
  • Why Everything Feels Harder and Takes Longer Than You Expected

    Can you relate to this looming question: why does everything in business and life take longer and feel harder than we expected?

    Episode Highlights

    You Are Not Alone: Feeling like things are taking forever? You’re not crazy. It’s normal. Business, like life, often demands more time, effort, and resilience than we initially thought.

    The Full Picture: We rarely see the entire journey behind someone’s success. When we’re only shown the highlights, it’s easy to forget the hard work and setbacks. Let’s explore why it feels so tough and what we can do about it.

    Life Happens: From global events like pandemics to personal health issues, life always throws curveballs. It's important to remember that these challenges are part of the journey and do not reflect your capabilities.

    The Unknowns: When we start, there’s so much we don’t know. This lack of knowledge can make tasks seem easy but then feel insurmountable. But as we gain experience, we become better at estimating and tackling these challenges.

    Playing an Unusual Game: Running a business is not the norm for most people. The pressure and expectations can feel overwhelming, especially when those around you don’t understand your journey. Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals is crucial.

    Comparison Trap: Each journey is unique. Comparing yourself to others can lead to frustration and self-doubt. Focus on your path, your milestones, and your goals.

    Key Takeaways

    Get Clear on Your Vision: Define what you want your business and life to look like. Write it down and keep that vision front and center.

    Find Your Tribe: Surround yourself with people who understand your journey. They can be a source of motivation and accountability.

    Take Consistent Action: Break down your goals into weekly tasks. Consistent, small steps lead to significant progress over time.

    Join Us

    If today's episode resonated with you, don’t forget to subscribe to The Moxie Movement Podcast. Join our community of badass businesswomen who are redefining success on their terms.

    Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for more inspiration and to submit your questions for upcoming episodes. Let’s continue this journey together, lifting each other up and achieving our dreams without sacrificing what matters most.

    Thank you for tuning in, and remember, you are not alone. Keep pushing forward, and let's make those dreams a reality!

    Sarah Greener is the founder of The Moxie Movement, dedicated to empowering business-savvy moms to achieve success without compromising their well-being or family time. Discover more at The Moxie Movement.

  • Tune in to explore the cornerstones to preventing the juggle that happens when Mum life, school holidays, and business collide: rituals, routines, and habits.

    Structure eases our busy lives, particularly when navigating family and business demands. From the school term's predictable cadence to the chaos of vacation days, we'll cover strategies to keep you and your business on track.

    In This Episode:- Why Structure Works: Unpack the benefits of having a consistent daily framework, especially when the kids are back in school.- Managing the Mayhem: Practical advice for keeping your cool and your business thriving during the less structured times (school holidays anyone??).- The Beauty of Repetition: Find out why the secret to sustained business success might be as simple as doing what works, over and over.- Breaking the Monotony: I'll discuss how introducing new experiences can stop you breaking what's working and creating crisis when you don't need to.

    Transitions can be tough for business owners and mothers. I’ll share personal stories and tips from our community on managing these shifts without losing our minds or momentum.

    Key Takeaways:- Set up routines that fit both your family life and business aspirations.- Learn when and how to inject fun and spontaneity to keep life exciting.- Discover how robust systems create space creativity and enhance business results

    Connect With Us:Do you have a question or an idea for a future episode? Follow and message us on Instagram and Facebook We'd love your input, it helps shape our next discussion!

    Subscribe for More:If this episode resonates with you, subscribe to The Moxie Movement Podcast on your preferred platform. Share it with someone who would benefit from our conversation, and drop us a review. We love your thoughts as we grow this community.

    Stay tuned, embrace the structure that rituals and routines offer, and remember: they're not just constraints—they're the frameworks that free us.

    Tune in, Get Inspired, and Excel with The Moxie Movement!

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  • This episode feels a bit out there, but stick with me — it helps navigate the bumpy journey we are all on. We're discussing what it means to live in the "and".

    📍 **Episode Overview** This episode breaks down the myth of having it "all figured out." It’s easy to scroll through social media and believe others have perfect lives. Here's the raw truth: life isn’t black and white; it’s lived in the shades of grey. I share why embracing this mindset eases the pressure and enriches our experiences as business owners.

    🔍 **Why Listen?** - Understand why life and business can’t fit into neat, tidy boxes.- Learn to accept that multiple realities can coexist—success can mingle with challenges, and that’s perfectly okay.- Discover how embracing complexity can lead to a calmer experience of personal and business growth.

    🎧 **In This Episode, You’ll Learn:** - The importance of recognizing both the light and dark moments in life.- Practical tips for handling the juxtaposition of success and difficulty.- How to give yourself grace and space to navigate these dualities, making the business journey more manageable and less isolating.

    👥 **Join the Conversation** Got a question or want to share your “and” moments? Follow and message us on Instagram or Facebook . Your insights could be featured in an upcoming episode!

    📲 **Stay Connected** Don’t forget to subscribe to The Moxie Movement Podcast on your favourite platform. New to the community? Dive into our resources like the “Off Switch Book” for actionable steps to realign your business with your life goals, or book a Moxie Breakthrough Session to start transforming your business experience today.

    🎉 **Closing Thoughts** Remember, it’s okay to have conflicting feelings about your successes and challenges. Living in the “and” is not just about business—it's about building a life filled with understanding, patience, and growth. You're doing great; let’s keep embracing the journey together.

    Till next time, Stay Moxie. 💪

  • 🌟 Welcome to Episode 29: Why Knowing Isn't Enough 🌟

    Often, the best truths are both simple and complex - Simple to Say, often Complex to embody.

    Knowing is not enough - is absolutely one of those.

    Knowing how to do something is not enough to bring about the change we desire in our lives and businesses. If it were, we would all be living perfect lives with millions in our bank accounts, wouldn't we? Let's discover what it really takes to bring about lasting change.

    🔥 Episode Highlights: 🔥

    We often believe understanding the 'what' and the 'how' of something should lead us to success. However, the reality is pretty different. It's not just about the actions or strategies—it's about aligning those with our deeper mental frameworks, the ones created over years of conditioning. This episode explores the crucial 80/20 rule, where 80% is your mindset, and only 20% is the actual tactics.

    The Myth of Action: Why simply knowing what to do doesn't lead to results.Mindset Over Mechanics: Learn why your inner game dictates your success far more than any strategy.Real Alignment: How to sync your beliefs, values, and emotions with your business goals to effortlessly encourage action.Simplicity in Execution: I'll share why simplifying processes isn't just a preference—it's a necessity for sustainable success.

    🌈 Why This Matters 🌈

    As smart, savvy women in business, we sometimes complicate things that could be straightforward because we're conditioned to believe that complexity equals value. Here at The Moxie Movement, we (now) know better. We're about cutting through the noise, doing the deep internal work, and making success achievable by aligning our mindset with our methods.

    🎧 Listen In For 🎧

    An in-depth discussion on how true business success is not just about applying the right tactics but nurturing the right mindset. I’ll also introduce tools and concepts that can transform not just your business but your life—making it more aligned with the freedom and success you truly desire.

    👥 Join Our Community 👥

    Ready for more? Subscribe to The Moxie Movement Podcast on your favourite platform. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for the latest updates and behind-the-scenes content. Plus, you can submit your questions for upcoming episodes—let's make it interactive!

    Have you heard something today that struck a chord? Maybe it’s time to reassess not just what you’re doing but also how you’re thinking. Share your thoughts with us on social media, or better yet, dive into our community, where we normalize success and redefine business operations.

    Until next time, keep stepping into your power and stay moxie!

  • 🎙️ Passive Income - The Glorious Exception or a Red Flag?

    Is passive income the magic pill to create the perfect business, or is it a red flag sending you on a wild goose chase with the promise of no work for lots of money? Let's unpack this together.

    🚩 Why Passive Income Might Be a Red Flag 🚩

    Sarah shares her thoughts on why pursuing passive income could be counterintuitive for female entrepreneurs like you. The essence of passive, meaning to do nothing, doesn't align with the spirit that led you to start your own business. It's about influence, control, and direct action – not sitting back and hoping for the best.

    The Reality of Income Streams

    Sarah explores the efforts behind seemingly effortless gains of traditional passive income streams. Whether it's real estate or stock investments, action and maintenance are inevitable. It's a gentle reminder that every income stream, passive or not, demands something from us – be it time, money, or energy.

    The Appeal vs. The Reality

    Sure, the idea of earning money in your sleep is alluring, but is it practical? Sarah challenges this notion, encouraging a mindset shift towards value exchange and active engagement in your business. It's not just about setting and forgetting; it's about continuous effort, learning, and adapting.

    Building a Leveraged Business

    Yes, you can create systems that generate income with less day-to-day input, but it requires initial (and ongoing) action. From developing a product or service that people want, to setting up a sales and delivery system, there's work to be done. And in a changing world, maintenance and adaptation become your constants.

    Join The Moxie Movement

    If you're ready to embrace action, align your business with your highest priorities, and maintain control over your journey, then you're ready to join the Moxie Movement.

    🌟 What's Next 🌟

    Subscribe to The Moxie Movement Podcast: Don't miss out on insights that align with your journey as a business-savvy mom and entrepreneur.Follow Us on Instagram & Facebook: Join our vibrant community, get inspired, and submit your questions for upcoming episodes. We're here to support you, every step of the way.

    Stay Moxie, Until Next Time

  • All the women I know who are successful and happy in business fall into one of two categories regarding their relationship status.

    1. Single

    2. They have a supportive partner, husband, wife at home.

    There is no third option. And if you love your business, want to make it work. Then you need to get yourself into one of those categories ASAP. Rather than scaring you.. let's chat about how.

    🌟 Episode Highlights:

    The Non-Negotiable Role of Support: Discover why having a partner who backs you in every aspect of your journey isn't just a nice-to-have.The Reality Check: Sarah opens up about the truth of doing business without partner support and shares her gratitude for her husband Jonny's ongoing backing, even when his text messages give her a mini heart attack!The Balanced Equation: Learn the importance of sharing household and parenting responsibilities. Simple steps to evaluate and then share the load to support your business goals.Courageous Conversations: This episode doesn’t just highlight challenges; it offers a roadmap to initiating tough but necessary chats that get you moving to a more balanced partnership and business success.Sarah's Stories: From humorous text message misunderstandings to shared responsibilities and the dynamic of their partnership, Sarah shares insights from her own life with Jonny, offering listeners a relatable and authentic perspective. (Promise we will get Jonny on soon for his perspective.)

    🚀 Your Takeaways:

    Recognize if you're getting the support you need and what to do if you're not.Practical steps to rebalance household roles for mutual success.Encouragement to celebrate your achievements and recognize the support system around you.

    💡 What's Next:

    Subscribe to The Moxie Movement Podcast: Don't miss out on future episodes that blend real talk with lived experience for mums and women building businesses tailored to their lives.Connect and Contribute: Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for your daily dose of empowerment and to submit questions for Sarah to tackle in upcoming episodes.Engage with Our Community: Share your stories, challenges, and victories. Let’s create a movement where support and success go hand in hand.

    If you’re navigating being a businesswoman with a life partner (by whatever name), this episode is for you. It’s time to redefine success, to ensure our businesses thrive without sacrificing the relationships that matter most.

    Stay Moxie, and let’s rewrite the script, together.

  • Hey, my Beautiful Dreamer! Got a huge vision for your business? That’s fantastic, but let me be straight with you: dreaming is the easy part. It’s what you do next that counts. Welcome to the raw, real talk you didn’t know you needed until now.

    I’m Sarah Greener, and today, we're cutting through the fluff. This episode isn’t for the faint-hearted. It’s for those ready to roll up their sleeves and dive deep into the trenches of turning dreams into reality.

    What We're Unpacking:

    The Hard Truth: Your epic idea? That’s just 1% of the journey. The rest? It’s all about the work, the action, the doing. You ready?The Grind Over Glam: Discover why falling in love with the daily grind, not just the glam of 'big ideas', is your ticket to real success.Keepin’ It Real: I’m sharing the unsexy truth about business - it’s not all rainbows and sunshine. It’s about doing the work, even when it’s downright boring.Systems and Accountability: We’re talking about how to make your business work like a well-oiled machine – even when you’re not in the room.

    Listen, I’ve been where you are. Obsessed with the vision, but then reality hits. It’s not about those initial fireworks; it’s about the steady burn that keeps the light shining bright.

    Why You Need to Hear This: Because dreaming won’t build your business. Execution will. Let’s get real about what it takes to move from dreamer to doer.

    Your Action Steps:

    Hit Subscribe: Stay plugged into The Moxie Movement Podcast. Future you will thank you.Get Social With Us: Follow us on Instagram and Facebook. This is where the magic happens. Share your journey, get involved, and throw your questions at me for future episodes.Be Part of the Movement: This isn’t just another podcast. It’s your wake-up call to do the work, embrace the journey, and bring those dreams into your reality.

    If you’re ready to stop dreaming and start doing, you’re in the right place. We're here to build not just businesses, but lives full of purpose, profit, and progress.

    Catch you on the flip side, where dreams meet action.

    Until then, keep it Moxie.

  • Scale Your Success, Not Your Stress

    Welcome to another episode of The Moxie Movement where we dive deep into entrepreneurial success, minus the overwhelm.

    Ever felt the immense pressure to meet the benchmarks of success in business. Those flashy internet ads promising the steps to overnight success via Scale? We're debunking those myths and bringing you back to what truly matters.

    📍 Key Highlights:

    Debunking the Pressure: You're not a failure if you haven't scaled or leveraged your business to meet arbitrary income goals. Success isn't a race; it's a personal journey.Real Talk: We explore the real deal about starting and growing a business. Spoiler: It's about mastering the basics first.Celebrating Small Wins: Learn why appreciating your progress, no matter how small, is crucial.Strategic Growth: Discover the importance of building a solid foundation before aiming for scale and leverage.

    👩‍🏫 What You'll Learn:

    The Truth Behind Scaling: Why immediate scaling isn't the starting line.Leverage Lies: The realities of business growth and leveraging your time effectively.Systemizing Success: Practical tips for smart business operations and time management.Embracing Your Journey: How to appreciate your unique path and celebrate your achievements.

    💡 Sarah's Insight:

    "You are not a failure. You're already successful in your own right, having navigated this far through the business world on your own. Remember, real growth comes with time and persistence, not through shortcuts."

    🎉 Remember to:

    Celebrate Your Wins: Take a moment each week to acknowledge and celebrate your progress. You're doing amazing things!Subscribe: Don't miss out on future episodes. Subscribe to The Moxie Movement Podcast for your weekly dose of motivation and actionable insights.Connect With Us: Join our vibrant community on Instagram and Facebook. Share your journey, ask questions, and let's create your legacy together.

    The path to business success doesn't have to be a solo journey. At The Moxie Movement, we're all about supporting business-savvy mums to achieve success on their terms. Remember, your value isn't measured by your revenue but by the impact and alignment you create in your life and the lives of those around you.

    Until next time, stay moxie, and remember: scale your success, not your stress.

    Got a burning question for our next podcast? Drop us a message on our socials. We're here to answer your queries and might feature your question in an upcoming episode!

  • Sick of hearing that the reason you have to do the free labour is because you don't make enough money in your business?It's gutting to hear at the best of times... it get's super bad when it comes from your life partner. Buckle up - this episode Sarah's got her ranty pants on cause this topic makes her blood boil.

    🔥 Why It Matters: Let's cut to the chase. We're busting our butts trying to balance business, family, and life, but it feels like we're carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders. Sound familiar?

    💡 The Problem: Here's the deal: We're stuck in a cycle where we're expected to do it all, from running successful businesses to managing every aspect of household and parenting responsibilities. It's exhausting, it's unfair, and it's holding us back from reaching our full potential.

    🚀 The Solution: It's time to flip the script and take back control. In this episode, I'm sharing practical strategies to break free from the second shift trap. We're talking about resetting expectations with our partners, fostering true co-parenting partnerships, and embracing outsourcing like a boss.

    🎯 Key Moments:

    Acknowledge the toll unbalanced responsibilities are taking on your business and well-being.Have those tough conversations with your partner about sharing the load at home.Set clear boundaries and expectations to create a more equitable partnership.Don't be afraid to delegate and outsource tasks that drain your energy and focus.

    💪 You're not alone in this struggle, and you have the power to change the game. By reclaiming your time and energy, you're paving the way for greater success in both your business and personal life.

    🎙️ Tune in and Take Action: Listen up, Moxie Tribe! Tune in to the full episode for no-nonsense insights and inspiration to break free from the second shift struggle. Subscribe to The Moxie Movement Podcast on your favorite platform to stay in the loop on all our latest episodes.

    📲 Connect with Us: Join the conversation on Instagram and Facebook for daily doses of real talk and empowerment. Got burning questions or topics you want us to tackle in future episodes? Shoot us a message on social media or hit us up at [email protected]

    Remember: You're a force to be reckoned with, and together, we're rewriting the rules and carving out our own path to success.

    Til Next Time - Stay Moxie x

  • 🌟 Welcome to The Moxie Movement Podcast, where real talk replaces fluff, tough questions get tackled, and authenticity reigns supreme. I'm your host, Sarah Greener, and today's episode is a dive into the truths of the entrepreneurial journey, especially for us, the business-savvy moms juggling multiple roles. 🌟

    Episode Snapshot:

    In today's episode, we peel back the Instagram filters to reveal the real, often unseen, rollercoaster of running a business while balancing the demands of family life. From an overwhelming list of opportunities to the frustrating roadblocks that seem to pop up just as we get started, we're covering it all. We're here to remind you that whether you're in a phase of rapid growth or feeling stuck, it's all part of the journey.

    What You'll Discover:The Reality of Business Growth: It's not a highlight reel. We'll explore the ups and downs and the importance of pacing yourself through the different seasons of your business and personal life.Strategies for Alignment: Learn how to align your business with your role as a mom, wife, and individual with her own needs. We'll share actionable steps to blend your business and personal life.The Illusion of Control: Planning is crucial, and so is adaptability. Discover how to plan with flexibility and respond to the unexpected with grace and resilience.Growth vs. Maintenance: Understand the two speeds of business - the high-energy phases of building and leveraging and the equally important periods of consolidation and maintenance.Why This Matters:

    As female entrepreneurs, we often face unique challenges that require us to navigate our businesses differently. This episode is a reminder that it's okay to give yourself grace, to celebrate the small wins, and to understand that the journey is as important as the destination. You're not alone in feeling overwhelmed or off-track; it's all part of building a legacy and a life you love.

    👉 Subscribe to The Moxie Movement Podcast: Don't miss an episode of our empowering discussions designed to move you forward both personally and professionally. 👉 Follow Us: Join our vibrant community on Instagram and Facebook. Here, you can dive deeper into our conversations, share your stories, and even submit questions for future episodes. 👉 Stay Connected: We're not just a podcast; we're a movement. By connecting with us, you'll gain access to a supportive network of like-minded women, all on their own unique journeys but united in their pursuit of balance, success, and fulfillment.

    Parting Thoughts:

    In the world of business, especially as women who wear multiple hats, it's easy to get caught up in the comparison game, measuring our progress against the seemingly flawlessness of others on social media. Remember, for every highlight, there's a struggle that's not shown. Give yourself permission to navigate your path at your own pace, embracing both the challenges and victories along the way.

    Until next time, keep stepping into your power, embracing your unique journey, and staying moxie. 🌈✨

  • Welcome to Episode 22 of the Moxie Movement Podcast, where we dive deep into the heart of business communication and how it can sometimes feel like managing an adult daycare center. I’m your host, Sarah Greener, and today, we’re tackling the challenges of wearing the referee's hat in your business, navigating the complex world of team dynamics, and ensuring your team communicates in a way that propels your business forward.

    In this episode, we explore the reality that as your team grows, so does the potential for friction. But here's the twist: the problem often isn't the people but the systems and communication styles they've been taught. Drawing from real-life scenarios and solutions that have transformed the workplace dynamics of my clients, we delve into the strategies that can shift your business from a tension-filled space to one of mutual respect and understanding.

    Key Takeaways:

    - The Importance of Systems: Discover why a lack of clear systems often underlies team disagreements and how establishing solid operational protocols can eliminate 80% of workplace friction.

    - Empowering Assertive Communication: Learn about teaching your team the art of assertive communication, ensuring they express their needs and wants effectively, without tipping into aggression or passiveness.

    - Values as Behavioral Standards: Understand how aligning team communication with your business values can set a clear standard for interactions, reducing conflicts and enhancing cohesion.

    Your Leadership Legacy: This isn’t just about making your day-to-day easier (though it certainly does that too); it’s about leaving a legacy of growth, respect, and empowerment within your team. By fostering an environment where respectful communication is the norm, you’re not just improving your business—you’re enhancing the lives of everyone involved.Take Action with the Moxie Movement Today!- Subscribe to the Moxie Movement Podcast: Don’t miss out on future episodes where we tackle the real issues faced by women in business, offering practical advice and heartfelt support.

    - Follow Us on Social Media: Join our vibrant community on Instagram and Facebook for daily inspiration, behind-the-scenes peeks, and the opportunity to submit your questions for upcoming episodes.

    - Step into Your Leadership Role: If you're ready to move beyond being the adult daycare center manager and into a role that truly reflects your impact as a leader, then it’s time to take action. Dive deeper into our resources, courses, and community support designed to elevate your business and your life.

    Remember, your business shouldn't feel like an adult daycare center. You're not just managing a team; you're leading people towards a common goal, fostering an environment where everyone can thrive. It's time to empower your team with the tools for effective communication, align them with your values, and watch as your business transforms.

    Stay moxie, and let’s redefine what it means to lead with purpose, passion, and a whole lot of heart.

    Until next time, keep pushing boundaries and stepping into your power.

  • Welcome back, Moxie mavens, to another empowering episode of The Moxie Movement Podcast. Today, we're veering off the beaten path to explore a crucial, yet often overlooked, element of success - your environment. Yes, before we dive into mindset and strategies, let's talk about the space where the magic happens. Because, believe it or not, the key to unlocking your full potential could very well lie in the tidiness of your room, or the setup of your workspace. 🌟

    Sarah Greener, your guide and fellow journeyer on this path to balanced success, delves deep into how our surroundings - from the clutter on our desks to the digital chaos on our screens - can significantly influence our productivity, creativity, and overall well-being. Whether you're tuning in from the bustling streets of New York, the serene islands of New Zealand, or anywhere in between, this episode is a reminder that sometimes, the foundation of a powerful mindset is as simple as a clean, organized space.

    Key Takeaways:

    - The Impact of Environment: Learn how your physical and digital spaces directly affect your brain health and productivity.

    - Practical Tips for Success: Sarah shares actionable steps to transform your workspace into a catalyst for business growth.

    - Digital Decluttering: Discover the importance of organizing your digital life for clearer thinking and efficiency.

    - Creating High-Energy Spaces: Find out how to infuse your work environment with positive energy and vibes that scream, "You got this!"

    Challenge for you:

    Tidy one small area of your office every day. Whether it's a drawer, a digital file, or just your desktop, watch how this small act can bring clarity and focus. Remember, it's not just about clearing space; it's about setting the stage for success.

    Join the Movement:

    Don't miss out on becoming part of our growing community of business-savvy moms and women. Subscribe to The Moxie Movement Podcast for your weekly dose of real talk, actionable advice, and a side of moxie. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook to stay connected and submit your questions for upcoming episodes. Together, let's rewrite the narrative of success and create environments that reflect our power and potential.

    Your Next Steps:

    Subscribe to The Moxie Movement Podcast on your favorite platform. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for more behind-the-scenes content and inspirational stories. Engage with our community by submitting your questions for future episodes.

    Let's embrace the power of our environment to shape our success story. Remember, it's not just about building a business; it's about crafting a life filled with purpose, passion, and a whole lot of moxie. Ready to transform your space and mindset for unparalleled success? This episode is your first step.

    #TheMoxieMovement #EnvironmentBeforeMindset #CraftYourSuccess #WomenInBusiness #Empowerment #ProductivityTips

  • 🎙️ Welcome to Episode 20 of The Moxie Movement Podcast, where we're tossing out the fluff and getting real about business and life. I'm your host, Sarah Greener, and today we're diving deep into a topic that's been the silent saboteur for many female entrepreneurs: "Hopium".

    Episode Summary:

    In this episode, we tackle the hidden dangers of relying solely on hope as a strategy in both business and personal challenges. We've all been there, saying things like "I hope it's going to get better" or "I'm hoping to achieve this in my business". But here's the thing: Hope, while essential, is not a strategy. I share personal stories, including a tough journey with my husband's health, to illustrate why replacing "hopium" with definitive action is key to success.

    Key Takeaways:

    Hope is Not a Strategy: Learn why hope, although necessary, can't be the sole driver of your business and personal goals.

    Action Over Hope: Discover how shifting from hoping to doing – using positive, forward-facing language and taking real-world actions – can transform your aspirations into realities.

    The Power of Identity: Understand the importance of stepping into the identity of the business owner you aspire to be and how this can massively impact your success trajectory.

    The Trap of “It Worked So Well, I Stopped Doing It”: Uncover why consistency in effective practices is crucial and how to avoid the pitfall of abandoning strategies that work.

    Why You Can't Miss This Episode:

    If you've ever found yourself trapped in a cycle of hoping for better outcomes without seeing tangible results, this episode is a must-listen. It's time to shift from a passive to an active mindset, empowering you to take control and make strides towards the business and life you desire.

    Engage with Us:

    We love hearing from our Moxie community! Got a question or a topic you want us to cover? Follow and message us on Instagram and Facebook. Your question might just be the focus of our next podcast!

    Don't forget to subscribe to The Moxie Movement Podcast for more episodes like this. Join us as we break norms, empower women, and rewrite the narrative of female entrepreneurship.

    Stay Moxie, and See You Next Episode!

    Remember, it's not just about hoping – it's about doing. Let's step into our power, redefine success, and be the glorious exceptions to the statistics. Till next time, stay moxie, my friends!


    🎧 Subscribe Now: Don't miss out on future episodes where we continue to tackle the real challenges of balancing business with personal life.

    📱 Follow Us: Join our vibrant community on Instagram and Facebook for daily inspiration, tips, and a behind-the-scenes look at how other business-savvy moms are thriving!

    💬 Submit Your Questions: Have a burning question or a topic you want us to explore? Reach out to us on social media – your query might be the star of our next episode!

    Join the Movement. Empower Your Journey. Stay Moxie.


    #MoxieMovement #BusinessMoms #ProgressOverPerfection #SarahGreener #PodcastLife #EmpoweringWomen #Entrepreneurship

  • 🎙️ Welcome to Episode 19 of The Moxie Movement Podcast! I'm your host, Sarah Greener, and today we dive deep into an emotion we're all too familiar with as business-savvy moms and women – frustration. But here's the twist: I'm about to reveal how this emotion can be your secret weapon in business and life. 🚀

    🔥 Topic Spotlight: Frustration isn't just an obstacle; it's a goldmine of information. We often view it as a negative emotion, especially when juggling our roles as mothers, wives, and entrepreneurs. But what if I told you that your frustration, and indeed all your emotions, hold the key to empowering change in your business and personal life?

    📚 In this episode, I chat about my recent brush with frustration – a challenge we faced in our tourism business in the Far North of New Zealand. The roads were closed at the worst possible time, and it hit us hard. But, this experience highlights a huge business lesson: understanding and harnessing our emotions can be a game-changer.

    ✨ Key Takeaways:

    Identify the Source: Recognize that frustration often stems from focusing on things beyond our control. Reclaim Your Power: Shift your focus to what you CAN control – your thoughts, feelings, and actions. Turn Obstacles into Opportunities: Use emotions as data points to adjust your strategies and communication.

    📈 Real Business Impact: Learn how these insights transformed not only my outlook but also our business operations, leading to more effective and proactive solutions.

    💬 Let's Connect: Your emotions are a crucial part of your business journey. I want to hear from you! Share what emotions have surfaced in your business recently and how you've tackled them. Join the conversation over on Instagram and Facebook, and don't forget to subscribe to The Moxie Movement podcast for more business insights.

    📖 Extra Resource: In need of some practical guidance? Check out "The Off Switch Book" for actionable steps to align your business with your desired life. And for those seeking a breakthrough, our Moxie Breakthrough Session is just a click away – let's overcome the juggle together and take your business to new heights.

    Subscribe, Follow, and Engage! We're not just building businesses here; we're building lives. And remember, every emotion you experience is a stepping stone to greater success and fulfillment. Stay moxie, and let's rewrite our stories together.

    Until next time, embrace your emotions and turn them into your superpower. 💪


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    Stay Moxie, and see you in the next episode! 🌟

  • In this episode, Sarah Greener dives into the heart of goal setting as we step into 2024. Are you ready to flip the script on New Year's resolutions and embrace a process that truly aligns with your multifaceted life as a businesswoman, mother, and partner? Sarah reveals the secret sauce of the Moxie Movement - a strategy that promises not just to set goals but to live them every day.

    📝 What You'll Learn:

    Why traditional New Year's resolutions might be setting you up for disappointment.The transformative power of a 10-year vision, and how to break it down into actionable, daily rituals.Sarah's personal journey and how she implemented these changes for growth in life and business.Key strategies to identify and conquer your "domino goal" for 2024.

    🔥 Featured Moments:

    [00:05:00] The Pitfalls of Overambitious Goal Setting: Understanding why we often falter with grand New Year's resolutions.[00:07:00] The 10-Year Vision Concept: How to set long-term visions and break them into achievable milestones.[00:09:00] Sarah's Cold Shower Ritual: A personal anecdote illustrating the power of daily habits.[00:13:00] Identifying Your Domino Goal: The key to unlocking exponential growth in your business and personal life.

    💡 Key Takeaway:

    "2024 is about stacking small, consistent actions that align with your grand vision. It's not about a race; it's about building a sustainable, joyful journey toward success."


    Subscribe to the Podcast: Don't miss out on the wisdom, tips, and real-talk in future episodes. Subscribe here! Join Us on Social Media: Dive deeper into the Moxie Movement community. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for daily inspiration, behind-the-scenes content, and a chance to submit questions for upcoming episodes. Share Your Goals and Rituals: What are your daily rituals and domino goals for 2024? Share with us on social media using #MoxieMovement2024. Let's support and inspire each other on this journey!----more----

    🌟 Stay Moxie, and here's to a transformative 2024! 🚀💪🌟

  • Hey Moxie Movers! Welcome back to another empowering episode of the Moxie Movement podcast. I'm your host, Sarah Greener, and today in Episode 17, we're diving deep into a topic close to my heart and, I bet, yours too.

    🎙️ In This Episode:

    We're exploring the entangling vines of perfectionism and how it's been a personal journey for me – one that I'm still navigating. I share a recent experience that highlights my ongoing battle with perfectionism and how I'm learning to balance it with the demands of being a business owner, a mom, a wife, and more. This episode is a candid conversation about giving yourself grace while remaining consistent in your business.

    🚀 Why This Matters:

    Perfectionism can be a business's silent roadblock. It's that nagging voice telling you it's not good enough or you're not working hard enough. We address why striving for perfection can lead to stagnation and how embracing progress, even if imperfect, is the real game-changer.

    ✨ Key Takeaways:

    Progress over perfection: Why this mantra wins every time.The illusion of the perfect moment and how it holds us back.Setting realistic deadlines to combat perfectionist tendencies.Embracing the beauty of imperfection in your business journey.

    🔥 Real Talk Alert:

    I get real about the pressure of juggling house renovations, end-of-year activities, and podcast recording. Learn how I navigated these challenges without sacrificing my sanity or family time.

    💡 Sarah’s Insights:

    Hear about the 'Six-Minute Email' philosophy and how it revolutionized my approach to tasks. Plus, discover the power of the 'Success Map' in overcoming perfectionism in business processes.

    🎉 Moxie Movement Mantra:

    "Embrace the progress, one percent better every day. Let go of perfection and step boldly into action."


    Subscribe to the Moxie Movement Podcast: Stay tuned for more empowering episodes.Follow Us on Social Media: Connect with us on Instagram and Facebook for daily doses of inspiration and to submit your questions for upcoming podcasts.Join Our Community: Share your struggles, triumphs, and stories with us. Let's grow together in our journey towards success and balance.----more----

    Remember, Moxie Movers, perfection is a myth. Progress is our path. Let's continue to break barriers and build legacies. Embrace your journey, embrace your growth. Until next time, keep moving with Moxie! 🌟


    Love this episode? Share it with a friend who needs to hear this message today! And don't forget to leave a review – it helps more amazing women like you find our community!

    #MoxieMovement #WomenInBusiness #EmbraceImperfection

  • 🎙️ Welcome to another episode of The Moxie Movement Podcast, where we ditch the fluff and dive deep into real talk for business-savvy moms like you. I'm your host, Sarah Greener, and today, we're tackling a topic that's crucial yet often overlooked: pricing increases in your business. 🚀

    Key Highlights:

    Why Annual Price Increases are a Must: Discover why it's critical to adjust your prices yearly, even if it's just a slight increase. In this episode, I break down the psychology behind regular price increments and how it sets expectations with your clients - just like big corporations do.The Pitfalls of Stagnant Pricing: Hear about the dangers of not increasing your prices and how it can erode your profit margins. I share personal insights and industry knowledge on why keeping your prices static can be more harmful than you think.Strategies for Communicating Price Increases: Learn the art of conveying price changes to your clients. I provide simple yet effective communication techniques to help you navigate this transition smoothly.

    This Week's Golden Nugget: Remember, it's not just about raising prices; it's about valuing your worth and ensuring the sustainability of your business. If you've been holding back on price increases, now is the time to make that change.

    👉 Subscribe to The Moxie Movement Podcast: Don't miss out on episodes like this that can transform your business approach. Subscribe and stay updated!

    👉 Join Our Social Media Family: Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for daily doses of inspiration, behind-the-scenes content, and a chance to be part of our growing community.

    👉 Got Questions? We've Got Answers: Have a burning question for upcoming podcasts? Drop us a message on social media - we love hearing from you!

    In this episode, we're not just discussing numbers; we're reshaping mindsets. It's time to step into your power, embrace the value you bring, and reflect it in your pricing. You're more than a business owner; you're a change-maker, a boundary-pusher, and a narrative-rewriter. Let's make sure your prices reflect that.

    🌟 Remember: You're the heart and soul of your business. Your pricing should mirror the incredible value you and your team bring to the table. So, go ahead, send that email, make that call, and start 2024 with the right price on your product. Because you, my friend, are absolutely worth it.

    Until next time, keep rewriting your story, stepping into your power, and join me in changing the narrative for business-savvy moms worldwide. 🌍✨

    #MoxieMovement #Empowerment #BusinessGrowth #PricingStrategy

    This episode of The Moxie Movement Podcast is brought to you by The Moxie Movement. Empowering women to achieve financial and personal success without sacrificing well-being, family time, or sanity.

  • 🎙️ Welcome to a special December episode of The Moxie Movement podcast with your host, Sarah Greener. In this episode, we're diving headfirst into the holiday hustle - a time filled with tinsel, tasks, and... tension?

    🌟 Episode Overview: December can be a whirlwind of deadlines and decorations, especially for us business-savvy moms. This episode is a heart-to-heart about managing the festive frenzy, balancing business with the chaos of Christmas, and most importantly, the power of saying "No."

    📆 Key Topics:

    The Christmas Deadline: A Myth We've Crafted?Balancing Business and Festive PreparationsStrategies to Manage End-of-Year WorkloadThe Importance of Family Time During the HolidaysSaying "No" for a More Joyful Christmas

    👩‍💼 For the Business Mums: Sarah talks candidly about managing the December rush both at home and in business. From Christmas dinners to client deadlines, this episode is packed with tips to navigate this busy season without losing sight of what truly matters.

    💬 Key Takeaway: It's not just about getting through December; it's about enjoying it. Remember, saying "No" can often mean saying "Yes" to joy, presence, and peace of mind.

    🎧 Listen and Subscribe: Don't miss out on this empowering conversation! Subscribe to The Moxie Movement Podcast on your favorite platform. Let's step into this festive season with intention and grace.

    📱 Join Our Community: Follow us on ⁠Instagram ⁠and ⁠Facebook⁠ for daily doses of empowerment and practical tips. Got a question for Sarah or a topic you want covered in future episodes? Drop us a message on social media!

    💌 Join us: Your journey to balancing life, family, and business starts here. Tune into The Moxie Movement Podcast and be part of a community that's rewriting the narrative for business moms everywhere. Click subscribe, join our community, and let's make this Christmas season one to remember for all the right reasons.

    Ready to Breakthrough to the Next Level? ⁠Grab some 1 to 1 time with Sarah here⁠

    ✨ Remember, at The Moxie Movement, we're not just building businesses; we're building lives. Let's embrace this festive season with less stress and more moxie! 🌟

  • Welcome to The Moxie Movement Podcast!

    👋 Hey Moxie Mamas! It's time to dive into another episode that's all about empowerment, resilience, and transforming our businesses. Get ready to find your moxie in the realm of resourcefulness!

    🌟 Episode Highlight: "It's Not About Having the Resources, It's About Being Resourceful"

    Sarah Greener dives deep into the essence of resourcefulness in business. It's not just what you have; it's about how you use it to propel your business forward.

    🔑 Key Takeaways:

    Understanding the difference between having resources and being resourceful.Real-life strategies to optimize what you already possess in your business.Inspiring stories of overcoming business challenges through resourcefulness.

    🌱 Grow Your Business with What You Have:

    Sarah shares her journey and the lessons learned from times of limited resources.Discover how to look inside your business for hidden opportunities.Learn how to leverage your existing network, skills, and tools for growth.

    💡 Lightbulb Moments:

    The power of asking for help - it's like reaching for the salt at the dinner table!How to turn stock sitting in storage into cash flow for your business.Strategies to rejuvenate old marketing tactics for new gains.

    🎧 Why You Can't Miss This Episode:

    If you've ever felt stuck due to a lack of funds or resources, this episode is a must-listen.Sarah's insights and personal experiences will inspire you to think differently about the assets you already have.

    ✨ A Little Moxie Magic:

    Remember, you don't need more to achieve more. Sometimes, the magic lies in maximizing what's already at your fingertips.

    📣 Join us on the journey:

    Subscribe to The Moxie Movement Podcast for more empowering episodes like this.Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for daily doses of motivation and to submit your questions for upcoming podcasts.Remember, being resourceful is a skill, and like any skill, it gets better with practice. Start today by looking at your business with fresh eyes!

    🚀 Let's Connect!

    Join our vibrant community on Instagram and Facebook.

    👉 Your Next Step:

    If this episode sparked a new idea or gave you a moment of clarity, don't let it slip away. Jot down your thoughts, share them with a friend, or better yet, reach out to us on social media and let us know your biggest takeaway.

    💪 Embrace Your Inner Moxie:

    Each episode of The Moxie Movement Podcast is designed to empower you, our fellow business-savvy mums and women. We're here to help you find balance and success, without losing sight of what truly matters.

    🌟 Join the Movement:

    Be part of a community that celebrates your strengths, supports your dreams, and provides the tools you need to be the badass businesswoman you are meant to be.

    Remember: You've Got This!

    We're all in this together. If you ever doubt yourself, just borrow a bit of Sarah's belief in you until you find your own. Here's to finding your moxie and making your mark! Need a little extra Sarah? Jump on a call with her here.

    🎧 Listen, Learn, and Grow with The Moxie Movement Podcast.

    💖 We Can't Wait to Hear From You!

    Share your thoughts, questions, and stories with us. Together, let's make each episode a stepping stone to greater success and fulfillment.

    🔗 Useful Links:

    Subscribe to The Moxie Movement PodcastFollow The Moxie Movement on InstagramConnect with us on Facebook

    🤗 Thank You for Listening!

    Your support means the world to us. Keep tuning in for more episodes that bring out your inner moxie!

    🌈 Stay Empowered, Stay Moxie!

  • Hey there, Moxie Movers! 🌟 It's Sarah Greener, and you're tuning into the 13th episode of the Moxie Movement podcast, where we dive deep into the heart of building a business that's not just profitable but personally fulfilling too. Today's episode is a game-changer for anyone feeling trapped in the cycle of 'shoulds' and obligations.

    🔊 Listen as I share my own journey from living the dream on a beach in Thailand to navigating the challenges of traditional business models. Discover why breaking free from what others think you 'should' do is key to creating a business that truly resonates with you.

    🌊 We explore the tricky balance between doing what lights you up and handling the necessary tasks that serve your business. I open up about the early days with my partner Jonny, kayaking, and living on a boat – moments of pure joy and simplicity. But as life evolves, so do our businesses. We delve into the shift from being solely passion-driven to the reality of running a business with all its demands.

    👩‍💼 For all the business-savvy moms and women out there, this episode is a call to take a look at all the 'shoulds' in your business. Learn to spot the language that keeps you chained to obligations and how to shift to actions that serve you and light you up.

    🔄 Transform your 'shoulds' into 'coulds' and then into actions that align with your vision. Whether it's networking, joining associations, or managing day-to-day tasks, discover how to make choices that truly serve you and your business goals.

    💡 We'll talk about:

    - The illusion and pitfalls of following someone else's template.

    - The journey from obligation to alignment in business.

    - Balancing passion with practicality in entrepreneurship.

    - The power of language in shaping your business direction.

    - Practical tips to align your business actions with your personal goals.

    🌟 This episode isn't just about business strategies; it's about redefining success on your terms and building a life and business that truly reflects who you are.

    Ready to Transform Your Business and Life?

    - 🎧 Subscribe to the Moxie Movement Podcast: Stay updated with empowering stories and practical tips.

    - 💬 Got a burning question? Follow us on Instagram and Facebook @TheMoxieMovement and submit your questions for upcoming episodes.

    - 📚 Join Our Community: Dive deeper into the Moxie Movement with our resources and connect with like-minded entrepreneurs.

    Remember, ladies, it's time to shed the weight of 'shoulds' and step into a business that lights you up. Let's build that moxie and become the glorious exception together!

    🎤 Tune in Now! And don't forget to subscribe for more episodes filled with real talk, tough questions, and a whole lot of heart. See you in the next episode!

    #TheMoxieMovement #Empowerment #BusinessWomen #Entrepreneurship #Podcast