
  • Welcome to Episode 99 of the Joshua Gagnon Leadership Podcast! If you enjoy listening to this podcast and it has helped you and your team in any way, please leave us a review on Apple Podcast or Stitcher or take the time to share it on social media. Do you have a question for Pastor Josh about leadership, ministry, or any other topic we’ve covered on the podcast so far? Submit your questions to [email protected] or @joshgagnon on Twitter and Pastor Josh might answer it on a future episode! On today’s episode we will be talking about relationship and ministry in marriage. Takeaways from this episode: Even though a Pastor’s Wife may not be on staff, that does not mean she is not a part of the team. If you, as a family, can’t do ministry together than you should not do it at all. Quotes from this episode… “My sermon is different than Jenn’s but not more important.” “Ministry is not the enemy.” Book Mentioned: Mother and Son the Respect Effect by Emerson Eggeriches

  • Welcome to Episode 98 of the Joshua Gagnon Leadership Podcast! If you enjoy listening to this podcast and it has helped you and your team in any way, please leave us a review on Apple Podcast or Stitcher or take the time to share it on social media. Do you have a question for Pastor Josh about leadership, ministry, or any other topic we’ve covered on the podcast so far? Submit your questions to [email protected] or @joshgagnon on Twitter and Pastor Josh might answer it on a future episode! On today’s episode we will be talking about the hiring process and knowing who to add to your team. Takeaways from this episode: In the beginning, hiring people you know is going to add strength to you as a leader. When heart, soul, mind, and strength collide; that’s where you find the strongest leaders. Quotes from this episode… “When it comes to hiring, you hire where you are weakest, not necessarily where the organization may be feeling the greatest need.” “Some people come for a reason, a season, or life.” Are you hiring shepherd leaders or leader shepherds?

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  • Welcome to Episode 95 of the Joshua Gagnon Leadership Podcast! If you enjoy listening to this podcast and it has helped you and your team in any way, please leave us a review on Apple Podcast or Stitcher or take the time to share it on social media. Do you have a question for Pastor Josh about leadership, ministry, or any other topic we’ve covered on the podcast so far? Submit your questions to [email protected] or @joshgagnon on Twitter and Pastor Josh might answer it on a future episode! On today’s episode we will be talking about how “looking good” as a church does not, on its own, sustain growth. Takeaways from this episode: Looking good from the outside does not sustain growth. “Coolness” can attract people to the party, but it won’t make people stick. Who we are is not defined by how we look as a church. Attracting a crowd does not keep a crowd. -If the engines are not polished underneath the hood, then we are not going to be sustaining growth. -What structures and systems do you have in your organization that are really good, but you’re not doing them? Stop focusing on problems you have, and start focusing on what’s creating those problems. You need an engine to drive you where you want to go. Live within the systems and structures you create. Don't just have the parts, make sure they work well together. Quotes from this episode: “You don’t have to talk bad about what has been to stand firm in who you are.” -Joshua Gagnon “Sometimes we think things matter that don’t matter.” -Joshua Gagnon “Maybe ‘coolness’ does not grow God’s church.” -Joshua Gagnon “It’s not enough to have structures and systems, you have to do it well.” -Joshua Gagnon “It’s not enough to have good atmospheres, you have to have good structures and systems.” -Joshua Gagnon “Every organization has the possibility and the opportunity to develop systems and structures in a healthy culture that will produce healthy outcomes.” -Joshua Gagnon “Every part of an engine has to work cohesively together for the car to run smoothly.” -Joshua Gagnon

  • Welcome to Episode 94 of the Joshua Gagnon Leadership Podcast! If you enjoy listening to this podcast and it has helped you and your team in any way, please leave us a review on Apple Podcast or Stitcher or take the time to share it on social media. Do you have a question for Pastor Josh about leadership, ministry, or any other topic we’ve covered on the podcast so far? Submit your questions to [email protected] or @joshgagnon on Twitter and Pastor Josh might answer it on a future episode! On today’s episode we will be talking about how we plan and promote Christmas at Next Level Church within all of our departments. Takeaways from this episode: We’re not trying to do anything different, trick people, or bait and switch people around Christmas time. We want it to be the same when they come back the following week. Christmas is special because of the holiday, but not for the format our experiences. We put the same amount of effort and planning into Christmas as we would any other weekend at NLC. What we consider when picking experience times for Christmas Eve: morning vs. evening, portable vs. permanent, and the day of the week it falls on. We have two ways of advertising Christmas at NLC: internal and external. The approaches are both different. If you are using a series around Christmas time, make sure that the message makes sense on their own for new guests coming in. If you are a multisite church decorating for Christmas, create a scheme (colors, decor ideas, etc.) for your locations to use as a guideline to keep it cohesive. You can do something this Christmas to market your church. You don’t need a huge budget or endless resources, just start small and be creative! Play off the cultural relevance of Christmas with your marketing to grab people’s attention. Quotes from this episode: “Christmas is one of the few times of the year where church is on people’s minds.” -Daniel King “We always have to think of our target audience when planning our marketing methods for Christmas.” -Daniel King “Put as much energy and effort into the few weeks after Christmas to get people to come back.” -Daniel King “What you can do the next three or four weeks after Christmas is equally as important as Christmas itself.” -Daniel King

  • Welcome to Episode 93 of the Joshua Gagnon Leadership Podcast! If you enjoy listening to this podcast and it has helped you and your team in any way, please leave us a review on Apple Podcast or Stitcher or take the time to share it on social media. Do you have a question for Pastor Josh about leadership, ministry, or any other topic we’ve covered on the podcast so far? Submit your questions to [email protected] or @joshgagnon on Twitter and Pastor Josh might answer it on a future episode! On today’s episode we will be talking about our values at Next Level Church from the start and what got us where we are. Takeaways from this episode: If you don't have hooks in the water you'll never catch fish. Just because you've grown to be able to afford more, doesn't mean you should lose the original grit of what got you started when you had nothing. Sometimes resources stop urgency. Good things done in an unhealthy way are unhealthy. So don't stop doing those things, just do them in a healthy way. Quotes from this episode: "What got you where you are will get you where you need to go." -Joshua Gagnon "Growth comes from understanding what you're not." -Joshua Gagnon

  • Welcome to Episode 92 of the Joshua Gagnon Leadership Podcast! If you enjoy listening to this podcast and it has helped you and your team in any way, please leave us a review on Apple Podcast or Stitcher or take the time to share it on social media. Do you have a question for Pastor Josh about leadership, ministry, or any other topic we’ve covered on the podcast so far? Submit your questions to [email protected] or @joshgagnon on Twitter and Pastor Josh might answer it on a future episode! On today’s episode we will be talking about secret sin, its effects on your life and ministry, and safeguards you can put in place to Takeaways from this episode: Accountability is essential in protecting your heart. When you begin to see signs of sin in your life, protect your heart by telling someone immediately. Church leaders: create an atmosphere where your leaders can come clean. Don’t allow sin to overtake you by shutting it down immediately through accountability and transparency. If you are facing secret sin, come clean. It will eventually drown you. Quotes from this episode: “Every quiet sin eventually becomes public.” -Joshua Gagnon

  • Welcome to Episode 91 of the Joshua Gagnon Leadership Podcast! If you enjoy listening to this podcast and it has helped you and your team in any way, please leave us a review on Apple Podcast or Stitcher or take the time to share it on social media. Do you have a question for Pastor Josh about leadership, ministry, or any other topic we’ve covered on the podcast so far? Submit your questions to [email protected] or @joshgagnon on Twitter and Pastor Josh might answer it on a future episode! On today’s episode we will be talking with Pastor Dan Reiland, Executive Pastor at 12Stone Church in Lawrenceville, Georgia. Takeaways from this episode… Young leaders bring cultural insight into the next generation. Help young leaders to have a “long view” and sink in deep roots. As a young leader, be sure to put your priorities in order. When developing leaders, establish the difference between equipping and developing. Equipping: Training someone for a specific ministry task. (Transactional) Developing: Pouring into someone as a person. (A gift) On marriage: lean into your different wiring and learn to let things go. Quotes from this episode: “Lean into what you have been chosen for.” -Dan Reiland “Speed and pressure reveal leadership like nothing else.” -Dan Reiland “Your main job is not to grow a specific ministry in your church, or even the church overall--it is to grow people.” -Dan Reiland “We want more FOR people than FROM them.” -Dan Reiland “We tend to overcomplicate coaching.” -Dan Reiland “Great development is based on simplicity and consistency.” -Dan Reiland “How to develop leaders: get a group, pick a book, and ask two questions.” -Dan Reiland “We are not looking for information, we are looking for transformation.” -Dan Reiland “There is a certain rhythm you have to have for your life to make sense and to go the distance.” -Dan Reiland “Don’t try to copy the rhythm of another leader.” -Roman Archer 5 Levels of Leadership by John Maxwell (mentioned) Find Pastor Dan: Twitter-@DanReiland Website- Amplified Leadership (Book):

  • Welcome to Episode 90 of the Joshua Gagnon Leadership Podcast! If you enjoy listening to this podcast and it has helped you and your team in any way, please leave us a review on Apple Podcast or Stitcher or take the time to share it on social media. Do you have a question for Pastor Josh about leadership, ministry, or any other topic we’ve covered on the podcast so far? Submit your questions to [email protected] or @joshgagnon on Twitter and Pastor Josh might answer it on a future episode! On today’s episode we will be talking about David’s heart; how it relates to leadership, and how we can take apply its qualities into our own leadership. David had a heart of... -Patience within preparation. If the dream you have in your heart can be completed tomorrow, it’s probably not a God-sized dream. -Repentance God is not looking for perfect leaders. He is looking for people who repent deeply. “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” -Psalm 51:10 -Loyalty -Faith Don’t lower your dream based on what you’ve seen. Quotes from this episode... “If God chose David because of his heart, I want that heart as a leader.” -Josh Gagnon “Just because you can see the dream doesn’t mean it can be accomplished tomorrow.” -Josh Gagnon “In order for us to get over what God has put under us, we need to get under what God has put over us.” -Roman Archer “The enemy of faith is yesterday.” -Josh Gagnon “What God didn't do yesterday always tries to defeat what he will do tomorrow.” -Josh Gagnon Learn more about All in One Conference:

  • Welcome to Episode 87 of the Joshua Gagnon Leadership Podcast! If you enjoy listening to this podcast and it has helped you and your team in any way, please leave us a review on Apple Podcast or Stitcher or take the time to share it on social media. Do you have a question for Pastor Josh about leadership, ministry, or any other topic we’ve covered on the podcast so far? Submit your questions to [email protected] or @joshgagnon on Twitter and Pastor Josh might answer it on a future episode! On today’s special episode we will be talking with Pastor Chris Hodges, Lead Pastor of Church of the Highlands in Alabama and co-founder of ARC. Takeaways from this episode… Every pastor should consider what their reach is for their calling. You never see people how they are, you have to train yourself to see people as they could be. We do not need to state how people are. Speak to people as people’s potential. Your character must sustain your skill set. There are 3 levels of relationships: those that speak into you, those who you speak into, and those that are beside you. More about Pastor Chris: Twitter: @Chris_Hodges ARC: Church of the Highlands: