
  • The answer is neither a simple yes or no. It is futile to reduce the cause of cancer or any other illness to a single origin.

    BUT while we cannot say that any personality type causes cancer, certain personality features definitely increase the risk because they are more likely to generate psychological stress.

    PNI and other research has shown that emotional experiences can be translated into potential damage in our bodies.

    Repression (pushing down feelings for example), being unable to say no and lack of awareness of one's anger, for example, make it much more likely that a person will find themselves in situations where emotions are unexpressed, needs are ignored, and gentleness is exploited.

    These situations are stress inducing, whether or not we are aware of it and repeated and multiplied over the years, this has the potential of harming the balance in our bodies and immune system.

    So - It is stress-not personality per say-that undermines our bodies physiological balance and immune defences, predisposing us to disease or reducing our resistance to it.

    Physiological stress, the stress on the body then, is the link between personality traits and disease.

    Much of what we call personality is not actually a fixed set of traits, only coping mechanisms acquired in childhood, habitual defence mechanisms, a response to our external environment unconsciously adopted to keep us safe.

    Certain traits-otherwise known as coping styles-magnify the risk for illness by increasing the likelihood of chronic stress.

    People often identify with these habituated patterns, believing them to be an indispensable part of their personality.

    Take a listen for more.

    Refer back to our past Episodes:

    Ep 3 : Hidden Stress

    E4 : Unconscious beliefs and coping mechanisms

    Ep 5 : The effect of stress on the body

    Ep 6 & 7 : Limiting beliefs and coping mechanisms and how they can make us sick.

    Ep 8 & 9 : Feeling is healing

    Ep 11 : Fear

    Ep 16-18 : Anger

    Ep 20 : Toxic positivity

    Ep 26 : Boundaries and autonomy

    Our email addresses :

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

    The books mentioned are :

    Dr Gabor Mate : When the body says no

    Dr Kelly Turner : Radical Remission and you will find a RRM Podcast on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

    Disclaimer: What we bring should not be viewed as a stand-alone intervention, it should always be conducted alongside proper medical treatment (orthodox or natural), nutritional assistance, exercise and whatever else is appropriate for your illness. We are pointing out the relationship between hidden and other stress and disease.

    Advice provided without warranty. This is NOT medical advice. By listening & applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for your own healing and all consequences.

    Join our Facebook podcast group :


    Loretta Ferrucci




    Email: [email protected]

    Antoinette McInnes

    Website :

    You Tube:

    Lightwithin Facebook group :

    Instagram :

    Email : [email protected]

    Email me if you would like to receive an inspirational Thought for the Day

    If you found this valuable, please send someone who may benefit the link.

    We would love to hear from you. Please write us a review, send us any questions or feedback.

    Thank you for listening !

  • Allergies are a broad topic, so we focus in this Episode on skin type allergies, BUT this information applies to ALL allergies. The basic underlying tenents are the same.

    What we offer in this Episode is a road map, not a definitive answer. A map that guides and gives you a place to start from.

    Allergies are hypersensitivity reactions - to any number of things – something your body sees as an enemy and your immune system completely overreacts to. The body overreacts to something that isn’t normally a problem.

    When addressing allergies a mistake we can make is to focus solely on the physical and not look at the mental, emotional and energetic. We absolutely can’t by-pass the body, but we also can’t by-pass the mind and emotions.

    Loretta takes a detailed look in this Episode at allergies from an organ energetics, psychological and spiritual perspective. This information is invaluable and not usually easily attained in a summary such as in this Episode.

    She talks through all the organs and energetics involved in an allergy reaction and how you can to use this information to help yourself heal.

    Signs and symptoms are feedback, they are not random or a punishment, but rather a message from our bodies that something needs to be changed, integrated or healed.

    The message can be really scary, even terrifying if we have allergies that go anaphylactic. But “terrifying” can drive you to get to the source, to the bottom of it, especially if Doctors can’t find anything wrong with you. If we are prepared to listen to the message it will guide you as to what to do next and the first steps to take.

    We also cover :

    · - There is no one size fits all treatment plan.

    · - How the intuition will guide the next step but why we can’t or don’t successfully access and use it to heal because of unknown resistance. Resistance is discussed in detail.

    · - There is no avoiding the parts that are really uncomfortable if we want to heal.

    T Take a listen to Episode 27 where we discuss the importance of healing the past in order to heal an allergy.

    Disclaimer: What we bring should not be viewed as a stand-alone intervention, it should always be conducted alongside proper medical treatment (orthodox or natural), nutritional assistance, exercise and whatever else is appropriate for your illness. We are pointing out the relationship between hidden and other stress and disease.

    Advice provided without warranty. This is NOT medical advice. By listening & applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for your own healing and all consequences.

    Join our Facebook podcast group :


    Loretta Ferrucci




    Email: [email protected]

    Antoinette McInnes

    Website :

    You Tube:

    Lightwithin Facebook group :

    Instagram :

    Email : [email protected]

    Email me if you would like to receive an inspirational Thought for the Day

    If you found this valuable, please send someone who may benefit the link.

    We would love to hear from you. Please write us a review, send us any questions or feedback.

    Thank you for listening !

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  • When we get sick our bodies are giving us feedback, a message that something is out of kilter and needs to change.

    This could be the food we eat, the lifetsyle we lead, a toxic relationship or any number of things and actually its never just one thing. Healing is multifaceted.

    Also, often the feedback from the body is an indication that something is playing out unconsciously. If it is unconcious, we will consciously not know about it, but our bodies are sending us a message about this.

    In this Episode we talk through an Energy Retrieval Process as a way to uncover unconscious triggers from past trauma and how this helps us heal physically.

    We need to integrate ALL of ourselves in order to heal, so those parts of ourselves left behind in the past or a trauma need to be brought back and integrated.

    When we have a trauma that impacts us mentally, emotionally, and spiritually we leave a portion of our energy in the event. If this is the case any therapies or processes we engage in to heal ourselves, will not be the whole picture if we do not bring back this energy from the past.

    Antoinette, co-host of this podcast, had been suffering from an allergic reaction for quite a long time. At times it goes anaphylactic. So of course, she knew that her body is sending a message that something is out of kilter. She applied all the knowledge and tools that we put out to help herself heal this, but the allergy continued. This is because she only managed to get to the unconscious trigger once Loretta did an Energy Retrieval Process with her to bring back the part of her energy that was left behind in two past traumas.

    This might sound very way out to many people. Antoinette was quite sceptical herself, but Loretta has seen amazing results in her practice when using this process to help her clients physically heal. So, Antoinette decided to let Loretta take her through this process.

    The result was astounding !

    We talk through all of this in this Episode. We share Antoinette’s Energy Retrieval Process and how it unveiled the unconscious trauma triggers from the past. Antoinette also shares how this positively assisted her in a BIG way.

    What we talk through here not only applies to allergies, but it is also relevant to any immune related illness like autoimmune, cancer, diabetes, to name a few.

    This undoubtedly could be a missing link in your healing.

  • Illness not only has a history, but it tells a history. It is a culmination of a lifelong history of struggle for self .

    Mind and spirit can survive grievous physical injury, but repeatedly we see that the physical body begins to succumb when psychic integrity and freedom are jeopardised .

    In the final analysis, disease is a boundary question.

    When we look at the research that predicts who is likely to get ill, we will find that the people at greatest risk are those who have experienced the most severe boundary invasions before they were able to construct an autonomous sense of self. )Autonomy is the development of an internal centre of control).

    (Paraphrased from Gabor Mate’s book : When the body says no)

    In this Episode Loretta and I discuss in detail what is meant by boundaries and why, by and large, humans struggle to set and maintain boundaries.

    We then relate this to getting sick and helping ourselves heal. Most importantly we discuss how the immune confusion that leads to disease reflects a failure to distinguish self from non-self, healing has to involve establishing or reclaiming the boundaries of an autonomous self.

    The two books by Gabor that we mention are :

    When the Body Says No and The Myth of Normal.

    Disclaimer: What we bring should not be viewed as a stand-alone intervention, it should always be conducted alongside proper medical treatment (orthodox or natural), nutritional assistance, exercise and whatever else is appropriate for your illness. We are pointing out the relationship between hidden and other stress and disease.

    Advice provided without warranty. This is NOT medical advice. By listening & applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for your own healing and all consequences.

    Join our Facebook podcast group :


    Loretta Ferrucci




    mail: [email protected]

    Antoinette McInnes

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    Lightwithin Facebook group :

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    Email : [email protected]

    Email me if you would like to receive an inspirational Thought for the Day

    If you found this valuable, please send someone who may benefit the link.

    We would love to hear from you. Please write us a review, send us any questions or feedback.

    Thank you for listening !

  • Healing is multifaceted and different for everybody. That is why it is so important to be able to access and use our intuition in order to play a role in our own healing.

    Also, if we do not access our intuition to guide us on our healing path, we are at the mercy of other people telling us what to do.

    In this Episode Loretta and I discuss :

    - How to know the difference between intuition and ego. They can easily be confused. Reality is trickier than we realise.

    - Intuition is the non-obvious and does not happen in a way that we would expect it to. It is seemingly contradictory to common sense. If we want to hone our intuition we need to keep rethinking the obvious route.

    - Following intuition is the emotionally difficult thing to do and requires us to accept psychological stress.

    - In order to access intuition, we need to rewire our brain away from the route we normally take. It requires a leap outside of our normal perceptive.

    - Intuition shows the way step by step.

    We provide many real-life examples of the application of this to healing ourselves.

    If you have been on a spiritual / self-healing path already you may think you have this intuition thing taped - but after listening to this Episode you may come away with another perspective or new insights.

    We would love to get your feedback, comments or any questions on this Episode.

    This is the link to the clip referred to : The counter-intuitive life

    Disclaimer: What we bring should not be viewed as a stand-alone intervention, it should always be conducted alongside proper medical treatment (orthodox or natural), nutritional assistance, exercise and whatever else is appropriate for your illness. Advice provided without warranty. This is NOT medical advice. By listening & applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for your own healing and all consequences.

    Join our Facebook podcast group :


    Loretta Ferrucci




    Email: [email protected]

    Antoinette McInnes

    Website :

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    Lightwithin Facebook group :

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    Email : [email protected]

    Email me if you would like to receive an inspirational Thought for the Day

    If you found this valuable, please share right now.

    We would love to hear from you. Please write us a review, send us any questions or feedback.

    Thank you for listening !

  • Intuition is the ability to understand something without needing to think about it, a sense of knowing how to react spontaneously without knowing why.

    It is your inner GPS and a bridge between where you are now and where you would love to be. The inner voice of your spirit that guides you to your next step to create what you would love.

    It transcends reason but does not contradict it.

    Intuition is not only for the chosen few. Anyone can learn how to access it, you don’t need any special gift, talent or mystical ability.

    In this Episode Loretta takes us through what we need to do to access our intuition and shares a simple structured process to do this.

    Being able to access our intuition is critical to knowing what steps to take to help ourselves heal.

    To contact us :

    Loretta Ferrucci




    Email: [email protected]

    Cell : +27 82 850 2335

    Antoinette McInnes

    Website :

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    Lightwithin Facebook group :

    Instagram :

    Email : [email protected]

    To receive an inspirational thought for the day please email me.

    Cell : +27 83 262 4068

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    Disclaimer: What we bring should not be viewed as a stand-alone intervention, it should always be conducted alongside proper medical treatment (orthodox or natural), nutritional assistance, exercise and whatever else is appropriate for your illness. Advice provided without warranty. This is NOT medical advice. By listening & applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for your own healing and all consequences.

  • Dr Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, stated that “before we treat patients with medication, we first must remove the obstacles to cure”.

    When we get sick, often our go to response is to get a diagnosis and a treatment plan – like medication or surgery. We don’t examine where the obstacles to cure may lie.

    These obstacles can be physical, mental (conscious and unconscious), relational (relationships) or environmental. We discuss these in detail.

    The information and insight is relevant to all “diseases” but in this Episode we apply it to Type 2 Diabetes as an example.

    We examine the reasons why we do not address these obstacles to cure even when we do know what they are.

    We also emphasize the importance of knowing that there’s no ‘one size fits all’ diet, treatment protocol, coaching tool, technique or therapy that will work the same for everyone.

    BUT, when there are obvious obstacles, these need to be removed for healing to happen.

    Please join our Facebook podcast group :

    To contact us :

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    Email: [email protected]

    Antoinette McInnes

    Website :

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    Lightwithin Facebook group :

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    Email : [email protected]

    Please email me if you would like to receive an inspirational Thought for the Day

    If you found this valuable, please share right now. We would love to hear from you. Please send us any questions or feedback.

    Thank you for listening !

    Disclaimer: What we bring should not be viewed as a stand-alone intervention, it should always be conducted alongside proper medical treatment (orthodox or natural), nutritional assistance, exercise and whatever else is appropriate for your illness. Advice provided without warranty. This is NOT medical advice. By listening & applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for your own healing and all consequences.

  • In Episode 21 we talked about how important it is to be emotionally balanced and energetically coherent in order to stay healthy and to help ourselves heal.

    This week we offer a simple but powerful daily morning practice to attain this.

    This daily practice played a very important role in me (Antoinette) helping myself heal from cancer.

    We also offer some guidelines and tips regarding the ego resistance that will come up when you commit to a daily practice in order to help yourself heal.

    Please join our Facebook podcast group :

    To contact us :

    Loretta Ferrucci




    Email: [email protected]

    Antoinette McInnes

    Website :

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    Lightwithin Facebook group :

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    Email : [email protected]

    Please email me if you would like to receive an inspirational Thought for the Day

    If you found this valuable, please share right now. We would love to hear from you. Please send us any questions or feedback.

    Thank you for listening !

    Disclaimer: What we bring should not be viewed as a stand-alone intervention, it should always be conducted alongside proper medical treatment (orthodox or natural), nutritional assistance, exercise and whatever else is appropriate for your illness. Advice provided without warranty. This is NOT medical advice. By listening & applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for your own healing and all consequences.

  • In this Episode we talk through how important it is to be emotionally balanced and energetically coherent in order to stay healthy or to help ourselves heal.

    Our bodies function optimally when we are internally coherent, it is also our best chance of healing ourselves if we are sick, and helps us face life’s inevitable challenges.

    Please join our Facebook podcast group :

    To contact us :

    Loretta Ferrucci




    Email: [email protected]

    Antoinette McInnes

    Website :

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    Lightwithin Facebook group :

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    Email : [email protected]

    Please email me if you would like to receive an inspirational Thought for the Day

    If you found this valuable, please share right now. We would love to hear from you. Please send us any questions or feedback.

    Thank you for listening !

    Disclaimer: What we bring should not be viewed as a stand-alone intervention, it should always be conducted alongside proper medical treatment (orthodox or natural), nutritional assistance, exercise and whatever else is appropriate for your illness. Advice provided without warranty. This is NOT medical advice. By listening & applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for your own healing and all consequences.

  • Are you using positivity in a way that doesn’t serve you ?

    Is it a coping mechanism or avoidance strategy which you use to sidestep situations that make you feel emotionally uncomfortable?

    Are you pushing down, suppressing or discounting/denying difficult emotions?

    Is this making you sick or hindering your healing ?

    While positivity may seem like an effective way of coping and there are benefits to being optimistic and happy…….

    In terms of health and healing, toxic positivity, which rejects all difficult emotions in favour of a cheerful and often falsely positive facade, can make us sick and hinder our healing.

    In this excellent Episode Loretta once again takes us into the Paradox and inspiringly leads us through why it isn't realistic or healthy to be okay and happy all the time.

    This may be more important to your health then you realise.

    Please join our Facebook podcast group :

    To contact us :

    Loretta Ferrucci




    Email: [email protected]

    Antoinette McInnes

    Website :

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    Lightwithin Facebook group :

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    Email : [email protected]

    Please email me if you would like to receive an inspirational Thought for the Day

    If you found this valuable, please share right now. We would love to hear from you. Please send us any questions or feedback.

    Thank you for listening !

    Disclaimer: What we bring should not be viewed as a stand-alone intervention, it should always be conducted alongside proper medical treatment (orthodox or natural), nutritional assistance, exercise and whatever else is appropriate for your illness. Advice provided without warranty. This is NOT medical advice. By listening & applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for your own healing and all consequences.

  • There are always two points of view in every situation, including health and healing.

    In this excellent clip Loretta talks us through how to be with our current reality (our illness) in all its fullness and realness, but at the same time confectioning to the vision of the health we would love to create.

    Being able to be with, and work with this paradox is a very important part of our healing journey.

    Please join our Facebook podcast group :

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    Email: [email protected]

    Antoinette McInnes

    Website :

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    Lightwithin Facebook group :

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    Email : [email protected]

    Please email me if you would like to receive an inspirational Thought for the Day

    If you found this valuable, please share right now. We would love to hear from you. Please send us any questions or feedback.

    Thank you for listening !

    Disclaimer: What we bring should not be viewed as a stand-alone intervention, it should always be conducted alongside proper medical treatment (orthodox or natural), nutritional assistance, exercise and whatever else is appropriate for your illness. Advice provided without warranty. This is NOT medical advice. By listening & applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for your own healing and all consequences.

  • In this Episode we take you through an 8 - Step process to feel and process anger in a safe and healthy way.

    We talk about how to be angry and choose what to do with it rather than suppressing it, exploding or numbing/soothing it.

    We take you through the following 8 steps in detail :

    1. Cultivating awareness of anger .

    2. Creating a safe space for it to arise.

    3. Owning, allowing and taking responsibility for anger.

    4. Naming it using the right language.

    5. Feeling and holding space for it.

    6. Beginning the process of releasing it.

    7. Asking yourself what is driving this anger, is there a reason for it ?

    8. Choosing how to react and respond to it. Making a new choice.

    Join our Facebook podcast group :

    To contact us :

    Loretta Ferrucci




    Email: [email protected]

    Antoinette McInnes

    Website :

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    Lightwithin Facebook group :

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    Email : [email protected]

    Please email me if you would like to receive an Inspirational Thought for the Day

    If you found this valuable, please share right now.

    We would love to hear from you. Please send us any questions or feedback.

    Disclaimer: What we bring should not be viewed as a stand-alone intervention, it should always be conducted alongside proper medical treatment (orthodox or natural), nutritional assistance, exercise and whatever else is appropriate for your illness. Advice provided without warranty. This is NOT medical advice. By listening & applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for your own healing and all consequences.

  • Show notes

    Ep 17 : Recognising and allowing anger

    Anger has become stigmatised and is probably the most unrecognised or bypassed feeling.

    But as we said in last Episode :

    · Anger causes stress in our bodies.

    · Anger arises to tell us that our limits are being overstepped or our needs are not being met.

    So, it is important to be more attentive to anger. To to feel it and appropriately and safely process it.

    If you know how it is possible to move it out of your body.

    We cannot go straight to doing something in our body however, it starts with self-awareness and witnessing ourselves. From there we can make embodied choices to intentionally heal it.

    It is about not reaching for whatever it is that numb or soothes it over (alcohol, drugs, eating etc) but rather creating a safe space, a container to feel it and safely deal with it.

    In this Episode we talk through:

    · How to become aware of anger and how to safely allow it.

    · Creating a safe container for anger with nervous system regulation.

    · Alexander Technique – a simple but powerful tool to calm the nervous system.

    · A few very simple tools to safely release anger.

    In the next Episode we will present in detail a step-by-step process to safely feel, process and express anger.

    Click on this link to purchase the Masterclass with all the tools (as mentioned in the Episode) :

    Dr Nicole La LaPera. Holistic Psychologist. Podcast name : Self healers sound board.

    Please join our Facebook podcast group :

    To contact us :

    Loretta Ferrucci




    Email: [email protected]

    Antoinette McInnes

    Website :

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    Lightwithin Facebook group :

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    Email : [email protected]

    Please email me if you would like to receive an inspirational Thought for the Day

    If you found this valuable, please share right now. We would love to hear from you. Please send us any questions or feedback.

    Thank you for listening !

    Disclaimer: What we bring should not be viewed as a stand-alone intervention, it should always be conducted alongside proper medical treatment (orthodox or natural), nutritional assistance, exercise and whatever else is appropriate for your illness. Advice provided without warranty. This is NOT medical advice. By listening & applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for your own healing and all consequences.

  • The topic of anger is big, complex and often raises questions and objections. It can also become a confusing paradox.

    Repression of anger predisposes us to disease and the experience of anger has been shown to promote healing or at least to prolong survival.

    When anger is disarmed so is the immune system, but when the aggressive energy of anger is diverted inwards the immune system becomes confused, our physiological defences no longer protect us or may even turn mutinous attacking the body.

    The unregulated release of anger however, such as explosion, fury and rage are not only inappropriate and harmful to the recipients of it but can also be deadly to the one who rages. In general, high blood pressure and heart disease are more likely to happen in people who openly display hostility.

    Appropriately and safely acknowledging, feeling & expressing anger is important to our health and healing. That is what this Episode is about.

    We cover :

    Anger is necessary and plays a very important role in our lives. Is something we all experience but by and large ignore. How to recognise anger and know the disguises it can come in. Repression and rage both represent a fear of the genuine expression of anger. It is important to go back to childhood. Anger compromises the immune system having a huge negative impact on our health. Suppression of anger increases the risk for cancer and other disease. Self vs non-self, boundaries, fear, perceived or real abandonment and unmet needs. Appreciation of nourishing inputs and the recognition of threats. Coping styles and anger. Expressing anger appropriately and safely. Healthy anger is an empowerment and a relaxation and leaves you, not the unbridled emotion, in charge.

    F.E.A.R - Face Everything & Recover Masterclass - Join us live on Thursday 7 November 2024. 6-8pm SAST or buy the recording including a manual, video and recorded tools. $27 or R450.00. Link below.

    The book mentioned : When the body says no : the cost of hidden stress : Gabor Mate.

    Please join our Facebook podcast group :

    To contact us :

    Loretta Ferrucci




    Email: [email protected]

    Antoinette McInnes

    Website :

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    Lightwithin Facebook group :

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    Email : [email protected]

    Please email me if you would like to receive an inspirational Thought for the Day

    If you found this valuable, please share right now. We would love to hear from you. Please send us any questions or feedback.

    Thank you for listening !

    Disclaimer: What we bring should not be viewed as a stand-alone intervention, it should always be conducted alongside proper medical treatment (orthodox or natural), nutritional assistance, exercise and whatever else is appropriate for your illness. Advice provided without warranty. This is NOT medical advice. By listening & applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for your own healing and all consequences.

  • What message is your body sending you when it is in discomfort?

    Is your nervous system trying to tell you something through symptoms such heart burn, indigestion, unspecified pain, sleeplessness, fatigue, panic, flaring anger, irritability or fear etc?

    Could these sensations in your body be messages to let you know that you unconsciously feel unsafe or fearful for example ?

    Is it possible that you are not attending to yourself and your body in the way that you should?

    Be aware that emotions sit in the body.

    Make a choice to listen to the messaging your body is giving you and then bring the body and yourself back into balance.

    Create a container of space to heal rather than soothing or numbing by reaching for your favourite addiction to take your mind away from the discomfort.

    Simple somatic practices can be a very powerful and quick way to get us back into balance physically, energetically, mentally and emotionally.

    In this Episode I share a lying posture called STATIC BACK which brings me back into alignment within 15 minutes. It is simple and easy but don’t underestimate its effectiveness.

    Static back

    Static Back is a simple and effective posture that helps relax and realign the spine while relieving tension in the back, hips, neck, and shoulders.

    The main purpose of it is to allow the body to relax and use gravity to settle the torso down to the floor.

    Static Back uses the floor as a template to bring the back, spine, hips, shoulders, head, and neck to a neutral position.

    Static Back is one of the “silver bullets” exercises for pain relief: whether it’s back, shoulder, neck, or hip.

    How to do it

    Get down on the floor, lie on your back, and put your legs on a chair, bed, or bench to create right angles at the hip and knee joints.

    The upper legs should be against the chair and calves and heels on the chair.

    Knees and ankles are hip width apart, feet relaxed.

    Arms are palms up, at 45-degree angle from your body.

    Relax and stay in this position from 5 to 30 minutes.

    Important: breathe from your diaphragm – the abdominal area should rise as you inhale and fall as you exhale.

    Static back comes from this book : Pain Free: A Revolutionary Method for Stopping Chronic Pain by Pete Egoscue.

    Here is a You Tube Clip for Static back :

    If you would like to find out more about our masterclass : F.E.A.R – Face Everything & Recover – click on this link :

    Dr Nicole La Pera’s Episode on Anger :

    Please join our Facebook podcast group :

    To contact us :

    Loretta Ferrucci




    Email: [email protected]

    Antoinette McInnes

    Website :

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    Lightwithin Facebook group :

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    Email : [email protected]

    Please email me if you would like to receive an inspirational Thought for the Day

    If you found this valuable please share right now.

    Thank you for listening !

    Disclaimer: What we bring should not be viewed as a stand-alone intervention, it should always be conducted alongside proper medical treatment (orthodox or natural), nutritional assistance, exercise and whatever else is appropriate for your illness. Advice provided without warranty. This is NOT medical advice. By listening & applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for your own healing and all consequences.

  • A consistent daily morning practice can be a very important part of both physical and mental healing.

    Visualisation with feeling is the daily morning practice that Antoinette started as part of her cancer healing journey. She says this was, and is, for her a very powerful tool for healing on all levels.

    It is important to note that when you visualise, you must include the feeling of what you are visualising.

    Linking any thoughts / visualisations with emotion is very powerful and helps to change you.

    The subconscious plays out on our bodies, and we store our issues in our body, so even if you are not physically sick, it’s very powerful to do this to stay well and grounded.

    If you are visualising yourself vibrantly healthy or joyful then evoke the feelings of these emotions. It is not always easy in the beginning to bring up the vision and even harder the feeling/s, but it will come over time.

    Rather than making this daily practice something you must always get right, the most important is that you are consistent and do it every day. Prioritize it !

    Sometimes it will feel hard or that you cannot evoke the feelings. Some days it will come easier and other days you may have many thoughts streaming through your mind which you can’t stop. Most important is not to feel that you are then failing, but just notice this without judgement and let it be, just let the thoughts pass and try not to hook into them.

    It will not always be the zen or super healing experience that you want it to be. But the more you do it the easier and quicker you get into the deep connection with your body, your Divine self, the Oneness and self-healing.

    Antoinette does two daily visualisations :

    1. A Golden Sparkles body scan

    2. A future life visualisation

    In this Episode she shares the Golden Sparkles visualisation technique, how it worked for her and how to do it. The future Life visualisation will be shared in a future Episode.

    Golden sparkles body scan

    Imagine zillions of golden sparkles. Imagine that each golden sparkle is filled with unconditional love, joy and vibrant physical, mental and spiritual health.

    Start at the top of your head and then go through each and every part of your body and tell that part of your body you love it and then flood it with these golden sparkles. The intention is that the golden sparkles will transmute or heal anything mental, physical or emotional that needs healing

    I start with my brain and I while I am in my brain I set the intention to positively change the neuroplasticity of my brain and renew my mind. Then I go through :

    · -My lymphatic system.

    · Blood vessels, veins, arteries and capillaries.

    · Each and every organ in my body.

    · My bones and joints.

    · Muscles and tendons.

    · My immune system – I see it strong and thank it for looking after my health.

    · Central nervous system – I send golden sparkles for calm and peace.

    · I visualise my PH level being a perfect 7.2.

    If you are sick go into that specific part of your body, ask what it needs to heal, what it’s trying to teach you, what needs to change or be processed, see if it has a colour or shape etc. You will be very amazed at what may come up. Then flood it with golden healing sparkles to gobble up and heal any dis-ease.

    The body holds all truth and so will give you guidance as to where your healing lies if you do this practice consistently. For example, the body may bring up a memory or stuck emotion as you are focusing on a “sick” part of it, this will then show you where you need to do mental, emotional, trauma or spiritual work.

    It can be very powerful if consistently used as part of your healing process.

    Here is the link to our F.E.A.R - Face Your Fear and Recover - masterclass being offered on 30 October 2024.

    Please join our Facebook podcast group :

    To contact us :

    Loretta Ferrucci




    Email: [email protected]

    Antoinette McInnes

    Website :

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    Lightwithin Facebook group :

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    Email : [email protected]

    Please email me if you would like to receive an inspirational Thought for the Day

    If you like what you have heard please share this Episode right now so that someone else can benefit from this knowledge.

    Thank you for listening !

    Disclaimer: What we bring should not be viewed as a stand-alone intervention, it should always be conducted alongside proper medical treatment (orthodox or natural), nutritional assistance, exercise and whatever else is appropriate for your illness. Advice provided without warranty. This is NOT medical advice. By listening & applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for your own healing and all consequences.

  • Do you have something going on in your health that doesn’t make sense ?

    Are you really sick but cannot get a diagnosis ?

    Do you have real physical symptoms that are negatively impacting your life, but you cannot get to the bottom of them?

    Do you have a diagnosis and want to help yourself heal?

    If so, it really might be worth investigating whether there is a disconnect or disharmony on an energetic level in your body.

    If you are intrigued or this resonates dive into this Episode where Loretta talks us through the energy anatomy of our bodies.

    If you feel this is absolute hog wash , take a listen anyway ! You might be surprised; this may just be a missing link in your healing.

    Loretta explains that we have a physical body, but we also have an energy body.

    Our energy body is in fact the blueprint for our physical body. It is like the plan that the architect draws before he can build a house. This plan for our physical body is housed in our energy body.

    It is interesting to know that before things change in the physical or psychological body, they change in our energetic blueprint.

    This energy body is unseen and so many do not even know that it exists, and it is completely left out in allopathic medicine and even in some complimentary medicine.

    Knowing about it and how it works is important because it means that we can keep our energetic blueprint healthy and therefore increase our ability to keep physically, mentally, and spiritually healthy.

    This Episode includes all the information that you need to know about the energetic body, including all the organ energies.

    Not only is it riveting, it includes some simple but great practical tools that you can implement straight away.

    Dr Loretta Ferrucci is an experienced homeopath who is trained and experienced in the energy healing modalities of Jin Shin Jyutsu, Chinese medicine and acupuncture.

    We would really love to know what you thought of this Episode. So please comment or ask any questions. You can do this in the review section of podcasts, the comments section on You Tube or by email.

    Here is the link to our F.E.A.R - Face Your Fear and Recover - masterclass being offered on 30 October 2024.

    Please join our Facebook podcast group :

    To contact us :

    Loretta Ferrucci




    Email: [email protected]

    Antoinette McInnes

    Website :

    You Tube:

    Lightwithin Facebook group :

    Instagram :

    Email : [email protected]

    Please email me if you would like to receive an inspirational Thought for the Day

    If you like what you have heard please share this Episode right now so that someone else can benefit from this knowledge.

    Thank you for listening !

    Disclaimer: What we bring should not be viewed as a stand-alone intervention, it should always be conducted alongside proper medical treatment (orthodox or natural), nutritional assistance, exercise and whatever else is appropriate for your illness. Advice provided without warranty. This is NOT medical advice. By listening & applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for your own healing and all consequences.

  • Sharon shares her incredible 10-year journey of transformation from the most extreme physical, mental and spiritual dark night to vibrant health and living her best life.

    One person after another close to Sharon died in quick succession, including both her parents and her husband who committed suicide. This just scratches the surface of the amount of trauma and change this incredible woman had to endure.

    Her bodies response was to take her into deep PTSD, depression, suicidation and major health issues including extreme weight loss, leaky gut and adrenal burnout .

    But Sharon dug deep and decided she had to pull herself out of this physical, mental and spiritual darkness. She knew that in order to do this she would need to heal from the inside out.

    She embarked on a self - healing journey that has brought her to a point in her life now where she is physically, mentally and spiritually in balance and is thriving.

    Sharon shares not only her story but all the details of the kind of help she sought, the tools it provided and how she used them to get through and out the other side better.

    This story will not only inspire, it will give you deep insight and also hope that no matter how hard or bad your life is right now there is the possibility to not only move through it and heal, but also for true transformation and awakening to live your best life.

    If you would like to be in touch with Sharon : [email protected]

    Please join our Facebook podcast group :

    To contact us :

    Loretta Ferrucci




    Email: [email protected]

    Antoinette McInnes

    Website :

    You Tube:

    Lightwithin Facebook group :

    Instagram :

    Email : [email protected]

    Please email me if you would like to receive an inspirational Thought for the Day

    If you like what you have heard please share so we can get this information to more people.

    Thank you for listening !

    Disclaimer: What we bring should not be viewed as a stand-alone intervention, it should always be conducted alongside proper medical treatment (orthodox or natural), nutritional assistance, exercise and whatever else is appropriate for your illness. Advice provided without warranty. This is NOT medical advice. By listening & applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for your own healing and all consequences.

  • The impact of fear on the immune system cannot be underestimated.

    In fact, it is most probably the greatest obstacle to healing and the single most overlooked factor in mind-immune conditions. Either for its direct effects (increasing levels of cortisol or adrenaline ) or for its indirect effects (causing people to give up, feel hopelessness, apathy, depression, failure to seek support and many other consequences).

    It is also at the root of all the various issues you will need to deal with to heal including stress, expressing what you feel, and finding a sense of passion and purpose for the future

    Experiments have clearly demonstrated the dramatic immunological benefits of confronting fear.

    In this Episode we cover the following :

    · Overview of why fear is the greatest obstacle to healing.

    · Types of fear - There is a wide range of emotions – mild to strong – that fall into the general category of fear.

    · Why fear such a powerful force in our lives.

    · Techniques that work wonderfully for the “thinking” brain simply do not work for the “primitive brain”.

    · How to work with fear, to feel it, but not to stay stuck in it.

    We also discuss these 7 fear principles :

    Fear can – and will – override more sophisticated thoughts and feelings

    Believing you are in danger feels exactly the same as the real thing

    Unresolved fear will keep your unconscious mind activated 24 hours a day.

    There are two and only two things to do with a F.E.A.R :

    F.E.A.R. = Forget everything and run (avoid and deny).

    F.E.A.R. = Face everything and recover (deal with it).

    Fear is nothing more and nothing less than the unanswered question ”What if … “

    The sole purpose of confronting fear (including death ) is to increase feeling alive.

    When dealing with feared possibilities, put as much energy into desired possibilities.

    A lot of the information in this Episode was paraphrased from an applied psychoneuroimmunulogy called The Healer Inside you by Neil Orr and David Patient

    Fear and dealing with it in relation to physical illness and healing is such a huge topic that we could only scratch the surface of it in this Episode. So, we have decided to offer a 1.5-hour online Master Class at the end of October focused on bringing more information and helpful tools to those who are sick and struggling with fear.

    The cost will be $27 (or R450.00 for South Africans), we hope that makes it affordable enough for all.

    Please email either of us to find out more information :

    [email protected] or [email protected]

    Please join our Facebook podcast group :

    Loretta Ferrucci




    Email: [email protected]

    Antoinette McInnes

    Website :

    You Tube:

    Lightwithin Facebook group :

    Instagram :

    Email : [email protected]

    Please email me if you would like to receive an inspirational Thought for the Day

    If you like what you have heard please write us a review, this really helps our ratings, and please share so we can get this information to more people.

    Thank you for listening !

    Disclaimer: What we bring should not be viewed as a stand-alone intervention, it should always be conducted alongside proper medical treatment (orthodox or natural), nutritional assistance, exercise and whatever else is appropriate for your illness. Advice provided without warranty. This is NOT medical advice. By listening & applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for your own healing and all consequences.

  • If we want to help our bodies heal, we have to work on our mind and emotions.

    Working on our mind and emotions means bringing the unconscious into conscious awareness.

    The unconscious is where we unknowingly store limiting beliefs and the consequent coping mechanisms which have a negative impact on our physical and mental health. (Refer to Ep4 & Ep7).

    We cannot change what we don’t know, and neuroscience shows that once we bring into the conscious mind unconscious stuff, it is possible to work with it. Once recalled into the conscious mind, emotional memories become vulnerable and susceptible to change.

    This is not only the path to physical and mental health, but also the path to becoming a Divine Embodied Human Being.

    The starting point of this journey is to cultivate self-awareness. To take a witness position and bring awareness to every aspect of yourself.

    Become aware of what you are thinking, what your triggers are and what your patterns and coping mechanisms are. Start seeing and working with the ego.

    The aim is to stop functioning in patterns that you have not consciously chosen and that were chosen for you.

    This work is a new opportunity to choose to let go of the blockages. It is also the path to mental mastery and physical health.

    This Episode offers insights and tools to start this journey. We will be building on this.

    Please email me if you would like to receive a free resource with the insight and tools covered in this Episode. [email protected].

    Please join our Facebook podcast group :

    Loretta Ferrucci




    Email: [email protected]

    Antoinette McInnes

    Website :

    You Tube:

    Lightwithin Facebook group :

    Instagram :

    Email : [email protected]

    Please email me if you would like to receive an inspirational Thought for the Day

    If you like what you have heard please write us a review, this really helps our ratings, and please share so we can get this information to more people.

    Thank you for listening !

    Disclaimer: What we bring should not be viewed as a stand-alone intervention, it should always be conducted alongside proper medical treatment (orthodox or natural), nutritional assistance, exercise and whatever else is appropriate for your illness. Advice provided without warranty. This is NOT medical advice. By listening & applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for your own healing and all consequences.