
  • Well, this one hit me deep in the feels!!

    I knew that the laughs would be there, as they always are when John and I dish about life together, but the tears were a bit of a sneak attack! I am so glad that that I had the opportunity to speak openly with John about the current death I am experiencing, and have such a loving and safe reception...filled with so much wisdom that I know will also benefit all who listen to this podcast.

    Something I think about a lot is the very tight and heavy vow that we all take when getting married of, "Til Death Do Us Part." On one hand, it provides a sense of safety and security in each other and the relationship that is being galvanized, but on the other hand, it can indicate a lack of freedom for the natural, AND NECESSARY growth and evolution that is a part of our human (and spiritual) journey. In this podcast, John and I dive deep into this very vow that we both took when we married nearly 22 years ago, and how we've navigated a series of personal and relationship "deaths" along the way and how we've surfed the waves to end up where we are today.

    ~ My deepest apologies about the mic cutting out towards the end. Audio quality is very important to me, but the authentic breakdown I was having was more important to share with you! For this reason, we didn't re-record this section so that you can be a part of what felt like such a deep and intimate moment <3


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  • Do you believe in coincidence (random occurrences), OR do you see all events as connected to a grander purpose?

    Truth is, even if you may not yet understand the higher meaning of what has happened, or is currently happening, if we follow our own ancestral threads backwards, we would eventually end up energetically sitting at the feet of our ancestors and re-learning how interconnected all people, places, and events really are. Every culture is rooted in their own indigenous teachings, and this primordial wisdom originates from the relationship that our ancestors held with the sun, the moon, and the earth as their very survival depended upon listening to their rhythms and cues.

    It doesn't take much to realize that as a human race, we've strayed from our roots and the ripple effect of that has been disastrous on a personal and collective level. However, there are many individuals on this planet who have been feeling the pull back to truth and have been doing the deep work to re-member.

    And then, there are those who are trying to stop this.

    But what for? And, what does any of this have to do with the Ukraine?

    In this podcast, I speak with Emotional Intelligence + Mindset Coach, AND Ukrainian immigrant, Tania Andrushko to learn more about her personal experience growing up rooted deeply into the juxtaposition of being raised by grandparents who were still steeped in the forbidden spiritual practices of the ancients, and her father: a Christian Priest.

    Tania has recently published a Tarot deck (Flower of the Magic Fern), where she weaves much of traditional Ukrainian spirituality with inspiring lessons, and heart-opening imagery. To learn more or to purchase your deck, please visit:

    To learn more about Tania, The Flower of The Magic Fern, or to attend an upcoming event, please visit her website at:

    Get Social with Tania!




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  • Let me begin by saying that I am a fierce advocate for education and resources to support mental health, especially in children. However, with a new (Canadian) statistic stating that 1 in 2 children are struggling with their mental health, I have to lend a new perspective as to one of the reasons why I feel that this is happening and how, if we don't wake up, the consequences of falling into the unconscious spiral of today's medical model to treat mental illness could be catastrophic. 

    If you are seeking more resources that support your own or your child's mental health, please check these ones out:

    Internal Family Systems:

    Transpersonal Psychology:


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  • When her mother was murdered, Sarah Salter-Kelly leaned heavily into the foundations of deep spiritual work that she had been steeped in during her whole upbringing. A blend of Shamanism, deep meditation, popular self-help gurus, and psychedelics, all supported Sarah in walking the hardest (and most necessary path) of facing down the dragon that was her mothers perpetrator and finding forgiveness scattered in the shards of her broken heart. Though she was only 20 years old at the time, the trauma of her mothers loss, thrust her onto a spiritual path like no other, and one that she has walked as a humble student, eventually earning the honour of elder. 

    Today, Sarah shares her medicine from a place of power, love, and divine grace as she supports many, many others through their shadows by inviting the light that is held through ceremony and the spirits of plant medicine. 

    This conversation is an eye-opening dialogue into the trending popularity of psychedelics and how important intention, support, and integration is when stepping onto the path of healing. 

    To connect with Sarah Salter-Kelly:

    Watch her interview with Marianne Williamson:

    Learn more about her book, "Trauma as Medicine" :

    Visit her Website:

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  • Some may call it a cult, while others a place of personal freedom and divine cooperation, but who is responsible when things fall apart...particularly at the hands of those in charge?

    During this provocative conversation with Geha Gonthier, we discuss her time spent inside the infamous Rajneeshpuram in Oregon with spiritual Guru, Osho, as well as her decision to move to Edmonton, Canada after meeting another community leader by the name of John de Ruiter. Both leaders have fallen under legal charges pressed against them by fellow community members as well as through (in Osho's case), state accusations for some almost unthinkable crimes.  

    It would seem that these leaders are among a growing number of power-hungry abusers, working in the shadows, who's actions are now being thrust into the light, and blinding them as they stumble and fall from their pedestals.  And for many who walk a spiritual path, it is absolutely devastating, causing a whiplash effect while they turn their backs on the teachings and the communities that supported them through their growth, development, and healing, leaving them saddened, lost, and even angry.

    Where do we go from here? Geha helps us to answer this question for ourselves as we digest our own disappointment in those who we considered our loving leaders, from our parents, to our teachers, and to those who we've admired who's lives took a sharp and shocking turn.

    Connect with Geha here:




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  • In this episode, we delve into the theme of starting over. We all have moments in life where we realize that we need a change and that change often comes in the form of a fresh start. But starting over can be scary, it can mean leaving behind the comfort of the familiar and embracing the unknown. So, how do we summon the courage and the wisdom to take that first step?

    In this episode I will share 4 soulfully-practical ways on how you can find the courage and the wisdom to gracefully close doors and move forward with confidence. 

    Whether you're at a crossroads or simply feeling the need for change, this episode is for anyone who is looking to take the leap and start over with courage and wisdom. So, join us as we explore what it takes to make a fresh start and the potential for growth and happiness that comes with it.

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  • She's a powerhouse in business as a partner in Deuce vodka, co-creator in the natural beauty products, Beauty from Bees, and even has her own kids deck called, Cool to connect!  Cecilia Kissel may also be the wife of popular country music artist Brett Kissel, but she is a wise, conscious, and deeply inspiring woman who is raising her family as a pure act of rebellion to "tradition."  In this podcast episode we discuss how she has blended her strong capabilities in interior design with her high intuition on creating intentional spaces in order to nurture the mental and physical health for her whole family in spite of revolving travel schedules and constant growth spurts. Her methods to creating more peace and calm for everyone in her home almost seem too simple, but for some reason, many of us have never even thought of them...let alone applied them to our lives. 

    Get ready to take a few notes, have a few laughs, and feel more empowered within your own life as you walk away from this insightful conversation. 

    Some points of discussion:

    - How to create intentional spaces within our homes as places for safety, exploration, and peace + quiet

    - Setting realistic expectations with our children (and with ourselves) to avoid unnecessary stress and overwhelm

    - Cecilia's best daily practices for herself and her kids that allows for less decision-making and more daily ease

    - The gift of sinking an expensive iPhone into the bottom of the ocean (and it wasn't even hers!)

    - The life-changing advice that she would give her younger self that would make all the difference on her mental health

    - The greatest risk in not advocating for Self and speaking up

    Follow Cecilia on Instagram:

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  • In this episode, I have a very candid conversation with fierce Mental Health Advocate, Kaylor Betts where we discuss exploring the world of advocacy (for self and others), while empowering listeners to become agents of change in their communities. Kaylor shares his past struggles with mental illness and how he made a conscious shift in the mindset that he needed to effect real change. 

    About Kaylor:

    Kaylor Betts is a bold and honest voice in the mental health space, with a growing following and a hard hitting, buzzworthy podcast The Mental Wealth Podcast. The Mental Wealth Podcast currently trends within the top 15 mental health podcasts in Canada and in the top 1.5% most popular podcasts globally. Kaylor faced his own mental health challenges head-on and tackled his long history with anxiety and depression. He has taken a deep dive into studying human optimization and has created a brand around Mental Wealth. Kaylor is a force! Fueled by adversity, he is relentless in his passion to change lives and help us all understand how to live life beyond what we thought was possible.

    Follow on IG:

    Follow on FB:

    Find him online:

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  • What does success mean to you??

    One of the most powerful things that I have ever heard came from Tony Robbins when he said, "Success leaves clues."  The first time that I ever heard that, I began to look around at the so-called "successful people" in my life based on what I was taught was successful. But what I ended up seeing was a lot of financially healthy people who were struggling with physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. From this a desire was born to uncover what true success means to me. And it seems no matter who I spoke to, including today's guest Cameron Herold, the general sentiment seemed to be the same- the success that we strive for MUST include all aspects and facets in our lives. 

    Perhaps the most inspiring thing about Cameron is that he is the absolute embodiment of success, abundance, and heart-led manifestation and that (this is extra loud for those in the back)...YOU DO NOT HAVE TO GIVE UP SUCCESS IN ONE AREA OF YOUR LIFE IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE IT IN ANOTHER.

    As top rated international speaker in 26 countries, and one who is regularly paid to teach at high-end events organized by Fortune, Forbes, Inc. and AMEX,  Rich Karlgaard, the former publisher of Forbes, calls Cameron “the best speaker I’ve ever heard”.

    He has authored seven business books, including the global bestseller DOUBLE DOUBLE, now in its 8th printing. Cameron is the founder of COO Alliance, the world’s leading COO training network serving over 250 of the world’s most high-impact business leaders. Cameron is the former COO of 1-800-GOT-JUNK?. In his six years with the company, he took it from $2 million to $106 million, and grew it into the no. 2 most desirable workplace in Canada.

    In this podcast we discuss:

    The influence that my "flaky" meditations and clairvoyant visions had on him and his spiritual path Cameron's first introduction to quantum mechanics over 20 years ago and how the understanding of "everything is energy" has opened his mind up to realizing the great synchronicities that life presents us Our shared opinion on entrepreneurs and that not everyone is born to be bold, brave, and creative What new opportunities are available to those who are not entrepreneurial but don't want to go back to a 9-5 Why your vision statement sucks and 3 ways to get unstuck in order to create and fulfill your greatest vision and desire


    Check out Cameron's PERSONAL Vivid Vision HERE

    Check out Ashley's PERSONAL Vivid Vision HERE 


    "Your Vision Statement Sucks" | Cameron Herold | TEDxVancouver:

    "Let's Raise Kids to be Entrepreneurs" Cameron Herold, TEDxEdmonton:


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  • Do you feel stuck somewhere in between who you used to be and who you are in the process of becoming? This can truly happen at age but that same awkward phase that we all went through in our adolescence seems to hit another lap on the track when we hit our 40's and crash head-on into "middle-essence." It's the next huge growth spurt but the difference is there seems to be so much more at stake this time.

    In this podcast, we explore the spiritual perspectives on middle-age, and the infamous "Mid-Life Crisis." The only difference here is that you will soon learn that what may appear to be a full-scale breakdown is, in fact, the beginning of the greatest spiritual breakthrough.

    In this episode we discuss what subconsciously motivates us to keep going in life, and that it is different for everyone. Below are 86 words that describe the primary tracks that we can follow to find meaning and purpose in our lives, all while feeling into the ONE that we know in our hearts, is our path.

    Take some time to listen to the episode and when done, put your hand on your heart or on your belly and read each word aloud while noticing how it resonates with the body. You may need to go through the list more than once in order to land on what you feel, is the greatest theme of your life.

    **Experiences of Spirit: (Your Soul's primary driver/ motivational force resides with ONE of these paths the loudest)

    Acceptance, adventure, aesthetics, appreciation, all, balance, beauty, caring, charity, cheerfulness, clarity, commitment, communication, community, compassion, cooperation, confidence, connection, convenience, conviction, contentment, courage, courtesy, creativity, detachment, determination, devotion, diligence, discipline, discernment, discrimination, Ears, empowerment, energy, engagement, enthusiasm, excellence, faith, flexibility, forgiveness, freedom, friendship, generosity, gentleness, goodness, grace, gratitude, growth, harmony, healing, health, honesty, hope, humanitarianism, humility, humor, idealism, integrity, intelligence, intimacy, introspection, intuition, joy, Justice, kindness, knowledge, leadership, love, loyalty, maturity, moderation, openness, passion, patience, peace, perseverance, positive outlook, power, presence, progress, prosperity, purity, purpose, recognition, respect, responsibility, reverence, righteousness, sacrifice, self-confidence, serenity, service, silence, solitude, spontaneity, strength, support, synergy, thankfulness, tolerance, trust, trustworthiness, truth, understanding, unity, wisdom, wonder.

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  • Welcome to this (not-so-kinda) very first episode of the Waking Up Human podcast!  You don't have to dig that deep to see that there are "archived" episodes in the library that reflect the very first incarnation of my podcast. But what you don't see here are the 280 additional episodes that I did for over 5 1/2 years every Sunday morning on Facebook. So technically, we can call this the 2nd reinvention of the original intention.
    And it probably won't be my last.
    Reinvention is not only necessary for survival, but it is the key ingredient in our  spiritual evolution. Reincarnation on the other hand, stretches our minds beyond the finite boundaries of this one life and allows us to reach into the continuum of a spiritual life where we spend multiple lifetimes learning and growing as one, same Soul. 
    In this episode, you will hear through both personal experience as well as shared wisdom teachings from a variety of philosophical traditions, many perspectives on the purpose of reincarnation and reinvention, as well as the incredible role that death and rebirth play. 
    Get ready to open your mind, your heart, and your ears! 
    Enjoy the episode!


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  • Have you ever noticed how much better kids seem to be at getting what they want than you or I? There are reasons for this that are simple, effective, and right in line with the basic laws of physics!


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  • This was a tough one to share, but in the current climate of this pandemic, the issue of self-advocacy is a top issue. It seems that there are two sides and the majority are being asked to choose between doing what's best for themselves or what's best for the collective. What do you believe and what are you choosing?
    *Episode was recorded during the weekly "Soulful Sunday" live on Facebook. (thanks for your patience with the audio!)


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  • Everything new to us feels awkward and unnatural until we find our stride, and meditation is no different. Many people struggle with quieting their minds and as a result, often give up way too quickly. And yet, the stress of overthinking has a domino effect that is creating a world of problems both inside of our bodies and outside in our communities. During this podcast episode (as recorded live from a FB Soulful Sunday Session), you will learn how simple it can be to get quiet and how impactful that can be on every single area of your life.


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  • Recorded live during one of my studio classes, this practice is a beautiful reminder that ease is your natural state.


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  • Following a premonition and the “download” of a song she heard while grocery shopping, Grace gave birth to a beautiful daughter that was diagnosed early in life with autism. Through the struggles of trying to reach her daughter and search for her in the void that many beautiful minds slip into, she not only ends up finding her, but also finds herself.


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  • In this episode, professional Photographer and Joy Coach, Jillian Schecher, talks candidly about how her journey to sobriety has impacted her career, her relationships, and how she feels about what’s she’s really come here to do.


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  • Episode 1: What does an Indigenous boy from a small reserve in Western Canada know about discipline, failure after success, and how to find meaning in even the most seemingly unforgivable situations? The answers may surprise you, but will almost certainly inspire you.


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