
  • You know what one of the biggest goldmines for market research is?

    Objections. (Yes, you heard that right.)

    If you listen closely, objections can reveal opportunities for you to get your clients closer to “YES!”.

    Now, you might be thinking, “Jasmine, how can objections be a goldmine? Aren't they just hurdles in the way of getting a sale?"

    And, that's fair. But what if I told you there's a way to flip those objections, use them as information, and turn them into golden opportunities?

    In today's episode, I'm sharing the top ways to handle the most common sales objections by digging deep into the underlying concerns behind them.

    Click play to hear all of this and:

    (00:00:20) How to effectively address the objection of “I just don't have time”(00:02:53) How to help your prospect find creative solutions to their pricing concerns(00:03:50) What I've learned from my own experience about finding solutions to pricing objections(00:07:31) How to effectively address the "I don't know if it's a right fit" objection(00:10:25) How to create ease and excitement when someone is afraid to commit

    🎧 Listen to the full episode, Do THIS to Close More Sales, >>HERE<<

    Listen to Related Episodes:

    How to Create Content That Removes Objections and Increases Your SalesThree Sales Strategies to Increase Your Revenue

    For full show notes, visit

  • “If you want to build a business where you’re selling your intellectual property, becoming a public figure in some capacity is a requirement.”

    When she said that, I had to pause. She was right. Please believe that quote made its way into my moleskin journal. *(*When I invited Jereshia Hawk, private business mentor, to be on the show, I knew I’d have pages full of notes.)

    But what I didn't know was how Jereshia scaled her business, which she so graciously shares with us.

    If you’re in a place where your revenue feels stagnant, you want to scale but you’re not sure what steps to take, and you need a slight kick in the pants, you’re in the right place.

    In this episode, you’ll learn how to better understand your buyers, adapt to market changes, and leverage past experiences for business success.

    Click play to hear all of this and

    (00:02:58) An inside look at Jereshia’s career.

    (00:03:21) The importance of building real relationships in sales and entrepreneurship.

    (00:07:31) How Jereshia created opportunities for herself while working a full-time corporate job.

    (00:10:32) The key principles behind scaling a business effectively.

    (00:11:21) How Jereshia’s first $60,000 sales month and its impact on her goals.

    (00:12:29) What it means to ‘flip the funnel’ to focus on high-ticket offers.

    (00:15:18) The benefits of selling higher-ticket offers based on her experiences.

    (16:17) How Jereshia used the transferable skills she learned in corporate when she started coaching.

    (18:07) The commitment Jereshia made to herself when starting her business and how it helped her get to where she is now.

    (21:03) The number one non-negotiable thing you must do if you want to become a thought leader.

    (22:57) How to help clients choose between your offer over similar service providers.

    (25:28) Jereshia’s (brilliant) process to identify her ideal client.

    (27:10) How Jereshia transitioned to six figures.

    (34:18) Jereshia’s strategy of specializing her offers to capitalize on market demand and client spending habits.

    (39:28) The importance of long-form content when building trust with your audience.

    (40:13) How you can use free content to pre-qualify leads for higher-ticket offers.

    For full show notes, visit

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  • How can you create ways (for not only your business) but your community to WIN?

    When your community wins, you're not just making a difference – you're building a stronger foundation for your business to succeed.

    And during this discussion, I heard some of the most creative ways to do exactly this.

    But what I found truly fascinating about today’s guest, Peter Lobanov, the Chief Creative Officer of Pudgy Penguins, is his exploration of the creative side of Web3.

    (If you’ve been a listener for a while, by now you know that I’m OBSESSED with all things NFTs.)

    If you want to geek out with ya girl on how creativity, community, and strategic growth blend in the digital age, this episode is for you!!

    We’re diving into the business of NFTs, the process of rebranding and redefining your company roadmap, and how to build a community that’s aligned with your brand’s values.

    Click >>PLAY<< to hear all of this and

    (00:05:12) The challenges of acquiring a project after it already had initial success

    (00:11:30) The process of engaging and aligning an existing community with a new vision and leadership

    (00:15:34) How Peter deals with the skepticism and concerns from the web3 space

    (00:20:08) What it really takes to overhaul a complex brand

    (00:22:19) How Pudgy Penguins entered the retail market (in Walmart, no less!)

    (00:24:05) How to license digital assets from NFT owners

    (00:26:07) The legal implications Pudgy Penguins navigated in a new market, and the best way to address those complexities

    (00:31:20) Integrating web3 wallets and gamification into retail products to create a unique physical experience

    (00:34:11) The social media strategy that garnered 10 million views in one day!

    (00:39:31) The virality formula: how to create engaging and relatable content

    (00:49:12) A strategy to target a younger demographic

    Listen to Related Episodes:

    430: How to Get Attention and “Embrace the Dirt” for Long-Term Success with Gary Vaynerchuk336a: What’s Changing the Landscape for Business Owners: Thoughts on AI, Crypto, and more with Daniel DiVenere

    For full show notes, visit

    Connect With Peter:
  • If you're a loyal podcast listener, you probably know that I'm obsessed with all things customer behavior.

    And if you're new around the block, I NEED to break it to you: I'm a psychology freak.

    Here’s the thing
understanding human behavior can totally transform your business strategies!

    That’s why in today’s Shortie Episode, I’m dipping my toe into the fascinating world of neuromarketing strategies.

    By the time you're done listening, you’ll have a clear understanding of how to influence client actions and decisions more effectively.

    Click play to hear all of this and:

    (00:00:00) Understanding the concept of Neuromarketing and how it influences client behavior.(00:03:14) Why you need to start driving small commitments from your audience on social media for better customer customer engagement.(00:04:22) What to focus on in your marketing to help your audience process your message faster (beyond just social media).(00:06:34) Understanding the Law of Reciprocity and how it applies to your marketing strategy.

    Listen to Related Episodes:

    Three Sales Strategies to Increase Your RevenueUnderstanding Customer Behavior

    For full show notes, visit

  • Be honest: Have you ever gotten business advice that sounded, well, like this

    To get ahead of 99% of business owners, you must:

”ABC: Always be closing.”

”Eat your competition for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.”

”Never take no for an answer.”

    I’m not saying the advice is wrong or even bad, but there are better and more enjoyable ways to get ahead (and stay ahead) in business. Spoiler alert: They have nothing to do with aggressive tactics or relentless hustle.

    Instead, in this episode, I’m sharing the four things I’ve done to get ahead and maintain momentum in business.

    Click play to hear all of this and

    (00:00:00) What I was told to do to get ahead of 99% of business owners vs. what I actually did.

    (00:09:16) The best thing to focus on when you’re growing your business.

    (00:13:00) An experience I had in a mastermind group that was a pivotal moment in my growth.

    (00:14:53) The framework I use in new environments for success.

    (00:20:25) How successful people behave and their approach to problem-solving.

    (00:25:47) One of the best ways to find new and innovative solutions for your business.

    (00:34:35) How I was able to open my eyes to new opportunities and perspectives.

    (00:39:10) What it takes to scale businesses past 7 figures.

    (00:41:19) Why high-achieving entrepreneurs get imposter syndrome.

    (00:43:18) How to add value in rooms when you feel less experienced.

    For full show notes, visit:

    Listen to related episodes:

    How to Build Your Self Trust to Make Better Business DecisionsEmotional Intelligence in Leadership: How You Can Develop, Practice, and Improve ItQuarter 2 Review: The Actions I Took to Build My Future
  • “...well, it's just that your level of confidence...”

    Woah. I had to pause when my podcast mentor casually said these words on our call. And to be honest: they struck me deeply.

    Those words made me realize that while I often feel unsure, the version of me you see on the podcast or a stage is the amplified version of me—confident, outgoing, and unafraid.

    But in everyday life? It’s another story.

    What I’ve learned is that confidence is not the absence of fear but the decision to face it. True confidence is about showing up despite the doubts, knowing that every step forward gets you one step closer to the life you want to live.

    In this episode, you’ll learn how I’m targeting a new group of people in my business, the commitment I’m declaring starting now, and a framework for choosing to be 3X confident with ease.

    Click play to hear all of this and

    (00:01:03) What my podcast mentor told me about confidence and how it’s impacted my mindset.

    (00:02:50) How it really feels showing up as my 3X, most confident self.

    (00:04:44) Some of the challenges I faced as a woman in business and entrepreneurship.

    (00:09:47) The commitment I’m making (I’d love for you to make it with me!).

    (00:11:40) The initial fear of confidence and why you need to push through.

    (00:15:01) The freedom you get when you do this ONE thing.

    (00:18:10) Why I share my best ideas for free.

    (00:21:39) My strategies for attracting a new ideal client.

    (00:22:37) What it takes to scale from seven to eight figures in business.

    For full show notes, visit

  • I created my first course in 2016, and hand-to-heaven, it changed my life.

    But lemme tell you this: there were plenty of questions I wish I knew the answers to before I created the actual content. How should I price it? How can I ensure a good completion rate? How should I distribute it?

    I want you to feel fully equipped and confident through every step of creating your digital offer.

    This is exactly why, in this episode, I'm taking you step-by-step through the (unsexy, yet necessary!) conception and planning stages of creating an offer that has the potential to change YOUR life.

    Click play to hear all of this and:

    (00:00:34) A Five-Step framework for planning your digital offer(00:00:57) How to structure the customer journey inside your offer(00:01:47) How to optimize student experience in an online course(00:03:39) The best pricing strategies(00:09:29) How to create a realistic timeline for course development and launching(00:11:10) How to optimize your search efforts when finding the right platform to host your course(00:12:06) The three types of goals to set when you’re launching your digital offer

    🎧 Listen to the full episode, Courses, Subscriptions, and Memberships: How to Create a Profitable Digital Offer, >>HERE<<

    Listen to Related Episodes:

    Do THIS to Close More SalesHow to Create an UNFORGETTABLE Customer Experience

    For full show notes, visit

  • I’m not ONLY taking you behind-the-scenes in this episode

    I’m bringing you inside of my brain.

    Lemme preface by saying this: I know how I think is different. And because of this, the way I see opportunities and investments helps me maximize my experience and find the hidden potential in every situation.

    I want to share my thought process with you because when you learn how other people think, you unlock new perspectives, gain insights you never considered, and find breakthrough moments that can change
well, everything.

    In other words: When we embrace different viewpoints, we can accelerate growth. So, that is exactly what you’ll hear in this episode. I hope it serves you well.

    Click play to hear all of this and

    (00:00) How different viewpoints can evolve the way you think and do things.

    (00:04:27) A question to help you understand your own thinking patterns.

    (00:06:59) My experience in Lewis Howes' mastermind program and the key concepts I learned.

    (00:15:41) How I plan to enhance my own mastermind based on things I’ve learned and witnessed.

    (00:21:09) What I’ve personally gained from investing in the James Wedmore mastermind.

    (00:22:09) How I make the most out of masterminds and other investments.

    (00:26:15) My experience with SaaS Academy and how my team and I maximized the investment.

    (00:33:40) How my team and I create systems to achieve measurable results rather than just setting goals.

    Listen to the Episodes Mentioned:

    Quarter One Review: How I’m “Laying Bricks” to Build Relationships and Open Up New OpportunitiesQuarter 2 Review: The Actions I Took to Build My FutureThis is The Real Reason You’re Not Being Productive with Rory VadenGary Vaynerchuk’s Growth Accelerator Program: My Experience and Key Takeaways (So Far)

    For full show notes, visit:

  • Do you remember the “Share a Coke” campaign?

    It was iconic. (And yet, so simple?!)

    I mean, they put names on a can and boosted their sales by 2 Billion in just one summer. The lesson? Personalization works. Creativity works. Simple works.

    And this right here is exactly why, in this episode, you’ll learn innovative marketing strategies and key tips and ideas for creating effective guerrilla marketing campaigns that work.

    Click play to hear all of this and

    (00:00:00) Discusses the importance of team members' diverse experiences in creating effective marketing strategies.

    (00:02:46) The strategy my team put together and how I was initially hesitant to execute it.

    (00:04:44) What “Guerrilla Marketing” means and how you can leverage it.

    (00:07:33) How Spotify’s strategy turned users into brand ambassadors.

    (00:09:43) How Coca-Cola increased sales by 2 Billion in just one summer.

    (00:10:41) The campaign Dove put together and why it had such a huge impact.

    (00:11:52) Four tips for executing effective Guerrilla Marketing strategies.

    (00:12:42) The importance of understanding your ideal client AND your broader audience.

    (00:13:48) Why you should leverage your team when creating a marketing strategy.

    (00:14:46) How your company values beyond just sales.

    (00:17:31) Why you should involve your audience in your decision-making (and how!)

    For full show notes, visit

    Listen to Related Episodes:

    THIS is How You Better Serve Your Customers and ClientsLetting Your Marketing Work For You with Billy GeneThree Sales Strategies to Increase Your Revenue
  • Real talk: a strong personal brand can act as a protective moat for your business.

    Apple? Stronger because of the Steve Jobs brand.

    Tesla? Better known because of Elon Musk.

    Spanx? Iconic because of Sara Blakely.

    Yes. It’s that important.

    But here’s the deal: even high-achieving entrepreneurs struggle with impostor syndrome. In fact, it can be even more intense.

    As you gain visibility and achieve success, you might doubt whether you truly earned it, worry that others might see you as just lucky, or fear that your team or clients will lose confidence in you.

    These doubts can be paralyzing, but pushing through them is so (SO!) necessary to reach your next level.

    In this episode, you’ll learn why building a personal brand is the best use of your time and a five-step framework for building it.

    Click play to hear all of this and

    (00:00:00) The concept of personal branding and its importance for business success.

    (00:03:05) Statistics about consumers and personal brands.

    (00:05:13) How personal brands can act as a protective moat for businesses.

    (00:08:17) How building a brand leads to optionality and freedom.

    (00:09:33) The two main obstacles preventing personal brand development.

    (00:10:26) How impostor syndrome affects even successful entrepreneurs.

    (00:11:27) What 6, 7, and 8-figure business owners say about building a personal brand.

    (00:15:45) What I learned from interviewing branding agencies.

    (00:17:28) The importance of assembling a supportive and flexible video team for branding efforts.

    (00:23:55) The need for content pillars to build trust and likeability.

    (00:24:59) My advice on choosing your content frequency and the right platforms for personal branding.

    (00:26:32) How to allocate time for creating different types of content.

    (00:28:30) What I’m trying to approve in my business right now (and what’s next).

    Listen to related episodes:

    Reinventing Yourself: Ready for Your Next Chapter?Restarting: How to Get Back Up When You’ve Quit (And Be Better Than Before)Three Ways to Remove Comparison and Become Unstoppable

    For full show notes, visit:

  • If you’re in the thick of building, scaling, your pivoting your business or your career: LISTEN UP! (Yes, in all caps!)

    This episode is for you.

    Today’s guest is sharing a blueprint on how to grow, pivot, and scale successfully (even if you’re literally starting from scratch.)

    Nancy Twine is the founder of the natural haircare company Briogeo. She’s also an entrepreneur, investor, and advisor. She made a courageous pivot from a high-powered career on Wall Street to launching a successful beauty brand (at Sephora, no less!)

    So today, we’re talking about the business of the business.

    Nancy so graciously opens up about the early days of building Briogeo, the hurdles she faced while changing careers, and the bold go-to-market strategies she deployed when first building her brand.

    And the best part? Nancy goes DEEP into how she built her business by meeting tons of the right people
 one step at a time.

    Click play to hear all of this and

    (00:03:13) How to transition into a new career path (even if your current one is already uber-successful)

    (00:07:01) Nancy’s approach to social media as an early adopter of influencer marketing

    (00:15:12) Developing authentic influencer partnerships and why authenticity WINS in brand collaborations

    (00:17:33) Nancy's journey of bootstrapping her business (and landing a partnership with Sephora early on!)

    (00:19:31) What to do when you need to take additional funding (even if your business is scaling rapidly)

    (00:20:23) Why you need to be aligned with investors, not only financially but in values and vision

    (00:21:42) How to respond to sudden market changes

    (00:26:29) Nancy's perspective on what it really means to build a legacy and how you can start building it TODAY regardless of where you are in your journey

    (00:27:01) Why mentorship and listening to other people’s stories opens up your perspective to what’s possible

    (00:29:10) How to shift your mindset if you’re struggling with comparing your business to someone else’s

    (00:32:01) Nancy’s three-step process to developing leaders on your team

    (00:35:36) The importance of resilience and self-wellness for entrepreneurs in the 0 to 1 phase

    Listen to Related Episodes:

    372: Four Unique Strengths to Have in Business and How to Develop Them438: When You Should “Break the Rules” in Your Business444: How You Can Develop the BEST Traits in Leadership

    For full show notes, visit

    Connect With Nancy:


    Dream Makers Founders Grant ($1,000,000):

  • If you’re a 7-figure business owner ready to create a powerful brand, learn high-level marketing strategies, and build systems that scale alongside a group of talented 7-figure entrepreneurs, you must click >>HERE<< to be added to the waitlist for my upcoming mastermind. You'll be first to hear when we open applications.


    She started off buying my $12 digital downloads ten years ago, then she became a member of Social Curator, and last year she invested in my Mastermind.

    I’m so glad she did, because believe me when I say, Angie McPherson (Brand Photographer and Coach) always makes back her investments. It’s a mindset. A mindset you can develop too.

    And you know what you can also learn? How to build long-lasting client relationships (just like me and Angie’s!) that lead to mutual growth and success.

    In this episode that originally aired on The Angie McPherson Show, you’ll learn the signs that it’s time to pivot, the mindset to have when investing in yourself, and how to build a loyal client base.

    Click play to hear all of this and

    (00:00:00) Business longevity and customer journeys.

    (00:01:58) Angie’s mindset around investing and how it pays off in her business.

    (00:03:34) A candid conversation about Angie’s investment in my first mastermind cohort and how she generated the funds to invest.

    (00:06:24) Strategies to attract loyal clients and turn them into brand evangelists.

    (00:08:24) My research methods for understanding audience needs.

    (00:16:27) The importance of having a structured product suite to serve clients effectively.

    (00:19:53) Advice for when you're hesitant to pivot due to fear of failure or uncertainty.

    (00:24:30) The importance of nurturing relationships with key supporters and clients.

    (00:26:47) The importance of being genuine and authentic when connecting with others in business.

    For full show notes, visit:

    Listen to Related Episodes:

    THIS is How You Better Serve Your Customers and ClientsUnderstanding and Increasing Your Customer LTV (Lifetime Value): Five Strategies to Make More Money From the Same CustomersHow to Create an UNFORGETTABLE Customer Experience
  • Your team is mostly made up of two kinds of people: donkeys and unicorns.

    Lemme explain: Unicorns are high-achievers who can create and manage systems independently, while donkeys are reliable executors of the tasks within the systems (both are important to your organization).

    Most teams consist primarily of donkeys, and you know what? That's perfectly okay. The key is to build airtight systems and processes that allow everyone to excel.

    In this episode, you’ll learn how to tell the difference between A, B, and C players on your team, how to help B players advance in your organization, and my framework for giving performance reviews,

    Click play to hear all of this and

    (00:00:00) How to understand A, B, and C players in your team.

    (00:01:57) How to categorize the different types of people on your team.

    (00:02:57) What it means to have a team of “unicorns” and “donkeys”.

    (00:05:55) Three key traits to recognize A players within a team.

    (00:07:48) Steve Jobs' “A Player Philosophy”.

    (00:08:42) How I define A players and prevent them from leaving the organization.

    (00:10:39) The key differences between A players and B players.

    (00:11:43) What you need to know about C players.

    (00:13:38) A personal story of letting a team member go when they weren’t meeting expectations.

    (00:17:27) Four steps for conducting effective performance reviews.

    (00:22:13) Why you must create a culture where feedback is accepted and sought out.

    For full show notes, visit

    Listen to Related Episodes:

    How You Can Develop the BEST Traits in LeadershipFive Things My Team and I Do to Stay Productive and Reach Our GoalsEmotional Intelligence in Leadership: How You Can Develop, Practice, and Improve It


    Let’s Hear It for B Players, Harvard business review, Thomas J. DeLong
  • Ever wondered what it takes to truly achieve greatness in your industry?

    Spoiler alert: it all starts with ONE IDEA.

    Today, I'm thrilled to bring back Will Guidara, a visionary whose journey to the top is rooted in the concept of "unreasonable hospitality."

    What blew my mind was how such a profound concept was birthed through the power of collaboration. Will's story confirmed my passion for fostering a culture of feedback and growth.

    In this episode, you'll learn exactly how Will empowers his team, creates a feedback-oriented culture, and leads his team to victory.

    Click play to hear all of this and:

    (00:00:23) What it means to apply the concept of “Unreasonable Hospitality” to everything you do in business(00:01:26) The top traits of a great leader and the KEY to empower your team(00:06:02) How to create a culture of feedback and growth (yes, feedback and criticism are highly encouraged!)

    Listen to Related Episodes:

    How You Can Develop the BEST Traits in LeadershipYou Matter: Mental Health and Business Culture with Matthew EmerzianFive Things My Team and I Do to Stay Productive and Reach Our Goals

    Connect With Will on Instagram:

    For full show notes, visit

  • Let’s just keep it real for a moment: Pivoting in business can be scary. Especially when you’ve had previous massive success.

    And letting that fear reign is EXACTLY what’s keeping many entrepreneurs from getting to their next level.

    But my guest today is here to show us how she broke through those barriers
by launching a second brand that went completely viral on social media and cultivating a new (and organic!) community!

    Michelle Cordeiro Grant went from founding (and exiting) the lingerie brand LIVELY to launching GORGIE, a wellness-focused energy drink that’s disrupting the consumer goods market.

    I got literal goosebumps listening to her approach to market research and brand building
it’s simply GENIUS (and something that you will be able to replicate in your business.)

    Click play to hear all of this and:

    (00:02:24) How Michelle (successfully) founded two different companies in two different markets

    (00:04:54) The benefits of creating a brand-led and community-driven company

    (00:07:01) The emotional journey of selling a company and figuring out your next step

    (00:10:27) How to analyze the market to identify gaps that your business can leverage

    (00:11:54) The process of using social media for market research

    (00:16:03) The best qualities to look for in mentors and business partners

    (00:21:06) Why you need to build in public and cultivate a community before launching

    (00:22:35) How you can host in-person events for your business before your end product is finished

    (00:32:18) Michelle’s journey of getting GORGIE into Whole Foods (her first choice!)

    (00:33:42) The differences between DTC, retail, and Amazon strategies

    (00:35:36) What makes a brand “sticky” (and how to have customers come back for more)

    (00:38:53) How to implement a successful user-generated content strategy

    (00:52:24) How to build your business while also prioritizing your family

    Listen to Related Episodes:

    Turn Your Dreams into Reality: How to Avoid Dead-End Questions and Create PossibilitiesHow to Get Faster Running Your Business

    For full show notes, visit

  • Can you think of one (yes, just one) business decision you’ve been avoiding?

    Hiring a team member? Rebranding your business? Raising your prices?

    Well, what if you took the expectation of the outcome away and just let making the decision be the win?

    Because here’s the deal: Making a decision, any decision, is a sign of progress, growth, and self-trust. It means you’re taking action and moving forward, rather than staying stuck in indecision.

    And once I learned how to trust myself to make decisions FAST—it all changed in the best way possible. Friend, I want the same for YOU.

    In this episode, you’ll learn frameworks for building self-trust, how to build a strong inner-foundation, and strategies for making confident decisions.

    Click play now to hear all of this and

    (00:00:00) The importance of self-trust and how it helps you build confident decisions as business owners and leaders.

    (00:00:53) How I practiced “stacking bricks” to build up my self-trust.

    (00:04:09) The impact of seeking external validation and the importance of focusing on internal momentum and direction to build self-trust.

    (00:06:13) Real life examples of self-trust when making difficult decisions.

    (00:13:54) The Self-Trust triangle framework and how YOU can use it to strengthen your self-trust.

    (00:15:57) The importance of trusting yourself in decision making and the impact of doubt on making choices.

    (00:22:33) Why you need to get clear on personal goals and measuring success internally.

    (00:23:28) The significance of acknowledging and celebrating personal wins.

    (00:24:30) The process of getting out of your comfort zone, trying new things, and learning from experiences.

    Are you ready to join a mastermind so you can finally get clarity on what you want AND see results? Join the waitlist >>HERE<< and be the first to know when I start accepting applications for the next cohort of my mastermind.

    Related Episodes to Listen to:

    Emotional Intelligence in Leadership: How You Can Develop, Practice, and Improve ItHow You Can Develop the BEST Traits in LeadershipWhat to Do When You Catch Yourself Over-Thinking in Your Business

    For full show notes, visit:

  • Have you ever wondered how extremely successful business owners develop and evolve their product suite?

    Well, you’re in luck, in a recent exclusive keynote session from the Increase Your Visibility Intensive, Julie Solomon, Visibility, Brand Strategy, and Brand Deal Coach so graciously shares how she did exactly that.

    And the best part? She not only shares how she created her product suite, but also how she strategically refined, priced, and sold each offering to align perfectly with her target audience's needs and desires.

    In this episode, you’ll learn the importance of client transformation, knowing your customer readiness, and having the right mindset for business success. (You’ll also hear how Julie waited to see her customer needs before creating new offers.)

    Click play to hear all of this and

    (00:01:46) The inside scoop on how Julie developed her product suite and the evolution of her offers

    (00:04:28) Julie shares her mindset and strategy behind creating and refining her first offer, "Pitch It Perfect."

    (00:06:16) The evolution of Julie’s product suite, the mindset behind the changes, and her decision to wait and understand the customer's next step before creating new offers.

    (00:09:06) How Julie knew it was time to develop her group coaching and mastermind programs.

    (00:11:19) How Julie defined the value proposition and differentiation in her programs.

    (00:13:16) The BRILLIANT way Julie decided to develop her offers.

    For full show notes, visit

  • Real talk: Influencer marketing is here to stay, there’s no doubt about it.

    But how do you get started? What do you need to know beforehand? And how do you leverage its power to scale your business (without needing millions in capital?)

    That's just one of the many (MANY!) reasons I invited Dan Fleyshman, the youngest founder of a publicly traded company and a mastermind in the entrepreneurial world, as a guest on the show.

    In our conversation, Dan methodically walks us through his diverse portfolio, showing us how he’s been an angel investor for over 43 companies, including investing in brands and apps through influencers. Dan also shares his success story of launching a store chain (IN THE MIDDLE of the pandemic, nonetheless.)

    In this episode, you’ll learn the nuances of influencer marketing and the strategies that have propelled his ventures to the forefront of their industries.

    Click play to hear all of this and

    (00:00:55) Dan’s extensive investment portfolio and what it took to get there.

    (00:02:52) How Dan allocates his time and energy while managing different business ventures.

    (00:03:19) The challenges Dan faced when growing a new business during the pandemic.

    (00:11:00) Dan’s influencer marketing strategy and how to make your collaboration with influencers a success.

    (00:15:49) How small businesses can get started with local influencers.

    (00:18:16) The different types of influencers and how to calculate and negotiate the rates for each type.

    (00:21:09) How Dan hired a CEO to handle all operations and its impact on business growth.

    (00:26:24) A behind-the-scenes look into running a public company.

    (00:31:35) The potential impact of AI influencers in the future of marketing.

    (00:36:39) Dan’s honest thoughts about the increasing capabilities of AI and what it means for different platforms.

    (00:38:28) Why we tend to resist change when it comes to new technologies and how to embrace it instead.

    (00:43:27) The importance of in-person interactions and events in building relationships.

    (00:48:20) The ripple effects of charitable actions and the importance of inspiring others to replicate similar initiatives.

    Listen to Related Episodes:

    378: Marketing Campaigns and Influencer Partnerships: What Small Business Owners Need to Know427: My Personal Insights and Marketing Strategies

    For full show notes, visit

  • I’ve always said that if I’m the dumbest, poorest, and least experienced person in the room then it’s the right room for me.

honey, in Gary Vaynerchuk’s Growth Accelerator Program (Vyve), I was in the perfect room.

    From watching Gary’s team and Chief of Staff facilitate the entire event to the hearing Gary’s state of the union talking about marketing, the experience was nothing short of transformative.

    And please believe: I’m sharing it all with YOU.

    In this episode, you’ll get a front row seat to my experiences, insights, and key takeaways from the Growth Accelerator Program.

    Click play to hear all of this and

    (00:00:00) The transformative invitation I’ve received.

    (00:05:28) The question JD asked me that prepared me for this huge event.

    00:07:05) My insane (and slightly terrifying) experience at Rockefeller Plaza.

    (00:09:44) My #1 goal at lunch with the other members of the growth accelerator.

    (00:12:08) The questions I asked Gary Vee’s team to help me attract high-level talent, vision cast, and shape future offers.

    (00:15:07) The emotional connections I felt when visiting Nasdaq (and the conversation I had with my dad about it).

    (00:22:04) The moment I’ll NEVER forget with Gary Vee.

    (00:24:50) The questions I asked Gary's Chief of Staff.

    (00:28:05) 90% of what we focused on day two of the growth accelerator.

    (00:31:58) The importance of building a strong team and casting a vision as a founder and CEO.

    (00:34:39) What’s next in the growth accelerator (meetups, dinners, and in-person events) with Gary.

    (00:37:27) The team dynamics at VaynerMedia and the importance of growth potential and replicating success.

    For full shownotes visit,

    Are you ready to join a mastermind so you can finally get clarity on what you want AND see results? Join the waitlist >>HERE<< and be the first to know when I start accepting applications for the next cohort of my mastermind.

  • "You have a choice. You can either get bitter or you can get better. It's up to you."

    These are the words that became a catalyst for her personal and professional transformation.

    When Cassandra Worthy, Keynote Speaker and CEO of Change Enthusiasm, was an employee in the aftermath of a $5B acquisition, she almost quit her company. She was frustrated, everything
well, changed.

    But when she reached out to a mentor, her words changed everything. Cassandra decided to turn her feelings into an opportunity for something BETTER.

    Enter: Change Enthusiasm. A company that helps organizations master the chemistry of change. Hot dang, y’all

    In this episode, you’ll learn the three-step process for navigating change with enthusiasm, Cassandra's approach to marketing and long-term vision, and how to embrace organizational change.

    Click play to hear all of this and

    (00:02:24) How we’re approaching marketing in the future and Cassandra’s methodologies about change.

    (00:03:55) A behind-the-scenes look at Cassandra’s product suite and business model.

    (00:06:38) The BEST advice that inspired Cassandra’s book.

    (00:12:22) The challenges Cassandra faced when dealing with one of the biggest changes she’s been through.

    (00:15:09) How Cassandra created a positive and inclusive team culture.

    (00:17:01) The mindset shift that changed the game for Cassandra.

    (00:18:31) Why you must have trust when facing challenges (and advice on decision-making when navigating change).

    (00:20:09) The importance of acknowledging emotions and exploring options through a “perspectives wheel”.

    (00:22:12) The significance of embracing change and finding purpose.

    (00:30:57) How Cassandra got her start in speaking on stages while still working in corporate.

    (00:37:23) Cassandra's approach to building a global network.

    (00:39:14) How Cassandra went about building a certification program, hiring staff, and managing anxiety as her business expanded.

    (00:43:51) Cassandra's vision of stepping away from the business to focus on her passion for speaking (and how she plans to do it).

    (00:44:34) An inside look at Cassandra's go-to-market strategies.

    (00:48:45) The value of transformative content, mindset, and energy in podcast episodes for business growth.

    For full show notes, visit

    Learn about The Change Growth Accelerator Experience with Cassandra Worthy by clicking >>HERE<<.