
  • Episode 123 of the GolfRules Questions podcast is all about the first stage Asian Tour Q School held last week at Mt Derrimut Golf Club where Stuart and Blakey were both a part of the Rules Committee. From setting up the course, to rabbit holes, and stone walls deemed integral objects. It was an adventurous week, as was the recording of this episode, during a long car ride home, you can actually hear Blakey pause to multi-task as he checked the rearview mirror. So please enjoy the audio-only episode, then like and subscribe, but more importantly, get in those clubland stories so we can bring them to life.GRQOTW122 Answer

    As Andrea's provisional ball never became the ball in play, there was no penalty for accidentally causing it to move. Andrea was not allowed to declare her original ball lost, that is why it stayed as the ball in play when found within the three minute search time.

    GRQOTW123 Question

    Marvin hit his ball into a creek and then waited 3 minutes while the stream took his ball closer to the hole. Andy the Average Golfer wasn't very happy about this and so called in a referee to help them with the situation.

    GOLFRULES QUESTIONS MERCHANDISEGet yourself a Roo&Coo polo: YOU HAVE A RULES OF GOLF QUESTION:Email - [email protected] TO TEST YOUR RULES OF GOLF KNOWLEDGE?Head to: www.golfrulesquestions.comWANT A QUICK GOLF RULES REFERENCEHead to Instagram: @golfrules_questions ( JOIN THE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY TO THE GRQ PODCAST ON APPLE OR SPOTIFYClick here: to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules#GolfRules #GolfRulesQuestions #blakey

  • CLUBLAND STORIES September: Matt Fitz damaged driver, Advice given in the Creator Classic playoff, Sahith's bunker issue, Call 'Fore' if a ball is hurtling towards someone - THE GRQ PODCAST EP122

    GRQOTW121 Answer:

    Andy is lying five after hitting his ball that was Out Of Bounds. He has to go back to where he played his second shot from.

    GRQOTW122 Question:

    In a stroke play competition, Andrea hits her tee shot into a heavily-wooded area. She properly plays a provisional ball under Rule 18.3b and it comes to rest in the fairway. She searches for her original ball for one minute and declares it 'lost'. She walks over to her provisional ball and accidentally kicks it. She replaces it, but before she plays it and within 3 minutes of her starting searching, a spectator finds her original ball. She lifts the provisional ball and plays the original ball to the green. She takes two putts and tees off on the next hole. What is her score for the hole?GOLFRULES QUESTIONS MERCHANDISEGet yourself a Roo&Coo polo: YOU HAVE A RULES OF GOLF QUESTION:Email - [email protected] TO TEST YOUR RULES OF GOLF KNOWLEDGE?Head to: www.golfrulesquestions.comWANT A QUICK GOLF RULES REFERENCEHead to Instagram: @golfrules_questions ( JOIN THE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY TO THE GRQ PODCAST ON APPLE OR SPOTIFYClick here: to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules#GolfRules #GolfRulesQuestions #blakey

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  • Episode 121 of the GolfRules Questions podcast is back to the OG of Rules Questions - ClubLand Stories

    Today’s episode features a greensomes question about using the partner’s club, whether strokes are given in a match play playoff, what is the area underneath a bridge, hitting a ball into the hole with your hand, and playing from a No Play Zone, we also have the GRQOTW for 121 that you can try wrap your head around.

    GRQOTW120:Eight strokes. Andy the Average Golfer played a ball that was dropped under free relief (which wasn't available to him) and as he did not have intention to drop that ball as an unplayable (even though that is where he arrived at after finding out the free relief wasn't available), he has played from a wrong place. He was required to drop a ball with the intention for it to be an unplayable, not just play one that was dropped previously by him and in the correct relief area.GRQOTW121:

    Andy the Average Golfer is playing a stroke round at Wombat Hills. On the 9th hole, he hits his 2nd shot way left towards the driving range.

    Among all of the other golf balls, he finds his ball and plays his 3rd stroke towards the green. After 1 chip and 3 putts, he holes out.

    As he is waiting at the back of the 9th green, waiting for others to finish the hole, a staff member walks down and advises Andy that the driving range is OOB.

    Andy asks the staff member what that means. Neither know, so they approach you as a member of the Committee for assistance. What is Andy the Average Golfer's score for the 9th hole?GOLFRULES QUESTIONS MERCHANDISEGet yourself a Roo&Coo polo: YOU HAVE A RULES OF GOLF QUESTION:Email - [email protected] TO TEST YOUR RULES OF GOLF KNOWLEDGE?Head to: www.golfrulesquestions.comWANT A QUICK GOLF RULES REFERENCEHead to Instagram: @golfrules_questions ( JOIN THE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY TO THE GRQ PODCAST ON APPLE OR SPOTIFYClick here: to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules#GolfRules #GolfRulesQuestions #blakey

  • In episode 120, Stuart chats with Graeme Scott who has extensive experience in professional golf, including at the highest levels, refereeing at 15 majors and at tournaments all around the world.
    Scotty regales many of his experiences with players at various tournaments, and talks about what it takes to be a good Referee.
    Stuart then finishes the podcast with the latest GRQOTW.

    Andy the Average Golfer is playing a stroke round at Wombat Hills. On the 17th hole, Andy plays his tee shot way left and after a brief search, he finds his ball, however it is right next to stone carved Wombat statue, which the Committee has deemed an integral object.
    The statue interferes with his area of intended swing, so after advising Danni the D Grade Golfer, his marker, that he will take free relief, he identifies the NPCR and drops another ball into a 1 club length relief area.
    Stuart walks over and tells Andy that the statue is an integral object and there is no free relief, so he must correct the mistake. Accordingly, Andy properly identifies a two club length relief area from the original ball, which has not been moved, in order to take unplayable ball relief. He realises the dropped ball is within the unplayable ball relief area. He then plays the dropped ball which lands on the green. He takes three putts to hole out, and reports a score of 6 to Danni (5 strokes and 1 penalty stroke for the unplayable).
    Before submitting his scorecard, Andy the Average Golfer asks you, as a member of the Committee, to confirm his score for the 17th hole. What is his score for the 17th hole?

  • In episode 119, Stuart chats with former touring professional and now commentator and media personality, Mark Allen.
    Mark answers some rapid fire questions about his playing career.
    Mark has some funny and entertaining stories with the Rules, with Referees and provides his biggest tip to aspiring Referees on how to deal with players.GRQOTW118

    This situation comes down to whether Stuart's ball is lost or whether it is known or virtually certain that his ball was moved by an outside influence.From the sounds of it, when the question said " but knowing that he really doesn't know for sure that someone else took his ball" would suggest that there was no serious consideration to whether Stuart thought his ball was moved by an outside influence. It was them thinking it was just unfair and just put another ball into play.IF the Committee decided that it was KVC that Stuart's ball was moved by an outside influence, then he was permitted to replace a ball back on the estimated spot and resume play of the hole with no penalty. However, Rule 9.6 requires a ball to be replaced on the spot and not dropped. Stuart dropping the ball would incur the GP for playing from a wrong place.
    Normally, a penalty must not be added or corrected after a stroke-play competition has closed. If Stuart did not know about the GP, he is not disqualified for the lower score as did not know about the penalty strokes before the competition closed. In this case, the competition results would stand.
    IF the Committee decided there was NOT KVC for an outside influence moving the ball, then Stuart's ball was lost and his only option was to proceed under stroke and distance and return to the teeing area. He has put another into play in the middle of the fairway, however he has made a stroke from the wrong place and that would be considered a serious breach due to the significant advantage he would have gained. The SB needs to be corrected before making a stroke to begin the 10th hole, otherwise Stuart is DQed.
    However, let's turn to Rule 20.2e(2) is Disqualifying Players After the Result of Competition Is Final. A player must be disqualified even after the competition is closed if they:

    Knew before the competition had closed that they were in breach of any other Rule with a penalty of disqualification, or Agreed with another player to ignore any Rule or penalty they knew applied.

    The Committee would need to decide that Stuart knew that he couldn't just drop a ball in the middle of the fairway for a lost ball. Blakey's comments in the bar afterwards would also suggest that he knew that wasn't the correct procedure. They may ask the players to confirm their understanding of the Rule.
    On this basis, The Committee would DQ both Stuart and Blakey. Jeff, who finished 3rd, would be awarded the Winter Cup.
    You could also turn to Rule 1.3b - Applying the Rules. Players are responsible for applying the Rules to themselves.
    If a player knows they have breached a Rule that involves a penalty and deliberately fails to apply the penalty, the player is disqualified. If two or more players agree to ignore any Rule or penalty they know applies and any of those players have started the round, they are disqualified.
    If I was on the Committee, I would strongly push to DQ both Blakey and Stuart for failing to follow the correct procedure for Stuart's lost ball. GRQOTW119

    Blakey and Stuart are playing a match in the Koala Cup at Wombat Hills.
    Blakey makes a putt on the 18th to win the match. Blakey and Stuart shake hands and Stuart says, "Congratulations!"As they stand beside the 18th green attending to their clubs, a spectator walks briskly from the Clubhouse and tells Stuart that Blakey forgot to replace his ball marker in the correct spot, after he moved it on the putting green. Blakey and Stuart cannot remember but they agree to play extra holes to determine the winner. Stuart wins the 20th hole.
    What is the official result of the match and why?

  • GUEST: Karen Lunn, current CEO of the WPGA Tour of Australasia, and former touring professional, chats about her playing days, and her view of the Rules, and referees - THE GRQ PODCAST EP118

    In episode 118, Stuart chats with former touring professional, Karen Lunn, who is now the CEO of the WPGA Tour of Australasia.
    Karen answers some rapid fire questions from Stuart about her playing career.
    Karen talks about her experiences with the Rules, with Referees and provides her biggest tip to aspiring Referees on how to deal with players.
    Stuart then finishes with the latest GRQOTW.GRQOTW117Andy is disqualified.

    Blakey and Stuart are playing in the Winter Cup at Wombat Hills, a prestigious one round stroke play competition.
    On the 9th hole, Stuart hits his tee shot down the middle of the fairway. As they walk down the fairway, Stuart starts to get concerned that he cannot see his ball. In disbelief, Stuart starts to search for his ball however he cannot find it within 3 minutes. Stuart's marker, Blakey says, “that's not fair, you hit it down the middle. So just drop one here and keep playing.”
    Relieved that Blakey was also in disbelief but knowing that he really doesn't know for sure that someone else took his ball, Stuart drops a ball in the middle of the fairway, adds no penalty strokes to his score, and makes par on the hole.
    Stuart signs and submits his scorecard and later that afternoon, he is awarded the Winter Cup with a score of nett 70. Blakey came 2nd.
    Discussing it later in the bar, Blakey says, “well done, you would have been hard done by if you had to go back to the tee on the 9th hole.” Jeff, sitting at the next table, overhears this and asks for more details. Jeff, who came 3rd, approaches the Committee about what happened on the 9th hole.
    What is the Ruling?Join this channel to get access to perks: to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules.GOLFRULES QUESTIONS MERCHANDISEGet yourself a Roo&Coo polo: YOU HAVE A RULES OF GOLF QUESTION:Email - [email protected] TO TEST YOUR RULES OF GOLF KNOWLEDGE?Head to: www.golfrulesquestions.comWANT A QUICK GOLF RULES REFERENCEHead to Instagram: @golfrules_questions ( JOIN THE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY TO THE GRQ PODCAST ON APPLE OR SPOTIFYClick here: to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules#GolfRules #GolfRulesQuestions #blakey

  • GUEST: Nick O'Hern, former touring pro with a career high ranking of 16, speaks with Stuart about his golfing career, and how best to approach players who ask for a ruling - THE GRQ PODCAST EP117

    In episode 117, Stuart chats with former touring professional, Nick O'Hern, who reached a world golf ranking of 16.
    Nick briefly chats about his two victories against Tiger Woods in individual match play, and then Stuart throws some rapid fire questions at him about his golfing career.
    Nick talks about his experiences with the Rules, with Referees and provides his biggest tip to aspiring Referees on how to deal with players.
    Stuart then finishes with the latest GRQOTW.

    We hope you enjoy this episode of the Golf Rules Questions podcast, as well as the weekly rules newsletter, and make sure you subscribe to the GolfRules Questions YouTube channel for more educational videos.

    We also have merchandise that you can purchase so that you are representing the best Golf Rules podcast in the world. Grab a t-shirt, a hat, or even a hoodie featuring the Rules Roo, or the Wombat caddie.And now whether you are in your car, or going for a walk, or just taking a break after mowing your lawn.Enjoy this episode of the GolfRules Questions Podcast.

    Andy the Average Golfer is playing a stroke play event at Wombat Hills. On the 12th hole, Andy hits his tee shot into the left rough. The group searches for 2 minutes and finds a ball in a bad lie. Andy identifies his ball and decides it is unplayable, so he drops it under Rule 19.2b, and plays it towards the putting green. When Andy arrives, he realises that it isn’t his ball, so he returns to the area to find his original ball and finds it within 30 seconds in a playable lie. Andy plays that ball towards the putting green and holes out in four more strokes. Before signing and submitting his scorecard, Andy asks you for help with his score on the 12th hole. What is his score?GOLFRULES QUESTIONS MERCHANDISEGet yourself a Roo&Coo polo: YOU HAVE A RULES OF GOLF QUESTION:Email - [email protected] TO TEST YOUR RULES OF GOLF KNOWLEDGE?Head to: www.golfrulesquestions.comWANT A QUICK GOLF RULES REFERENCEHead to Instagram: @golfrules_questions ( JOIN THE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY TO THE GRQ PODCAST ON APPLE OR SPOTIFYClick here: to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules#GolfRules #GolfRulesQuestions #blakey

  • Welcome to the 4th best golf rules podcast in the world, this is episode 116 of the GolfRules Questions podcast.

    Blakey and Stuart have another iteration of clubland stories, including:

    - whether using your putter to mark out your relief area is allowed,

    - raking footprints in a bunker before playing your shot,

    - causing a ball to move after your ball has been holed,

    - how strict are the Rules of Golf when it comes to starting times,

    - peeing on your golf ball,

    - can opponents who are losing a match suspend play,

    - and what happens when your club gets stuck in the sand underneath your golf ball.

    We hope you enjoy this episode of the Golf Rules Questions podcast, as well as the weekly rules newsletter, and make sure you subscribe to the GolfRules Questions YouTube channel for more educational videos.

    We also have merchandise that you can purchase so that you are representing the best Golf Rules podcast in the world. Grab a t-shirt, a hat, or even a hoodie featuring the Rules Roo, or the Wombat caddie.And now whether you are in your car, or going for a walk, or just taking a break after mowing your lawn.Enjoy this episode of the GolfRules Questions Podcast.GRQOTW115:Blakey loses the hole because:

    Caddie's action breaches a Rule that if the player had taken would have been a breach, so Blakey loses the hole because the caddie gave incorrect information about the score that Blakey had had.GRQOTW116:Danny the D Grade Golfer is playing a stroke round at Wombat Hills. Danny makes her 6th stroke from the putting green on the 1st hole, and the ball comes to rest only 5cms (2in) from the hole.

    Thinking she is playing stableford and frustrated that she is going to score 0 points on the 1st hole, she turns her putter upside down and knocks the ball into the hole using the grip end of the putter.

    Andy the Average Golfer reminds Danny that she is playing stroke and not stableford. With Andy's excellent rules knowledge assisting her, and knowing she has not made a legal stroke, Danni replaces her ball back 5cms from the hole and putts the ball in the hole correctly. She asks Andy to put an 8 for her hole score (7 talent strokes and 1 penalty stroke for causing her ball to move).

    Before submitting her scorecard, she asks you if 8 is correct, as she is not sure about the penalty stroke - what is her hole score for the 1st hole?GOLFRULES QUESTIONS MERCHANDISEGet yourself a Roo&Coo polo: YOU HAVE A RULES OF GOLF QUESTION:Email - [email protected] TO TEST YOUR RULES OF GOLF KNOWLEDGE?Head to: www.golfrulesquestions.comWANT A QUICK GOLF RULES REFERENCEHead to Instagram: @golfrules_questions ( JOIN THE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY TO THE GRQ PODCAST ON APPLE OR SPOTIFYClick here: to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules#GolfRules #GolfRulesQuestions #blakey

  • This is an advanced GRQ Podcast with some recent questions/answers off the Facebook group:USGA Rules of Golf DiscussionIn Advanced#6 we cover:Whether a concession made in error can be withdrawn,Playing holes out of order in stableford,Is the Nearest Point of Complete Relief determined by the nearest spot to the ball or includes feet, and finally, a ball moves after a player starts their backswing.Join this channel to get access to perks: to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules.GOLFRULES QUESTIONS MERCHANDISEGet yourself a Roo&Coo polo: YOU HAVE A RULES OF GOLF QUESTION:Email - [email protected] TO TEST YOUR RULES OF GOLF KNOWLEDGE?Head to: www.golfrulesquestions.comWANT A QUICK GOLF RULES REFERENCEHead to Instagram: @golfrules_questions ( JOIN THE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY TO THE GRQ PODCAST ON APPLE OR SPOTIFYClick here: to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules#GolfRules #GolfRulesQuestions #blakey

  • CLUBLAND STORIES: May 2024, two balls colliding, provisional ball, someone else’s ball that’s not a wrong ball, changing balls when taking relief, messing with another player’s equipment, a ball picked by a range cart, using a headcover as an alignment tool, a folded over divot, taking shelter for 30 minutes, different pars in a match, and lifting a marker with a putter - THE GRQ PODCAST EP115We also have merchandise that you can purchase so that you are representing the best Golf Rules podcast in the world. Grab a t-shirt, a hat, or even a hoodie featuring the Rules Roo, or the Wombat caddie.And now whether you are in your car, or going for a walk, or just taking a break after mowing your lawn.Enjoy this episode of the GolfRules Questions Podcast.GRQOTW114:Twelve shots. His provisional ball became the ball in play, but then he made a stroke at a wrong ball, and didn't end up finding the original ball off the tee, so had to take S&D and go back to the teeing area. Six more shots from there.The GolfRules Questions Podcast is back, this is Episode 115, and ClubLand Stories are Back.We have so many ClubLand stories to catch up, and here is a quick summary so you know what will be coming at you.We look at two balls in motion colliding on the green, another one about a player hitting a provisional when they weren’t allowed, what would happen if a player used another player’s ball when that ball was still live, but it wouldn’t be considered a wrong ball, using a different ball when taking relief from GUR, messing with another player’s equipment, whether or not you have KVC for a ball in the middle of the fairway that most likely got picked up by a range picker, throwing a headcover down and whether that classifies as an alignment aid, what are your options when a divot is folded over a ball, taking shelter for 30 minutes out on the course, and whether this would mean you are disqualified after the competition has closed, does a net par beat a net par when the pars of the hole are different, and finally what constitutes lifting a marker so as not to incur a penalty of one stroke.This is big, and so many great questions, thank you to all that contributed, and to everyone who has contributed at least once the life of the podcast, but definitely a special mention to DK who leads on 14 clubland stories, Mr Roberts on 10, Colin on 9, and Twobob on 8.GRQOTW115:Blakey and Stuart are playing a match at Wombat Hills. Blakey has holed out for 5. Stuart, who has a putt for a 5, asks Andy the Average Golfer, who is Blakey's caddie, "Andy, what did Blakey have?" By mistake, Andy the Average Golfer states that Blakey has holed out in 4 strokes. As he thinks he has lost the hole, Stuart picks up his ball marker to head to the next tee. Before Stuart leaves the green, Blakey calls out, "Hey, I didn't concede that putt!" Stuart explains what Andy had said, when Blakey corrects his caddie that he actually had a 5 and tells Stuart. Stuart isn't sure of the Rules when the caddie states the hole score, so he requests a Ruling? What is the Ruling?GOLFRULES QUESTIONS MERCHANDISEGet yourself a Roo&Coo polo: YOU HAVE A RULES OF GOLF QUESTION:Email - [email protected] TO TEST YOUR RULES OF GOLF KNOWLEDGE?Head to: www.golfrulesquestions.comWANT A QUICK GOLF RULES REFERENCEHead to Instagram: @golfrules_questions ( JOIN THE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY TO THE GRQ PODCAST ON APPLE OR SPOTIFYClick here: to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules#GolfRules #GolfRulesQuestions #blakey

  • This is an advanced GRQ Podcast with some recent questions/answers off the Facebook group:USGA Rules of Golf DiscussionIn Advanced#5 we cover:Practicing after wiping a hole in stableford, Using a Preferred Lie for a wrong ball,Can chalk be used as a ball marker, and finally, a ball moves 30 seconds after a rake that it had been resting against was moved.Join this channel to get access to perks: to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules.GOLFRULES QUESTIONS MERCHANDISEGet yourself a Roo&Coo polo: YOU HAVE A RULES OF GOLF QUESTION:Email - [email protected] TO TEST YOUR RULES OF GOLF KNOWLEDGE?Head to: www.golfrulesquestions.comWANT A QUICK GOLF RULES REFERENCEHead to Instagram: @golfrules_questions ( JOIN THE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY TO THE GRQ PODCAST ON APPLE OR SPOTIFYClick here: to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules#GolfRules #GolfRulesQuestions #blakey

  • GUEST: John Robinson, a board member of Golf Australia and referee of 25 Australian Opens. John chats about his late start in the game, what got him interested in the Rules - THE GRQ PODCAST EP114We also have merchandise that you can purchase so that you are representing the best Golf Rules podcast in the world. Grab a t-shirt, a hat, or even a hoodie featuring the Rules Roo, or the Wombat caddie.And now whether you are in your car, or going for a walk, or just taking a break after mowing your lawn.Enjoy this episode of the GolfRules Questions Podcast.GRQOTW113:Four shots. The player incurs no penalty for causing his provisional ball to move, because it never became the ball in play.In episode 114, Stuart chats with John Robinson, a current board member of Golf Australia who has refereed at 25 Australian Opens.John chats about his late start in the game, what got him interested in the Rules and where that journey took him including the TARS course at St Andrews.John provides his most important principles of being an effective Referee, and shares some stories of some difficult situations he has had with players over the years including with Dame Laura Davies.John provides some tips for Rules enthusiasts who want to start applying that knowledge as a Referee at events, shares which Rule still confuses him, what Rule he would like to introduce / change (many may agree) and finally the Rules that frustrate him. GRQOTW114:In a stroke-play competition, Stuart hits his tee shot into a heavily-wooded area. He properly plays a provisional ball under Rule 18.3b and it comes to rest in the right rough, short of where the original ball is estimated to be.Before commencing a search for the original ball, he makes a stroke at the provisional ball towards the green. Stuart searches for three minutes and cannot find his original ball. He walks towards the green and realises the ball he hit was not his. Stuart returns to search for his provisional ball but cannot find it within three minutes. He returns to the teeing area and takes 6 more strokes to hole out. What is his score for the hole?GOLFRULES QUESTIONS MERCHANDISEGet yourself a Roo&Coo polo: YOU HAVE A RULES OF GOLF QUESTION:Email - [email protected] TO TEST YOUR RULES OF GOLF KNOWLEDGE?Head to: www.golfrulesquestions.comWANT A QUICK GOLF RULES REFERENCEHead to Instagram: @golfrules_questions ( JOIN THE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY TO THE GRQ PODCAST ON APPLE OR SPOTIFYClick here: to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules#GolfRules #GolfRulesQuestions #blakey

  • GUEST: Trevor Herden, Tournament Director of the Australian Open. Is there anything in golf administration this man hasn't done?! From disqualifying the Shark and Nick Faldo, to running the Presidents Cup, refereeing at the majors and playing at Augusta - THE GRQ PODCAST EP113We also have merchandise that you can purchase so that you are representing the best Golf Rules podcast in the world. Grab a t-shirt, a hat, or even a hoodie featuring the Rules Roo, or the Wombat caddie.And now whether you are in your car, or going for a walk, or just taking a break after mowing your lawn.Enjoy this episode of the GolfRules Questions Podcast.GRQOTW111:Because Andy's ball was on the putting green he was allowed free relief from the interference on his line of play by the temporary water. However, Andy was supposed to drop the ball instead of place it. And as the question mentions that the ball didn't come to rest on the exact spot on which it was supposed to be placed, Andy's ball is in a wrong place, and he gets penalised a general penalty when he makes a stroke at it.The 8 talent strokes + two penalty strokes = 10.Episode 112GUEST: Trevor HerdenTournament Director of the Australian Open and other Golf Australia championshipsHe only started playing golf when he was 27, but got himself in managing the Otago Men’s Team.Then moved on to caddie for one of New Zealand’s premier golfers - Greg Turner around Europe and Australia.But his referee and TD career all started when he was offered a job as assistant tournament director at the PGA Tour of Australasia.At the 1990 Palm Meadows Cup, Trevor had the awkward situation of disqualifying Greg Norman, who was leading the tournament after two rounds.In 1995 he had to disqualify Nick Faldo, who was leading the tournament in Bali.Trevor gave a thorough insight into what it means to be a Tournament Director, and how refereeing skills are vitaly important, but the tournament starts six months prior.GRQOTW 113:In a stroke-play competition, Player A hits their tee shot into a heavily-wooded area. They properly play a provisional ball under Rule 18.3b and it comes to rest in the fairway. They search for their original ball for one minute and declare it "lost". They walk over to their provisional ball and accidentally kick it, they replace it, but before they play it and within 3 minutes of starting search, a spectator finds their original ball. They lift the provisional ball and play the original ball to the green. They take two putts and tee off on the next hole. What is their score for the hole?GOLFRULES QUESTIONS MERCHANDISEGet yourself a Roo&Coo polo: YOU HAVE A RULES OF GOLF QUESTION:Email - [email protected] TO TEST YOUR RULES OF GOLF KNOWLEDGE?Head to: www.golfrulesquestions.comWANT A QUICK GOLF RULES REFERENCEHead to Instagram: @golfrules_questions ( JOIN THE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY TO THE GRQ PODCAST ON APPLE OR SPOTIFYClick here: to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules#GolfRules #GolfRulesQuestions #blakey

  • This is an advanced GRQ Podcast with some recent questions/answers off the Facebook groups:The Golf Rules SamaritanUSGA Rules of Golf DiscussionIn Advanced#4 we cover:Misunderstanding the match score, Cleaning a ball when it is against one Rule but not a different one,Could a wrong putting green be Out Of Bounds, and why you shouldn't pick up another player's ball unless they ask, and finally, leaving a provisional ball on the ground intending it to help your next stroke.Join this channel to get access to perks: to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules.GOLFRULES QUESTIONS MERCHANDISEGet yourself a Roo&Coo polo: YOU HAVE A RULES OF GOLF QUESTION:Email - [email protected] TO TEST YOUR RULES OF GOLF KNOWLEDGE?Head to: www.golfrulesquestions.comWANT A QUICK GOLF RULES REFERENCEHead to Instagram: @golfrules_questions ( JOIN THE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY TO THE GRQ PODCAST ON APPLE OR SPOTIFYClick here: to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules#GolfRules #GolfRulesQuestions #blakey

  • Putting Greens - how are they defined? Who Drops from Shoulder Height these days; Groups changing order; and what about order of play for someone who is behind the tee? - THE GRQ PODCAST EP112We also have merchandise that you can purchase so that you are representing the best Golf Rules podcast in the world. Grab a t-shirt, a hat, or even a hoodie featuring the Rules Roo, or the Wombat caddie.And now whether you are in your car, or going for a walk, or just taking a break after mowing your lawn.Enjoy this episode of the GolfRules Questions Podcast.GRQOTW111:If a ball is on the green and on its Line of Play is an immovable obstruction, then the player is allowed free relief, even if this IO is off the green.The NPCR is at the nearest spot on an arc, and this could be off the green. Regardless of where this NPCR is, the ball is to be placed.Episode 112Blakey takes us through some interesting ruling from his recent time overseas in Muscat, Jeddah, Hong Kong and Macau, including a player that wanted to drop from shoulder height, and what is least intrusive when it comes to moving loose impediments.Stuart also had a recent tournament, where his main rulings were regarding TIOs and praying the balls didn’t move on the green.We also go through some clubland stories including what makes a putting green a putting green, why did we say there is no free relief from interference by a rabbit hole, and clarifying what the Rules say about playing two balls.GRQOTW 112:Andy the Average Golfer is playing an individual stroke round at Wombat Hills Golf Club. On the 5th hole, his ball is lying just on the front of the putting green for 4 and he has interference from temporary water on the green between his ball and the hole. He lifts his ball from the putting green without marking the spot nor without announcing to anyone what he is doing. He estimates his nearest point of complete relief, which is just off the green on the fringe. He changes the ball and drops a new ball near the NPCR which then rolls away from the hole, however it remains within 1 club length of the NPCR. He takes another 4 strokes to hole out - how many strokes has Andy the Average Golfer had on the 5th hole?GOLFRULES QUESTIONS MERCHANDISEGet yourself a Roo&Coo polo: YOU HAVE A RULES OF GOLF QUESTION:Email - [email protected] TO TEST YOUR RULES OF GOLF KNOWLEDGE?Head to: www.golfrulesquestions.comWANT A QUICK GOLF RULES REFERENCEHead to Instagram: @golfrules_questions ( JOIN THE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY TO THE GRQ PODCAST ON APPLE OR SPOTIFYClick here: to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules#GolfRules #GolfRulesQuestions #blakey

  • This is an advanced GRQ Podcast with some recent questions/answers off the Facebook groups:The Golf Rules SamaritanUSGA Rules of Golf DiscussionIn Advanced#3 we cover:Practice balls are sitting on the fairway,An outside influence takes my ball, Is there any situation where declaring a higher handicap does not result in a penalty.Join this channel to get access to perks: to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules.GOLFRULES QUESTIONS MERCHANDISEGet yourself a Roo&Coo polo: YOU HAVE A RULES OF GOLF QUESTION:Email - [email protected] TO TEST YOUR RULES OF GOLF KNOWLEDGE?Head to: www.golfrulesquestions.comWANT A QUICK GOLF RULES REFERENCEHead to Instagram: @golfrules_questions ( JOIN THE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY TO THE GRQ PODCAST ON APPLE OR SPOTIFYClick here: to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules#GolfRules #GolfRulesQuestions #blakey

  • GUEST: Michael Thomas - Director of Instruction at Chartwell Golf and Country Club fills us in on his Rules of Golf journey, an interesting junior match play scramble competition, and more - THE GRQ PODCAST EP111We also have merchandise that you can purchase so that you are representing the best Golf Rules podcast in the world. Grab a t-shirt, a hat, or even a hoodie featuring the Rules Roo, or the Wombat caddie.And now whether you are in your car, or going for a walk, or just taking a break after mowing your lawn.Enjoy this episode of the GolfRules Questions Podcast.GRQOTW110:Barney has correctly taking stroke and distance relief for a penalty of one stroke. He was allowed to change his mind on which option he was choosing, as he made the change before the ball was dropped. His actions to care for the course are allowed as per Rule 12.2b(3), because when Barney had intention to take relief outside the bunker, he was allowed to touch/smooth the sand, even if it was on his line of play, which in this case it was.Michael ThomasDirector of Instruction at Chartwell Golf and Country Club and Member of the PGA Championship Rules Committee.- Junior League Scramble Match Play- USGA Rules Workshops- Teaching Golf- Being involved in Rules situations GRQOTW 111:When the player’s ball is on the putting green, their line of putt is through the fringe. In this fringe is two sprinkler heads. Is the player entitled to free relief from the sprinkler heads and if so, how do they take relief?GOLFRULES QUESTIONS MERCHANDISEGet yourself a Roo&Coo polo: YOU HAVE A RULES OF GOLF QUESTION:Email - [email protected] TO TEST YOUR RULES OF GOLF KNOWLEDGE?Head to: www.golfrulesquestions.comWANT A QUICK GOLF RULES REFERENCEHead to Instagram: @golfrules_questions ( JOIN THE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY TO THE GRQ PODCAST ON APPLE OR SPOTIFYClick here: to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules#GolfRules #GolfRulesQuestions #blakey

  • Advanced #2 - The GolfRules Questions PodcastThis is an advanced GRQ Podcast with some recent questions/answers off the Facebook groups:The Golf Rules SamaritanUSGA Rules of Golf DiscussionIn Advanced#2 we cover:Fixing Pitch Marks on the future line of play before taking relief,A player finds out the Rule about power lines,Using tee markers as swing aids,Taking practise swings in a different bunker.GOLFRULES QUESTIONS MERCHANDISEGet yourself a Roo&Coo polo: YOU HAVE A RULES OF GOLF QUESTION:Email - [email protected] TO TEST YOUR RULES OF GOLF KNOWLEDGE?Head to: www.golfrulesquestions.comWANT A QUICK GOLF RULES REFERENCEHead to Instagram: @golfrules_questions ( JOIN THE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY TO THE GRQ PODCAST ON APPLE OR SPOTIFYClick here: to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules#GolfRules #GolfRulesQuestions #blakey

  • GUEST: Tim Murphy - Rules expert, and frequent TGRS contributor speaks with Stuart about his Rules journey. And make sure to listen to the end for Tim's GRQOTW - THE GRQ PODCAST EP110

    We also have merchandise that you can purchase so that you are representing the best Golf Rules podcast in the world. Grab a t-shirt, a hat, or even a hoodie featuring the Rules Roo, or the Wombat caddie.And now whether you are in your car, or going for a walk, or just taking a break after mowing your lawn.Enjoy this episode of the GolfRules Questions Podcast.GRQOTW109:Danni scored a six as the ball dropped was incorrect, but she was lucky enough to have found her original ball within the three minutes, and as per Rule 14.5, she continues with her original ball.Tim MurphyWorking with the Wisconsin State Golf Association.His favourite round at Erin Hills playing alongside the person he believes is the best Rules educator on the planet.Going to the USGA Referee school, and hearing Stephen Cox's little nugget of advice - 'The players do not care how much you know the Rules'.The amazing resource of The Golf Rules Samaritan that Fraser Nicol has produced.GRQOTW 1010:Barney the B Grade golfer hits his approach shot into a green side bunker on the short 15th hole of the very prestigious golf club at Wombat Hills. The ball is in the middle of a large collection of temporary water in the middle of the bunker. As the only relief area in the bunker would put the ball in a very difficult position on a slope, Barney decides to take BOL relief outside of the bunker. After making this decision, Barney walks into the bunker to retrieve his ball. In doing so, he creates footprints. Barney retrieves a rake and smooths the footprints, and then correctly drops his ball outside the bunker…but instead of using BOL relief, he has changed his mind and has now taken S&D relief, from a distance fairly close to where BOL relief would have put him. Before playing his shot, Barney notices that the raked footprints are in his line of play for the short shot over the bunker to the hole that was a mere 6 feet onto the front of the green. After playing his shot, how many total penalty strokes has Barney incurred?GOLFRULES QUESTIONS MERCHANDISEGet yourself a Roo&Coo polo: YOU HAVE A RULES OF GOLF QUESTION:Email - [email protected] TO TEST YOUR RULES OF GOLF KNOWLEDGE?Head to: www.golfrulesquestions.comWANT A QUICK GOLF RULES REFERENCEHead to Instagram: @golfrules_questions ( JOIN THE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY TO THE GRQ PODCAST ON APPLE OR SPOTIFYClick here: to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules#GolfRules #GolfRulesQuestions #blakey

  • Advanced #1 - The GolfRules Questions PodcastThis is an advanced GRQ Podcast with some recent questions/answers off the Facebook groups:The Golf Rules SamaritanUSGA Rules of Golf DiscussionIn Advanced#1 we cover:Playing mulitple wrong balls before fixing the error,Trying to shield a ball in motion from wind,Mistakenly identifying an original ball, and then taking an unplayable for the provisional ball,A player lifts and marks the ball of another player in their group that is interfering with their line of play on the putting green.GOLFRULES QUESTIONS MERCHANDISEGet yourself a Roo&Coo polo: YOU HAVE A RULES OF GOLF QUESTION:Email - [email protected] TO TEST YOUR RULES OF GOLF KNOWLEDGE?Head to: www.golfrulesquestions.comWANT A QUICK GOLF RULES REFERENCEHead to Instagram: @golfrules_questions ( JOIN THE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY TO THE GRQ PODCAST ON APPLE OR SPOTIFYClick here: to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules#GolfRules #GolfRulesQuestions #blakey