
  • Summary

    In this episode I address a very common habit many of we introverts have - blowing things up out of all proportion - turning molehills into mountains. Catastrophising in our minds.

    Drawing from my own experiences and battles with overthinking, I share insights on how we can tackle hurdles without letting our inner critic take the wheel. By dissecting a problem-solving approach I call 'I-DEAL', I offer listeners a structured way to face challenges head-on.

    The 'I-DEAL' method has not only helped me navigate professional crossroads but also personal ones, enabling me to thrive as an introvert in extraverted settings.

    It is natural for we introverts to retreat inward as we reflect, which opens the door to us magnifying issues, however there are effective strategies to keep our fears in check. Reflecting on my journey at British Telecom where embracing a challenge led me down an unexpected yet fulfilling path, demonstrates the power of confronting self-doubt.

    I also discuss STOP technique and being mindful of stress signals, to maintain balance amidst adversity.

    Key Points:

    I-DEAL process: Address obstacles pragmatically Overcoming fear using structured problem-solving Use STOP technique for stress management


    What Type of Introvert are you? Find out by taking the quiz here. Want to watch our Video LIVE Show? Tune-in here. Take advantage of the free Clarity call here. It's time to explore your development needs to unlock your potential. Visit Joanna’s website right here. Join the Flourishing Introverts Facebook Community of like-minded Introverts here.
  • Summary

    In this behind-the-scenes special episode, I am taking you on a tour to a variety of ways I show up for we introverts, as my team and I endevour to reach out to you on every platform possible.

    Important Links mentioned in this episode:

    The Flourishing Introvert Talks (podcast): Released Weekly. (dropping) Pebbles in the Pond (LIVE video show): Broadcast on alternate Thursdays. The Flourishing Nudge (LinkedIn Newsletter): Published on alternate Thursdays. Reflections (Weekly Email Newsletter): Emailed Weekly to subscribers only. Flourishing Voices (LinkedIn Audio Event): Once very 2 months. Link changes each time. Linked Voices (LinkedIn Audio Event with my partner, Szebastian Onne. INTENT2Flourish And you can connect with me on any social platform @flourishingintroverts


    Email your suggested topics here. Take advantage of the free Clarity call here. It's time to explore your development needs to unlock your potential. What Type of Introvert are you? Find out by taking the quiz here. Visit Joanna’s website right here. Join the Flourishing Introverts Facebook Community of like-minded Introverts here.
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  • Summary

    In this episode, I delve into the metaphorical significance that a personal changing mat might play in lives of we introverts.

    Just as babies are laid with care upon a changing mat to be freshened up, we introverts would also benefit from having cleansing moments to be ready for our next adventure. It is about taking note of when it's time to pause so we reflect on the direction in which we're headed versus where we truly want to be going.

    Change is necessary for growth and a 'changing mat' moment can signify readiness for transformation. For we introverts, our self-reflection on our metaphorical changing mat gives us an opportunity to wipe-away what no longer serves us and accept positive change aligned with our core values and aspirations.

    It does require being vulnerable but there is a promise of a more empowered us by actively choosing who we want to become rather than remaining stuck in who we have been.

    Key Points:

    - Changing mat - A symbol of new beginnings.

    - Conduct a 'life audit' for self-awareness

    - Use introspection to initiate change


    What Type of Introvert are you? Find out by taking the quiz here. Want to watch our Video LIVE Show? Tune-in here. Take advantage of the free Clarity call here. It's time to explore your development needs to unlock your potential. Visit Joanna’s website right here. Join the Flourishing Introverts Facebook Community of like-minded Introverts here.
  • Summary

    This is the episode I needed several times in my life but it didn't exist back then. In "How to Bite Back," I examine the common misconception that kindness is weakness.

    We introverts so often feel the pressure to people-please at the expense of our own well-being. In this episode I aim to empower listeners who identify as people-pleasers to hold boundaries both for self-care and to maintain healthy relationships. Being assertive is standing up for your rights and needs, whilst respecting the rights and needs of others.

    I share my ABC framework—Assertiveness, Bravery, Confidence - for we introverts to stand up for ourselves with poise and dignity, to bite back with kindness and transparency.

    Key Points

    Kindness isn't weakness; set boundaries. Assertiveness respects self and others. Communication involves listening and understanding.


    What Type of Introvert are you? Find out by taking the quiz here. Want to watch our Video LIVE Show? Tune-in here. Take advantage of the free Clarity call here. It's time to explore your development needs to unlock your potential. Visit Joanna’s website right here. Join the Flourishing Introverts Facebook Community of like-minded Introverts here.
  • Summary In this episode of The Flourishing Introvert Talks, I reach into the profound impact that kindness has on our lives and those around us. As an introvert myself, I understand how misconceptions can paint a skewed picture of who we are. This episode is about championing kindness over meanness, because it's not only beneficial to others but also enriches our own lives. In my view, kindness acts like a pebble thrown into water, creating ripples that extend far beyond the initial splash. The Batari’s Box model shows us how our behaviour influences others and vice versa—choosing kindness can change the course of interactions for the better. Remember, responding with compassion isn't a weakness; it's a powerful choice backed by social psychology principles such as reciprocity and cooperation. By embracing kindness, we contribute to better world while nurturing our emotional intelligence. Key Points Kindness creates positive ripple effects Kindness is not the weak option Responding with compassion is empowering for both parties


    What Type of Introvert are you? Find out by taking the quiz here. Want to watch our Video LIVE Show? Tune-in here. Take advantage of the free Clarity call here. It's time to explore your development needs to unlock your potential. Visit Joanna’s website right here. Join the Flourishing Introverts Facebook Community of like-minded Introverts here.
  • Summary

    Now, this one is a topic close to my heart: self-kindness.

    This episode is me allowing myself to share my personal reflection on the power of adopting intentional practice of self-compassion to lead a more fulfilling existence.

    I have committed to not judge myself if today's best is not as good as yesterday's best. As an (open) introvert myself, I understand the challenges we introverts face in honouring our own needs and boundaries. Hence being kinder to ourselves is very important for us.

    By challenging limiting beliefs and affirming our worth through positive self-talk and actions aligned with our goals, we as introverts can thrive in serenity and confidence.

    Key Points

    Self-Kindness is the foundation of all kindness Being kind to self is key to healthy and fulfilled life Doing your best is variable and that’s okay


    What Type of Introvert are you? Find out by taking the quiz here. Email your suggested topics here. Take advantage of the free Clarity call here. It's time to explore your development needs to unlock your potential. Visit Joanna’s website right here. Join the Flourishing Introverts Facebook Community of like-minded Introverts here.
  • Summary

    Being an Open Introvert myself and not discovering that until my 30s, in this episode I venture into a topic that hits close to home for we introverts - discovering your introversion later in life.

    I discuss how this realisation can be pivotal in enabling us to understand our introversion better and use the natural strengths it holds for us.

    The primary goal from this episode is simple - for we introverts to recognise and celebrate our introversion so we can build our careers and lives our life authentically. By acknowledging our introversion we introverts can begin to make choices that honour our needs and respects our boundaries.

    Key Points:

    Let not the late discovery of introversion be our weakness, but our strength. Introversion is not a flaw but a distinct temperament. Live and create your authentic career and life, empowered by your introversion.


    What Type of Introvert are you? Find out by taking the quiz here. Email your suggested topics here. Take advantage of the free Clarity call here. It's time to explore your development needs to unlock your potential. Visit Joanna’s website right here. Join the Flourishing Introverts Facebook Community of like-minded Introverts here.
  • Summary

    In this episode, I explore the nuanced world where introversion meets presence.

    We often misconstrue presence as an attribute reserved for the extraverts and gregarious, but that's a myth I am eager to debunk. With Caroline McHugh's concept of 'interiority' guiding us, I talk about what it means for introverts to cultivate a genuine sense of self in both personal and professional realms.

    True presence isn't about volume; it’s about value.

    We introverts have unique strengths such as deep thoughtfulness, empathy, and a reflective approach to leadership that can be equally commanding. By focusing on confidence building rooted in self-awareness, honing communication skills tailored to our listening abilities, maintaining composure under pressure, and preparing meticulously for engagements where we need to shine—we too can command respect effectively.

    Key Points:

    Presence transcends loud charisma Confidence built on self-awareness Authenticity empowers introverted leaders


    Email your suggested topics here. Take advantage of the free Clarity call here. It's time to explore your development needs to unlock your potential. What Type of Introvert are you? Find out by taking the quiz here. Visit Joanna’s website right here. Join the Flourishing Introverts Facebook Community of like-minded Introverts here.
  • Summary

    In this episode I delve into the complex web of Limiting Beliefs and Gaslighting.

    I explore the intricate relationship of self-imposed constraints that hold us back from reaching our full potential. Drawing from recent episode of Flourishing Voices, my LinkedIn Audio event and my own experiences, I highlight how these limiting beliefs often lurk beneath the surface, subtly undermining our confidence and aspirations.

    In this episode I continue with recognising how external influences can exacerbate this issue through psychological manipulation or gaslighting - leading individuals to question their capabilities and worth.

    It is however by making intentional choice to develop a flourishing mindset, we empower ourselves to lead lives unshackled by doubt or fear instilled by others or from within.

    Key Points

    Recognise & challenge limiting beliefs Reject external negativity & gaslighting Embrace self-validation over microaggressions


    o Email your suggested topics here.

    o Take advantage of the free Clarity call here. It's time to explore your development needs to unlock your potential.

    o What Type of Introvert are you? Find out by taking the quiz here.

    o Visit Joanna’s website right here.

    o Join the Flourishing Introverts Facebook Community of like-minded Introverts here.

  • Summary:

    In this latest episode, I venture into the challenging world of navigating dream crushers. These are the naysayers and doubters who can appear in various forms - from close family members to distant critics or even as our own inner voice of skepticism.

    Throughout the show, I share personal anecdotes and practical advice on how to identify these negative influences and effectively shield our aspirations from their discouraging effects.

    We have the strength within us to persevere despite opposition. By establishing a firm belief in our dreams, intentionally surrounding ourselves with supportive people, asserting clear boundaries against negativity, focusing on our core purpose, and fostering resilience against setbacks, we equip ourselves with tools not just for survival but for thriving in pursuit of our ambitions.

    Key Points:

    Identify & counteract dream crushers Build belief; select positive company Focus on purpose; develop resilience


    o Email your suggested topics here.

    o Take advantage of the free Clarity call here. It's time to explore your development needs to unlock your potential.

    o What Type of Introvert are you? Find out by taking the quiz here.

    o Visit Joanna’s website right here.

    o Join the Flourishing Introverts Facebook Community of like-minded Introverts here.

  • Summary:

    In this episode, I discuss the often-uncomfortable realm of self-promotion for introverts, born from awkward experience.

    We are unlikely to be attention seekers who crave or even feel at home in the limelight, Being boastful is not in our nature, especially as it might serve to confirm the unwarranted perception that we are arrogant,

    I explore strategies that align with an introvert's core values, ensuring we can highlight our accomplishments and skills without compromising our authenticity. By embracing a more subtle and gentle approach to self-promotion, I uncover how introverts can stand out in our professional lives while staying true to ourselves.

    Key Points:

    Self-promote with authenticity Applying strategies that align with introvert personality Leverage written communication Build a network of advocates


    o Email your suggested topics here.

    o Take advantage of the free Clarity call here. It's time to explore your development needs to unlock your potential.

    o What Type of Introvert are you? Find out by taking the quiz here.

    o Visit Joanna’s website right here.

    o Join the Flourishing Introverts Facebook Community of like-minded Introverts here.

  • Summary:

    In this episode I dive into the dynamic world and possibilities of introverts and extraverts working together. I unpack how forging alliances between these contrasting personality types can lead to a powerhouse of productivity and understanding.

    I passionately believe when introverts and extraverts combine their strengths, they can create an unstoppable force. I know such pairs and groups; I know it as real-life collaborative force.

    It is not about changing who you are but encouraging the power of differences to achieve collective goals!

    Key Points:

    The symbiotic potential between introverted reflection and extraverted dynamism. Healthy boundaries for healthy collaborations. Leveraging diverse communication styles for team success.


    o Email your suggested topics here.

    o Take advantage of the free Clarity call here. It's time to explore your development needs to unlock your potential.

    o What Type of Introvert are you? Find out by taking the quiz here.

    o Visit Joanna’s website right here.

    o Join the Flourishing Introverts Facebook Community of like-minded Introverts here.

  • Summary:

    In this engaging episode, I had the pleasure of diving deep into the world of my sub-personalities so allow me to introduce you to my own inner saboteur, Ronnie.

    I found him lurking during a candid conversation with my chosen 'bro Paul. Further investigation led to an eye-opening revelation about how Ronnie works hand-in-hand with another subpersonality of mine Gladys, my inner critic. WTF - like I really needed them to gang-up against me!

    This dynamic duo often conspires to have me play small and prevent me from reaching my potential. Throughout the episode, I unravel the complexities behind these internal characters and share insights into why embracing rather than shunning them is crucial for personal growth.

    Key Points:

    Understanding subpersonalities and how they impact personal development. Understanding and integrating internal saboteurs to our advantage. Self-awareness is a powerful internal GPS for overcoming psychological barriers.


    o Email your suggested topics here.

    o Take advantage of the free Clarity call here. It's time to explore your development needs to unlock your potential.

    o What Type of Introvert are you? Find out by taking the quiz here.

    o Visit Joanna’s website right here.

    o Join the Flourishing Introverts Facebook Community of like-minded Introverts here.

  • Summary

    In this episode I share with you how my thought-provoking conversation with my friend Shelley led to the cognizance of life lessons that can be learned from gardening.

    I explore how principles of tending to our garden can be relevant for our personal growth and development too. I dive into how our losses, care and growth is no different to gardening, and requires patience and adaptation.

    Key Points

    Emcouraging adaptability during change. The importance of patience and resilience. Recognizing the value of interdependence in communities


    Email your suggested topics here. Take advantage of the free Clarity call here. It's time to explore your development needs to unlock your potential. What Type of Introvert are you? Find out by taking the quiz here. Visit Joanna’s website right here. Join the Flourishing Introverts Facebook Community of like-minded Introverts here.
  • Summary

    The 'I' in Team, narrative challenges the traditional notion that individuality should be suppressed for team cohesion. In this episode I argue for the importance of recognizing and valuing each member's unique contributions to a team's success.

    Let us together explore how diversity within teams fosters innovation and creativity, while homogenisation leads to groupthink, a counterproductive culture.

    Key Points

    Individual strengths enhance team performance. Diversity drives innovation and prevents groupthink. Inclusive leadership is essential for leveraging diverse talents.


    Email your suggested topics here.

    Take advantage of the free Clarity call here. It's time to explore your development needs to unlock your potential.

    What Type of Introvert are you? Find out by taking the quiz here.

    Visit Joanna’s website right here.

    Join the Flourishing Introverts Facebook Community of like-minded Introverts here.

  • Summary

    In this episode, I share with you my personal experiences with 'Seasonal Affective Disorder' (S.A.D) and the broader concept of feeling stuck or listless.

    I dive into the societal expectations, especially for introverts, and part with my strategies for managing these stuck moments. Let us look into acknowledging feelings and actively seeking ways to improve well-being.

    Key Points:

    Struggle with S.A.D. during winter months.

    Strategies that help combat doldrums.

    Importance of recognizing emotions

    Developing resilience to come out of 'being stuck'.


    Email your suggested topics here.

    Take advantage of the free Clarity call here. It's time to explore your development needs to unlock your potential.

    What Type of Introvert are you? Find out by taking the quiz here.

    Visit Joanna’s website right here.

    Join the Flourishing Introverts Facebook Community of like-minded Introverts here.

  • Summary

    Do you have a personal vision statement, or do you use vision boards?

    In this episode, the host explores the transformative power of personal vision statements in guiding us towards a fulfilling future. As introverts we can utilize the power of our thinking to envision our future thus helping ourselves define and steer our life with clarity and confidence.

    Key Points

    Importance of envisioning our future.

    The role of our vision in refining our purpose to align with our values.

    Using visions boards and statements to visualize.

    Role of dynamic vision in our growth.


    Letting Go Nudge list – for those struggling with what they might let go of - Explore NOW. Email your suggested topics here. Take advantage of the free Clarity call here. It's time to explore your development needs to unlock your potential. What Type of Introvert are you? Find out by taking the quiz here. Visit Joanna’s website right here. Join the Flourishing Introverts Facebook Community of like-minded Introverts here.
  • Summary

    How far out of your comfort zone is your growth?

    In this episode, the host takes a deeper dive into the mantra of ‘nothing good happens in your comfort zone’ and makes a case for gradual and sustainable development. We explore the concept of marginal gains over radical change.

    Key Points

    Discover the value of incremental change.

    Understanding ‘sticky change’ and its long-term benefits.

    5 key takeaways on incremental change.


    Are you ready to Become Braver as an Introvert? Check-out the 'Becoming Braver Adventure' here. Letting Go Nudge list – for those struggling with what they might let go of - Explore NOW. Email your suggested topics here. Take advantage of the free Clarity call here. It's time to explore your development needs to unlock your potential. What Type of Introvert are you? Find out by taking the quiz here. Visit Joanna’s website right here. Join the Flourishing Introverts Facebook Community of like-minded Introverts here.
  • Summary

    Being active is not the same as acting in alignment with your ‘why’ and the core values that make you the person you are. Aligned action creates an intentional and meaningful impact for both individuals and the community at large.

    It is about integrating intentionality into every aspect of our lives – from work choices to daily habits to continuous improvement without inadvertently living someone else’s dream and compromising who you are as an introvert

    Key Points

    Understanding your ‘Why?’.

    Intentional vs Opportunistic Actions.

    7 Steps for Aligned Action.


    Are you ready to Become Braver as an Introvert? Check-out the 'Becoming Braver Adventure' here. Letting Go Nudge list – for those struggling with what they might let go of - Explore NOW. Email your suggested topics here. Take advantage of the free Clarity call here. It's time to explore your development needs to unlock your potential. What Type of Introvert are you? Find out by taking the quiz here. Visit Joanna’s website right here. Join the Flourishing Introverts Facebook Community of like-minded Introverts here.
  • Summary

    Regrets are complex in nature and impact on our lives, particularly for introverts who may struggle with overthinking. In this episode you’ll learn strategies to shift from a life burdened by past choices to one that embraces the present moment without remorse.

    It is important to live be intentional about moving past our regrets to be a resilient, authentic, and content Flourishing Introvert.

    Key Points

    The nature of regrets and how they impact Introverts.

    Understanding the cost of living in the past.

    Strategies for building inner resilience.


    Letting Go Nudge list – for those struggling with what they might let go of - Explore NOW. Email your suggested topics here. Take advantage of the free Clarity call here. It's time to explore your development needs to unlock your potential. What Type of Introvert are you? Find out by taking the quiz here. Visit Joanna’s website right here. Join the Flourishing Introverts Facebook Community of like-minded Introverts here.