
  • In this solo episode, Sam discusses multivitamins and what to consider if you're wondering whether you should take one. Some of the highlights of the episode include:

    What do studies conclude about multivitamin benefits? Water soluble vs. fat soluble vitamins Those who may be at risk for vitamin deficiencies Nutrients of concern from the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans Folic Acid Vitamin D PCOS vitamin deficiencies Vegetarian / Vegan vitamin deficiencies

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  • Samara is joined by healthy living blogger, Lindsay Livingston, from The Lean Green Bean, and they’re chatting all about meal prep when you’re living a busy life! Lindsay is a mom of 2 (soon to be 3!) and has some great tips for starting the process of meal prepping in order to make life easier throughout the week.

    In this episode, Samara and Lindsay discuss:

    Tips for getting started in meal prepping Lindsay’s favorite kitchen appliances and dishes for meal prepping Advice for time management if you don’t know how to make the time to meal prep Lindsay’s advice to women who want to be healthier but don’t know where to start

    About Lindsay Livingston:

    Lindsay is a Registered Dietitian and mom of two from Columbus, OH. She is the author behind the healthy living blog, The Lean Green Bean, where she shares healthy recipes, nutrition tips, parenting advice and more. Her tips and recipes have been featured on media platforms including Buzzfeed, Greatist, Women’s Health and Shape Magazine. She’s passionate about showing people that healthy eating doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive and is a huge proponent of teaching people how to add food prep to their weekly routine. She has two ebooks -The Ultimate Guide To Food Prep and How To Cook Dinner on the Fly, and she also does freelance recipe development and writing.

    In addition to blogging, she’s also a full-time mom to her 3.5-year-old son and 19-month-old daughter who constantly keep her on the move. In her free time, she enjoys working out and reading mysteries.

    Lindsay's Food Prep Resource:


    Facebook Page:

    Instagram: theleangreenbean

    Twitter Handle: @leangrnbeanblog

    Lindsay's E-Books:

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  • You asked, we answered! On episode 23 of the podcast, Samara is joined by fellow RD pal Lindsey Janeiro from Nutrition to Fit to answer listener questions. In this episode, Samara and Lindsey answer the following questions:

    1- "I recently got engaged and was looking for advice about how to prepare for my wedding. I know I probably shouldn't care about losing weight but I want to look and feel my best on my wedding day. Do you have any tips?"

    2- "I work in a large, open office space where coworkers bring breakfast pastries, desserts and snacks on a daily basis. While I do help myself to certain things when I want them, often times I am not hungry or would rather not eat any of the items brought. My coworkers have started making comments to me about how I won't eat certain things and that "I'm too healthy". This situation has become annoying to me and I don't know how to handle it without coming across as food obsessive or orthorexic (which I'm not). What should I say to them to make their comments stop?"

    3- "I recently saw online where another dietitian said she did not look at nutrition labels and this surprised me. I see on Instagram that you look at labels all the time. Is this disordered eating behavior, and should we be looking at nutrition labels?"

    4- "What advice do you have for balancing life and a healthy lifestyle?"

    About Lindsey

    Lindsey Janeiro, RDN, CLT is a dietitian passionate about food and nutrition made simple. Specializing in food allergies and sensitivities, Lindsey loves helping people find easy, delicious foods and advice that work with their individual needs and an enjoyable lifestyle. Lindsey operates an online nutrition coaching practice as well as a food and wellness blog, Nutrition to Fit

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  • Therapist Jessa Zimmerman joins the podcast today to discuss tips for improving your relationship. She and Samara discuss how to enrich your relationship with your partner, although many of Jessa's tips can be applied to all relationships in your life!

    In this episode, they discuss:

    Why you should "play your own side of the court" The importance of saying no when needed How to process the situation and respond in times of conflict What being angry really means How being open is better than being vulnerable

    About Jessa Zimmerman:

    Jessa is a licensed sex therapist and couples’ counselor. She specializes in helping couples who have a good relationship but who are avoiding sex because it’s become stressful, negative, disappointing, or pressured. She educates, coaches, and supports people as they go through her 9-phase experiential process that allows them real world practice in changing their relationship and their sex life. She does this work through in person therapy in her office in Seattle, online therapy for Washington residents, her Better Sex podcast, and her soon-to-be published book, Sex Without Stress.


    Facebook Page:

    Instagram: @jessakzimmerman


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    Contact Samara here Find how notes here Join the G&G Nutrition Community here Instagram: ggnutritionco Twitter: ggnutritionco
  • Annie Goldsmith joins the podcast today to discuss what she has learned from being a private practice dietitian.

    In this episode, Samara and Annie discuss

    Weight and Health at Every Size Weight Stigma: what it is and how we can prevent it Tips about handling weight discussions at the doctor A great starting point for women who would like to live healthier lives How to evaluate your thoughts about nutrition and food to determine if they are balanced

    About Annie Goldsmith

    Annie Goldsmith, RD, LDN holds a bachelor's degree in Brain and Cognitive Sciences from the University of Rochester, and received her training in dietetics through Winthrop University. Since becoming a Registered Dietitian in 2013, she has had a variety of professional experiences that include clinical dietetics in a hospital setting, outpatient nutrition counseling, and eating disorders treatment at the partial hospitalization and intensive outpatient levels of care. She has experience and advanced training in treating a wide range of issues concerning the eating relationship, and is currently working towards becoming a Certified Eating Disorders Dietitian through the International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals. Annie is passionate about helping those she works with develop a peaceful and nourishing relationship with both food and body. Annie currently offers individual counseling though her private practice Second Breakfast Nutrition and group services and workshops through The Art of Intentional Eating.

    Private Practice:
    Mindfulness & Intuitive Eating Groups:

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  • The Ketogenic Diet is all the rage right now. Samara breaks down the diet for you. In this episode, she answers the following questions:

    What is the ketogenic diet? How are carbs broken down in our body? How does this change when we don't have any to break down? Is ketosis harmful? What are the side effects of the ketogenic diet? What can we look for in studies about the ketogenic diet to determine if they are credible? What are Samara's overall thoughts on the diet?

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  • In this episode, Samara sits down with Rachel Tenny (literally!) to discuss the very important topic of emotional health. In this episode, Samara and Rachel discuss:

    The connection between mental and emotional health when it comes to overall well-being When to seek the health of a mental health professional How to tell find a therapist who is a good fit Stress and mental health Tips for dealing with stress How to set good examples for our sons and daughters to build positive body image Advice for anyone struggling with body image

    About Rachel Tenny:

    Rachel is a mental health therapist and artist, who combines her love of bright paintings and encourage words to encourage women to accept themselves and their bodies. She works with women who struggle with eating disorders and female entrepreneurs who want to prioritize their mental well-being. When she isn’t working, you can find her traveling or spending time with her husband and their rescue pups. For more of her work, follow along at or @rachel_tenny.


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  • Are you wondering why a financial health episode is popping up on a wellness podcast? Well, it's because finances can be a huge life stressor. Stress is such a huge part of health and wellness, so if you are stressing about money then hopefully this episode will help!

    In this episode, Sam chats with her husband, Rich, who is a CPA. The talk about understanding money and finances. Here are some of the things they discuss:

    What it means to "live within your means" How to create a budget The basics of investing Understanding how taxes work (tax brackets, deductions, etc.) Whether it is smarter to rent or buy your home The different types of retirement accounts What helps and hurts your credit How to compare different components of a job offer besides just salary The difference between a health savings account and a flex spending account What we should consider in our 20s, 30s and 40s when it comes to retirement

    Contact information for Samara @ G&G Nutrition Co.:

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  • According to the CDC, approximately 84 million Americans (more than 1 in 3) have prediabetes. Shockingly, 90% do not even know that they have it. In this episode, Samara chats with Jess DeGore from Dietitian Jess to discuss prediabetes and diabetes 101.

    In this episode, they talk about:

    What's happening in your body when you have prediabetes or diabetes Risk factors for developing these chronic diseases Nutrition recommendations and misconceptions about carbohydrates Exercise tips that are realistic Other lifestyle factors that can decrease blood sugars

    Jess also shares some of her favorite resources if you're looking for more information.

    About Jess:

    Jess DeGore is a Registered Dietitian and Certified Health and Wellness Coach practicing in Pittsburgh, PA. She received her Bachelors of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics from Penn State and completed her Dietetic Internship at the University of Maryland. Jess works with all types of clients but specializes in diabetes, eating disorders, and sports nutrition. She practices and preaches an intuitive eating approach to help people improve their relationship with food and their bodies so they can show up for what matters most in their life.





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  • In this episode, Samara chats with Robyn Nohling from The Real Life RD about Health at Every Size.

    Samara and Robyn discuss:

    What Health at Every Size (HAES) means- hint, it doesn't mean that everyone is healthy at every size. How women can advocate for themselves to receive the best health care possible. The specific areas of wellness that Robyn considers to be under the "health umbrella". Resources for women who are interested in learning more about health at every size and intuitive eating. How being extremely rigid with food choices and exercise can negative impact health. Advice for women with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome).

    Thanks, Robyn!

    About Robyn Nohling

    Robyn is a non-diet Registered Dietitian, Registered Nurse and Board Certified Family Nurse Practitioner. In addition to her group private practice Real Life Women's Health, blog (The Real Life RD) and NP job, Robyn launched an online learning center in 2017 to both educate other practitioners and empower women to advocate for their own health and healing.

    In both her RD and NP practice, Robyn works through the Intuitive Eating and Health At Every Size framework to help women heal from hormone and period problems and find peace with food and their bodies. When not working with patients or clients, she can be found exploring Boston with her husband, drinking a respectable amount of coffee, or oversharing on social media.


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  • Feeling overwhelmed with the picture-perfect meal prep images on social media? Episode 15 of the podcast is for you!

    Chef dietitian Julie Harrington joins Samara to discuss easy ways you can create inexpensive meals at home and set yourself up for success with simple meal prep throughout the week.

    Julie and Samara discuss:

    whether cooking at home is actually as expensive as people think simple things you do for "meal prep" that do not involve creating identical meals in little plastic containers Julie's favorite seasoning blends and her personal flank steak marinade recipe knife skills and how to pick out good knives a few inexpensive kitchen gadgets that are useful to everyone

    About Julie Harrington:

    Julie is the Registered Dietitian and Culinary Nutrition Chef behind her blog RDelicious Kitchen, based in New Jersey. Her passion is educating about nutrition through food! Her blog features nourishing recipes with creative culinary ideas to help everyone gain culinary confidence and cook a little more in their kitchens.Along with being a cookbook author, most recently, her recipes have been featured in SHAPE, Huffington Post, US News & World Report and Healthy Aperture. Along with running her own business, Julie is the Culinary Nutrition Program Coordinator of Living Plate, where she teaches cooking classes and involves culinary instruction with nutrition education. With previous experience as a supermarket RD, Julie partners with like-minded food brands and organizations on recipe development, food photography/videography, nutrition communications, and media work.

    Blog: RDelicious Kitchen Facebook | Twitter | Instagram ************************************

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  • Fellow registered dietitian Jen Rawson joins the podcast today to discuss food and movement while traveling and on vacation. Jen and her husband just returned home after quitting their jobs and spending an entire year traveling the world.

    In addition to detailing her trip (and giving tips to others who may be interested in doing the same thing!), Jen discusses the following topics with Samara:

    Nutrition while on vacation, and how she enjoyed all of the delicious food on her trip Fitting in exercise while traveling Jen's thoughts on intuitive eating Her nutrition and exercise philosophies before and after her trip Jen's advice for anyone wanting to feel great and live healthier

    Jen's Contact Information:

    Jen Rawson is a Registered Dietitian from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. She works for Ignite Nutrition, a virtual and in person private practice where she focuses on intuitive eating, sports nutrition, and hormone health. She also writes a blog called Pretty Little Grub, which focuses on Intuitive Eating, joyful movement and her travel adventures. Jen just recently returned from a one year trip around the world with her husband, she says the best part was eating all the cultural food and the best food in the world comes from Vietnam.


    PLG Instagram:

    Travel Instagram:


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  • Episode 13 is a solo episode with Samara. She takes listener questions that she has received over the past few months. She discusses:

    Listener Q on Herbalife:

    What is herbalife made out of? Is it good/bad for you? Is it an appropriate meal replacement?

    Listener Q on weighing convenience foods:

    How do you select convenience items at the store? What should you look for on the nutrition label? When evaluating nutrition information, what's important and when it is not?

    Listener Q on motivation:

    How does one stay motivated to stick with health and wellness changes? How do you know if your efforts will be worth it in the end?

    Listener Q on nutrition recommendations:

    Where should you start when you want to be healthier but don't want to diet?
  • You're flipping through a magazine and see a photo of an extremely sculpted body. Or you're scrolling through Instagram and your favorite workout 'grammer seems to spend tons of time workout. We've all been there- trying to juggle our schedules, attempting to stay fit and healthy and still feeling discouraged because there aren't enough hours in the day.

    Today's podcast features guest Lauren Manganiello, registered dietitian and personal trainer. Samara and Lauren chat all about how to fit things in and get the most out of our workouts when we're short on time. Lauren's advice is sound and realistic.

    In this episode, Samara and Lauren discuss

    The benefits of regular exercise Advice for busy women who truly feel like they don't have enough time for exercise Types of workouts where you can get the most "bang for your buck" when it comes to fitness Lauren's professional opinion about gym workouts vs home workouts Advice for women who are sedentary but looking for a starting point for incorporating body movement into their day Thoughts about working out for weight loss? Lauren's recommendations for favorite workout gear Lauren's favorite go-to nutrition and exercise hacks when she's short on time

    Lauren's Bio

    Lauren Manganiello, MS, RDN, CDN, CPT is a registered dietitian/nutritionist & fitness professional in NYC. She is an Adjunct Professor at CUNY Queens College and owner of Lauren Manganiello Nutrition & Fitness. Through individualized coaching, Lauren's aim is to help others live a healthy, balanced life. Follow her on instagram @manganiello_rd or visit her website, for a free email challenge, Five Days to Feeling Confident and Comfortable in Your Body.


    Facebook Page:

    Instagram Handle: @manganiello_rd

    Twitter Handle: @manganiello_rd

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  • Samara is joined by Kim Hoban, RDN, CDN, CPT to discuss an important aspect of health and wellness that many women ignore: self-care.

    Many women feel guilty doing things that make them feel great. In this episode, Samara and Kim discuss:

    the definition of self-care (hint: it's not just getting manicures) why self-care is important how to start incorporating self-care into your daily routine

    In addition to chatting about self-care, Kim also gives some tips for working women who want be healthier but aren't quite sure where to start. She shares some of her favorite apps for healthier living as well as her own personal ways she tries to live her healthiest life.

    Kim also shares some insight on body image and pregnancy as she prepares to welcome her first child in a few months. She has some great advice for all women- those who are expecting women as well as those who aren't- about what to say to pregnant women about their changing bodies.

    About Kim Hoban, RDN, CDN, CPT:

    Kim Hoban is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, certified intuitive eating counselor and NASM certified personal trainer. Kim lives in Long Island, NY where she works in foodservice and corporate wellness while also managing a virtual nutrition coaching practice. She specializes in intuitive eating and health at every size with a focus on sports nutrition. Kim blogs at where she loves to share about food, fitness and more recently, her journey with pregnancy and becoming a new mom.





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  • Episode 10 of The Grapefruit & Granola Podcast is all about diet soda and whether or not it's bad for you. Guest Andy De Santis, a registered dietitian located in Canada, joins the podcast for this discussion.


    Thank you to dietetic intern, Izzy Smith, for assistance with show notes for this week. Izzy participates in the intro for this week's podcast. She shares a little bit about her experience being diagnosed with Celiac disease and having to eliminate gluten from her diet.

    Episode 10

    Diet soda- is it really so bad? In this episode, Andy and Samara discuss the following:

    Diet soda: what's it made of? Does it have any health benefits? What's the deal with aspartame? Does diet soda make you gain or lose weight? What are some good alternatives to soda beverages?

    About Andy De Santis, RD, MPH

    Andy is a private practice dietitian and nutrition blogger from Toronto, Ontario. He holds a Master's degree in public health nutrition from the University of Toronto and is an avid advocate for effective nutrition communication as a means for improving people's health. That's exactly why you will find him doing so much blogging and instagramming!




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  • Episode 9 of The Grapefruit & Granola Podcast feautres Lauren Harris-Pincus, MS, RDN, author of The Protein-Packed Breakfast Club. Incorporating protein at breakfast sets ladies up for success throughout the day, and Lauren is here to help!

    In this episode, listeners will learn:

    Why protein is important at breakfast Specific protein recommendations Preparation tips for ladies who are short on time Helpful advice from Lauren's book


    ***Lauren's Contact Information***

    Lauren Harris-Pincus, MS, RDN is a nutrition communications specialist, blogger, speaker, spokesperson and registered dietitian in private practice in NJ. She is the founder of Nutrition Starring YOU, LLC where she specializes in weight management and prediabetes. Formerly an obese kid, Lauren dedicates herself to combating the growing adult and childhood obesity epidemic. She holds both Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in Nutrition from Penn State and New York University. She is frequently featured in national publications and on several radio shows and podcasts.


    Facebook Page

    Book: The Protein-Packed Breakfast Club

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    Twitter Handle:

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  • "I really believe that health is about being good to yourself. It's so much more than the meal plan or how many push-ups you can do". Rebecca Scritchfield joins Samara on the podcast today to discuss her popular book, "Body Kindness".

    In this insightful conversation, Rebecca discusses the 3 Pillars of Body Kindness.

    She specifically touches on the following:

    how women can honor their health by practicing gentle nutrition intuitive eating: what it is and what it isn't (hint, it's NOT about weight loss) weight bias, weight stigma and how women need to look inside themselves to see if they are contributing to the problem why we should not be commenting on other people's bodies (ex: telling someone that they look live they've lose or gained weight)

    Rebecca also gives tips to registered dietitians and other health professionals who are trying to promote non-diet practices in a diet-obsessed world.

    About Rebecca Scritchfield:

    Rebecca Scritchfield is a registered dietitian nutritionist, certified exercise physiologist and author of the book, Body Kindness, which was lauded by the New York Times Book Review as “simple and true” and called “a rousing guide to better health” by Publisher’s Weekly. Through her weight-neutral mindfulness-based counseling practice, she helps people make peace with food, find the joy in exercise, and create a better life with workable goals that fit individual interests. Rebecca aims to develop self-compassion in place of shame, by rejecting the rules of diet culture and the pervasive myth that to achieve good health one must achieve thinness.


    Facebook Page:

    Instagram Handle: RebeccaScritchfield

    Twitter Handle: ScritchfieldRD


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  • Do you dislike going to the gym? Have you given up on exercising because you're not into running or pumping iron? If you answered yes then this episode is for you.

    Rachael Hartley, RD, LDN, joins Samara to talk about the concept of intuitive movement.

    Samara and Rachael discuss:

    What is intuitive eating and how is intuitive movement related? Definition of intuitive movement How intuitive movement can benefit everyone Recommend amount of movement per week Benefits of movement Rachael's advice to women who want to add movement into their day but don't have a lot of time to do so.

    Rachael's Contact Information

    Rachael Hartley is a Columbia, SC based private practice dietitian and blogger at The Joy of Eating. Her passion is helping clients and readers rediscover the joy of eating and nourish a healthier relationship with food and their body. She works with clients locally and throughout the US via Skype, specializing in intuitive eating, healing from chronic dieting, disordered eating and digestive disorders.

    Rachael Hartley Nutrition: website Rachael's Blog: The Joy of Eating Rachael's Instagram Rachael's Twitter **Rachael's blog post about intuitive movement

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  • Episode #6 of The Grapefruit & Granola Podcast answers listener questions about nutrition!

    In this episode, Samara answers the following questions:

    Question #1: "What are some tips for getting your significant other on board with healthy eating? I’m trying to eat healthier in the new year and my husband has not really been supportive."

    Question #2: "What are your thoughts about the ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting?"

    Question #3: "I really enjoyed your episode about stress and eating. What advice do you have to curb cravings if they are not coming from stress. I have a big sweet tooth but I don’t think it’s coming from being tired or stressed."

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    Contact Samara here

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    Instagram: ggnutritionco

    Twitter: ggnutritionco