
  • This episode is a continuation of Sierra’s story. After the birth of her second child, Sierra was admitted to a psychiatric hospital. Again, Sierra talks about the
    empathy she developed by being on the receiving end of mental health services. She also frankly shares how traumatizing the admission process into the psychiatric hospital was, how her faith was shaken, and how she didn’t even recognize who she was physically or mentally. Sierra also candidly discusses what the delusions and psychosis were like, and how the delusions lasted several more weeks after her discharge from the hospital. Sierra expresses how amazing her husband’s unconditional love is. Sierra talks about how Electroconvulsive therapy saved her life, and that postpartum psychosis is extremely life-threatening. Sierra wants people to know they don’t have to go through these trials alone, and that there needs to be more conversation and screening for pre and postpartum depression. For more information about these conditions, please visit (

  • Sierra works as the Community Prevention Manager for Johnson County Mental Health. But that’s not why she is on the podcast. Sierra shares an incredible story of her lived experience very candidly. Sierra struggled with postpartum depression, major insomnia, hallucinations, and psychosis after the birth of her first child. In this episode, Sierra shares how she felt so alone and afraid of being separated from her family and being able to work in the mental health field again. She discusses how frightening psychosis and visual hallucinations are, and that she didn’t even tell her psychiatrist about the hallucinations.

    Sierra was able to recover and manage her symptoms for several months, and eventually, she and her husband decided to have another baby. Sierra thought she would be able to stay on top of her mental health during her second pregnancy. However, early in that pregnancy, she had a major insomnia episode, which led to medication. Major anxiety set in a couple of months later, which led to paranoia, delusions, and delirium. When she was seven months pregnant, she had a suicide attempt because of the delusions. Sierra felt chronically suicidal for weeks and concealed symptoms from her care team because she was afraid and wanted to protect her family from her dark thoughts. Sierra recovered and delivered a healthy baby boy.

    Sierra talks about the incredible support from her husband and parents, and how she felt so much shame but also incredible empathy for others who struggle with mental illness.

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  • This episode of The Just A Mom podcast features Tracey Yokas, author of the book Bloodlines: A Memoir of Harm and Healing ( In the book, Tracey explores her relationship with her own mother as well as the family dynamics of a child with mental illness. Tracey’s daughter’s battle started with the death of Tracey’s mom in 2013 when her daughter was 13 years old and going into 8th grade. It started one day with “I’m really not that hungry” and soon after that her daughter was diagnosed with disordered eating and depression.

    In this episode, Tracey chronicles the myriad of treatments they tried—counseling, partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient treatment, and eventually in-patient treatment. Tracey shares vulnerably how a big part of her journey was learning all of the things inside her that needed healing, and that she couldn’t control her daughter’s healing. Tracey also talks about how she felt so many of the things that many of us have felt—she didn’t want to share with people what was going on with her daughter, and she isolated herself a lot because of this.

    While so many of us talk about self-care as a vital part of maintaining our mental health, Tracey takes it a step further and challenges listeners to learn about themselves to become our best true selves. She also emphasizes the importance of educating yourself about mental illness.

  • Brandon Saho was a successful sportscaster in Cincinnati. He was living his professional dream, but away from his job there was an unseen story. Brandon struggled with depression and suicidal ideation as well as alcoholism. On this unique episode of The Just A Mom podcast, Brandon and his mom, Debbie, share about Brandon’s journey with mental illness, which included in-patient hospitalization. Brandon left his “dream job” as a sportscaster to start The Mental Game podcast, where he interviews athletes, musicians, and celebrities to help break the stigma surrounding mental health and mental illness. Brandon recently embarked on a 30-day tour of 30 states to speak and promote the podcast. You can find the podcast here: or

  • This episode is a continuation of my conversation with Kristina Miller, mom of former Ohio State University football player Harry Miller. In this episode, Kristina recounts some of the fears and challenges of parenting an adult son with mental health issues.
    Make sure to check out the Don’t Make It Weird Foundation ( (, whose mission is to normalize the conversation around mental illness (
    This is the final re-air of the summer. Stay tuned for new episodes in September! Make sure to follow The Just A Mom podcast on Facebook and Instagram.

  • If you haven't heard my conversation with Kristina, you don't want to miss this re-air. In the first of two episodes, Kristina talks about the beginnings of Harry's mental illness at a young age and all the things she did to help him. We discuss the tremendous pressure on student-athletes, particularly high-profile ones. Kristina also shares about the day she received the call that Harry was contemplating suicide and rushing from Georgia to Ohio to be with him, and how difficult it was to leave him there after six weeks.

  • *Trigger warning - this episode contains explicit talk about suicide and methodology

    This episode is a continuation of my conversation with Coach Dowling. If you haven't listened to last week's episode, please go back and listen to it. Coach Dowling is honest, raw, and real about his brother's death by suicide and his own mental health

  • *Trigger warning- this episode contains explicit talk about suicide and methodology

    This episode is the first in a two-part series that you don't want to miss if you didn't hear it the first time. Coach Dowling is very open and vulnerable about losing his brother to suicide as well as his own battle with depression and suicidal ideation. He shares candidly about his time in an in-patient psychiatric hospital as well as the
    incredible circle of support he has.

  • I decided to re-air this incredibly powerful episode of The Just A Mom podcast because of the meteoric rise in fentanyl addiction and deaths related to fentanyl use. Ronda’s son survived a fentanyl addiction. My conversation with Ronda is a no-holds-barred one. Her son battled an eating disorder and undiagnosed depression in high school. He found a bottle of narcotics after a family member’s surgery and took one to numb his pain—and was hooked.
    Ronda recounts the moment things changed when they realized her son had been hiding a fentanyl addiction for 3 1/2 years in college, the failed rehab stent, followed by a 2.5-year successful recovery journey. On a celebratory note, Ronda’s son recently celebrated his seventh year of sobriety. Ronda’s message to parents is this: addiction can happen to anyone.

  • My incredibly brave and strong friend Suzanne talks about losing her son, Nic, to suicide in 2017. She started noticing signs of anxiety and depression before people were really talking openly about mental health. Suzanne shares deeply intimate details about losing her son her grieving process, and how losing a child to suicide can happen to anyone.

    Suzanne shared with me (and I’m sharing this with her permission) that she had no idea how freeing it would be to tell her story on The Just A Mom podcast. She said since the time of recording, she has found herself more willing/able to share her story. I would encourage everyone to follow in Suzanne’s footsteps and share your story with a safe person.

  • When I first started The Just A Mom podcast, I was only focused on interviewing parents of children who have struggled with mental health issues. That changed when I met with Trevor, and he shared the story of the last few years with me. Trevor is an adult who suffers from depression and suicidal ideation. Trevor was a middle school teacher and coach for my two oldest kids and went on to be a middle school principal. I can tell you from personal experience that Trevor was the teacher all the kids wanted for social studies—he was young, fun, cool, and energetic. But over the years the darkness started creeping in. Trevor helps us understand that even though a person can appear to have it all together, there is often a very different scenario going on inside.

    Trevor was at the top of his profession, being named National Digital Principal of the Year in 2021, when, for the sake of his mental health, he made a significant career move to the world of E-Sports. Since the time of our interview, he has moved into a new position with SchoolAI (

  • Kari was the first person (outside of my family) that I interviewed for The Just A Mom podcast. I’ve known Kari for many years. She is the wife of my oldest son’s high school football coach. My son was very close to him, and his tragic and early death in 2017 rocked our community.

    Kari is one of the many parents who have called me over the past few years because her daughter was suicidal. was also an early encourager of the Just A Mom podcast. Grief is a big part of her story as she lost her dad at a young age. Kari has chosen to use her pain and experience as a young widow to help others as a professional grief coach ( In our conversation Kari shares her daughter’s mental health journey and some of the ways losing her dad at such a young age impacted that.

    Kari shared with me that her daughter is doing well. She’s on track to graduate early, is working as a nanny and plans on getting a regular job in the fall. She’s driving, writing, reading, and gaming. AND Kari’s daughter still has depressive spells. I think this is just another reminder that for so many this is a life-long journey.

  • This week we are re-airing the episode featuring Kristen. Kristen’s story is one of fear, patience, endurance, love, and hope. It’s also another example of how the mental health battle is a journey—more of a marathon than a sprint. Kristen and her husband have gone to great lengths to help their son with his mental illness. While Kristen’s son’s battle started when he was still in high school, Kristen gives insight into parenting an adult child with a mental illness. You will no doubt be both impacted and encouraged by their story and journey.

  • The Just A Mom podcast will be re-airing some of the earliest episodes of the podcast the next few weeks. The first re-air is the very first episode of The Just A Mom podcast with my son, Will. This show is the whole reason I became a mental health advocate and, ultimately, started the Just A Mom Podcast. Will is my youngest son, and he struggles with depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation. When Will was in the worst of his battle, I felt alone and hopeless. There were basically no resources that I could find other than one book to help support me as a parent of a child with mental illness. And then Will started the You Matter Festival, which reached over 10,000 people in its five-year lifespan. Will became a local teen spokesperson and advocate for mental health. Will is a musician, actor, director, writer, singer, and overall creative with many talents ( I am so thankful that he is my son and he asked for help when he was struggling.

  • The final episode of Season 5 is the conclusion of Susie’s conversation with Kyle. Kyle shares candidly the many challenges he faced as the parent of a child struggling with depression and suicide attempts. Don’t miss this story of hope and perseverance that will undoubtedly encourage all.

  • In this episode of the Just A Mom podcast, Susie converses with Kyle about his journey as a parent raising a child grappling with mental health issues. Kyle delves into the hurdles he encountered in identifying early indicators and the opportunities for intervention. He sheds light on the struggles of securing suitable treatment and the toll it took on his family. The dialogue underscores the pressing need for enhanced accessibility and resources within the mental health care framework. Throughout the discussion, Kyle reflects on his experience navigating parenthood amidst his child's mental health challenges, highlighting the adversities faced, such as bullying and mental health societal stigma, stressing the importance of empathy, and fostering candid discussions on mental well-being. Kyle also underscores the significance of attentive listening and the necessity for parents to prioritize their therapy. Offering guidance for parents of young children, he emphasizes the value of trusting instincts and commemorating minor victories while maintaining optimism and acknowledging the transient nature of tough times.

    Key Takeaways

    Early detection of mental health issues in children is pivotal for timely intervention.Even parents, including those in healthcare, can overlook signs and must remain vigilant.Challenges persist in mental health care accessibility and insurance coverage.Mental illness profoundly affects family dynamics and warrants support and understanding.Parenting a child with mental health issues can reshape healthcare professionals' approach to medicine.The effects of bullying on mental health and well-being.Addressing bullying and eradicating the stigma surrounding mental health remain pertinent issues.Promoting the importance of empathy is crucial despite potential developmental constraints in youth.Open dialogue about mental health and empathy cultivation are vital for children's well-being.Providing support through attentive listening, devoid of a solution-driven agenda, is immensely impactful.Prioritizing personal therapy is essential for parents navigating a child's mental health challenges.Parents of young children should focus on individualized understanding and foster open communication.Trusting instincts and seeking early assistance are pivotal when suspecting a child's mental health struggles.Embracing a day-by-day approach and celebrating small victories aids in navigating parenthood amidst mental health challenges.Maintaining hope and acknowledging the transient nature of adversity is crucial for resilience.

    Topics: bullying and mental health, the effects of bullying on mental health and well-being, the importance of empathy

  • This is the second in a two part series with Ryan LeFevbre, Kansas City Royals Announcer. Ryan continues his story by sharing more about his mental health journey and his road to healing. We discuss Ryan’s book, The Shame of Me: One Man’s Journey to Depression and Back ( Don’t miss the conclusion of this honest and vulnerable conversation that is sure to encourage you.

  • Podcast Episode Show Notes: "Ryan Lefebvre"
    In this episode of the Just A Mom podcast, Susie engages in a conversation with Ryan Lefebvre, the baseball announcer for the Kansas City Royals. Together, they delve into Ryan's profound journey through depression and his subsequent recovery. Ryan candidly shares his upbringing in a fractured family, shedding light on its impact on his self-worth and self-esteem. He explores the relentless pursuit of external validation in shaping his life. The episode delves into Ryan's battle with major depression, highlighting the moment when he reached out for assistance. Ryan also reflects on the role that counseling, journaling, and medication played in his path to recovery.

    Throughout the conversation, Ryan emphasizes the importance of discussing mental health, particularly for men who might be hesitant to share their struggles. He advocates for seeking help and support and delves into how his faith significantly contributed to his healing process, stressing the significance of surrendering to God's plan. Ryan also touches on the different facets of intimacy in relationships and underscores the need for balance. He addresses the stigma surrounding mental health in religious communities and underscores the importance of recognizing mental health as a medical condition.

    Key Takeaways:

    Childhood experiences and family dynamics can have a profound impact on one's emotional well-being, self-worth, and self-esteem.The pursuit of external validation and material success may lead to feelings of emptiness and dissatisfaction.Seeking help through counseling can provide valuable insights and support in navigating depression.Journaling and creative outlets are effective tools for processing emotions and gaining clarity during the journey to recovery.Discussing mental health is crucial, especially for men who may be hesitant to open up about their struggles.Faith can play a significant role in the healing process, offering hope and purpose.Intimacy in relationships involves physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual connections.Understanding mental health as a medical condition helps reduce stigma and promotes effective treatment.If you want to hear more about Ryan’s story we warmly recommend his book “The Shame of Me”. This book represents Ryan’s sincere wish to help others by sharing more stories from his life.

    Topics: mental health in religious communities, mental health and religion, self-worth and self-esteem

  • Podcast Episode Show Notes: "Carron Montgomery, Licenced Professional Counselor and Award-Winning Author Part 2"

    Introduction: Welcome back to the Just a Mom podcast! In this highly anticipated episode, Susie is joined once again by Carron Montgomery. Carron brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table, delving into topics ranging from neuroplasticity to the therapeutic benefits of nature. Throughout the conversation, Carron shares invaluable insights into the challenges faced by individuals and families in today's digital age, emphasizing the importance of balanced emotional expression and the power of human connection. As an added treat, Carron discusses her new book, "The Invisible Riptide" , a testament to her dedication to empowering individuals of all ages with the tools they need to navigate life's complexities.

    Parental Concerns Amidst the Pandemic:
    The discussion starts with the anxiety parents face during the pandemic while needing to work.
    Emphasizes the difficulty in reverting to a pre-digital era but stresses the importance of understanding and communicating these concerns to children.
    Exposure to Inappropriate Content:
    Concerns were raised about children encountering explicit material online, including pornography and inappropriate pop-ups, even on seemingly safe platforms like Roblox.
    Advocates for open conversations with children about these topics rather than avoiding them, referencing resources like "Good Pictures, Bad Pictures" and "Yes, Your Kid."
    Embracing Emotions and Growth
    Discussion on the importance of allowing children to experience and process emotions without immediately seeking to fix them.
    Recognition of the value of mistakes as opportunities for growth and learning.
    Introduction to The Invisible Riptide
    Carron shares the inspiration behind writing The Invisible Riptide series during the pandemic to address the shared struggles people face while feeling isolated.
    Emphasis on the book's aim to reassure readers that they are not alone in their experiences and to guide managing emotions.
    Providing Resources and Support
    Carron discusses the additional resources provided in The Invisible Riptide, such as discussion guides, songs, and a toolbox for emotional management.
    Recognition of the overwhelming nature of seeking resources and the importance of presenting information in a manageable and accessible format.
    Upcoming Graphic Novel on Social Media
    Introduction to Carron's upcoming graphic novel on social media, aimed at providing non-preachy guidance on navigating online interactions.
    Discussion on the role of generational wisdom and character dynamics in the graphic novel, fostering understanding between different age groups.
    The Importance of Human Connection
    Discussion on the intrinsic need for human connection and the impact of social media on interpersonal relationships.
    Carron emphasizes the significance of understanding emotions and using them as guides for healthy technology usage.
    Carron stresses the importance of education over-reliance on protective apps, highlighting children's resourcefulness in bypassing parental controls.
    Impact on Mental Health and Peer Dynamics
    Exploration of the phenomenon of self-identification with mental health diagnoses among tweens and teens, influenced by peer dynamics and trauma bonding.
    Carron shares anecdotes illustrating the complexities of adolescent social dynamics and the importance of fostering open dialogue and support networks.
    Parental Support and Modeling Behavior
    Reflects on the challenges of balancing support and guidance without controlling or fixing children's problems.
    Emphasizes the importance of acknowledging children's struggles and providing unconditional love and acceptance.
    Advocates for validating children's experiences and offering support while respecting their autonomy and boundaries.
    Recognizing the Need for Professional Help
    Explores indicators that may signal the need for professional intervention, such as persistent emotional distress or changes in behavior.
    Discusses the role of pediatricians and the importance of seeking help without stigma or shame.
    Empowering Personal Growth and Neuroplasticity
    Delves into the concept of neuroplasticity and its role in personal growth and behavioral change.
    Carron discusses the importance of consistency and engagement in activities to promote positive neuroplasticity and overcome mental ruts.
    Gratitude and Appreciation
    Expresses gratitude for the opportunity to share knowledge and expertise on mental health and parenting through the podcast.
  • Podcast Episode Show Notes: "Carron Montgomery, Licenced Professional Counselor and Award-Winning Author"

    Introduction: In this episode of the Just a Mom podcast, Susie introduces Carron Montgomery, a licensed professional counselor, registered play therapist, level two trained EMDR, and trauma specialist. Carron shares her wealth of knowledge and expertise, offering valuable insights into neuroplasticity, the therapeutic benefits of nature, and the importance of balanced emotional expression. Additionally, Carron discusses her new book, "The Invisible Riptide," underscoring her commitment to empowering individuals and families with the tools they need to navigate life's challenges. Stay tuned for an engaging and informative conversation with Carron Montgomery on the Just A Mom podcast.

    Introduction to Carron's Work
    Carron explains her current work in private practice, specializing in treating anxiety, depression, ADHD, and trauma across various age groups.
    Increase in Youth Mental Health Issues
    Discussion on factors contributing to the rise in mental health issues among youth and teens over the past decade.
    Influence of smartphones and social media on shaping perceptions and exacerbating anxiety.
    Lack of breaks from social issues due to constant connectivity leads to increased stress and feelings of exclusion.
    Impact of Technology on Youth Development
    Concerns about the early exposure of children to electronic devices leading to a lack of preparedness for the emotional and social consequences of online interactions.
    Carron's efforts to address these issues through educational resources like her graphic novel on social media.
    Role of Parents and Educators
    Importance of parents and educators in providing accurate information and teaching emotional regulation skills to children.
    Encouragement for parents to experiment with limiting screen time and observing its impact on their children's well-being.
    Emphasis on fostering healthy relationships with technology and recognizing signs of unhealthy usage.
    The Importance of Learning Through Mistakes
    Discusses the necessity for children to make mistakes under parental guidance to facilitate learning and development.
    Highlights concerns about overprotective parenting potentially hindering children's ability to navigate challenges independently.
    Understanding and Accepting Emotions
    Emphasizes the importance of allowing children to experience and process strong emotions without feeling the need to immediately fix or suppress them.
    Advocates for a balanced approach to addressing emotional needs, acknowledging the value of both validation and guidance.
    Introduction to "The Invisible Riptide"
    Explores the origins of the book "The Invisible Riptide" and its mission to provide comfort and support to children and teenagers struggling with mental health issues.
    Discusses the book's accessibility and inclusive approach, designed to resonate with both young readers and their parents.
    Creating a Common Language and Resources
    Highlights the significance of establishing a common language between parents and children regarding mental health and emotions.
    Provides insight into the book's discussion guide, dyslexia-friendly font, and diverse representation to enhance accessibility.
    Empowering Through Resources and Collaboration
    Carron shares the motivation behind offering additional resources and free materials on the book's website to support parents and educators.
    Expresses commitment to endorsing helpful products and providing valuable information without financial gain.
    Upcoming Projects
    Carron teases the release of a new graphic novel aimed at addressing social media issues in a relatable and non-preachy manner.
    Discusses the decision to utilize a graphic novel format to cater to diverse learning styles and meet readers where they are.
    Shares plan for future projects and collaborations to promote mental health awareness and emotional well-being.

    Join us for the next episode of the Just a Mom podcast featuring Carron Montgomery, a licensed professional counselor and trauma specialist. In this enlightening conversation, Carron shares invaluable insights into youth mental health. Discover how Carron's new book, "The Invisible Riptide," can provide comfort and support to children and teens struggling with mental health issues. In the second part of this episode, learn about the resources and strategies Carron offers to parents and educators for fostering healthy relationships with technology and promoting emotional resilience in children!