
  • A few weeks ago I alluded to changes with the Down and Dirty Podcast so today I’m here to discuss what’s next for Celeste Moore Image and how you can follow along on my new adventures.

    Tune in and then DM me on Instagram @celestemooreimage and share your favorite episode of the podcast so we can end the show on a high note.

    In this week’s episode we discuss:

    [01:24] Why I’m focusing more on image consulting than being a dating coach going forward

    [02:03] Unveiling my new target market as an image consultant

    [02:39] How I can help you uplevel your brand

    [03:41] My mission as an image consultant

    [05:45] How I use the 4x4 system to find your perfect colors

    [7:15] What’s on the horizon for the Celeste Moore Image brand

  • Have you ever wondered how truly to elevate your sex life and navigate the tricky dynamics of desire in today's world? In today’s episode, we are joined by certified sex therapist Dr. Kate Balestrieri for an episode around sexual communication, consent, and sex education! Join us as Kate shares practical tips to improve your sex life including ways to give constructive feedback after a sexual experience, the opt-in or opt-out approach, and ways to communicate your sexual needs and desires – because a healthier sex life starts with communication!

    This conversation is a reminder that expanding your pleasure potential improves not only your sex life but your life in general. Tune in and then tag us with your biggest takeaway on Instagram @celetemooreimage.

    In this week’s episode, we discuss:

    [01:32] About Dr. Kate Balestrieri

    [02:21] What inspired Kate to specialize in sex therapy

    [05:08] Effective communication techniques for couples to express their sexual needs and desires

    [07:57] Using the “sandwich method” for giving constructive feedback

    [11:08] Scheduling in time for the “possibility” of sex

    [12:52] Women are more depleted than men

    [17:28] The most common psychological & emotional barriers that prevent people from their pleasure potential

    [21:01] Why men often get stuck in isolation

    [24:27] The importance of consent and setting boundaries

    [28:02] Taking an opt-in or opt-out approach

    [33:39] What is the relationship between physical, mental, emotional, and sexual health?

    [35:45] Using sex as a coping strategy for stress

    [39:52] How can better education impact sexual satisfaction and safety?

    [42:10] Teaching children about consent and boundaries

    [45:01] The positive and negative impact of technology on sexual intimacy

    Connect with Kate:





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  • Dr. Deepa Macha, owner & master injector of CosMedic LaserMD joins us today for a powerful conversation around redefining midlife dating & entrepreneurship. In this episode, Deepa shares with us how taking care of our “outer self” can boost our internal confidence, how divorce impacted her healing journey, and what it means to have a man be the “provider.” If you are dating in midlife, this episode will show you just how beautiful it can be.

    Remember that how you feel on the outside can have a direct impact on your dating, personal, and business life – so if you’re ready to embrace transformation, tune in!

    In this week’s episode, we discuss:

    [01:23] About Dr. Deepa Macha

    [02:20] What inspired Deepa to get into aesthetic medicine

    [08:16] Do men care about skincare?

    [10:24] Taking a holistic approach to aesthetics & looking your best

    [11:25] The importance of taking care of yourself

    [13:59] Pivoting from traditional medicine to aesthetic medicine

    [16:32] How divorce impacted Deepa

    [22:55] Focusing on your future & the beauty of midlife dating

    [27:21] “Men need to provide a safe space for women to be in their feminine”

    [36:38] A new innovative treatment for skin, hair, and chronic pain

    Connect with Deepa:




  • Have you ever asked yourself “How can I receive more of what I desire?” If so, this is the episode for you! This week we are joined by mindset coach Carrie Veatch for an episode all about magnetizing your desires by improving your mindset. Throughout this episode, Carrie poses powerful questions and gives us her top tips that you can implement today to start living your dream life. Join us as we discuss the importance of taking action (even when we are terrified), the impact of creating smaller goals, and what it means to tap into the “feeling state.”

    This episode is a reminder that mindset work is not just a “woo-woo” practice – it can truly change your entire life. Ready to get everything you desire? Tune in!

    In this week’s episode, we discuss:

    [01:39] About Carrie Veatch

    [02:27] Why Carrie Veatch became a mindset coach

    [03:40] What are you afraid of? – two powerful questions to ask yourself

    [08:51] Our beliefs allow us to take actions

    [10:52] Getting comfortable with being uncomfortable

    [13:28] Mindset work should be a daily practice – keep it simple!

    [16:37] Celebrate the small victories

    [19:05] Using journaling, voice notes, and video to record wins

    [20:31] The importance of tapping into the “feeling state”

    [25:19] You need to take action toward your desires

    [27:35] Simplifying the process – creating smaller goals

    [31:10] Being willing to hear feedback

    [35:12] Ask yourself this question: “Where do I stop myself?” & don’t be afraid to ask for help!

    [37:38] How to have the life that you truly desire

    [39:23] A fun way to call in your desires – writing a letter to your future self

    Connect with Carrie:



    Free Guide

  • Do you desire to step into your fullest potential but feel held back by past traumas? If so, you aren’t alone. Today we are joined by men’s coach Jason Ward for a conversation around the power of seeking support & rewiring your brain. Jason openly shares his vulnerable story and the struggles that he had overcome to become the man he is today. Join us as Celeste and Jason discuss the stigma around men’s mental health and practices they can use to help maintain their emotional health.

    Even if you are battling your darkest days, this episode shows us that it is possible to emerge from this darkness and thrive. Jason reminds us that there are many other modalities, aside from therapy, that can help in this process. Please don’t hesitate to reach out for support if needed.

    In this week’s episode, we discuss:

    [01:30] About Jason Ward

    [03:57] How Jason’s parent’s divorce impacted him

    [09:04] The turning point that led Jason to seek therapy

    [12:49] The different healing modalities that have helped Jason

    [16:25] The stigma around men seeking support

    [19:27] Dropping into your heart and being vulnerable

    [22:26] It is possible to get through dark times

    [26:51] Daily practices that men can do to maintain their emotional health

    [30:19] The impact of rewiring your brain

    [34:42] Jason’s favorite date

    [39:10] Therapy can be slow – there may be more effective modalities for you

    Connect with Jason:


  • Trauma-informed relationship coach Yvonne Rake joins us this week for a deep conversation around navigating triggers, trauma, and living out our desires. Whether you are looking to attract a different type of partner or you are interested in inner work, this episode has something for everyone! Yvonne shares with us the top reasons why women cannot find their perfect partner, how we can figure out our triggers, and why we need to do the “deeper work” if we want to manifest our desires.

    Yvonne’s story showcases what can happen when we dig deep, get vulnerable, and improve our self-worth. She reminds us that this work is a journey that takes consistent daily practice but in time, you’ll look back and see how far you’ve come! Tune in and then share with us your biggest takeaway on Instagram @celestemooreimage.

    In this week’s episode, we discuss:

    [01:31] About Yvonne Rake

    [03:13] What led Yvonne to become a life coach?

    [08:28] The importance of sharing our stories

    [11:29] Just because something is familiar does not mean it is healthy

    [13:32] Reasons why women can’t find their perfect partner

    [16:42] Breaking the habit of “doing” to receive

    [19:29] Seeking validation from our partners

    [21:18] Does receiving ever get easier for women?

    [23:55] How to figure out what your triggers are

    [27:26] The protective mechanism of anger

    [32:39] The power of human connection

    [37:24] Practice getting vulnerable

    [41:01] What is trauma?

    [43:16] How can we heal trauma?

    [45:19] Manifesting desires - we also need to do the deeper work

    [48:04] Recognizing our power & getting clear on what we want

    [50:19] Manifestation takes daily work & commitment

    [53:03] Yvonne’s favorite date

    Connect with Yvonne:

    “Deeply Connected” course




    Episode with Celeste

  • Many of us want to live an intentional life aligned with our passions and purpose – yet we still find ourselves burnt out, bored, and going through the motions. Today’s guest, John R. Miles, was no different. But by intentionally choosing a different path, his life completely changed. Join us as John outlines the importance of understanding our mental limits and boundaries, how to spot the “invisible” influences that take us off track, and the biggest regret that most people have toward the end of their lives.

    Although it may not happen overnight, being consistently dedicated to your vision can help you ignite your most intentional life. We all have the ability to craft our lives in the exact way we want to. Make sure to tune in for some life-changing wisdom and tools to help you along the way!

    In this week’s episode, we discuss:

    [01:33] About John R. Miles

    [04:23] It is never too late to live the life you want to live

    [06:10] Why are so many people burnt out and bored?

    [09:17] What led John to “break free from the matrix”

    [15:51] Changing societal and family patterns

    [17:30] The impact of seeking support from a life coach, therapist, or career coach

    [19:23] The importance of addressing our trauma – change does not happen overnight

    [24:47] About John’s book, “Passion Struck”

    [27:48] Marc Benioff’s story – being consumed and committed to our vision

    [30:30] Being intentional about the life you are trying to achieve

    [32:11] The impact of changing how we look at things

    [35:20] The invisible influences then can detour us from our track - the “three different mosquitos” analogy

    [41:29] Understanding our emotional & mental limits and boundaries

    [45:46] The most important person you will ever meet is yourself

    [49:08] John’s favorite date

    Connect with John:




  • We all know that self-confidence is the key to success but do you know what it takes to exude that confidence? Today I am giving you 15 tips on how you can improve your confidence including embracing failure, staying informed on industry-specific topics, speaking with authority, and improving your body language & style.

    Whether you are an entrepreneur, CEO, C-suite executive, or aspire to advance in your career, this episode is for you! Tune in and make sure to share your favorite tip with me over on Instagram @celestemooreimage.

    In this week’s episode we discuss:

    [02:02] Dressing for success

    [04:09] Master the art of speaking concisely & clearly

    [05:13] Prepare relentlessly

    [06:06] Control your body language

    [08:25] Positively visualize successful outcomes

    [09:40] Embrace failure as a stepping stone

    [10:27] Cultivate emotional intelligence

    [11:10] Stay informed to speak on industry-relevant topics

    [11:49] Network strategically

    [13:02] Keep a confidence journal

    [13:56] Practice mindfulness and stress management

    [15:09] Set small achievable goals

    [15:24] Learn how to actively listen

    [16:22] Speak with authority

    [16:49] Never stop learning - the more self-growth, the more confidence

    [17:23] Surround yourself with people who are more successful people than you

  • Wondering how you can have more success and fun in your dating life? Today we are joined by men’s dating coach Harry Wilmington for a conversation around topics such as texting do’s and don’ts, how to move from a dating app to a date, and the importance of taking the lead as a man. This conversation reminds us of the importance of having confidence in dating and why leaving a little bit of anticipation and mystery is the key to building attraction.

    Celeste and Harry even dive into why it is important to keep your space clean and organized - because how you take care of yourself will reflect on how you take care of your date! This episode is a must-listen for anyone who is looking to improve their dating game.

    In this week’s episode, we discuss:

    [01:24] About Harry Wilmington

    [02:47] How Harry started helping introverted men

    [07:34] Texting etiquette, advice, and mistakes

    [13:33] The importance of building anticipation & leaving a bit of mystery

    [19:45] Men are on a faster timeline than women

    [24:53] Why it’s important to ask the woman you are talking to on a dating app on a date

    [27:07] Women want men to lead and plan dates

    [32:38] The impact of confidence in dating

    [34:28] Dating should be fun

    [38:20] Bringing awareness to your patterns

    [45:52] Women do not want the pressure to be perfect

    [48:36] The importance of keeping your place clean and organized

    [54:27] Embrace the differences between men and women - learning how to communicate

    [56:42] Recognizing and understanding our triggers

    [1:01:16] Harry’s favorite date

    Connect with Harry:

    “3 Nice Guy Dating Patterns” Webinar




  • In this week’s episode, I tackle your questions regarding image, sex, and dating! Whether you are wondering what your partner desires in bed or you are looking for ways to handle rejection - this episode is full of valuable advice and insights.

    Make sure to rate and review if you love the podcast and reach out and tell us your thoughts about the Q&A over on Instagram @celestemooreimage!

    In this week’s episode we discuss:

    [01:30] Question 1: (Dan) - How important is confidence and how do I build it?

    [03:35] Question 2: (Ron) - What are the signs that a date is going well?

    [05:08] Question 3: (Josh) - How can I understand what my partner wants in bed?

    [07:15] Question 4: (John) - What are effective ways to handle rejection?

    [09:03] Question 5: (Jack) - How can technology enhance my dating life?

    [11:11] Question 6: (Jim) - What are some myths around masculinity?

    [13:52] Question 7: (Matt) - How can I maintain a healthy relationship during stressful times?

    [16:03] Question 8: (Noah) - How to keep the spark alive in a long-term relationship?

  • Looking for ways to improve your sex life? Today we are joined by Certified Erotic Blueprint Coach, Laurie Love to talk about how to use the erotic blueprints for better sex and more pleasure! Join us as she shares a breakdown of the five types, the importance of thinking beyond penetrative sex, and how we can all meet our sexual needs - no sacrifice needed.

    Whether you're single, dating, or in a relationship, there's much pleasure to be discovered through the erotic blueprints and a lot of fun to be had! Make sure to take the in-depth quiz and tune in to this week’s fun and juicy episode.

    In this week’s episode, we discuss:

    [01:39] About Laurie Love

    [04:50] What led Lauri to the erotic blueprints

    [09:59] The five erotic blueprint types

    [13:44] Using the erotic blueprints to release judgment of ourselves and each other

    [15:26] The importance of feeling safe in a relationship

    [20:09] Thinking beyond penetrative sex

    [22:47] Exploring our erotic blueprints with a partner or by ourselves

    [25:07] The sex communication checklist

    [25:42] How to meet a partner in a blueprint - there is no sacrificing needed

    [31:00] The stigma around sexual satisfaction

    [35:28] Healthy sex education and the erotic blueprints

    [40:39] About the erotic blueprint breakthrough program

    [44:04] Laurie’s favorite date

    Connect with Laurie:



  • Did you know that men in their midlife are less likely to practice mindfulness, but are among those who can benefit from it the most? Many men were not taught to be mindful, yet will become more stressed if they do not learn how to practice mindfulness. Today I am sharing why mindfulness is important and how it can improve everything from your health to relationships. I also give you tools you can use to calm your nervous system and be more present in your day-to-day life.

    If you find your mind racing or you’re unable to take a moment to breathe, this episode is for you. Make sure to share with me your favorite mindfulness tools over on Instagram @celestemooreimage!

    In this week’s episode we discuss:

    [01:22] Men are less likely to practice mindfulness

    [01:54] Coping mechanisms in midlife

    [02:40] How can we practice mindfulness?

    [04:37] Mindfulness can improve our relationships

    [06:10] Different apps to help you with mindfulness

    [07:46] Tools that you can use to self-regulate

    [11:00] The impact of taking a moment to breathe

    [12:03] Other ways to bring mindfulness into your life

    [13:37] Share your experience with me on Instagram @celestemooreimage

  • Sharing our stories is not just impactful and healing for us but for everyone around us as well. Using the power of our voice creates change and allows others to feel less alone in what they are going through.

    Award-winning reporter, copywriter, and storyteller, Jackie Tempera, joins us today to share her vulnerable story around sexual assault and her involvement in the “Me Too” movement. This episode is full of insight around sexual trauma - including how to navigate dating after the fact. Jackie also gives us tips on crafting the perfect dating profile and shares the biggest texting red flags.

    It is okay to go at your own pace with vulnerability and this episode is a reminder that when we can be more empathetic towards one another, it allows for deeper relationships and more understanding. If you have been a victim of sexual assault or harassment, know that you are not alone and there is support out there as you navigate healing.

    In this week’s episode, we discuss:

    [01:33] About Jackie Tempera

    [03:45] How Jackie started her storytelling business

    [08:11] Jackie’s involvement in the “Me Too” movement

    [13:45] Harassment in the workplace & sexual assault

    [18:01] Bringing awareness to sexual trauma

    [21:33] Our body’s protection mechanisms

    [26:33] Dating after trauma

    [29:57] Advice for successful dating

    [38:00] Creating a dating profile bio

    [42:21] Texting red flags

    [48:36] One of Jackie’s favorite dates

    Connect with Jackie:



    “Saucy Copy” E-Book

  • We’ve all heard people talk about having a midlife crisis, but what if midlife could be a positive time to reinvent yourself instead? Today I am sharing how midlife can actually be a significant chapter of growth & realignment and how you can navigate these changes successfully. Remember gentlemen, midlife is the time to reshape your life into one that brings you the most happiness and fulfillment.

    Tune in and then DM me on Instagram @celestemooreimage to tell me the one step you will take this week toward your most fulfilling life!

    In this week’s episode we discuss:

    [02:00] What comes to mind when you think about a midlife crisis?

    [02:48] Midlife is a significant chapter of growth and realignment

    [04:28] What does midlife look like for men?

    [05:52] Analyze the different areas of your life

    [07:52] Embrace the journey and reach out for support

    [10:27] Prioritize your health

    [11:52] Reignite your passions & set new goals

    [14:38] “Midlife isn’t a crisis to be managed”

  • If you’re struggling with limiting beliefs, shame around sexual exploration, or stepping outside of your comfort zone - you aren’t alone. This week we are joined by transformational life coach, Tony Endelman for a conversation around the power that we hold to make a difference in our lives. Join us as we dive into the male loneliness epidemic, why support is key in dissolving shame, and exercises to overcome anxiety and depression.

    If you can relate to feeling lost and unfulfilled, this episode will inspire you to create the life you want!

    In this week’s episode, we discuss:

    [01:29] About Tony Endelman

    [04:02] How Tony became a transformational life coach

    [10:49] Examining your behavior

    [14:59] “How to not be the biggest fucking downer on the planet”

    [18:42] Exercises to overcome anxiety or depression

    [23:45] Letting go of attachment & dealing with rejection

    [30:00] Get outside of your comfort zone

    [31:51] Shame around sexual exploration

    [39:57] Tony’s “Integrated Man University”

    [43:26] The impact of enmeshment on loneliness

    [46:28] “Most men are taught from a young age how to please a woman”

    [50:14] Moving beyond societal pressures

    [55:21] One of Tony’s favorite dates

    Connect with Tony:


    “The Big Stick”

  • The myth that self-care is not masculine could not be further from the truth. Self-care is essential for your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. In this episode, I am breaking down what self-care entails and five actionable steps that you can use today. I want to remind you that self-care not only benefits you but also helps to improve all of your relationships. Caring for yourself does not diminish your strength, it amplifies it.

    It is time to prioritize yourself, gentlemen - so tune in and then DM me on Instagram @celestemooreimage with a self-care step that you took away from this episode!

    In this week’s episode we discuss:

    [02:16] Men’s mental well-being

    [05:30] The importance of physical health

    [06:58] Building emotional strength

    [07:59] Self-care is non-negotiable

    [09:50] Find an activity that keeps you moving and stick with it

    [11:25] Using mindfulness and meditation

    [12:21] The importance of healthy nutrition

    [13:18] Focus on your hobbies and interests

    [14:20] Seek support from others

    [14:58] Self-care positively impacts all of your relationships

  • Certified Intimacy, Sex, and Relationship Guide Andre Lazarus joins us this week for a conversation around building deeper intimacy within our relationships. This conversation highlights the nuances within intimacy and why it takes a willingness to explore what it means to each one of us. Andre also shares his definition of sex, erotic desire, and what it means to be multisexual. Celeste and Andre even get into how BDSM goes beyond pain & pleasure and why we need to have open communication around our boundaries and limits.

    This episode is a reminder of the importance of enjoying experiences with the people who mean the most to us. If you’re looking to become a better lover, develop deeper intimacy within your life, and tap into your unique desires - make sure to tune in!

    In this week’s episode, we discuss:

    [01:25] About Andre Lazarus

    [03:53] How Andre became an intimacy and sex coach

    [07:25] What is a multisexual?

    [10:52] Andre’s definition of sex

    [12:51] Intimacy is more than just physical connection

    [20:18] What is erotic desire?

    [26:44] Ways to explore BDSM

    [31:48] Communication, boundaries, and hard limits

    [35:12] How can men become better lovers?

    [40:01] Both people’s pleasure matters in a relationship

    [42:36] It’s never too late to be happy or to try something new

    [46:45] “Sometimes people just want to be heard”

    [48:26] Andre’s favorite date

    Connect with Andre:



    “Talented Lover” Course

  • We have been getting Down and Dirty for two years and it’s time for some exciting changes! I have been leveling up in my career as a dating coach and Image Consultant and want to help you elevate your life with new topics and different guests. Tune in this week as I share all about the podcast rebrand I am thinking about making. And don’t worry, we will still be talking about sex!

    Tune in and then DM me on Instagram @celestemooreimage with any feedback or guests that you would love to have on the podcast!

    In this week’s episode we discuss:

    [01:24] Pivots and shifts I am making in my business

    [02:45] How can we help to elevate each other?

    [03:54] The importance of leveling up in life

    [04:49] This podcast is a place of value and vulnerability

    [06:01] I would love your feedback - send me a DM on Instagram

  • We all know that dating has its challenges but our guest today reminds us of how fun and successful it can be when you have the right tools! Garin Flowers, entertainment reporter and stand-up comedian, joins us today for a conversation around romantic date ideas, the pros and cons of dating checklists, and why men need to leave a little bit of mystery to build a stronger connection. Garin also reminds us to be careful about the ways we talk about dating because our words manifest into our reality.

    Whether you are struggling with dating, want to spice up your long-term relationship, or want tips to make your dating life more successful, this is a conversation that everyone can benefit from!

    In this week’s episode, we discuss:

    [01:33] About Garin Flowers

    [03:06] How to get cast on The Bachelorette

    [08:19] Romantic date ideas

    [13:09] Leveling yourself up in life

    [17:12] What are some key components of successful dating?

    [20:41] The pros and cons of dating lists

    [26:05] Getting to know someone before sleeping with them

    [28:43] Leaving a little bit of mystery

    [32:56] Women pursuing men is a turn-on

    [35:28] Why are people still ghosting?

    [39:15] Being a “master first dater” and building genuine connections

    [43:13] Great first-date ideas

    [47:33] What to talk about on a date

    [50:13] Tricks for men who aren’t good at first dates

    [52:30] Using “this or that” or “would you rather questions” on a second date

    [54:39] Garin’s favorite date

    [56:23] More great date ideas

    Connect with Garin:



  • Working with an image consultant is so much more than just personal style. I have seen people gain confidence and improve their personal and professional lives all by using the tools I have shared with them as a certified image consultant! Join me today as I share the differences between a personal stylist and an image consultant, why a holistic approach matters, and the benefits of color analysis. We all want to become the best version of ourselves and working with an image consultant can help you do just that!

    In this week’s episode we discuss:

    [01:50] The differences between a personal stylist and an image consultant

    [09:07] The importance of a color analysis

    [13:04] Image consultants impact personal satisfaction, confidence, and professional success

    [14:47] Image consulting can lead to improved interpersonal relationships, higher self-esteem, better first impressions, and better lasting impressions

    [15:35] Image consultants have a holistic approach