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    The perfect blend of digital marketing and psychology, this discussion features Sarah Presch, Digital Marketing Director of Dragon Metrics, who shares her journey from studying marketing to pursuing psychology, emphasizing the critical role of understanding consumer behavior in this space. The conversation explores the rewarding nature of mentorship, emphasizing mutual learning, humility, structured success plans, and regular check-ins. In this episode, Sarah explores ethical considerations in digital marketing and SEO, including the influence of cognitive bias, the importance of psychological safety, and the challenges of ethical content creation. The discussion wraps with Sarah’s passion for music as a therapeutic tool and how it’s all tied into her achievements with Dragon Metrics.

    Episode Highlights:

    Understanding human behavior is crucial in marketing and the intersection between psychology and marketing promotes innovation and perspective.Sarah founded Neurodivergents in SEO to provide a safe space for digital marketing professionals on the spectrum to talk and learn about marketing career paths. Ethical considerations that exist in digital marketing and SEO, include the influence of cognitive bias - specifically a user’s confirmation bias, the importance of psychological safety, and the challenges of ethical content creation.She stresses the importance for marketers in understanding an audience’s culture and language.

    Episode Links:

    Sarah’s professional websiteSarah’s LinkedInSarah’s XDragon Metrics websiteDragon Metrics LinkedIn Neurodivergents in SEO

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    Interested in Digital Marketing Services, Careers, or Courses? Check out more from the TDMM Family: - Full Service Digital Marketing Agency specializing in SEO, PPC, Paid Social, and Lead Generation efforts for established B2C and B2B businesses and organizations. - Digital Marketing online education and course platform. ODEO gives you solid digital marketing knowledge to launch/boost your career or understand your business’s digital marketing strategy.
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    This episode of The Digital Marketing Mentor takes us through the remarkable journey of Julia McCoy, President of Content at Scale, whose early struggles finding a passion inspired a career transition to the world of freelancing. In overcoming doubts and with the support of mentors along the way, she’s turned storytelling passion into a thriving career, pioneering several approaches to marry SEO, content creation, and AI to enhance efficiency and productivity. Julia reveals her take on the role of mentorship in shaping our professional paths - sharing stories of support through her launch into public speaking and entrepreneurial pursuits. Tune in to hear Julia’s predictions on the future of content and SEO, and how AI is powering the charge.

    Episode Highlights:

    Having transitioned to digital marketing, Julia shares her take on how mentorship plays a crucial role in shaping career paths, sharing stories of her own mentors who have encouraged her to step into entrepreneurship and embrace public speaking. Julia says content writers should embrace the arrival of AI and learn to use it to their advantage, harnessing the power of these tools for more creative content solutions. Julia has launched a feature that allows AI to replicate a writer's style and unique voice which helps maintain brand identity and integrity. Her Unified Editor tool allows anyone to create powerful content regardless of their writing experience making the writing process more accessible and efficient. AI is revolutionizing content marketing by allowing writers to focus on strategic thinking and creativity while keeping burnout at bay.

    Episode Links:

    Julia’s LinkedinJulia’s InstagramJulia’s YouTubeJulia’s booksContent at Scale

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    Interested in Digital Marketing Services, Careers, or Courses? Check out more from the TDMM Family: - Full Service Digital Marketing Agency specializing in SEO, PPC, Paid Social, and Lead Generation efforts for established B2C and B2B businesses and organizations. - Digital Marketing online education and course platform. ODEO gives you solid digital marketing knowledge to launch/boost your career or understand your business’s digital marketing strategy.
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    In this ‘Office Hours’ episode, we examine PPC budget management closely. We speak with paid search analyst, Alejandro Torres, whose frustration with unpredictability of Google Ads’ spend tracking led to a revolutionary solution. With the assistance of his team, they built a robust tool designed to help them with pacing the spending schedule and optimizing the budgets of PPC campaigns for their clients. Tune into an episode packed full of tips on the technical aspects, team collaboration, and unique challenges faced in managing PPC campaigns.

    An Optidge "Office Hours" Episode

    Our Office Hours episodes are your go-to for details, how-to’s, and advice on specific marketing topics. Join our fellow Optidge team members, and sometimes even 1:1 teachings from Danny himself, in these shorter, marketing-focused episodes every few weeks. Get ready to get marketing!

    Episode Highlights:

    Despite Alejandro’s initial disinterest in digital marketing in college, his path led him back, allowing him to apply his practical knowledge in finance and management to his current role on the Optidge PPC team. Alejandro initially heard about an innovative, data-tracking PPC tool, Dataslayer, from another department at Optidge and began testing the tool to see how its capabilities might help handle the headache of tracking PPC campaign spending. Dataslayer and the custom solution put together by Alejandro and the team can now accurately monitor the spending habits of multiple campaigns at once and notify the PPC team when they’re under or overspending (with special thanks to color coding).

    Episode Links:

    Alejandro’s LinkedInDataslayer Optidge PPC Services

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    Interested in Digital Marketing Services, Careers, or Courses? Check out more from the TDMM Family: - Full Service Digital Marketing Agency specializing in SEO, PPC, Paid Social, and Lead Generation efforts for established B2C and B2B businesses and organizations. - Digital Marketing online education and course platform. ODEO gives you solid digital marketing knowledge to launch/boost your career or understand your business’s digital marketing strategy.
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    Join us as we uncover the transformative power of mentorship and cause-driven marketing with Aimee Woodall, founder of The Black Sheep Agency. Amy unpacks her public relations experience for political initiatives and the pivotal role that her academic journey played in shaping her passion for politics and communication. She fondly recalls some of her most influential mentorship experiences and highlights the evolution of mentorship in business. Finally, we journey through Aimee’s establishment of a cause-driven agency, discussing the challenges and rewards of prioritizing social responsibility in marketing.

    Episode Highlights

    Aimee defines the relationship between a mentor and a mentee as a two-way street where both parties learn from the experience with each other.One of Aimee’s mentors showed her that there could be meaning behind her work, and that propelled her into cause-driven marketing.One of the greatest gifts Aimee received from her work is learning about all the different social challenges in our society and how to weave social responsibility into marketing strategies.

    Episode Links

    Black Sheep AgencyAimee’s LinkedinAimee’s InstagramAimee’s X

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    Website and Blog: Instagram: @thedmmentor Linkedin: @thedmmentor YouTube: @thedmmentor

    Interested in Digital Marketing Services, Careers, or Courses? Check out more from the TDMM Family: - Full Service Digital Marketing Agency specializing in SEO, PPC, Paid Social, and Lead Generation efforts for established B2C and B2B businesses and organizations. - Digital Marketing online education and course platform. ODEO gives you solid digital marketing knowledge to launch/boost your career or understand your business’s digital marketing strategy.
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    This episode of the Digital Marketing Mentor takes us back to the classroom as we talk with Noah Frydberg, full-time university student at the University of Texas and founder of the multi-million dollar social media marketing agency, Maverick Creative. We discuss with this young entrepreneur about his greatest mentor, what led him to take the leap into starting his own company, and why he feels TikTok is a social media marketing goldmine that’s being underutilized by businesses looking to scale.

    Episode Highlights

    TikTok offers an incredible opportunity to grow your company or brand. Noah highly recommends taking the time to completely understand this social media platform’s potential for creators of all types.As a member of Gen Z, Noah has used his age to his advantage. He often pursues clients looking to access that specific market. Noah is in a unique position as an entrepreneur in his generation that can make the most from his tremendous knowledge of TikTok.Noah’s greatest mentor has been his father. He’s shown him the art of cold-calling, managing client demands, and making the sale and Noah has carried those attributes to his company when mentoring his own employees.

    Episode Links

    Noah’s TikTokNoah’s LinkedInMaverick Creative Website

    Follow The Digital Marketing Mentor:

    Website and Blog: Instagram: @thedmmentor Linkedin: @thedmmentor YouTube: @thedmmentor

    Interested in Digital Marketing Services, Careers, or Courses? Check out more from the TDMM Family: - Full Service Digital Marketing Agency specializing in SEO, PPC, Paid Social, and Lead Generation efforts for established B2C and B2B businesses and organizations. - Digital Marketing online education and course platform. ODEO gives you solid digital marketing knowledge to launch/boost your career or understand your business’s digital marketing strategy.
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    Pack your bags and join us as we head to Minnesota to speak with Nick LeRoy, freelance SEO consultant and owner of In today’s episode of the Digital Marketing Mentor Podcast, we’ll explore how Nick hit the ground running by learning SEO in his first job out of college. Having experienced several professional setbacks, he shares how he used this experience and leaned into mentors to propel him into entrepreneurship and a freelance career in SEO. We’ll hear about his passion project,, and his vision to revolutionize the SEO job market.

    Episode Highlights:

    Nick’s love of SEO began after learning the necessary skills on the job straight out of university. He credits reading ‘how to’ books at the local Barnes and Noble with helping him to understand the subject.According to Nick, a mentor challenges another’s thinking and provides necessary guidance.After losing his job twice, Nick has learned that he prefers working as a freelance SEO consultant instead of within an agency. Being his own boss allows him to be brutally honest with his clients, and he feels he produces better work.The keys to success in the SEO industry include strong communication, genuine curiosity for SEO, and understanding the industry’s ‘hard skills.’Nick enjoys mentoring uniquely by offering advisory services and actively seeking out employment opportunities for SEO professionals through his passion project,

    Episode Links:

    Nick’s Leroy’s Company: Nick Leroy Consulting Nick's X account Nick's LinkedIn SEO job board

    Follow The Digital Marketing Mentor:

    Website and Blog: Instagram: @thedmmentor Linkedin: @thedmmentor YouTube: @thedmmentor

    Interested in Digital Marketing Services, Careers, or Courses? Check out more from the TDMM Family: - Full Service Digital Marketing Agency specializing in SEO, PPC, Paid Social, and Lead Generation efforts for established B2C and B2B businesses and organizations. - Digital Marketing online education and course platform. ODEO gives you solid digital marketing knowledge to launch/boost your career or understand your business’s digital marketing strategy.
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    Buckle up for today’s episode as the Digital Marketing Mentor takes you on an exciting journey with Wil Reynolds, the founder, and VP of Innovation at SEER Interactive. As one of the most esteemed digital marketing agencies in the U.S., we’ll talk to this former economics teacher about his life-long passion for learning, creating value, and giving back to others and what led to his creation of SEER Interactive. Wil also discusses the power of mentorship and the importance of the human connection with customers through SEO in the face of growing AI influence.

    Episode Highlights

    Wil’s passion for giving back, creating change, and making an impact was born from his early professional years as an economics teacher. His passion was put into overdrive after being denied the opportunity to volunteer, which became a significant value he instilled in the creation of SEER Interactive. Wil has been grateful for his mentors throughout his career and says they have taught him some of his most valuable life lessons. The truest indication that a mentor has done a good job is when the mentee has outgrown them, which has happened to Wil several times. Will is not anti-SEO. Instead, he supports the most ‘frictionless’ way for users to access their desired information, which seems to be through AI. The invention of AI has undoubtedly helped with SEO and content creation. However, Wil says it’s important not to lose the human connection, including using your ideas instead of those from a bot and connecting with your viewers through organic social media traffic.

    Episode Links

    Wil Reynolds LinkedInWil Reynolds YouTubeWil Reynolds InstagramSeer Interactive Website Seer Interactive LinkedIn

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    Website and Blog: Instagram: @thedmmentor Linkedin: @thedmmentor YouTube: @thedmmentor

    Interested in Digital Marketing Services, Careers, or Courses? Check out more from the TDMM Family: - Full Service Digital Marketing Agency specializing in SEO, PPC, Paid Social, and Lead Generation efforts for established B2C and B2B businesses and organizations. - Digital Marketing online education and course platform. ODEO gives you solid digital marketing knowledge to launch/boost your career or understand your business’s digital marketing strategy.
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    This episode features Purna Virji, principal consultant of Content Solutions at LinkedIn, and explores her holistic view of content marketing. She dives into what has shaped her perspective through her 20-year career in marketing as a content creator, program manager, SEO public, instructional designer, and brand evangelist. Tune in to learn more about mentorship's role in Purna’s journey in content marketing and hear some of the best engagement tips from one of the industry’s social media marketing gurus.

    Episode Highlights

    Purna says her life purpose is to ‘lift others’ through education and empowerment. She’s an active mentor to many professionals and feels the responsibility of the job includes shining the light on their strengths and talents while providing constructive criticism. Purna herself has several high-profile mentors she calls her ‘board of directors’. They are a fabulous sounding board when she has questions.The foundation of successful marketing content rests in knowing your audience. Purna stresses the importance of ‘studying your customers’ to learn what they want, their motivations, and their problems. When you understand your audience, the content will write itself. Additionally, a company must identify its core values, brand purpose, and the ‘connective tissue’ that links its audience to its product or service. Purna compares a brand’s message to water; it can take the shape of any container. So often, content that hasn’t been working is tossed. Purna argues that instead of wasting time creating new content, well-researched and ideated material can be reused or repurposed on a different platform; it still has value.

    Episode Links

    Purna’s LinkedInPurna’s X

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    Interested in Digital Marketing Services, Careers, or Courses? Check out more from the TDMM Family: - Full Service Digital Marketing Agency specializing in SEO, PPC, Paid Social, and Lead Generation efforts for established B2C and B2B businesses and organizations. - Digital Marketing online education and course platform. ODEO gives you solid digital marketing knowledge to launch/boost your career or understand your business’s digital marketing strategy.
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    Join us for this special episode of The Digital Marketing Mentor as we reflect on our conversations with various guests about their experiences with PPC advertising. We cover everything from why our guests entered this industry to bid management, control metrics, conversion tracking, and GA4. Whether you’re new to PPC or a seasoned pro, this Best of PPC episode will offer advice and anecdotes regarding this rapidly evolving industry.

    Episode Highlights
    The many experts we’ve interviewed about PPC advertisingI seem to share a few understandings:

    A detailed PPC audit is an excellent way to ensure a new or revamped campaign will move in the right direction and best utilize company budgets.Manual vs. automatic bidding tends to be a popular topic in the PPC community and our guests believe that the intent and goals behind the campaign should drive the bidding strategy. Digital marketers must pay more attention to the power of good ad copy as even small changes can steer a PPC campaign in the right direction.In a lead generation campaign, some key indicators to evaluate and frame the budget include the length of the campaign (how long it has been running), CPL to acquisition, visibility, and conversion rate. PPC experts emphasize the value of attribution since the cost-per-lead data often drives the connection between campaign results and company growth.Google's elimination of third-party cookies will most impact companies that don’t conduct online transactions or have an e-commerce presence as it will make accessing customer data more difficult.

    Episode Links

    Susan Wenograd - Mastering Google Ads: Secrets to Success in Search, Speaking, and StrategyNavah Hopkins - English, Ethics, Education, and Encouragement in Paid SearchSarah Stemen - Effective Digital Marketing and Entrepreneurial EndeavorsDuane Brown - Destination: Digital Marketing Data Kirk Williams - Speaking, Sparking Connections, Star Wars, and (Google) Shopping Brianna Deboever - Office Hours | Making Alphabet Soup for Lead Quality: PPC, UTM, CRM, and More

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    Interested in Digital Marketing Services, Careers, or Courses? Check out more from the TDMM Family: - Full Service Digital Marketing Agency specializing in SEO, PPC, Paid Social, and Lead Generation efforts for established B2C and B2B businesses and organizations. - Digital Marketing online education and course platform. ODEO gives you solid digital marketing knowledge to launch/boost your career or understand your business’s digital marketing strategy.
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    Join us for an inspiring episode as we explore Brie Anderson's journey from soccer scholarship to digital marketing expertise, discovering the power of saying “YES!” to opportunities and effective mentorship. Gain valuable insights into navigating digital landscapes, leveraging data, and empowering yourself in today's ever-evolving world. Don't miss this enriching discussion filled with actionable analytics advice.

    Episode Highlights

    Brie Anderson's journey from scholarship soccer student athlete to digital marketing showcases the importance of embracing opportunities. Transitioning from communications to digital marketing, she learned and grew by saying "Yes" to new experiences. Mentors like her first boss and industry leaders guided her journey.For Brie, mentorship is about open communication and taking initiative. She shares her experiences and insights to support others facing similar challenges. Despite initially not seeing herself as a mentor, her wife helped her see that her openness with her mental health struggles and readiness to share her technical skills and knowledge certainly qualifies her as a mentor to others. As the founder of BEAST Analytics, she helps clients understand and use data effectively, navigating changes like the shift to Google Analytics 4. Brie empowers clients to adapt to evolving digital trends while addressing privacy concerns. Through education and practical advice, she ensures their digital strategies remain effective and responsive.

    Episode Links

    Brie’s LinkedInBEAST Analytics website Brie’s email Instagram

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    Interested in Digital Marketing Services, Careers, or Courses? Check out more from the TDMM Family: - Full Service Digital Marketing Agency specializing in SEO, PPC, Paid Social, and Lead Generation efforts for established B2C and B2B businesses and organizations. - Digital Marketing online education and course platform. ODEO gives you solid digital marketing knowledge to launch/boost your career or understand your business’s digital marketing strategy.
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    In this episode, learn how Optidge teamed up with Berlin Heart to customize HubSpot, revolutionizing their data management. Explore the challenges Berlin Heart faced with spreadsheets and discover how Optidge customized HubSpot to streamline workflows and enable remote accessibility. Hear about the benefits of tailored CRM solutions and join us as we uncover the transformative power of this partnership with Berlin Heart.

    An Optidge "Office Hours" Episode

    Our Office Hours episodes are your go-to for details, how-to’s, and advice on specific marketing topics. Join our fellow Optidge team members, and sometimes even 1:1 teachings from Danny himself, in these shorter, marketing-focused episodes every few weeks. Get ready to get marketing!

    Episode Highlights

    Berlin Heart came to Optidge to help set up Hubspot, a customer relationship management system (CRM), for their unique needs. As a medical device company that develops, produces, and markets innovative devices for mechanically supporting the heart, Berlin Heart needed the CRM to do more, and be more of a database management system. They needed to transition from a system of data management that existed in 12-20 spreadsheets, only accessible in the office, with multiple redundancies - to a cloud-based, interconnected database of data. They needed to track hospitals, staff, patients, devices, training logs, status updates, maintenance records, and more. And they needed to know their information was up-to-date and accurate.Optidge utilized Hubspot’s custom objects to build out an expansive, interconnected database system for Berlin Heart. Through the creation and customization of custom objects, they could oversee a variety of data points configured in different ways. They could see all the device pump changes and their next needed timing. They could view all the patient status updates for a given week in one table. They could also look at a specific device and see which hospital, patient, staff, and crate it was currently connected to.

    Episode Links

    Berlin Heart Berlin Heart LinkedIn

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    Interested in Digital Marketing Services, Careers, or Courses? Check out more from the TDMM Family: - Full Service Digital Marketing Agency specializing in SEO, PPC, Paid Social, and Lead Generation efforts for established B2C and B2B businesses and organizations. - Digital Marketing online education and course platform. ODEO gives you solid digital marketing knowledge to launch/boost your career or understand your business’s digital marketing strategy.
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    Discover Andrea Cruz's journey from Venezuela to Boston, mastering business administration and international marketing. Learn about the power of mentorship and the intricacies of B2B marketing in this insightful episode.

    Episode Highlights

    Andrea Cruz's journey from Venezuela to Boston shaped her into a versatile business professional. Her degrees in Business Administration and International Business equipped her with digital marketing skills ahead of their time. Mentors like Jeremy Krantz, AJ Wilcox, and JD Prater played pivotal roles, guiding her through career transitions and public speaking fears.Embracing diversity in Massachusetts, Andrea thrived among various cultures, fostering a deep understanding of global perspectives. Fluent in multiple languages, she embodies a polyglot identity, enhancing her ability to empathize and connect across diverse communities. Andrea's dedication to mentorship reflects her belief in holistic growth, emphasizing emotional openness and strategic planning.As a B2B marketing enthusiast, Andrea challenges misconceptions and advocates for personalized strategies. Her managerial role allows her to empathize with team members and champion inclusive, hands-on leadership. With a passion for niche verticals and brand differentiation, she navigates the complexities of B2B marketing with creativity and purpose, emphasizing customer-centric approaches for sustainable growth.

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    Interested in Digital Marketing Services, Careers, or Courses? Check out more from the TDMM Family: - Full Service Digital Marketing Agency specializing in SEO, PPC, Paid Social, and Lead Generation efforts for established B2C and B2B businesses and organizations. - Digital Marketing online education and course platform. ODEO gives you solid digital marketing knowledge to launch/boost your career or understand your business’s digital marketing strategy.
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    Join Susan Wenograd as she shares her journey in digital marketing, blending creativity with practicality. Explore mentorship insights and the evolving landscape of Google Ads and new strategies to optimize in a post-cookie world!

    Episode Highlights

    Susan Wenograd, characterized by her unique blend of practicality and creativity, recounts her transformative journey from initially considering film studies to ultimately carving out a successful career in the realm of digital marketing. Through her experiences, she embodies the ethos of adaptability and perseverance, demonstrating how embracing both sides of her personality has been instrumental in navigating the complexities of the industry.Susan has seen a profound impact from mentors like Mike King and Jeremy Bloom, whose guidance transcends conventional boundaries, offering Susan holistic insights that extend far beyond their apparent roles. Their mentorship serves as a testament to the power of genuine connections and the invaluable lessons that emerge from meaningful relationships within one's professional journey.Susan dives into the deep, ever-evolving world of Google Ads. She provides valuable insights into strategic shifts in bidding tactics, optimizations, and the differences in strategies over the past decade (and more). She offers a glimpse into her entrepreneurial venture with Can’tdles, a candle-making business that beautifully intertwines her creative flair with astute business acumen. Through her multifaceted experiences, Susan offers a compelling narrative that underscores the importance of adaptability, mentorship, and embracing one's unique blend of skills and passions in navigating the complexities of the modern business world.

    Episode Links Susan’s LinkedInTwitter

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    Interested in Digital Marketing Services, Careers, or Courses? Check out more from the TDMM Family: - Full Service Digital Marketing Agency specializing in SEO, PPC, Paid Social, and Lead Generation efforts for established B2C and B2B businesses and organizations. - Digital Marketing online education and course platform. ODEO gives you solid digital marketing knowledge to launch/boost your career or understand your business’s digital marketing strategy.
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    Join us for a captivating conversation with Britney Muller, where she delves into the realms of mentorship, AI innovations, and her enchanting ASL escapades. Explore the intersection of expertise and experience in this digital marketing adventure!

    Episode Highlights

    Britney Muller shares her journey from pre-med to journalism to internet marketing, emphasizing learning beyond the classroom through diverse experiences like waitressing and mentorship from industry giants like Rand Fishkin. She reflects on the pivotal role of informal mentorship, highlighting relationships that blur the line between guidance and friendship.In the realm of AI, Muller warns against overreliance on LLMs for deterministic tasks like keyword research. She predicts a surge in industry-specific LLMs and advocates for thoughtful integration to maximize their potential. She discusses the importance of diversity in AI and shares a paper about the affinity group talks she saw poorly attended at NeurIPS. Additionally, she sheds light on biases in AI models and the importance of transparency in mitigating them.Beyond AI, Muller discusses her passion for American Sign Language, recounting inventive experiences like introducing ASL interpretation on ski slopes. She emphasizes the value of quality content over quantity in marketing and PR strategies. Through her diverse interests and expertise, Muller offers valuable insights into navigating the ever-evolving landscape of technology and communication.

    Episode Links

    Website - Data Sci 101Website - Britney MullerArticle/Paper re: Indigenous NAI researchersBlack in AIMuslim in AIIndigenous in AILatinX in AI

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    Interested in Digital Marketing Services, Careers, or Courses? Check out more from the TDMM Family: - Full Service Digital Marketing Agency specializing in SEO, PPC, Paid Social, and Lead Generation efforts for established B2C and B2B businesses and organizations. - Digital Marketing online education and course platform. ODEO gives you solid digital marketing knowledge to launch/boost your career or understand your business’s digital marketing strategy.
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    Join us on this episode as Andrew Foxwell shares his journey from St. Olaf University through Capitol Hill to California, revealing how mentorship played a pivotal role in his career. Discover the inception of Foxwell Founders, a thriving community connecting marketers and mentors. Andrew reflects on the power of mentorship, the challenges of parenting during a pandemic, and the evolution of digital advertising and paid social on platforms like TikTok.

    Episode Highlights

    At St. Olaf University, Andrew Foxwell delved into political science and business, finding solace in the college's renowned music program. As a choir member, he embraced singing as a unique form of worship, considering choir practice a meditative escape from the complexities of daily life. Andrew's journey into the political arena began in rural Minnesota, fueled by a fascination with government and a desire to be 'in the room where it happens.' His active involvement in political campaigns, including volunteering in the 2008 presidential campaign, eventually led him to a life-changing role in Washington, D.C. Working for a congressional representative.The pivotal moment for Andrew in the realm of digital advertising occurred when Congress allowed social media ads. This opened the door for Andrew to run ads on platforms like Facebook and Google, eventually leading him to specialize in Facebook Ads. His journey into the advertising world involved working with a diverse range of politicians and agencies, fostering a bipartisan approach to his work. This experience laid the foundation for his later endeavors in mentoring and community building within the digital marketing space.Foxwell Founders (FF) is a community founded by Andrew Foxwell, focusing on digital marketing mentorship and collaboration. Initially created to facilitate discussions on social media advertising challenges, FF has grown into a substantial online community of marketers. The community aims to provide a platform for members to seek guidance, learn, and connect with mentors. They've expanded their topics of discussion and launched specific communities, like the PPC community. Foxwell Founders is dedicated to building self-sustaining programs, fostering mentorship, and helping members learn and grow in the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing.

    Episode Links

    FoxwellDigital.comEmail – [email protected]’s LinkedIn

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    Interested in Digital Marketing Services, Careers, or Courses? Check out more from the TDMM Family: - Full Service Digital Marketing Agency specializing in SEO, PPC, Paid Social, and Lead Generation efforts for established B2C and B2B businesses and organizations. - Digital Marketing online education and course platform. ODEO gives you solid digital marketing knowledge to launch/boost your career or understand your business’s digital marketing strategy.
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    In this episode, Raphael Gavin, the media-production master, spills the beans on navigating the advertising industry, humorous entry to his career, and the transformative power of mentorship. From his accidental title upgrade to the importance of tailored guidance, dive into the world of advertising with wit and wisdom.

    Episode Highlights

    Raphael Gavin, son of advertising legend Louis Gavin, found his own path in advertising after a chance meeting during his time at his father's agency. He believes no degree can match the power of learning from experience.Raphael emphasizes three key elements of mentorship: clear communication, mutual trust, and tailored guidance. His mentors include his wife and agency co-founder Sean Dawson, who shaped his business acumen and taught him how to always show up better the next time. As a mentor, Raphael prioritizes support, sharing experiences, and acknowledging that mentees may surpass their mentors. Flexibility, highlighted by COVID-19, is crucial in adapting to unpredictable situations in the advertising industry.Raphael's advertising journey, starting as an account executive, led him to appreciate production. Despite challenges, working with family accelerated his career growth, providing constant strategic discussions at work and home.

    Episode Links

    LevergyInstagramXLinkedInRaphael’s LinkedInJay Steinfeld Episode

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    Website and Blog: Instagram: @thedmmentor Linkedin: @thedmmentor YouTube: @thedmmentor

    Interested in Digital Marketing Services, Careers, or Courses? Check out more from the TDMM Family: - Full Service Digital Marketing Agency specializing in SEO, PPC, Paid Social, and Lead Generation efforts for established B2C and B2B businesses and organizations. - Digital Marketing online education and course platform. ODEO gives you solid digital marketing knowledge to launch/boost your career or understand your business’s digital marketing strategy.
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    Join us in this episode as we hear about Sarah Stemen’s journey from programming through in-house marketing to starting her own business. From unexpected mentorship lessons to the art of being an accessible mentor, Sarah spills the beans on agency struggles, the power of conversation in consulting, and her unique approach to Google Ads.

    Episode Highlights

    Sarah Stemen began her digital marketing journey before the field fully existed, transitioning from a tech-focused background with an MBA pivot into marketing. Sarah's genuine care for doing good is reflected in her mentoring style. Accessible at any hour, she emphasizes nonjudgmental advice and building trust with mentees.Like many agencies, Sarah faces challenges marketing her own business. Limited budgets and the common struggle with being objective about one’s own business guide her choices, emphasizing outsourcing for content and SEO.With the guidance of other agency professionals, Sarah challenges the notion that agency success correlates with size, limiting her clients to four. Her focused, strategic approach echoes the value of staying small and niche. Like a video game player who is a “button-masher,” Sarah goes into a new client’s Google Ad account and pushes every button. She will find the settings and patterns to optimize an account through her own discovery.

    Episode Links:

    Kirk Williams EpisodeKirk Williams Book - Stop the ScaleAkvile’s recommendation: Jasper AISarah Stemen LLC Sarah’s SocialsLinkedInX/TwitterInstagramTikTok

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    Interested in Digital Marketing Services, Careers, or Courses? Check out more from the TDMM Family: - Full Service Digital Marketing Agency specializing in SEO, PPC, Paid Social, and Lead Generation efforts for established B2C and B2B businesses and organizations. - Digital Marketing online education and course platform. ODEO gives you solid digital marketing knowledge to launch/boost your career or understand your business’s digital marketing strategy.
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    On this special Office Hours episode, we are talking with Tracy about making a grand career change. After nearly a decade of working, after achieving a doctorate in physical therapy, Tracy transitioned to freelance work in marketing. Listen in to hear how she faced the questions, both from others and herself, the imposter syndrome, and the challenges of starting a new career.

    An Optidge "Office Hours" Episode

    Our Office Hours episodes are your go-to for details, how-to’s, and advice on specific marketing topics. Join our fellow Optidge team members, and sometimes even 1:1 teachings from Danny himself, in these shorter, marketing-focused episodes every few weeks. Get ready to get marketing!

    Episode Highlights

    Tracy, a physical therapy director, felt unfulfilled and anxious in her 9-5 healthcare job. Pandemic uncertainties pushed her to transition to digital marketing, finding solace in ODEO's tailored support for career shifts. Leaving her secure job, Tracy navigated through a grieving process for her previous profession. And despite missing in-office friendships, she found new camaraderie in the dynamic world of digital marketing.Tracy challenges the notion of university degrees as essential for marketing. ODEO, with its tailored support, exemplifies how knowledge and training are more accessible today. Soft skills from diverse backgrounds seamlessly translate into digital marketing.Tracy's transition from a corporate salary to freelancing involved careful financial planning. She embraced a mindset shift, starting a few rungs lower on the career ladder, valuing service and adding value. Imposter syndrome is tackled through accountability and recognizing growth.

    Episode Links:

    Tracy’s LinkedInOptidge Website

    Follow The Digital Marketing Mentor:

    Website and Blog: Instagram: @thedmmentor Linkedin: @thedmmentor YouTube: @thedmmentor

    Interested in Digital Marketing Services, Careers, or Courses? Check out more from the TDMM Family: - Full Service Digital Marketing Agency specializing in SEO, PPC, Paid Social, and Lead Generation efforts for established B2C and B2B businesses and organizations. - Digital Marketing online education and course platform. ODEO gives you solid digital marketing knowledge to launch/boost your career or understand your business’s digital marketing strategy.
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    Venture on Vicky Charleston's transformative journey from art student to corporate leader. Uncover the profound impact of mentors, familial wisdom, and the challenges of breaking biases in the corporate realm. Explore the multi-chromatic blend of creativity and analytics in her digital marketing odyssey, proving that artistry and strategy can coalesce seamlessly.

    Episode Highlights

    Vicky Charleston's journey from abstract art studies at the University of Houston to graphic design success is marked by academic achievements, including a selective entry into the junior block of the graphic design program. She remembers this accomplishment to this day if she ever doubts herself. Vicky's father, a strict military man with artistic insight, instilled valuable life lessons in his children throughout their whole lives. His encouragement, overcoming humble beginnings, motivated her through doubts. The mantra "never be afraid to ask" remains a guiding principle in her life. Vicky emphasizes the impact of mentors throughout her career, acknowledging those who invested in her growth. She reciprocates by mentoring others, emphasizing honesty, listening, and empathy as essential mentorship qualities.As a woman of color in leadership, Vicky gracefully navigates biases and challenges in organizations. She highlights the importance of representation for younger people of color, and her education through Optidge’s ODEO digital marketing program broadened her digital marketing knowledge, proving the value of diverse skill sets.

    Episode Links:

    Vicky’s LinkedIn

    Follow The Digital Marketing Mentor:

    Website and Blog: Instagram: @thedmmentor Linkedin: @thedmmentor YouTube: @thedmmentor

    Interested in Digital Marketing Services, Careers, or Courses? Check out more from the TDMM Family: - Full Service Digital Marketing Agency specializing in SEO, PPC, Paid Social, and Lead Generation efforts for established B2C and B2B businesses and organizations. - Digital Marketing online education and course platform. ODEO gives you solid digital marketing knowledge to launch/boost your career or understand your business’s digital marketing strategy.
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    Explore the dynamic world of social media advertising with Joseph Wolf, Optidge’s Head of Paid Social. From diverse campaign strategies to understanding audience behaviors, uncover the importance of quality over quantity and the nuances of tracking for optimal results. Join us as we debunk common myths and gain insights into crafting effective social media campaigns.

    An Optidge "Office Hours" Episode

    Our Office Hours episodes are your go-to for details, how-to’s, and advice on specific marketing topics. Join our fellow Optidge team members, and sometimes even 1:1 teachings from Danny himself, in these shorter, marketing-focused episodes every few weeks. Get ready to get marketing!

    Episode Highlights

    Joseph Wolf's passion for marketing ignited in high school, leading him from a marketing degree at St. Edward’s University to honing analytical skills in business intelligence. His career journey and expertise truly bloomed at Optidge.Contrary to common advice from big media buyers and Meta reps, diversification is crucial for effective advertising, especially in low-budget scenarios. Joe advocates varied campaigns, content, and audience targeting to achieve success without massive spending.Dispelling the myth of broad targeting success, Joe emphasizes diversification in demographics, regions, interests, and creative. Backup audiences play a vital role, ensuring sustained success as specific audiences may lose efficacy over time.Optidge's approach prioritizes lead quality over quantity. Joe recommends focusing on the relationship between CPL and lead quality, leveraging diverse campaigns, and testing creatively to achieve success in the evolving landscape of paid social advertising.

    Episode Links

    Joseph’s LinkedInOptidge Website

    For the full list of episode links, visit our main page.

    Follow The Digital Marketing Mentor:

    Website and Blog: Instagram: @thedmmentor Linkedin: @thedmmentor YouTube: @thedmmentor

    Interested in Digital Marketing Services, Careers, or Courses? Check out more from the TDMM Family: - Full Service Digital Marketing Agency specializing in SEO, PPC, Paid Social, and Lead Generation efforts for established B2C and B2B businesses and organizations. - Digital Marketing online education and course platform. ODEO gives you solid digital marketing knowledge to launch/boost your career or understand your business’s digital marketing strategy.