, podcast, and other ways to find her

    This week’s guest was Laura Dawn! Laura is a mentor teaching executives and all forms of entrepreneurs how to mindfully explore sacred plant medicines as powerful visionary tools for inner-transformation and creative manifestation. Find more from Laura on IG at @livefreelaurad

    Check out the Psychedelic Leadership Leadership Podcast:

    And check out her website:

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    This podcast was edited and produced by Soul Glitch Studios

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  • Starting your own business as a healer is a journey in itself, but how can we use our own experiences of pain and trauma in our lives to help others?  How do we deal our own self-criticism and judgement?  How do we deal with people online judging and trolling us?  This week Kristen is with us with some very eye-opening experiences in her journey into becoming a business coach that may surprise you!

    Kristen and Gabby dive into the nuance of what it means to put yourself out there on social media, how to be vulnerable, share you experience and emotions in order to serve people while also dealing with criticism that may or may not be out of good intentions, and how to set boundaries with the trolls.  Kristen talks about her experience of being “Doxxed” (which is basically like an army of trolls going all out to make your life miserable) and how she recovered from this and came back stronger than ever.

    “Be patient because you are going to go through so much stuff within yourself, especially as you start sharing your own journey and your own emotions and you start getting vulnerable.  Just be patient with yourself and have compassion, because the more you do that, the easier it is to work through everything”

    [2:54] Introduction to Kristen, a bold rainbow-haired business coach seeking to break the “Pinterest-perfect” mold around entrepreneurship.  She helps women to transmute their pain into their messaging [5:10] Kristen talks about how her own pain has translated to how she works with her clients [10:28] Kristen talks about the thing that has helped her transcend her pain and step into her purpose and start solely working for herself [11:48] What happened when Kristen got “DOXXED” [16:32] Kristen talks about how she had to completely separate from all social media for a good amount of time, and why she finally decided to come back [19:54] How to work through the discomfort of negative feedback on social media [26:53] Kristen’s advice to anyone who is a healer starting their own business while still healing from their own pain and trauma [29:40] How to connect with Kristen, hang out online, or even  work with her in her 1-on-1 program

    This week’s guest was Kristen Kubik! Kristen is a Coach and Soul Strategist. She helps women stop seeking external validation by helping by building intuition based practices.  Find more from Kristen on IG at @kristenunfiltered

    We'd love to know what you took away from this week's episode!  Please post any takeaways you had on Instagram and tag us @om_therapy_coaching or @consciousleadershippodcast.  If you enjoyed this episode, we'd also love it if you could leave a review!  All those who leave a review, screenshot it, and DM it to us at @om_therapy_coaching or @consciousleadershippodcast, will receive a FREE copy of our Positive Mindset Workbook as a gift.

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    This podcast was edited and produced by Soul Glitch Studios

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  • Anxiety in our society is a major struggle for just about all of us in one way or another.  It is a natural response to the world around us, but how can we sit with these emotions and learn from them.  How can we start free ourselves from being stuck in our trauma with an overactive nervous system?

    In today’s episode Rachel Kelly helps us understand how Radical acceptance can be a key element in our healing journey.  She stresses(no pun intended) just how important it is to avoid our tendency to try to push our anxiety away instead of sitting with it and understanding where it is coming from.  Rachel and Gabby address Shadow Work and how it can be all too easy to think we are doing our Shadow Work when we are in fact LETTING our shadow control us in some not so healthy ways.

    “When People are numbing or repressing or avoiding an emotion, it’s because they want it to go away.  The IRONIC part is that if you actually INVITE IT IN, you have a much better chance at decrease it’s intensity or at least understanding where it’s coming from in the first place”

    [1:49] Intro introduction to Rachel Kelly, Fellow Badass Therapist/Coach, Former Therapist turned Emotional wellness coach, founder of Rachel Kelley Coaching [3:44] Gabby and Rachel talk about what anxiety actually is and how it is a normal response [5:18] Rachel talks about “Radical acceptance” as a very helpful first step in healing [14:22] Rachel talks about the Irony that happens when people try to push their anxiety away [17:28] Gabby and Rachel talk about how their colleges in the coaching space help them pull things out and help them with their shadow work [24:46] The power of “AND” and how it’s ok for different emotions to “Co-Exist” [27:55] Rachel talks about using Mindfulness and Radical Acceptance ride the waves of our emotions and make our lives easier [33:41] Rachel addresses some common excuses we all make to avoid starting a mindfulness practice [54:41] How to find more from Rachel and where to connect with her

    This week’s guest was Rachel Kelly! Rachel is a Fellow Badass Emotional wellness coach, She helps women with anxiety, and nervous system regulation. Find more from Rachel on IG at @rachel_kelly_coaching

    And on her website:

    We'd love to know what you took away from this week's episode!  Please post any takeaways you had on Instagram and tag us @om_therapy_coaching or @consciousleadershippodcast.  If you enjoyed this episode, we'd also love it if you could leave a review!  All those who leave a review, screenshot it, and DM it to us at @om_therapy_coaching or @consciousleadershippodcast, will receive a FREE copy of our Positive Mindset Workbook as a gift.

    This podcast was edited and produced by Soul Glitch Studios.

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  • Setting healthy boundaries can be quite a challenge for so many of us, and when you have lived so much of your life not even understanding that you CAN set boundaries, taking the first steps to encourage more healthy and respectful relationships can feel scary.

    In this episode, Jennifer and Gabby take a deep dive into setting boundaries, and the struggles they have both gone through in their own experiences.  Jennifer Greiner aka “Boundaries Queen” talks about “Human Design” and how our challenges setting boundaries differ depending on our own personal makeup.

    “You have to set boundaries in your own way. How I set boundaries and the words that I use are NOT going to be yours.  What would it feel like for you?  What words might you use? - Jennifer Greiner

    [3:26] Introduction to Jennifer, Holistic wellness coach, mental health professional with expertise in anxiety, communications, and most of all boundaries! [4:14] What is a “Boundary?” And an introduction into Human Design [12:34] Jennifer talks about how most of her clients tend to have a major lack of boundaries rather than having too many [20:47] - 27:30 How setting boundaries will Actually set you free [27:58] -38:52 How setting boundaries can be challenging when people won’t listen to them, and how family structure plays into this when you are making changes to setting boundaries you have never set with family members before [39:09] Gabby and Jennifer talk about how you should always make sure you are in a safe space to set boundaries, in a stable place emotionally, have really good support in your life, and be ready to potentially let people go by setting tough boundaries. [48:49] How to get in touch with Jennifer and work with her!

    This week’s guest was Jennifer Greiner! Jennifer is a Holistic Wellness Coach. She helps those who need support in setting boundaries with themselves and others!  Find more from Jennifer on Instagram: @jggreenthinking

    We'd love to know what you took away from this week's episode!  Please post any takeaways you had on Instagram and tag us @om_therapy_coaching or @consciousleadershippodcast.  If you enjoyed this episode, we'd also love it if you could leave a review!  All those who leave a review, screenshot it, and DM it to us at @om_therapy_coaching or @consciousleadershippodcast, will receive a FREE copy of our Positive Mindset Workbook as a gift.

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    This podcast was edited and produced by Soul Glitch Studios

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  • Saying YES can be a life-changing not to mention a life-elevating choice, especially when it challenges us to get out of our comfort zone and make a leap into the growth we truly desire.

    In this episode from a recent Instagram Live, Ali and Gabby talk about how they first met and what led her to dive head first into creating Recov.Her.y as a business, and within a year, becoming a support coach with the Ignite program!  They talk about Parallel Process in business and coaching, the fallacy of “Job Security” and how you really can start to grow your business with FREE resources, and you don’t need to spend a crazy amount of money in the beginning when you are just getting started.

    “I told myself I was going to stop saying “NO” to things, and I was going to start saying “YES” to opportunities, because at that point in my 20’s I could look back and see so many opportunities that I said NO to based out of just FEAR” -Ali Ringer

    [1:28] Introduction to Ali Ringer, Founder of Recov.Her.y Life Coaching, and how her and Gabby first met
    [7:19] The power Ali discovered in saying “YES” and how getting out of her comfort zone has been a game changer in her life just within the last year.
    [12:13] Gabby and Ali address the Elephant in the room around entrepreneurship and how you CAN start with FREE RESOURCES
    [24:31] How Intention shifts timelines and stepping into your ideal life be trusting your feelings
    [30:39] - 30:00 - 32:10 YT SHORT the unreliability of working under someone else and how we ask all the wrong questions around security
    [35:48] Ali shares some words of wisdom and how she has zero regrets saying “YES”

    This week’s guest was Ali Ringer! Ali is the founder of Recov.Her.y and is our new SUPPORT COACH for the Ignite Program!  Find more from Ali on IG at @recov.her.y

    We'd love to know what you took away from this week's episode!  Please post any takeaways you had on Instagram and tag us @om_therapy_coaching or @consciousleadershippodcast.  If you enjoyed this episode, we'd also love it if you could leave a review!  All those who leave a review, screenshot it, and DM it to us at @om_therapy_coaching or @consciousleadershippodcast, will receive a FREE copy of our Positive Mindset Workbook as a gift.

    This podcast was edited and produced by Soul Glitch Studios

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  • The difference between the current paradigm of practicing as a Clinical Therapist in our conventional, outdated, and toxic system is ruled by politics and bureaucracy.  Rachel Kelly has transformed her life as well as up-leveled her impact she can have on clients by taking her method of helping those in need into her own hands.

    In this episode from a recent Instagram Live, Rachel and Gabby both share their own experiences of practicing within the current therapy system, and just how backwards the system is.  This outdated and mismanaged structure not only produces overwhelm and burnout for therapists, but also prevents them from being empowered to help their clients.  They explain the difference between conventional therapy and the realm of coaching which has such a stigma, that it is disregarded and assumed to be illegitimate and unethical.  Rachel answers questions from the live audience and explains her view, and Gabby talks about how coaching being an “unregulated space” can be a very good thing.

    “The Irony of it was that all the people that were making decisions about my clients were people that were not actually working with my clients or actually therapists at all, it was just Upper Management and there was such a hierarchy, and there was no sense of Empowerment therapists to be able to advocate for their clients” -Rachel Kelly

    [3:42] Rachel Kelly, Emotional Wellness Coach, introduces herself and talks about the repetitive theme of toxicity and burnout in the conventional therapy space that she experienced for years on end
    [10:02] Rachel talks about how she was treated by her manager and director when she told them that she was “overwhelmed” with her job seeing way too many clients per week
    [18:41] The major difference between therapy and coaching, and why traditional clinical therapy is driven by politics and bureaucracy an horribly outdated
    [26:04] Rachel talks about how she started to discover the world of coaching and how the more she learned about it, she felt more and more drawn towards becoming a coach
    [27:58] Rachel and Gabby answer a question from the live audience “What do you think of folks who are coaching without psych training?  The stigma comes from folks giving bad unwarranted advice”
    [33:02] The GOOD and BAD of Coaching being an “unregulated space”

    This week’s guest was Rachel Kelly! Rachel is an Emotional Wellness Coach.  Find more from Rachel on IG at @rachel_kelly_coaching

    We'd love to know what you took away from this week's episode!  Please post any takeaways you had on Instagram and tag us @om_therapy_coaching or @consciousleadershippodcast.  If you enjoyed this episode, we'd also love it if you could leave a review!  All those who leave a review, screenshot it, and DM it to us at @om_therapy_coaching or @consciousleadershippodcast, will receive a FREE copy of our Positive Mindset Workbook as a gift.

    This podcast was edited and produced by Soul Glitch Studios

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  • Just a few days after the release of this podcast is August 8th 2021, the “LIONSGATE PORTAL” will be FULLY OPEN, and this is an important time to be taking very good care of your vessel.

    During this Instagram Live Q&A, Gabby goes into why this time going through the Lionsgate Portal is very important for MANIFESTATION and why we must let go of our FEAR.  She answers questions around the subject of manifestation, and gives some of her favorite and most effective practices of manifesting what it is you desire, as well as some of the scientific research being done and how many of these concepts that have be considered somewhat “woo” are starting to have legitimate proof that they are quite in fact “REAL”

    What are your FEARS at this time?  How can you take care of yourself and prepare your vessel for this journey through the Lionsgate to ensure that you are able to manifest what you TRULY DESIRE? “Actually setting an intention and being emotionally connected and activated with that intention can change EVERYTHING”

    [1:34] Gabby talks about the Lions Gate Portal that is open right now and what you can do to roll with this energy to utilize it, since it’s coming on August 8th!
    [3:35] Gabby talks about Manifestation, and your INTENTION leads to your ACTIONS through ENERGETICS
    [5:08] Some of Gabby’s Favorite Manifesting Practices and how they work
    [10:19] Gabby talks about studies done at the head of the Princeton Research academy around INTENTION, how intention up energetically in the world, and just how scientific this all is and we are learning more and more every day with these studies

    We'd love to know what you took away from this week's episode!  Please post any takeaways you had on Instagram and tag us @om_therapy_coaching or @consciousleadershippodcast.  If you enjoyed this episode, we'd also love it if you could leave a review!  All those who leave a review, screenshot it, and DM it to us at @om_therapy_coaching or @consciousleadershippodcast, will receive a FREE copy of our Positive Mindset Workbook as a gift.

    This podcast was edited and produced by Soul Glitch Studios

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  • Becoming a licensed therapist in our healthcare system is long grueling process filled with many sacrifices, and though it’s looked upon as the “ETHICAL” way to be an effective therapist, there are some MAJOR issues which make our system broken to the point that licensed therapists are disempowered and unable serve the people in our society that need support in their mental health.

    In this Episode, Gabby and Amber share their Journeys through the educational system with the goal of becoming “licensed therapists” only to realize that in the end, they could do so much more outside this broken system, which leaves therapists “overworked” and “underappreciated” not to mention “under paid” for that matter.  They dive into the different pillars this system is built on, and why they are crumbling, and tear down the notion that “License” means “Ethics” & how systematically flawed the DSM is.

    [1:43] Introduction to Amber, Clinical therapist, self-healer, chronic illness healer, Bad-Ass-Coach
    [4:55] Amber talks about why she decided NOT to become licensed despite having checked off ALL of the boxes to be fully licensed
    [7:44] Gabby explains why it is so important to always question the narrative and how  trauma cycles and peoples bias’s make it into the DSM and influence text books that have mass influence in our education system
    [13:04] Gabby and Amber discuss the unethical nature of having to give someone a diagnosis in order to be reimbursed and just how broken this system is
    [19:44] The false notion that a “License” means “Ethics” and how dangerous this assumption can be
    [24:49] The Crumbling of the system and paradigm shift happening in the age of Aquarius that we are in, and how the DSM is based on empirical research is based exclusively on white, heterosexual males
    [28:13] How women have been completely oppressed and essentially demonized by our mental health system and not so long ago were forced to undergo traumatic unethical medical practices
    [32:49] why Coaching gets such a bad reputation(on purpose)
    [45:45] Gabby and Amber talk about how many of the new modalities that insurance companies are rebranding as “therapy” are actually “coaching” modalities
    [48:29] The power of Pivoting and how being unregulated can be a very positive thing when you are willing to be self-aware, and willing to heal yourself so you can heal others
    [55:23] Amber talks about how she had to deal objections from her instructors,  therapist friends, and family when she decided not to move forward with becoming a licensed therapist
    [1:01:01] You can actively practice both as a therapist and coach, and protect license and business
    [1:01:37] Amber’s advice for anyone thinking about coaching and may be on the fence about pursuing the journey of being a coach

    This week’s guest was Amber Gordon! Amber is our Bad-ass Lead Coach for the Ignite Program!

    Find more from Amber on Instagram:

    We'd love to know what you took away from this week's episode!  Please post any takeaways you had on Instagram and tag us @om_therapy_coaching or @consciousleadershippodcast.  If you enjoyed this episode, we'd also love it if you could leave a review!  All those who leave a review, screenshot it, and DM it to us at @om_therapy_coaching

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  • The system sucks. It is built on unhealed trauma, and those in leadership positions perpetuate the cycle of harm. Playing by the rules and trying to change the system from within is not the answer.  Instead, we need a whole new system. Author and tech entrepreneur Sarah Hawley joins The Conscious Leadership Podcast to chat about her leadership journey, and creating her own system.

    In this episode, Gabby and Sarah dive into the flaws of the traditional corporate 9-5, and how the global shift to remote work is a win/win for founders and employees.  They discuss the remote work model and building a team that fits the culture of your organization.  Sarah expands on businesses being transformational, and becoming a vehicle for change. And Gabby offers wisdom about focusing on those next steps right in front of you.

    The only thing stopping you is you. The journey to creation is getting out of your own way, and continually removing the blocks & limits holding you back.  Tackle whatever fear it is you have today.  Setbacks and challenges are the opportunity to learn, grow, and adjust when necessary.  But this does not equal failure.

    [1:30] Introduction to Sarah Hawley, author and tech entrepreneur
    [3:17] Sarah talks about her entrepreneurial journey
    [6:08] Gabby and Sarah discuss the current system, and the necessity of creating a new system
    [11:04] Sarah chats about the excitement of entrepreneurship, and building a better world when it comes to work
    [17:57] Traditional in-office culture vs. shift to remote work
    [28:00] Asking for help, and taking a break
    [36:44] Gabby talks about repair, and Sarah reflects on being honest with yourself
    [43:40] Advice on getting started when you want to step into creation and leadership
    [48:16 ] Setbacks do not equate failure, don’t get in your own way
    [50:12] Where to find more from Sarah

    This week’s guest was Sarah Hawley! Sarah is the author of Conscious Leadership: A Journey from Ego to Heart.  She is also a tech entrepreneur and the founder of Growmotely, which helps companies engage remote professionals globally. Find more from Sarah on IG at @sarahhawley__

    We'd love to know what you took away from this week's episode!  Please post any takeaways you had on Instagram and tag us @om_therapy_coaching or @consciousleadershippodcast.  If you enjoyed this episode, we'd also love it if you could leave a review!  All those who leave a review, screenshot it, and DM it to us at @om_therapy_coaching or @consciousleadershippodcast, will receive a FREE copy of our Positive Mindset Workbook as a gift.

    This podcast was edited and produced by Soul Glitch Studios.

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  • Social media is a tool: a tool can be used for good or bad.  If you want to use this tool to connect with people and provide valuable content & inspiration, then you need to look beyond the metrics..  You have to examine whether your presence on social media is supporting your larger goals.  Social media coach + content creator extraordinaire Jera Foster-Fell joins The Conscious Leadership Podcast to offer inspiration & advice about the space we occupy online.

    In this episode, Jera takes Gabby through her journey from frustrated & stressed graphic designer to social media maven.  They discuss the challenges that new leaders face when it comes to social media platforms, and how to push through the imposter syndrome and comparison trap. Jera dives into getting “mama bear” about your business, and how “embracing the suck” means consistency in engagement for the long haul. She also provides insight regarding the shift in IG from being a photo sharing app to a video platform.

    Social media gets a bad rap, and there are definitely aspects that can be problematic.  However, it’s also a great vehicle for connecting, and for growth. It’s up to us to know how to use it, and how to consume it.

    [1:37] Introduction to Jera, social media coach and founder of the Social Media Saloon
    [5:30] Jera shares her journey from overstressed/underpaid graphic designer to creating a community on IG
    [11:48] Social anxiety and interacting on social media
    [12:50] Jera’s pivot into fitness, hiring a business coach, and making the jump to entrepreneurship
    [19:37] Challenging moments during Jera’s journey
    [22:50] Advice for beginners who are faced with doubters, and “embracing the suck”
    [32:28] Social media as a vehicle for growth
    [36:11] Jera’s perspective on IG shift from photo to video platform, and advice about Reels
    [44:07] Gabby offers suggestions on creating & repurposing content for IG Reels
    [45:26] What’s up next for Jera, and where to find out more from her

    This week’s guest was Jera Foster-Felll!  Jera is a content creator, social media coach, and the founder of the Social Media Saloon.  She helps business owners transform their social media experience platforms such as IG and TikTok into powerful tools through branding foundations, social media mindset, community building, and turning followers into clients.  Find more from Jera on IG at @jera.bean

    We'd love to know what you took away from this week's episode!  Please post any takeaways you had on Instagram and tag us @om_therapy_coaching or @consciousleadershippodcast.  If you enjoyed this episode, we'd also love it if you could leave a review!  All those who leave a review, screenshot it, and DM it to us at @om_therapy_coaching or @consciousleadershippodcast, will receive a FREE copy of our Positive Mindset Workbook as a gift.

    This podcast was edited and produced by Soul Glitch Studios.

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  • In the society we live in, sometimes being a  “highly sensitive person” can have a negative connotation. They’re ridiculed.  They’re told that being sensitive is a bad thing.  They’re shamed out of fully embracing their gift of being able to connect to the energies around them.   Although highly sensitive people have the beautiful ability to be more intuitive and emotional by nature, this energetic strength can also sometimes lead to overstimulation and stress if not properly managed.  In this episode, Kylee Nelson joins The Conscious Leadership Podcast to discuss how awareness and a dose of prevention can mean the difference between overwhelm and peace.

    In this episode, Kylee and Gabby dive into the changes highly sensitive people can make to invite more calm into their lives.  They discuss how mindful adjustments to even the smallest aspects of your “day-to-day” can make a huge difference in healing and cultivating the life you desire to live.  Not sure if you’re a highly sensitive person?  During their conversation, Kylee references Dr. Elaine Aron and the psychologist’s research surrounding the four elements of being a highly sensitive person which helps each of us determine if we, too, resonate with being a highly sensitive individual.

    It can be challenging (especially as a parent) to find the time to rest, recharge, and find balance. The methods discussed in this week’s episode may help others make the space to care for themselves and to create a life that honors their sensitivity.

    [1:35] Introduction to Kylee Nelson, licensed therapist, coach, and founder of Fulfilled Motherhood Co.
    [2:30] Kylee shares her story and her journey about being a highly sensitive person
    [5:45] How the world is not built to handle highly sensitive people
    [6:50] Making small changes that can have a big impact
    [8:55] How being a mom brings up past trauma, and parenting as a highly sensitive person
    [15:18] Childhood trauma and how it impacts highly sensitive people
    [17:47] Kylee references Dr. Elaine Aron and the elements of highly sensitive people
    [24:12] Advice for those who would say they don’t have time to make changes
    [31:07] Where to find more from Kylee

    This week’s guest was Kylee Nelson! Kylee is a friend, a fellow practitioner, a licensed therapist, and a coach. As a highly sensitive mama herself, she helps other highly sensitive moms thrive in motherhood. Kylee is the founder of Fulfilled Motherhood Co, and you can find her on IG at

    We'd love to know what you took away from this week's episode!  Please post any takeaways you had on Instagram and tag us @om_therapy_coaching or @consciousleadershippodcast.  If you enjoyed this episode, we'd also love it if you could leave a review!  All those who leave a review, screenshot it, and DM it to us at @om_therapy_coaching or @consciousleadershippodcast, will receive a FREE copy of our Positive Mindset Workbook as a gift.

    This podcast was edited and produced by Soul Glitch Studios.

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  • Alternative healing modalities often get a bad rap. They’re seen as outside the mainstream, maybe mystical or metaphysical, and having no bearing in science. But there’s a ton of recent research that backs up what people have long felt or experienced energetically. So for this conversation that explores the current state of alternative healing modalities, sound healer Shanila Sattar joins The Conscious Leadership Podcast to drop some knowledge on the integration of science and energetics in healing. 

    In this discussion, Shanila and Gabby get into the effects of sound healing and other modalities of holistic healing, the ways that they see spiritual bypassing happening among healers today, and the need for integrating energy work with cognitive processing during a healing journey. Shanila also shares some fascinating science behind breathwork, neuron research, and the energetic centers of the body, along with her unexpected journey from the world of tech that lead her to become a teacher and healer. 

    When on a healing journey, we often want to know the “steps” to take to heal. But that’s just not the human experience. Often, we have to explore multiple methods and modalities in order to create our own individual set of tools. With more and more healers opening up to alternative modalities, these unique experiences expand what’s possible for anyone in need of healing. 

    [1:32] Introduction to Shanila Sattar, fourth-generation sound healer and founder of AlwaysPlay Studios

    [2:40] Shanila shares her story and her unintentional journey into healing work

    [9:40] The effects of sound to our minds and bodies, physically and energetically

    [15:58] Bringing holistic healing into clinical populations

    [19:21] Bypassing in therapy and the healing modalities, and the energetics of being in practice of what you teaching 

    [25:16] What lead Shanila to teach breathwork specifically, and mentorship for healers  

    [29:39] The somatic experience of the Flow Breathwork practice

    [33:52] Recent neuron research and its relation to our feelings and intuition 

    [37:57] How the flow of our body’s energy centers become blocked, and what to do about it

    [45:12] Integrating the energetic, physical aspect of the healing process with the intellectual, cognitive process

    [49:12] Combining the healing modalities that work best for you into your own healing

    [52:41] The unique nature and experience of each healing journey and how to embrace that as healers 

    [57:12] Where to find more from Shanila 

    This week’s guest was Shanila Sattar! Shanila is a fourth-generation sound healer, and the founder of AlwaysPlay Studios and the creator of Flow Breathwork, a practice that uniquely incorporates more feminine energetics into the breathwork. Find more from Shanila on IG at @shanila.sattar or at

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    This podcast was edited and produced by Soul Glitch Studios.

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  • In opening up recently about my struggles with narcissistic abuse from my father, I’ve been blown away by everyone reaching out with similar stories. Your responses have shown me that this is an area of healing that is deeply needed right now. For way too long, I let shame, guilt, and fear stop me from using my voice and I let my father paint this picture of things being great. But I’m no longer entertaining that - it’s 2021, and we’re talking about our truth, sharing it and being vulnerable. Because that’s how we heal. 

    So in this episode, healer and mentor Kate Bandman joins the Conscious Leadership Podcast for a conversation that dives deep into the effects and impact of narcissistic abuse, along with how we can heal from these toxic relationships. Kate and I get into the importances of setting boundaries (without feeling guilt and shame) along with what we can do to start creating an identity that feels empowered, authentic, and aligned with who we truly are. Kate also offers some concrete tips for preparing to set boundaries.

    Much of what happens with toxic or narcissistic family and parents is that our identity is shaped around their belief system that they want us to have. Even though it’s so very hard to break, you need to remember that you have so much more power now as an adult. And you owe it to yourself, your ancestors, and your future line to end the cycle.

    [1:41] Introduction to Kate Bandman, healer and mentor

    [2:06] An update on Gabby’s life situation in her healing from CPTSD, a narcissistic parent, and a hard decision she had to make

    [6:15] The effects of narcissistic parents and narcissistic relationships, in childhood and when trying to evolve

    [11:38] The effect of narcissism on core beliefs systems

    [14:48] Learning to set and maintain boundaries, when we haven’t experienced or learned what healthy boundaries look like

    [29:52] Creating a life that centers the safety, peace, happiness you inherently deserve

    [35:51] The generational impact of narcissism and working through our own programming

    [43:11] Tips from Kate for preparing to set boundaries 

    [47:36] Where to find more from Kate

    This week’s guest was Kate Bandman! Kate is a healer of many kinds - a mentor, hypnotherapist, and a clinical counselor. She helps women transcend limiting beliefs, anchor into their purpose, and expand their capacity for joy and abundance. Find more from Kate on IG at @elevate.integrate.therapy

    We'd love to know what you took away from this week's episode!  Please post any takeaways you had on Instagram and tag us @om_therapy_coaching or @consciousleadershippodcast.  If you enjoyed this episode, we'd also love it if you could leave a review!  All those who leave a review, screenshot it, and DM it to us at @om_therapy_coaching or @consciousleadershippodcast, will receive a FREE copy of our Positive Mindset Workbook as a gift.

    This podcast was edited and produced by Soul Glitch Studios.

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  • Trauma itself is hard to process. When additional layers are thrown on top of trauma, healing and recovery becomes exponentially harder. Sometimes, those layers might be religious institutions or other communities intertwined with our identities - the “glue that keeps you stuck and keeps the shame there” explains today’s guest Melanie Cain, after recounting her story of healing of leaving the Church of the Latter Day Saints (LDS).

    In this conversation, Melanie vulnerably shares her experiences and journey with The Conscious Leadership Podcast, as she navigated the many layers of her healing that lead to leaving her religion. After working through trauma from a patriarchal home, numerous childhood abuses, medical detox, and a mental health break that led to an institutional stay, Melanie has come out on the other side as a champion for breaking past trauma cycles in the present for the future world of her children.

    From this episode, you’ll leave inspired by Melanie’s path to true self-love and liberation despite her many struggles. You’ll hear from someone literally in the midst of her future self creation, as she also walks other women through this journey of self-empowerment, reclaiming their sovereignty and figuring out new ways of being after experiencing religious trauma.

    [1:32] Introduction to Melanie Cain, Intuitive healer and trauma coach
    [3:07] Melanie shares her story of mental health struggles after growing up in the abusive, fundamentalist LDS home
    [16:00] Her “Beautiful Mind” experience
    [25:08] Melanie’s realizations when healing from her manic episode
    [33:55] The brokenness of the Western mental health system
    [36:08] Her healing journey from a medication detox and suicidal thoughts
    [51:38] Children, energy, and trauma
    [54:56] How to work with Melanie and where to find more from her
    [1:03:17] Last words of wisdom from Melanie

    This week’s guest was Melanie Cain! Melanie is an intuitive healer and trauma coach, and she helps women primarily heal trauma, improve their mental health and generational cycles, and find peace in relationships. Find more from Melanie on IG at @mel.unfiltered.

    We'd love to know what you took away from this week's episode!  Please post any takeaways you had on Instagram and tag us @om_therapy_coaching or @consciousleadershippodcast.  If you enjoyed this episode, we'd also love it if you could leave a review!  All those who leave a review, screenshot it, and DM it to us at @om_therapy_coaching or @consciousleadershippodcast, will receive a FREE copy of our Positive Mindset Workbook as a gift.

    This podcast was edited and produced by Soul Glitch Studios.

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  • The term “languishing” has come into the cultural lexicon recently as the world stagnates between healing from the grief from this pandemic year while looking forward towards more hopeful days. But this concept is nothing new for those of us healing from the complex chaos of childhood trauma. Amid this conversation with self-love and embodiment coach Beatrice Kamau, we are reminded that “It's worth it to live a life that feels good.”

    So in this episode of the Conscious Leadership Podcast, we dig into trauma recovery and what it looks like on the other side of post-traumatic growth. In this discussion, we talk about dealing with the lingering grief from our childhood wounds, learning to integrate the shadow aspects of ourselves, and living as the trauma-versions of ourselves. Beatrice also shares her experience healing from childhood traumas and the ways she coaches women to step into their personal power to stop settling for just ok, and to create a life they desire. 

    After doing the healing work, one of the most magical realizations is that you get to create who you want to become.  Once you’ve grieved, reconciled, and fostered a greater sense of self-awareness, you can then work on creating the life you truly want to live. So from this episode, you’ll take away the liberation that is possible on the other side of healing. 

    [1:35] Introduction to Beatrice Kamau, self-love coach and host of the Self Love Fix podcast

    [2:43] Beatrice shares her story of perfectionism and finding the power in meditation in her healing

    [9:58] Dealing with the grief from childhood wounds and finding acceptance

    [16:51] Getting to know the shadow aspects of ourselves

    [21:49] The trauma-version of ourselves

    [24:40] The effects of complex childhood trauma on our formative years

    [26:42] Shifting into your personal power

    [28:45] Living a life beyond tolerable and stepping into a life we desires

    [32:09] Scarcity vs abundance, and our fear of elevating ourselves

    [37:06] The stages of healing from a chaotic childhood

    [40:20] Beatrice explains her upcoming 4 month group program, Embodied, focused on learning how to step into who you are

    [44:07] Feminine wisdom and the generational trauma of women

    [47:30] Where to find more from Beatrice

    This week’s guest was Beatrice Kamau! Beatrice is a self-love and embodiment coach, an astrologer, and the host of the Self-Love Fix podcast. She helps women embody their worthiness through aligning with their truth and shifting from lack mindset to a mindset of abundance and desire. Find more from Beatrice on IG at @theselflovefix.

    We'd love to know what you took away from this week's episode!  Please post any takeaways you had on Instagram and tag us @om_therapy_coaching or @consciousleadershippodcast.  If you enjoyed this episode, we'd also love it if you could leave a review!  All those who leave a review, screenshot it, and DM it to us at @om_therapy_coaching or @consciousleadershippodcast, will receive a FREE copy of our Positive Mindset Workbook as a gift.

    This podcast was edited and produced by Soul Glitch Studios.

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  • “Because it’s the way things have always been done.” How often does that response surface when you start questioning the way things are? When we talk about intergenerational trauma, this concept of tradition and remaining within the same cycles and patterns throughout years and generations can be hard to challenge. But let’s be honest - those old ways of doing things are often creating more harm than good. Those who go against the norms may be considered a black sheep in the family, maybe it’s time to let the black sheep take the lead! 

    Joining The Conscious Leadership Podcast for a discussion all about breaking those cycles of trauma is Rubina Dhani, LMFT and BIWOC empowerment coach. In our discussion, we dive into the impact of intergenerational trauma, what it can look like to break those old patterns and cycles, and how trauma impacts everything from our DNA to personality disorders. Rubina also shares her journey in moving from a therapist to an online coach and healer alongside her own healing journey, and how she stepped into her authentic voice. 

    When working through any journey of healing from trauma, it all comes down to the choice of how we want to live our lives. We get to make that decision every day. So if you can even increase the happiness in your life even one extra second a day, that is worth it. It might mean you need to break old patterns and break old cycles, but from this episode you’ll learn to keep asking yourself, “Is this the life I want to live?”

    [1:38] Introduction to Rubina Dhani, LMFT and BIWOC empowerment coach

    [3:46] Rubina shares how she started working with intergenerational trauma and how she stepped into her authentic self as a healer

    [7:41] Helping our families and communities understand intergenerational trauma, and breaking old patterns and cycles.   

    [13:33] Trauma and our DNA 

    [17:14] The prevalence of codependency and poor parent-child relationships as intergenerational trauma within South Asian communities

    [21:02] The role of trauma in personality disorders 

    [24:47] Rubina’s experience moving from therapist to healer in the online space

    [27:10] Dealing with people who disagree with you online, when you’re putting yourself out there and standing in your voice

    [33:11] How to build trust in yourself and free up energy for the things you are seeking in life

    [36:31] Rubina’s advice for those starting their healing journey 

    [41:12] Upcoming healing programs to work with Rubina 

    [47:30] Last words of encouragement and advice

    This week’s guest was Rubina Dhani! Rubina is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist and BIWOC empowerment coach, who helps WOC break generational trauma patterns, barriers of shame, and learn how to love themselves as full, unique, amazing beings. Find more from Rubina on IG @mindpeacewellness.

    We'd love to know what you took away from this week's episode!  Please post any takeaways you had on Instagram and tag us @om_therapy_coaching or @consciousleadershippodcast.  If you enjoyed this episode, we'd also love it if you could leave a review!  All those who leave a review, screenshot it, and DM it to us at @om_therapy_coaching or @consciousleadershippodcast, will receive a FREE copy of our Positive Mindset Workbook as a gift.

    This podcast was edited and produced by Soul Glitch Studios.

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  • Victimhood. None of us will admit wanting to remain in a victim state - yet we all do it. So what is it about the victim mentality that keeps us stuck there, and how do we start to break free?

    To shine some light on this controversial mindset, the Conscious Leadership Podcast welcomes alchemic healer and clinically trained therapist Yarrow Bucans for a conversation about victimhood in a society that truly profits off our scarcity and victim modes. In our discussion, we dive into understanding unconscious attraction and attachment wounds, healing the central nervous system, and fostering an awareness of our relation to the world around us. Yarrow shares some starting points for doing internal healing work along with examples of how she personally shifted from a mode of victimhood to one of empowerment.

    When it comes to the healing journey, at some point it’s okay to be in a place that says, “the world is happening to me,” to be a victim, and to stand in that. But at a certain point we can move past and write a new story. Not with bypassing, but by feeling all the deep feelings in order to move through them. With this episode, you’ll be empowered with tips and tools to help you and your nervous system through that process to create the safety you need for true expansion.

    [1:39] Introduction to Yarrow Bucans, Alchemical Healer [2:35] Why talk about victimhood? [5:35] The role of shame [7:37] Clarifying the psychological concept of unconscious attraction [10:54] Bringing healing to our unconscious behaviors to increase the energetic vibration of the world [15:55] Abandonment wounds and attachment VS authenticity [18:49] A shout out to Pacifica Graduate Institute [19:56] Moving through life with ease and gentleness without holding on too tightly [23:25] The levels and layers to the healing journey [28:23] Recognizing our relation to the world, to become empowered instead of a victim [37:29] Moving out of a victim state by healing your central nervous system and processing trauma [45:00] Yarrow’s revelation during the pandemic (while cutting out streaming TV) [49:41] Healing from being a victim to valid excuses in order to step into alignment, authenticity, and conscious awareness [53:31] Taking the first steps towards internal healing and Yarrow’s free resources to start [59:10] The upcoming Art of Connecting Method group coaching program [1:02:21] Where to find more from Yarrow

    This week’s guest was Yarrow Bucans! Yarrow is a clinically trained therapist and alchemical healer with over 15 years of experience teaching yoga, meditation, and breathwork. She’s also the founder of the Art of Connecting Method. She uses the holy trinity of healing modalities - psychological, spiritual, and somatic - and she helps expansive leaders heal their central nervous systems and gently process pain and trauma so they feel safe to just be and receive.  Find more from Yarrow on IG @healwithyarrow. 

    We'd love to know what you took away from this week's episode!  Please post any takeaways you had on Instagram and tag us @om_therapy_coaching or @consciousleadershippodcast.  If you enjoyed this episode, we'd also love it if you could leave a review! All those who leave a review, screenshot it, and DM it to us will receive a FREE copy of our Positive Mindset Workbook!

    This podcast was edited and produced by Soul Glitch Studios.

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  • For many entrepreneurs, especially female entrepreneurs, it is easy to fall into the trap of wearing all the hats, doing all the things, and losing sight of our authenticity when trying to please everyone - and that’s a quick ticket to burning out. But by finding our voice, we can learn how to turn our challenges and unique experiences into our power. Joining The Conscious Leadership Podcast for a conversation about developing an authentic voice in entrepreneurship, is the inspirational Cheldin Rumer, CEO and host of the daily digital talk show, This Is It with Cheldin.

    In this episode, we dive into a discussion about surrounding yourself with the people who understand you, fully see you, and appreciate and embrace your differences. Chedlin shares her perspective on finding the lessons out of challenging experiences, along with her pivotal practice of regularly taking time to stand in your own light and celebrate your progress.

    Ultimately, this conversation is a reminder that your uniqueness is what makes you powerful. By using your voice, you’re stepping into that power and embracing your authenticity.

    [2:19] Introduction to Cheldin Rumer, CEO of i-g creative, and executive producer and host of This Is It Network [3:41] Cheldin shares her journey and how she pivoted to her passion for helping women tell their stories and find their entrepreneurial voice [9:22] Neurodivergence and entrepreneurship [10:40] Finding and serving your people, who hear your voice and see your vision [14:05] Understanding the lessons out of the valleys in life [18:02] Conscious marketing and creating feeling behind your offers and brand [24:23] Showing up as your weird, honest, present self for the people you’re meant to serve [29:22] Being willing to put yourself out there, and allowing yourself to suck (at first) [33:51] Letting go of the pressure to do all the things [40:39] The practice of standing in our own light and recognizing how far we’ve come [42:37] Creating your village and building support around you [46:33] How to work with Cheldin and where to find more from her

    This week’s guest was Cheldin Rumer! Cheldin is the CEO of i-g creative, and executive producer and host of This Is It network, she uses her magnetic personality and unmatched energy to elevate the voices of remarkable women both online and offline. Find more from Cheldin on IG @cheldinbarlatt and be sure to watch her on her show, This Is It with Cheldin!

    We'd love to know what you took away from this week's episode!  Please post any takeaways you had on Instagram and tag us @om_therapy_coaching or @consciousleadershippodcast.  If you enjoyed this episode, we'd also love it if you could leave a review!  All those who leave a review, screenshot it, and DM it to us at @om_therapy_coaching or @consciousleadershippodcast, will receive a FREE copy of our Positive Mindset Workbook as a gift.

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  • Healing from trauma is undoubtedly hard work, and can seem like a never ending journey when in the middle of it. But it is always a choice - to either let the trauma define and dictate how we feel about ourselves, or take control and create something out of our experience.

    So on this episode of The Conscious Leadership Podcast, Terra Newell shares her story of turning trauma into empowerment. Faced with the aftermath of an extremely traumatic attack from her stepfather and conman, Dirty John Meehan, Terra made the choice to heal from a lifetime of toxic relationships and childhood PTSD. In doing so, Terra found her own healing and transformed her deep pain into beautiful efforts to raise awareness around domestic abuse, advocate for victims, and coach others through their healing as well.

    In this conversation, Terra and I share our knowledge and experiences on personality disorders and psychological abuse, the impact of trauma triggers, and the need for healing to foster our growth. Terra also shares her incredible experiences and how they have shaped her current efforts as an advocate and coach. She also has an amazing healing retreat coming up!

    Terra’s story is definitely a mirror to hold up and see what is possible if we’ve gone through trauma and we choose healing to really make life work for us. From her, we learn that it is entirely possible to go through really dark shit and come out the other end with a really full heart.

    [2:00] Introduction to Terra Newell, Toxic relationship/trauma recovery life coach best known for taking down conman Dirty John Meehan [5:30] Terra shares her background and story from in recovering from C-PTSD, toxic relationships and her attack [12:05] Transmuting pain into power and purpose, and Terra’s efforts to pass laws against coercive control [17:14] What psychological abuse and coercive control can look like, and true narcissistic personality disorder VS narcissistic traits [23:14] The role of trauma in developing personality disorders [25:33] Working with clients who deal with personality disorders in everyday life [29:40] How Terra recognized the need and timing for her healing, after a codependent, trauma-bonded relationship [35:42] The impact of trauma triggers, and the healing work to help lessen those triggers [39:44] What’s next for Terra, her upcoming healing retreat, and where to find out more!

    This week’s guest was Terra Newell! Terra has been called “one of the biggest badasses in true crime,” and she actually killed conman Dirty John Meehan when she was 25. Since then, she’s shared her dramatic story on global platforms to raise awareness around domestic abuse. She’s currently a life coach, and works alongside criminal behavior analyst Laura Richards to pass laws against coercive control in the United States. Terra also loves to help others by advocating for victims. Find more from Terra on IG @terranewell, on her website at, on her podcast Time Out with Terra, or by emailing her at [email protected].

    We'd love to know what you took away from this week's episode!  Please post any takeaways you had on Instagram and tag us @om_therapy_coaching or @consciousleadershippodcast.  If you enjoyed this episode, we'd also love it if you could leave a review! All those that leave a review, screenshot it, and DM it to us, will receive a FREE copy of our Positive Mindset Workbook as a gift. 

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  • Going viral on social media and growing a huge following might seem like the ultimate goal. But when your following explodes and your content is shared to so many people with differing perspectives - it’s bound to be misinterpreted, and honestly, you’re going to eff up. So how do we balance fully showing up in our truth, with the fear and criticism that comes with sharing your point of view? Dr. Janine Kreft, the viral content creator of @kreftscouch on IG and TikTok, knows well what it’s like to experience the “fame” of social media, and on this episode, joins The Conscious Leadership Podcast to share what she’s learned while growing a huge online community.

    In our discussion, we dig into the highs and lows of growing a social following, how to get over the fear of sharing your voice, and the things that have helped us put ourselves out there in an authentic way. We analyze some of the problems we observe in modern mental health treatment, and Janine shares her best advice for female healers both just starting out in social media, and those more established entrepreneurs.

    What authenticity truly comes down to, in today’s world, is a willingness to step into our fears of how we will be perceived by others. Recognizing the power in our unique perspective is the very thing that allows us to heal and attract the people who need us most. ✨

    *The book mentioned by Gabby in the episode is You are the Placebo by Dr Joe Dispenza

    [1:50] Intro to Dr. Janine Kreft, psychologist turned mental wellness consultant [4:12] Janine shares how her journey of healing and education lead to a holistic, trauma-informed, spiritual perspective [8:25] Integrating all the aspects of ourselves to facilitate healing and promote wellness, rather than just focusing on illness [15:46] The benefits of utilizing energy work within mental health treatment [21:00] Standing up as an authentic leader to share your perspective with courage, and align yourself with the clients who need you [25:57] Janine’s experience in growing huge community and following on social media [28:38] Getting over fear of using your voice as a content creator, while dealing with criticism [36:26] Some of the highs and low of growing a social following [41:43] What helps Gabby and Janine put themselves out there in an authentic way [49:09] Top advice for anyone stepping into the online space [51:38] Tips for established female entrepreneurs, looking to get better [53:25] Gabby’s newest 6 month mastermind offering, coming soon! [54:55] Where to find more from Dr. Janine Kreft and work with her

    This week’s guest was Dr. Janine Kreft! Janine is a psychologist-turned-mental wellness consultant, helping her clients heal and discover their purpose by incorporating holistic, spiritual, and trauma-informed modalities, and facilitating folx to embody their highest self. She’s a prolific content creator who translates mental health concepts around trauma and healing into playful, relatable videos that have gone viral on IG and TikTok. Find more from Janine @kreftscouch to stay tuned for her upcoming small group containers to help you embody your purpose. On her website, you can also find her affordable, accessible mini-courses to guide you step-by-step in the moment of a distressing experience.

    We'd love to know what you took away from this week's episode! Please post any takeaways you had on IG and tag us @om_therapy_coaching or @consciousleadershippodcast. If you enjoyed this episode, we'd also love it if you could leave a review! All those who leave a review, screenshot, and DM us, will receive a FREE copy of our Positive Mindset Workbook as a gift!

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