
  • Derek Mills with Micheál O'Mathúna on Standards, Getting in the Zone, Decisions + Goal Attachment

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    This interview was conducted by Micheál O’Mathúna who is a Journalist, Author, Filmmaker, Media Relations Consultant and Radio Show presenter. He also conducts one-to-one coaching, group coaching and delivers transformative workshops in various areas of health and wellbeing. He is also the founder of The Health Zone, which an inspiring, motivational and educational platform to empower people to be healthier, happier, more authentic and realise their true potential in their lives. You can find out more about Micheál O’Mathúna and The Health Zone here.

    You listen to every episode of The Health Zone here ------> Follow us on Instagram here ---> Follow us on Facebook here ----> Follow us on Twitter here ---> Subscribe to our YouTube channel here ---> ---> Join our Facebook Group here --->

    Derek tells us:

    ✓ Why setting long term goals can be a bad idea and can be detrimental to our happiness and well being.

    ✓ How our attachment to achieving our goals can be detrimental to our happiness.

    ✓ How when we make that decision, that the whole world and the universe tends to aspire to support us.

    ✓ How to get into the zone and the flow and how the world is designed to prevent us from doing this.

    ✓ And how people are responsible for most of their stress, not because they are causing it, but because they are allowing it to happen.

    Derek is the author of The 10 Second Philosophy® published by Hay House. Using the power of True Self and the utilization of Standards instead of goals to achieve happiness and success, Derek is invited to speak internationally and to coach and advise others. Derek is the creator and power behind the Standards Revolution™, through which he shares his philosophy of living by Daily Standards™.

    If you have ever set goals and not achieved them, then Daily Standards™ are the missing link to your happiness and success. If you have never set goals then Standards is an alternative way to live the life of your dreams. He is eminently qualified to speak around the subject of wealth. He has conducted over 15,000 personal financial interviews with people considered to be ‘not wealthy’.

    In addition, in the last 10 years he has carried out over 5000 ‘millionaire meetings’ and discovered who they are, what they are, what makes them tick and their philosophy.

    Last Updated Feb 1, 2021

    Original Air Date Jan 22 2016

  • Dr. Peter Levine with Micheál O'Mathúna on Covid19, Fear, Trauma, Resilience, Presence + Shamanism

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    This interview was conducted by Micheál O’Mathúna who is a Journalist, Author, Filmmaker, Media Relations Consultant and Radio Show presenter. He also conducts one-to-one coaching, group coaching and delivers transformative workshops in various areas of health and wellbeing. He is also the founder of The Health Zone, which an inspiring, motivational and educational platform to empower people to be healthier, happier, more authentic and realise their true potential in their lives. You can find out more about Micheál O’Mathúna and The Health Zone here.

    You listen to every episode of The Health Zone here ------> Follow us on Instagram here ---> Follow us on Facebook here ----> Follow us on Twitter here ---> Subscribe to our YouTube channel here ---> ---> Join our Facebook Group here --->

    Peter tells us:

    ✓ How Fear is The Killer of The Mind

    ✓ The Importance of Opening Into The Fear

    ✓ How You Can Disassociate From Pain or Trauma in Your Body

    ✓ How Trauma Effects Whole Communities, Nations and The World

    ✓ How the Somatic Experiencing Method Can Promote Resilience During Covid19

    ✓ How Emotional Pain Gets Stored In Your Body Cells

    ✓ What You Can Learn From Shamanic Traditions in Healing Trauma

    ✓ How You Can Only Be Present For Another When You Are Present in Yourself

    Dr Peter Levine, Ph.D. is the founder and pioneer of Somatic Experiencing® (SE®)and has made it his life-time’s work to continue developing it. He holds doctorates in both Medical Biophysics and Psychology.

    Dr Peter A. Levine received his PhD in medical biophysics from the University of California in Berkeley and also holds a doctorate in psychology from International University. He has worked in the field of stress and trauma for over 40 years and is the developer of the Somatic Experiencing® method. Peter’s original contribution to the field of Body-Psychotherapy was honoured in 2010 when he received the Lifetime Achievement award from the United States Association for Body Psychotherapy (USABP). That same year he also received the honorary Reis Davis Chair in Child Psychiatry for his innovative contribution to therapy for children and adolescents.

    Beginning in the 1970s, Peter’s explorations into how animals deal with threat led to the development of the Somatic Experiencing method, a method that is highly effective in dealing with the effects of overwhelm on our nervous system, called Somatic Experiencing® (SE™). SE™ is a clinical methodology based upon an appreciation of why animals in the wild are not traumatized by routine threats to their lives, while humans, on the other hand, are readily overwhelmed and often subject to the traumatic symptoms of hyperarousal, shutdown and dysregulation.

    Dr Levine was a stress consultant for NASA on the development of the space shuttle project and was a member of the Institute of World Affairs Task Force of Psychologists for Social Responsibility in developing responses to large-scale disasters and ethnopolitical warfare. He is also a Senior Fellow at The Meadows Addiction and Trauma Treatment Center in Wickenburg, Arizona.

    Levine’s international bestseller, Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma, has been translated into twenty-two languages. His recent interests include the prevention of trauma in children, and he has co-written two books, with Maggie Kline, in this area: Trauma Through a Child’s Eyes and Trauma-Proofing Your Kids. His most recent book: In an Unspoken Voice: How the Body Releases Trauma and Restores Goodness, was released to rave reviews.

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  • Matt Kahn with Micheál O'Mathúna on Covid19, Truth, Purpose, Enlightenment, Healthy Boundaries & Intuition

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    This interview was conducted by Micheál O’Mathúna who is a Journalist, Author, Filmmaker, Media Relations Consultant and Radio Show presenter. He also conducts one-to-one coaching, group coaching and delivers transformative workshops in various areas of health and wellbeing. He is also the founder of The Health Zone, which an inspiring, motivational and educational platform to empower people to be healthier, happier, more authentic and realise their true potential in their lives. You can find out more about Micheál O’Mathúna and The Health Zone here.

    You listen to every episode of The Health Zone here ------> Follow us on Instagram here ---> Follow us on Facebook here ----> Follow us on Twitter here ---> Subscribe to our YouTube channel here ---> ---> Join our Facebook Group here --->

    Matt tells us:

    ✓ How To Connect To The Truth of Your Being

    ✓ What The Opportunities Are With Covid19

    ✓ How The Only Purpose in Being Alive is To Know Yourself

    ✓ What The Easiest Way To Enlightenment is

    ✓ The Importance of Healthy Boundaries

    ✓ When You Are Using Your Intuition, You Are Calling On a Higher Wisdom

    ✓ What Does It Mean To Be Spiritually Mature

    Matt Kahn is the author of the best-selling books Everything Is Here To help You, published by Hay House and Whatever Arises, Love That, published by Sounds True. He is a spiritual teacher, and highly-attuned empathic healer who has become a YouTube sensation with his healing and often humorous videos.

    His over 16 million YouTube channel viewers are finding the support they seek to feel more loved, awakened, and opened to the greatest possibilities in life through the invitation to join the "Love Revolution That Begins with You."

    Matt's spontaneous awakening arose out of an out-of-body experience at the age of 8, and through his direct experiences with Ascended Masters and Archangels throughout his life.

    Using his intuitive abilities of seeing, hearing, feeling, and direct knowing, Matt feels the emotions of others and is able to pinpoint what blocks any heart from opening. As a result, he brings forth revolutionary teachings through both the written and spoken word that assist energetically-sensitive beings in healing the body, awakening the soul, and transforming reality through the power of love.

    Many spiritual seekers have experienced amazing, unexplainable physical and emotional healings, and have awakened to their true nature through Matt’s profound, loving, and precisely-timed often funny teachings, and transmission of timeless sacred heart wisdom.

  • Gregg Braden shares about Covid19, Grief, Competition, Consciousness, Our Ancestors and The Power of Your Words.

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    This interview was conducted by Micheál O’Mathúna who is a Journalist, Author, Filmmaker, Media Relations Consultant and Radio Show presenter. He also conducts one-to-one coaching, group coaching and delivers transformative workshops in various areas of health and wellbeing. He is also the founder of The Health Zone, which an inspiring, motivational and educational platform to empower people to be healthier, happier, more authentic and realise their true potential in their lives. You can find out more about Micheál O’Mathúna and The Health Zone here.

    You listen to every episode of The Health Zone here ------> Follow us on Instagram here ---> Follow us on Facebook here ----> Follow us on Twitter here ---> Subscribe to our YouTube channel here ---> ---> Join our Facebook Group here --->

    Gregg shares with us:

    ✓ How Our Bodies Are Wired And Designed For Times Like Covid19

    ✓ How Clinging To The Obsolete Ideas Of Competition Is Not Helping Us In The Present

    ✓ What We Can Learn From Our Ancestors To Best Respond To This Pandemic

    ✓ How we can Best Support Ourselves Emotionally, Spiritually and Physically During Covid19

    ✓ How We Are A Planet In Grief Right Now

    ✓ The Importance Of Consciousness and Awareness Around The Choices We Are Making Right Now

    ✓ How When We Choose Certain Patterns Of Words, We Are Changing The Way Our Bodies Respond To Our Problems

    Gregg Braden is a five-time New York Times best-selling author, scientist, international educator and renowned as a pioneer in the emerging paradigm based in science, spirituality, social policy and human potential.

    From 1979 to 1991 Gregg worked as a problem solver during times of crisis for Fortune 500 companies, including Cisco Systems, where he became the first Technical Operations Manager in 1991. He continues problem-solving today as his work reveals deep insights into our origin, our potential, and how these understandings inform the policies underlying everyday life and the emerging world. To date his research has led to 15 film credits and 12 award-winning books now published in over 40 languages.

    The United Kingdom’s Watkins Journal lists Gregg among the top 100 of “the world’s most spiritually influential living people” for the 7th consecutive year, and he is a 2020 nominee for the prestigious Templeton Award, established to honor “outstanding individuals who have devoted their talents to expanding our vision of human purpose and ultimate reality.”

    Gregg is a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and is active with visionary organizations including the HeartMath Global Coherence Initiative and The Arlington Institute. He has presented his discoveries in over 30 countries on six continents and has been invited to speak to The United Nations, Fortune 500 companies and the U. S. military.

  • Marianne Williamson, gives a Powerful and inspiring interview about Relationships, Health, God and Self-Empowerment.

    Find out more below...

    This interview was conducted by Micheál O’Mathúna who is a Journalist, Author, Filmmaker, Media Relations Consultant and Radio Show presenter. He also conducts one-to-one coaching, group coaching and delivers transformative workshops in various areas of health and wellbeing. He is also the founder of The Health Zone, which an inspiring, motivational and educational platform to empower people to be healthier, happier, more authentic and realise their true potential in their lives. You can find out more about Micheál O’Mathúna and The Health Zone here.

    You listen to every episode of The Health Zone here ------> Follow us on Instagram here ---> Follow us on Facebook here ----> Follow us on Twitter here ---> Subscribe to our YouTube channel here ---> ---> Join our Facebook Group here --->

    Marianne tells us:


    ✓ What the answer is to solving any problem.

    ✓ Why we find it hard to have authentic and meaningful relationships and how to create


    ✓ How our thoughts can create sickness and disease.

    ✓ And how A Course in Miracles can be used to self-empower ourselves.

    Marianne has been a popular guest on television programs such as Oprah, Larry King Live, Good Morning America and Charlie Rose. Six of her eleven published books have been New York Times Best Sellers. Four of these have been #1 New York Times Best Sellers. According to Time magazine, “Yoga, the Cabala and Marianne Williamson have been taken up by those seeking a relationship with God that is not strictly tethered to Christianity.”

    Last Updated April 6, 2020

    Original Air Date Nov 22 2015

  • Find out more below...

    This interview was conducted by Micheál O’Mathúna who is a Journalist, Author, Filmmaker, Media Relations Consultant and Radio Show presenter. He also conducts one-to-one coaching, group coaching and delivers transformative workshops in various areas of health and wellbeing. He is also the founder of The Health Zone, which an inspiring, motivational and educational platform to empower people to be healthier, happier, more authentic and realise their true potential in their lives. You can find out more about Micheál O’Mathúna and The Health Zone here.

    You listen to every episode of The Health Zone here ------> Follow us on Instagram here ---> Follow us on Facebook here ----> Follow us on Twitter here ---> Subscribe to our YouTube channel here ---> ---> Join our Facebook Group here --->

    Bruce tells us:


    ✓ How when we change our mind, we change our belief and we change our life.

    ✓ How the emotions of fear and love can impact our health and wellbeing.

    ✓ How everything your brain does is broadcasted to your environment.

    ✓ How 90% of cancer is because of lifestyle, living under stress and eating the wrong foods.

    ✓ How powerful the collective consciousness can be to heal our planet and heal ourselves.

    ✓ And how the schools in Ireland are teaching the Irish language with the incorrect alphabet and how important it is to restore our native language for our culture and our health.

    Bruce H. Lipton, PhD is an internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit. Stem cell biologist, bestselling author of The Biology of Belief and recipient of the 2009 Goi Peace Award, he has been a guest speaker on hundreds of TV and radio shows, as well as keynote presenter for national and international conferences.

    Dr. Lipton began his scientific career as a cell biologist. He received his Ph.D. Degree from the University of Virginia at Charlottesville before joining the Department of Anatomy at the University of Wisconsin’s School of Medicine in 1973. Dr. Lipton’s research on muscular dystrophy, studies employing cloned human stem cells, focused upon the molecular mechanisms controlling cell behavior. An experimental tissue transplantation technique developed by Dr. Lipton and colleague Dr. Ed Schultz and published in the journal Science was subsequently employed as a novel form of human genetic engineering.

    In 1982, Dr. Lipton began examining the principles of quantum physics and how they might be integrated into his understanding of the cell’s information processing systems. He produced breakthrough studies on the cell membrane, which revealed that this outer layer of the cell was an organic homologue of a computer chip, the cell’s equivalent of a brain. His research at Stanford University’s School of Medicine, between 1987 and 1992, revealed that the environment, operating though the membrane, controlled the behavior and physiology of the cell, turning genes on and off. His discoveries, which ran counter to the established scientific view that life is controlled by the genes, presaged one of today’s most important fields of study, the science of epigenetics. Two major scientific publications derived from these studies defined the molecular pathways connecting the mind and body. Many subsequent papers by other researchers have since validated his concepts and ideas.

    Dr. Lipton’s novel scientific approach transformed his personal life as well. His deepened understanding of cell biology highlighted the mechanisms by which the mind controls bodily functions, and implied the existence of an immortal spirit. He applied this science to his personal biology, and discovered that his physical well-being improved, and the quality and character of his daily life was greatly enhanced.

    Dr. Lipton has taken his award-winning medical school lectures to the public and is currently a sought after keynote speaker and workshop presenter. He lectures to conventional and complementary medical professionals and lay audiences about leading-edge science and how it dovetails with mind-body medicine and spiritual principles. He has been heartened by anecdotal reports from hundreds of former audience members who have improved their spiritual, physical and mental well being by applying the principles he discusses in his lectures. He is regarded as one of the leading voices of the new biology. Dr Lipton’s work summarizing his findings, entitled The Biology of Belief. His new book, Spontaneous Evolution, Our Positive Future and a Way to Get There From Here is available now.

    Last Updated March 30, 2020

    Original Air Date March 24 2016

  • Julia Cameron, Best Selling Author of The Artist's Way talks on this week's The Health Zone:

    Find out more below:

    This interview was conducted by Micheál O’Mathúna who is a Journalist, Author, Filmmaker, Media Relations Consultant and Radio Show presenter. He also conducts one-to-one coaching, group coaching and delivers transformative workshops in various areas of health and wellbeing. He is also the founder of The Health Zone, which an inspiring, motivational and educational platform to empower people to be healthier, happier, more authentic and realise their true potential in their lives. You can find out more about Micheál O’Mathúna and The Health Zone here.

    You listen to every episode of The Health Zone here ------> Follow us on Instagram here ---> Follow us on Facebook here ----> Follow us on Twitter here ---> Subscribe to our YouTube channel here ---> ---> Join our Facebook Group here --->


    Julia talks about:

    ✓ How to recover and release your ‪‎creativity‬ from a variety of blocks.

    ✓ How to connect with your intuition and spontaneity in your life.

    ✓ How to do morning pages and artist’s dates as a way to develop and unblock your creativity.

    ✓ And also her book The ‪Artist‬ Way, which sold over 4 million copies worldwide.

    Last Updated March 23, 2020

    Original Air Date April 19 2015

  • Find out more below...

    This interview was conducted by Micheál O’Mathúna who is a Journalist, Author, Filmmaker, Media Relations Consultant and Radio Show presenter. He also conducts one-to-one coaching, group coaching and delivers transformative workshops in various areas of health and wellbeing. He is also the founder of The Health Zone, which an inspiring, motivational and educational platform to empower people to be healthier, happier, more authentic and realise their true potential in their lives. You can find out more about Micheál O’Mathúna and The Health Zone here.

    You listen to every episode of The Health Zone here ------> Follow us on Instagram here ---> Follow us on Facebook here ----> Follow us on Twitter here ---> Subscribe to our YouTube channel here ---> ---> Join our Facebook Group here --->

    Sri. Mooji tells us:

    ✓ How his greatest learning from Papaji has been to not identify what arises in your mind.

    ✓ How if a person is experiencing doubt and anxiety in their lives, how they could respond with peace to this.

    ✓ How knowing who we are is the highest attainment in the human kingdom.

    ✓ How everyone is seeking to be happy and everyone is seeking to find some peace.

    ✓ How they are aspects of mental illness which is deeply on the path to spiritual evolution.

    ✓ And how we have a choice to choose the ego's way or choose to be in the heart.

    Anthony Paul Moo-Young, known as Mooji, was born on 29 January 1954 in Port Antonio, Jamaica. In 1969, he moved to the UK and lived in Brixton, London. Anthony worked in London's 'West End' as a street portrait artist for many years, then as a painter and a stained glass artist, and later as a teacher at Brixton College. For a long time, he was well known as Tony Moo, but is now affectionately known as Mooji by the many seekers and friends who visited him.

    Mooji is a direct disciple of Sri Harilal Poonja, the renowned advaita master, or Papaji, as his followers call him. In 1987, a chance meeting with a Christian mystic was to be a life-changing encounter for Mooji. It brought him, through prayer, into the direct experience of the Divine within. Within a short period, he experienced a radical shift in consciousness so profound that outwardly, he seemed, to many who knew him, to be an entirely different person. As his spiritual consciousness awakened, a deep inner transformation began which unfolded in the form of many miraculous experiences and mystical insights. He felt a strong wind of change blowing through his life which brought with it a deep urge to surrender completely to divine will. Shortly after, he stopped teaching, left his home and began a life of quiet simplicity and surrender to the will of God as it manifested spontaneously within him. A great peace entered his being, and has remained ever since.

    For the following six years, Mooji drifted in a state of spontaneous meditation oblivious to the outer world he formally knew. During these years, he lived almost penniless but was constantly absorbed in inner joy, contentment and natural meditation. Grace came in the form of his sister Julianne, who welcomed Mooji into her home with loving kindness, and afforded him the time and space he much needed to flower spiritually, without the usual pressures and demands of external life. Mooji refers to this period of his life as his "wilderness years" and speaks touchingly of a deep feeling of being "seated on the Lap of God". In many respects, these were far from easy times for Mooji, yet there is no trace of regret or remorse in his tone as he recounts these years. On the contrary, he speaks of this phase of his life as being richly blessed and abundant in grace, trust and loving devotion.

    In 1993, Mooji travelled to India. He had a desire to visit Dakshineswar in Calcutta where Sri Ramakrishna, the great Bengali Saint, had lived and taught. The words and life of Ramakrishna were a source of inspiration and encouragement to Mooji in the early years of his spiritual development. He loved the Saint deeply but as fate would determine, he would not go to Calcutta. While in Rishikesh, a holy place at the foothills of the Himalayas, he was to have another propitious encounter; this time with three devotees of the great advaita Master Sri Harilal Poonja, known to his many devotees as Papaji. Their persistent invitation to Mooji to travel with them to meet the Master made a deep impression on him. Still he delayed the prospect of meeting Papaji for two whole weeks, choosing first to visit Varanasi, the holy city.

    In late November 1993, Mooji travelled to Indira Nagar in Lucknow to meet Papaji. It was to be an auspicious and profoundly significant experience on his spiritual journey. He felt it to be his good fortune; he had met a living Buddha, a fully enlightened master. He gradually came to recognise that Papaji was his Guru. Mooji stayed with Papaji for several months. During one particular satsang meeting, Papaji told him: “If you desire to be one with truth, 'you' must completely disappear.” On hearing this, great anger arose within his mind, full of judgement and resistance towards Papaji. He decided to leave the master's presence for good, but later that day a huge dark cloud of anger and rebelliousness suddenly lifted, leaving his mind in a state of such peace, emptiness and a love towards the master, so intense, that he knew he could not leave. Through 'Papaji's' grace, his mind was pushed back into the emptiness of source.

    In 1994, with his Master's blessing, he travelled down to Sri Ramanasramam in Tiruvannamalai. This is the ashram at the foot of Arunachala, the 'Hill of Fire', where Sri Ramana Maharshi*, the Sage of Arunachala and Papaji's Guru, had lived and taught. Mooji felt very happy and at home in Tiruvannamalai. He stayed there for almost three months before returning to sit at Papaji's feet once again.

    A week after returning to Lucknow, Mooji received news from London that his eldest son had died suddenly of pneumonia. He returned to England. The bliss of earlier years gave way to a profound emptiness and inner silence, imparted by the Grace and Presence of Papaji.

    Mooji visited Papaji again in 1997. It was to be his last meeting with his Beloved Master, who had by now become ill and frail in his movements, but whose inner light and presence remained undiminished. A month after returning to London, Mooji received news that the Master had passed away. Of this Mooji declares: "That Principle that manifests as the Master is ever HERE NOW. The True Master never dies, it is the mister that dies. The true Master, that Sat Guru* within, alone is the Real".

    Since 1999, Mooji has been sharing satsang in the form of spontaneous encounters, retreats, satsang intensives and one-to-one meetings with the many seekers who visit him, from all parts of the world, in search of the direct experience of truth. Few amongst the modern teachers of the advaita tradition expound the 'knowledge of Self', and the method of self-enquiry, with such dazzling clarity, love and authority. There is an energy that radiates from Mooji's presence, a kind of impersonal intimacy, full of love, joy and a curious mix of playfulness and authority. His style is direct, clear, compassionate and often humorous. Once caught in the grip of his questions, there seems to be no place to hide. So unsparing is his scrutiny and uncompromising stance, that the 'I' concept is inescapably exposed as a mental construction, when viewed from the formless awareness we are.

    Mooji has travelled to Spain, Italy, Germany, Sweden, North America, Argentina, Brasil, UK, Ireland, Portugal, Ukraine, Poland, Russia, and India, conducting Satsang meetings, Intensives and Retreats. He is ever open to meeting sincere seekers of truth, whatever their background.

    Last Updated March 16, 2020

    Original Air Date April 28 2016

  • Dr. Terry Lynch talks this week about his new book called: Depression Delusion Volume

    One: The Myth of the Brain Chemical Imbalance, this week on The Health Zone.

    This interview was conducted by Micheál O’Mathúna who is a Journalist, Author, Filmmaker, Media Relations Consultant and Radio Show presenter. He also conducts one-to-one coaching, group coaching and delivers transformative workshops in various areas of health and wellbeing. He is also the founder of The Health Zone, which an inspiring, motivational and educational platform to empower people to be healthier, happier, more authentic and realise their true potential in their lives. You can find out more about Micheál O’Mathúna and The Health Zone here.

    You listen to every episode of The Health Zone here ------> Follow us on Instagram here ---> Follow us on Facebook here ----> Follow us on Twitter here ---> Subscribe to our YouTube channel here ---> ---> Join our Facebook Group here --->

    Terry tells us:


    Why the current medical model tends to ask what is wrong with the person rather than

    asking what happened to a person.

    How there is a better way to understand and respond to depression.

    How it can be easy for people to slip into the psychiatric system and dam hard to get out

    of it.

    What he thinks of the proposed changes to the current mental health act to allow for

    greater family care of a person with mental illness.

  • This interview was conducted by Micheál O’Mathúna who is a Journalist, Author, Filmmaker, Media Relations Consultant and Radio Show presenter. He also conducts one-to-one coaching, group coaching and delivers transformative workshops in various areas of health and wellbeing. He is also the founder of The Health Zone, which an inspiring, motivational and educational platform to empower people to be healthier, happier, more authentic and realise their true potential in their lives. You can find out more about Micheál O’Mathúna and The Health Zone here.

    You listen to every episode of The Health Zone here ------> Follow us on Instagram here ---> Follow us on Facebook here ----> Follow us on Twitter here ---> Subscribe to our YouTube channel here ---> ---> Join our Facebook Group here --->

    Bruce tells us:


    ✓ How when we change our mind, we change our belief and we change our life.

    ✓ How the emotions of fear and love can impact our health and wellbeing.

    ✓ How everything your brain does is broadcasted to your environment.

    ✓ How 90% of cancer is because of lifestyle, living under stress and eating the wrong foods.

    ✓ How powerful the collective consciousness can be to heal our planet and heal ourselves.

    ✓ And how the schools in Ireland are teaching the Irish language with the incorrect alphabet and how important it is to restore our native language for our culture and our health.

    Bruce H. Lipton, PhD is an internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit. Stem cell biologist, bestselling author of The Biology of Belief and recipient of the 2009 Goi Peace Award, he has been a guest speaker on hundreds of TV and radio shows, as well as keynote presenter for national and international conferences.

    Dr. Lipton began his scientific career as a cell biologist. He received his Ph.D. Degree from the University of Virginia at Charlottesville before joining the Department of Anatomy at the University of Wisconsin’s School of Medicine in 1973. Dr. Lipton’s research on muscular dystrophy, studies employing cloned human stem cells, focused upon the molecular mechanisms controlling cell behavior. An experimental tissue transplantation technique developed by Dr. Lipton and colleague Dr. Ed Schultz and published in the journal Science was subsequently employed as a novel form of human genetic engineering.

    In 1982, Dr. Lipton began examining the principles of quantum physics and how they might be integrated into his understanding of the cell’s information processing systems. He produced breakthrough studies on the cell membrane, which revealed that this outer layer of the cell was an organic homologue of a computer chip, the cell’s equivalent of a brain. His research at Stanford University’s School of Medicine, between 1987 and 1992, revealed that the environment, operating though the membrane, controlled the behavior and physiology of the cell, turning genes on and off. His discoveries, which ran counter to the established scientific view that life is controlled by the genes, presaged one of today’s most important fields of study, the science of epigenetics. Two major scientific publications derived from these studies defined the molecular pathways connecting the mind and body. Many subsequent papers by other researchers have since validated his concepts and ideas.

    Dr. Lipton’s novel scientific approach transformed his personal life as well. His deepened understanding of cell biology highlighted the mechanisms by which the mind controls bodily functions, and implied the existence of an immortal spirit. He applied this science to his personal biology, and discovered that his physical well-being improved, and the quality and character of his daily life was greatly enhanced.

    Dr. Lipton has taken his award-winning medical school lectures to the public and is currently a sought after keynote speaker and workshop presenter. He lectures to conventional and complementary medical professionals and lay audiences about leading-edge science and how it dovetails with mind-body medicine and spiritual principles. He has been heartened by anecdotal reports from hundreds of former audience members who have improved their spiritual, physical and mental well being by applying the principles he discusses in his lectures. He is regarded as one of the leading voices of the new biology. Dr Lipton’s work summarizing his findings, entitled The Biology of Belief, His new book, Spontaneous Evolution, Our Positive Future and a Way to Get There From Here, is available now.

  • Dr. Mike Dow, Psychotherapist + Author on The Brain Fog Fix, Food, Digital Distraction + Goals on this week’s The Health Zone. Find out more below....

    This interview was conducted by Micheál O’Mathúna who is a Journalist, Author, Filmmaker, Media Relations Consultant and Radio Show presenter. He also conducts one-to-one coaching, group coaching and delivers transformative workshops in various areas of health and wellbeing. He is also the founder of The Health Zone, which an inspiring, motivational and educational platform to empower people to be healthier, happier, more authentic and realise their true potential in their lives. You can find out more about Micheál O’Mathúna and The Health Zone here.

    You listen to every episode of The Health Zone here ------> Follow us on Instagram here ---> Follow us on Facebook here ----> Follow us on Twitter here ---> Subscribe to our YouTube channel here ---> ---> Join our Facebook Group here --->

    Mike tells us:


    How our diets have a profound effect on our emotional and neurological wellbeing and can cause brain drain.

    How digital distraction and multi-tasking can be unproductive and inefficient in achieving tasks and saving time.

    How food can be the number 1 villain for causing brain fog.

    How spiking your brain sugar is linked to a much higher risk of alzheimer's disease and dementia.

    And also highlights some effective ways how people can change their unhealthy habits in 2016 by making small changes and sticking to them.

    Dr. Mike makes regular appearances on Dr. Oz, The Doctors, Dr. Drew On Call, Wendy Williams, Rachael Ray, Access Hollywood Live, Bethenny, Ricki Lake, Anderson, Anderson Live, Nancy Grace, Nightline, Fox and Friends, and the Today show.

  • Rev. Maria Felipe talks about Peace, Suffering, Forgiveness, Relationships and The Story.

    Find out more below...

    This interview was conducted by Micheál O’Mathúna who is a Journalist, Author, Filmmaker, Media Relations Consultant and Radio Show presenter. He also conducts one-to-one coaching, group coaching and delivers transformative workshops in various areas of health and wellbeing. He is also the founder of The Health Zone, which an inspiring, motivational and educational platform to empower people to be healthier, happier, more authentic and realise their true potential in their lives. You can find out more about Micheál O’Mathúna and The Health Zone here.

    You listen to every episode of The Health Zone here ------> Follow us on Instagram here ---> Follow us on Facebook here ----> Follow us on Twitter here ---> Subscribe to our YouTube channel here ---> ---> Join our Facebook Group here --->

    Felipe tells us:


    How the goal is always peace first.

    How it is our identification with what is happening in our lives is creating the suffering.

    How we are always bringing our past into our presence and what we can do about it.

    How come we find it so difficult to forgive another person and what is the purpose of forgiveness.

    And how we can blame our partners for our unhappiness in a relationship and why it happens.

    A Cuban-American born in Miami, Maria Felipe stands at 5’9" tall with a towering personality to match. Her charisma has captivated thousands of viewers across the United States and beyond, as her pursuit of an acting career resulted in dozens of appearances in national commercials, hosting successful TV shows (including World Wrestling Federation shows with live audiences of 20,000), and traveling the world as a model. After success in her field she felt called inward, and studied to become a Reverend with Pathways of Light, an accredited religious school inspired by A Course in Miracles.

    Maria is a dynamic speaker in both Spanish and English. She leads services monthly at Unity Church in Burbank, where she created the church's first regular Spanish service, as well as performing services in English. Her talks now draw both Spanish and English speakers from all over Southern California. She also leads workshops, Maria has created her own channel on You Tube by hosting MariaCoconut TV, a

    show designed to share and expand the message of love by interviewing other spiritual leaders.

    In 2013, Maria began speaking regularly on Unity Radio and Awakening Together Radio. She’s also recently appeared as a motivational speaker on TV shows and news programs for Univison, Telemundo and CNN. She has also spoken alongside prominent teachers David Hoffmeister and Gary Renard in Los Angeles, Mexico, and Greece.

    People magazine once referred to Maria Felipe as ’’Una Campeona Sin Rival,’’ which means a champion without rival. This is an apt label for this young, vivacious and talented actress, host, and minister. And the gifts she can share with countless others continue to multiply as she allows the expression of her talents to be guided by the inner light of God.

  • Find out more below...

    This interview was conducted by Micheál O’Mathúna who is a Journalist, Author, Filmmaker, Media Relations Consultant and Radio Show presenter. He also conducts one-to-one coaching, group coaching and delivers transformative workshops in various areas of health and wellbeing. He is also the founder of The Health Zone, which an inspiring, motivational and educational platform to empower people to be healthier, happier, more authentic and realise their true potential in their lives. You can find out more about Micheál O’Mathúna and The Health Zone here.

    You listen to every episode of The Health Zone here ------> Follow us on Instagram here ---> Follow us on Facebook here ----> Follow us on Twitter here ---> Subscribe to our YouTube channel here ---> ---> Join our Facebook Group here --->

    Colm tells:


    How the minute that you embrace death is the minute you start living.

    How they are three relationships in every relationship and if one is out of balance, it effects the other relationships.

    How the secret to happiness is pealing away the layers and remembering who you are.

    How vulnerability is the heart of humanity and when you lose touch of that you can become self righteous, fundamentalist and arrongant or fearful.

    And how we can learn from our Irish ancestors to bring more truth and happiness into our lives.

    Dr. Colm O Connor is a nationally recognised Family Psychologist, Couples Therapist, Domestic Violence Clinician and Writer. His most recent book " The Courage to Love" follows from his previous bestseller, "The Courage to be Happy". Colm has been Clinical Director of the Cork Marriage Counselling Centre for 20 years where he has practiced as a clinician, researcher and supervisor.

    Dr. O Connor was founder of the Cork Domestic Violence Project in the early nineties and has been registered as a clinical psychologist and family therapy supervisor for many years. He was a co-founder of the Association of Agency-Based Counselling in Ireland and has served on the Board of Directors of the Family Support Agency. He strives to integrate psychological thinking with literary and psycho-spiritual resources.

  • Br. Shubamrita, one of Amma's closest disciples, talks about his life as a Monk, Meditation and Happiness this week on The Health Zone.

    Find out more below...

    This interview was conducted by Micheál O’Mathúna who is a Journalist, Author, Filmmaker, Media Relations Consultant and Radio Show presenter. He also conducts one-to-one coaching, group coaching and delivers transformative workshops in various areas of health and wellbeing. He is also the founder of The Health Zone, which an inspiring, motivational and educational platform to empower people to be healthier, happier, more authentic and realise their true potential in their lives. You can find out more about Micheál O’Mathúna and The Health Zone here.

    You listen to every episode of The Health Zone here ------> Follow us on Instagram here ---> Follow us on Facebook here ----> Follow us on Twitter here ---> Subscribe to our YouTube channel here ---> ---> Join our Facebook Group here --->

    He tells us:


    What life is like being a monk.

    What the biggest lesson he learned in spirituality.

    The purpose of meditation.

    And how we can have more energy and aliveness in our daily lives.

  • Find out more below...

    This interview was conducted by Micheál O’Mathúna who is a Journalist, Author, Filmmaker, Media Relations Consultant and Radio Show presenter. He also conducts one-to-one coaching, group coaching and delivers transformative workshops in various areas of health and wellbeing. He is also the founder of The Health Zone, which an inspiring, motivational and educational platform to empower people to be healthier, happier, more authentic and realise their true potential in their lives. You can find out more about Micheál O’Mathúna and The Health Zone here.

    You listen to every episode of The Health Zone here ------> Follow us on Instagram here ---> Follow us on Facebook here ----> Follow us on Twitter here ---> Subscribe to our YouTube channel here ---> ---> Join our Facebook Group here --->

    Mas tells us:

    ----more----✓ How he transforms people by editing their frequencies which helps people to get massive, rapid change.

    ✓ How when you change the underlying frequencies or the core frequencies, your health and finances get better too.

    ✓ How stress and fear can be a factor in stopping people from healing.

    ✓ How the food source we are eating is strongly linked to the rising rates of autism.

    ✓ How when you awaken to your true self, diseases like cancer tend to disappear.

    ✓ And how everything is connected to pure source.

    Mas Salady is in Ireland and the UK from April 28th to May 8th. You can find out more details here.

    Through two near death experiences Mas was gifted with extraordinarily potent healing abilities to reprogram your life blueprint at core levels for rapid life transformations beyond anything you’ve experienced.

    At the risk of being accused of 'Playing God', Mas bypasses conventional protocols with his abilities to get to the real cause of why your life is the way it is especially for long standing issues. He 'edits' your blueprint at the core frequency level for effortless transformations in all areas of life - physical, financial, spiritual, relationships, and more - with rapid, tangible and documented results.

    During profound 3am meditations after his second near death experience, Mas was downloaded with volumes of advanced Exponential Intelligence. With direct guidance from Pure Source, Mas acquired the understanding to accept the responsibility of awakening the world with the power of Truth.

    There is no ‘chance meeting'. If something is stirring within you then come meet Mas, feel the frequency and discover the truth about...YOU!

    Although the results are tangible and seemingly miraculous, Mas doesn't heal you. He helps you awaken your own abilities to live 360 degrees of abundance. Please read their disclaimer before proceeding.

  • Find out more below...

    This interview was conducted by Micheál O’Mathúna who is a Journalist, Author, Filmmaker, Media Relations Consultant and Radio Show presenter. He also conducts one-to-one coaching, group coaching and delivers transformative workshops in various areas of health and wellbeing. He is also the founder of The Health Zone, which an inspiring, motivational and educational platform to empower people to be healthier, happier, more authentic and realise their true potential in their lives. You can find out more about Micheál O’Mathúna and The Health Zone here.

    You listen to every episode of The Health Zone here ------> Follow us on Instagram here ---> Follow us on Facebook here ----> Follow us on Twitter here ---> Subscribe to our YouTube channel here ---> ---> Join our Facebook Group here --->

    Glenn tells us:


    ✓ How his earlier life was a strong catalyst for him becoming a hypnotherapist.

    ✓ Why some people are more receptive to hypnosis than others.

    ✓ How phobias can be overcome by using hypnosis.

    ✓ And why addictions can have such power over people.

    Glenn’s start in life was colourful to say the least. From the age of 12, he often slept rough on the streets as a result of a dysfunctional home life. At 15 he was expelled from school. He then fell in with the wrong crowd, and experimented with drugs and alcohol and was on first name terms with the local magistrate!

    After a major health scare at 17 caused by excessive alcohol abuse and a warning from a doctor, he took the necessary measures to free himself from his old destructive ways.

    Today Glenn is a world away from those self-destructive patterns of behaviour. He is a non-smoker of 25 years, a vegetarian, a fitness fan and drinks only very occasionally. He plays club tennis five times a week, practises yoga, swims, and uses self-hypnosis and meditation to achieve his goals.

    Glenn's entreprenurial skills have allowed him to build his company Diviniti Publishing into a thriving business, producing and distributing high quality self-help MP3s, CDs, Apps, books and DVDs. Diviniti has signed a number of other authors and currently has a catalogue of over 100 titles.

    The aim of the company is to publish and distribute self-help products of the highest quality that genuinely help people achieve great personal growth and overcome fears, problems or anxieties. Diviniti Publishing also has offices in the USA and Australia.

    Glenn writes self-help books for Orion in the UK and McGraw Hill in the USA, and produces hypnotherapy CDs for BBC audiobooks and Diviniti Publishing. His best-selling CD title, Complete Relaxation, was awarded a gold disc for sales of over £250,000 from Robert Knight of Nielsen BookData in 2006.

    He has 20 years experience as a clinical hypnotherapist in one to one therapy sessions, and in recent years he has worked with many high profile and celebrity clients. In May 2011 he was made a Fellow of The British School of Clinical Hypnosis in acknowledgement of his achievements in the world of hypnotherapy

  • Find out more below...

    This interview was conducted by Micheál O’Mathúna who is a Journalist, Author, Filmmaker, Media Relations Consultant and Radio Show presenter. He also conducts one-to-one coaching, group coaching and delivers transformative workshops in various areas of health and wellbeing. He is also the founder of The Health Zone, which an inspiring, motivational and educational platform to empower people to be healthier, happier, more authentic and realise their true potential in their lives. You can find out more about Micheál O’Mathúna and The Health Zone here.

    You listen to every episode of The Health Zone here ------> Follow us on Instagram here ---> Follow us on Facebook here ----> Follow us on Twitter here ---> Subscribe to our YouTube channel here ---> ---> Join our Facebook Group here --->

    Athlete Sonia O'Sullivan, Sports Psychiatrist Dr. Steve Peters Chimp Management & Health & Wellness Manager Mark Mc Manus talk this week on The Health Zone.

    They are talking about their own sporting careers, how to achieve success in sports and life, as well as how to train in a healthy and enjoyable way.


    Sonia O’Sullivan has competed in four Olympic games and won a Silver medal in Sydney Olympics 2000 in the 5000m. (Interview starts @52:00)

    Sport Psychiatrist, Dr. Steve Peters is currently working with Liverpool Football team, England Football & British Professional Cycling team - Sky Cycling Team. He has worked & is working with sports people such as golfer Padraig Harrington, snooker legend Ronnie O’Sullivan, footballer Steven Gerrard and former track cyclist, Sir Chris Hoy.

    (Interview starts @ 0:00)

    Mark McManus is REPs Ireland Registrar & LeisureWorld Health & Wellness Manager,

    (starts at 34:00)

  • Kelly Kosow, CEO of The Ford Institute, talks about Authenticity, Shadow Beliefs, Goals and Abundance on this week’s The Health Zone.

    Find out more below...

    This interview was conducted by Micheál O’Mathúna who is a Journalist, Author, Filmmaker, Media Relations Consultant and Radio Show presenter. He also conducts one-to-one coaching, group coaching and delivers transformative workshops in various areas of health and wellbeing. He is also the founder of The Health Zone, which an inspiring, motivational and educational platform to empower people to be healthier, happier, more authentic and realise their true potential in their lives. You can find out more about Micheál O’Mathúna and The Health Zone here.

    You listen to every episode of The Health Zone here ------> Follow us on Instagram here ---> Follow us on Facebook here ----> Follow us on Twitter here ---> Subscribe to our YouTube channel here ---> ---> Join our Facebook Group here --->

    Kelly tells us:


    How many of us try to hide who we really are and how shame is one of the reasons why we don’t reveal ourselves.

    How you shadow beliefs can hold you back and prevent you from achieving what you want in your life.

    How your inner world is a reflection of your outer world.

    How when you start embracing all that your are, that is when you start hearing the whispers of your soul.

    How the shadow side of yourself can block the abundance of money coming into your life and how to overcome it.

    Kelley Kosow is recognized as being one of the world’s leading experts on shadow work, emotional freedom, and personal mastery. Known as being “the coach’s coach,” Kelley uses her quick wit, laser sharp insight, genuine examples, and ruthlessly compassionate style to support people in liberating themselves from the bonds of their past, transforming their lives and stepping into a new reality.

    Kelley is a Master Integrative Life Coach and CEO & Program Leader of The Ford Institute For Transformational Training. Kelley was hand-picked and personally trained by the late Debbie Ford to lead The Ford Institute and continue the legacy of this life changing work. She is the only person who was authorized by Debbie Ford to lead her ground-breaking Shadow Process Workshop in English and has led several since Debbie’s passing in 2013

    Kelley is a graduate of Brown University and University of Miami Law School. Although a successful practicing attorney, her heart yearned for “something more.” That is when she discovered Debbie Ford’s powerful work.

    Kelley has been featured in local and national media. Oprah Magazine named Kelley as someone who could “Dream it, Do it.” She has also been featured in In Style, People, Working Mother, The NY and LA Times. Most recently Conde Nast Traveler, in an article entitled “Spotlight on Miami,” referred to Kelley’s brand of coaching as “Miracle Therapy” and to Kelley as a “powerhouse.” Kelley has also appeared on “The Balancing Act” and

    Kelley is currently working on her first book, The Integrity Principle.

  • Tibetan Buddhist Master, Ringu Tulku Rinpoche, Yoga Teacher + Teacher TrainerCharlie Stevens and Bella Hancock about West Cork’s First Yoga Festival on The Health Zone.

    They are talking about ‪‎yoga‬, ‪meditation‬, ‪buddhism‬, ‪Tibetan‬ medicine and ‪happiness‬.

    Find out more below...

    This interview was conducted by Micheál O’Mathúna who is a Journalist, Author, Filmmaker, Media Relations Consultant and Radio Show presenter. He also conducts one-to-one coaching, group coaching and delivers transformative workshops in various areas of health and wellbeing. He is also the founder of The Health Zone, which an inspiring, motivational and educational platform to empower people to be healthier, happier, more authentic and realise their true potential in their lives. You can find out more about Micheál O’Mathúna and The Health Zone here.

    You listen to every episode of The Health Zone here ------> Follow us on Instagram here ---> Follow us on Facebook here ----> Follow us on Twitter here ---> Subscribe to our YouTube channel here ---> ---> Join our Facebook Group here --->


    Ringu Tulku Rinpoche is a Tibetan Buddhist Master of the Kagyu Order. He was trained in all schools of Tibetan Buddhism under many great masters such as HH the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa and HH Dilgo Khentse Rinpoche.

    Rinpoche is the Official Representative of His Holiness the 17th Karmapa for Europe and the Founder of Karmapa Foundation Europe @32:00)

    Charlie Stevens is Yoga Meditation Teacher and Teacher Trainer and founder of Contemporary Yoga. @15:00)

    Bella Hancock talks about West Cork’s first ever yoga West cork yoga festival. To find out more log onto: @5:00)

  • A thought provoking + insightful interview with Meditation Teacher and Author Sharon

    Salzberg this week on The Health Zone:

    Find out more below...

    This interview was conducted by Micheál O’Mathúna who is a Journalist, Author, Filmmaker, Media Relations Consultant and Radio Show presenter. He also conducts one-to-one coaching, group coaching and delivers transformative workshops in various areas of health and wellbeing. He is also the founder of The Health Zone, which an inspiring, motivational and educational platform to empower people to be healthier, happier, more authentic and realise their true potential in their lives. You can find out more about Micheál O’Mathúna and The Health Zone here.

    You listen to every episode of The Health Zone here ------> Follow us on Instagram here ---> Follow us on Facebook here ----> Follow us on Twitter here ---> Subscribe to our YouTube channel here ---> ---> Join our Facebook Group here --->

    Sharon is talking about:


    Her life in ‪‎India‬ and what started her on the path to ‪meditation‬

    The purpose of ‪Lovingkindness‬ meditation.

    How meditation can bring more ‪happiness‬ into our lives.

    The root causes of unhappiness....

    and lots, lots more….