On this episode of the Game Recommendation Podcast, Thorbjorne, Robert, Gerardo, and Greyson take a look at the digital card-game spinoff of the indie fighting game Rivals of Aether, with the dynamic mobile deck-builder that is Creatures of Aether! Did it do enough to immerse them in the competitive world of card games? Listen in to find out!
On this fourth episode of the Game Recommendation Podcast; Thorbjorne, Robert, Gerardo, Daniel and Greyson tackle the soon to be removed from storefronts collection of classics, Super Mario 3D All-Stars! Here the crew talks about why you should pick up this collection, seeing how you have less than a month to do so. How do these ports compare to the classics? Is it worth buying if you've already got them? Listen in to find out!
Fehlende Folgen?
In this Christmas Special, we will do things a little differently. Today we will talk about our favorites games of the year. What should we expect from some games in 2021?
In this episode, we talk about the game Mibibli's Quest. It's a creative, unique, and colorful game that you will enjoy.
At this moment, we will talk about a mobile game that is amazing for those who like to play puzzle and action, Part time UFO.
Let's get started!
In this episode, we talk about the game "Does not commute", a mobile game with a lot to offer.