In part two of this interview, Ten10 co-founder Ash Gawthorp continues his conversation with Guy Clapperton about the impact of sudden innovation in artificial intelligence on people and learning. They cover company culture and the ability to fail, learning patterns, how to avoid burnout - and the impact of sudden technological change on smaller organisations.
Find out more about Ten10 at
Artificial Intelligence has been hitting the news even more than usual as Chinese company Deep Seek has turned the market upside down, hitting numerous businesses dependent on the complexity of building AI where it hurts - in the share price. But what about the people using and developing skills in AI?
In this episode, Near Futurist podcaster and speaker Guy Clapperton speaks to Ash Gawthorp, chief academy officer and co-founder of consultancy and education company Ten10, about what sort of learning culture needs to be in place for businesses to be ready for this and future sudden sea-changes.
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In this second part of the interview with Dimitra Simeonidou of Joiner, the academic project to explore what's coming next in 6G and beyond, Guy Clapperton asks about when to upgrade our devices, what the role of academia is in all this - and gets advised not to try to trademark the term "7G".
Which is a shame.
More on the work of Prof. Simeonidou here. -
You thought the conspiracy theories over 5G were bad but had stopped - well, we can only hope it won't all happen again because, wait for it, plans for 6G are afoot. Surely, asks Near Futurist podcaster Guy Clapperton. we don't need it, isn't 5G fast enough? That's until our guest, Prof. Dimitra Simeonidou, head of the UK 6G Testbed, called Joiner (website, reminds him that 5G signals tend to fail immediately you get on a two hour train journey or something.
She also explores how the metaverse might actually happen but with a more "real" experience than you'd get from modern networks as well as the role of satellite technology.Tune in here for part 1 of this absorbing interview - part 2 will be here next week.
In the second part of this interview with Smartrectuiters CEO Rebecca Carr, near futurist Guy Clapperton explores the advantages of using artificial intelligence for recruitment. AI isn't the whole answer - but it's going to offer a lot of shortcuts!
Should we be worried about AI in terms of job seeking? Rebecca Carr is a specialist who sees pros and cons. She speaks to Near Futurist Guy Clapperton in. part 1 of this interview.
We keep hearing that we're too stressed because we're always on and we spend too much time in front of screens. No argument there but technology can also help. Dr. Emilia Molimpakis of Thymia explains to Guy Clapperton that monitoring of employees in an anonymised, non-intrusive manner can expose all sorts of behaviours that indicate someone is heading for a crash. But to what extent should employers be monitoring people in this way in the first place - and what should they do with the information?
Listen to this episode to find out!
So many myths about selling electricity between neighbours and yet it never seems to happen - meanwhile the cost of living is set to continue skyrocketing this year. Near Futurist podcaster Guy Clapperton speaks to Jo-Jo Hubbard, CEO of Electron, about how the infrastructure and business models are coming around to enable people to trade electricity with each other at last.
Noise cancelling headphones work by adding noise. What's more, if you measure the annoyance of someone when a contact centre agent asks them to repeat their contact information more than once, it gets disproportionately high.
This matters when it can all be a matter of fixing the audio engagement. In this edition of the Near Futurist, IRIS Technology CEO Jacobi Anstruther explains the issues to Guy Clapperton - and looks into why the music industry still hasn't quite taken it in.
Find out more about IRIS at
Shopping is changing - we're abandoning cash almost without realising it and you can walk out of an Amazon Go store feeling as if you haven't paid at all. In this edition of the Near Futurist Guy Clapperton speaks to Charlie Hope, retail principal at IT services company BJSS, about what his retail clients are asking - and therefore what we can espect next! Also Guy looks at the Logi Dock to tidy his desktop environment.
Find out more about BJSS at and the Logi Dock here.
And if you wanted to find out more about Guy's media training service you can find the website here.
What's that? There's another social network out there? There certainly is and we don't mean Threads. Guy talks to Sue Fennessy, founder and chief executive of WeAre8, which aims to restore value to the participant (or "citizen" as it calls them), enable them to donate to charities and stop using hateful messages.
Also Guy's thoughts on the Amazon Kindle Scribe - the e-reader that also works as a note taking gadget.
We are all making too much rubbish and it's going to landfill. This is generally agreed to be a bad ikdea - so of course we still do it. Chris Williams of ISB Global thinks this is an extremely bad idea and he's prepared to talk about why.
His company offers a software solution to managing the disposal of what would otherwise become landfill but he also has some ideas about the sort of things we could all be doing to reduce waste - as well as explanations as to why waste is a bad idea in the first place.
He speaks to Guy Clapperton, near futurist podcaster - and Guy also has a look at some of the note taking devices he uses in the new gadget slot.
Your car isn't just your vehicle any more, says Yasmine King of ADI - it's your workplace in some cases and not in others. You also need a quieter environment for your mental health and the fact that electronic vehicles are silent makes this more difficult, not easier, because of the background noise.
MeanwhileOlivier Bessi of Star Global has been grappling with in-car payments. Both speak to me, Guy Clapperton, in this latest episode of the Near Futurist podcast.
We've all heard of the metaverse by now - but is it a "thing" or a marketing construct? There are no holds barred in this Dividing Lines debate, the series in the Near Futurist sponsored (but never dictated) by Diffusion PR. supremo Nikolas Badminton takes on Based.AF head honcho Robin Schmidt as they consider whether it's more than immersive VR, whether Damien Hirst should have burned his pictures and whether host Guy Clapperton can afford to not buy the NFT of the original lyrics to "Hey Jude".
If you enjoy the show please do leave a review on the iTunes store or wherever you came across it!
Received wisdom suggests that we're all going to work flexibly and it's going to be great. Winter is coming, however - so will we scurry back to the office to stay warm or do the figures still add up? And what if we suggest that home working is actually less productive than office working anyway?
It's a polarising debate but in this episode of Dividing Lines, a series-within-a-series from the Near Futurist supported by Diffusion PR, the positions are nuanced. The University of Essex' Christoph Siemroth and BT's Nicola Millard debate, chaired by me, Guy Clapperton.The paper referred to by Christoph is here:
Dr. Carol Nakhle of the University of Surrey and Robin Peters of Snugg Energy discuss the energy crisis with near futurist Guy Clapperton:
* Is the increase in pricing a useful tool to dampen demand?* How long will payback take if people invest in their homes?
* Are the high prices prompting the right action?
* What practical steps can we take early on?
* What's the view on energy from non-Western countries?
In association with Diffusion PR
A preview of Friday's Near Futurist interview:
* Dr. Carol Nakhle of Surrey University and Robin Peters of Snugg debate
* Is the dice loaded against us reaching Net Zero? Should fuel prices be part of the plan?
* What are the obstacles, like payback times?
Transcript of interview with Alexa Joyce from Microsoft
Education was doomed and schools would universally suffer as a result of the pandemic, we were told. It's certainly changed stuff. but has the disaster rteally happened and what part has technology played?
Alexa Joyce of Microsoft discusses with Guy Clapperton.
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