Narrated by: Nate DuFort
222 - The Holder of Prophecy
223 - The Holder of Warfare
224 - The Holder of Ingenuity
225 - The Holder of Prehistory
Stories can be found at:
Fehlende Folgen?
Narrated by: Nate DuFort
218 - The Holder of Prophecy
219 - The Holder of Warfare
220 - The Holder of Ingenuity
221 - The Holder of Prehistory
Stories can be found at:
Narrated by: Nate DuFort
213 - The Holder of Grace
214 - The Holder of Vanity
215 - The Holder of Chastisement
216 - The Holder of Poverty
217 - The Holder of Harmony
Stories can be found at:
Narrated by: Nate DuFort
207 - The Holder of Hope
208 - The Holder of the Firstborn
209 - The Holder of the Eastern Seas
210 - The Holder of Sound
211 - The Holder of Finality
212 - The Holder of Pain
Stories can be found at:
Narrated by: Nate DuFort
197 - The Holder of Laughter
198 - The Holder of Blazes
199 - The Holder of Thrill
200 - The Holder of Navigation
Stories can be found at:
Narrated by: Nate DuFort
193 - The Holder of the Kiss
194 - The Holder of the Destroyed
195 - The Holder of Trade
196 - The Holder of Penance
Stories can be found at:
Narrated by: Nate DuFort
189 - The Holder of Justice
190 - The Holder of Putridity
191 - The Holder of Secrets
192 - The Holder of Indulgence
Stories can be found at:
Sound design by: Samii Taylor
185 - The Holder of the Game
186 - The Holder of Understanding
187 - The Holder of Ecstasy
188 - The Holder of the Blank Canvas
Narrated by: Nate DuFort
Read more at:
181. The Holder of the Five Rings
182. The Holder of Shame
183. The Holder of Belief
184. The Holder of Brutality
Stories can be found at:
Sound design by: Samii Taylor
Music credit: "After the Blast", "A Heart Turned Creepy", "Fur Elise- Beethoven", "Limitations" by Ghost Stories Incorporated
177. The Holder of the Shooting Star
178. The Holder of Change
179. The Holder of Trajectory
180. The Holder of Destruction
Stories can be found at:
Sound design by: Samii Taylor
Music credit: "Curse" by Mehul Sharma, "Haunted" by Ross Bugden, "Don't Die on Me" by Myuu, "London Fog" by Monst3r Music
173. The Holder of Shadows
174. The Holder of Detachment
175. The Holder of Ashes
176. The Holder of Opening Doors
Stories can be found at:
Sound design by: Samii Taylor
Music credit: "Art of Silence" by Uniq, "Air Prelude" and "Evening of Chaos" by Kevin MacLeod,
"Do the lies you told seem shameful" by CO.AG
169. The Holder of Morality
170. The Holder of the Centuries
171. The Holder of Infinite Patience
172. The Holder of Obedience
Stories can be found at:
Sound design by: Samii Taylor
Music credit: "A Calm but Suspenseful Horror Soundtrack", "Shadowmine", "Heart turned dark", and "Fur Elise Beethoven" by Ghost Stories Incorporated
165. The Holder of Research
166. The Holder of the Ethereal
167. The Holder of the Palette
168. The Holder of Zeal
Stories can be found at:
Sound design by: Samii Taylor
Music credit: "Melancholia" by Ryan Creep, "Haunted" by Ross Bugden, "A Deep Voice" and "Unspoken" by Myuu
161. The Holder of Loss
162. The Holder of Sickness
163. The Holder of Decay
164. The Holder of Devotion
Stories can be found at:
Sound design by: Samii Taylor
Music credit: "Don't Die on Me", "Deadly Sorrow", "Bad Encounter", "Moonlight Menschen" by Myuu
157. The Holder of Mercy
158. The Holder of Respite
159. The Holder of Treachery
160. The Holder of the Paranoid
Stories can be found at:
Sound design by: Samii Taylor
Music credit: "Baba Yaga", "The Arrival" and "You know what I need" by CO.AG,
"The Abandoned" by Monst3r
153. The Holder of Structure
154. The Holder of Catastrophe
155. The Holder of Muse
156. The Holder of the Shield
Stories can be found at:
Sound design by: Samii Taylor
Music credit: "Silent Hill" by Red Cheese Harmony, "Ghost Story" and "Myst on the Moor" by Kevin MacLeod
149. The Holder of Nightmares
150. The Holder of Numbness
151. The Holder of Tyranny
152. The Holder of Repose
Stories can be found at:
Sound design by: Samii Taylor
Music credit: "Dark Ambient" by THRILL, "Dead Forest", "Red Room", "Silent Hill" by Red Cheese Harmony
144. The Holder of the Cost
145. The Holder of the Harvest
146. The Holder of the Sun
147. The Holder of the Ego
148. The Holder of History
Stories can be found at:
Sound design by: Samii Taylor
Music credit: "City Of Ghosts" by The sea Four, "Growing Shadow" by Myuu, "Soundscape 2 thrill from egypt" by Fred Carpita, "Horror Ambience 10" by klankbeeld, "It Will Return" by Dark Music
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