
  • Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti

    How To Get Your Ex Back & Make Her Regret Leaving You! ( I WANT Him Back!!)

    Do you want your Ex back?

    Do you want to show her you have genuinely changed?

    If you want to know how to grab your ex’s attention and rekindle your relationship with her, this podcast is for you! In today’s podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti is joined by special guest Alex Cormont, a renowned Love Coach and dating expert. Together, they will guide you on how to win back your ex and make her regret leaving.

    Apollonia and Alex understand that winning back your ex can be an emotionally and physically challenging experience.

    With the help of Coach Alex Cormont's guidance, they'll not only share strategies for getting your ex back but also help you shift your mindset about the breakup, delve into the root causes, and explore what to do if reconciliation isn’t possible.

    So, if you're ready to show your ex that you've truly changed and are determined to win her back, this is the episode for you!

    Key points in this episode:

    0:33 - Apollonia and Alex talk about how to make an Ex regret leaving you. 1:45 - Why do you want to get back with your ex? What is the reason? 2:48 - Understanding the breakup. What was the reason why did you two break up? 3:26 - What are some things you can do now to try to get with her? Alex explains. 4:06 - Alex’s dating methods of the ‘7 Why’s’. 5:28 - Change as a person. Level yourself up before jumping back into the relationship. 6:19 - Mindset change. If your mindset has not changed, your ex will notice it. 8:46 - Dont go out dating women immediately; instead, try to improve your interactions. Alex explains how social value is essential for a man. 10:40 - Invest in your appearance. It might be losing weight or getting a new wardrobe. You will need to be curious to pique their interest. 13:07 - Never talk about the past relationship. When you are talking to your ex for the first time, men always bring up the problem in their past relationships. Instead of making it a main focus, try to create a solution.

    "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!"

  • Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti

    Once a Woman Loses Respect For You THIS Happens...(Don't Let This Be You!)

    Do you feel your partner is becoming distant?

    Do you feel that she is more annoyed than happy when she’s around with you?

    If you want to know if your partner is starting to lose respect for you, this podcast episode is just for you! In today's podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti explores why a woman may lose respect for her partner and how to recognize the signs before it's too late.

    Apollonia understands the challenges of maintaining a long-term relationship and men’s frustration when their partner starts acting differently or becoming distant.

    With Apollonia’s help, you will understand why she is losing respect for you, how to know if she is, and finally earn that respect back.

    So, if you are ready to be respected by your partner again, stop her from losing respect for you. Then this is the episode for you!

    Key points in this episode:

    0:33 - Why a woman is losing respect for you? 1:26 - You’re not sticking to your word. Do you promise or say things you wanted to do but never go through with it? This might be one of the reasons why she is losing respect for you. 2:20 - Woman base their attraction on feeling emotionally safe. Remember this. 3:46 - Addictions. Unhealthy addictions to drugs, porn, etc. This unhealthy behavior will make her lose respect for you. 4:36 - Being extremely cheap. Apollonia explains the difference between being within your budget vs being cheap. 6:22 - You’re not incating sex. You no longer try to have an active sex life. 7:15 - Intimacy started to disappear. This is one of many signs that she is beginning to lose respect for you. 8:59 - She is always trying to belittle you. If she is constantly annoyed and talking down on you, this is a big sign. 9:58 - Everything you say is wrong. In her eyes, you’re failing at something; she is in a constant state of annoyance. 10:54 - The three C’s. Apollonia explains what they are and their importance in the relationship. 12:08 - What are the things you lost sight of? Who am I without her? Why did you want a relationship with her? Ask yourself this. 14:08 - Choosing the woman that is bad for you. It might be your self-esteem is why you choose an unavailable woman. Take time to find the right partner.

    "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!"

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  • Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti

    How To Never Be Cheated On: 7 Crucial Tips To Cheat-Proof Your Relationship!

    Do you find yourself constantly being cheated on in the relationship?

    Do you always seem to date a woman who ends up cheating on you, and you dont know why?

    If you want to start knowing why you are constantly cheated on and want a woman who is as loyal as you are, then this podcast is for you. In this episode, Apollonia Ponti shares insights on how to avoid infidelity in relationships and become a magnet for success.

    Apollonia recognizes that many men hesitate to speak up about cheating or may excuse their partner's behavior more often than women do.

    With Apollonia’s help, she explains why infidelity occurs and offers strategies to prevent it. She will guide you on a journey of personal growth, attract a high-quality woman, and take your dating life back with confidence.

    So, if you are ready to find a woman who is ready for commitment as you are, then this is the podcast for you!

    Key points in this episode:

    0:31 - How to never be cheated on! 1:16 - Constant cheating in your relationships is a sign that you’re not being careful about who you date. 2:33 - Relationships are lessons, never mistakes. It means taking control of your life. 3:45 - Have personal power. What is your purpose? Your ambition? is to have a good job? or be a father? You will attract the wrong woman when you lack a strong sense of self-worth. 5:28 - Strong values. Have standards for the woman you date. 6:50 - What makes you feel safe in a relationship? Ask this yourself. 7:46 - For a woman to trust a man in a relationship, she must feel safe. This applies to man as well. 8:18 - To avoid being cheated on, stay firm on your values. Don’t break your values for a woman who doesn’t meet yours. 9:25 - Apollonia gives a metaphoric example of a substantial value in a man. 10:19 - Have demands. Do you want a long-term relationship? Want marriage? Say that to her loud and clear. 11:56 - If you know what you are looking for, you will be better off from the men who will take anyone. 12:33 - What is your attachment? Apollonia explains what it is.

    "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!"

  • Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti

    Signs She's Ready To Sleep With You (6 Hidden Cues She Wants More)

    Do you sometimes think the woman you’re dating wants to be intimate?

    Do you want to know if she even wants to sleep with you?

    If you want to know when the woman you’re dating wants to be intimate without her saying it, this is the podcast for you! In today's podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti will discuss the signs that indicate a woman is ready to be intimate with you, highlighting six hidden cues.

    Apollonia understands that it can be challenging for men to recognize when a woman wants to take things to the next level.

    With Apollonia's expert guidance, you'll learn the secrets to identifying when a woman is ready for a more intimate connection. This will empower you to respond confidently to these cues. Finally, let her chase you.

    So, if you are ready to be intimate with a woman without saying it, then this is the episode for you!

    Key points in this episode:

    0:34 - Signs She's Ready To Sleep With You. 1:03 - Having serious talks. She will want to know what you see in her if you want something serious. 2:00 - Asking for you to get tested. Asking about your sex life and past, she is planning out whether or not to be intimate with you. 3:05 - The way she looks at you, her constant eye contact, and the way she leans into you are signs that she wants to take you to the next level (but it doesn’t mean she will go all the way). 4:06 - Doing foreplay with you. This is a healthy way she will start to initiate. 5:16 - Why do women choose who to sleep with more than a man? Apollonia explains why. 7:03 - Show her that you want to be with her without wanting to sleep with her is a big, attractive move. 8:05 - The right woman will not judge you based on your past but on how you are now. A woman like this will help you thrive in life.

    "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!"

  • Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti

    8 EXACT Reasons Some Women Cheat! (Don't Let This Happen To You)

    Do you wonder why you got cheated on?

    Do you feel like a fool being in a relationship with a cheater?

    If you ever wondered why your current or past partner cheated on you and want to know the signs, this is the podcast episode for you! In today's podcast, Apollonia Ponti will share eight reasons why some women cheat and how to prevent it from happening to you.

    Apollonia understands that cheating is unacceptable in any relationship.

    But Apollonia will delve into the emotional and physical aspects of infidelity. She will reveal the harsh truths about why your past or current partner may have cheated.

    She will identify the signs of potential infidelity, helping you save time and emotional pain for a woman who doesn’t deserve you.

    So, if you’re ready to move on from your partner cheating or ready to know the signs of cheating and prevent it from happening again, then this is the podcast episode for you!

    Key points in this episode:

    0:35 - Reasons why women cheat. Apollonia starts here. 1:16 - A woman will cheat if she is emotionally unfulfilled by you. The attraction from a woman is always in the lines of respect. Are you genuinely respecting her? 3:00 - Often, she tries to reconnect with you emotionally. If she is unable, she will emotionally cheat. 4:39 - Calculated values. In more transactional relationships, she relies on your money and uses her beauty to get what she wants. She had superficial needs; if unmet, she would look for someone else. 5:41 - The emotionally and physically abusive woman. Apollonia explains the hidden abusive tendencies that you might overlook from a woman. 6:55 - Look into their communication. Is she always trying to be always right and not letting you talk? 8:10 - Addictions. Sometimes, woman uses their substance abuse and often blame their cheating tendencies because of their addictions. 9:52 - Lack of attention. A woman who wants attention 24/7 doesn’t mean she is highly valued. This stems from the values and needs in the relationship. 11:21 - When you dont work through the relationship troubles. It’s a ticking time bomb. 12:00 - Sexual deprivation. When was the time did you or your partner have sex? Often, women will turn to cheating when there is a lack of sex in the relationship.

    "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!"

  • Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti

    The Dark Side Of Attraction For Men! (EXPOSING The #1 Trait Men's Attraction Curse)

    Do you find dating a woman to be difficult?

    Do you always seem to date a woman who is only after your money?

    If you always find yourself in situations where the woman you’re dating can care less whether or not you’re present in the relationship. This is a sign that you’re going about dating wrong and heading down a path that will prevent you from finding high-quality women. But how do you start to find a high-quality woman? In today's podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti will discuss "The Dark Side of Attraction for Men," revealing the number one trait behind men's attraction struggles.

    Apollonia understands that navigating the dating scene is challenging for women but even more so for men.

    With her guidance, Apollonia will teach men to become highly valued individuals who view themselves as equals to beautiful women. She emphasizes that allowing beauty and sex to dominate a relationship inevitably leads to unhappiness.

    So, if you’re ready to break that habit and start dating a woman who shares your values and dates for commitment and not for money, then this is the podcast episode for you!

    Key points in this episode:

    1:01 - How much do you prioritize sex and beauty? 2:38 - Letting beauty and sex rule your relationship will always lead to unhappiness. 3:38 - A highly valued man will see themselves at the same level as a beautiful woman. 4:43 - How you choose your relationships will make you a high valued man. Apollonia explains why. 5:40 - A highly successful man thinks they will get a beautiful woman if they have money. Although true, never date a highly valued woman. 6:34 - A high-quality woman will want to be part of your life. 8:01 - Only men snap out of this type of womanizing when they are a lot older. When they have kids with this toxic woman or at an older age, dont let this happen to you. 9:08 - Your childhood could affect your dating life. The trauma from your childhood and past relationships can make you choose low-quality work without realizing it.

    "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!"

  • Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti

    Sexless Marriage: 7 Reasons Why This Happens To A Man! (And How To Fix This!)

    Do you feel you are starting to lose sexual attraction to your partner?

    Do you think your partner is losing sexual attraction to you?

    If the topic of sex in your marriage is starting to feel more like a problem instead of excitement, then this is the podcast for you. In today's podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti discusses why there are sexless marriages and how to fix them.

    Apollonia understands that long-term couples often lose excitement in their sexual relationships, which can negatively impact their overall connection.

    Apollonia Married herself will give you in-depth knowledge of why your partner may be pulling away and why they are avoiding sex with you; she will offer practical solutions to not only increase your sex drive but also identify the underlying issues of the marriage.

    So, if you’re ready to start building excitement again in your sex life, then this is the podcast episode for you!

    Key points in this episode:

    1:26 - Sex is seasonal. Apollonia gets into more reasons why. 2:00 - Do you have an attachment to sex? Do you feel validated from your having sex? Stop this. 3:09 - Life changes. Moving, having children, or hormonal changes can affect your sex life. 4:07 - Heath and age. When testosterone levels drop in men when they get older, it means their sex drive can be affected. 5:27 - Stop putting in the work. Once you stop putting in the fun or passion you and your partner, it will show in your marriage and your sex life. 8:11 - You dont need to feel that passion every day. It’s normal to feel one day a lack of love in your sex life, while the next you feel overwhelming passion. It is normal. 10:26 - To start fixing it, you have to have effective communication. 11:01 - Dont talk about sex in the bedroom. Talk about it outside, doing something fun to ease it so it comes off naturally. 12:47 - Fulfill each other’s emotional needs. Do you know how to fulfill your wife’s emotional needs? 14:31 - What are your stressors in the relationship? 15:32 - Embrace the polarity in the relationship—the feminine and masculine energy. Apollonia explains what this is.

    "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!"

  • Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti

    #1 Thing That Will Make Your Ex Girlfriend Regret Leaving You! (She Will Miss You)

    Do you miss your ex?

    Are you having trouble getting over your ex or trying to move on?

    If you are ready to start dating again and stop dwelling on your past relationship, wishing they could return, this is the podcast for you! In today’s podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti will reveal the number one strategy for making your ex-girlfriend regret leaving you.

    Apollonia understands that breakups are challenging and that moving on can be the most difficult part of the process.

    With her guidance, not only will you overcome your breakup, but you'll also demonstrate that you're ready to move forward and start dating again. Showing your ex that you have officially moved on!

    So, if you’re ready to start dating again and make your ex regret leaving you, this is the best episode for you!

    Key points in this episode:

    0:40 - Your change. The change in the relationship can be a big or small one, from you being too clingy or a lack of passion. 1:30 - Why did you break up? Think about why, whether it is her fault or yours. Get into the root of the issue. 2:18 - Personal development. Why are you codependent? Why are you avoiding the relationship through your work? 3:09 - Physical change. Take care of yourself; it’s not necessarily weight loss or muscle gain. But taking care of your health and socializing is your time to do it. 4:06 - Your mindset. Instead of thinking of your past relationship as a mistake, consider it a lesson. 5:32 - Focus on your success in your life. Bring adventure into your life.

    "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!"

  • Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti

    9 SECRETS To Attract Women Without Compromising Your Standards! (ADVICE Men Need To Hear)

    Do you attract the woman who only uses you?

    Do you often feel that you must put your values aside to approach a woman?

    If you must compromise your values to date or attract a woman, you are going about dating wrong. In today’s podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti shares nine essential secrets for attracting women without compromising your standards.

    Apollonia understands that men often alter their behavior to attract women, unknowingly attracting low-quality or even toxic women.

    With her expert advice, she will guide you in attracting high-quality women by setting boundaries, ensuring she treats you right, and, most importantly, staying true to your values.

    So, if you’re ready to start attracting a woman who matches your values and finds a lifelong partner, this episode is for you!

    Key points in this episode:

    0:48 - How to attract women without compromising your standards. 2:00 - Compromising your standards usually happens when trying to attract a woman because of her appearance. 3:07- Beauty is not everything. Just because she is attractive doesn’t mean she is high-quality. 5:03 - Sustainable needs vs superficial needs. Apollonia explains the difference. 6:01 - Remember, having a purpose in life is key. Don’t involve your life around women; instead, focus on what truly drives you and gives your life meaning. 7:50 - Dont limit yourself. Go on multiple dates and see different types of women. 9:41 - Do not compare yourself to men who constantly date women. Men who often date women but end up in short-term relationships usually attract the wrong type of woman. 11:04 - When you attract the right woman, choosing is harder. Apollonia tells you how she can help. 13:16 - Stop looking at the outside of things. When you open Instagram, what do you see? Models? Bikini models? Change this. 14:23 - The difference between disrespect and ego. Apollonia explains how it is important to know the difference. 16:34 - Show her a piece of your life. Suppose she is willing to invest to be part of or show some interest in your life. This might be the woman for you.

    "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!"

  • Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti

    The Type Of Men Toxic Women Bait! (TRIGGER WARNING For Men)

    Do you feel you’re always attracting toxic women?

    Do you sometimes think you are dating the right woman and then find out later she is using you?

    If you’re stuck in a loop of dating toxic women or falling for their tricks, you’re not alone. It’s time to understand why this might be happening. If this sounds like your dating life, then this podcast episode is just what you need! In today’s episode, Apollonia Ponti dives into the types of men toxic women often target.

    Apollonia knows when men who are often inexperienced, wealthy, or possess a savior complex unknowingly attract toxic women.

    But with her help, she will help you identify these toxic women, recognize red flags, spot the early signs when dating, and learn how to stop attracting such individuals.

    So, if you’re ready to start dating a highly valued woman, this podcast episode is for you!

    Key points in this episode:

    0:33 - There is a specific man that Toxic Women Bait! 1:54 - High, successful man. Toxic women will see that these men have a lot of money and, in return, will love to bomb them to get what they want. 3:14 - Usually, when the man is much older than the woman they date, they lead by money. Apollonia explains why it is. 4:02 - Fixing her problems. A savior complex, advocating for her problems, thinking if you can save her, she will love you. 6:08 - Men aren’t willing to set their boundaries. Men who are too passive attract toxic women. 7:33 - Apollonia provides a real-life example of how to approach stating your boundary with a woman. 11:39 - The “yes” man. Saying yes to everything, plans, purchases, and giving her everything she wants. 13:56 - Apollonia provides examples. 16:27 - A man who is inexperienced and doesn’t have options. It can come down to age, looks, or relationship experience. You need to have some exposure to dating women.

    "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!"

  • Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti

    Why Men Should Pay On The First Date! ( Don't JUDGE This)

    Do you constantly have to second guess whether or not to pay on the first date?

    If so, how do you do it without offending her?

    If you constantly have to rethink why you should or shouldn’t pay on the first date, then this is a podcast episode for you! In today’s episode, Apollonia Ponti will discuss why men should pay on the first date.

    Apollonia understands that men may be unsure about this tradition, worrying that it might undermine a woman's independence.

    However, Apollonia will provide insights into why paying on the first date is essential. She will also offer advice on demonstrating genuine interest through thoughtful gestures and showing her that you are more than just a gentleman but a potential partner for her.

    So, if you are ready to pay on the first date, this podcast episode is for you!

    Key points in this episode:

    0:34 - Why Men should pay on the first date. 1:15 - Will offering to pay for the dinner offend them? Apollonia explains further. 2:25 - Why is it a tradition for the man to pick up the bill on the first date? Apollonia provides context and examples of when the man pays on the first date. 4:32 - Apollonia knows the struggles of men being confused about paying on the first date. 5:35 - An independent woman still wants chivalry and a touch of old fashion. It’s about the intention behind the gesture of paying first. 6:49 - Let your actions speak louder than your words. Picking up the bill is a sign of mutual respect. 8:28 - The first date is crucial, so go the extra mile. It sets the tone for the relationship. 9:02 - Paying the bill on the first date is critical, but only sometimes. A red flag in a woman is when she demands you pay for every date you guys go to. 10:09 - Not only pay for the bill. Small gestures like opening the door, pulling the seat out for her, see her reaction if she is invested.

    "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!"

  • Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti

    7 Secret Behaviors That Women Do That Are Red Flags (You Would Never Know These!)

    Do you think you often overlook her outbursts or nagging behaviors?

    Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed just by being in a relationship with her?

    If you are unsure whether or not her behaviors are healthy or unhealthy in the relationship, this podcast episode is for you. In today's podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti will reveal seven secret behaviors women exhibit that are red flags, which are often difficult to detect.

    Apollonia understands that identifying these red flags can be challenging, especially when they appear normal in a relationship.

    Her expertise will guide you through these seven behaviors to help you recognize potential warning signs. And understand why she might have these red flags and why she uses them to her advantage.

    So, if you are ready to know if your relationship is healthy or if her behaviors are justified, this podcast episode is for you!

    Key points in this episode:

    0:32 - Secret Behaviors Women Do that are Red Flags! 1:43 - Woman who loves bombs. If she constantly shows you love bombs at the start of the relationship, this is a red flag. 2:54 - Apollonia tells you examples of what she will say that is lovebombing. 4:07- She constantly nitpicks you, from your clothes to your life choices. If she persistently criticizes your decisions, this is a crucial warning sign to be cautious of. 5:30 - Remarks she will make if you try to tell her to stop nitpicking you. 5:53 - Her bad habit of cutting you off during the conversation. 6:18 - Apollonia’s story of her client dating a woman constantly cutting them off during conversations. 7:19 - When she pressures you to drink. This lack of boundaries is one of many men’s mistakes when dating a woman, and it is a red flag. 8:35 - Uses her body or sex appeal to get what she wants. This is a manipulation tactic (ex, Withholding sex when you dont give her what she wants). 9:47 - Avoiding communication. Avoiding specific topics that can be a deal breaker in the relationship and preventing serious ones without having these talks can complicate the relationship more. 11:33 - Woman thinks all men are evil. 12:21 - Never put in any of the work and expect you to do it. This is an unhealthy balance; she will need to be emotionally and physically invested in the relationship.

    "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!"

  • Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti

    The SECRET To Going From Dating To Exclusivity! (Make Her EMOTIONALLY Hooked)

    Do you want a long-term commitment to the woman you are dating?

    Do you want to make your relationship more serious? Without making it feel rushed?

    If you’re looking to elevate your relationship to a more serious stage and want to do it in a way that feels natural and unforced, this podcast episode is a must-listen! In this episode, Apollonia Ponti will share invaluable insights on transitioning from dating to exclusivity, helping you build a deeper emotional connection with your partner.

    Apollonia understands men’s challenges when seeking a serious relationship without appearing controlling or needy.

    With Apollonia’s help, she will share valuable tips on how to guide your relationship toward long-term commitment and recognize if she is equally committed. And start to plan the future with her in mind.

    If you’re ready to commit, take things more seriously, and let her know you’re serious, this podcast episode is for you!

    Key points in this episode:

    0:33 - Going from dating to exclusivity. 2:30 - The crucial first step in this transition is to be crystal clear about your desires, values, and future goals. This lays the foundation for a serious and committed relationship. 3:46 - The value statement. What are you looking for? Start form here. 5:06 - Don’t tell her right away what you want. Let her know little by little, and be open if she asks. 7:16 - Travel with them. Only do this if you are in a relationship with them. 9:37 - Think of any emotional baggage you might have. Self-reflect on the baggage that you brought to your previous relationship. 13:36 - Apollonia’s personal story on how she went from dating to exclusivity with her husband. 15:48 - Dont make her the center of your attention. Take your time with her, do your life, and let her do hers. 17:43 - Causally dating to exclusively. It is a base of foundation that is built on trust, respect, and values.

    "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!"

  • Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti

    7 Ways To Be Perceived HOT By Women (Even If You're Not Good-Looking)

    Do you ever feel you’re not attractive enough for women?

    Do you always get intimidated by approaching an attractive woman?

    If you ever feel that you aren’t attractive enough for a woman and want to know how. Then this is the podcast episode for you; in today's podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti will share seven tips on how to be perceived as attractive by women.

    Apollonia understands that it can be challenging for men to be seen as attractive without having the perfect physique or wealth.

    However, Apollonia will provide practical insights on how you can start being perceived as attractive by women and how to feel genuinely attractive yourself. By only using these simple 7 steps.

    So, if you are ready to invest in your looks and get the woman you want, tune in to this podcast episode!

    Key points in this episode:

    0:33 - Ways To Be Perceived HOT By Women (Even If You're Not Good-Looking) 2:05 - Your looks don’t define you. Pay attention to the clothes you wear; this is key. 3:05 - It’s not just about looks. Confidence and charisma are attractive. Have you noticed the men who always manage to attract women despite not being conventionally good-looking? It’s their character that shines through. 4:45 - Look put togehter. Keep your beard trimmed, clothes ironed down, smelling good. This is what keeps you looking put together. 6:08 - Avoid feeling like the hottest guy in the room. People can catch up to this and sense this ego energy, which is not attractive. 7:00 - Self deprecating comments. Most of these comments can make you look insecure; Apollonia gives an example of one of her clients doing this. 8:40 - Have structure in your life. Have a balanced life. 10:11 - Having a good group of friends. If a woman sees that you have a good group of friends, she will see it as you being more independent and good at maintaining relationships. 11:30 - Good communication skills. Being able to embrace vulnerability is what women find attractive.

    "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!"

  • Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti

    Men With Broken Relationship With Their Mother! (This BROKE Me)

    Do you have a troubled relationship with your mother?

    Do you feel like it’s affecting your relationships?

    Apollonia’s journey into motherhood brought her more awareness of how important the relationship between son and mother will affect the future outcomes with men.

    Apollonia understands how a strained relationship often impacts men’s dating lives and perceptions of women. Apollonia will share her experiences and insights on parenting, emphasizing the importance of healing these relationships for a healthier future.

    Key points in this episode:

    0:33 - Apollonia discusses their new journey into motherhood.

    1:08 - The relationship between the child and mother is more important.

    2:56 - Letting go. Letting go of the troubled relationship with your mother is the first step of healing.

    3:18 - Dating someone like your mother. When the healing is not done or has not even started, most men gravitate towards dating a woman who is like their mother.

    4:04 - Men dating unavailable women stems from a trauma response of their mother.

    5:58 - Mothers letting go of their sons differs from their daughters.

    6:48 - Men who grew up in a household of women often step into their feminine too much.

    7:45 - The experience between men and women is different.

    9:28 - Men who sleep with a lot of women often come from a trauma response from their mother.

    "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!"

  • Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti

    Why Successful Men Struggle to Attract The Woman They REALLY Want! (NO One Talks About This)

    Have you ever wondered why you seem to attract women but never attract the woman YOU want?

    Do you often end up dating emotionally unavailable or not a high-valued woman?

    If you're wondering why you're still not getting the women you want despite being successful, this podcast episode is for you! In today's podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti discusses a topic rarely addressed: why successful men struggle to attract the women they truly want.

    Apollonia knows that while successful men find it easy to start dating and initiate relationships, they often face challenges in maintaining these relationships or not recognizing if the woman they are dating is high quality.

    With Apollonia's help, she will help successful men how to approach high valued women and date them successfully, while helping them understand why they are attracting emotionally unavailable woman in the first place.

    So, if you're ready to start attracting the woman you want, instead of settling for a woman that you feel unfulfilled with. Then, this is the podcast episode for you!

    Key points in this episode:

    0:51 - Two things men do wrong when dating women. 1:30 - Men with an abundance of women don't mean they're happy. Apollonia debunks that stereotype. 2:07 - Successful men dont choose. High-valued men choose the woman they let in and date. 3:04 - Men ask yourself: Do you truly choose the woman you talk to? Do you pick her because she is interesting to talk to? Or is she just good-looking? 4:01 - Women come to them. A highly valued woman doesn't approach. Successful men are often approached by women; however, when they approach a highly valued woman, it is more challenging to get her attention. 6:29 - To attract the woman you want, you need a clear vision of what type of woman you want. Do you plan on having children? Marriage? 6:51 - A go-getter mentally. Although this mentally is great for their careers, it is detrimental when dating. Attraction is an art, not a race. 8:33 - Highly successful men can destroy relationships by trying too hard; Apollonia gives examples of when a successful man doesn't see clearly when dating a woman. 11:30 - Successful men get fixated on women when trying to attract them. It is the idea of getting the woman to date them; it's like an ego boost they can get any woman. But never the right one.

    "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!"

  • Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti

    You Must Do This If You Want To EMOTIONALLY DETACH From A Woman! (...And Gain RESPECT)

    Do women always dismiss you? or not take you seriously?

    Did you finally have enough?

    If you want to know how to detach from her in an emotionally healthy way, then this is the podcast episode for you. In today’s podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti discusses a crucial step for emotional detachment from a woman to gain respect.

    Apollonia understands that letting go of someone can be challenging, especially when you have a history with them.

    But with her guidance, she will help you learn how to let go of a woman who is not meeting your needs and instead focus on finding a high-value partner and leveling up in your own life.

    So, are you ready to move on and start dating another woman? or make her realize what she lost? Then this episode is for you!

    Key points in this episode:

    0:34 - Do you get walked all over by the woman you date? Then, you might have gotten emotionally attached to the woman you date. 1:43 - Sometimes, we take things for granted. Usually, when something is more obtainable, it is easier for us to want more; in a relationship, the easier it is to get a woman, and it is harder to find a high-value one. 2:56 - It’s up to you to show your value. But how? lead by example. 3:33 - Apollonia gives you an example of how you can lead by example and show value to her. 5:13 - Set your boundaries. People need to know your boundaries. Without setting one, people will walk all over you. 5:54 - Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket. Don’t only date one person; date as many as you want until you know one person is worth only dating. 6:35 - Have a busy life. The goal is not to make the person you’re dating your center of focus because that can lead to unhealthy attachment. 7:09 - Think before you act. When you are in a situation where she flakes on a date, she ignores you. Breathe and think before you respond.

    "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!"

  • Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti

    Stop Mistaking A Woman's Unavailability For High-Quality - Watch This!

    Do you always attract emotionally unavailable women?

    Do you get confused thinking she was emotionally available, but it turns out she was not?

    If you want to attract high-quality women, this podcast episode is for you! In this podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti addresses the misconception of mistaking a woman's availability for high quality.

    Apollonia knows how difficult it is when an unavailable woman may exhibit confidence, mistakenly leading a highly valued man to perceive her as a highly valued woman.

    But with her help, she will tell you what traits a high-quality woman has and what to expect when dating an emotionally available woman.

    So, if you’re ready to start dating high-quality women and stop pursuing unavailable women, then this is the podcast for you!

    Key points in this episode:

    0:33 - Don’t Confuse Unavailability with High Quality: A Guide to Identifying a High-Quality Woman. 1:02 - What makes a high-quality woman? Apollonia explains this further. 2:21 - How to identify a highly valued and emotionally unavailable woman. 3:02 - The excitement in the relationship is what makes a man look over them. She is emotionally unavailable. 4:00 - Perceived independence and confidence. Sometimes, an emotionally unavailable woman displays confidence, which can make a highly valued man assume she is a highly valued woman. 5:27 - Projection of unresolved issues. A past wound that is not healed can bleed into the relationships. 6:10 - Validation. They latch on to them when their partner variables them and their self-worth. Leading to a cycle of low self-esteem and self-worth. 7:13 - How to know if a woman is highly valued. 8:20 - An emotionally available woman opens up to you. She expresses her worries and takes accountability when she is in the wrong. 9:02 - She supports your independence. She will support whatever dreams or goals you have and give you space when needed. 10:02 - An emotionally unavailable partner doesn’t invest. An emotionally available woman puts in the effort in the relationship. There is no shifting the blame on you when things get tough.

    "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!"

  • Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti

    How To Make Her Think Of You 24/7 With These Non-Creepy Phrases! (5 Phrases INCLUDED)

    Do you ever approach a woman and unintentionally come off as creepy?

    Do you want to know why they are uncomfortable when you talk to her?

    Suppose you want to know how to approach women in a noncreepy way. Then, this is the podcast episode for you. In this episode of the podcast, Apollonia Ponti shares strategies on how to maintain a woman's interest without seeming creepy.

    Apollonia knows that a man’s biggest fear is to come off as creepy when talking to women.

    However, with her help, she offers practical advice on engaging in natural conversations, effectively communicating intentions, and explaining the direct and indirect approach for immediate impact or subtle compliments.

    So, if you are ready to approach a woman fearlessly and get her number, then this podcast episode is for you!

    Key points in this episode:

    0:33 - Noncreepy words to say to a woman to make her think of you. 1:06 - Do not start with a compliment. Women often hear compliments from men, mostly about their appearance, making them uncomfortable. 2:33 - Make a conversation with her. Maybe her drink is better than yours? Start a conversation rather than a compliment. 3:44 - Create a mental connection. Holding off on the compliments can make her more in tune with the conversation. 4:37 - Direct and indirect intent. Direct is a more immediate compliment, while indirect is a subtle compliment. 5:52 - Apollonia’s example of indirect intent is when she was shopping at a store. 6:51 - Maintain eye contact. Strong eye contact mainly shows her that you are engaged in their conversation. 8:21 - Dont come off as overbearing. Let her know your interest. Let her talk and listen. 8:57 - Four magic words: liked, happy, important, and comfortable. When you are on a date, ensure the conversation flows like these words. 9:51 - Apollonia shares some ideas on how a man can hold a conversation and gives an indirect compliment. 11:11 - Don’t try to force anything she doesn’t want to do. Listen to her and watch her body language when you talk to her.

    "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!"

  • Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti

    7 Must-Ask Questions Men Need To Ask Women Before Dating! (SCREEN HER LIKE THIS)

    Do you always date women that don’t alliance with your values?

    Do you want to know how to ask her the right questions? without sounding like an interview?

    If you want to know what proper questions to ask her during the date, this podcast episode is for you! In this special podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti discusses seven essential questions that men should ask women before dating them.

    Apollonia knows that dating is not easy and can sometimes discourage some men when they constantly date women and lack a connection.

    Apollonia will help you screen potential partners so that you can better understand a woman's value and compatibility. She will help you ask the right questions to avoid overlooking essential cues and indicators that might tell you she is not an available woman.

    So, if you want to start finding women who share your values, this podcast is for you!

    Key points in this episode:

    0:36 - Why men should ask these seven questions before dating her. 1:21 - One of the tendencies men often miss is manipulation by women. 2:15 - Dating is an assessment process. But how do you start? 2:37 - How do you character-gauge a woman? Apollonia will explain further about this concept. 3:38 - Why character gauging a woman is important. Does she remind you of your ex? Does she have the same values as you? This is important to note. 4:37 - Having high standards is not how they are physically but emotionally. It sets the foundation Apollonia's you value and look for in a woman. 6:18 - Woman wants an ambitious man. And men should date an ambitious woman, too. 7:03 - Ask her, “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” This will give you insight into her goals and dreams, which may or may not align with yours. 8:35 - What is she looking for? This is important to ask; you are showing the woman you are a highly valued man and knowing if she is a highly valued woman.

    "I love Apollonia; her tips have helped me with my dating!"